gbaji wrote:
Want to try again? Do you agree or disagree that Obama is blowing a lot of his political capital?
Disagree. He's spending a lot of capital on things he wanted to get done. If not climate change and health care, what else is he going to do with it? Save it up for passing "Michelle Obama Day"?
Do you agree that this process has rapidly hurt his popularity?
Yes, because it's phrased like that. The process has hurt his popularity. The phrase in vogue among the pundits right now is "sausage being made". People are sick of seeing it, hearing about it and sick of being told about it.
Do you think that this is a problem for him?
Not really. It'd be a bigger problem to fail to deal with those issues and essentially become a caretaker president.
How do you think this affects his effectiveness in the next year (like when it really would help the Dems up for re-election to have a popular president)?
2010 will be almost completely about two things: The unemployment rate and the Dow. If the economy is upswinging then the Democrats will be great. If it's falling or stagnant, you'll see a tough election year (although it's unlikely the Republicans will retake either chamber simply by the numbers). Passing meaningful health care reform will exaggerate a win or minimize a loss but it won't change the basic results.
Edited, Aug 4th 2009 1:53pm by Jophiel