LockeColeMA wrote:
To be fair, the vast majority of people want reform. That doesn't mean a majority want THIS reform. There might be statistics to back that up, though.
The polling, if anything, shows a tremendous amount of ignorance on what's going on. You can have, in the same poll, a question where "Do you approve or disapprove of the bill in Congress?" shows 49% disapprove, 38% approve and the rest undecided and then ask "Do you want a public option?", "Should high end plans be taxed?", "Is universal coverage more important than cost control?" and get "Yes" answers by significant margins on all of them. Basically, people don't know what the hell is going on.
Not to pick on Sevlrin but I think her example of someone who
wants a public option, a mandate to not exclude for pre-existing conditions, etc and was unaware that this bill covered those (and so was on the fence about it and disapproved of things that didn't exist in it) shows a real problem with messaging on the part of the Democrats.