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Prop 8, brah!Follow

#77 Mar 30 2009 at 10:29 PM Rating: Excellent
3,829 posts
manicshock wrote:

For example, with teachers 85% of them are liberal. People are being raised by liberals, their viewpoints are being biased by liberals.

You're putting the cart before the horse there.

You seem to be implying that liberals seek out teaching positions out of some sort of recruitment/indoctination drive. When really, it's more that academics gravitate toward a more liberal mindset, simply because a great deal of conservative philosophy just doesn't stand up to logical, educated scrutiny.

This is the so-called "logic" behind the Republicans trying so hard to flatter themselves that they are the party of the "common" man, and attempting to paint Democrats as snooty, elitist intellectuals, despite the fact that the core of the driving force behind the Republican party is almost exclusively wealthy and educated, and that Republican philosophy essentially revolves around an effort to preserve the upper class's dominance over the lower class, the "common" man with whom they claim to be so in tune.

The logical disconnect between what Republicans are and what they claim to be is really truly staggering.
#78 Mar 31 2009 at 3:31 AM Rating: Good
YAY! Canaduhian
10,293 posts
Wow, when did Totem go blue? That's some pretty dedicated camping right there...

What's bred in the bone will not out of the flesh.
#79 Mar 31 2009 at 3:42 AM Rating: Good
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
Tare wrote:
Wow, when did Totem go blue?

Maybe he's just sad.
#80 Mar 31 2009 at 3:45 AM Rating: Decent
3,909 posts
Aripyanfar wrote:
It's not quite clear to me if you realise or not that Gbaji was a Sage for a long long time. Then he lost Sage for permanent Scholar sometime during the last year.

I wasn't lurking back then.
#81 Mar 31 2009 at 3:58 AM Rating: Good
16,160 posts
What would be genuinely funny would be the complete loss of any viewpoint other than rabid leftism. Other than the rare "What is your favorite cheese?" thread everybody would mostly just sit around and watch Jophiel's post count continue to soar as he typed one line responses ending with an emoticon. Once in a great while someone would make a comment on current events and invite some discussion, to which you'd resort to an answer like #12 or GFY. After all, since we've covered nearly every topic under the sun at least twice since this board's inception, further reducing any more discussion by eliminating any disagreement would surely be poetic justice for the karma campers.

By-the-way, I like Swiss and pepper-jack.

#82 Mar 31 2009 at 4:02 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Totem wrote:
everybody would mostly just sit around and watch Jophiel's post count continue to soar as he typed one line responses ending with an emoticon.
Nonsense Smiley: wink2
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#83 Mar 31 2009 at 4:14 AM Rating: Good
16,160 posts
/cheers at Jo
It's good to see some things in life can be counted on! However, in a dark and dismal future, you'll be a solitary voice here surrounded by fellow Lefties whose thumbs are permanently lodged in their collective a$$; all of whom cannot be motivated to leave the rut to which they've grown accustomed: blinkered, lobotomized, and Prozaced. All their conservative foils and adversaries crushed under the oppresive heel of liberal group-think.

The horrah. The horrah.

#84 Mar 31 2009 at 4:41 AM Rating: Good
Ambrya wrote:

This is the so-called "logic" behind the Republicans trying so hard to flatter themselves that they are the party of the "common" man, and attempting to paint Democrats as snooty, elitist intellectuals,

Pubbies are dependent on the Idiot Vote (Read: Bigoted Moron) that has created the Christain Right and the marraige (Or should I say "Civil Union") of the Christian Right and the Republican Party is they only way they have of winning any sort of election.

However, this is met with an obvious intellectual dishonesty, you can't have small government AND get the support of the Christian Right; it's just not possible. Interestingly enough, while they [Republicans] continue to raw-fuck the Bible on stage and make religion a big hoopla in the political scene, they lose the 2nd largest Religious affiliation in the US outright; the Atheist. If the marraige with the Christian Right isn't enough to drive Atheists to Democrats then the party's stance on issues such as Stem-Cell, Abortion, and Death Penalty pretty much drives the final nails in the coffin. While I'm sure there are Atheist Conservatives in the world, they are very few and far between.

This dishonesty goes largely ignored because of who the Republican Party markets to. It's Nixonian tactics at it's core. Reagan perfected it. Instead of platforming on actual issues, they go about making sure the other Candidate looks like a bag of dog shit even if it goes unmerited. The McCain campaign failed so miserably because they did not properly ignite the Christian Religion. Republicans have to campaign this way, they learned this after FDR, and Truman's ultimate success. Elsewise they would suffer whole generations of losses to FDR's and Truman's. This shift was of course to play at the core of over 75% (at the time) of America; Religion.

To their credit, the plot worked, at least for a while. Soon enough the Baby-Boomers will die off and from their loins a generation of 30-somthings have risen. This generation is not so traditional, not so religiously-minded (This is what we call "Religious Moderates" another joke in itself but I'll save that for another thread), and not so closed-minded. A Generation much more different than it's Baby-Boomer counterparts. This is made evident by the utter failure that is the current Republican Party. A Party that has absolutely no spine nor does it have any clue as to why they are getting their asses kicked not only in presidential elections, but loosing Senate and House seats faster than Paris Hilton looses sex tapes.

All this though, isn't really the fault of Liberals, even though the Republican Party leader Rush Limbaugh (ba-dum-bum-ching) might disagree, this error falls squarely on their own lap. How? Because they believe political tactics used in the 1970's are still some how valid in the 21st century. Maybe Gbaji's dream might come true, a band of Conservatives will retake the party and kick all the religious bigots out, who knows. Even then, if they do, they'll have to prove it, and the only way to do so will be to support *gasp* Democrats on issues such as Stem-Cell, Abortion, Gay Rights, and Death Penalty but promote fiscal conservatism. I wouldn't bet a dirty pair of boxers on it, but hell, it could happen.

If they manage to do this, then they could be about small government and appeal to all religious (or lack thereof) factions across the board.
#85 Mar 31 2009 at 4:54 AM Rating: Excellent
13,007 posts
I agree with all of that, Rime. I'd also add that the Republican Party is a 2-headed beast. The pro-capitalism and pro-big-business portion of it is mostly hidden from the public eye, but is where the party's real interests lie. Meanwhile the big, stupid face they put on about religion and social values is what they sell to their constituents. Because hey, as long as you agree with their religion, the other stuff they do must be good too, right?

So the party that people of faith align themselves with is also the party that's maneuvering to keep those people working long hours for little money, and pumping pollutants into their environment, and keeping health care run as a business rather than a public service, and just generally being suppressive a-holes.
#86 Mar 31 2009 at 5:02 AM Rating: Good
16,160 posts
Wow. Just... wow.

In an alternate universe, Naughty, you'd make a fantastic McCarthy-like figure intent on blacklisting or worse, Gitmo-ing all these "idiot-voters" who apparently aren't smart enough to recognise the all-encompassing brilliance of your take on politics. Maybe, just maybe this Idiot Vote is not so much stupid, but a cause-effect reaction to the overweening pomposity of those like yourself who, rather than convince with sound logic and sweet argument, berate and attempt to beat about the head and shoulders of those who disagree with you-- for what ever reason they may have, religious, political, financial, or otherwise.

Seriously, you appear to be fairly smart. You write reasonably well, can put together several thoughts coherently, and even argue with tenacity. But the gross blanketizations you throw out to cover vast portions of ideology and the people who adhere to such views utterly defeats anything you might have to say. Furthermore, while I do the same thing-- perhaps moreso --mine is obviously tongue-in-cheek and meant as satire in the form of jamming my big black thumb in the liberal's eye. After all, anybody who really knows me realizes I don't reflect my online persona in any way. Yours, from all appearances comes from a sincere and heartfelt belief in the rightness of what you're saying.

Like I said: Wow.

No wonder there is a significant portion of America that resists your line of politics. If I were talked to and about in such derogatory terms, I'd be sorely tempted to vote contrarian just to stuff it in your face.

#87 Mar 31 2009 at 5:08 AM Rating: Good
13,007 posts
Or maybe Republicanism in its current form is actually stupid.
#88 Mar 31 2009 at 5:21 AM Rating: Decent
Totem wrote:
Wow. Just... wow.

In an alternate universe, Naughty, you'd make a fantastic McCarthy-like figure intent on blacklisting or worse, Gitmo-ing all these "idiot-voters" who apparently aren't smart enough to recognise the all-encompassing brilliance of your take on politics. Maybe, just maybe this Idiot Vote is not so much stupid, but a cause-effect reaction to the overweening pomposity of those like yourself who, rather than convince with sound logic and sweet argument, berate and attempt to beat about the head and shoulders of those who disagree with you-- for what ever reason they may have, religious, political, financial, or otherwise.

It has worked for decades for the Republican Party, what, can't handle the taste of your own medicine?

Totem wrote:
But the gross blanketizations you throw out to cover vast portions of ideology and the people who adhere to such views utterly defeats anything you might have to say.

Translation: I've no retort.

Totem wrote:
Furthermore, while I do the same thing-- perhaps moreso --mine is obviously tongue-in-cheek and meant as satire in the form of jamming my big black thumb in the liberal's eye. After all, anybody who really knows me realizes I don't reflect my online persona in any way.

They say, excuses are like assholes you know.

Totem wrote:
Yours, from all appearances comes from a sincere and heartfelt belief in the rightness of what you're saying.

A fair assessment. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't politics at it's very core, a matter of belief and opinion? With such question, would we all be right until proven otherwise with personal proof?

Totem wrote:
No wonder there is a significant portion of America that resists your line of politics.

Speaking of alternate universes as you did in your Ad Hominem attack, what if in this alternate universe Atheists composed 75% of the US population? Where would the current Republican Party be then? HAHAHAHA!

That really should shoot a hole in Republicanism right there.

Edited, Mar 31st 2009 6:23am by NaughtyWord
#89 Mar 31 2009 at 5:32 AM Rating: Decent
AshOnMyTomatoes wrote:
I agree with all of that, Rime. I'd also add that the Republican Party is a 2-headed beast. The pro-capitalism and pro-big-business portion of it is mostly hidden from the public eye, but is where the party's real interests lie. Meanwhile the big, stupid face they put on about religion and social values is what they sell to their constituents. Because hey, as long as you agree with their religion, the other stuff they do must be good too, right?

So the party that people of faith align themselves with is also the party that's maneuvering to keep those people working long hours for little money, and pumping pollutants into their environment, and keeping health care run as a business rather than a public service, and just generally being suppressive a-holes.

What's even worse, in my opinion, is newer generations have shown a much larger interest in community involvement. An idea that Republicans could bank on, but when President Obama suggests the idea, it suddenly becomes the devil.

Admittedly, as long as the Republican Party continues to act in the best interests of the Christian Right and Texas Oil Kings, I certainly hope they continue to shoot themselves in the foot.
#90 Mar 31 2009 at 5:33 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Totem wrote:
All their conservative foils and adversaries crushed under the oppresive heel of liberal group-think.
Yay, we win!

At that time, we can take our act on the road and visit the Free Republic forums.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#91 Mar 31 2009 at 6:01 AM Rating: Good
16,160 posts
See, Naughty, we can boil down your entire post history to this:

Nag, nag, nag.

Thank goodness you're not a woman-- assuming you're a dude, although I have no reason to do so --because you'd make some man's life miserable with your shrill, high pitched, and largely hysterical voice, shrieking at the top of your lungs, "Why do you hang out with those worthless friends of yours? Why can't you lift a finger to help me around this place? Aren't you ever going to get up off that couch and fix that washing machine? I've asked you once if I've asked you a thousand times! Why do you insist on voting Republican? Must you always be out all night with those Right-wing conservatives? Trickle down economics? <insert here a sound your voice makes that only dogs can hear> Nag, nag, nag."

So on and so forth.

And I guess in your perfect little world you actually could be that harpy-like wife every man loathes if same sex marriages were legal. Am I hitting close to home yet? Lol, NaggyWord, your new board name.


Too funny.


Edited, Mar 31st 2009 10:04am by Totem
#92 Mar 31 2009 at 6:06 AM Rating: Excellent
Skelly Poker Since 2008
16,781 posts
Totem wrote:
See, Naughty, we can boil down your entire post history to this:

Nag, nag, nag.

Thank goodness you're not a woman-- assuming you're a dude, although I have no reason to do so --because you'd make some man's life miserable with your shrill, high pitched, and largely hysterical voice, shrieking at the top of your lungs, "Why do you hang out with those worthless friends of yours? Why can't you lift a finger to help me around this place? Aren't you ever going to get up off that couch and fix that washing machine? I've asked you once if I've asked you a thousand times! Why do you insist on voting Republican? Must you always be out all night with those Right-wing conservatives? Trickle down economics? <insert here a sound your voice makes that only dogs can hear> Nag, nag, nag."

So on and so forth.

And I guess in your perfect little world you actually could be that harpy every man loathes. Am I hitting close to home yet? Lol, NaggyWord, your new board name.


Too funny.

Way to catch half the population (the better half) in your crossfire. Does your wife know you hate women so?
Alma wrote:
I lost my post
#93 Mar 31 2009 at 6:30 AM Rating: Good
16,160 posts
Hey, hey, hey. Who's doin' the generalizing around here? I only specified the quintiscential nagging housewife-- not the 51% of the world's population like you did, E.


And tell the truth, you're prolly sweeter than honey judging by the tone of your average post. If I were asked for my opinion, I'd gauge that you've probably got him tied around your little finger and he's quite happy to be there too.

#94 Mar 31 2009 at 6:32 AM Rating: Excellent
3,909 posts
AshOnMyTomatoes wrote:
Or maybe Republicanism in its current form is actually stupid.

It's not stupid, it's...outdated. It has failed to modernize. You shouldn't treat basic Republican principles as stupid, seeing as their existence forms an essential part of a democracy, i.e. a dissenting opinion. America wouldn't magically turn into a fairytale land of pure intellectual happiness and joy if you gave it thirty-two years of consecutive Democrat presidents. It'd just be a democracy where people don't need to argue about fundamental points of their ideology any more. What happens when one party dominates government for a period of several decades? They stagnate, that's what happens.

I mean, I'm a left-wing university student and I can't do anything but disagree with what NaughtyWord said. It's narrow-minded, facetious, and superficial. It puts up a great big straw man labeled "GOP" and invites everyone to boo at it. It's as partisan as some of the **** that gbaji and paulsol spew sometimes.

Way to catch half the population (the better half) in your crossfire. Does your wife know you hate women so?

I'll repeat; he doesn't hate women. He just treats them in a way that is three decades out of fashion. He treats homosexuals in a way that is three decades out of fashion. He treats Iran in a way that is three decades out of fashion. Three decades ago, everything Totem said would be A-OK.
#95 Mar 31 2009 at 6:37 AM Rating: Good
Come on, stop rating the man down... Totem deserves his Sage status. He might sound like a ****, but he's a good hearted ****.

And that's all that matters, really.
My politics blog and stuff - Refractory
#96 Mar 31 2009 at 7:01 AM Rating: Excellent
16,160 posts
Ignore the post above. I am everything he says except the good hearted stuff. I am whiskey soaked evil (thank you again, Anna! That brings a tear to my eye). I am possessed by the spirit of D1<k Cheney. I ********** to the picture of Richard Nixon and pre-teen LBFMs running down the road with napalm burns. I chuckle and clap my hands with glee when I see another another weather disaster looming where the Federal government can respond badly. I vote Republican.


#97 Mar 31 2009 at 7:19 AM Rating: Excellent
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
Totem wrote:
I am possessed by the spirit of D1<k Cheney.

You don't have to do that anymore, you know, unless you just want to point out what an aberrant SOB he is.


Smiley: smile

In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

#98 Mar 31 2009 at 7:50 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
zepoodle wrote:
It's not stupid, it's...outdated. It has failed to modernize.
Perhaps it needs something new. Something fresh. Some sort of off the hook hip-hop vibe.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#99 Mar 31 2009 at 9:56 AM Rating: Decent
16,160 posts
You mean I can go all French Stewart and say, "****, ****, ****, ****, ****" and not get symboled? Cool!

#100 Mar 31 2009 at 10:03 AM Rating: Excellent
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
You can!

I used to love 3rd Rock.

In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

#101 Mar 31 2009 at 4:38 PM Rating: Excellent
35,568 posts
Uglysasquatch, ****** Superhero wrote:
So gbaji, can you name one thing you like about Obama?

There, I asked it in a thread where you weren't debating yet, which means you're required to answer or not post in this one.

I've been deathly ill for the last 5 days. Probably wasn't actually the toxic water, but it's more exciting if I pretend that it was! :)

Fair question. Things I like about Obama:

1. He is intelligent and articulate.

2. He clearly loves his family (not likely to be getting blow jobs from interns while on the job).

3. He is a good person with the best intentions. Whether I agree with a policy or not, at no point do I actually believe that Obama intends harm to our country.

Those are the big ones that I can point to and know are true. Then there's the things I hope are true:

4. He holds a truly centrist view on many social issues. I do believe he does. I've mentioned several times how he's having trouble filling slots in his administration, and I suspect that much of that is because he's trying not to get forced into "playing ball" on a lot of far left social agendas. We'll see how well he does with this.

5. His position as a "Washington Outsider" gives him the ability to force re-thinking of a number of issues like energy, environment, and economic policies. Like the position above, I think he does believe in coming up with new and better ways to do this, but I think that not having been in Washington that long, also leaves him with few weapons available to help him pursue the correct course rather than a dogmatic party-centric one. Again. We'll have to see...

I could probably list dozens of more detailed things I agree with and like about his politics, but those are the broad strokes.

Honestly (and I know this is off topic for the question), my biggest fear about Obama is not what he intends to do, but the unintended side consequences resulting from policies that look and sound great on paper and in a classroom, but don't work out so well in the real world. Suppose this ties in to my earlier statement that I believe he does mean well. I just don't think he'll be able to thread that needle...
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
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