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More Evidence That Torture Doesn't WorkFollow

#153 Sep 24 2009 at 6:54 PM Rating: Good
13,240 posts
I've actually been nearly drowned on more than one occasion, and It's not a walk in the park. And seeing is that's essentially the sensation caused by water boarding, I can say that it's a completely different type of torture than physical damage. From purely a game theory perspective, I'd prefer a resultant that causes less damage to me. That doesn't mean the other wouldn't suck.
Just as Planned.
#154 Sep 24 2009 at 7:09 PM Rating: Decent
10,359 posts
Depends on the disfigurement, I'd think.

And it's ridiculously naive to think that waterboarding, or any other primarily mental torture, can't cause functional disfigurement.
#155 Sep 24 2009 at 7:17 PM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
Sure, so can bran muffens. Are either of them likely to cause lasting trauma? nah. These big manly women and children murdering terrorists (exvuse me, alleged terrorists) can take a bit of water without losing their sanity i'd imagine.
Arch Duke Kaolian Drachensborn, lvl 95 Ranger, Unrest Server
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#156 Sep 24 2009 at 7:34 PM Rating: Excellent
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Sure, so can bran muffens. Are either of them likely to cause lasting trauma? nah. These big manly women and children murdering terrorists (exvuse me, alleged terrorists) can take a bit of water without losing their sanity i'd imagine.

The point is, then you're either not torturing them and thus it is an ineffective method, or you are torturing them, and it's an ineffective method.
Just as Planned.
#157 Sep 24 2009 at 10:43 PM Rating: Good
Vagina Dentata,
what a wonderful phrase
30,106 posts
Dread Lörd Kaolian wrote:
Sure, so can bran muffens. Are either of them likely to cause lasting trauma? nah. These big manly women and children murdering terrorists (exvuse me, alleged terrorists) can take a bit of water without losing their sanity i'd imagine.

Maybe you should try a little water boarding and see if it causes you lasting trauma, then you will be able to judge.

And the whole "alleged" part? In a country like ours, that's a relevant distinction.
Turin wrote:
Seriously, what the f*ck nature?
#158 Sep 24 2009 at 11:02 PM Rating: Excellent
Annabella, Goblin in Disguise wrote:
Maybe you should try a little water boarding and see if it causes you lasting trauma


I think it's incredibly amusing and yet ridiculously disturbing to hear sanctimonious twats defend waterboarding with absolutely no first hand experience in the matter. It's roughly equivalent to saying "war isn't that bad" because you're not the one getting blown to bits by an IED or having your **** shot off by a sniper while you pin the cross hairs on a 14 year old girl with a remote in her hand, wondering if she's an innocent or your next brush with death.

I haven't experienced either (waterboarding or war), but I'm smart enough to know that because I haven't, I have no right to purposefully diminish the suffering that goes with for the sake of a petty forum argument in which I look like a complete ******** for parroting the antiquated and baseless rhetoric of a generation that has outlived its usefulness.
#159 Sep 25 2009 at 7:19 PM Rating: Default
35,568 posts
BrownDuck wrote:
I think it's incredibly amusing and yet ridiculously disturbing to hear sanctimonious twats defend waterboarding with absolutely no first hand experience in the matter.

I think that's an unfair characterization of what we're doing though. We're saying that waterboarding, and by extension all interrogation techniques used by the US, should be judged on what they actually are, and not by playing word association tricks with the word "torture".

It's roughly equivalent to saying "war isn't that bad" because you're not the one getting blown to bits by an IED or having your **** shot off by a sniper while you pin the cross hairs on a 14 year old girl with a remote in her hand, wondering if she's an innocent or your next brush with death.

No one says "War isn't that bad" though. That's the problem here IMO. Many people will say that "war is better than the alternative", which is a vastly more correct analogy of what's going on here. But that's not as easy or satisfying for you to deal with, nor does it allow you to take an assumed moral high ground, so you ignore that position and invent an easier one to attack.

Look up "strawman" if you're not sure what you're doing here.

I haven't experienced either (waterboarding or war), but I'm smart enough to know that because I haven't, I have no right to purposefully diminish the suffering that goes with for the sake of a petty forum argument in which I look like a complete @#%^tard for parroting the antiquated and baseless rhetoric of a generation that has outlived its usefulness.

You also haven't ever in your life experienced real poverty, or hunger, or lived under despotic rule. Your own logic should lead you to conclude that you have no right to pass judgment on the less pristinely moral methods which might be employed to secure you from those things. It's easy for you to declare with absolute certainty that we should "never" engage in any sort of action of which you yourself don't approve. But you yourself are able to hold such moral high ground exactly because you yourself have never had to make a single truly difficult moral choice in your life. You've never actually had to choose whether or not to kill or even harm someone else in order to ensure the security and safety of your own family. You've lived your entire life in a world in which others act to protect you from having to make that choice, but you insist on judging them for doing so after the fact.

This is not to say that waterboarding or any of those other methods of extracting information are "good". Just to get you to think that perhaps your own life has been lived in such a bubble of protection that you can't really understand real difficult moral choices. In your life, those choices are academic matters and easy to make. But that's not really true. That's the sanitized world you've lived in.

It's funny. What you're doing reminds me of an old boss I had. He was taking over the business for his father. In the process, he looked over a bunch of the expenses involved in running the business. One of the things he saw was that we were spending money on a check approval service every month, but we very very rarely ever got a bad check. He concluded based on the numbers that we were spending more money each month on the service than we were saving on bad checks. He decided that it wasn't very nice to force customers to have to wait for their checks to be cleared, so he canceled the service and told us all to just accept any check that came in.

It should be obvious what happened. The number of bad checks we got skyrocketed. Once people realized that we weren't checking them anymore, they showed up with bad checks. Here's the thing though. From the perspective of someone already protected by the service, it appeared as though the "cost" of the protection was too high (I hope you see the parallel I'm getting at). He simply couldn't see that the cost was worth the protection. But he was viewing the situation through the lens of already being protected. Just as you are viewing this situation through the lens of someone who's protected from such moral choices. And similarly, if we stop doing things like engaging in war with nations like Iraq or Afghanistan, or we stop allowing our intelligence services to use "morally questionable" methods when interrogating, we run the risk of finding out just what the true "cost" of freedom is.

We haven't paid that cost. Not really. And not for a long time. And while I don't think the sorts of interrogation techniques being used are "good", I think we have to look at it as a relative issue. It's "better" than pulling off people's fingernails, or cutting off parts of their bodies. It's far far less harmful, far less permanent, and far less immoral. You're trying to treat this as some kind of moral absolute. Something is either right and therefore acceptable, or it's wrong and therefore unacceptable. But most of the time, those issues are relative. Is it ok to waterboard someone who's suspected of jaywalking? Absolutely not. Is it ok to waterboard someone who's suspected of being involved in a terrorist plot to kill thousands of people? Well... That's a less obvious question...
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#160 Sep 25 2009 at 7:56 PM Rating: Good
13,240 posts
I think that's an unfair characterization of what we're doing though. We're saying that waterboarding, and by extension all interrogation techniques used by the US, should be judged on what they actually are, and not by playing word association tricks with the word "torture".

Sure, but waterboarding isn't just an aggressive bath as Kaolian suggests, it is a pretty good replication of the psychological sensation of drowning. Wouldn't you agree that it's closest syllogism, dunking, used during the witch hunts, is a form of torture? Or, should you dislike that word because of it's inherent loading, what would you describe it as?
Just as Planned.
#161 Sep 25 2009 at 8:41 PM Rating: Good
Vagina Dentata,
what a wonderful phrase
30,106 posts
I've always been told that the longer someone explains something, the more full of **** they really are. I'm guessing that gbaji's ridiculous defense of waterboarding pretty much proves that theory.
Turin wrote:
Seriously, what the f*ck nature?
#162 Sep 26 2009 at 8:36 AM Rating: Good
4,512 posts
gbaji wrote:
You also haven't ever in your life experienced real poverty, or hunger, or lived under despotic rule. Your own logic should lead you to conclude that you have no right to pass judgment on the less pristinely moral methods which might be employed to secure you from those things. It's easy for you to declare with absolute certainty that we should "never" engage in any sort of action of which you yourself don't approve. But you yourself are able to hold such moral high ground exactly because you yourself have never had to make a single truly difficult moral choice in your life. You've never actually had to choose whether or not to kill or even harm someone else in order to ensure the security and safety of your own family. You've lived your entire life in a world in which others act to protect you from having to make that choice, but you insist on judging them for doing so after the fact.

Did I miss BD's biography somewhere? I'd like to read it if I did. I'm pretty nosy.

gbaji wrote:
He simply couldn't see that the cost was worth the protection.

ITT: Gbaji supports universal health care.
#163 Sep 26 2009 at 10:44 AM Rating: Decent
10,359 posts
gbaji, instead of trying to destroy stubs' credibility to judge about poverty, hunger, or making truly difficult moral choices, and of having him later correct you with details from his own life (that I will not reveal; it's up to him) you could very easily make an argument for why you should have credibility instead. You can, by the way, do that, because it's both a very common and good argument to make, that logic and empathy can enable you to understand and make judgments about situations that you haven't personally experienced. Try it; it would both be less embarrassing for you, as well as more presentable and respectful in terms of making your point.

Honestly that entire post sounded like you're trying to channel smash when he excoriates people for being completely ******* ignorant about the subject matter, but picking a really bad target, and doing a very poor job of it.

Edited, Sep 26th 2009 2:45pm by Pensive
#164 Sep 26 2009 at 11:57 AM Rating: Excellent
gbaji wrote:
You also haven't ever in your life experienced real poverty, or hunger, or lived under despotic rule. Your own logic should lead you to conclude that you have no right to pass judgment on the less pristinely moral methods which might be employed to secure you from those things. It's easy for you to declare with absolute certainty that we should "never" engage in any sort of action of which you yourself don't approve. But you yourself are able to hold such moral high ground exactly because you yourself have never had to make a single truly difficult moral choice in your life. You've never actually had to choose whether or not to kill or even harm someone else in order to ensure the security and safety of your own family. You've lived your entire life in a world in which others act to protect you from having to make that choice, but you insist on judging them for doing so after the fact.

The rest of your post is bullsh*t, but this, this is that little piece of undigested cud on the top of that pile of bullsh*t. You make incredibly ridiculous assumptions about people just because they post on an internet forum and make a complete *** of yourself in the process. I'm not going to elaborate on my position in life for you, because you're not worth it, but I'm sure plenty here can vouch for my experiences in poverty, despotic rule and truly difficult moral choices. Thanks for removing any doubt about how big of an idiot you truly are.

Edited, Sep 26th 2009 2:57pm by BrownDuck
#165 Sep 26 2009 at 12:59 PM Rating: Good
10,359 posts

Look up "strawman" if you're not sure what you're doing here.

Your entire post is an amalgam of strawmen, begging your question, circumstantial ad hominem, red herrings, equivocation, and false dilemma.

Shut up.
#166 Sep 27 2009 at 11:00 AM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
what if we gave them a rubber ducky whilst waterboarding them? or maybe some bubble bath? would that make it more humane for you liberal bedwetting pinko hippies?
Arch Duke Kaolian Drachensborn, lvl 95 Ranger, Unrest Server
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#167 Sep 27 2009 at 11:03 AM Rating: Decent
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Dread Lörd Kaolian wrote:
what if we gave them a rubber ducky whilst waterboarding them? or maybe some bubble bath? would that make it more humane for you liberal bedwetting pinko hippies?

It amazes me that we lost Illia and somehow managed to keep your stupid *** on board here. The sum of your contributions to this thread is "wah wah, it involves water so it must be just like a bath, LOLZ!! liberalz!!"
#168 Sep 27 2009 at 11:10 AM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
Ooohhh. Below the belt! And my *** is not stupid, i'll have you know it scored top marks on the Sarsen-oxford *** IQ test. Top marks!

A. I assume by replying direct to that post you are admitting to wetting the bed?

B. I'm pretty sure the rest of them already figured this out, but I INVENTED trolling. you liberal types are sooo easy to rile up. it's hilarious!

if you'll excuse me, i'm going to go waterboard my lunch before I cook it. Clenliness is important! otherwise the terrerists win!
Arch Duke Kaolian Drachensborn, lvl 95 Ranger, Unrest Server
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#169 Sep 27 2009 at 11:16 AM Rating: Decent
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Dread Lörd Kaolian wrote:
Ooohhh. Below the belt! And my *** is not stupid, i'll have you know it scored top marks on the Sarsen-oxford *** IQ test. Top marks!

A. I assume by replying direct to that post you are admitting to wetting the bed?

B. I'm pretty sure the rest of them already figured this out, but I INVENTED trolling. you liberal types are sooo easy to rile up. it's hilarious!

if you'll excuse me, i'm going to go waterboard my lunch before I cook it. Clenliness is important! otherwise the terrerists win!

Yeah, trolling. That's what's happening here. Smiley: rolleyes

My opinion of you is based on far more than this one thread, anyway. It's a very consistent pattern of illogical, emotional and often immature behavior that makes me question why this site retains you.
#170 Sep 27 2009 at 11:17 AM Rating: Good
B. I'm pretty sure the rest of them already figured this out, but I INVENTED trolling.

Mr.Chrysoprase is very upset.
#171 Sep 27 2009 at 11:31 AM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
You forgot petty and vindictive. Also, "often"? not the word I would have gone for there. "always" would have been more effective, since often allows for some leeway. You might try impunging upon my ancestory next. I can find you some pointer threads around here somewhere if you like?

I do take issue with your implication that my continued employment had anything to do with the Illia and Allakhazam situation. That is a mess, and I will be very sorry to see them both go. I'm really not at liberty to discuss that situation at the moment though.

As for my oppinion of you, well, this is the first time you've ever popped up on my radar. Looks like you get norated alot though by other admins, so you must be kind of an idiot. I could really care less about what you think of me though. Sorry. You won't be the last person I **** off in a forum though. I'm not sure exactly how i'll sleep knowing there is someone on the internet who doesn't like me.

At least this time there were no death threats.

Anyways, back to the real point here. Exactly how often are we talking here with the bedwetting? should the rest of us be worried to stand anywhere near you when electrical equipment is in use?
Arch Duke Kaolian Drachensborn, lvl 95 Ranger, Unrest Server
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#172 Sep 27 2009 at 11:42 AM Rating: Excellent
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Kavekk wrote:
B. I'm pretty sure the rest of them already figured this out, but I INVENTED trolling.

Mr.Chrysoprase is very upset.

I'm sure Mr. Pratchett will forgive me. Different genre of trolling and all.
Arch Duke Kaolian Drachensborn, lvl 95 Ranger, Unrest Server
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#173 Sep 27 2009 at 12:19 PM Rating: Decent
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Dread Lörd Kaolian wrote:
Looks like you get norated alot though by other admins, so you must be kind of an idiot.

"Alot" being, to the best of my knowledge, twice, one of which was a mistake which was later admitted because the admin failed to check that it was confined to a single thread, and only four or five posts in that thread. The other time I barely even remember, and was probably due to varus or some similar situation, since I've never cared enough about these forums to actually hunt down someone's posts.

I also never implied that your employment has anything to do with Illia and Allakhazam; simply that it's a shame you're still around while they aren't.
#174 Sep 27 2009 at 1:02 PM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
Meh. You can do better than that. I give it a 3.

Oh, and yeah, have you looked at your rating history? if thats not caring enough to hunt down other peoples posts, I don't want to see what is. Oh, wait. You can't see that, can you.

Wait a minute! I remeber you now. you're the one who was getting all pissy at everyone in the the feedback forum over that books thingy thread! Is that what this is about? Awwww. that's cute.

Yeah, but seriously, quit karma camping people. Oh, and your sockpuppet had an accident.

Have a nice day!
Arch Duke Kaolian Drachensborn, lvl 95 Ranger, Unrest Server
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#175 Sep 27 2009 at 4:31 PM Rating: Decent
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Dread Lörd Kaolian wrote:
Meh. You can do better than that. I give it a 3.

Oh, and yeah, have you looked at your rating history? if thats not caring enough to hunt down other peoples posts, I don't want to see what is. Oh, wait. You can't see that, can you.

Wait a minute! I remeber you now. you're the one who was getting all pissy at everyone in the the feedback forum over that books thingy thread! Is that what this is about? Awwww. that's cute.

Yeah, but seriously, quit karma camping people. Oh, and your sockpuppet had an accident.

Have a nice day!

My "sockpuppet"? Smiley: lol Maybe you mean my brother's account, though I'm pretty sure he hasn't posted in a year or two. Or maybe the one-post account I made as a joke, because it was a pun off of a common FFXI term. Unless you somehow got seriously confused about when I had a name change done on my account. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you banned my brother, though, unless having a university IP address accidentally hit some other guy.

As for karma camping, yeah.. no. To be camping I have to be deliberately hunting down posts. The fact that I read a lot of threads and consistently rate down the same morons is not enough to constitute camping.

In any case, you seem to be getting awfully vindictive here, all things considered. I mean, taking so much time out of your day to check my rating history, other accounts on the same IP, and reading past threads I've posted in seems to make you more the pissy one here.
#176 Sep 27 2009 at 5:28 PM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
Well at least I don't wet the bed! Hah! yeah, he went there, he totally went there!

Sorry to burst your bubble, but pulling up the user stats and rate lists takes mere seconds. I was basically curious and trying to figure out what sparked this little tirade of yours. I thought at first I slept with your sister or something, but it seems that it was just that little book tirade that i told you to "please be civil" over that pushed you over the edge. Oh, and it was norated 3 times by the way, not two in case you were curious. Haven't really done much of anything to you, besides told you to quit karma camping people, which you are, and killed your sock / brother / whatever the hell it was accpunt. The latter, eh, ok. but sockpuppets **** me off. By rights I should norate your *** for karma camping, but I figured that would have been mean. So i'll wait a few days and see if you quit karma camping people after a warning, and then if you don't, party time!

That was a little better, but you really aren't getting into the spirit of things. Might as well go for broke at this point. We'll call it a low 4. You completely missed the oppertunity to imply that reading my posts is a form of torture, and you haven't even tried any of the classik skeet's gambit lines of attack. At least you didn't stoop to grammar **** attacks though. Those are always pretty lame.
Arch Duke Kaolian Drachensborn, lvl 95 Ranger, Unrest Server
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