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It's time for another gun threadFollow

#52 Apr 06 2009 at 10:41 PM Rating: Good
Keeper of the Shroud
13,632 posts
zepoodle wrote:
Pensive wrote:
The purpose in collecting guns is that they are authentic; it's not to have a pretty display. You might actually consider selling them at some point. Instead of just insulting gun collectors you'd be much better of stating that the benefit that is gained by collecting guns as a commodity isn't @#%^ing worth all the deaths that guns which are NOT commodities cause.

Guns are a commodity. They're a commodity that kills people.

Guns don't kill people, people kill people. You'd think that this would have sunk in by now. Stupid people with guns kill people, criminals with guns kill people, guns by themselves do nothing at all. Do they make it easier to kill someone, yes, but that's no reason to ban them. If someone is dead set on killing someone else, they don't need a gun to do it. Hell, they don't need any weapon at all if they really want to do the job. I'm all for regulations, the average person has no real need for fully automatic weapons with armor piercing rounds, but a flat out ban is something that I'll never support.
#53 Apr 06 2009 at 11:09 PM Rating: Excellent
4,158 posts
Turin wrote:

Guns don't kill people, people kill people.

Judging by Tarvs graph, its Americans with guns that kill people. Mostly.
"If you have selfish, ignorant citizens, you're gonna get selfish, ignorant leaders". Carlin.

#54 Apr 06 2009 at 11:19 PM Rating: Good
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
paulsol wrote:
Turin wrote:

Guns don't kill people, people kill people.

Judging by Tarvs graph, its Americans with guns that kill people. Mostly.

We're an angry nation.
#55 Apr 06 2009 at 11:34 PM Rating: Good
15,952 posts
gbaji wrote:
Elinda wrote:
Fewer guns out there would make for fewer gun deaths.

You can say that about anything though. You get that if you talk about fewer gun deaths, you're always going to reduce that number if you reduce the total number of guns, right? Same can be said for cars, knives, toothpicks, and make-up bags. Assuming there are any "<insert object here> deaths" at all, then banning that object will reduce the number of deaths caused by the use of that object.

That's not a great reason to ban something though.

It's a lot harder for children to accidentally off each other with cars, knives, toothpicks and make-up bags. Toohpicks and make-up bags lying around the house usually aren't such a problem when someone gets all dysphoric after a fight with their partner, and decides to off the partner, or off themself. Cars and kitchen knives certainly can be used to kill, but they aren't lying around with the sole purpose of physically harming or killing a body, or threatening to do so. Guns within reach make death more easily within reach when people find themselves in an emotional crisis.

Long story short, removing guns doesn't remove criminal deaths. It assists in reducing accidental and social deaths.

Gbaji wrote:
Honestly, I'm of the opinion that most of the problems with guns in this country occur not because of the guns themselves, but because of the mixed messages we place on them. If every single person was simply free to own or not own a gun, and simply held responsible for the use of said gun, we'd have the "simple" system you desire. But because the gun control issue is constantly placed before the public, with a strong push to demonize guns and anyone who owns them on one side, but sufficient public support to prevent illegalization for the most part from the other, we end up with essentially the worst of both worlds. Guns are largely legal, and a whole lot of people view them like a vice instead of something that should be owned responsibly.

Those who want to play with a "bad toy" will seek out guns and are vastly more likely to use them irresponsibly as a result (if not just outright use them criminally). It's not the "gun culture" that causes this. It's the anti-gun culture that does. Constantly tell people how bad guns are, and people will obtain them in order to be "bad". The result is a bunch of yahoos who never learned any sort of responsibility regarding guns going out and buying one for the exact wrong reasons.
Interesting appraisal.
#56 Apr 06 2009 at 11:50 PM Rating: Decent
3,909 posts
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#57 Apr 07 2009 at 12:21 AM Rating: Excellent
10,359 posts
Guns are a commodity. They're a commodity that kills people.

Right... keep deluding yourself that every instance of gon ownership in terms of collecting or trading result in deaths.

Most of my guns have been locked in a @#%^ing closet for 4 years. I occasionally shoot rifles at the range with my father.

They are no different than trading in swords, save the fact that a sword weilder would have to be a lot more highly trained to use one on a murderous rampage.

There is no reason to ban all firearms totally. There are many reason to heavily regulate the practice.

Long story short, removing guns doesn't remove criminal deaths. It assists in reducing accidental and social deaths.

It's really, really @#%^ing easy to get rid of, or hide your guns when you have children in your house, or to keep them locked in secure closet.

Most gun accidents I hear about are a direct result of dumb mother@#%^ers who can't work a safety.

The only reason to own one is if you're entertaining the fact of shooting someone with it, because that is all it can do.

Not even remotely true. Many gun ownders own them so that they can sell them later for more money. Killing people is the primary objective of the gun, but it's ridiculous to pretend that it's the ONLY purpose it can have.

Edited, Apr 7th 2009 4:27am by Pensive
#58 Apr 07 2009 at 2:34 AM Rating: Decent
3,909 posts
Pensive wrote:
Not even remotely true. Many gun ownders own them so that they can sell them later for more money. Killing people is the primary objective of the gun, but it's ridiculous to pretend that it's the ONLY purpose it can have.

If you're buying the gun solely so you can sell it later at a higher price, couldn't you do that with something that isn't a live weapon? Like gold jewelry or a painting?

Seriously. I've heard a lot of arguments in favour of gun ownership, but owning them solely in order to make a resale profit is a new one.
#59 Apr 07 2009 at 5:47 AM Rating: Decent
12,049 posts
KinleyArdal wrote:


EDIT: posting while pulling colibri.

Edited, Apr 6th 2009 5:22pm by KinleyArdal

Varrus asks for thoughts, thoughts he shall have!
Japan has what many consider to be the world's strictest gun control laws, and the idea is often put forward that the Japanese gun control laws should serve as model for other nations. However, although gun related crimes in Japan are lower per-capita than elsewhere, such reasoning ignores many other factors, which at the end of the day makes for an unpersuasive argument. Many people simply recite the statistics that show that Japan has less guns and less gun crime.

Translation: You might think that Japan has less gun crime! Well, ha! It isn't because of the laws!
The licensing procedure is thorough and strenuous. Any prospective gun owner has to first attend classes and pass a written exam. This is followed by classes held on a shooting range and a shooting test. 95% of applicants usually pass.
Even if they pass the safety exam, applicants then undertake a simple "mental aptitude test" at a local hospital, which ensures that the applicant is not suffering from any readily detectable mental illness. The applicant then provides the police with a medical certificate attesting that they are is mentally sound and not addicted to drugs. The total cost of the procedure is some ï¿¥15000 ($150), with an additional ï¿¥17000 ($170) for a 3-month hunting license.

Translation: Part of the reason isn't the law, it's their sorting procedure! Take THAT, gun law activists! Oh... huh... I guess that is gun control. Bah! The results speak for themselves:
Is Japan Safe?

...Tokyo is ranked amongst the safest major cities in the world. Actually Japanese cities account for 9 of the top 15 safest cities in the world

Translation: Sure, Japan has some of the safest cities in the world. And lowest gun deaths. But, uh... are they REALLY safe?

... yeah, I guess so. But, it's because Japan is a police state!
Is Japan a Police State?
...These excessive police powers have a significant impact on the implementation of gun controls. The Japanese gun control laws exist within a society that currently has little need for guns for self-defense purposes. The powers of the Police make owning and hiding an illegal weapon extremely difficult.

Translation: See? The Japanese are wimps. They kowtow to the Police (capital letters!), and they don't NEED guns for self-defense because they have a great police force and gun controls! Er. Yeah. Great gun controls and a good police force, along with stiff gun control penalties if you illegally hide a gun make having a gun useless! Which is, I guess, sorta the point of gun control laws... but still...

Yeah, I think your source, even with its paranoia and racism, still supports gun control. Better gun control laws + stiff penalties + good police means the masses don't need guns. I don't really agree with that view, but if you do, hey...

Edit: I also liked the point about "The murder rate is so low because some family murders are defined as suicides:
Some 17% of all Japanese officially defined as homicide victims are actually children killed by suicidal parents. (Source)

This is one of the reasons that the official Japanese homicide rate is so low - if a Japanese mother kills her children and then herself, the police statistics sometimes record it as a family suicide, rather than a murder-suicide.

The quote is from a single piece of literature from 35 years ago. There's good source documentation! And the funny thing is... the outdated SOURCE says that these murders are defined as homicides. There is NO source whatsoever for the next sentence, which completely contradicts the source from the previous sentence (the first says "17% of homicides are parents killing their kids"; the second says "But not really! Actually, SOME of those are labeled as family suicides, not murders! What? Source for that? I don't need no stinkin' source!"

Edited, Apr 7th 2009 9:52am by LockeColeMA
#60REDACTED, Posted: Apr 07 2009 at 5:51 AM, Rating: Unrated, (Expand Post) poodle,
#61REDACTED, Posted: Apr 07 2009 at 5:58 AM, Rating: Unrated, (Expand Post) Tulip,
#62REDACTED, Posted: Apr 07 2009 at 6:05 AM, Rating: Unrated, (Expand Post) Ash,
#63 Apr 07 2009 at 6:13 AM Rating: Good
Usually gun deaths in the US aren't from criminals, though. They're from people with little or no history of crime going off the deep end, or accidental shootings from curious kids.

Remember the milkman who shot up the Amish school house a few years ago? There was absolutely nothing criminal about him prior to him going postal.

Blah blah blah, self defense, blah blah. So I suppose the little Amish school girls would be alive today if their parents had given them guns to defend themselves?
#64REDACTED, Posted: Apr 07 2009 at 6:23 AM, Rating: Unrated, (Expand Post) Cat,
#65 Apr 07 2009 at 6:25 AM Rating: Decent
hangtennow wrote:
2.45 million violent crimes prevented annually by responsible gun owners.

Versus how many crimes over all?
#66 Apr 07 2009 at 6:48 AM Rating: Excellent
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
hangtennow wrote:
I sleep better knowing if a burglar breaks in to my house I can reach under my mattress grab my beretta and empty a clip into their as*.

But it loses some of the hilarity of a fat man running into the living room naked and carrying a katana.
#67 Apr 07 2009 at 7:25 AM Rating: Decent
I don't consider a study of 5,000 people without an explanation of WHO those people were to be a sound methodology, either.

Ask 5,000 victims of crime over the phone, or ask 5,000 every day people off the street in one town with an average crime rate? The answer you will get for each is astonishingly different.
#68 Apr 07 2009 at 7:34 AM Rating: Excellent
50,767 posts
paulsol wrote:
Turin wrote:
Guns don't kill people, people kill people.
Judging by Tarvs graph, its Americans with guns that kill people. Mostly.
Truthfully, if we didn't have the guns, we'd just stab 'em.
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#69 Apr 07 2009 at 7:45 AM Rating: Good
9,395 posts

Smiley: lol I used to be a sysop on that site. Very nice people, not very intelligent(edit: ok, I can't lie, many of them were quite learned, but were lacking in common sense) though, and they refuse to stick to facts or state all the evidence if there's any hint of "liberalism".

Conservapedia is not a viable source.

Individuals who refuse to read material given them on a topic do not count as debaters or serious thinkers, either. Have fun with your thread.

I read it, but I require an ENCYCLOPEDIA type article with no bias...which I know is impossible, but would like to have one anyway.

I sleep better knowing if a burglar breaks in to my house I can reach under my mattress grab my beretta and empty a clip into their as*.

You know, if the burglar isn't armed, you can't claim emptying a full clip into him as being self-defense successfully, right?

I cannot fathom why someone would want to prevent a 100lb single mom from being able to protect themselves from criminals intent on rape and murder.

I cannot fathom how anyone who's had a child can be an anorexic 100lbs, unless they're a midget. Also, in allowing those single moms to freely carry guns around, you would also be allowing the people intent on raping and murdering them to freely carry around guns.

Half of the people out there intent on raping and murdering people have little or no past run-ins with officers(this requires a cite, but the point is there's a @#%^ing lot, especially where the rapists are concerned)

Edited, Apr 7th 2009 11:47am by Driftwood
10k before the site's inevitable death or bust

The World Is Not A Cold Dead Place.
Alan Watts wrote:
I am omnipotent insofar as I am the Universe, but I am not an omnipotent in the role of Alan Watts, only cunning

Eske wrote:
I've always read Driftwood as the straight man in varus' double act. It helps if you read all of his posts in the voice of Droopy Dog.
#70 Apr 07 2009 at 8:11 AM Rating: Decent
It's a lot harder to stab somebody than you'd think. Lots of knives in the US are pretty short, or dull, because we don't take proper care of them.

A properly sharpened knife is deadly in the hands of an expert, but a poorly maintained gun is deadly in the hands of an amateur.
#71 Apr 07 2009 at 8:11 AM Rating: Decent
291 posts
I'm a 2nd Amendment kinda guy. I'm generally against gun control but can accept some reasonable safety regulation.

That said ...

I'd be perfectly happy if no one had a gun. I'm a big strong guy with some training.

20 years ago when my (now ex-)wife came at me with a baseball bat, I laughed, took it away, and locked myself into a bedroom until she calmed down. She would not have been able to do the same had I been going at her with a bat.

So when you figure out how to 100% prevent others from having weapons that can overcome my physical advantage, then I'll support eliminating all guns.
#72 Apr 07 2009 at 8:13 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Grandfather Driftwood wrote:
I used to be a sysop on that site.
I used to be a contributor on that site!

I used to write very earnest yet flawed entries that wound up saying the opposite of what they suggested. They're all long edited by now but the histories are amusing as the guy who changed them seemed perplexed at whether I was serious or not when I wrote them.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#73 Apr 07 2009 at 8:19 AM Rating: Good
Ahkuraj wrote:
So when you figure out how to 100% prevent others from having weapons that can overcome my physical advantage, then I'll support eliminating all guns.

Knee caps muthafucka.
#74 Apr 07 2009 at 8:28 AM Rating: Decent
8,619 posts
Guns don't kill people, people kill people.
I've never seen a person walking into a school and leave 20+ people dead WITHOUT a gun.

You can do a driveby WITHOUT a gun

People kill people WITH guns, take the gun away less chance of people being killed.

Until you come up with a better solution kindly fUck off.
#75 Apr 07 2009 at 8:33 AM Rating: Decent
Skelly Poker Since 2008
16,781 posts
gbaji wrote:
Elinda wrote:
Fewer guns out there would make for fewer gun deaths.

You can say that about anything though. You get that if you talk about fewer gun deaths, you're always going to reduce that number if you reduce the total number of guns, right?
Right. This is my point. No need to go beyond that.

I disagree completely that undemonizing them will make them safer. I think the exact opposite would happen than what you predict if we were to casually accept guns into our homes.
Ari wrote:

It's a lot harder for children to accidentally off each other with cars, knives, toothpicks and make-up bags. Toohpicks and make-up bags lying around the house usually aren't such a problem when someone gets all dysphoric after a fight with their partner, and decides to off the partner, or off themself. Cars and kitchen knives certainly can be used to kill, but they aren't lying around with the sole purpose of physically harming or killing a body, or threatening to do so. Guns within reach make death more easily within reach when people find themselves in an emotional crisis.
Actually, I'm guessing more people die angry-behind -the-wheel than by shooting themselves or someone else. Kids, teens particularly, are at a much greater risk of dying to a car crash than an accidental OR intentional gun shot wound. But, atm, cars are kinda necessary in our society, guns not so much.

Edited, Apr 7th 2009 6:33pm by Elinda
Alma wrote:
I lost my post
#76REDACTED, Posted: Apr 07 2009 at 8:37 AM, Rating: Unrated, (Expand Post) Tard,
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