Lady DSD wrote:
kao I think that was the longest post I have ever sat down and read word for word. Excellent summary.
I know I Havent helped things progress in the Asylum lately. There's really nothing new going on, I'm swamped pretending to be all grown up and acting like a mom, and I've got another forum I moderate that takes up a lot of my time. I notice I venture into the OOt to see whats going on and note that without a physical merger, a merge of the asylum and OOt is already happening. I wouldnt be surprised if an actual merger does happen in the future. I just hope if a merger does happen, we can still call each other cunts with smiles on our faces and not have any OOT admin unused to adult vocabulary lose a gasket.
Thats part of the key issue. Many of us started posting here back in college or around that time, and without new content, people get bored with forums. You've got your post creaters, and your post repliers. Back in the day I used to be a fairly prolific post creator, but now that I've got the maroon name, I get self consious that I am hijacking the forum if I make too many new threads. It's one of the paridoxical points of forum nature. The faster the main page moves, the more people come back to read it and post, thus causing the page to move even more rapidly. At some point there is a gestalt point where the forum starts becoming self sustaining again. And it seems to be different for each forum we have. Asylum would ideally have 20 regulars and 60 lurkers at any given time, more during peak periods, to get things really moving. For OOT on the other hand, they have those numbers, but they tend to be more prolific posting anyways, so it takes more of them to add enough content to their threads to where it doesn't just look like 3 or 4 people replying to eachother all day. On the other hand, some of the FFXI server forums get by with about 8 regulars, and have a huge following.
If we ever did merge the OOT and Asylum, it would be under the same posting rules of engagement that Asylum currently operates at, lax Swear filter enforcement, etc. But that still leaves the issue of newbies getting blasted out of existance when they venture into the OOT type space.
To get around that, One thing I have considered would be a "newbie zone" forum. People could post in there under the following conditions: Either having a post count lower than 100-200 posts, or having a post count of higher than 6,000 posts. No Karma system whatsoever except the Admin tools. The goal being to give new posters an area to play and interact without being blasted out of existance, but at the same time give them exposeure to the board regulars. The 6,000 post restriction is about the level at which I would consider people on average of having been here long enough to know better than to destroy the newbies when admins are watching. I don't know how it would all work, especially no karma system to drop threads down when admins aren't available.