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israel / hamasFollow

#77 Jan 03 2009 at 9:12 AM Rating: Good
Liberal Conspiracy
Let me ask this: what would you have Israel do?

I cant imagine them negotiating with Hamas because you can't tell me what Hamas wants as an end result that they could negotiate for. My understand is that Hamas wants Israel destroyed and nothing less and that's not really an option. So what should Israel do?
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#78 Jan 03 2009 at 9:14 AM Rating: Decent
559 posts
If you had any sense of decency or compassion, you'd join me in condemning Hamas as being truely ****** up people with no value what so ever for what they're intentionally subjecting their children to.

I have stated at least twice that any militancy is wrong and should be condemned, don't twist this to think that I am somehow an advocate for Hamas. To make it more obvious...

I officially condemn Hamas as being truly ****** up people (although that doesn't mean they don't have value as human beings.)

Now will you join me in condemning Israel for murdering innocent children?
#79 Jan 03 2009 at 9:16 AM Rating: Good
Liberal Conspiracy
soulshaver wrote:
Now will you join me in condemning Israel for murdering innocent children?
No, because I reject the word "murder". It's a shame that the casualties have to take place but I lay the blame fully on Hamas as the ones responsible. Hamas could chose at any given second to end this conflict. If Israel stopped, it'd just mean more rockets and bombs from Hamas.


And no, they have no value as humans. None. They are pure shit. Not the citizens of Palestine but those who are continuing this war with Israel to let their children's blood flow.

With that, I'm off for breakfast.

Edited, Jan 3rd 2009 11:18am by Jophiel
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#80 Jan 03 2009 at 9:22 AM Rating: Decent
559 posts
Let me ask this: what would you have Israel do?

I am a peace advocate so I am going to say smother them with love. Of course everyone who lives in an imperialistic military industrial state will laugh at that as they have been programmed to do, so here are some basic things that I think everyone should agree on.

Israel should at the very least...

- abide by international law and Geneva conventions
- stop firing rockets into school playgrounds, universities, fire stations, and medical stores
- stop murdering innocent civilians as insignificant collateral damage
- not overreact and use excessive force compared to what has been used against them

If they did those things then I can understand them going after terrorists who bomb their cities with a vengeance as long as they are not careless in their pursuit.
#81 Jan 03 2009 at 9:26 AM Rating: Decent
Jophiel wrote:
Explain to me what Hamas wants. Tell me how they'll find a peaceful solution to gaining it.

I'm interested to find out because this is the group that the citizens of Palestine have empowered to represent and fight for them. So I need to know what peaceful goals Hamas has regarding this conflict so I can think of them as something other than a bunch of sick @#%^s throwing their children at Israel.

I'm not sure if you're labouring under the misapprehension that I'm on Palestine's side, but it certainly seems that way. To clarify, I don't like Hamas and I don't think Palestine should have voted them into power.

I sure do. So does the Hamas Charter, article 13

That doesn't in any way address what I was saying. It REALLY shouldn't be neccesary for me to explain why, but I feel indulgent; just because a group has a policy, it does not mean that everyone in the group supports the policy and, even if they do, it does not mean that people in that group do not have doubts about the righteousness of what they are doing, even if they are a group of zealots. The deaths of children vindicate people inside Hamas, but, more importantly, the Palestinian public. Yes, even if its their fault their kids snuffed it.

Jophiel wrote:
By working to eliminate the threat from Hamas. Which you might think isn't working but it's a hell of a lot better planned than what you're giving me for Hamas.

Yeah, it's a pretty sh*t plan. The "precision" air strikes aren't stopping rocket attacks and bombing a country into submission is very, very difficult.

Edited, Jan 3rd 2009 12:31pm by Kavekk
#82 Jan 03 2009 at 9:42 AM Rating: Decent
1,162 posts
I cant imagine them negotiating with Hamas because you can't tell me what Hamas wants as an end result that they could negotiate for. My understand is that Hamas wants Israel destroyed and nothing less and that's not really an option. So what should Israel do?

Well a first step could be to stop giving them recruiting material.

You can't negotitate with Hamas but you can't get rid of them with air strike either. Unless you give a reason to the next generation of palestinian children not to join Hamas, they will always exist.

Bombing them when you know you will kill innocent children while achieving absolutely nothing is stupid. Doing nothing will achieve the same result minus the dead kids.

Unfortunately, as you said yourself, this conflict is more than just Israel-Palestine or jews-arabs. In the end though, Israel is the only one that can make the painful concession necessary to one day end this conflict. The longer they keep using Gaza and the fight against Hamas as a political tool, the longer it will take before they see peace and security.

#83 Jan 03 2009 at 9:50 AM Rating: Excellent
4,158 posts
soulshaver said:

, don't twist this to think that I am somehow an advocate for Hamas

Get used to it dude.

The minute you try and point out to someone that Israel is not blameless in this conflict (wich should be obvious to anyone who cares to see whats gone on for the last 50 years in the area) thats exactly what the person you are talking to will do, wether on a message board or in RL. Its the Israel/Palestinian equivelant of "yes, but.....".

It pisses me off to......

Oddly, its most often heard from Americans.

"If you have selfish, ignorant citizens, you're gonna get selfish, ignorant leaders". Carlin.

#84 Jan 03 2009 at 9:53 AM Rating: Decent
3,909 posts
Kavekk wrote:
Yeah, it's a pretty sh*t plan. The "precision" air strikes aren't stopping rocket attacks and bombing a country into submission is very, very difficult.

Well, they did always intend to follow it with a land invasion.

I think everyone here - yes, even you, soulshaver - can agree that Israel just wants to be rid of the Gaza strip. They tried to pawn it off on Egypt, but Egypt didn't take it because it was a hotbed of Palestinian radicalism and militancy. Israel would love, so much, for the Gaza strip to stop being a problem. It has no material value to them and they would only waste men and resources trying to hold on to it.

The problem is that the ******* in Gaza's backyard won't stop firing missiles over the border. That's the end of it. Israel doesn't invade Gaza because it wants to create a zionist empire. It does it because the ******** in Gaza keep ******* hurling bombs at them.
#85 Jan 03 2009 at 10:32 AM Rating: Decent
3,909 posts
soulshaver wrote:
I posted this earlier Joph but it was sub-defaulted because I pointed out that Israel is in violation of the most UN sanctions and international law of any country since WWII.

This seems pretty iffy to me. I mean, I'm pretty sure the USSR wins out, again. Or maybe China. North Korea. Iraq. Or numerous African nations where genocide has been perpetrated.
#86 Jan 03 2009 at 10:48 AM Rating: Good
8,619 posts
The minute you try and point out to someone that Israel is not blameless in this conflict (wich should be obvious to anyone who cares to see whats gone on for the last 50 years in the area) thats exactly what the person you are talking to will do, wether on a message board or in RL. Its the Israel/Palestinian equivelant of "yes, but.....".
Many many times over the last 50 years Israel have abidded by a ceasefire that could have stopped the conflict for good, many time they have given up consessions that could have stopped the conflict for good.

Their goodwill and wish to end the conflict has been resulted in dead Athlete's, suicide bombers, missile attacks and 50 years of hate.

At no point has Hamas ever had a goal other than the total destruction of Israel to the last man, woman and child, they periodicly call ceasefires to re arm before sending the latest wave of death accross the border, so do not act like these people are innocent victims, they knew what Hamas stood for and voted them in.

Arafat foresook violence in a effort to get a lasting peace and was no sooner in office than the Palistinians turned against him.

Ehud Barak, at the Camp David Summit in July 2000, partly due to insistence for compromise by President Clinton, Barak offered Arafat a Palestinian state in 73% of the West Bank and all of the Gaza Strip. The Palestinian percentage of sovereignty would extend to 91% (94% excluding Jerusalem) over a ten to twenty-five year period. In exchange for the withheld areas of the West Bank where the main Israeli settlement blocks were situated, Barak offered the equivalent area in the Israeli Negev desert. Also included in the offer were the return of a small number of refugees and compensation for those not allowed to return. Arafat rejected Barak's offer and refused to make an immediate counter-offer.
Who's trying to make peace and who isn't.

#87 Jan 03 2009 at 11:14 AM Rating: Excellent
4,158 posts
Ehud Barak, at the Camp David Summit in July 2000, partly due to insistence for compromise by President Clinton, Barak offered Arafat a Palestinian state in 73% of the West Bank and all of the Gaza Strip. The Palestinian percentage of sovereignty would extend to 91% (94% excluding Jerusalem) over a ten to twenty-five year period. In exchange for the withheld areas of the West Bank where the main Israeli settlement blocks were situated, Barak offered the equivalent area in the Israeli Negev desert. Also included in the offer were the return of a small number of refugees and compensation for those not allowed to return. Arafat rejected Barak's offer and refused to make an immediate counter-offer.

The Negev.

The west bank.

Seems a reasonable swap!

Ok. Im being silly. But so is an argument that says that living under occupation and opppression for 50 years has no effect on the mentality of the oppressed and occupied.

As I've said, 50% of the people in Gaza are under 15. They dont vote. they didnt vote for Hamas. They have known NOTHING but occupation.

What would you be doing? If it was me, rightly or wrongly, I'd be blaming my oppressors for my problems.

"If you have selfish, ignorant citizens, you're gonna get selfish, ignorant leaders". Carlin.

#88 Jan 03 2009 at 11:32 AM Rating: Decent
8,619 posts
As I've said, 50% of the people in Gaza are under 15. They dont vote. they didnt vote for Hamas. They have known NOTHING but occupation.

What would you be doing? If it was me, rightly or wrongly, I'd be blaming my oppressors for my problems.
It wouldn't make you right and they are not being occupied or oppressed, Isreal have no interest in Gaza other than not being bombed by people living there.

Another picture of the West bank

Another picture of the Negev

we can all pull picture to support our arguement but we both know all ofthe east side Israel is arid semi desert no matter where on the east side of the country you happen to be.

Edited, Jan 3rd 2009 2:41pm by tarv
#89 Jan 03 2009 at 11:50 AM Rating: Good
4,158 posts
Another picture of the Negev


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Someone stole the Negev!

Edited, Jan 3rd 2009 7:51pm by paulsol
"If you have selfish, ignorant citizens, you're gonna get selfish, ignorant leaders". Carlin.

#90 Jan 03 2009 at 11:56 AM Rating: Decent
8,619 posts
Someone stole the Negev!
Seriously, I doubt anyone will miss it. If it wasn't for 750,000 people with nothing to do but make more babies and kill their neighbours no one would miss gaza either..
#91 Jan 03 2009 at 11:56 AM Rating: Good
1,701 posts

Not Found
The requested URL /_NPZMSe4NmVA/R0y47QG2euI/AAAAAAAAEv0/t9W9XiE-kPg/PA310086.JPG was not found on this server.

They got the West Bank too!
If life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Then find someone that life has given vodka and have party.

This establishment does not serve women. You must bring your own.
#92 Jan 03 2009 at 12:02 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
feelz wrote:
I cant imagine them negotiating with Hamas because you can't tell me what Hamas wants as an end result that they could negotiate for. My understand is that Hamas wants Israel destroyed and nothing less and that's not really an option. So what should Israel do?
Well a first step could be to stop giving them recruiting material.

You can't negotitate with Hamas but you can't get rid of them with air strike either. Unless you give a reason to the next generation of palestinian children not to join Hamas, they will always exist.

Bombing them when you know you will kill innocent children while achieving absolutely nothing is stupid. Doing nothing will achieve the same result minus the dead kids.
This didn't answer my question.
In the end though, Israel is the only one that can make the painful concession necessary to one day end this conflict.
Absolute bullshit. As I said, Hamas could end this conflict this hour by publicly calling for a ceasefire, withdrawing and allowing whatever inspectors are needed. This hour. If Israel said this hour that they were stopping, they'd just get more rocket attacks. See, Hamas wants to destroy Israel. Israel isn't out to destroy Gaza. Notice the difference?

But it's Israel who has to give up stuff to end a conflict that'll only be ended in Hamas' eyes by Israel's complete destruction. Right Smiley: rolleyes
Paulsol wrote:
thats exactly what the person you are talking to will do
Except I never said he was an advocate for Hamas. I said it was fucked up that he railed against the minor player in the "OMG MURDER BABIES!!!" part but negelected to directly condemn the principle player in "OMG MURDER BABIES!!!" aspect.

And, yes, I intentionally diminish that aspect of it with that wording because, strangely, it only seemed to apply as a tool against Israel in all of his posts. If he cares so little about it that he wouldn't have immediately condemned Hamas for it, it deserves to be diminished. Not as a tragedy but diminished as an argument.

Martyr isn't a pretty color on either of you.

Edited, Jan 3rd 2009 2:05pm by Jophiel
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#93 Jan 03 2009 at 12:02 PM Rating: Excellent
4,158 posts
Seriously, I doubt anyone will miss it.

Or want it if offered to them as a place to live. Which was my point.
"If you have selfish, ignorant citizens, you're gonna get selfish, ignorant leaders". Carlin.

#94 Jan 03 2009 at 12:06 PM Rating: Good
Liberal Conspiracy
Paulsol wrote:
50% of the people in Gaza are under 15. They dont vote. they didnt vote for Hamas.
Too bad the other 50% did, huh? Maybe they should worry more about their children rather then sell them out to sick fuckers who want to strap bombs to them and throw them at Israel.

Thanks, Dad!

Edited, Jan 3rd 2009 2:06pm by Jophiel
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#95 Jan 03 2009 at 12:12 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
soulshaver wrote:
Israel should at the very least...

- abide by international law and Geneva conventions
- stop firing rockets into school playgrounds, universities, fire stations, and medical stores
- stop murdering innocent civilians as insignificant collateral damage
- not overreact and use excessive force compared to what has been used against them
Well, ignoring the fact that I don't accept the premise of #2 or #3 (or even #4), which of these do you think will end the rocket attacks?
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#96 Jan 03 2009 at 12:16 PM Rating: Good
3,909 posts
To be fair, they were choosing between Hamas and Fatah. That's like choosing between a militant group that hates Israel and a highly corrupt and inept militant group that hates Israel.
#97 Jan 03 2009 at 12:29 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
zepoodle wrote:
To be fair, they were choosing between Hamas and Fatah. That's like choosing between a militant group that hates Israel and a highly corrupt and inept militant group that hates Israel.
Too bad they didn't take Door B, huh? I hear things are better on the West Bank under Fatah control than in Gaza.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#98 Jan 03 2009 at 12:48 PM Rating: Excellent
1,162 posts
Too bad they didn't take Door B, huh? I hear things are better on the West Bank under Fatah control than in Gaza

I'm sure they have such a wonderful life in the west bank...
#99 Jan 03 2009 at 12:49 PM Rating: Good
Liberal Conspiracy
Better than in Gaza, yes.

See!? We agreed on something! Hooray! Smiley: clap
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#100 Jan 03 2009 at 12:55 PM Rating: Decent
559 posts
Well, ignoring the fact that I don't accept the premise of #2 or #3 (or even #4), which of these do you think will end the rocket attacks?

Regarding #2, do you deny that Israel has bombed a school playground, a fire station, a university, a medical facility, and today a Mosque?

If you are simply going to deny reality as supported by factual evidence then there really is no point in continuing.

Also, if you object to the word murder in #3 I will switch it to kill. Israel should stop killing innocent civilians. Do you disagree with that? You think Israel should kill innocent civilians, including children?

Regarding #4, you honestly think that by killing over 400 people in a week is proportionate to the death of 19 people over the last 8 years by Hamas? Killing innocent children is not an excessive use of force?

Too bad they didn't take Door B, huh? I hear things are better on the West Bank under Fatah control than in Gaza.

The idea that all of the people in Gaza voted Hamas into power and are therefore liable to be killed by rockets is absurd. The Israeli government set up Hamas to begin with as a counter to the PLO.

After Arafat was murdered, Sharon declared that Abbas, who took his place, was a "plucked chicken," and was not allowed the slightest political achievement. The negotiations became a joke. The most authentic leader of Fatah (Barghouti) was sent to prison for life. There were no prisoner releases, just symbolic gestures that were petty and insulting.

After Abbas was systematically humiliated and Fatah looked like an empty shell, the people were left with Hamas as the only party that seemed strong enough not to cave into Israeli demands.

#101 Jan 03 2009 at 1:11 PM Rating: Good
Liberal Conspiracy
soulshaver wrote:
Regarding #2, do you deny that Israel has bombed a school playground, a fire station, a university, a medical facility, and today a Mosque?
I would argue that some of those targets had functions which made them military targets (weapon stores in mosques, weapons manufacturing & training at Islamic University). The firestation I don't know of, the playground would require support that it was intentionally targeted. Any hospital damage I've seen reported was from being near explosions, not direct targets but link me to a source if I'm wrong.

So, yeah, I reject the premise that Israel is blowing up playgrounds, schools, etc just for the hell of it.
Also, if you object to the word murder in #3 I will switch it to kill. Israel should stop killing innocent civilians. Do you disagree with that? You think Israel should kill innocent civilians, including children?
I reject the implication that it's intentional. Blame Hamas for cowering behind their toddlers, not Israel for protecting themselves.
Regarding #4, you honestly think that by killing over 400 people in a week is proportionate to the death of 19 people over the last 8 years by Hamas?
Strange... you forgot deaths from the Hamas suicide bombings over those eight years. Why is that?

Again, Israel is targeting Hamas. Hamas is targeting civilians. The fact that Hamas is a bunch of pussies who need to hide behind their sons and daughters isn't an excuse to let them launch rockets.
The idea that all of the people in Gaza voted Hamas into power and are therefore liable to be killed by rockets is absurd.
I didn't say all. But Hamas won political majority power by democratic vote. Rationalize it all you want but what Hamas wanted was never a secret when they were elected.

If you want me to support the people of Gaza, they can start by supporting themselves and working against Hamas rather than with them.

Edited, Jan 3rd 2009 3:11pm by Jophiel
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
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