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F 16 Photo Op in NYCFollow

#127 Apr 30 2009 at 9:54 AM Rating: Good
2,824 posts
That certainly wouldn't be a waste of Obama's time. Not like he's got any problems to deal with right now anyway.

Varrus Future Reply wrote:
He would have time to pay attention to that if he wasn't driving the economy into the ground while appeasing Muzzies. John McCain may not know how many houses he has but Obama doesn't even know where his PLANE is! I bet he was using it to send Osama to Disneyland.
#128 Apr 30 2009 at 10:43 AM Rating: Good
Edited by bsphil
21,739 posts
hangtennow wrote:

Imagine if I was right for once.
hangtennow wrote:
lmao...I said "imagine" for a reason.
That would be pretty crazy, yeah.

Edited, Apr 30th 2009 1:44pm by bsphil
His Excellency Aethien wrote:
Almalieque wrote:
If no one debated with me, then I wouldn't post here anymore.
Take the hint guys, please take the hint.
gbaji wrote:
I'm not getting my news from anywhere Joph.
#129 Apr 30 2009 at 11:00 AM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
Jophiel wrote:
But I also think Smash has a point in that the prolonged "OMG IT WAS TERRIBLE!" response to an airplane flying by is a big neon sign screaming "We're easily terrified and will immediately over-react in a blind panic to anything you terrorists want to do".

It's somewhat amusing how subjective the view of "prolonged" is though. Something that reflects poorly on the Republicans and/or Bush? Perfectly ok to run it for months if you can. Reflects poorly on Democrats and/or Obama? 24 hours later, it's "old news" and anyone still talking about it is some kind of Conservative shill.

Can we just accept that this *was* a big deal to the people working in Manhattan at the time? And yes. There were thousands of people who fled their office buildings in panic. This was not orchestrated by some Right Wing political group in order to make the Obama administration look bad. No one exaggerated the screams and shouts from the crowd as they watched the plane flying low overhead. It was very real to those who were right there at the time, and no amount of other people insisting that is wasn't, or shouldn't have been a big deal will change that.

It just sometimes seems like you Liberals have become so used to scripted and planned events designed to invoke outrage and action that you have a hard time realizing that sometimes the fear and anger is real. You've become so accepting of the methodology used by your own side to generate political action that you somewhat cynically assume that everything that causes any sort of public response must also just be agenda based. Sometimes it's just a really dumb thing that scared and pissed off a bunch of people and no amount of spinning is going to change that.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#130 Apr 30 2009 at 11:08 AM Rating: Decent
Skelly Poker Since 2008
16,781 posts
gbaji wrote:
Jophiel wrote:
But I also think Smash has a point in that the prolonged "OMG IT WAS TERRIBLE!" response to an airplane flying by is a big neon sign screaming "We're easily terrified and will immediately over-react in a blind panic to anything you terrorists want to do".

It's somewhat amusing how subjective the view of "prolonged" is though. Something that reflects poorly on the Republicans and/or Bush? Perfectly ok to run it for months if you can. Reflects poorly on Democrats and/or Obama? 24 hours later, it's "old news" and anyone still talking about it is some kind of Conservative shill.
8+ Years

you Liberals.
I SO hate 'you' lines.

What does being a liberal have to do with thinking this event is being blown out of proportion.

I can say with about 99.9% surety that if this event happened while there was a republican president in the office that, at least, my take on it would not be any different.

Edited, Apr 30th 2009 9:10pm by Elinda
Alma wrote:
I lost my post
#131 Apr 30 2009 at 11:47 AM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
Elinda wrote:
8+ Years

I'm not sure what you mean by this? Are you acknowledging that for 8 years we've been subjected to stories critical of the Bush administration lingering for months and sometimes years when they were/are just as much non-events as this one (moreso in some cases)?

Heck. Someone instantly brought up the whole "Bush landing on an aircraft carrier" thing. Talk about a non-story that has somehow lingered for 5+ years for no apparent reason at all other than it apparently sounds good around the Liberal koolaid cooler.

you Liberals.
I SO hate 'you' lines.

What does being a liberal have to do with thinking this event is being blown out of proportion.

Um... It shouldn't. But it does.

I would guess it's because the snafu reflects poorly on the organization and planning of the Obama administration and liberals don't like anything that could hint that their great leader isn't so great or that he might even look bad by association? Gee. Could it be that for 8 years every single thing that happened whether it involved Bush directly or not was laid at his feet anyway?

I suspect that most liberals have a knee-jerk defensive reaction to this story exactly because they know darn well that had a Republican been in office when this happened, they'd be the first to make a big deal out of it themselves. And they wouldn't stop at "It was a dumb mistake" either...

I can say with about 99.9% surety that if this event happened while there was a republican president in the office that, at least, my take on it would not be any different.

Maybe you. Maybe. I somehow think that you'd be at best sitting quietly on the sidelines allowing others to make a big deal out of it. It's not like I've seen you ever act to do so during the last few years, have you?

Tell you what. Find me an example of you posting to defend against an accusation made against the Bush administration. Just one. And I'll retract you from the group of "you Liberals". Sound ok?
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#132 Apr 30 2009 at 12:10 PM Rating: Decent
291 posts
If I was president, I guarantee I'd spend every morning making sure I know exactly where the planes I'm NOT using are going and what they're doing.

That certainly wouldn't be a waste of Obama's time. Not like he's got any problems to deal with right now anyway.

Morons. It doesn't take any time at all. POTUS has a big screen TV in his bathroom so he can stay up to date while brushing his teeth. On it is a constantly updated display that shows each of the aircraft used as Air Force One and their status at that very moment. This display takes up exactly 1/27th of the area of the TV screen. The rest of it shows important stuff, like how many waffles are left on the breakfast table.
#133 Apr 30 2009 at 12:14 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
Ahkuraj wrote:
The rest of it shows important stuff, like how many waffles are left on the breakfast table.

Hey. The White House Waffles are really good! You don't want your staff to eat them all before you get there. Seriously!...
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#134 Apr 30 2009 at 12:16 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
gbaji wrote:
It's somewhat amusing how subjective the view of "prolonged" is though. Something that reflects poorly on the Republicans and/or Bush? Perfectly ok to run it for months if you can. Reflects poorly on Democrats and/or Obama? 24 hours later, it's "old news" and anyone still talking about it is some kind of Conservative shill.
I didn't say that either. But thanks for showing us all what you can do with a giant bale of straw and some old farm clothes.

I said that the prolonged reaction -- and by which I largely meant the OMGLIBERALMEDIA stories -- serves to make it look as though the nation is a hairsbreadth from blind panic.
Can we just accept that this *was* a big deal to the people working in Manhattan at the time?
Sure. I said as much. I also said it was poorly planned.
This was not orchestrated by some Right Wing political group in order to make the Obama administration look bad. No one exaggerated the screams and shouts from the crowd as they watched the plane flying low overhead. It was very real to those who were right there at the time, and no amount of other people insisting that is wasn't, or shouldn't have been a big deal will change that.
The things you can do with straw are beautiful! I'm serious here -- they are works of art. It's a shame to knock them down so soon after constructing them. You should build some and leave them up for a bit so they can be properly admired.
It just sometimes seems like you Liberals have become so used to scripted and planned events designed to invoke outrage and action that you have a hard time realizing that sometimes the fear and anger is real.
Since you're quoting my post, I think I'm safe in assuming that "you Liberals" means "liberals such as you, Jophiel". Which is strange because I've already stated several times and in several posts (here & in the OOT) that this was a dumb idea. It was. It was poorly planned and poorly executed. The White House Military Office guy screwed it up, the Pentagon screwed it up, Bloomberg's lackey screwed it up.

So what? I don't say that to excuse them but what does any of that have to do with the point that set you off in a tizzy: harping on at length about how New York was set into full panic by it is a sign that New York goes into full panic simply by seeing a low flying plane? This has nothing to do with Obama; if I want to defend him in this, there's plenty of other avenues for that beyond saying that no one is allowed to talk about it.

Edited, Apr 30th 2009 3:16pm by Jophiel
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#135 Apr 30 2009 at 1:01 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
Jophiel wrote:
gbaji wrote:
It's somewhat amusing how subjective the view of "prolonged" is though. Something that reflects poorly on the Republicans and/or Bush? Perfectly ok to run it for months if you can. Reflects poorly on Democrats and/or Obama? 24 hours later, it's "old news" and anyone still talking about it is some kind of Conservative shill.
I didn't say that either. But thanks for showing us all what you can do with a giant bale of straw and some old farm clothes.

I said that the prolonged reaction -- and by which I largely meant the OMGLIBERALMEDIA stories -- serves to make it look as though the nation is a hairsbreadth from blind panic.

But oddly, the same or similar logic does not apply when it comes to releasing documents about interrogation techniques at Gitmo. Gee. One might think there's a more political motivation behind the choice of opposing or supporting a given action than just whether or not it sends a message of weakness to our enemies.

Maybe you bought Smash's BS hook, line, and sinker Joph. I'll grant you the possibility. But I saw it for what it was. A deflection. The reason many on the left are downplaying this has nothing to do with how our reaction may play out on an international stage and everything to do with the perception of a major snafu by the Obama administration. Have you been reading Smash's posts for the last 8 years and in any way thought that his motivation involved whether or not Al-queda thought we were weak or ineffectual? He uses that argument when it's convenient for his political ideology. That's it.

This was not orchestrated by some Right Wing political group in order to make the Obama administration look bad. No one exaggerated the screams and shouts from the crowd as they watched the plane flying low overhead. It was very real to those who were right there at the time, and no amount of other people insisting that is wasn't, or shouldn't have been a big deal will change that.
The things you can do with straw are beautiful! I'm serious here -- they are works of art. It's a shame to knock them down so soon after constructing them. You should build some and leave them up for a bit so they can be properly admired.

Again. Do you actually believe it when someone says that we shouldn't make a big deal out of this because it sends a message to the terrorists? Really? Cause I didn't think you were that gullible...

It just sometimes seems like you Liberals have become so used to scripted and planned events designed to invoke outrage and action that you have a hard time realizing that sometimes the fear and anger is real.
Since you're quoting my post, I think I'm safe in assuming that "you Liberals" means "liberals such as you, Jophiel". Which is strange because I've already stated several times and in several posts (here & in the OOT) that this was a dumb idea. It was. It was poorly planned and poorly executed. The White House Military Office guy screwed it up, the Pentagon screwed it up, Bloomberg's lackey screwed it up.

Yup. And I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about the reaction to the story. I was also not just responding to you, but to the general tendency to downplay the whole event. The folks in NYC weren't really that scared. It was just a few hundred, not thousands of people. Anyone could see it was a presidential plane and shouldn't have been alarmed. I happened to quote you Joph, but that part of my post was more general in nature.

Re-read the thread. Count the number of times someone dismisses the fears of the folks in NY as unwarranted, or suggests that they shouldn't have made such a big deal out of it, or suggests that the story is being exaggerated and it wasn't really that big a deal even to those who were there. The thread is full of those sorts of sentiments Joph and one should ask why. What is the need to downplay this? And I don't buy "OMG! We're telling the terrorists we're scared of them!!!".

This has nothing to do with Obama; if I want to defend him in this, there's plenty of other avenues for that beyond saying that no one is allowed to talk about it.

And yet, it's amazing how hard so many posters have worked to downplay the entire issue. Bush was blamed for any and everything that was even remotely connected to the White House. Heck. He got blamed for 5+ years about taking us to war on a lie, when the president doesn't even have that power. Whole cottage bumper sticker industries have grown up around the practice of blaming Bush for everything that happened, whether he was directly involved or not.

I don't think it's unreasonable to expect that the same folks who've been doing that for 8 years against Bush might assume that this would be done in reverse and might want to act to downplay it before that happens. Just a thought...
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#136REDACTED, Posted: Apr 30 2009 at 1:12 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Gbaji,
#137 Apr 30 2009 at 1:19 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
gbaji wrote:
But oddly, the same or similar logic does not apply when it comes to releasing documents about interrogation techniques at Gitmo. Gee. One might think there's a more political motivation behind the choice of opposing or supporting a given action than just whether or not it sends a message of weakness to our enemies.
Sure. If you're dying to find partisan motives for it all. Which you are, from the looks of it.
Maybe you bought Smash's BS hook, line, and sinker Joph.
Right. Which is why I said I was of two minds and started with admitting that the other side had a point. Look, let's just cut to the chase and say that you're just looking for another reason to cry about liberals, okay? That's what this is all about.
Yup. And I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about the reaction to the story. I was also not just responding to you, but to the general tendency to downplay the whole event.
Right. Which is why you were responding to my post and started ******** about "you liberals". One might think that, if we're in agreement that I wasn't engaged in these things you're accusing "us liberals" of, maybe a blanket statement about "us liberals" was painting with an overly broad brush. Yes?
And yet, it's amazing how hard so many posters have worked to downplay the entire issue. Bush was blamed for any and everything that was even remotely connected to the White House.
So, just like Varrus, this is really about you being butthurt about Bush and looking for a reason to start jumping up and down and pointing a finger at liberals. A big game of "Gotcha", not because you think there's a real issue but because you're just steamed up about Bush being (in your eyes) mistreated.

At least you're transparent about it. I'll thank you for that.

Edited, Apr 30th 2009 4:23pm by Jophiel
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#138REDACTED, Posted: Apr 30 2009 at 1:26 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Jophed,
#139 Apr 30 2009 at 1:31 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
gbaji wrote:
Re-read the thread. Count the number of times someone dismisses the fears of the folks in NY as unwarranted, or suggests that they shouldn't have made such a big deal out of it, or suggests that the story is being exaggerated and it wasn't really that big a deal even to those who were there. The thread is full of those sorts of sentiments Joph and one should ask why
By the way, I did read it. There's only a handful of statements like this. Why don't you quote them all for us? I think there's far less than your statement would imply -- but maybe that's just me downplaying things.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#140 Apr 30 2009 at 1:37 PM Rating: Excellent
hangtennow wrote:

Oh but the Dems were actually looking out for the interest of this nation bashing W for 8yrs incessantly. lmao.

Good point, not moving to impeach Bush was a grave mistake on the part of the Democrats that has cost America trillions of dollars.
#141 Apr 30 2009 at 2:40 PM Rating: Default
35,568 posts
Jophiel wrote:
gbaji wrote:
But oddly, the same or similar logic does not apply when it comes to releasing documents about interrogation techniques at Gitmo. Gee. One might think there's a more political motivation behind the choice of opposing or supporting a given action than just whether or not it sends a message of weakness to our enemies.
Sure. If you're dying to find partisan motives for it all. Which you are, from the looks of it.

Am I? Or am I just pointing out the partisan motives that I see? How do you decide which is which?

I'm trying to point out the double standard in terms of how many of you view events based on who is reflected well or poorly by those events.

I'll point out that my first response was that this occurred at a level well below that of the President himself, so hanging it on Obama was silly. I didn't downplay the stupidity of the set of decisions involved, but absolutely downplayed the suggestion that Obama somehow personally was at fault.

My point is that you agree with me now in this case. But I suspect that had this happened while Bush was in office, you and virtually all of those who are downplaying this would have held almost diametrically opposite positions. The "Mission Accomplished" landing/photo-op is a great example (and was even brought up in this thread). Something that had no real impact, didn't scare anyone, and shouldn't have meant anything other than Bush wanted to congratulate the crew of a Carrier for a job well done (and get a photo-op and speech in at the same time), yet for some reason it's been latched onto as some kind of symbol of a mishandled PR event.

Can't you just step back for a second and compare your reactions and responses to those two for just a minute? Isn't it odd that mine are pretty similar. I don't hold Bush responsible for the words on a banner behind him, and I don't hold Obama responsible for the decision to fly a presidential jet over NYC. Your responses are curiously opposite though. Even to the point of being perfectly willing to accept the reasons for "prolonging" the talk about "Mission Accomplished", while arguing for the opposite in this case.

Yet, I'm the partisan hack, right? Lol...

And for the record Joph. You're one of the more moderate liberals on this board. I debate with you, not because you're the "enemy", but because I honestly believe that you're moderate enough to get a reasoned debate on an issue. But "moderate" seems to be increasingly less so over time.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#142 Apr 30 2009 at 3:09 PM Rating: Good
30,086 posts

You should have that printed on several thousand post cards and mailed to the family and friends of the 9/11 victims.

After that ( assuming you didn't mail them from your actual home address) you should have it printed on a T-shirt and walk down the streets of NYC.

If finances are the prohibitive factor, I'll gladly give you whatever sum is needed to make this happen.

I'm missing your point. What would me kicking the shit out of hundreds of Yankees fans possibly accomplish? They'd be thinking "dear lord how is it we have offended you to be punished so severely??!?!!" and I'd be thinking "huh, must be Tuesday."

Fuck you, fuck New York, and especially fuck your empty self righteous outrage. When you spend 8 months in Dera Ismail Khan, get shot, stabbed, throw away a career on principle and become a cynical nihilist, let me know. Then we can compare notes on which of us cared more about protecting the US and it's citizens from terrorist attack before and after 9-11. Until then, feel free to take your simpering 11 year old girl affectations that you've learned from your careful study of television, wrap them in rosin soaked muslin, roll the resulting ball through shards of broken glass and ram it right up your ***.

Let me know if the resulting colors run or not. Thanks in advance.


To make a long story short, I don't take any responsibility for anything I post here. It's not news, it's not truth, it's not serious. It's parody. It's satire. It's bitter. It's angsty. Your mother's a *****. You like to jack off dogs. That's right, you heard me. You like to grab that dog by the bone and rub it like a ski pole. Your dad? Gay. Your priest? Straight. **** off and let me post. It's not true, it's all in good fun. Now go away.

#143 Apr 30 2009 at 3:12 PM Rating: Decent
30,086 posts

My point is that you agree with me now in this case. But I suspect that had this happened while Bush was in office, you and virtually all of those who are downplaying this would have held almost diametrically opposite positions. The "Mission Accomplished" landing/photo-op is a great example

No, no it isn't. It bears no similarities at all. It's as good of an example as a picture of laughing tree.


To make a long story short, I don't take any responsibility for anything I post here. It's not news, it's not truth, it's not serious. It's parody. It's satire. It's bitter. It's angsty. Your mother's a *****. You like to jack off dogs. That's right, you heard me. You like to grab that dog by the bone and rub it like a ski pole. Your dad? Gay. Your priest? Straight. **** off and let me post. It's not true, it's all in good fun. Now go away.

#144 Apr 30 2009 at 3:30 PM Rating: Decent
10,359 posts
It just sometimes seems like you Liberals have become so used to scripted and planned events designed to invoke outrage and action that you have a hard time realizing that sometimes the fear and anger is real. You've become so accepting of the methodology used by your own side to generate political action that you somewhat cynically assume that everything that causes any sort of public response must also just be agenda based.

Apparently jesus has returned and his name is gbaji...

No, I'm not complimenting him; think about it
#145 Apr 30 2009 at 4:39 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
gbaji wrote:
I'll point out that my first response was that this occurred at a level well below that of the President himself, so hanging it on Obama was silly.
Yeah, I remember that. In the next breath you mocked his administration and then I laughed at you.
My point is that you agree with me now in this case. But I suspect that had this happened while Bush was in office...
Do you realize at all how lame the "But if it was Bush you KNOW you'd act just like THIS!!" argument is? Any idea at all?
The "Mission Accomplished" landing/photo-op is a great example
No, it's not. The "Mission Accomplished" event was 100% about showing Bush off. This event was all about getting some nifty photos for stock usage having nothing to do with Obama.
Can't you just step back for a second and compare your reactions and responses to those two for just a minute?
Can we find two similiar events to compare first? I find it difficult to believe that you really think that an event that completely centered around Bush (hell, it was set up so he could give a speech) is comparable to an event that had nothing at all to do with Obama. They take these sorts of photos with Air Force One near landmarks on a somewhat regular basis. Had they decided to fly it over Mt. Rushmore that day instead, no one would have even heard about it because it would have made zero news. Bush's event was created entirely to generate news for him; the NY flight was never intended to generate news and the news it did create was only because people screwed up in planning it.

Both events are open to criticism but for entirely different reasons.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#146 Apr 30 2009 at 6:30 PM Rating: Decent
505 posts
Smasharoo wrote:

You should have that printed on several thousand post cards and mailed to the family and friends of the 9/11 victims.

After that ( assuming you didn't mail them from your actual home address) you should have it printed on a T-shirt and walk down the streets of NYC.

If finances are the prohibitive factor, I'll gladly give you whatever sum is needed to make this happen.

I'm missing your point. What would me kicking the shit out of hundreds of Yankees fans possibly accomplish? They'd be thinking "dear lord how is it we have offended you to be punished so severely??!?!!" and I'd be thinking "huh, must be Tuesday."

Fuck you, fuck New York, and especially fuck your empty self righteous outrage. When you spend 8 months in Dera Ismail Khan, get shot, stabbed, throw away a career on principle and become a cynical nihilist, let me know. Then we can compare notes on which of us cared more about protecting the US and it's citizens from terrorist attack before and after 9-11. Until then, feel free to take your simpering 11 year old girl affectations that you've learned from your careful study of television, wrap them in rosin soaked muslin, roll the resulting ball through shards of broken glass and ram it right up your ***.

Let me know if the resulting colors run or not. Thanks in advance.

I'm having a hard time buying that you did any of that. If you did, then my hat's off to you, if not, then you're just another pansy *** dough boy who's mouth writes checks his soft *** can't cash.

For the record. I HAVE put my life on the line for this Country. I am a combat Veteran of a foreign war ( Desert Storm). I HAVE lived in NYC before and I DID lose friends on 9/11.

So, no, these colors don't run. Nor do I live in some theoretical World and spout absurd ******** and pretend to care or not care. Perhaps you're legit or perhaps you're full of ****.

Frankly, given your comments, I'm disappointed either way.
Never regret.To regret is to assume.
#147 Apr 30 2009 at 6:40 PM Rating: Good
10,359 posts
Then we can compare notes on which of us cared more about protecting the US and it's citizens from terrorist attack before and after 9-11. Until then, feel free to take your simpering 11 year old girl affectations that you've learned from your careful study of television, wrap them in rosin soaked muslin, roll the resulting ball through shards of broken glass and ram it right up your ***.

Let me know if the resulting colors run or not. Thanks in advance.

Da dum dum dumdee deeeeee dum


Frankly, given your comments, I'm disappointed either way.

He's ******* with you man.

I'm not saying it's false; it may or may not be. Either way he's ******* you, and either way you're going to lose. Being dissapointed? Lost, get angrier? lost Get calmer? Lost.

Smash's style is so close to psychotic that you think he's just going to shatter one day, but his ability to stay at that threshold between troll and angry uebermensch is well practiced.

Edited, Apr 30th 2009 10:43pm by Pensive
#148 Apr 30 2009 at 6:43 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
Jophiel wrote:
Do you realize at all how lame the "But if it was Bush you KNOW you'd act just like THIS!!" argument is? Any idea at all?

Less lame than you denying it. You've rarely held back at an opportunity to bash Bush if there was any possible way to connect him to something negative Joph.

The "Mission Accomplished" landing/photo-op is a great example
No, it's not. The "Mission Accomplished" event was 100% about showing Bush off. This event was all about getting some nifty photos for stock usage having nothing to do with Obama.

Way to ignore the paragraph I wrote and pretend that I was comparing them in that way.

It's not about the speech Joph. It's about the banner and how the phrase on it has become a ridiculous rallying cry of the Left. Bush didn't write the banner. He didn't decide what words to put on it. Just as Obama didn't make the decision to send the plane flying over NYC. In both cases, someone working for them made those decisions. And in both cases, the decision had unanticipated side-effects.

The real difference is that the decision to send the plane on a photo-op caused actual panic and should have been obviously stupid to anyone, whereas the decision to put a banner with the words "Mission Accomplished" on it only appears bad if given sufficient spin.

The point is that Bush has been blamed for having deliberately chosen those words in order to (presumably) imply that the war was over and our soldiers would all be coming home soon. That interpretation of the words is no less absurd than someone insisting that Obama somehow personally choose to send that plane over NY to scare people. Yet. In the first case, I don't recall you ever downplaying Bush's role in the word choice of the banner. Additionally, I don't recall you ever suggesting that when people continue to use the phrase "Mission Accomplished" as a placeholder for any sort of implied "Bush lied to us" argument that they should let it go because it's silly to keep focusing on one PR stunt from 5+ years ago.

But you did with regard to this situation. See how that's you being inconsistent (or consistently biased depending on your viewpoint)?
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#149 Apr 30 2009 at 6:47 PM Rating: Good
13,007 posts
Are we really still talking about an event which actually meant nothing?
#150 Apr 30 2009 at 9:40 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
gbaji wrote:
Less lame than you denying it.
So we're using imaginary things as valid debates now? I get to start saying "If this was Bush you KNOW you'd be supporting it!" and that counts? Wow... well, okay. I'll file that one away.
Way to ignore the paragraph I wrote and pretend that I was comparing them in that way.
Well, I owed you for cherry-picking the "prolonged story" part of my earlier quote and leaving out the part where I say the NY folks had a point to be upset Smiley: grin
The point is that Bush has been blamed for having deliberately chosen those words in order to (presumably) imply that the war was over and our soldiers would all be coming home soon.
I blamed the administration for creating a photo-op where Bush was intentionally standing in front of the banner while giving the speech. I think you'll have a hard time finding where I said Bush wrote the banner or any silliness like that. In fact, I just checked the old threads on the topic. Nope... never directly blamed Bush. I have mentioned "Bush's staff" and "the administration", though. As always though, nice strawman.
I don't recall you ever downplaying Bush's role in the word choice of the banner.
Who said Bush picked the words? Hey, I don't recall you ever downplaying Obama's decision to infect Mexico with swine flu. What's up with that, huh? I mean, as long as we're accusing one another of not defending against arguments that weren't made...
Additionally, I don't recall you ever suggesting that when people continue to use the phrase "Mission Accomplished" as a placeholder for any sort of implied "Bush lied to us" argument that they should let it go because it's silly to keep focusing on one PR stunt from 5+ years ago.
So? The funny thing is that, in regards to the NY event, that I could see several valid points. One of those points was that Smash was probably right in saying that it just made us look weak. Hell, I didn't even say that no one could speak about it, just that I could see where it made us look panicky. You've latched onto one part of that statement, made up some other parts and keep demanding that I claimed that no one is allowed to speak about the NY event. Slightly disingenuous of you, don'tcha think?

So, no, I'm not really worried about your claims of bias or inconsistancy or whatever else because I'm not living up to the standard you want to pretend I set.
See how that's you being inconsistent (or consistently biased depending on your viewpoint)?
Well, I can see how you're still butthurt over the Mission Accomplished thing, if that's what you're asking Smiley: laugh
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#151 May 01 2009 at 2:16 PM Rating: Decent
30,086 posts

For the record. I HAVE put my life on the line for this Country. I am a combat Veteran of a foreign war ( Desert Storm). I HAVE lived in NYC before and I DID lose friends on 9/11.

Really? See much "combat" did you? Or were you sitting on your *** in a tent wondering what was happening? I think we both know what the reality was, don't we?

I lost friends in a car accident. Oddly I don't start pissing myself and faint when I see a car. I admit that it's hard for me to see the point of view of a weak emotional cripple, but maybe if you keep posting, I'll come around.


To make a long story short, I don't take any responsibility for anything I post here. It's not news, it's not truth, it's not serious. It's parody. It's satire. It's bitter. It's angsty. Your mother's a *****. You like to jack off dogs. That's right, you heard me. You like to grab that dog by the bone and rub it like a ski pole. Your dad? Gay. Your priest? Straight. **** off and let me post. It's not true, it's all in good fun. Now go away.

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