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Health Care Speech to CongressFollow

#152 Sep 10 2009 at 5:51 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
gbaji wrote:
Do you want me to repeat that? It was an inappropriate and disrespectful thing to do.

Really? Because a little bit upthread you said that Obama only deserved respect if he was acting presidental enough for you Smiley: laugh Keep spinnin'!
Are you all really claiming that the speech he gave was perfectly acceptable?

Of course it was. I mean, I realize you belong to the party that went on a massive crying jag and threw temper tantrums and tried to spike the economy because a grandma said things you didn't like but maybe it's time you lose the pacifiers and start to own your actions rather than stomp your feet and scream when you're called on them.

Who am I kidding? We both know that'll never happen. I bet you'll type up a dandy of a post defending why it's acceptable though!
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#153 Sep 10 2009 at 5:55 PM Rating: Default
35,568 posts
CBD wrote:
Obama was using general terms and discussing people who were lying about the intentions and provisions the bill.

He was applying negative labels to anyone and everyone who did not join in making the Democrat bills succeed. Let's stop with the strawman here. The very language you are using is the same sort he used.

Are you saying that everyone who opposed the Democrats proposed health care bills were lying? Are you saying that everyone who showed up to a town hall meeting to state their opposition to said proposals was also lying?

If not, then don't they count? Don't their voices have some weight? You're doing the same thing Obama did: Dismissing an entire "side" of the debate because some of the things said by some people on one side are interpreted by you as "lies". How convenient to just label the other side liars and ignore them.

When you do it, it's just a random person on an internet forum being a nutter. When the President of the United States does it, it's disrespectful to the office he holds and to the people he serves. When Obama was elected, I made a point to state that regardless of whether I agree with his policies, he is my president. That statement still stands. But let's flip this around. Obama is my President. He does not just represent the Liberals in this country. He represents the entire country. That includes us conservatives. Now, I don't demand that this means he must adopt my position on everything political, but I do expect that he not join in calling people who share my position liars, and fear mongers, and the whole gallery of unflattering descriptions he lumped into that speech.

He should show a little respect for those who's opinions differ from his. He failed utterly to do that yesterday. That's why I have a problem with the speech. It should have been presidential. It should have (or could have) risen above the fray of partisan politics and sought real solutions. Instead, he's just polarized politics even more and ensured that whatever cooperation he might have gotten has just vanished.

I'm sorry that your party refused to work on it like a bunch of children and just runs around shouting about HOW TERRIBLE IT IS, but that doesn't mean Obama is being partisan for discussing opposition to the bill.

WTF is wrong with you? Republicans were not allowed to work on any of the bills. Period. Three Republicans were allowed to join a group to discuss the bills in question, after the fact, but not a single Republican was invited or allowed to actually write any significant portion of any of the bills much less be involved even in discussions about the goals and objectives of the bills.

It's the height of lunacy to deliberately shut out one party in the process of writing a law, ignore their suggestions and recommendations on the bits they do learn about, and then call them partisans for not agreeing with the result. I get that most of you are hard core liberals. You want the Dems to succeed here. That's wonderful. But I expect that most of you are also at least somewhat intelligent and capable of grasping simple concepts. You can't all be so freaking stupid as to think that Republicans are the ones being partisan here.

Which leaves me to assume that for some reason you feel you have to lie about what the Dems are doing. As if maybe if you just insist that they aren't doing what you want them to do really loudly, we'll stop opposing them and it will happen? What does it say about what you want that you believe you have to lie to people to get it to happen? I've asked this before, but I keep coming back to it. I see far too many liberals willfully lying about what their own positions are apparently solely to try to convince conservatives not to oppose them.

But we're the ones lying, right? Lol... Amazing!
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#154 Sep 10 2009 at 5:59 PM Rating: Good
I agree with Gbaji, everyone who voted Democrat last election should be lined up against a wall and shot.

It's cost a lot to ship everyone over to China, though.
#155 Sep 10 2009 at 6:02 PM Rating: Good
4,512 posts
gbaji wrote:
Are you saying that everyone who opposed the Democrats proposed health care bills were lying? Are you saying that everyone who showed up to a town hall meeting to state their opposition to said proposals was also lying?

Actually, sweetheart, that's what you're saying by demanding the entire speech was laced with partisan jabs.

I didn't really bother reading anything else you wrote about this because, to be frank, it bored the living sh*t out of me. Do try to be more concise when replying to my posts. Thanks.

gbaji wrote:
Republicans were not allowed to work on any of the bills. Period.

gbaji wrote:
Three Republicans were allowed to join a group to discuss the bills in question

You seem confused, allow me to continue to disregard everything you say as nonsense.

gbaji wrote:
Which leaves me to assume that for some reason you feel you have to lie about what the Dems are doing.

I actually am Obama and I am here to garner support for health care by calling you an idiot. You caught me!

gbaji wrote:
But we're the ones lying, right? Lol... Amazing!

Citation that people leave their home country just for the sake of making more money in a medical field. Come on, this isn't that hard!

Edited, Sep 10th 2009 10:03pm by CBD
#156 Sep 10 2009 at 6:04 PM Rating: Decent
Kavekk the Ludicrous wrote:
I agree with Gbaji, everyone who voted Democrat last election should be lined up against a wall and shot.

It's cost a lot to ship everyone over to China, though.

Rebuild the wall here. We'll replace the Rio Grande with it and keep all the Mexicans out too. Two birds with one wall of stone.
#157 Sep 10 2009 at 6:11 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Heh.. I just read on Politico that the DNC has taken in over a million dollars in unsolicted donations since the Wilson flap. And Wilson's 2010 opponent, who had taken in $100k this morning, now has over $350k in donations.

That, ladies and gentlemen, is the real reason why the GOP spazzed out over Wilson's remarks. Not because they give a dry fuck for the "office of the President" but because they knew it made them look like complete douchebags on national TV and needed to spin some damage control post haste.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#158 Sep 10 2009 at 6:12 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
CBD wrote:
gbaji wrote:
If you're going to rephrase my own statements, how about not removing a key adjective from the middle...

How about you just stop pretending you have any clue whether or not water boarding deserves the "severe" or not?

Why was it removed?

Words matter. Just as there's a reason to replace "waterboarding" with the word "torture", there's a reason the word "severe" was left out.

It's about deception. And I'm not the one being deceptive here.

Obama's speech was made partisan by the behavior of the party in question. The speech itself was not partisan.

Which behavior?

They oppose the bills the Dems have proposed. There's nothing wrong with that. You get that, right? It's the way our political system works. It is by nature confrontational. Everyone knows that and accepts it. But you don't bash the other guy for doing it. Obama made it seem as though this was some kind of moral failing. How dare the other party not agree with every single thing my party wants to do! They're big meanies!...

Let's tell a story:

You are a bright young eighth grader taking HS algebra. You are given a simple quiz: "Completely factor (x^2-16)." You, being a bit eager, factor it as (x-2)(x+2)(x-2)(x+2). Wrong, but it's understandable why someone just learning it would make such a foolish mistake. Jophiel, lacking any originality or intellect, can't figure out what to do and copies what you write. About 50% of the class' Liberal Hive Mind is activated, and they all write down the same answer - including Pensive. Now, the teacher when going over the test says "Some of you may have made a stupid mistake and factored it like this..." and writes your answer on the board. Now, you are aware that Jophiel, being soooo dumb, cheated off of you, and everyone knows about the Liberal Hive Mind.

It would be laughable for you to be offended because of the teacher writing that on the board, as though it was some personal insult. Could the teacher have phrased it a bit better? Sure. That doesn't mean the teacher meant it as a direct, personal attack on anyone though. It's a shame you all wrote down the same wrong answer, but that isn't the teacher's fault, and he still needs to address that fact that, hey, you all made a pretty dumb mistake.

Horrible example. You've assumed that there's a "right answer" and a "wrong answer", and the teacher is right. Wow. Where have I seen that before? Oh yeah. It's the fotm of the Left. Define your positions as "fact", thus showing that your opponents position must be false. Cause politics is all about true/false questions, right?

A better example would be a history teacher asking the class to write essays on whether or not Sherman was right to burn his way through the south during the Civil war. Some students write essays indicating that it was the right thing to do because despite the damage he caused, it was necessary to cause that level of damage to break the South's capacity for war. Other students insist that no amount of strategic benefit justified the damage to property and lives he caused.

Guess what? There is no right or wrong here. They're both valid responses. Just as a position on health care is not inherently right or wrong either. There's simply no way to know exactly which method is best, or even what criteria you use to measure "best". But if the teacher praises one set of responses and calls the others misguided or false, you'd agree that he was wrong to do so. He's allowing his own personal opinion of the event to color his response to the essays.

Same deal here. Obama is very very clearly picking a side. Which is fine. But he's being offensive about how he's doing it. He's not just stating a preference. He's not saying why he thinks his solution or his sides solution is "best". Heck. He didn't say a single thing about his health care "plan" which he hasn't said a dozen times before. There was nothing new there. He spends most of the time in this speech talking in negatives about how things are now, and why those who don't support his broad and vaguely stated solutions are bad people, and wrong, are acting on false information, are manipulated by fear, or are causing fear, and/or are just outright lying.

It was very clearly not about trying to find a solution, or even to announce some new direction towards a solution, but rather to berate the people who don't agree with the solution he's already decided on. That's just amateur hour politicing IMO.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#159 Sep 10 2009 at 6:23 PM Rating: Excellent
4,512 posts
gbaji wrote:
Why was it removed?

What the fuck does that have to do with my point?

gbaji wrote:
They oppose the bills the Dems have proposed. There's nothing wrong with that. You get that, right? It's the way our political system works.

The way the political system works is "We don't like that because the other party proposed it!" The GOP has made this more and more obvious over the past year or so. I didn't like it when the Democrats made it so obvious with Bush, I don't like it now. Sorry.

gbaji wrote:
Obama made it seem as though this was some kind of moral failing. How dare the other party not agree with every single thing my party wants to do! They're big meanies!...

You clearly watched a different speech.

gbaji wrote:

Analyzing speech statements is nothing like discussing wartime strategy. Here's how the last few months of health care discussion have gone, as a recap for you:

Democrats: Ok guys so here's some ideas, let's get talking!
Republicans: WE DON'T LIKE IT.
Democrats: Why?
Republicans: BECAUSE.
Democrats: ...ooooook then. Well. Since you don't have anything for us to work with here...
Democrats: You kinda refused to tell us what to do.
Republicans: Well now we aren't going to work with you AT ALL! That'll show you!
Democrats: ...right.
Everyone but Republicans: What an idiot.
Republicans: OMG DEATH PANELS.
Everyone but Republicans: You mean people actually believed that sh*t?
Obama: Now some people have been lying about this bill. One example is this death panel nonsense.

Obama saying "some people have been lying" is only a partisan jab because, facts are facts, the Republican party has been spreading lies left and right. My example will never work for you because you want to pretend they haven't been. I don't know why and I don't care as to guess why, maybe you could share.

Actually, please don't. It'll just end up as dull as all your other bull.

Edited, Sep 10th 2009 10:28pm by CBD
#160 Sep 10 2009 at 6:24 PM Rating: Good
BrownDuck wrote:
Kavekk the Ludicrous wrote:
I agree with Gbaji, everyone who voted Democrat last election should be lined up against a wall and shot.

It's cost a lot to ship everyone over to China, though.

Rebuild the wall here. We'll replace the Rio Grande with it and keep all the Mexicans out too. Two birds with one wall of stone.

And then, when civilisation re-emerges in the distant future, archaeologists will dig it up and it'll warp their apprehension of history and their faith in humanity, all at once.
#161 Sep 10 2009 at 6:28 PM Rating: Decent
Wow, I reiterate... Gbaji is completely clueless. Let's give him a hand folks, I'm sure he'll be here all week whether we want him to or not.
#162 Sep 10 2009 at 6:29 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
Jophiel wrote:
gbaji wrote:
Do you want me to repeat that? It was an inappropriate and disrespectful thing to do.

Really? Because a little bit upthread you said that Obama only deserved respect if he was acting presidental enough for you

No. I didn't. You've inserted the word "only", and reversed the direction of the requirement *and* expanded my statement from a single instance of a single person booing him to apparently every single person on the planet.

But other than that, sure... That's exactly what I said! Lol...

Are you all really claiming that the speech he gave was perfectly acceptable?

Of course it was.

Differing criteria I suppose. It's funny that the liberal screamed bloody murder that Bush called anyone who didn't support the Iraq war "unpatriotic", even though he never actually said that, much less in a speech before Congress.

But we're whiny when Obama specifically singles out a single party (and supporters) on a single issue and labels them in the worst ways?

Seems you're not applying things very evenly there are you?
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#163 Sep 10 2009 at 6:31 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
Technogeek wrote:
Wow, I reiterate... Gbaji is completely clueless. Let's give him a hand folks, I'm sure he'll be here all week whether we want him to or not.

If by clueless you mean "says stuff I disagree with", I suppose you're correct.

How about instead of just insisting I'm wrong, you actually pick a point and argue it? Why bother to post otherwise? "Me too" is kinda pointless IMO...
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#164 Sep 10 2009 at 6:40 PM Rating: Good
4,512 posts
gbaji wrote:
But we're whiny when Obama specifically singles out a single party (and supporters) on a single issue and labels them in the worst ways?


Link to transcript:

Control + F - "Republican" "GOP" "conservative" "the right"

President Obama wrote:
I am not the first President to take up this cause, but I am determined to be the last. (Applause.) It has now been nearly a century since Theodore Roosevelt first called for health care reform. And ever since, nearly every President and Congress, whether Democrat or Republican, has attempted to meet this challenge in some way.

President Obama wrote:
And it's a plan that incorporates ideas from senators and congressmen, from Democrats and Republicans -- and yes, from some of my opponents in both the primary and general election.

President Obama wrote:
On the right, there are those who argue that we should end employer-based systems and leave individuals to buy health insurance on their own.

I've said -- I have to say that there are arguments to be made for both these approaches.

Where are all these magical, direct insults?

EDIT: Whoops! I thought I had opened the second page.

President Obama wrote:
Now, this is the plan I'm proposing. It's a plan that incorporates ideas from many of the people in this room tonight -- Democrats and Republicans.

President Obama wrote:
In 1965, when some argued that Medicare represented a government takeover of health care, members of Congress -- Democrats and Republicans -- did not back down. They joined together so that all of us could enter our golden years with some basic peace of mind.

President Obama wrote:
Now, it is -- it's worth noting that a strong majority of Americans still favor a public insurance option of the sort I've proposed tonight. But its impact shouldn't be exaggerated -- by the left or the right or the media. It is only one part of my plan, and shouldn't be used as a handy excuse for the usual Washington ideological battles

Funny, still nothing.

Edited, Sep 10th 2009 10:52pm by CBD
#165 Sep 10 2009 at 6:40 PM Rating: Default
35,568 posts
CBD wrote:
gbaji wrote:
Are you saying that everyone who opposed the Democrats proposed health care bills were lying? Are you saying that everyone who showed up to a town hall meeting to state their opposition to said proposals was also lying?

Actually, sweetheart, that's what you're saying by demanding the entire speech was laced with partisan jabs.

Huh? I don't follow pigeon-logic. Perhaps you could explain how one has anything to do with the other, cause I'm not getting it.

I didn't really bother reading anything else you wrote about this because, to be frank, it bored the living sh*t out of me. Do try to be more concise when replying to my posts. Thanks.

How about you try to actually say something? I get the extremes here, but it's pretty useless for you to just spout some claim with no explanation as to how you arrive at that conclusion. The statement above is a great example of this.

gbaji wrote:
Republicans were not allowed to work on any of the bills. Period.

gbaji wrote:
Three Republicans were allowed to join a group to discuss the bills in question

You seem confused, allow me to continue to disregard everything you say as nonsense.

No. You seem to lack reading comprehension. Did you just ignore all the sentences around the two you quoted? See. Those other sentences explain exactly what you are confused about.

Let me give you a simple example. An author writes a book. Inside the book sleeve you might see quotes of reviewers of the book. Usually, they're good, since the publisher gets to pick which ones go on the sleeve, right?

The Democrats are the author and publisher of the book. The Republicans are allowed to review it, but only the good reviews are put on the sleeve. Do you see how this isn't the same as "working on the book"?

Does that clear it up? I hope so. I could use construction paper and crayons for you if that would help...
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#166 Sep 10 2009 at 6:41 PM Rating: Decent
Why bother, you always repeat the same stuff & say "See, I done proved it". I'm just laughing at you now. You should be a right wing comedian.
#167 Sep 10 2009 at 6:45 PM Rating: Good
4,512 posts
gbaji wrote:
Perhaps you could explain how one has anything to do with the other, cause I'm not getting it.

I know you aren't getting it. I'm actually loling right now about that. Literally!

gbaji wrote:
How about you try to actually say something? I get the extremes here, but it's pretty useless for you to just spout some claim with no explanation as to how you arrive at that conclusion. The statement above is a great example of this.

You want me to logically support that you bore the **** out of me?

Ok. I realized my toe nails needed clipping. How's that?

gbaji wrote:
Did you just ignore all the sentences around the two you quoted?

Oh no, I read them. I laughed (again! literal loling!) about how you made an alarmist ******** claim, and then followed it up with "Well, all except those three. BUT THEY DIDN'T HAVE IT GOOD ENOUGH!!!!"

gbaji wrote:
but only the good reviews are put on the sleeve

So you're saying that bad ideas should be added to the bill, just because they were Republican ideas and that's what you need to make something bipartisan?

Sounds like a load of nonsense to me.

gbaji wrote:
I could use construction paper and crayons for you if that would help...

Even your insults are pitiful.
#168 Sep 10 2009 at 6:47 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
gbaji wrote:
Differing criteria I suppose. It's funny that the liberal screamed bloody murder that Bush called anyone who didn't support the Iraq war "unpatriotic", even though he never actually said that, much less in a speech before Congress

Ahhh... random, unnamed "liberals" once did something. A classic excuse. Mind you, one would hope seated members of Congress would act a little better than random unnamed liberals from out on the street but, when you're reaching, you might as well make it worth your effort.
But we're whiny when Obama specifically singles out a single party (and supporters) on a single issue and labels them in the worst ways?

Oh, I could think of plenty worse things to say about the GOP. You're pretty thin-skinned if you think Obama labeled the Republicans in "the worst ways".
Seems you're not applying things very evenly there are you?

Boy, ya got me pegged. For the record, there was once an OOT thread asking if you'd be willing to meet President Bush. My response was:
I once wrote:
I'd appreciate it for the relatively rare chance it is to meet the President and I could certainly set aside my personal politics long enough to shake his hand and engage in conversation without ranting or screaming at the man.

Check it out... I'm more grown up than Joe Wilson! Smiley: laugh
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#169 Sep 10 2009 at 6:52 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
CBD wrote:
Where are all these magical, direct insults?

I already said that he doesn't refer to them by name.

But what we've also seen in these last months is the same partisan spectacle that only hardens the disdain many Americans have towards their own government. Instead of honest debate, we've seen scare tactics. Some have dug into unyielding ideological camps that offer no hope of compromise. Too many have used this as an opportunity to score short-term political points, even if it robs the country of our opportunity to solve a long-term challenge. And out of this blizzard of charges and counter-charges, confusion has reigned.

Is anyone unsure who he's talking about here?

Whether we're talking about the Republican Party, or conservatives in general, this is a pretty offensive dismissal of those who disagree with his position. I'm sorry. When exactly was the "honest debate" on the issue being presented by the Democrats? If they want to complain that opposition took the form of angry folks showing up at townhall meetings, maybe they should have involved the other side in the planning and writing stages of the bills in question first. Those townhalls went down that way because that was the *only* debate possible. It's not like the Democrats sat down with Republicans to hammer out details of health reform.

And hey. Maybe if the Dems hadn't already ignored questions and concerns about two previous big bills by insisting we "wait until the bills is written", then literally slip them under the doors late at night and call for a vote the next day, people would be more willing to engage is such debate, or even trust the democrats that if they wait for debate, it'll happen. Cause the last two times, the Dems just pushed the votes through and didn't let anyone talk about it first.

So yeah. Third time is the charm. Third time, the public said "enough is enough". It really does come down to partisanship. You can't ram this stuff through, prevent any discussion or debate prior to a vote, and then complain when people ignore you and start yelling and screaming before you can do it to them again.

Boy who cried wolf, right? You can get away with it so long, then it stops working. So yeah. Obama and the Dems has kinda worn out the whole "let's debate this" position. They lost that when they abused it to push through the stimulus and omnibus bills, chock full of stuff that Obama personally promised he wouldn't allow. And hey! What happened to Obama not signing bills without allowing public comment as well. Funny how that open attitude disappeared as soon as he actually got into office.

When you leave the people no opportunity to be heard except by screaming and yelling, don't be surprised when they scream and yell.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#170 Sep 10 2009 at 6:57 PM Rating: Good
4,512 posts
gbaji wrote:
I already said that he doesn't refer to them by name.

You can't single people out without calling them out specifically, you fucking idiot.

gbaji wrote:
Whether we're talking about the Republican Party, or conservatives in general, this is a pretty offensive dismissal of those who disagree with his position.

It also dismisses Democrats who are trying to use it to garner support. You're reading into that way too much to make a sob story for yourself.

gbaji wrote:
When you leave the people no opportunity to be heard except by screaming and yelling, don't be surprised when they scream and yell.

Smiley: lol

Ok, sparky.
#171 Sep 10 2009 at 7:08 PM Rating: Excellent
13,240 posts
Whether we're talking about the Republican Party, or conservatives in general, this is a pretty offensive dismissal of those who disagree with his position.

I'm pretty sure I said this before, but no, he's not bashing all Republicans, he's bashing people who chose to resort to shady tactics.

He's not calling out the people who have brought up issues, he's calling out the people who have brought up blatant fabrications and those who preyed on people's ignorance and fears to push their private agenda. I really doubt that All Republicans or the entire Republican Party fall into that group; surely there are many who are reasonable and willing to discuss their opinions and issues in a respectful manner.
Just as Planned.
#172 Sep 10 2009 at 7:25 PM Rating: Decent
Timelordwho wrote:
I really doubt that All Republicans or the entire Republican Party fall into that group

Those that do constitute no small minority, sadly.
#173 Sep 10 2009 at 7:33 PM Rating: Good
13,240 posts
Those that do constitute no small minority, sadly.

Personal experience tells me that there exist many who are not included in that group. Maybe that's why they don't get into politics.
Just as Planned.
#174 Sep 10 2009 at 7:37 PM Rating: Decent
Timelordwho wrote:
Those that do constitute no small minority, sadly.

Personal experience tells me that there exist many who are not included in that group. Maybe that's why they don't get into politics.

I'm sure there are. I'm just saying the number of people that ARE included in the group isn't exactly trivial. Most of my older friends are conservatives, and perfectly decent people, but it's truly amazing how polarizing a political conversation can be with them, and most of the time, their "information" is completely baseless.
#175 Sep 10 2009 at 7:47 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Timelordwho wrote:
He's not calling out the people who have brought up issues...

They wouldn't be able to call themselves the Religious Right if they didn't spend all their time up on the cross.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#176 Sep 10 2009 at 8:46 PM Rating: Decent
Edited by bsphil
21,739 posts
I'm still not convinced varus isn't just a troll who's really good at playing the act.
His Excellency Aethien wrote:
Almalieque wrote:
If no one debated with me, then I wouldn't post here anymore.
Take the hint guys, please take the hint.
gbaji wrote:
I'm not getting my news from anywhere Joph.
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