I had written a long post in response to paulsol's statement about how he couldn't decide which was worse, people killing other people's kids or people using their kids to kill other people and themselves.
No. You misunderstand me. Killing people is always wrong. Period.
It was about war has never been fair and people have always committed atrocities believing they were doing the right thing.
Well I'm sure that would have been a hugely interesting read, Captain Obvious.
It ended with me saying how nothing short of a miraculous worldwide group hug and a promise to be excellent to each other would put an end to it.
Bill and Ted I assume.
And, do you really lack have the mental capacity (rhetorical question) to see that, somewhere between blowing people up (using whatever method you choose) and everyone skipping around holding hands and handing out flowers and beads to each other, there are a multitude of options?, Contrary to Mr bush's and your belief, the world is not good or evil, black or white, but a myriad of shades of grey and should be approached as such. Anything less is crass.
But then I realized that posting it would have put me on the same high-moral pedestal that paulsol puts himself on, reducing my post to nothing more than a long winded diatribe that ends with the pot calling the kettle black.
Do what the fuck you like. But I'm happy to have an opinion formed from experience and observation than one formed from some sort of moral herd induced superiority complex that lets me believe that my governments random killing of foreigners in their own country is going to have a positive effect on the world around me, and because its my govt. ordering the killing, that it is somehow more justified and noble.
So @#%^ it... the next time the neighbor's kids are messing around in my yard they're getting tazed.
Very enlightened of you.