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I do believe I may be (was forum=28)Follow

#1 Sep 19 2009 at 11:14 PM Rating: Decent
1,094 posts

Any advice OOT?Asylum, I guess.

Edited, Sep 20th 2009 4:38am by CestinShaman
#2 Sep 19 2009 at 11:18 PM Rating: Excellent
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Join the club?
#3 Sep 19 2009 at 11:19 PM Rating: Good
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Threesome with a guy and girl?

And videotape it...

Or not. Nevermind.
MyAnimeList FFXIV Krystal Spoonless
#4 Sep 19 2009 at 11:31 PM Rating: Good
50,767 posts
Its all the same in the dark.
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#5 Sep 19 2009 at 11:39 PM Rating: Good
1,793 posts
Your just greedy Smiley: glare

Also, who cares if your bi? Just enjoy what you like
#6 Sep 20 2009 at 12:02 AM Rating: Excellent
10,359 posts
Okay with the serious face on.

I could pontificate at length about sexuality, but no one can really tell you how to deal with the things you want in other people, and I am talking about both physical and mental sex.

What exactly do you want help or advice on? There are practical things to think about, such as whether or how you will tell your friends, or how to go about thinking and owning your preferences as part of (part of, not defining) your identity, but the attraction properly isn't something to be advised; it just kind of happens.
#7 Sep 20 2009 at 12:13 AM Rating: Decent
Let's see what Advice Dog has to say.
#8 Sep 20 2009 at 12:19 AM Rating: Good
Go **** yourself?

Seriously, this post is nothing more than attention whoring.
#9 Sep 20 2009 at 12:26 AM Rating: Good
50,767 posts
MDenham wrote:
Let's see what Advice Dog has to say.
I like his cousin better.
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#10 Sep 20 2009 at 12:42 AM Rating: Excellent
10,359 posts
BrownDuck wrote:
Go @#%^ yourself?

Seriously, this post is nothing more than attention whoring.

Hi, sexuality scares some people, and the oot talks about gay stuff all of the time. It's perfectly logical to ask something like this.
#11 Sep 20 2009 at 12:44 AM Rating: Decent
1,094 posts
Maybe I posted in the exact moment the thread got moved? When I posted this I just saw my thread-starter, then this as the entire thread, just my own two posts. When I go to "My Posts" and click this one, it shows that. When I go to the OOT, click the thread and follow the link, I come to the thread in it's current location without my reply. Glitch maybe.Invisible +1!


Overlord MagingMartin wrote:
You're just greedy Smiley: glare

Also, who cares if your bi? Just enjoy what you like

I intend to, really.

I can't very well describe it, but there's a certain...either psychological or intellectual bone I have to pick with the whole subject. I'm not against it, not at all, but the concept following the entire thing is, admittedly, a bit baffling to me. Meh. I was hoping this thread could instill within me some interesting thoughts.

Pensive the Ludicrous wrote:
Some serious stuff.

Honestly I didn't intend for it to be about anything serious, just wondering what peoples thoughts were. As for serious questions, I really don't have any. As a believer in Eastern philosophy, I oftentimes look within for answers, that kind of thing. Inner peace is outer peace, many ideas about thought and the mind, the way it works. As for this subject, I simply must peer within and contemplate, my resolution for many bumps in the road I run into.

BrownDuck wrote:
Go @#%^ yourself?

Seriously, this post is nothing more than attention whoring.

Come now, isn't that what the OOT is for? It's a personal thought I'm sharing, (there's a story connected that happened just recently, actually, it could be told) and I came here to see what other's opinions would be.

I myself wrote:
instill within me

In before gay sex joke.
#12 Sep 20 2009 at 12:47 AM Rating: Excellent
15,952 posts
When I was going out to the gay bars in the early 90's, I surprisingly met with a lot of hostility against the bisexuals. Not just against me, but against other bi's, who were talked about nastily behind their backs, by people who didn't know that I myself was bi.

You'd have thought that the gays, who were in a persecuted minority at the time in Australia, would be more understanding and open minded. Ironically many of them weren't.

The attitude seemed to be that bisexuality wasn't real. Bi's were "gay people who are still in denial." "Gay people still hiding in the closet." Bi's were "young people trying things out to work out what they were." "Straight people trying to be fashionable, by having some gay sex."

Hopefully that attitude has changed a lot, and you won't meet so much of it.

I can tell you that the "Bi people are just greedy" joke got really old. And that was the nicest response if someone said anything at all.

All I can say, is, learn to relax, and if people say snarky things, tell yourself it's their problem, not yours.

Be prepared, that if you settle down with someone of the opposite sex, to have your feelings and attractions towards same sex people minimised in other people's heads. Be good with your partners, establish ground rules. I lived a long time with a partner who was cool with me picking up and having sex with women while I was with him, because he didn't feel competitive with women when it came to me. I lived a long time with a partner who wouldn't let me see anyone else in RL, male or female.

Eh. Be yourself. Enjoy people. Have fun. I had a real ball sharing in pointing out gorgeous girls on the street with my former male partner. I pretty totally became "one of the boys" with his little posse of male friends.

Use condoms if you and your sex partners haven't had all clear health checks since your last sexual partner.

I guess I should also add that I don't see anything less valid in a straight person exploring with same-sex partners out of curiosity, and finding out through experience where his/her boundaries really are. Sex should be about fun-lust and mutual giving, when it's not also about love. People should be allowed to have relaxed joy in it, however it is explored or done, not to be weighed down with other people's rules that apply to themselves.

Edited, Sep 20th 2009 4:59am by Aripyanfar
#13 Sep 20 2009 at 12:55 AM Rating: Good
10,359 posts
Hopefully that attitude has changed a lot, and you won't meet so much of it.


just wondering what peoples thoughts were.

Prepare for trouble, and make it double.

Edited, Sep 20th 2009 4:58am by Pensive
#14 Sep 20 2009 at 12:56 AM Rating: Decent
1,094 posts
Pensive the Ludicrous wrote:
Join the club?

I thought this same thing when I began juggling the idea around. XD

A straight furry? Holy ****.

Seriously, it seems like people interested in alternative sexual desires (Furry mainly, I'm not a part of a community of any other) are often bi or homosexual. A purely straight individual is actually surprising to me these days. Maybe not that extreme, but the ratio of straight to other seems to have changed, or is changing. Or it's just the people within the group I've observed.

Sexual topics always lead me into psychology, a field that fascinates me. But it's 3 AM and I can't think of a good way to word what I'm trying to say, or would try to say.
#15 Sep 20 2009 at 12:58 AM Rating: Excellent
16,959 posts
I think we've always been this diverse in our sexual interests. The internet just helped prove that to ourselves.
I'm sexually curious btw.
MyAnimeList FFXIV Krystal Spoonless
#16 Sep 20 2009 at 1:06 AM Rating: Decent
1,094 posts
Kirby, Star Breaker wrote:
I think we've always been this diverse in our sexual interests. The internet just helped prove that to ourselves.
I'm sexually curious btw.

I was actually on a site just today that contained alot of useful/truthful information about the psychology of the Internet.

But in the case of "I think we've always been this diverse in our sexual interests. The internet just helped prove that to ourselves." anonymity has a big role to play. <Insert the "anonymity allows you to do/say/explore things you wouldn't in real life" explanation here that we've all heard a million times before.>

This is it, you can navigate around.
#17 Sep 20 2009 at 1:07 AM Rating: Excellent
15,952 posts
I also don't think Bi people should feel constrained, if they are going to identify themselves as Bi, to be totally symmetrical in how they feel about men, and women, on average.

For example a Bi is still a Bi, even if s/he would go all the way with one gender, but not the other, or if s/he would settle down into a steady relationship with one gender, but not the other.

Being on "a [continuum] is fine too."
#18 Sep 20 2009 at 1:10 AM Rating: Excellent
10,359 posts
Seriously, it seems like people interested in alternative sexual desires (Furry mainly, I'm not a part of a community of any other) are often bi or homosexual. A purely straight individual is actually surprising to me these days. Maybe not that extreme, but the ratio of straight to other seems to have changed, or is changing. Or it's just the people within the group I've observed.

"Straight" and "gay" as well as "bisexual" as well as even "pansexual" are simplified at best and entirely fraudulent at worst concepts that often convey zero information in terms of making a concept more clear.

It is not the case that "oh everyone is a little bit bisexual" because that characterization is just as fraudulent. It's also not the case that we can, or even should, abandon these sorts of orientations concerning sexuality. What is the case, is that "straight" or anything that determines your orientation or sexuality, including the words that I am using in this paragraph, are incomplete and flawed descriptions. They will never, and can never, precisely convey what you like to *****, cuddle with, marry, talk about life and dreams, or eat lunch with.

For example: there isn't a man in the world (I hope!) that is heterosexual according to the category of heterosexuality. If he was, he would want to *****, and would *****, his grandmother as well as his daughter as well as a 900pound woman with turtles for hands. No man, not even a "straight" man, likes the categorical woman! He likes a selectively determined kind of woman which is pared down from the platonic Woman at large according to a list of attractive qualities that he finds in that particular set of people (women.) The problem is that the list is indefinitely large, and practically infinite; you're never going to fully elucidate and clarify your feelings by using words, unless we can develop some sort of mind-melding technology that merges consciousnesses.

So what do you do? You can ignore the problem and keep getting bogged down in stupid **** and debates about whether or not something is truly, scottishly "straight" or not, which is bad. You can try to make up a crapload of awesome concepts to describe the lists of attractions you have, or you could continue paring away words and concepts until you isolate the things on your list. As long as you don't pick the first option, the other two are both quite swell.
#19 Sep 20 2009 at 1:23 AM Rating: Decent
1,094 posts
Some of Pensive's posts, this last one in this case, leave me scratching my head. I can seem to vaguely get the idea of it, but not perfectly. It's probably because I'm too tired.

In any case, it seems Pensive has many of the same thoughts I do but has a much easier time expressing them, ironic since I seem to never have troubles expressing my thoughts offline. Maybe it's because voice tone, physical motions and expressions have alot to do with speaking, I'm not sure.

I'm off to bed though, thank you for the insight everyone. I think Martin summed it up the best though, in the second line of his post.
#20 Sep 20 2009 at 1:25 AM Rating: Good
15,952 posts
Pensive, sometimes we need short words for large concepts, so we can get things done and live our lives, instead of taking 48 hours to greet your grandmother when she walks in the door. =(

What we need to do is do is do that sort of theoretical microexplorings of concepts in academic settings, and have laypeople read that king of thing, or summaries, or findings, in their leisure hours. Microexploration by laypeople can also be good and useful as a leisure activity.

We also need to realise when we have an unreasonable prejudice against a class of people/things, that is associated with one word. When that happens, we have to spend some time consciousness raising, either retaining or discarding that word while we do so.

Basically what I'm saying, is that when we've dissected a simple word, we're usually going to have to come back to using a simple word, because we need to talk in shorthand. Explicating on the usual shorthand, when it's relevant.
#21 Sep 20 2009 at 1:28 AM Rating: Good
10,359 posts
It's probably because I'm too tired.

Highly unlikely, that your problem, it is.

Basically what I'm saying, is that when we've dissected a simple word, we're usually going to have to come back to using a simple word, because we need to talk in shorthand.

Not at all

At first it's just drinking tea
When you know how to do it, then it's not just tea anymore
When you master it, it's just drinking tea.

I can seem to vaguely get the idea of it, but not perfectly.

Exceedingly appropriate, that is, because it's exactly the same problem that you run into when talking about sexuality. What do you mean when you talk about being bisexual or straight? Okay, maybe you can give a vague idea of it, but not perfectly.

Edited, Sep 20th 2009 5:34am by Pensive
#22 Sep 20 2009 at 1:33 AM Rating: Excellent
15,952 posts
Pensive the Ludicrous wrote:
Aripyanfar wrote:
Basically what I'm saying, is that when we've dissected a simple word, we're usually going to have to come back to using a simple word, because we need to talk in shorthand.

Not at all

At first it's just drinking tea
When you know how to do it, then it's not just tea anymore
When you master it, it's just drinking tea.

Ok, I'll agree with you there. That's doinitrite.
#23 Sep 20 2009 at 3:41 AM Rating: Excellent
The important thing to remember about being bisexual is that you've just doubled your potential pool of consorts. Thus, you can afford to raise your standards to the point were your pool is halved again. Standards are standardly distributed, more or less, though, so this doesn't mean doubling your standards. You also have to take into account that these people may have higher standards also, so you'll be rejected a lot more. But when you do score, your conquests will be more intelligent/beautiful/better at humming. The best trick is to aim for other bisexuals, because they too are depraved, sex-obsessed sluts.

Good luck!
#24 Sep 20 2009 at 5:29 AM Rating: Decent
Pensive the Ludicrous wrote:
BrownDuck wrote:
Go @#%^ yourself?

Seriously, this post is nothing more than attention whoring.

Hi, sexuality scares some people, and the oot talks about gay stuff all of the time. It's perfectly logical to ask something like this.

Sure, if he had specific questions about a pending relationship or specific feelings, go right ahead. As it stands, his OP was nothing more than a "HAI LOOK AT ME" post, which, while endearing when Nix does it, is rather annoying, generally speaking.
#25 Sep 20 2009 at 6:23 AM Rating: Excellent
God fucking damnit, another one!?
#26 Sep 20 2009 at 7:03 AM Rating: Good
15,952 posts
NixNot wrote:
God fucking damnit, another one!?

This one may be hairy.
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