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The Dems Give Up On RepublicansFollow

#27 Aug 19 2009 at 4:37 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
I've opposed procedural filibustering for years. I opposed it when the GOP was the majority and I oppose it now that the Democrats are the majority. If the Democrats want to game the system so every single bill is passed under reconciliation, I'm all for it. I will admit that the current rate of filibusters by the GOP (having broken all previous records by wide, wide margins) has made my distaste for the procedure more pronounced. Requiring a supermajority to pass any legislature aside from the most banal is an abomination of what the process is supposed to be. Knowing full well that the Democrats will be a minority some day, I'd still fully support removing the filibuster from the Senate completely.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#28 Aug 19 2009 at 5:02 PM Rating: Good
I swear, anymore it seems that anyone to the left of Joseph McCarthy is now considered a socialist liberal marxist ****!

You right wingers wouldn't recognize a socialist if one bit you in the ***.
#29 Aug 19 2009 at 5:07 PM Rating: Good
30,086 posts

Requiring a supermajority to pass any legislature aside from the most banal is an abomination of what the process is supposed to be.

Actually it's exactly what the process is supposed to be. The Senate is supposed to be the more deliberative body where cooler heads prevail and prevent the passage of populist laws. You knew that already, though.

It's not time to abandon this procedure just because douchebags are exploiting it. I want it there for our douchebags when President um..well I can't think of an actual viable future GOP president, but lets' go with Smith...when President Smith is trying to pass some idiotic tax cut or the like, I want our douchebgs to have the opportunity to block it.


To make a long story short, I don't take any responsibility for anything I post here. It's not news, it's not truth, it's not serious. It's parody. It's satire. It's bitter. It's angsty. Your mother's a *****. You like to jack off dogs. That's right, you heard me. You like to grab that dog by the bone and rub it like a ski pole. Your dad? Gay. Your priest? Straight. **** off and let me post. It's not true, it's all in good fun. Now go away.

#30 Aug 19 2009 at 5:23 PM Rating: Default
35,568 posts
catwho the Mundane wrote:
Gbaji, you do realize that even though that's what the ***** called themselves, they were actually not socialists, but fascists?

They were both. The problem is that the word fascism has taken on its own meaning over the decades since WW2, so it's harder for most people today to understand that a fascist state could certainly contain a number of socialist ideas. In fact a number of the core tenants of fascism are pretty directly related to those of socialism. Most notably is the concept of the strength of "the people" unifying the state. Fascism grew in Italy out of labor movements, so this is not surprising at all. They didn't associate themselves with the international focus many socialists of the day had (open borders), but that does not preclude their larger ideology being the fruit of the same tree so to speak.

A lot of the confusion comes from labels as well. You associate socialism with "left wing". You associate fascism with authoritarianism, which you label as "right wing". Thus, you conclude that fascism and socialism are on opposite ends of the political spectrum and therefore must be in opposition to each other. Which is really just a result of failing to understand that authoritarianism isn't really confined or even defined as "right wing" at all. The right wing is the status quo, slow change, etc. The left wing is the advocates for change. Either or both may be authoritarian. And in the case of Europe in the early 20th century, a whole lot of left wing movements were quite authoritarian.

Later Liberal historians have gone to great lengths to try to jigger the definitions so that the communist revolutions in Russia and China, and the Fascist movements in Germany, Italy, and Spain weren't really leftist movements at all, but somehow right wing movements which clothed themselves in left wing rhetoric and language. It's quite amusing really...
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#31 Aug 19 2009 at 5:30 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
Smasharoo wrote:
It's not time to abandon this procedure just because douchebags are exploiting it.

I would say that it's being used properly, but then I suppose that's a matter of perspective, isn't it? As you say, it's there to prevent the "other side" from passing something your side is adamantly opposed to just by having a simple majority.

The GOP isn't using filibuster tactics just to be a-holes. They're using them so much because the Democrats are pushing legislation which contains things the GOP is adamantly opposed to. If they want stuff to pass, they simply have to stop trying to ram through purely partisan bills.

I want it there for our douchebags when President um..well I can't think of an actual viable future GOP president, but lets' go with Smith...when President Smith is trying to pass some idiotic tax cut or the like, I want our douchebgs to have the opportunity to block it.

Replace Smith with Obama and "tax cut" with "public option", and you've got your finger on the pulse of the issue.

It's pretty darn obvious. When all you have to do is *not* put stuff into your bills which every single member of the other party will vote against, it's kinda in your court as to whether you get filibustered or not. It's silly to blame the other guy for this IMO...
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#32 Aug 19 2009 at 5:36 PM Rating: Excellent
30,086 posts

Later Liberal historians have gone to great lengths to try to jigger the definitions so that the communist revolutions in Russia and China, and the Fascist movements in Germany, Italy, and Spain weren't really leftist movements at all, but somehow right wing movements which clothed themselves in left wing rhetoric and language. It's quite amusing really...

Yeah, no. Still having this delusion years later? No one, *in the world* who's actually studied the **** Party believes it had anything *at all* to do with Socialism. If they claim to, they're lying for some reason or other.

The problem is this: You have no idea what the word "Socialism" means, and pretty much ascribe any negative connotation possible to it. Because, you see, you're a sucker.

All old news, of course.

Socialism has failed many times. Democracy has failed many times. Fascism has failed many times.

The revolutions in China and the former USSR were both Socialist in nature. Both devolved into authoritarian regimes. The ascent of the **** Party occurred not through revolution, but through democratic processes. It devolved into an authoritarian regime.

There is no Utopian magic bullet form of government that prevents power from corrupting human beings and magically avoids authoritarianism.

Grow the fuck up.


To make a long story short, I don't take any responsibility for anything I post here. It's not news, it's not truth, it's not serious. It's parody. It's satire. It's bitter. It's angsty. Your mother's a *****. You like to jack off dogs. That's right, you heard me. You like to grab that dog by the bone and rub it like a ski pole. Your dad? Gay. Your priest? Straight. **** off and let me post. It's not true, it's all in good fun. Now go away.

#33 Aug 19 2009 at 5:43 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
gbaji wrote:
The GOP isn't using filibuster tactics just to be a-holes.

Nah, they pretty much are. The number of filibusters the GOP senate has put up since becoming the minority party is simply astronomical. I know you'd like to pretend that suddenly only the Democrats are putting up these horrific partisan bills that no one can ever, ever support and that things were much different a couple years previously when the filibuster rate was a fraction of what it is today but.... nope. They're really largely just being assholes and trying to be difficult just to score political points.

Which is fine though because they don't have much to stand on when the Democrats use reconciliation to pass this through. I mean, maybe they could take the moral high ground if their filibusters were carefully and rarely chosen like in the past but they've established themselves since 2006 as a group who wants to demand a supermajority to pass anything.

But, like I said, that's just me and my opinion on it in general. I'd love to see reform rules to the Senate severely limiting filibustering in both quantity and in power. Barring that, I'd support doing away with it entirely.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#34 Aug 19 2009 at 5:51 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Not that I agree that the **** party was socialist in general but, really, the things that made the ***** evil: the strident jingoism, the expansionist military policy, the national purity and xenophobia, etc are hallmarks closer to the modern right wing than to the left. Shit, I'll embrace some stupid piece of economic policy the ***** had as left wing knowing that the Republican voting, flag-worshipping, "Bomb the Arabs!" yahoo rabidly screaming about how the dirty fucking Mexicans are destroying America's culture and values is much closer to the evil the **** party personified than some zany Leftist who wants to see universal health care.

Edited, Aug 19th 2009 8:52pm by Jophiel
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#35 Aug 19 2009 at 6:05 PM Rating: Good
16,299 posts
The Great BrownDuck wrote:
"We in the **** killin' bidness. And bidness is boomin!"

God I really want to see Inglorius Basterds. I have a high expectation that it will be Pitt's finest performance to date.

This. Think I'm goin' next week!
#36 Aug 19 2009 at 7:34 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
Jophiel wrote:
Not that I agree that the **** party was socialist in general but, really, the things that made the ***** evil: the strident jingoism, the expansionist military policy, the national purity and xenophobia, etc are hallmarks closer to the modern right wing than to the left.

None of those things have anything at all to do with the modern right wing Joph.

See. That's the problem. Those on the left love to assume that all the "bad things" are right wing. Convenient, I suppose. And this assumption colors everything else. They interpret everything those on the right do within this assumption. We've seen it on these boards over and over. Oh. You oppose gay marriage. You must do so because you hate gay people! Um... No. You oppose socialized medicine. Well... You must hate poor people! Um... No. See the pattern? You project reasons for conservative positions and judge us based on those assumptions instead of our own statements.

Those things you listed are "bad things" which can be present on both left and right. What distinguishes the left from the right is status quo versus change. Period. In modern US parlance, this means conservative versus liberal, which more correctly means classical-liberalism versus social-liberalism. Neither of those automatically include any of those things you listed. However, a whole lot of those things which the "left" in the US today believes in were part of the **** agenda. Um... You want to know how many things they have in common with modern US conservatives? Zero.

US conservatives are defined by their desire for small and local government over large and federal government. We are defined by a desire to protect individual liberties to the greatest degree possible. US Liberals are defined by their desire to promote a greater social "good" by utilizing a larger federal government with greater direct control and influence over the individuals in that society. That is at the core of our political differences. Every single other thing is just window dressing.

Guess which one of those ideologies the ****'s were closer to? Yup. They believed in creating a greater social "good". Of course, they defined "good" as one in which pure aryan germans ran things, but that's ultimately just in the details, isn't it? In terms of the effect on personal liberties, it doesn't matter that much if big government is used to provide free food and housing and education to the masses, or if it's used to place undesirables into death camps. Both believe that the end goal they are pursuing is worth the "cost" to the people.

Once you step outside of the details of a given position and look just at how the government uses power (and how much it has), you'll get what I'm talking about.

Shit, I'll embrace some stupid piece of economic policy the ***** had as left wing knowing that the Republican voting, flag-worshipping, "Bomb the Arabs!" yahoo rabidly screaming about how the dirty fucking Mexicans are destroying America's culture and values is much closer to the evil the **** party personified than some zany Leftist who wants to see universal health care.

Again. You're acting on an emotional moral assessment of the actions. I'm looking at the pattern with which a government obtains and uses power. Your assessment is purely subjective. What is "good"? To the German people in the mid 30s, what the ***** were doing was "good". Heck. It was "great".

Their example is why it's dangerous to rely solely on subjective interpretations of the good or bad of a government's actions by those who are wrapped up in the issues of the moment. Whether or not we provide free medical care doesn't really make us "good" or "bad". That's purely subjective. But we can say absolutely to what degree our government controls us and how much personal liberty we posses.

Obviously, you're going to disagree. But that's what makes you a liberal and me a conservative. To me, the most important thing is personal liberty. To you, it's that the government does "good things" on behalf of it's citizens. We're literally measuring with different yardsticks...
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#37 Aug 19 2009 at 7:36 PM Rating: Good
Vagina Dentata,
what a wonderful phrase
30,106 posts
The GOP has given up on part of their own party--that's part of the problem.
Turin wrote:
Seriously, what the f*ck nature?
#38 Aug 19 2009 at 8:13 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
gbaji wrote:
None of those things have anything at all to do with the modern right wing Joph.

Smiley: laugh

Well, there's really no reason to read further if that's honestly your opinion. Sure, if it makes you feel better to think that none of those has anything to do with the current Republican party and its followers, then by all means tell yourself that.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#39 Aug 19 2009 at 8:16 PM Rating: Default
739 posts
Well, there's really no reason to read further if that's honestly your opinion. Sure, if it makes you feel better to think that none of those has anything to do with the current Republican party and its followers, then by all means tell yourself that

You can always tell when Gbaji wins an arguement one of the Liberals in here ignores what he says, makes a joke and hopes the thread dies down for awhile.
#40 Aug 19 2009 at 8:44 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
ThiefX wrote:
You can always tell when Gbaji wins an arguement one of the Liberals in here ignores what he says, makes a joke and hopes the thread dies down for awhile.

Ignores what? He took the "evil" aspects of the **** party, said "Nah, those things don't really count... let's talk about big government instead!" and does that.

When you ask people why the ***** were evil, no one says "They liked big government!" Rather they talk about the whole scapegoating other races (and putting them in ovens), racial purity and imperialism thing. The blind devotion to national symbols over rational thought. The sweeping hatred. If you want to ignore which party in the US contains the folks who protest immigration, try to connect the immigrant population directly to the unemployment rate, demand a national language, stereotype entire religions and advocate bombing people based on their faith, display irrational devotion to symbols and cloth, etc...

Well, sure. "Big government". That's what was wrong with the *****... "big government". Oh, yeah, and they had "Socialist" right in their name!

Congratulations on "winning" the argument, though.

Edited, Aug 19th 2009 11:45pm by Jophiel
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#41 Aug 19 2009 at 9:04 PM Rating: Good
10,601 posts
ThiefX's love for Gbaji is always amusing.
01001001 00100000 01001100 01001001 01001011 01000101 00100000 01000011 01000001 01001011 01000101
You'll always be stupid, you'll just be stupid with more information in your brain
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#42 Aug 19 2009 at 9:05 PM Rating: Good
5,550 posts
Xsarus wrote:
ThiefX's love for Gbaji is always amusing.

Talk about ******* child of ******* children Smiley: um
#43 Aug 19 2009 at 9:17 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Sir Xsarus wrote:
ThiefX's love for Gbaji is always amusing.

Having read ThiefX's more substantial attempts at posting, it's small wonder that he's instead evolved into a Gbaji cheerleader rather than try to advance some original thoughts.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#44 Aug 19 2009 at 9:37 PM Rating: Excellent
Message has high abuse count and will not be displayed.
"The Rich are there to take all of the money & pay none of the taxes, the middle class is there to do all the work and pay all the taxes, and the poor are there to scare the crap out of the middle class." -George Carlin

#45 Aug 20 2009 at 12:23 AM Rating: Good
4,158 posts
Hitler was a vegetarian.

Vegetarian = Hippie

Hippie = socialist

***** = liberals

Smiley: schooled

He was also abused as a child, but that was an old thread....

Edited, Aug 20th 2009 8:24am by paulsol
"If you have selfish, ignorant citizens, you're gonna get selfish, ignorant leaders". Carlin.

#46 Aug 20 2009 at 1:14 AM Rating: Excellent
What the fuck do the ***** have to do with any of this? Is this really the level of debate Republicans have fallen to?

It's pretty pathetic. But I guess it's a good indication of the intellectual debate within the Republican party. When your ideologues are people like Palin, Limbaugh, and Glenn Beck, then I guess you can't expect much better.

It doesn't have to be this way. You could be disussing policy details. You could be discussing the real implications of having a public option. You could be looking at countries that already have a public option, examining the myriad of differences between countries like the UK, France, Canada, or the Netherlands, and see which one would be most appropriate for the US. You could, in other words, conduct an honest and serious debate, instead of talking about ***** and death panels and communism, which have absolutely nothing to do with the issue at stake.

In a way, though, it's probably a good sign. The fact Republicans focus so much on non-existant issues is probably a strong indication that there isn't much wrong the reform itself. If the Bill really was terrible, they wouldn't need to invent things to complain about.
My politics blog and stuff - Refractory
#47 Aug 20 2009 at 1:42 AM Rating: Decent
3,909 posts
gbaji wrote:
Admiral LockeColeMA wrote:
What you quoted has nothing to do with how you responded. Unless you want to say that ***** were socialists. I could use a good laugh, so keep it up.

Must... Resist... Gah!

National Socialist Workers Party

It's a name, Gbaji. The Democratic People's Republic of Korea is nothing of the sort, and neither was the National Socialist Worker's Party, nor the Holy Roman Empire.

Really, making this kind of comparison in modern government is impossibly childish and inaccurate. The Democrats have no intention of bypassing the country's democratic system to push through healthcare reform. Conflict in government is basically the foundation of fair government; it ensures compromise instead of absolutes.

And since we're taking names at face value today, they are Democrats. By your logic it's impossible for them to be undemocratic.
#48 Aug 20 2009 at 4:34 AM Rating: Decent
10,359 posts
None of those things have anything at all to do with the modern right wing Joph.

I don't believe that you are representative of the modern right wing, gbaji. I believe that you practice apologetics on it's behalf for some sort of psychological solidarity, or are perhaps just cherry picking what the "modern right wing" is, but the prominent voice of right wing politics which I have heard espoused in the news and speeches for the past 12 years is not yours.

And frankly? You should take that as a compliment.
#49 Aug 20 2009 at 5:30 AM Rating: Good
375 posts
In a way, though, it's probably a good sign. The fact Republicans focus so much on non-existent issues is probably a strong indication that there isn't much wrong the reform itself. If the Bill really was terrible, they wouldn't need to invent things to complain about.

I'd have to disagree. Genuine debate about this issue probably wouldn't illicit an emotional response in very many, and those in opposition would be forced to concede that at the very least there are pro and cons to a public option.

On the other hand you have the option of cleverly crafted "sound-bite" criticism. They only have to be mildly rooted in truth and are obviously geared to get an emotional response.

Why bother with the former when the latter is easier, and seems to work rather well with a certain portion of the population?
#50 Aug 20 2009 at 11:10 AM Rating: Default
739 posts
If the Candian Healthcare system is so much better than the U.S. then why does this happen?

Edited, Aug 20th 2009 3:37pm by ThiefX
#51 Aug 20 2009 at 11:36 AM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
Pensive the Ludicrous wrote:
None of those things have anything at all to do with the modern right wing Joph.

I don't believe that you are representative of the modern right wing, gbaji. I believe that you practice apologetics on it's behalf for some sort of psychological solidarity, or are perhaps just cherry picking what the "modern right wing" is, but the prominent voice of right wing politics which I have heard espoused in the news and speeches for the past 12 years is not yours.

That's all about perception though, isn't it?

Every single conservative talk show host speaks about small government. Every single political issue they discuss revolves around this issue. Sure. If you focus only on the details of the issue of the moment, it's easy to assume motivations for conservative positions. And those motivations often get repeated (usually by Liberals attempting to paint Conservatives with a broad and unflattering brush), but if you actually listen to what conservatives are saying, and not what liberals are accusing them of saying, you'll find that far more of us understand and follow the ideology I espouse than the stuff folks like Joph talk about.

The problem is that it's very easy to interpret conservative positions on specific issues as being uncaring or racist or what have you. If the Liberal position on an issue is that black people are disproportionately poor so we should use the government to give them a bigger share. The conservative position will be to oppose that. The Liberal will tend to interpret that opposition within the context of how he views the issue, not how the conservative views it. The Liberal views it as an issue of social justice and opposition to institutionalized racism. Thus, he assumes that by opposing it, the conservative opposes social justice and supports racism.

And while I'm sure if you look hard enough, you can find some racists who'll cheer on the conservative position, that's *not* why conservatives hold it. As I told Joph in my last post. We measure issues with different yardsticks. The liberal typically is concerned with the immediate conditions, while the conservative is typically concerned with the methodology. So while a liberal may support a social spending program because it'll address some social need, the conservative will oppose it because the methods require larger government intervention on the population. The liberal labels the conservative "bad" because he's not helping out the people in need. The conservative labels the liberal "bad" because he wants to expand the power and control of the government.

If you don't understand fully the difference in viewpoint between the two ideologies, you will never be able to correctly assess what is really going on politically. You'll get caught up in the issue of the moment and fail to see the larger political conflict. It's really not about gay rights, or racial equality, or health care. It's about whether we empower the government to take care of us, or desire for the government to allow us to take care of ourselves.

And frankly? You should take that as a compliment.

I do. I just think you are grossly underestimating the number of conservatives who share my views.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
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