hangtennow wrote:
Cut them off the govn t*t to begin with. Let me be clear i'm not talking about people who have mental disorders. I'm talking about people who can work but choose not to.
It's amazing that there are such a lot of people who seem to think that the total pool of people who "can work but choose not to" is a really large one.
And you know what? Nation states WOULD NOT FUNCTION without a small but real class of permanently unemployed people? Know why?
When Australia got down to 5% unemployment recently, before the global financial crisis, the Government quietly but publicly panicked. It warned that if there were no unemployed people, then businesses would stop being able to function. McDonald's employees could get $100 an hour wages... more... anything they liked... if there simply weren't any
alternative people, and any
more people to hire. Basically inflation goes through the stratosphere, and the whole country goes down the toilet if you DON'T HAVE MORE WORKERS THAN THERE ARE JOBS AVAILABLE FOR. It's a simple but real supply and demand thing.
If there are more workers than there are jobs available for, are you going to blame THEM for having no work? If they have no family who can afford to keep them, are you going to force them into crime to keep themselves alive? Charity doesn't cover them all, you know. Or do you expect them to lay down and die, against all screaming instinct? Do you expect them to start a business when they can't get the smallest of loans in their circumstance?
Not every person is suitable or acceptable to an employer for every open job position. And I'm not talking about not being acceptable because you are a druggie, thieving low-life scumbag.
People hire people who have qualifications for the job, who
look like themselves and other people in the same business, who are from similar socio-economic/common interest strata to themselves and other people in the same business, who are
good looking, who are
taller than average, who are younger rather than older in most cases, who ALREADY have several years experience in the industry.
When employers get so unconsciously or consciously picky, what happens to the people who are willing to work, but are plainer, shorter, have a normal but different fashion sense, and haven't had a job before in that industry? They can fall off the end of the hiring list every time, until employers start getting suspicious because they've never had a job. Wonderfully competent and diligent older workers who get laid off in a recession or business belt-tightening can go decades looking for another position, because business likes to hire youth over experience.
Since capitalism will come to a grinding halt without a pool of long term or permanently unemployed people, since our economy demands a pool of more workers than there are jobs, then capitalism and the economy can damn well pay for them. Just enough to live on. Just enough to house, feed, clothe, transport, healthcare and moderately entertain these people who don't have jobs just so that everyone else doesn't have to pay $200 for a hamburger. Just enough to live on with a bit of dignity. And so they don't have to turn to crime.