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Virtue Media anti-abortion spielFollow

#27 Mar 24 2009 at 1:49 PM Rating: Good
2,824 posts
If I want dried fruit I go to a supermarket not an ice cream truck.

Was your first post in the Navy as Pegboy?
#28 Mar 24 2009 at 1:52 PM Rating: Good
Worst. Title. Ever!
17,302 posts
soulshaver wrote:
Ask him if he thinks this 9-year old girl should be forced to tear her body apart to birth twins after she was raped by her stepfather.

The doctors and family members involved got excommunicated by the church due to that.

Seems the church chose the wrong time to try and make an example of people who get abortions...
Can't sleep, clown will eat me.
#29 Mar 24 2009 at 2:41 PM Rating: Default
35,568 posts
baelnic wrote:

You see what I did there with the "equally light hearted" bit? I'm a freaking genius! ;)

Sigh. I was just hoping for once you'd be funny. You're a really awful heel. Thank god Totem is back.

Wait! So it's "funny" when someone calls my ideas "stupid", but it's "not funny" when I say that the ideas they are calling stupid are the ideas of liberty, rights, and equality?

Weren't they both equally funny? I thought so? What a one sided sense of humor you must have?!
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#30 Mar 24 2009 at 2:44 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
gbaji wrote:
Wait! So it's "funny" when someone calls my ideas "stupid", but it's "not funny" when I say that the ideas they are calling stupid are the ideas of liberty, rights, and equality?
Gbaji is right. Dead right. You can forever bookmark this thread and cite this day as the day that I admitted that Gbaji was dead-on accurate.

Gbaji calling his ideas the ideas of "liberty, rights and equality" is very funny. Anyone who implied otherwise was wrong to do so.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#31 Mar 24 2009 at 2:47 PM Rating: Good
2,824 posts
Man you can't even be bothered to slip in a commie-pinko here or there can you.
#32 Mar 24 2009 at 3:16 PM Rating: Good
For those of us who view the lumps of flesh of humanity that we are as merely a continuity, abortion isn't murder, it's pruning.

If you really believe in the eternal soul, abortion should be no problem. You're sending em back to Jesus that much faster.
#33 Mar 24 2009 at 3:21 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
baelnic wrote:
Man you can't even be bothered to slip in a commie-pinko here or there can you.

Not for a pinko-commie like you! Die Rebel Mutant Traitor Commie Scum!
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#34 Mar 24 2009 at 3:51 PM Rating: Decent
8,619 posts
Was your first post in the Navy as Pegboy?
No it was too an Admirality investigation board.

It's mission: How to stop the American's killin their own fUcking side, especially Brits and not so much the French...
#35 Mar 24 2009 at 6:10 PM Rating: Decent
505 posts
Not meant as an insult, but if your son doesn't agree with your opinions/viewpoints he's naive? You can't be serious. You feel the need to reach him and explain the "truth" to him? What truths would these be? Your own opinions perhaps? I'd never tell you how to live your life, but you could try and accept him for who he is. He isn't you. Never will be. Respect him for who he IS. Damn.
Never regret.To regret is to assume.
#36 Mar 24 2009 at 7:32 PM Rating: Decent
Repressed Memories
21,027 posts
CoalHeart wrote:
Not meant as an insult, but if your son doesn't agree with your opinions/viewpoints he's naive? You can't be serious. You feel the need to reach him and explain the "truth" to him? What truths would these be? Your own opinions perhaps? I'd never tell you how to live your life, but you could try and accept him for who he is. He isn't you. Never will be. Respect him for who he IS. Damn.

I really hope you would say the same if he son was a raging anti-Semite. You would still be wrong, but at least you would be consistent.

This isn't a "you like chocolate, I like vanilla," situation. His son is supporting ideas which harm and kill people. He isn't trying to make his son just like him. He is trying to prevent his son from spreading more suffering in the world.

Do you understand why respecting others' beliefs isn't worth people's lives?
#37 Mar 24 2009 at 8:05 PM Rating: Default
505 posts
Allegory wrote:

Do you understand why respecting others' beliefs isn't worth people's lives?

Yes I do. Do you understand that nothing his son wrote defended killing people? According to the OP, his Son wrote:

Virtue Media puts prolife ads on secular Television. It's been on MTV, BET, and many local networks across the country. Check out these ads (link at bottom of email) and spread them around.

11 million people died in the Holocaust.
50 million people die yearly all over the world to abortion.

It is clear that abortion is the worst genocide in human history. Do you want the blood on your hands? Do you want to approach the judgment seat of God with the blood of millions and millions of babies on your hands? The great prolife leader, Henry Hyde, said that he always thought that we'd be alone ... just us and God ... at the final judgment. But he said that those of us in the prolife movement would not be alone. That at our judgment, a chorus of beautiful voices never heard in our world would say to God on our behalf, "Spare them, for they loved us!"

Jesus said that what we do the least of His people, we do to Him. Who is the least if not those of whom our government and governments across the world permit the murder.

So I reiterate: Do you want the blood of millions per year on your hand? I certainly don't.

Where in that quote does his Son support murder? If anything, his position is that Abortion is murder. The whole thing is anti-murder. It still boils down to the OP not agreeing with his Son's views. I may disagree with his Son as well, but I wouldn't assume or say he was stupid or supported murder just because we have different opinions. Forgive me, but that's just how most sane middle aged men behave.

Never regret.To regret is to assume.
#38 Mar 24 2009 at 9:01 PM Rating: Good
The extreme pro-life position says its okay to bomb abortion clinics since they are killing babies.

The extreme pro-life position says that a pregnant nine year old raped by her stepfather should deliver twins.

The extreme pro-life position frowns upon the use of condoms, since they prevent pregnancy, which spreads disease in third and first world countries alike.

So yes, being pro-life is actually being pro-murder.
#39 Mar 24 2009 at 9:32 PM Rating: Excellent
Let him be Catholic a little longer. Soon he'll feel so guilty he'll turn to the drink & you'll have other stuff to worry about.

Also: Fundamentalist Christians =/= Catholic.
"The Rich are there to take all of the money & pay none of the taxes, the middle class is there to do all the work and pay all the taxes, and the poor are there to scare the crap out of the middle class." -George Carlin

#40 Mar 24 2009 at 9:35 PM Rating: Decent
505 posts
catwho the Pest wrote:
The extreme pro-life position says its okay to bomb abortion clinics since they are killing babies.

The extreme pro-life position says that a pregnant nine year old raped by her stepfather should deliver twins.

The extreme pro-life position frowns upon the use of condoms, since they prevent pregnancy, which spreads disease in third and first world countries alike.

So yes, being pro-life is actually being pro-murder.

Being extreme Pro-life would, being Anti-Abortion wouldn't. His Son only said he was Pro-life, not that he held an extremist view. That's actually my entire point. Folks are pulling assumptions out their asses and then giving him grief for beliefs we don't even know he has.

Absurdly exaggerated negative beliefs are being ascribed to this person. It really makes you wonder why. It isn't logical, it isn't sane and it sure as hell doesn't prove that the Father is correct and must save his Son.

Once you remove the absurdities, assumptions and the accusations, we're only left with two actual facts. The Son is Anti-Abortion, the Father isn't.

EDIT: I'm also working under the assumption ( yeah, we're all guilty) that the OP is an accurate transcription of what his Son wrote.

Edited, Mar 25th 2009 1:39am by CoalHeart
Never regret.To regret is to assume.
#41 Mar 24 2009 at 10:21 PM Rating: Good
Repressed Memories
21,027 posts
CoalHeart wrote:
Yes I do. Do you understand that nothing his son wrote defended killing people?

Apparently you don't ponder the ramifications of acts before supporting them.

What happens when you make something illegal? The answer isn't "people stop doing it." Women who would be having abortions don't magically become prepared for having a baby by making abortions illegal. What does happen is the the stupidest and most desperate among them seek ways to do it anyway. When abortions are legal the idiot 16 year old who got herself knocked up while she was drunk can go to a trained medical professional to have an abortion. When abortions are illegal that idiot 16 year old googles abortion methods on the internet and goes to either an unlicensed "practitioner," or shoves a coat hanger or bleach into her ******. She kills the baby and then injures or kills herself because it is illegal for a trained professional to conduct the procedure properly.

The pro life crowd doesn't think or care about the real effects the policies they promote would have. They care about connotation. If abortion remains legal then that sounds like our society condones it, and if it is made illegal then that sounds like we condemn it. How it affects the lives of everyone involved is irrelevant to them. They would rather say "abortion is bad" while the baby and mother die than say "abortion is good" while only the baby dies.

Edited, Mar 25th 2009 1:26am by Allegory
#42 Mar 24 2009 at 11:35 PM Rating: Decent
505 posts
My counter would be that they probably believe that making Abortions illegal would change behavior. Sure, making something illegal isn't going to stop everyone, but you can't say it wouldn't stop some and change behaviors.

If abortions were illegal, do you honestly think folks would be as callous about sex as we are now? I'd bet folks would certainly be more cautious. Birth control wouldn't be an after-thought. If sex meant that you would potentially have to raise a child instead of getting a roto-rooter, there would be a lot less casual sex going on.

There's always the argument that folks would just keep having unprotected casual sex anyway, but I don't buy that for a second. We live in a cause and effect, action/reaction World. I'm a chain-smoker, but if every time I lit a cigarette, I got punched in the face by Mike Tyson, do you really think I'd keep smoking? He doesn't even have to actually ever be near me. Just the implied threat would be enough. Change the consequences and you'll change people's behavior.

Next we have the worst case "Back alley coat hanger" scenario. First, that represents one choice ( albeit a horrible one) amongst many. Another choice would be to ( Gasp) accept responsibility for her actions and actually raise the child. Or give it away for adoption, or maybe do everything she can to ensure she doesn't get pregnant and end up in this situation in the first place.

To proclaim that making casual abortions illegal would lead to millions upon millions of women being murdered by coat hangers doesn't strike me as sincere or even remotely grounded in reality.

I'll be honest. I'm not the best at arguing the Pro-Life position. Primarily because I'm not. I do however try to understand why someone can hold views that are foreign to my way of thinking. The Anti-abortion friends I know don't strike me as murderous wackos. They think killing anyone, even the unborn is wrong. They don't want to send women to the butchers, they want those women to either have the child or give it up for adoption. None that I know of are against abortions for medical reasons. They just find it currently "too easy".

Never regret.To regret is to assume.
#43 Mar 24 2009 at 11:50 PM Rating: Good
3,909 posts
Your son doesn't understand the definition of the word "genocide". It refers to the systematic and planned extermination of a national, racial, political or cultural group.

You should talk to him about it. Abortion is a morally contentious topic - I personally don't support it, but my views on the subject are complicated - and the best possible option, rather than ridicule or patronise his opinions, is to discuss them with him. Don't insult him, present him with alternate views, and be prepared for a rebuff. If his arguments stray into more radical territory, talk to his mother. His support of the anti-abortion agenda is likely just because he hasn't been exposed to counterarguments.

I personally supported abortion when I first became aware of the topic, but I took a step back, weighed arguments from both sides, thought about it over a period of several months and concluded that it was morally wrong. I'm not willing to discuss it here because it can get very messy; that's just my view, and I think I arrived at it appropriately. What's happening is that your son is at stage 1; he's been exposed to a contentious topic from the point of view of one side. He needs to develop his own opinion, and you and his mother need to recognise that it may differ from your own.

Allegory wrote:
Some very sensible stuff

Advice for Coalheart: Fools rush in. Take a step back, think before you post, and make sure what you're posting is what you really want to say.

Edited, Mar 25th 2009 3:58am by zepoodle
#44 Mar 24 2009 at 11:56 PM Rating: Decent
505 posts
zepoodle wrote:

Advice for Coalheart: Fools rush in. Take a step back, think before you post, and make sure what your posting is what you really want to say.

Good point. Rambling at 3:00 A.M obviously isn't one of my strong points. I'll do my best. Thanks.
Never regret.To regret is to assume.
#45 Mar 25 2009 at 12:31 AM Rating: Good
Repressed Memories
21,027 posts
CoalHeart wrote:
My counter would be that they probably believe that making Abortions illegal would change behavior. Sure, making something illegal isn't going to stop everyone, but you can't say it wouldn't stop some and change behaviors.

Are you insane? Sure it would stop some people, and it would kill others. That's not a good trade off.
If abortions were illegal, do you honestly think folks would be as callous about sex as we are now? I'd bet folks would certainly be more cautious.

You're incredibly naive. People who are presently too bothered to spend 15 minute driving to a store to pick up condoms now aren't thinking nine months ahead. They don't do abortion research before they get their jollies off; they just have sex. Policy changes for abortion would have zero effect on how people have sex.
I'm a chain-smoker, but if every time I lit a cigarette, I got punched in the face by Mike Tyson, do you really think I'd keep smoking? He doesn't even have to actually ever be near me. Just the implied threat would be enough.

People aren't concerned with problems not immediately in the present. You yourself are a perfect example. You smoke, you're should be aware you're killing yourself, but because it doesn't have immediate consequences you don't care. Why would you think it is any different for sex and abortions?
Next we have the worst case "Back alley coat hanger" scenario. First, that represents one choice ( albeit a horrible one) amongst many. Another choice would be to ( Gasp) accept responsibility for her actions and actually raise the child. Or give it away for adoption, or maybe do everything she can to ensure she doesn't get pregnant and end up in this situation in the first place.

And there will still be people who choose to be stupid and perform invasive medical procedures on themselves. You're preventing some abortions and injuring and killing other people. That's not a net gain.

When you have legal abortion clinics you can require the staff to explain alternative options like adoption to clients. If you ban clinics then you ban that service. You leave it up to people to make up their own mind, which is a bad idea.
The Anti-abortion friends I know don't strike me as murderous wackos.

And that's what is so disturbing. The world isn't separated into heroes and villains. The people committing the greatest atrocities in the world aren't twiddling their mustaches next to a woman tied up on railroad tracks. The people causing the most suffering in the world genuinely believe they are achieving good. When the Pope condemned the usage of condoms in Africa he thought he was carrying out the will of God. He just killed thousands of Africans.

Edited, Mar 25th 2009 3:44am by Allegory
#46 Mar 25 2009 at 2:24 AM Rating: Decent
Coalheart wrote:
My counter would be that they probably believe that making Abortions illegal would change behavior. Sure, making something illegal isn't going to stop everyone, but you can't say it wouldn't stop some and change behaviors.

Yet you claimed that his/their beliefs were not naive. Backed yourself into a corner now, *****.

Next we have the worst case "Back alley coat hanger" scenario. First, that represents one choice ( albeit a horrible one) amongst many. Another choice would be to ( Gasp) accept responsibility for her actions and actually raise the child.

If you choose one choice over another, you are saying the one passed up was worse than the one you picked. ************.
#47 Mar 25 2009 at 3:47 AM Rating: Default
505 posts

*****? Mother@#%^er? haha, now that put a smile on my face. I do love children.

Edited, Mar 25th 2009 7:48am by CoalHeart
Never regret.To regret is to assume.
#48 Mar 25 2009 at 5:03 AM Rating: Good
291 posts
Paulsol wrote:
And now you're worried that he's got some twisted views on reality!!!

I'd say you're a bit overdue in your 'concerns'.

Didn't it occur to you to spend some time explaining to him that there isn't an old bearded man in the sky watching his every move, and therefore what those idiots at the churches are saying 'in his name' has no bearing whatsoever on his ability to think for himself?

Sorry to be harsh, but really.......

Harsh? No. Mistaken? Yes.

We've been talking about religion for as long as he's known how to understand words. We haven't specifically talked about abortion.

I'm not telling him what to think. That would be stupid and a waste of my time. Since when does a kid do or think something because his parents say so?

On the other hand, he contacted me. He opened the subject. he told me what he thinks (and why). I think it's only right to see just how much he's thought it through and tell him that I don't see it the same (and why).

And yes (in reply to other posters), the quote in the OP is an exact quote. I did leave out the PS where he promised he doesn't advocate hurting anyone to defend unborn babies.

#49 Mar 25 2009 at 5:11 AM Rating: Good
Disclaimer: I hate kids and think there should be less of them anyway.

But many of you already knew that.

#50 Mar 25 2009 at 5:40 AM Rating: Decent
Skelly Poker Since 2008
16,781 posts
RedPhoenixxx wrote:
baelnic wrote:
I sent an equally light hearted jab back. Can't stand the heat...

If you consider your retort as a good jab in response to a personal assault ... were you home schooled through middle school or did you just ride the short bus?

Edited, Mar 24th 2009 3:12pm by baelnic

Please stop it, I can't take the heat.
...and here I thought it was hot flashes.

My 19 year old got arrested for having a joint on him. I've since been trying to convince him that it's just easier not to break the law, develop bad habits, rely on dope for relaxation, socialization, etc, etc - then our state lawmakers present and really push for a bill to completely decriminalize possession of small quantities of dope.

My conclusions are similar to others

1. 19 year olds, if not plain dumb, are stubborn in what they'll think.
2. Parents are the last people that are worth listening to.
3. He's 19. He is an adult and has the right to think what he wants. Hell, what makes him any less correct in his beliefs/assumptions than you?
4. Sounds like his beliefs weren't something that developed overnight. I think this is a good time to quote the Bam Man:
tehprez wrote:
Now, it's important to remember that this crisis didn't happen overnight and it didn't result from any one action or decision. It took many years and many failures to lead us here. And it will take many months and many different solutions to lead us out.

4. Get him drunk. Buy him a hooker. Maybe do some hard drugs. After he's been evilized, broach the subject with him again, pointing out all the contradicitons.
Alma wrote:
I lost my post
#51 Mar 25 2009 at 5:57 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Better yet, have him get the hooker pregnant.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
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