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#227 Jun 27 2009 at 12:59 PM Rating: Default
739 posts
If only Obama was as fiscally responsible as George "Two Trillion Dollar War" Bush, eh

The sad thing is you really think you were being clever.

Bush 2 trillion in 8 years

Obama tripled that in less than 6 months and plans even more.

#228 Jun 27 2009 at 1:37 PM Rating: Decent
12,846 posts
the last time we had a serious Depression, the USA's initial solution under Hoover was to "repatriate" United States citizens of Mexican ethnicity.
#229 Jun 27 2009 at 2:13 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
ThiefX wrote:
So you voted for a guy who had never ran a business of any kind, not a small business, not even a lemonade stand to "fix" one of the largest economies in the world?
Not to mention the obvious but the alternate choice wasn't exactly a captain of industry himself. Unless you consider "career politician" an industry.

Edited, Jun 27th 2009 5:38pm by Jophiel
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#230 Jun 27 2009 at 3:00 PM Rating: Excellent
Bush 2 trillion in 8 years

Obama tripled that in less than 6 months and plans even more.

About half the two trillion has not turned into debt yet, as it's the projected cost of the medical bills of soldiers wounded in Iraq. That you think this is marked as debt yet, and that Obama spent 6 trillion, shows you are completely ignorant of the facts. In fact, it discredits you completely.

Thanks for playing, though.

Oh yeah, and there's a difference between an unneccesary war and a stimulus package the vast majority of economists (just so you know, 200 signatures is nothing, sorry) support.
#231ThiefX, Posted: Jun 27 2009 at 3:55 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Just curious did you get your Economic news from the same place you get your history?
#232 Jun 27 2009 at 4:04 PM Rating: Good
Just curious, who did you support? If you say anyone other than Mitt Romney I'm going to assume you are just being a troll for being a troll's sake, because he was the only businessman out of the whole bunch last year.
#233 Jun 27 2009 at 4:21 PM Rating: Default
739 posts
Just curious, who did you support? If you say anyone other than Mitt Romney I'm going to assume you are just being a troll for being a troll's sake, because he was the only businessman out of the whole bunch last year.

I was hoping for Rudy.

Seriously and Im not kidding im not a Republican.

Im not a Democrat either

My beliefs do not all fall into one party line. (And Im guessing the majority of people are like this)

I am a Fiscal Conservative and I believe in personal responsibilty. I fall to right on crime and punishment with the exception of drug crimes because I think it is beyond stupid to spend billions on non violent drug offenders that should be given help not jail time.

I don't believe in abortion unless the mothers life is at risk

I believe that homsexuals should be allowed to marry and enjoy the same benifits that hetrosexual couples do.

I don't believe in man made global warming

And I am on both sides on alot of other "party" issues

As you can see I don't fit in fully with either side so alot of times when I vote I vote for the lesser of 2 evils. So even though I did not like him I voted for MCain because despite the fact that the media was in love with Obama (And you cannot honestly tell me that they were not openly pulling for him)I knew enough about Obama that to me made him the greater "evil"

Edited, Jun 27th 2009 8:39pm by ThiefX
#234 Jun 27 2009 at 6:02 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
ThiefX wrote:
I was hoping for Rudy.
Smiley: laugh
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#235 Jun 27 2009 at 6:13 PM Rating: Default
739 posts
Yeah it is kinda funny the Republican field was beyond weak in 08, but yet either one of them was more qualified than a community organizer.

#236 Jun 27 2009 at 8:29 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
I'd feel more insulted or something except...


Oh yeah. My guy won Smiley: smile
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#237 Jun 27 2009 at 8:31 PM Rating: Excellent
The vast majority of economists in this country support tripling the national debt in under 6 months?

Yup. "W" really screwed up the economy. I'd give him a pass for the post 9/11 economic shenanigans if the surplus he inherited hadn't been spent before 9/11.

Then he got distracted & largely ignored the economy until it took a crap on him.

Well, he did cut taxes for the rich & give me $600. I did like the $600.

I am a Fiscal Conservative and I believe in personal responsibility.

'K. Obama is trying to fix the mess he inherited while the other side screams "Foul!" & cheats on their wives. You might not agree with his methods, but I'm a firm supporter in "trying to fix it" as opposed to "do nothing & hope for the best".

Yeah it is kinda funny the Republican field was beyond weak in 08, but yet either one of them was more qualified than a community organizer.

A community Organizer with a BA from Columbia & Juris Doctor from Harvard.

Ya, that's right, he's a Doctor of Law to boot.
"The Rich are there to take all of the money & pay none of the taxes, the middle class is there to do all the work and pay all the taxes, and the poor are there to scare the crap out of the middle class." -George Carlin

#238 Jun 27 2009 at 9:22 PM Rating: Default
739 posts
Oh yeah. My guy won

Yes he did.

He got enough of you to drink the kool aid. I just hope the effects wear off before the damage becomes so bad it can't be undone.

Well, he did cut taxes for the rich

Im so tired of the same Liberal ******** over and over again. Despite what you have been told to believe rich people pay more than thier fair share of taxes.

You know why rich people benifit from most tax cuts? BECAUSE THEY PUT THE MOST IN.

**** sake man would you guys get a new God Damn line already.

Im for everybody who actually contributes to society getting a tax break. I want one, I want my neighbor to have one, I want my family to get one, I want my friends to get one, I want my Boss to get one, hell I even want Bill Gates to get one. You know why? BECAUSE IT'S OUR MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!

'K. Obama is trying to fix the mess he inherited while the other side screams "Foul!" & cheats on their wives. You might not agree with his methods, but I'm a firm supporter in "trying to fix it" as opposed to "do nothing & hope for the best".

Again with the cheats on thier wives.... Are you trying to be funny? A republican senator had an affair....OMG Shocking!!!! A politician that cheats, thats never happened before.

Democratic Senator Barney Frank was caught a few years ago soliciting a male hooker that doesnt mean every Dem is a homosexual.

And Your belief that "He's trying" so we should all stand around a cheerlead as he spends us into deficits that generations will not be able to pay off is at best naive and and least idiotic.

Do nothing is exactly what I want him to do with the economy. Recessionson are cyclical. Spending obscene amouts of others peoples money is not and will not help the economy. The best thing the government could do is stay the hell out of the way. Let the system cleanse itself.

the surplus he inherited

Oh yeah I am almost as sick of hearing this lie as I am the whole "Only the rich got tax cuts" *********

One Time.......


That is one of the biggest myths of the 90's

Bill Cinton's supposed surpluss exsisted on paper only. It never exsisted in reality.

In simple terms it was like this

Clinton and is team sat down and caculated that if the price of certain things went up and the price of certain things stayed the same or went down then in 10 years we would have a surpluss.

Thats like you sitting at your kitchen table and saying if I get a raise every year and the price of gas and food goes down and I can sell my old car for this amount of money in 10 years I will have $50,000 dollars and then you calling everyone that you know telling them you have $50,000 dollars.

No you don't

That is how the Clintons claimed thier "supposed" surplus that people like you still wander around claiming exsisted.

Anyone else feel the need to slap a public school teacher?

#239 Jun 27 2009 at 10:18 PM Rating: Excellent
GBATE!! Never saw it coming
9,971 posts
1. I apologize to gbaji for making an assumption that he was a Christian. That really was a slap in the face to practicing Christians everywhere. My bad.

2. I do not recall saying "ZOMG pay everyone $20/hour!!!!". While I am all for a free market economy, an unrestricted free market leads to abuse of workers by employers. Perhaps you should read a bit of history. In particular, read about Ford Motors in the 30's and Eastern US coal mining company practices. If you want to check into that and respond by telling us all that hiring thugs to kill your employees and/or keeping them permanently indebted to the company is good for business, then I don't know what to say to you except that you are a horrid person.

3. While the dollar amount that folks are being paid has gone up for 30 years, the actual buying power of their money has dropped over the same time period. Do you see where this might create problems for the average Joe?

4. You and Thiefx (whoever the hell that is) seem to proceeding from an assumption that everyone is in great health and is fully capable of doing any job out there. This is obviously not the case. The same can be said for the assumption that everyone is college material. Again, not so.

5. I'm curious as to your position on health care. I'll use myself as an example. I have worked steadily for 25 years. Only in the last 2 years have I made less than $8/hour. I went from being very healthy to a state where I am 1)In a great deal of pain 2)Have seizures 3)Lose conciousness 4)Losing my sight and 5)Fall down or drop things I'm carrying. I have no health insurance. I should just die? Rot until I'm in a chair and go blind? I can't get into see a neurologist because without insurance they want pay up front. For the record I am only just now applying for aid which I may not even get.

6. I'm not lazy. I'm broke. Did I mention that I don't get full time anymore because the NPO I work for isn't getting the donations it used to get? Due to my health I am unhireable by pretty much anyone else. Believe me, I've tried.

ThiefX wrote:
And mostly because of the amazingly @#%^ing ignorant like Samira, Friar Bijou and Kavekk

You lumped my in with these two? Thanks!!! Because, y'know they are thinking people and you are clearly the product of massive doses of propoganda and a pitifuly small amount of research.

8.You two keep on yakking away about how socialized medicine will just ruin the country. The current state of health care financing is abysmal and unsustainable. How about you two come up with an alternative that

a. covers more people and is
b. less expensive

I mean, if you know what's wrong you should be able to tell us what the fix is, right?
remorajunbao wrote:
One day I'm going to fly to Canada and open the curtains in your office.

#240 Jun 27 2009 at 10:26 PM Rating: Good
GBATE!! Never saw it coming
9,971 posts
I just thought I'd add that I'm not super wild about the incredible size of the stimulus package, either.

Having said that, it's pretty clear that we do need a *************** of money put into power transmission line and bridge replacement in this country. There are other important ifrastructure projects needed, but letting these two go much longer is going to create massive problems sooner rather than later.

Most of the bridges in my state are 8o years old, and I understand the problem gets worse the further east you go.

I can only hope that enough of the stimulus package is going for this kind of thing.

Oh, and gbaji/Thiefx.....? Just because you are so far to the right doesn't make everyone left of you an automatic raging liberal.

remorajunbao wrote:
One day I'm going to fly to Canada and open the curtains in your office.

#241 Jun 27 2009 at 11:59 PM Rating: Excellent


I'm not going to argue with you, ill let W do it for me.

W wrote:
I want to take one-half of the surplus and dedicate it to Social Security, one-quarter of the surplus for important projects, and I want to send one-quarter of the surplus back to the people who pay the bills. I want everybody who pays taxes to have their tax rates cut.


W disagrees with you. Also, Craig Steiner is an idiot.

Again with the cheats on their wives.... Are you trying to be funny? A republican senator had an affair....OMG Shocking!!!! A politician that cheats, thats never happened before.

Democratic Senator Barney Frank was caught a few years ago soliciting a male hooker that doesnt mean every Dem is a homosexual.

No, I'm not trying to be funny. I do find the fact that the GOP, the party of family values, has lost two potential Presidential candidates in, what, like two weeks, hilarious though.

And Barney was never "caught soliciting a hooker". He had a relationship with one though.

After an initial encounter in which he paid Steve Gobie $80 for sex, the Congressman says he tried to lift the younger man out of drugs and prostitution by hiring him to run errands. He wrote letters to Gobie's probation officer and paid his psychiatric bills. He allowed Gobie the use of a car and sometimes his apartment when he was out of town.

After 18 months, Frank says, he dismissed Gobie upon discovering that he was bringing clients to Frank's apartment. Two years later, Gobie tried unsuccessfully to sell his story to the Washington Post. He then gave the story to the Washington Times for nothing, in hopes of getting a book contract for the male version of The Mayflower Madam. Gobie will appear on Geraldo, discussing his prospects for a television mini-series.


And he admitted it, during a time when the GOP was in charge, & got off with a slap on the wrist.

AS for the pork you mentioned, I'm not a big fan of it either. But, that's how things are done in Washington. It hasn't changed nor will it, despite Dr. President Obama's campaign slogan.
"The Rich are there to take all of the money & pay none of the taxes, the middle class is there to do all the work and pay all the taxes, and the poor are there to scare the crap out of the middle class." -George Carlin

#242 Jun 28 2009 at 1:37 AM Rating: Good
Thank you for playing and please continue that wonderful public school education of yours...... Because "most" economists support it!!!!!!!

Huh? I didn't go to private school, old boy. My parents aren't that rich.

The vast majority of economists in this country support tripling the national debt in under 6 months?


The funny thing is, though, that you had no idea what the US debt was before or after Obama. You just know that it increased three fold. So, yeah, I guess you don't get any economic news at all.
#243 Jun 28 2009 at 5:11 AM Rating: Good
Kavekk wrote:
Thank you for playing and please continue that wonderful public school education of yours...... Because "most" economists support it!!!!!!!

Huh? I didn't go to private school, old boy. My parents aren't that rich.

I believe "public school" is American for state school.

Unless I misunderstood something here.
#244 Jun 28 2009 at 5:22 AM Rating: Good
Lady Kalivha wrote:
Kavekk wrote:
Thank you for playing and please continue that wonderful public school education of yours...... Because "most" economists support it!!!!!!!

Huh? I didn't go to private school, old boy. My parents aren't that rich.

I believe "public school" is American for state school.

Unless I misunderstood something here.

It is.
#245 Jun 28 2009 at 5:57 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
ThiefX wrote:
Oh yeah. My guy won
Yes he did.

He got enough of you to drink the kool aid.
Smiley: laugh

You have no idea how sad and petty and butthurt that makes you sound. I love it when folks say that... you can see them in your mind's eye just kicking at the dirt and shoving out their lower lip.

"He won because... because... he TRICKED people! Yeah! He musta made everyone think he was like JESUS and stuff! Yeah! THAT'S why he beat the other guy! It was BRAINWASHING!!"

I love it. It's exactly that sort of petulant immaturity that'll guarantee Democratic wins going forward.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#246 Jun 28 2009 at 6:34 AM Rating: Excellent
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
Ahh, the warm glow of being dissed by the ignorant. Rejuvenating!

In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

#247 Jun 28 2009 at 7:04 AM Rating: Decent
1,087 posts
Just an exercise: Compare the DMV with the Auto Club.

Now compare the USPS (post office) with FEDEX,DHL,UPS etc, etc, etc,

Now compare GOVT EDU. with private, for profit schools.


okay can anyone realistically say a GOVT run program as immense & complex as Health care can be effectively run by a huge, non-profit oriented beaurocracy ?

I can walk into the AAA office, be treated well, accomplish MANY more things, much easier, including complex itineraries involving multiple reservations,inspections, AND smog & Registration.....

The USPS has done so horribly, they have CREATED numerous, huge, high income, high profit private entities that do the SAME thing as them !

Why is it commonplace to place a higher value on private education than public UNIV. ? is it due to many reasons ?

Like higher paid Proffesors & staff ? does it show a higher commitment by the student ?

Now consider the collapsing Ponzi scheme that is Social Security ?

ALL of the factors that are causing its collapse were in existance & predictable at its inception. (Population & mortality trends etc)

As a matter of fact, the idea that no basic actuarials were applied & figured in is borderline criminal to me (if an Insurance co. collects premiums with no thought to actually paying benefits it IS A CRIME)

The idea that we can create a "Kinder, gentler," health care system is very attractive... I dont think anyone likes the consequence of catastophic injury or disease.

I have been affected by this myself (my mother died of Leukemia many years ago)
however, dis-insentiveising Research & Treatment is not the answer, & the idea that we will lower costs by creating a huge GOVT prog. to handle is not very realistic.

The only way this would be possible is with mandatory compensation caps & profit caps on Rx.... telling Dr's where & what they can practice/specialize in etc.... & yes, that is socialism.

Maybe plumbers & electricians shold also be capped so everyone can afford them.

Maybe Shaq should be capped because no-one will pay as much to watch a WBA game
(very unfair to wimmins) Maybe Farrah Fawcett & MJ shoulda' been capped......


#248 Jun 28 2009 at 8:58 AM Rating: Good
15,512 posts
As tedious as the DMV is, with so few employees and so many people in line I'm remarkably surprised it only takes the time that it does. While AAA and the DMV may both deal with automobiles, in practice they are entirely different entities--it has pretty much become the DMV's job to ID the nation.

I've never really had a problem with the US postal service. I've always gotten my mail pretty quickly and on time. It's terrible that there are entrepreneurs who wish to compete, though. After all, places with public coverage don't allow supplemental private insurance, so FedEx shouldn't be allowed to exist, either!

Public Universities are terrible--I would never want to go to Berkeley. Sure, it's an outlier. However, there is nothing wrong with having different tiers of education, and the public sector subsidizing the tier most beneficial to the public at large isn't surprising. Catering to the créme de la créme is a small niche due to the inherent rarity of high intellect. Your average Mass Comm major cruising with her sorority probably could not fully utilize a Harvard education (I'm assuming you're talking about all the top-tier private colleges, such as Harvard and Caltech, because the sh*tty, no-name private colleges aren't going to buttress your point very well, are they?)

Insurance companies are also incredibly efficient, not cesspits of bureaucrats.

Edited, Jun 28th 2009 12:01pm by Sweetums
#249 Jun 28 2009 at 9:56 AM Rating: Good
Last time I went to the DMV, I was in and out in five minutes with a new license in hand. When I was a kid I remember waiting long boring hours in line with my parents, but as an adult I've never experienced it.
#250 Jun 28 2009 at 10:01 AM Rating: Good
15,512 posts
catwho wrote:
Last time I went to the DMV, I was in and out in five minutes with a new license in hand. When I was a kid I remember waiting long boring hours in line with my parents, but as an adult I've never experienced it.
Lucky. Thankfully, I'll be able to renew this license online and not have to bother with DMV lines... or clothing!
#251 Jun 28 2009 at 10:40 AM Rating: Excellent
10,601 posts
Here in Manitoba we have gov't car insurance. Our premiums and payments are among the lowest anywhere. When you get in an accident, it's immediately settled without any court costs as there are no competing companies to try and sue each other. When they run a surplus everyone gets rebates on their insurance next year. Government run things can be absolutely fantastic and far better then the private alternatives.
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