You know, it's funny that thread should come up today, because I really think it's the genesis of a lot of what we're seeing around here lately regarding rules and whatnot. The retardation in that thread was far too alluring for Elderon and I to resist, and it signaled a shift in where I posted. I began posting far more regularly in the OoT, for the expressed purpose of tormenting the easily-manipulated social-rejects conveniently gathered in one location.
Over time, the paradigm shifted away from OoT as purely brain-melting spam masquerading as drivel, and moved toward a Golden Age of Abuse. Soon other posters shed at least some of their silly, friendly ways and adopted fresh, meaner personas, although still occasionally quite silly. For years I was allowed to run rampant over there in the Sandbox, and over time the culture really did change. The OoT matured, and perhaps this was a natural progression, but I propose that I aided in their development, much in the same way that when I stand next to a pre-pubescent girl she sprouts tits and starts fondling her **** reflexively.
So in conclusion, I again apologize for bringing the Man down upon all of us. But I'll never apologize for showing that collection of deficients and latrines how to have a good time.