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Obama bowing againFollow

#102 Nov 16 2009 at 8:13 PM Rating: Excellent
5,684 posts
maybe if the japanese weren't so short, he wouldn't have to bow so far.

clearly this is their fault with their inferior genetics.
#103 Nov 16 2009 at 8:20 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
gbaji wrote:
This bow bears no resemblance to the polite bow Nixon did. Read the page. Yes. I'm sure it's a conservative writing it, so you may feel free to dismiss everything on the page. However, you're dismissing fact because it's inconvenient.

I'll happily say that the factual bits of that blog may well be true. I don't know enough to say. That said, the "factual" bits are pretty sparse and the opinion bits ("He's a rookie! they're all laughing!") are thick and unsupported.

Did Obama bow "wrong"? Sure, why not. Does it matter? Almost certainly not. It's funny, back when Obama made all these "gaffes" in England that showed the whole world how inexperienced he was and how embarassed the nation should be, I was reading threads on other forums where Brits were saying it wasn't even on their radar. Aside from sensational stories in the rag tabloids, no one cared. Michelle touched the Queen? Big deal. The Queen got an iPod? Yippee.

Does it matter here? Again, almost certainly not. If someone wants to argue that it does, let them make the case with something stronger than "Because it just does!". I've browsed the various English language editions of the Japanese papers and... wow... not a one is in a ****** about this. It's not as though Japan has a solid lock on the press and people aren't allowed to say "Man, what a jerk that guy was to our emperor" or "Was that guy an idiot or what?". There's articles about Obama meeting the emperor and prime minister, op-eds about the nuclear future between the US and Japan, stuff about the future of Okinawa, lots about the economy, transcripts of his speech in Japan... nothing about fumbled bowing.

Well, if you said so and your blog said so, it must be true.

Edit: Hey, I did find one article! Obama's Bow to Emperor Causes Outrage in Washington Smiley: laugh

Edited, Nov 16th 2009 8:43pm by Jophiel
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#104 Nov 16 2009 at 8:33 PM Rating: Decent
10,359 posts
gbaji wrote:
It's a sophomoric approach to foreign policy. Obama is not showing his savvy or respect. He's showing just how naive he is. While I'm sure all the other foreign leaders will of course applaud him for his actions, you can bet that behind closed doors every single one of them is thinking "OMG! What a baffoon...".

My invisible gardener says that you're full of sh*t. You won't ever get verifiable evidence of that, and there's no way to prove him wrong, but just trust me okay?

Diplomacy does not work if the leader steps all over whatever bargaining power his diplomats have to work with.

He hasn't. The fact that you think a simple gesture like this is significantly detrimental to America's status of power says more about you than it does anyone else: your conception of the world is so atrociously pessimistic and intuits evil under every corner to the extent that your view of diplomacy is waiting five seconds before you thrust your ***** into the other party's face. The slightest deviation is equivalent to the most egregious for you...

You can bet that every single detail of a meeting and every single item on the agenda comes with a cost. If we don't do it also, we end up giving up the farm to every other nation in the world.

Does it depress you, gbaji, to know that you've completely resigned your life to total impotence, and that you've destroyed any hope, and thus power, you might have ever had towards the aims of doing something constructive for the world? For yourself?

You gave up the farm ages ago. The least you could do is let someone else try.

Edited, Nov 16th 2009 9:44pm by Pensive
#105 Nov 16 2009 at 8:40 PM Rating: Decent
10,359 posts
But it really does just make him look like an idiot.

You don't have any idea how he looks, because you can't. Your entire foreign policy, the one where you don't give up sh*t to other nations because America has to do what it wants, depends entirely on not knowing how he looks to anyone but Americans, because to admit that he looks foolish is to let the opinions of other nations affect the President's behavior. In saying this you have betrayed your own ideals. You are among the worst people in the entire world to judge whether or not he looks like an idiot, and I suggest that you admit that for your own sake.

If Obama actually looks like an idiot due to this in the eyes of all of the leaders through which you, yourself, must not allow yourself to see, then it seems like Obama, the obsequious and ineffective president, will probably change his ways pretty fast.

Jesus christ. I can't believe you're arguing this.

Obama cares too much about what other people think!
Obama, please care about what I think!

Edited, Nov 16th 2009 9:45pm by Pensive
#106 Nov 16 2009 at 9:39 PM Rating: Good
1,025 posts
Jophiel wrote:

Edit: Hey, I did find one article! Obama's Bow to Emperor Causes Outrage in Washington Smiley: laugh

Edited, Nov 16th 2009 8:43pm by Jophiel

Hah, let it fall on Japantoday of all the Japanese news websites to report it. Its pretty expat dominated though.

That and it is a terrible website in general . Smiley: tongue

Though what Jophiel says is true, almost nobody here in Japan did care about the bowing, those who did felt a tiny bit of mild surprise at the bows angle, but the number is negligable. There was no, "America shows weakness! It is time to rise and strike again!" or any snickering or downplaying of the USA's strength amongst the Japanese people or its politicians.

On an amusing note, somebody actually went and put together 46 other major world leaders meeting with Emperor Akihito.


They seem to be really going all out arent they?

Edited, Nov 17th 2009 3:52am by Keikomyau

Edited, Nov 17th 2009 3:56am by Keikomyau
#107 Nov 16 2009 at 9:48 PM Rating: Excellent
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12,636 posts

Seriously, why do you people respond to those two? You know who.

#108 Nov 16 2009 at 10:02 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Keikomyau the Malevolent wrote:
That and it is a terrible website in general

Your Japan Today and our USA Today have much in common and can bridge the gap between us during these difficult times of bowing/not-bowing.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#109 Nov 16 2009 at 10:07 PM Rating: Good
10,359 posts
trickybeck wrote:

Seriously, why do you people respond to those two? You know who.

Coherence practice. Polemic practice.

Take your pick.
#110 Nov 16 2009 at 10:11 PM Rating: Excellent
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12,636 posts
Pensive the Ludicrous wrote:
trickybeck wrote:

Seriously, why do you people respond to those two? You know who.

Coherence practice. Polemic practice.

Take your pick.

I guess, but it's not very good practice. Probably hurts you in fact, because you get fooled into a false sense of ease of victory, and then you're not as prepared for a worthwhile opponent.

#111 Nov 16 2009 at 10:13 PM Rating: Default
35,568 posts
Pensive the Ludicrous wrote:
Diplomacy does not work if the leader steps all over whatever bargaining power his diplomats have to work with.

He hasn't. The fact that you think a simple gesture like this is significantly detrimental to America's status of power says more about you than it does anyone else: ...

Yes he has. If we were talking about just one event, you'd have a point. But Obama has gone out of his way to present a message of "We'll do whatever you guys want" to the rest of the world. And while that may seem wonderful to the "Why can't we all just get along crowd", the reality of diplomacy, no matter how childish this may seem, is that you make the other guy pay something for every inch. Sure, it'd be wonderful if we all just got around a fire and sang kumbya with eachother, but that's just not how it's done.

One guy doing this while everyone else is doing things the same old way just means that the one guy is going to get screwed. And when that "one guy" represents us, that means we'll get screwed. Obama seems to honestly have drunk his own koolaid on this one. He seems to honestly believe, as most of you seem to, that in foreign affairs if you're just nice to the other guy, he'll be nice to you back. Sadly, that pretty much never actually works.

You can bet that every single detail of a meeting and every single item on the agenda comes with a cost. If we don't do it also, we end up giving up the farm to every other nation in the world.

Does it depress you, gbaji, to know that you've completely resigned your life to total impotence, and that you've destroyed any hope, and thus power, you might have ever had towards the aims of doing something constructive for the world? For yourself?

My world view is in no way depressing. It is, however, far more accurate than yours. I'm looking at how things actually are. And guess what? I don't label that "bad". It is what it is, and no amount of wishing it were different will change things.

It's just that it's obvious to anyone with an objective mind in their heads that whatever Obama thinks he's accomplishing here will pale in comparison to what he's lost us. You cannot start out from a position of giving to the other guy. That's a sure way to get taken.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#112 Nov 16 2009 at 10:13 PM Rating: Good
10,359 posts
I guess, but it's not very good practice. Probably hurts you in fact, because you get fooled into a false sense of ease of victory, and then you're not as prepared for a worthwhile opponent.

Just because level 9 CPUs are no substitute for a real player doesn't mean you can't master the wavedashing and move-cancels on them!
#113 Nov 16 2009 at 10:20 PM Rating: Excellent
10,359 posts
But Obama has gone out of his way to present a message of "We'll do whatever you guys want" to the rest of the world.

This is incorrect

the reality of diplomacy, no matter how childish this may seem, is that you make the other guy pay something for every inch

This is why you are pessimistic

Sure, it'd be wonderful if we all just got around a fire and sang kumbya with eachother, but that's just not how it's done.

And this is why you are a craven and sniveling coward

Sadly, that pretty much never actually works.

You have no idea, because you have an interest in never trying. Unfortunately, you aren't allowed to know that, so you delude yourself into thinking two exclusive things at once. It's pathetic, honestly.

I'm looking at how things actually are.

You are delusional enough to believe that you are, certainly. A man who hallucinates murderous, polar-bear, zombies isn't lying when he reports them to the police.

Just batshit crazy.
#114 Nov 16 2009 at 11:05 PM Rating: Default
35,568 posts
Pensive the Ludicrous wrote:
But Obama has gone out of his way to present a message of "We'll do whatever you guys want" to the rest of the world.

This is incorrect

Lol. You're kidding right? You do understand that the very things that most posters in this thread are praising him for are the very things I'm talking about right? It's not that we disagree on what he's done literally in terms of his foreign policy actions, but what signals those actions actually send and how they're likely to be received.

So no. It's not "incorrect". You just don't agree with what it means.

the reality of diplomacy, no matter how childish this may seem, is that you make the other guy pay something for every inch

This is why you are pessimistic

It's not pessimism. It's realism. What you (and frankly Obama as well) are being is naively optimistic. You can be forgiven that. Obama can't.

Sure, it'd be wonderful if we all just got around a fire and sang kumbya with eachother, but that's just not how it's done.

And this is why you are a craven and sniveling coward

Are you saying that if we did all get around a fire and sing Kumbya, that it would magically solve the worlds problems? It's not cowardly to point out which methods have actually worked in history, and which have been horrific failures. And guess what? The "If I'm just really nice to all the other world leaders, they'll be nice to me" approach has never worked.

Sadly, that pretty much never actually works.

You have no idea, because you have an interest in never trying.

I have a very good idea. See. Because I've studied history. You apparently have not. Does the name Neville Chamberlain ring any bells? Peace in our time? Someone who was sure that if he just made sure that Hitler didn't think he as a threat, and just tried to be friends, that everything would all work out fine...

It didn't work out fine though, did it?

Policies of appeasement don't work. They historically only embolden the other guy. While you can be "nice" to your friends as well, even they will likely just take advantage of you over time as a result. You may view this as pessimistic, but it is the reality of foreign politics. Each side is looking out for their own nations best interest. Where those interests and yours happen to align, everything is wonderful. But things would have been anyway. The real trick is dealing with situations where they aren't in alignment. And the sort of approach Obama is using is the worst way to approach that situation.

Does Obama bowing to the Japanese Emperor really hurt us that much? No. However, it's indicative of a pattern of behavior. As I said earlier, if it was just this, people would shrug it off. But when you take into account statements he made during the campaign, his world "apology tour" he took right after getting in office, the similarly inappropriate bow he gave in the middle east, and then this one, you see a pattern of a man who seems to want to please others. That's wonderful in a butler, but not so great in a Head of State.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#115 Nov 16 2009 at 11:09 PM Rating: Excellent
5,684 posts
gbaji wrote:

So no. It's not "incorrect". You just don't agree with what it means.

Similarly, just because you do agree with it, doesn't make it right.
#116 Nov 16 2009 at 11:11 PM Rating: Default
35,568 posts
Bardalicious wrote:
gbaji wrote:

So no. It's not "incorrect". You just don't agree with what it means.

Similarly, just because you do agree with it, doesn't make it right.

That's why it's called an "opinion"...
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#117 Nov 16 2009 at 11:39 PM Rating: Good
3,829 posts
gbaji wrote:

Does Obama bowing to the Japanese Emperor really hurt us that much? No. However, it's indicative of a pattern of behavior. As I said earlier, if it was just this, people would shrug it off. But when you take into account statements he made during the campaign, his world "apology tour" he took right after getting in office, the similarly inappropriate bow he gave in the middle east, and then this one, you see a pattern of a man who seems to want to please others. That's wonderful in a butler, but not so great in a Head of State.

Or golly gee, it could be a sincere attempt on the part of our leader to repair our tarnished image after the eight-year non-stop cock-measuring pageant that just ended.

At this point, which is going to make us look worse in the eyes of the rest of the world--a sincere gesture of respect rendered slightly incorrectly, or another dose of dedicatedly ignorant, swaggering arrogance?

When the rest of the world regards your nation, and especially its leader, as being an arrogant prick, a smidge of humility is far from being a vice.
#118 Nov 16 2009 at 11:58 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
gbaji wrote:
Because I've studied history. You apparently have not. Does the name Neville Chamberlain ring any bells? Peace in our time? Someone who was sure that if he just made sure that Hitler didn't think he as a threat, and just tried to be friends, that everything would all work out fine...

Smiley: laugh

Funny on so many levels.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#119 Nov 17 2009 at 12:11 AM Rating: Good
Vagina Dentata,
what a wonderful phrase
30,106 posts
That's wonderful in a butler, but not so great in a Head of State.

I googled around a bit because this type of characterization of Obama's actions strikes me as something that people say to subtly trigger a racist association. You know, given the history of black people having to take servant jobs and because they were not worthy of being equals or leaders of whites. I came across this and it reminded me of gbaji's statement.


I think that the right likes the imagery of the house servant and then they can pretend that they don't mean it in a completely racist way. GOD KNOWS that they never use race for their own gains. And the only person who experiences discrimination is Sarah Palin.

Even better is this roundup of rightey bloggers from the Village Voice:

And another thing, said Protein Wisdom's Darleen Click, Reagan didn't bow to the Nipponese (Yeah! yelled American Power from the cheap seats, "REAGAN DIDN'T BOW!!"). And anything Reagan didn't do just shouldn't be done. As a form of victory dance, Click playfully added, "Lefties... It this really where you want to defend Obama acting like an Uncle Tom?" (Emphasis hers.) You, or rather she, can imagine how mad that'll make those lefties! Astonishingly, she refrains from using animated gifs to underscore her point.


Edited, Nov 17th 2009 1:21am by Annabella
Turin wrote:
Seriously, what the f*ck nature?
#120 Nov 17 2009 at 12:19 AM Rating: Decent
10,359 posts
Does the name Neville Chamberlain ring any bells? Peace in our time? Someone who was sure that if he just made sure that Hitler didn't think he as a threat, and just tried to be friends, that everything would all work out fine...

This is beneath even you...

You honestly can't tell the @#%^ing difference. I can't really be surprised or anything, but it's kind of painful to know that someone could be so far gone that he could see no difference between playing nice with a fascist dictator who has annexed like three countries, and playing nice with a nation who is an ally.

While you can be "nice" to your friends as well, even they will likely just take advantage of you over time as a result.

Not like your actions have anything to do with that, no sir. It just happens that way. We can't stop it! It's best to just let the progress of humanity stagnate I'm sorry what was I thinking? We don't let anything happen. It just happens that way. Not my responsibility. Nothing to be done about it.

You let these things happen because you are afraid to try. The betrayals of your friends and the aggression of your self-created "enemies" do not happen in a ******* vaccum. Have some personal responsibility; I hear republicans like that sort of thing.


Oh, anna

Honestly I'm not seeing it, or perhaps I'm misunderstanding what you're trying to say.

Charitably, if a conservative thinks that Obama is too much like some sort of servant (charitably) they want him to rise above. Intuitively (and still charitably) if the right sees obama as a servant, it should be in spite of his race.

Or perhaps you mean that the right, in an effort to invent or locate fault with a black man in power, uses charged words in an attempt to associate the perception (though not necessarily truth) of weakness with said black man?

The second makes more sense, but your post is unclear to me, such that I cannot precisely determine what you mean.

Edited, Nov 17th 2009 1:48am by Pensive
#121 Nov 17 2009 at 12:20 AM Rating: Good
This is just a distraction. Since they can't find anything to criticize regarding the substance of the trip, they resort to the superficial.

Think Clinton-Lewinski & how it applied to whitewater. Same stupid partisan crap.
"The Rich are there to take all of the money & pay none of the taxes, the middle class is there to do all the work and pay all the taxes, and the poor are there to scare the crap out of the middle class." -George Carlin

#122 Nov 17 2009 at 12:34 AM Rating: Excellent
Vagina Dentata,
what a wonderful phrase
30,106 posts

Or perhaps you mean that the right, in an effort to invent or locate fault with a black man in power, uses charged words in an attempt to associate the perception (though not necessarily truth) of weakness with said black man?

The second makes more sense, but your post is unclear to me, such that I cannot precisely determine what you mean.

This. And not just weakness, but a charge of weakness tinged with racist stereotyping. Calling a black president a "house servant" (in the press) is really charged language. Calling someone a butler is a less controversial but related characterization.

Edited, Nov 17th 2009 1:37am by Annabella
Turin wrote:
Seriously, what the f*ck nature?
#123 Nov 17 2009 at 12:44 AM Rating: Excellent
4,158 posts
gbaji wrote:

Yes he has. If we were talking about just one event, you'd have a point. But Obama has gone out of his way to present a message of "We'll do whatever you guys want" to the rest of the world.

Speaking as a member of the rest of the world.


He's presentng a message of "We are willing to negotiate and interact as equals".

He's still in charge of a military machine bigger than the rest of the world combined, so its largely just a gesture, but the very fact that he's making an effort has made the 'rest of the world' (thats me included) feel more hopeful that at least the leader of the US, and his supporters have more to contribute to global well-being than that aggressive, arrogant xenophobic, willfully ignorant BS we've been subjected to for the last few years.

You aggressive, arrogant xenophobic, willfully ignorant and perpetually paranoid dropkicks who do nothing but preach violence and coercion while crowing about the Superiority of the American Way of Life are just pissed off 'cos Obama is obviously 10 times smarter than every one of you combined.

Watching the pathetic convulsions of hatred and waves of bile emenating from the Republican supporters and would be funny if it wern't so sad.

And I might add, so obviously racist in origin

"If you have selfish, ignorant citizens, you're gonna get selfish, ignorant leaders". Carlin.

#124 Nov 17 2009 at 12:44 AM Rating: Good
Omegavegeta wrote:
This is just a distraction. Since they can't find anything to criticize regarding the substance of the trip, they resort to the superficial.

Think Clinton-Lewinski & how it applied to whitewater. Same stupid partisan crap.

This. It's stupid, and anyone who cannot see it for such is equally stupid. **** like this poisons the minds of idiots, nothing more.
#125 Nov 17 2009 at 12:50 AM Rating: Good
10,359 posts
Annabella, Goblin in Disguise wrote:

This. And not just weakness, but a charge of weakness tinged with racist stereotyping. Calling a black president a "house servant" (in the press) is really charged language. Calling someone a butler is a less controversial but related characterization.

I guess so. It seems like one of those things that would be more vestigial and insidious than anything explicit to point at and go "A WILD RACIST APPEARS!" Probably a factor but hard to isolate.
#126 Nov 17 2009 at 12:56 AM Rating: Good
Vagina Dentata,
what a wonderful phrase
30,106 posts
Pensive the Ludicrous wrote:
Annabella, Goblin in Disguise wrote:

This. And not just weakness, but a charge of weakness tinged with racist stereotyping. Calling a black president a "house servant" (in the press) is really charged language. Calling someone a butler is a less controversial but related characterization.

I guess so. It seems like one of those things that would be more vestigial and insidious than anything explicit to point at and go "A WILD RACIST APPEARS!" Probably a factor but hard to isolate.

But then again, you are totally misrepresenting my post. I can talk about the use of racism to advance partisan politics without saying "A wild racist appears." And i think its been a MAJOR problem when the right can consistently make all these subtley (or not so) racist and xenophobic comments about the president but when you call them on it, people act like it's a hyperbolic reaction. It's not. The right wing press knows exactly what they are doing and who they are appealing to when they do it.

gbaji is just a mouthpiece for the rightwing press in the Asylum.
Turin wrote:
Seriously, what the f*ck nature?
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