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Ever wonder why the stimulus package isn't working?Follow

#77 Aug 06 2009 at 8:54 PM Rating: Good
10,601 posts
Huge wealth discrepencies can be harmful as people can use the massive power that high wealth gives them to gain a larger influence then they should over a country to bend it so that they profit. However wealth discrepencies at the core are not bad. If I decide to work twice as hard as someone else, I should get paid more. If I'm not going to get paid more then why the hell would I even try. You have to reward people for their effort, I would say that not doing so erodes human dignity as much as anything else.
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#78 Aug 07 2009 at 1:35 AM Rating: Decent
438 posts
Ok...conservatives believe in being able to keep the majority of what they earn.

What they earn, yes. However, they want to pay for their pet projects with your money.

Obama made a fairly large mistake in allowing the state houses to set priorities for stimulus cash. Here in my state, as soon as the stimulus funds came up for appropriation, the Republicans that swore up and down that they didn't see a need for it, didn't want it - took a big, healthy chunk for their projects. So we have funds going to things in the **** end of nowhere.

That's the power of OPM (other people's money), and is typical of the conservatives in my state. At least the dems actually tell you they're planning to spend the cash, and what for, rather than trying to double deal under the table.
#79 Aug 07 2009 at 10:06 AM Rating: Decent
9,395 posts
Sorry Gbaji your wrong here it's not the government and liberal/socialist policies that caused the economic mess. It's evil rich people and George Bush.

I know you're joking(it's not very funny by the way), but the blame for the economic mess falls on pretty much everyone. Clinton, the Democrats, Bush, The Republicans, the greedy rich bastards on Wall Street, etc.

Proof wrote:
I don't support the plan, but it was quite clearly stated that it would take multiple years before it had visible signs of working. You should realize that investments, which is clearly what this plan was, don't pay off immediately. You realize you can argue against political issues without fabrications and intellectual dishonesty, right? You debate politics like a god damn corporate news pundit.

I actually agree with this. I can't understand why so many people seem to think that the stimulus was supposed to fix everything right away. Even I understand that things like that take time to show their effects.

Thief wrote:
So the stimulus that was so important and it had to be signed asap and there was no time to read it wasn't supposed to "fix" the economy right away?

You don't quite understand the point. Do you really think that there was any way to fix the economy right away? It took years to recover from the Great Depression in the 30s, why would it take days now to recover from this recession?

Funny because thats What Obama was promising when the stimulas was first introduced. Immediate Jobs.

Thanks to the stimulus, many people got to keep their jobs and many others were able to get jobs. Yes, there's still a high unemployment rate, but how exactly would you go about somehow getting that many people jobs right away. It's not possible. It's impossible to guarantee jobs for all, but you can guarantee jobs for enough. Because those people who got jobs have jobs, they'll be spending money, because they're spending money, businesses will have to hire more employees to keep up. People will get jobs, it just takes time. It doesn't help though that I've seen many people complaining about how they lost their jobs and don't have jobs, and yet, they refuse to work a minimum wage job until things get better.

You have a bad economy that was caused by wasteful spending on the state and federal level for decades and by liberal social programs that have done nothing but create loyal voters to the democrat party and your solution to this problem is to spend billions more on wasteful projects and liberal social programs.

Actually, it's a bad economy caused by large companies passing around debts until there was no way for anyone to pay any of them.

Liberal politicians like Barney Frank and Maxine Waters strong armed banks into giving loans to people who could not afford them and then actually proclaiming that freddie and fanny were both financially secure weeks before they collapsed

Goddammit! The blame falls on people from both parties. You CAN NOT blame it on people from just one party. This is the problem with modern politics. No matter what the issue is, It must be because someone from this party did something, but sometimes, a problem has nothing to do with political parties.

Because giving the lazy mother who keeps procreating w/o any consideration for the cost of raising a child more money is the right thing? I'd argue that society would be better off if these kids were removed from seeing that sort of thing and learning it an acceptable behaviour.

I agree. If someone refuses to use birth control and has more than 3 kids in, say, a 3 year period of time(with the exception of twins, triplets, etc. because you can't control that kind of thing), they should NOT get any help from the government. The government should not be helping stupid people(but it should be helping the mentally challenged, I realize the difference and approve of programs for helping the mentally challenged). I say the same about the welfare system here in Canada. I don't mind my taxes going to help people who are in a bad situation(re:A divorced or widowed mother with 2 kids), but I hate that they go to help people who won't stop *******, and who end up just drinking, gambling, or wasting the money away on ******** that they don't need.

You're right. You have to be a minority, disabled, or a woman to qualify.

Or in Canada(and please, people, don't hurt me), you have to be at least 1/16th native and you can live off the government forever. Hell, they don't even have to pay taxes.

And that is probably the most racist thing anyone will ever hear me say, but I think that no one should be exempt from paying taxes just because of their heritage. I'm helped in my not feeling terrible for saying things like that considering that my girlfriend is part native and agrees with me.

If Jane can be worked harder she should be. If she thinks she's being worked to hard she can always get another job. Jane isn't forced to work for so and so.

Once again, I agree.

I disagree. I think leaving a child in a bad situation hurts them far more than removing them from that situation. When the mom has a job and a way to provide for her child then she could get custody again. In the long run leaving a child in a welfare state can't be any worse than putting a child in foster care.

This is a tough subject. Yes, leaving a child in a bad situation with a mother who refuses to work and who neglects the child hurts them far mroe than being removed from the situation. The problem is that kids will tend to be removed from good situations these days because someone who hates the parents could make a false accusation of molestation, or because a parent spanked their child(OMG CALL THE COPS! A PARENT IS PROPERLY DISCIPLINING THEIR CHILD!!!) and the police and Children's Aid workers won't even do a proper investigation. There also needs to be better ways of making sure that Foster Parents are good people.

I think one of the main things keeping the stimulus form working and causing more and more problems is the division between political parties. If one party has an idea, no matter what it is(good or bad), the other will call it a terrible idea and try and make sure that nothing comes of it. If people could just get past the political party issue, and just look at things from an unbiased point of view, then things might work a little better.
10k before the site's inevitable death or bust

The World Is Not A Cold Dead Place.
Alan Watts wrote:
I am omnipotent insofar as I am the Universe, but I am not an omnipotent in the role of Alan Watts, only cunning

Eske wrote:
I've always read Driftwood as the straight man in varus' double act. It helps if you read all of his posts in the voice of Droopy Dog.
#80 Aug 07 2009 at 5:44 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
Grandfather Driftwood wrote:
I actually agree with this. I can't understand why so many people seem to think that the stimulus was supposed to fix everything right away. Even I understand that things like that take time to show their effects.

I already addressed this. It's because the whole point of a "stimulus" is to provide a jolt to the economy to get things running again. In this particular case, it might be because the folks pushing us to DOITNOW!!! were all saying that if we didn't, we'd face immediate financial disaster. Which kinda implies that the effects are supposed to happen somewhat "immediately".

I'll also point out the absurdity of this entire line of reasoning. It was the Conservatives who opposed the proposed stimulus for exactly those reasons. It was sold to the people on the assumption that it would "jolt the economy back into shape" (Obama's words, not mine). Yet, it was abundantly obvious that the actual bill Congress wrote was largely full of programs which would not take effect for years. It was a bait and switch. For you to now question why anyone would think the stimulus was supposed to fix everything right away is hilariously ironic, and represents an amazing ability to forget the events of just a few months ago...

Thief wrote:
So the stimulus that was so important and it had to be signed asap and there was no time to read it wasn't supposed to "fix" the economy right away?

You don't quite understand the point. Do you really think that there was any way to fix the economy right away? It took years to recover from the Great Depression in the 30s, why would it take days now to recover from this recession?

I think it's you who is missing the point. We didn't think it would "fix everything immediately". But it was sold to the public as though it would. I'll re-ask the question you didn't answer: If the components of the bill were not supposed to have immediate effects, but rather act over a longer period of time, then why was there such a rush to pass the bill?

I'm pretty sure it had a lot to do with realizing that the only way they'd get the public to let them spend money on so many programs was if they thought it was necessary to prevent an economic meltdown. The Dems took advantage of the panic about the economy to pass this bill. Um... But if you have another explanation, I'd lover to hear it...

Funny because thats What Obama was promising when the stimulas was first introduced. Immediate Jobs.

Thanks to the stimulus, many people got to keep their jobs and many others were able to get jobs. Yes, there's still a high unemployment rate, but how exactly would you go about somehow getting that many people jobs right away. It's not possible.

Beats me. Let me add the full quote:

Obama wrote:
We need a big stimulus package that will jolt the economy back into shape and that is focused on the 2.5 million jobs I intend to create during the first part of my administration

Do you see why us Conservatives kept yelling and screaming that this was all BS? Funny how it's unreasonable to expect to create that many jobs that fast, and yet none of you Lefties took any notice when your High Commander promised to do exactly that when selling his stimulus bill.

Again. We conservatives knew this was BS. The Liberals all ate it up and called us evil partisans who wanted the economy to collapse when we said anything about it. And now, it's unreasonable to expect that what he promised was possible? Gee! Why didn't you realize that before we spent another 800 billion dollars we didn't have? Now if only some group of people had thought of this ahead of time. Oh wait! We did. You all just didn't listen.

It's impossible to guarantee jobs for all, but you can guarantee jobs for enough. Because those people who got jobs have jobs, they'll be spending money, because they're spending money, businesses will have to hire more employees to keep up. People will get jobs, it just takes time. It doesn't help though that I've seen many people complaining about how they lost their jobs and don't have jobs, and yet, they refuse to work a minimum wage job until things get better.

One of the scare tactics used to sell the stimulus bill was a claim that if we didn't pass it, we'd see 10% unemployment, but if we did we could keep unemployment below 8% (technically, those were two separate claims, but both by the Obama administration). Gee. How's that working out, huh? We passed the stimulus bill and are now at around 10% unemployment. Hmm... Seems like we could have just... I don't know... not passed the bill in the first place?

Actually, it's a bad economy caused by large companies passing around debts until there was no way for anyone to pay any of them.

No. It was a bad economy caused by the government foisting the cost for their social programs onto the financial sector via GSAs lying about the risks and values of securities they then sold on the open market (with regulations requiring said financial folks to buy said securities). In a nutshell, that is the core source of the problem. It was not the financial tools being used that broke things, but the bad materials they were forced to work with.

Goddammit! The blame falls on people from both parties.

Sure. I blame the Dems for causing the problem and the Republicans for failing to stop them from causing the problem. Um... That doesn't mean they are both at fault evenly though...

You CAN NOT blame it on people from just one party. This is the problem with modern politics. No matter what the issue is, It must be because someone from this party did something, but sometimes, a problem has nothing to do with political parties.

But this isn't one of those times. In this case, the blame falls overwhelmingly on the Democrat party. They used a threatened veto by Clinton back in 1999 to push an amendment into a bill which effectively forced large financial institutions to purchase mortgage securities from the GSAs in order to qualify for FDIC. They accepted massive amounts of election donations and support from the GSAs while providing political cover for them. This cover allowed the GSAs to launder the costs for the Dems housing programs into the private sector. When the Republicans, not once, but twice brought the CEO of Fanny Mae into investigative hearings about discrepancies in the risks and value of the securities they were selling, the Dems (Barney Frank in particular) leaped to defend him and attacked the Republicans viciously. They were able to prevent the Republicans from applying sufficient oversight on Fanny and Freddy to avoid the sub-prime mortgage crisis.

All of those things were done by the Dems and the Dems alone. It was the sub-prime mortgages which caused the financial crash(es). The financial institutions holding these securities suddenly realized that they had been lied to about them and that they were much riskier and worth much less than they'd been told. As a result, they no longer had sufficient capital to continue running their businesses (some of them).

The Republicans didn't do anything to cause this. The Dems did everything to cause it. Who should we blame?
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#81 Aug 07 2009 at 6:08 PM Rating: Decent
Skelly Poker Since 2008
16,781 posts
gbaji wrote:
People don't start out thinking: "Hey! I'll just not work and live on welfare. That'll be just dandy!!!". But the existence of welfare increases the odds that they'll make choices or take actions (or fail to take actions) which result in them being in need of welfare.
Versus what?

Alma wrote:
I lost my post
#82 Aug 07 2009 at 6:38 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
Elinda, Guardian of the Glade wrote:
gbaji wrote:
People don't start out thinking: "Hey! I'll just not work and live on welfare. That'll be just dandy!!!". But the existence of welfare increases the odds that they'll make choices or take actions (or fail to take actions) which result in them being in need of welfare.
Versus what?

Versus not making those choices or taking those actions? I'm not sure what you're asking here...

Let me give you an analogy. If we string a high wire between two buildings, how many people will attempt to cross it? Not many right? Maybe those who have very good balance will try it, and they'll be very careful when they do. Cause they'll likely die if they fall. But what if we hang a safety net under the high wire? Wouldn't more people attempt to cross? Sure. Because the consequences of failure are much less dire.

Now. Let's imagine that there's some value to be gained by traveling from one building to the other, and that the high wire is a shortcut. We could travel down to the lobby, cross the street, then into the lobby and back to the top of the other building (a slow but safe route), or we could attempt the high wire. By not having a safety net, very few people will attempt the high wire as a route between buildings. Most will use the safer route.

By adding the safety net, you'll increase the number of people who will "risk it" by traveling across the high wire because we've removed the most harsh consequences (dying in this case). However, if one falls it'll take them quite some time to get out of the net and back inside the building (and require others helping them perhaps). Thus, the total time if you just take the safe route is faster than if you fall, but slower than if you cross the high wire and don't fall.

So that safety net, while making things "safer", actually ends out increasing the amount of time it takes the average person to cross from one building to another. Because before most people just took the safe route. A very small number took the risky route. Most of them made it (because only those very capable would attempt it), and those who fell died, but didn't take up anyone else's time. Now, many more people are attempting the risky route. And a much higher number are falling. They aren't dying, but they're taking up much more total time getting out of the net.

If you think of crossing the buildings as an analogy for upward mobility in life, the high wire represents risky or bad choices (but with potential high rewards), and the safety net represents government assistance programs of all kinds. Most people, if they take the slow and safe route will be able to gain upward mobility. It'll take time and effort, but they can do it. The risky or bad choices always exist. Some will make those choices despite the risk. And some will succeed and some will fail. The point is that a safety net increases the number of people who fail. It increases the number of people who get "stuck" between buildings in the net. Sure. They didn't die, but many of them wouldn't have made that choice if the net wasn't there in the first place. Worse, many of them are just making "bad" choices instead of risky choices (like dealing drugs, joining a gang, dropping out of school, etc). Those choices are virtually guaranteed to cause you to fall. But hey! There's this net there and it'll make sure I don't hit the pavement, so it's all good...
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#83 Aug 07 2009 at 6:49 PM Rating: Good
10,601 posts
Do you see why us Conservatives kept yelling and screaming that this was all BS? Funny how it's unreasonable to expect to create that many jobs that fast, and yet none of you Lefties took any notice when your High Commander promised to do exactly that when selling his stimulus bill.

Again. We conservatives knew this was BS. The Liberals all ate it up and called us evil partisans who wanted the economy to collapse when we said anything about it. And now, it's unreasonable to expect that what he promised was possible? Gee! Why didn't you realize that before we spent another 800 billion dollars we didn't have? Now if only some group of people had thought of this ahead of time. Oh wait! We did. You all just didn't listen.
I know you get off on being outraged, but you really need to stop making up positions to rail against. No one ever said that it would create 2.5 million jobs instantly. Oh I don't doubt some stupid people thought that, but it was never the position. If you accept that a stimulus is needed, then the earlier you get it in the sooner it will take effect, because it will take a certain amount of time, and delaying isn't going to make anything happen sooner. you rush because you don't want to waste time, and let it get even worse. You're being incredibly dishonest with yourself just to get a some partisan outrage. Disgusting.

Edited, Aug 7th 2009 9:50pm by Xsarus
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#84 Aug 07 2009 at 7:16 PM Rating: Default
739 posts
I know you get off on being outraged, but you really need to stop making up positions to rail against. No one ever said that it would create 2.5 million jobs instantly. Oh I don't doubt some stupid people thought that, but it was never the position. If you accept that a stimulus is needed, then the earlier you get it in the sooner it will take effect, because it will take a certain amount of time, and delaying isn't going to make anything happen sooner. you rush because you don't want to waste time, and let it get even worse. You're being incredibly dishonest with yourself just to get a some partisan outrage. Disgusting.

Actually what is disgusting and more than a little bit amusing is watching Liberals try to re-write History.

The stimulus was nothing more than a huge pork laden bill designed to pay back loyal supporters to the Democratic party passed off as a instant job creation bill.

It did not do what was advertised to the public and now those same politician who most of them did not even read the bill before they voted for this 700+ billion joke are now trying to cover thier asses by claiming this instant jolt (Obama's own words)hasn't worked by first saying "we underestimated the bad economy we were left" (biden's own words)despite the fact they ran thier campaign on "this is the worst economy ever" and when that didn't fly they are now claiming that they didn't mean it would work right away.

Edited, Aug 7th 2009 11:21pm by ThiefX
#85 Aug 07 2009 at 7:24 PM Rating: Decent
Repressed Memories
21,027 posts
ThiefX wrote:
Recession are cyclical, politician cannot prevent them but they can prolong them. The system should have been left to cleanse itself.

I'm glad you realize how incredibly dumb this was and edited it out.
#86 Aug 07 2009 at 7:30 PM Rating: Default
739 posts
ThiefX wrote:
Recession are cyclical, politician cannot prevent them but they can prolong them. The system should have been left to cleanse itself.

I'm glad you realize how incredibly dumb this was and edited it out.

Actually I edited out because I worded that wrong.

A better way to have put it would have been to simply say governement intervention can only prolong a recession they cant end one.

And because the statement is no longer true because this recession was caused by liberal politicians trying to engineer a social utopia.

Edited, Aug 7th 2009 11:39pm by ThiefX

Edited, Aug 8th 2009 12:15am by ThiefX
#87 Aug 07 2009 at 7:31 PM Rating: Good
GBATE!! Never saw it coming
9,971 posts
Pensive the Ludicrous wrote:
As much as I disagree with gbaji, I respect the fact that he thinks about his beliefs and tries to make them coherent, whether or not I think he fails at it often.

I agree. gbaji is stunning in his consistency. Despite any fact that can be shown him, in any discussion, he will not set aside his beliefs. Absolute rigidity in his thinking process.


gbaji believes there are two types of people: Those who control the wealth and power, and those who labor for them. What group do you suppose gbaji sees himself in?

gbaji believes that wealth = human value. If you have not wealth, guess how gbaji views you?

gbaji believes that the working poor - hell, any poor - deserve not a farthing from the government to assist them in being better, more healthy and productive citizens. Why help them? I mean, they're not really people anyways, amirite?

gbaji belives that taxation is theft. Unless the taxes go to folk who already have power (the military). Then it's cool. Babies can live with polio because vaccinating some crack-*****'s kid for free ain't nearly as important as making sure Raytheon gets yet another multi-zillion dollar contract for yet another unfinished and/or sub-par piece of military hardware.

gbaji: all brains, no soul
remorajunbao wrote:
One day I'm going to fly to Canada and open the curtains in your office.

#88 Aug 07 2009 at 9:51 PM Rating: Decent
Skelly Poker Since 2008
16,781 posts
gbaji wrote:
Elinda, Guardian of the Glade wrote:
gbaji wrote:
People don't start out thinking: "Hey! I'll just not work and live on welfare. That'll be just dandy!!!". But the existence of welfare increases the odds that they'll make choices or take actions (or fail to take actions) which result in them being in need of welfare.
Versus what?

Versus not making those choices or taking those actions? I'm not sure what you're asking here...

Maybe you're getting it. Welfare programs are aimed at those that have no choice.
Alma wrote:
I lost my post
#89 Aug 07 2009 at 9:53 PM Rating: Decent
10,359 posts
I don't agree.

Political issues make it very easy to demonize other dudes, when in all likelihood, they do have souls.
#90 Aug 07 2009 at 11:01 PM Rating: Good
GBATE!! Never saw it coming
9,971 posts
Pensive the Ludicrous wrote:
I don't agree.

Political issues make it very easy to demonize other dudes, when in all likelihood, they do have souls.

Well, yeah, Ok. I can't with any absolute authority claim to have any sure knowledge of the existence of a Gbaji soul. You got me there.

However, having read through many, many of his diatribes his utter disregard for the suffering of other humans is undeniable.

gbaji wrote:
Friar Bijou wrote:

It seems, based on your posts here, that you think hard working people also dont need a phone or new clothes or medicine when they are ill or a doctor or...well..anything.

They don't need much of those things, no.

Just in case someone thought I was making **** up.

Edited, Aug 8th 2009 1:06am by Bijou
remorajunbao wrote:
One day I'm going to fly to Canada and open the curtains in your office.

#91 Aug 08 2009 at 6:49 AM Rating: Good
30,086 posts

Economic principles do not change based on what sort of mechanism you prefer. Something cannot have more value than it actually has. If you artificially grant it a greater value, you do so at the expense of something else.

Interesting theory. It implies, you realize, a zero sum market where wealth can never be created, but only transferred, right? You're close to quoting volume 2 of Das Kapital, really. Now, we all know you have absolutely no clue what the hell you post when it comes to Economics, so let me try to help. Without taking issue with your "position" here, I think what you meant to post was:

Markets are close to being efficient and rational, and information loss among trading participants is minimal. Because of this, the price of something is an accurate reflection of all that is known about the asset at a given point in time, and demonstrates it's real value. There is no such thing as an "intrinsic value" that deviates from the market price of an asset, unless there is outside intervention on market forces, often by State agencies, occasionally through private manipulation of information or fraud.

Now this:

The capitalistic market rewards people based on the value of their labor to others.


This is, in fact, the opposite of what capitalism does. Capitalism rewards the accumulation of....wait for we go now....CAPITAL. There is an economic system that rewards people based on the value of their labor to others, it's colloquially referred to as "Socialism". Perhaps you've heard of it?


To make a long story short, I don't take any responsibility for anything I post here. It's not news, it's not truth, it's not serious. It's parody. It's satire. It's bitter. It's angsty. Your mother's a *****. You like to jack off dogs. That's right, you heard me. You like to grab that dog by the bone and rub it like a ski pole. Your dad? Gay. Your priest? Straight. **** off and let me post. It's not true, it's all in good fun. Now go away.

#92 Aug 08 2009 at 2:03 PM Rating: Excellent
13,240 posts
And because the statement is no longer true because this recession was caused by liberal politicians trying to engineer a social utopia.

No, recessions are natural products of a free market oscillation. There are economic systems that do not have them, but they also limit peak growth to a slower exponential function.
Just as Planned.
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