This is totally appropriate for a Saturday night, 11:00 pm post.
Know what I would love? A guide to life after you graduate college. High school is simple: you do your classes and choose a college. College is easy. You pick a major, go to class (at times), and eventually graduate and get a job.
After that point I am pretty much lost until you have kids and make friends with other kids' parents.
Ok, it sounds silly, but where do you go after college? I feel a little lost. I have a steady job, I'm in a decent location (central Florida, next to UF). But... I seem lost on where to go from here. I have vague, undefined goals: get into a Masters program, advance up the corporate ladder, save money (especially for retirement, but for all things in general). I guess what I am missing is the "social guide." When classes are in your past and your most exciting plan for the day is "work out for an hour and a half at the local gym"... how do you go about meeting new people? In college it was easy: you meet people at class, or in the dorms (I lived in dorms for almost 4 years, taking a break to live in a house for only a single summer with friends). Now that I am living by myself in a house with some students, I am kinda lost.
I'm wary of going out to bars to meet people; I have a somewhat unadventurous personality and always weigh the pros and cons of situations where I am sober, and going out to a bar, getting totally sloshed and making a lot of new friends seems it's out of my scope. What did you folks do after college (or high school, depending on circumstances, of course). How did you meet new people? Any hints or tips?
Note: I blame Jose Cuervo for any spelling mistakes of rambling. But I still wonder: how do you meet new people in a new place? It is worrisome. And while cruising for co-eds every weekend IS an option, I would prefer the non-Varus option (sorry buddy).
Edit: Not drunk enough to not correct my mistakes. Time to take shot number 5! Yes, it's due to a girl... darn it all.
Edited, Aug 8th 2009 11:15pm by LockeColeMA