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Now we KNOW Hitler was a RightyFollow

#52 Sep 07 2009 at 8:47 PM Rating: Decent
10,359 posts
And also, serious question here...Is history taught in any meaningful way in schools in the US? I know its pretty crap in the UK, but I heard somewhere that its particularly awful in the States.....McGame seems to bear this out.

My track (and remember that this track was about a 7,5 on the hardness track)

World Geography - done very well by a teacher who is basically exactly like pausol; my grade wasn't great at the end for lots of reasons, but I learned tons, and most of what I remember I recall

World History - the recommended first class for freshmen (meaning you do not get geography at all) was taught approximately as well in terms of bredth, but not depth. This means that we went through a crapload of var varied history all over the world, but we couldn't do the last two centuries. The russian revolution and cold war might never have happened.

US History - Typical important propaganda/ information class depending on who teaches it.

economics/polisci or AP econ and AP government - AP levels let you take the opt out test for most universities, depending on your score. I ended up with a B and credit in both but that was um.. sort of the first time of the um.. hospital, so, yeah

I think that the full IB diploma (mine was merely certificate in a could of areas) had a culmination history course, but I can't remember much about it.

Technically, once you finished world hist us hist and econ/polisci your last year was an elective. Not many who had finished SS in 3 years bothered to sign up for an elective, mainly freshman class.
#53 Sep 07 2009 at 9:00 PM Rating: Good
3,829 posts
Samira wrote:
McGame wrote:
Hitler at first tried to use the able-bodied to work in factories, but decided to kill them later on.

His plan all along was to eliminate the Jews, Communists, trade unions, and other assorted ills on society (in his view).

Read Mein Kampf. It was published in 1925. It's all there.

If you're going to discuss the man's political philosophy you might do others the courtesy of reading it first.

How dare you introduce documented facts into McGame's attempt at sounding hip and philosophical?

Don't you know that bucking the "Genocide is BAD, mmmkay?" paradigm is what all the cool wannabe-intellectual kids are doing these days?
#54 Sep 07 2009 at 9:04 PM Rating: Good
290 posts
McGame, I don't usually reply such things but, I am curious as to why you keep bringing up how Hitler didn't torture but killed?

I would highly suggest reading up on the Holocaust. Even visit the Holocaust Museum where you can view a pile of the shoes belonging to the mass murdered Jews, Homosexuals, and Mentally Ill people. Even if lets say he killed these people instantaneously and there was no pain to the victim, what about their family and friends who survive them? The people who will have to live with the memories of the horrible acts carried out on their people simply because they were born that way or brought up that way. They are left alone to deal with the loss of their loved ones and some are truly left alone because they were unfortunate enough to have their entire family killed.

Its really important to step back and look deeply into the history. Its not just about the numbers, the way that they were killed, why they were killed, it is also about the ones who survived and the pain and grief that they will always have to deal with knowing that they were being targeted simply for being who they were and that to me is a monstrous and unforgivable thing to make a crime.
#55 Sep 07 2009 at 9:32 PM Rating: Good
4,158 posts
Pensive the Ludicrous wrote:
done very well by a teacher who is basically exactly like pausol

Your geography teacher visited 22% (according to Facebook) of the worlds countries whilst shagging and taking drugs? What a dude!!

Oddly tho', I can remember almost every second of my travels. The people, their names, the places, smells, tastes, sounds, everything. The big problem I have is placing them all in some sort of order in time. Particularly events that happened in the same country, but during different visits. Its not until I check in my passport or, photos do I realise that things that, in my mind, happened close together in time, were in reality seperated by months or even years.

I gotta say, I learnt very little in school. Pretty much anything of any use I know now, I picked up after I left.

One thing I did learn at school tho' was to be independantly curious. My geography teacher was responsible for that. Bless him...
"If you have selfish, ignorant citizens, you're gonna get selfish, ignorant leaders". Carlin.

#56 Sep 07 2009 at 9:44 PM Rating: Good

It's important to note that "elimination" does not equate to "extermination" - nor does "final solution" before (roughly) Wannsee. While the strength and totality of antisemitism in Mein Kampf, some of Hitler's speeches and indeed **** ideology imply some kind of terrible retribution against Jews, the evidence that the holocaust was conceived before '39 is sketchy at best. The concentration camps were of the "worked to death" sort, but whether Hitler really planned on pure death camps back then is guesswork. I mean, for one thing, he didn't really plan on going to war with Britain until '39, when Plan Z was ordered, and it's unlikely that he'd risk international outrage if he was only at war with Russia. Once you're waging total war against someone, they can't really get much more annoyed with you.

What's important, though, is that Hitler hated Jews all along and that as soon as the opportunity was there to effect genocide, he took it. In the context of "how much of an ******* was Hitler", the debate is completely irrelevant.
#57 Sep 08 2009 at 1:08 AM Rating: Default
Heh, all I've done is point out there are worse and more evil people in history than Hitler, and people get their panties all tied up in a knot. I guess it isn't surprising. It is too early after WWII, and to say anything short of Hitler being 100% evil is frowned at.

Such sensitive souls.....
#58 Sep 08 2009 at 1:15 AM Rating: Good
3,909 posts
It's irrelevant, because any historian worth his job withholds moral judgment when studying history. If he stopped to make moral judgments, he wouldn't have time to do history. He'd be too busy weeping in despair for the fate of man.

Heh, all I've done is point out there are worse and more evil people in history than Hitler, and people get their panties all tied up in a knot. I guess it isn't surprising. It is too early after WWII, and to say anything short of Hitler being 100% evil is frowned at.

What maybe didn't get through to you in history class is that whether or not so-and-so was evil or good is totally irrelevant. You're going on about the Romans and the Inquisition and other things you know next to nothing about and every word you type is so unbelievably pointless it pains me to have to point it out.

Hitler was evil. There is no doubting that this is true, by any rational moral scale you care to mention. It is also trivial. I can't write "Hitler was bad" in my history essay. There is no room in history for tales of Bad King John. Pat Buchanan may think that his ridiculous revisionist pseudohistory is an implementation of this morally neutral approach to historiography, but his blatant abuse and misrepresentation of the facts are a more pressing problem with his "analysis." It's insufficient to say that Hitler was evil, but it's a much worse crime to say that he wasn't evil. That's not just bad history. It's dishonest history.

Edited, Sep 8th 2009 10:19am by zepoodle
#59 Sep 08 2009 at 1:16 AM Rating: Good
3,829 posts
Hmmm...and out trots the "Oooh, I touched a nerve!" retort.

That's about as fresh and original as your wanna-be intellectual analysis of Hitler is edgy and insightful.

Bored now.
#60 Sep 08 2009 at 4:02 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
McGame wrote:
to say anything short of Hitler being 100% evil is frowned at.
You didn't actually read the thread, did you?
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#61 Sep 08 2009 at 4:12 AM Rating: Excellent
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
McGame wrote:
Heh, all I've done is point out there are worse and more evil people in history than Hitler, and people get their panties all tied up in a knot. I guess it isn't surprising. It is too early after WWII, and to say anything short of Hitler being 100% evil is frowned at.

Such sensitive souls.....

It's a meaningless comparison. Past a certain point, I doubt anyone cares whether one person is worse than another.

Anyone except the occasional apologist, anyway.

Something else I was thinking about, and I confess I've lost interest in what Pat Buchanan thinks about anything in recent years. Many, many conservatives upbraided Clinton and others for seeking non-military solutions to diplomatic problems, and their favorite rallying cry was "Appeasement! You can't deal with these people reasonably, just look at Hitler!"

Is the new canon going to be that right-wing aSSholes were just full of boyish high spirits and meant no real harm until they were pushed, but Communists were (and I guess Muslims now are) bent on world domination? I notice Buchanan seems far more concerned with Christians forced to live under Communist oppression than with the fate of those crushed under Hitler. While he mentions Pinochet in passing he doesn't actually bring himself to disapprove openly, for example. I suppose it's arguably implied.

In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

#62 Sep 08 2009 at 4:18 AM Rating: Good
12,049 posts
Samira wrote:
McGame wrote:
Heh, all I've done is point out there are worse and more evil people in history than Hitler, and people get their panties all tied up in a knot. I guess it isn't surprising. It is too early after WWII, and to say anything short of Hitler being 100% evil is frowned at.

Such sensitive souls.....

Something else I was thinking about, and I confess I've lost interest in what Pat Buchanan thinks about anything in recent years. Many, many conservatives upbraided Clinton and others for seeking non-military solutions to diplomatic problems, and their favorite rallying cry was "Appeasement! You can't deal with these people reasonably, just look at Hitler!"

Is the new canon going to be that right-wing aSSholes were just full of boyish high spirits and meant no real harm until they were pushed, but Communists were (and I guess Muslims now are) bent on world domination? I notice Buchanan seems far more concerned with Christians forced to live under Communist oppression than with the fate of those crushed under Hitler. While he mentions Pinochet in passing he doesn't actually bring himself to disapprove openly, for example. I suppose it's arguably implied.

If I understand correctly, Pat Buchanan is against war. He's worried about communism taking over from the inside, not through military conquest. Pat Buchanan is a neo-con, but he's an antiwar neo-con.

That is to say, even the batsh*t crazy folks think he's batsh*t crazy.
#63 Sep 08 2009 at 4:25 AM Rating: Good
13,240 posts
That is to say, even the batsh*t crazy folks think he's batsh*t crazy.

It also means he's less likely to get people shot.
Just as Planned.
#64 Sep 08 2009 at 4:31 AM Rating: Decent
Skelly Poker Since 2008
16,781 posts
McGame wrote:
Heh, all I've done is point out there are worse and more evil people in history than Hitler, and people get their panties all tied up in a knot. I guess it isn't surprising. It is too early after WWII, and to say anything short of Hitler being 100% evil is frowned at.

Such sensitive souls.....
Many people have gotten over categorizing people, their actions or events as simply good or evil.
Alma wrote:
I lost my post
#65 Sep 08 2009 at 4:31 AM Rating: Excellent
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
My point was that I'm not sure he's always been against war, or whether this was a rather convenient conversion now that the CNC is a colored Democrat.

In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

#66 Sep 08 2009 at 7:10 AM Rating: Good
It's irrelevant, because any historian worth his job withholds moral judgment when studying history. If he stopped to make moral judgments, he wouldn't have time to do history. He'd be too busy weeping in despair for the fate of man.

Thia is not the case.

My point was that I'm not sure he's always been against war, or whether this was a rather convenient conversion now that the CNC is a colored Democrat.

Could be. He doesn't appear to be consistently isolationist even in the book itself. One of the reasons for WWII being bad is that Europe lost its abilities to control the rest of the world, in his view.
#67 Sep 08 2009 at 7:19 AM Rating: Excellent
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
Having mulled this over a little more, the only consistency I can find in Buchanan's position is that harming Christians is bad and harming any other group is negotiably not-bad.

In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

#68 Sep 08 2009 at 8:24 AM Rating: Good
Vagina Dentata,
what a wonderful phrase
30,106 posts
Pat Buchanan is a neo-con, but he's an antiwar neo-con.

I always thought he was a paleo-con.
Turin wrote:
Seriously, what the f*ck nature?
#69 Sep 08 2009 at 11:45 AM Rating: Decent
10,755 posts
I'm just trying to figure out why Pattie B would even try to open that can, even if he did believe it.

But but...Hitler offered peace twice! If Britain had accepted, he wouldn't have had to kill the jews. Ipso Facto, it's UK's fault. Way to go ********.

Also, Ipso Facto the Gothic Ethereal Darkwave Industrial Music. Wtf?
#70 Sep 08 2009 at 11:48 AM Rating: Excellent
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
But I thought Chamberlain was an appeaser!

In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

#71 Sep 08 2009 at 12:01 PM Rating: Good
Of all the crazy things in Buchanan's post, the one that struck me the hardest was: "— the war that may yet prove the mortal blow to our civilization."

Really? Pat Buchanan thinks WWII may yet end our civilization? I can't channel my inner right wing nut job enough to even see how this is possible (guess I'll wait for..well...I'm sure we'll find out).

All these right wingers and their "end of our civilization" hangups. I'm sure they were saying the same thing when interracial marriage was legalized or when segregation ended.
#72 Sep 08 2009 at 12:03 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
I was most amused by the assertion that Hitler "let the British go" at Dunkirk because he only wanted peace.

Had Churchill only knew of Hitler's peaceful intentions, he wouldn't have had to do that whole evacuation thing. Man, those Brits are silly idiots, huh?
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#73 Sep 08 2009 at 12:04 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Samira wrote:
But I thought Chamberlain was an appeaser!

Chamberlain was trying to SAVE CIVILIZATION!!!
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#74 Sep 08 2009 at 12:06 PM Rating: Decent
10,755 posts
yossarian wrote:
Of all the crazy things in Buchanan's post, the one that struck me the hardest was: "— the war that may yet prove the mortal blow to our civilization."

You clearly aren't a visionary of Pat's caliber.
#75 Sep 08 2009 at 12:24 PM Rating: Decent
10,359 posts
Really? Pat Buchanan thinks WWII may yet end our civilization? I can't channel my inner right wing nut job enough to even see how this is possible (guess I'll wait for..well...I'm sure we'll find out).

I'd expect its a sign of the Tribulations, and he is some sort of pre-mellenial thinker who expects hell on earth before it gets better.

Pat Buchanan is a neo-con, but he's an antiwar neo-con.

Well there's sort of a divide here. If you're fairly fundamentalist about revelation, (as an american christian (and most likely protestant,) often in the south) you'll fall into one of two ideas:

The first is that you think that Christ's kingdom of god can manifest itself on earth, if we can make peace with infidels - be it through violence of talking, but ultimately conversion. If you're a bit more liberal, and theological, you might be okay with muslims and jews, but doubtfully anyone else included in that kingdom. This is the optimistic view. If you're think kind, you might want war, because you think that you are doing good in therr world by helping people come to know christ.

The second is the dispensational ethic, that Christ has left us since he went away. That means in the 2000 or so years we've had since he told us about the kingdom of god, we've been promised of his return, because the Kingdom of god isn't here yet. Out of this idea is where you mainly get such focus on the rapture and return. If you're this kind, you might not support war, because you want to wait for christ to save you.

Edited, Sep 8th 2009 4:33pm by Pensive
#76 Sep 08 2009 at 1:25 PM Rating: Excellent
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
Jophiel wrote:
I was most amused by the assertion that Hitler "let the British go" at Dunkirk because he only wanted peace.

Had Churchill only knew of Hitler's peaceful intentions, he wouldn't have had to do that whole evacuation thing. Man, those Brits are silly idiots, huh?

They were obviously playing it up for sympathy.

Pinned down, pssh.

In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

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