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Obama's all fired upFollow

#1 Feb 06 2009 at 9:43 AM Rating: Good
2,196 posts
WILLIAMSBURG, Va. — A fired-up Barack Obama ditched his TelePrompter to rally House Democrats and rip Republican opponents of his recovery package Thursday night – at one point openly mocking the GOP for failing to follow through on promises of bipartisanship.
In what was the most pointedly partisan speech of his young presidency, Obama rejected Republican arguments that massive spending in the $819 billion stimulus bill that passed the House should be replaced by a new round of massive tax cuts.
“I welcome this debate, but we are not going to get relief by turning back to the same policies that for the last eight years doubled the national debt and threw our economy into a tailspin,” said President Obama – sounding more like Candidate Obama than at any time since he took the oath of office less than a month ago.
Obama, speaking to about 200 House Democrats at their annual retreat at the Kingsmill Resort and Spa, dismissed Republican attacks against the massive spending in the stimulus.
#2 Feb 06 2009 at 10:06 AM Rating: Good
4,593 posts
That dude needs a Canadian brother. Or rather, we need him to have one.

Best f*ckin' President EVER.
#3 Feb 06 2009 at 10:23 AM Rating: Good
I agree with the sentiment that he is a very good president. He is bold and daring and that's what we need. This whole process just feels like the Republicans are stalling it for no other reason than to stall it. The spending in the bill isn't as frivolous as they would like us to believe, and I'm just a little sick of the whining. It's butt hurt, plain and simple. They lost the election, the power has shifted to Dem's to the extent that they will be able to pass things with or without the Republicans, and they are pissed about it.

A lot of things in America need to change, and the Republican way of doing things is what has driven companies out of business and citizens to the unemployment lines. It's definitely time for a ******* change.
#4 Feb 06 2009 at 10:28 AM Rating: Decent
I started reading the article and found this tidbit interesting.

Rhode Island Rep. Jim Langevin, who hasn't been able to walk since he was 16, asked Obama if he would remove the executive ban on federal funding for embryonic stem cell research. Yes, Obama replied, but only after he and congressional leaders figure out a way to prevent opponents from overturning it.

#5 Feb 06 2009 at 10:31 AM Rating: Good
4,593 posts
The Great BrownDuck wrote:
Rhode Island Rep. Jim Langevin, who hasn't been able to walk since he was 16, asked Obama if he would remove the executive ban on federal funding for embryonic stem cell research. Yes, Obama replied, but only after he and congressional leaders figure out a way to prevent opponents from overturning it.

EPIC Leader: This is what I'm doing, but I'm going to figure out how to make sure some idiot doesn't f*ck it up first.
#6 Feb 06 2009 at 10:33 AM Rating: Default
@#%^ing DRK
13,143 posts
the power has shifted to Dem's to the extent that they will be able to pass things with or without the Republicans

Not this 'thing'

60 votes are needed. Also, it isn't just the pubbies that are concerned at the contents of this spending bill. Many see some unnecessary mark-ups contained in the bill.
#7 Feb 06 2009 at 12:10 PM Rating: Good
Paskil wrote:
Many see some unnecessary mark-ups contained in the bill.

The Repub way has been to throw tax cuts at things in their (apparent) honest thought that it will fix all the problems if people pay less taxes over time. How does the old adage go..."You can't make a buck if you're not willing to spend a buck" or something to that effect? There's no possibility of someone putting on a Superman costume and saving the United States in a short span of time with tax cuts. It just increases the deficit if there are no plans in place to create jobs, revenue, and functional infastructure.

The problem is, none of the current ailments in the US are going to be fixed quickly, they all require long-term effective solutions that will take time to stabilize. Repubs want "Now!" action with tax cuts without considering the long-term effects. It's short-sighted Repub thinking. Obama's interest is energy independence, job creation, education, and making sure Americans have the tools to be productive parts of the US economy. Is there stuff that makes no sense in the bill? Maybe, but instead of looking at everything as "Will it fix it now?" look at it as "What will this do in the next 4-8 years?".
#8gbaji, Posted: Feb 06 2009 at 12:39 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I guess if you're going to lie, lie big.
#9 Feb 06 2009 at 12:47 PM Rating: Decent
gbaji wrote:
It's funny how bi-partisan always seems to mean "do what we want" to Democrats everyone.

#10 Feb 06 2009 at 12:48 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
gbaji wrote:
The House tossed the most one-sided bill possible at Republicans
I guess you didn't hear about the "Tax Cuts ONLY!!" bill proposed by the GOP House, huh? Smiley: laugh

Edited, Feb 6th 2009 2:49pm by Jophiel
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#11REDACTED, Posted: Feb 06 2009 at 1:03 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) LMAO...
#12 Feb 06 2009 at 1:09 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
dupeeconqr wrote:
Not one Democrat who's up for re-election next cycle wants to sign on to a partisan bill that's going to fail to do anything but create bigger deficits and not actually stimulate any job growth.
Remember when you said that not a single Representative would vote for the banking bailout bill under Bush because they all feared losing re-election?

That was funny.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#13REDACTED, Posted: Feb 06 2009 at 1:22 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Fabricating fictious statements from last year is it? That's all you have? LOL...
#14 Feb 06 2009 at 1:28 PM Rating: Good
13,007 posts
dupeeconqr wrote:
the msm
Use of this term automatically makes you insane. Trufax.
#15 Feb 06 2009 at 1:31 PM Rating: Good
13,007 posts
Also, every line of the bill is public.

Also, Obama's using a tried-and-true tactic here. Offering something that looks super, super ******, that he knows will be rejected, so that the next iteration will be more acceptable, even if it is something that wouldn't have passed if that's what was initially offered.

#16 Feb 06 2009 at 1:33 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
You realize that the bill is going to pass, right? And with at least a few GOP Senate votes?
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#17 Feb 06 2009 at 1:35 PM Rating: Good
Well that goes both ways, and we are arguing far too many "what ifs" anyway. This could be hugely successful, and then the Republicans will have had nothing to do with its success.

There's far more at stake here than reputations - this is about us, folks. This is about your neighbor who just came home because he lost his job. This is about the parking lot at the bar full of cars on a Tuesday afternoon because the men there have all lost their sense of self worth along with their jobs.

How exactly will tax cuts help these folks? Cutting taxes is not going to make companies look for alternative energy sources; the Federal government giving them money with the stipulation that they must do so is. And that's the bottom line here.

Obama is clearly a man of action and he isn't sitting in his pretty Oval office looking at how to make the most popular bill. He's looking at how to responsibly jump start companies who are failing which will have a direct impact on the American job market. It's already been said that he would prefer to serve one term and do the right things, than get to serve two terms because he did the "popular" things.

#18REDACTED, Posted: Feb 06 2009 at 1:56 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Terrain,
#19 Feb 06 2009 at 2:34 PM Rating: Decent
2,453 posts
Was this asShole banned or wasn't he?

Edited, Feb 6th 2009 5:34pm by Deathwysh
#20 Feb 06 2009 at 2:40 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
Kavekk wrote:
gbaji wrote:
It's funny how bi-partisan always seems to mean "do what we want" to Democrats everyone.


Sure. But how it's presented to the public does differ wildly <insert rant about liberal media here>.

What seems to have /whooshed over most people's heads is the absurdity of Obama faux-complaining about the "lack of bipartisanship" being displayed by Republicans. Hence my comment about lying big.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#21 Feb 06 2009 at 5:29 PM Rating: Good
9,395 posts
Because I just don't have the time to challenge virus today because I have to leave at 9 and I still need to get ready, I'm just going to make one comment slightly related to the topic at hand.

In what was the most pointedly partisan speech of his young presidency, Obama rejected Republican arguments that massive spending in the $819 billion stimulus bill that passed the House should be replaced by a new round of massive tax cuts.

Good for him. I'd love to know exactly what makes people think that lower taxes is going to help anything at this point in time. Suck it up, pay an extra couple dollars, and stop ******* complaining. You guys called the dems unpatriotic, idiotic, and haters of America for criticising Bush, and now you do the same thing and call it the opposite? **** you.
10k before the site's inevitable death or bust

The World Is Not A Cold Dead Place.
Alan Watts wrote:
I am omnipotent insofar as I am the Universe, but I am not an omnipotent in the role of Alan Watts, only cunning

Eske wrote:
I've always read Driftwood as the straight man in varus' double act. It helps if you read all of his posts in the voice of Droopy Dog.
#22REDACTED, Posted: Feb 06 2009 at 5:52 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) someone,
#23 Feb 06 2009 at 6:39 PM Rating: Excellent
Things Pubbies Dislike in the Stimulus Bill:

• $2 billion earmark to re-start FutureGen, a near-zero emissions coal power plant in Illinois that the Department of Energy defunded last year because it said the project was inefficient.

• A $246 million tax break for Hollywood movie producers to buy motion picture film.

• $650 million for the digital television converter box coupon program.

• $88 million for the Coast Guard to design a new polar icebreaker (arctic ship).

• $448 million for constructing the Department of Homeland Security headquarters.

• $248 million for furniture at the new Homeland Security headquarters.

• $600 million to buy hybrid vehicles for federal employees.

• $400 million for the Centers for Disease Control to screen and prevent STD's.

• $1.4 billion for rural waste disposal programs.

• $125 million for the Washington sewer system.

• $150 million for Smithsonian museum facilities.

• $1 billion for the 2010 Census, which has a projected cost overrun of $3 billion.

• $75 million for "smoking cessation activities."

• $200 million for public computer centers at community colleges.

• $75 million for salaries of employees at the FBI.

• $25 million for tribal alcohol and substance abuse reduction.

• $500 million for flood reduction projects on the Mississippi River.

• $10 million to inspect canals in urban areas.

• $6 billion to turn federal buildings into "green" buildings.

• $500 million for state and local fire stations.

• $650 million for wildland fire management on forest service lands.

• $1.2 billion for "youth activities," including youth summer job programs.

• $88 million for renovating the headquarters of the Public Health Service.

• $412 million for CDC buildings and property.

• $500 million for building and repairing National Institutes of Health facilities in Bethesda, Maryland.

• $160 million for "paid volunteers" at the Corporation for National and Community Service.

• $5.5 million for "energy efficiency initiatives" at the Department of Veterans Affairs National Cemetery Administration.

• $850 million for Amtrak.

• $100 million for reducing the hazard of lead-based paint.

• $75 million to construct a "security training" facility for State Department Security officers when they can be trained at existing facilities of other agencies.

• $110 million to the Farm Service Agency to upgrade computer systems.

• $200 million in funding for the lease of alternative energy vehicles for use on military installations.

I highlighted the two I agree with.

That makes my bi-partisan.
"The Rich are there to take all of the money & pay none of the taxes, the middle class is there to do all the work and pay all the taxes, and the poor are there to scare the crap out of the middle class." -George Carlin

#24 Feb 06 2009 at 6:46 PM Rating: Good
Liberal Conspiracy
The 2010 Census is supposed to shift some Congressional seats into red states. In a show of bipartisanship, I say we cancel the 2010 census altogether.

In seriousness, that entire list comes up to about $19 billion. And most of them are things that would require the hiring of companies/workers to accomplish such as the different renewal/rehabbing projects, conversion of federal buildings, etc.

If I take all those out, there's about $5.5bil left.

Edited, Feb 6th 2009 8:57pm by Jophiel
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#25 Feb 06 2009 at 6:49 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
Omega. The issue isn't just about whether you agree with the goal of any given item, but whether those items qualify as "economic stimulus".

Can you honestly say that any of those will stimulate the economy more than not taking the money to spend on them in the first place? Remember. Every single dollar spent on this comes out of our taxes, which will hurt the economy. So arguing that X dollars will stimulate the economy because it'll be spent buying furniture (for example) isn't a valid argument.

These are spending programs. Period. They have nothing to do with stimulating the economy, or helping get us out of our economic troubles. They have everything to do with funding programs lobbied by people who support Democrats. That's why the Republicans labeled this as an horribly partisan bill. The Democrats are attempting to use the economic crisis to fund every dream project they've been wanting to fund for decades but knew no one would allow.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#26 Feb 06 2009 at 7:36 PM Rating: Good
I agree with some of the stimulus package. Namely the parts that will create jobs. The Mississippi River project will need to be contructed. There will have to be people working on that construction. This is similar to the dams built(Hoover, Coulee,) back during the Depression. The design for the new Ice Breakers in the Coast Guard will do the same for people in that field. Also those new ships will have to be built. These are just a couple i picked out of the bill.

But that coin has another side. Is the economy going to be able to support the people that have those jobs building ships, or working on flood reduction when the project is done. Those people are now going to be looking for a new job. The goal is that the economy will be stable enough to pick up those people.

So in short this is a short term fix. We're going to have to hope the short term fix works, and take the nexts steps when we have more stable gournd to work on.
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