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israel / hamasFollow

#27 Jan 02 2009 at 2:56 AM Rating: Decent
3,909 posts
One of the most striking things to the first time visitor to Israel is that there are uniformed soldiers absolutely everywhere in Israel. Bus stations, shops, restaurants, on the beach, everywhere. They have national service. Everyone except the Hassidim have to join up for 2 or 3 years and then do a couple of weeks or a month at least every year after that. So connected to the point above. they are targetting military personel.

Legally speaking, they cease being combat personnel once their term of service is over. Simply because a nation practises conscription does not mean that every adult member of the population is a soldier. They simply served as soldiers. By wartime convention, they are civilians when not called to service. Your definition of "military personnel" seems to be "potential military personnel" which really encapsulates everyone of sufficient age and physical health.

If we're speaking morally and not legally, it's still unjustified, because while they are soldiers, their service was compulsory and they had no choice in the matter. You can't claim they chose to support their nation's military policy when they were conscripted.

Anyway, apart from all that, can anyone educate me as to when the last time a population was subdued and made peaceful by extreme violence?

The formation of most of the USSR? I'm not familiar with the period, but it's what jumps to mind. They certainly didn't expand over Europe and the Middle East peacefully. Obviously they never pacified Afghanistan, but other nations were subsumed under threat of force, surely.

I'll look it up and get back to you, I'm a little iffy on that.
#28 Jan 02 2009 at 5:23 AM Rating: Excellent
8,619 posts
The whole of Gaza is a civilian area. Its a tiny place with 1.5 million people living in it, 50% of whom are under 15. The Palestinians dont have military bases, a navy, an air-force or sattelites in space. Where would you expect them to fire their home-made rockets from??
Best that Hamas don't fire rockets from Gaza then wouldn't you say?

Hamas stop firing rockets, Israel stop launching back.

<reality suspension on>

If you where sat on your porch and some guy started shooting 9mm at your house and you had a Missile launcher that could remove that threat, would you sit and wait to see if the nest round hit you or blow him the fUck up?

If he had his kids in the car it would be reasonable to assume it was HIS fault they died not yours, after all he chose to put his kids into that car, drive to your house and then start shooting at you knowing that you had a missile launcher.

<reality suspension off>

Israel do not have a policy of pre-emptive strikes, Just sayin'.
#29 Jan 02 2009 at 7:24 AM Rating: Default
zepoodle wrote:

I don't agree with Israel's existence

Edited, Jan 2nd 2009 1:32am by zepoodle

Don't forget after the Holocaust most countries of the world didnt want Jews. Even Canada is infamous for their "None is too many" limitation on european Jews, which is sad, being that Canada was and still is, considered one of the the most gracious countries of the western world.
The survivors of the holocaust had no where to go, and instead of rotting in the russian and american camps that were set up for them they deceided to leave to find a new home. After such a massive trauma such as the extermination of 6 Million of there kind, I'm going to assume faith and common sence took the best part of most of them. At the time, Palestine (Pre-Israel) was a British colony with palestinians just bobbing around in it. There were a lot of empty plots of land and most of the country was desert. Not only was Israel the only suitting place they could go its probabbly the best place they could have gone, since most of the land was unussed and it suitted the Jewish relegiouse faith.
Thats my 2 cents on Jewish History, if im wrong pliz correct me.
As for the validation of Israel TODAYS WORLD...
I think as a first world country, Israel is probabbly one of the most important countries in the world. Israel is the only civilized country in the middle east (Civillian wise that is, Egypt and Jordan have okay governments but both countries still nurture terrorists) which is key for modernization and stabbility in the middle east. If you say Israel is the cause of terror in the Middle east you have been missinformed since there are more arab->arab massacres and slaughters evrey day then in all of Israels history (exageration but not by so much...). Israel is also going to be the country to react to terrorisim first. If Iran gets out of hand i doubt america is going to do much. If you think the U.S. took over Iraq single handedly I can assure you, you are wrong. Israeli intelligence (Mossad) and secret police (Shabak) are some of the most powerfull agencys in the world and i would not be surprised if they helped the U.S. out evrey now and then, esspeicailly with middle eastern porblems sucj as afganisthan and Iraw. Also, as a modern country in todays world, Israel has vast and unique amounts of cultures and peoples livving within its walls. I talk to my friends evrey now and then and they alwayse think of israel as an all jewish country when in fact, i see asian, african, european and american civilians all the time there. and finnaly, I hope you understand that Israel is one of the top producers of Technology and agriculture in the world, -even surpassing superpowers like China (in technology) and Japan ( in Agriculture). Israel has given a lot to the world, and after watching the riots in London at the israeli counsollae im quite disgusted.
I hope this helps validate israels existance.
#30 Jan 02 2009 at 8:06 AM Rating: Default
1,162 posts
Right. Attacking busloads of people is just their way of killing a soldier or two. I mean, they have no other choice!

Smiley: dubious

Wait. No... actually I'm pretty sure they're intentionally targetting those civilians

So it's wrong to target civilians with homemade rockets but it's ok if you do it with a F-16?
#31REDACTED, Posted: Jan 02 2009 at 8:13 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Your assuming that he started shooting at you for no reason, nevermind that you built a 10 feet high concrete fence around his yard and that you don't want to let him out to go to work and get food for his childrens. The day he gets pissed off and start shooting at you, he's the bad guy.
#32 Jan 02 2009 at 8:28 AM Rating: Excellent
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
Lots of side issues here.

No one is pointing out the elephant in the living room: Syria.

Syria funds and supports Hamas, and in large part directs their actions as a cat's paw. However, striking directly at Syria would upset the old apple cart in a major way, and Syria knows it. So they feel perfectly safe using Palestinians and Lebanese as their cannon fodder.

Pretty despicable, and something will have to be done at some point.

In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

#33 Jan 02 2009 at 8:35 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
feelz wrote:
So it's wrong to target civilians with homemade rockets but it's ok if you do it with a F-16?
You should read the thread before you post. Because this was already answered.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#34 Jan 02 2009 at 8:45 AM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
Nexa wrote:

That'd be an excellent reason for the Palestinians to do their best to reign in Hamas rather than giving them expanded powers.

If I thought for a second that Hamas was interested in a peaceful resolution beyond "Everyone in Israel go away", I might have a different opinion. But I don't and so I think that empowering the guys who provoke the guys over yonder into dropping bombs on your neighborhood is a pretty stupid idea.

If they'd wanted a peaceful resolution, they'd have lost the election.

first is outrage. pride kicks in, justifications of your actions and deamonifacations of the enemy actions reguardless of the truth. demands of justice and retribution.

second is fear. the realization that you will not win. now you play the victim. crying for help. screaming for the women and children. stopping even here is a mistake.

third is survival. the preservation of self from every individual. unity falls apart. caos takes over the population and it is every person for themselves. brothers turn on brothers to protect their own. pride is gone. justifications are gone. outrage is gone. all that is left is a fight to survive. modern war usually stops here. here is the place to START negotiating for an end to hostilities.

This war stops when Hezbolah gets involved, or Israel decides they've killed enough people. Neither result will do much to stop the rocket attacks, the titular reason for the conflict. Killing enough Palestinians may end up in temporarily weakening Hamas, but there's no guarantee that leads to a more moderate force controlling Gaza.

Someone forget to log out and back in first?
Arch Duke Kaolian Drachensborn, lvl 95 Ranger, Unrest Server
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#35 Jan 02 2009 at 8:57 AM Rating: Good
8,619 posts
Your assuming that he started shooting at you for no reason, nevermind that you built a 10 feet high concrete fence around his yard and that you don't want to let him out to go to work and get food for his childrens. The day he gets pissed off and start shooting at you, he's the bad guy.
Hamas DID start shooting first both after this cease fire and every other time there was a ceasefire.

The 10ft wall was built because of suicide bombers and the food aid restricted because Hamas where smuggling arms into Gaza using them, Workers from Gaza where stopped from going into Israel because they where hiding suicide bombers and killing Israeli's.

Every time israel try to do something good Hamas use it to kill Israeli's so forgive me if i'm not sutrprised that Israel are loathe to lend support to the people trying to kill them.
#36 Jan 02 2009 at 9:18 AM Rating: Default
559 posts
When the enemy values their own childrens' lives so little that they would cower behind them as they launch attacks on others, it's hard to argue for the innocence or value of that child's life.

So terrorists are using children as human shields and you think that makes the child's life worthless?? I guess thats what living in an extremely group-biased self-centered military industrial state does to you, sucks out any sort of human decency you once had.

There were a lot of empty plots of land and most of the country was desert. Not only was Israel the only suitting place they could go its probabbly the best place they could have gone, since most of the land was unussed and it suitted the Jewish relegiouse faith.

You're understanding of the history of Israel is extremely tainted with a particular bias, I'm guessing you're either Christian or Jewish. Israel was forcefully created by imperialistic globalized powers against the will of the Arab nation that existed there at the time, why do you think they fought a war where 1,000,000 Palestinians were either expelled or killed? Research the history don't just believe what your parents, preacher, or teacher tells you.

Its obvious most of you are extremely biased by your media and religion, why not clear your mind from your self-centered prejudices and approach the issue with an open mind?

It is also obvious that both sides are wrong when they turn to violence, but the Israeli response has gone way overboard and only serves to create more violence and terrorists, and there is no justified killing of innocent children no matter how hard you try to squeeze that argument.

Israel is the country that is in violation of the most UN treaties, international laws, and Geneva Conventions for the last 60 years. The only reason their actions are not condemned by the UN General Assembly right now is because the US has veteo power and has used it.

The Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International still consider Israel to be an Occupying Power according to international law. By disproportionately targeting 1.5 million people for the actions of a few militants represent "severe and massive violations of international humanitarian law as defined in the Geneva Conventions, both in regard to the obligations of an Occupying Power and in the requirements of the laws of war" according to the UN General Assembly.

The only people in the world who support Israel's actions right now are Jewish, Christian, or citizens (or strong supporters) of the US or Israel. Think about your own biases and where they come from before you make any judgments about this mess.

#37 Jan 02 2009 at 9:20 AM Rating: Excellent
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
So terrorists are using children as human shields and you think that makes the child's life worthless??

No, but it does make them forfeit.

In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

#38 Jan 02 2009 at 9:26 AM Rating: Decent
559 posts
To give you an idea of the proportion of killing on both sides.

Number of Israeli civilians killed from Gaza rockets over the last 8 YEARS: 19

Number of Palestinian civilians killed by Israeli military the last 8 DAYS: 60+ (34 children)

Israel has murdered three times more innocent civilians in the last 8 days than Hamas has in the last 8 years. You still don't think murdering innocent children is overboard?
#39 Jan 02 2009 at 9:27 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
soulshaver wrote:
Number of Israeli civilians killed from Gaza rockets over the last 8 YEARS: 19

Number of Palestinian civilians killed by Israeli military the last 8 DAYS: 60+ (34 children)
Wow. You'd think Hamas would be smart enough to stop firing rockets then, huh?
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#40 Jan 02 2009 at 9:32 AM Rating: Good
3,909 posts
soulshaver wrote:
So terrorists are using children as human shields and you think that makes the child's life worthless?? I guess thats what living in an extremely group-biased self-centered military industrial state does to you, sucks out any sort of human decency you once had.

What the hell is a group-biased self-centered military-industrial state? That makes no sense. How can it be group-biased and self-centered?

The only people in the world who support Israel's actions right now are Jewish, Christian, or citizens (or strong supporters) of the US or Israel. Think about your own biases and where they come from before you make any judgments about this mess.

Well...I'm not Christian, not Jewish, and live in Australia, but I can understand Israel's reaction. I can even support it in an abstract fashion. Maybe you should think about your own biases and where they come from before you make any judgments.
#41 Jan 02 2009 at 10:15 AM Rating: Default
559 posts
What the hell is a group-biased self-centered military-industrial state? That makes no sense. How can it be group-biased and self-centered?

Its a group that is self centered, or only worried about its own self interest. For example, we might think that 500,000+ innocent Iraqi civilians deaths are insignificant but that 4,000+ US military deaths are significant (worth measuring and reporting.)

Maybe you should think about your own biases and where they come from before you make any judgments.

I used to be a blind idiotic supporter of Israel because that's what Western culture assimilates you into doing until I actually researched what is happening there.
#42 Jan 02 2009 at 10:19 AM Rating: Decent
559 posts
Wow. You'd think Hamas would be smart enough to stop firing rockets then, huh?

Israel is playing perfectly into the hand of Hamas, this is exactly what they want. They want Israel to unjustly murder innocent civilians so that they can have a generation of 15 year old suicide bombers what feel justified in hating Israel and its people, waiting and ready to attack. Its the same reason certain Muslim extremists welcomed the US invasion of Iraq.

And don't blur the line between a handful of militant terrorist criminals and the innocent children they hide behind.
#43 Jan 02 2009 at 10:36 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
soulshaver wrote:
They want Israel to unjustly murder innocent civilians so that they can have a generation of 15 year old suicide bombers what feel justified in hating Israel and its people, waiting and ready to attack.
Hamas sounds like a bunch of seriously fucked up people then. Good thing Israel is protecting themselves from them.

Maybe you should direct some of your ire towards the group that's hiding behind children because they want their own children to die so they can raise up a bunch of baby suicide bombers. You know, instead of blaming Israel for the kids' deaths.

Think about it: You have, by your own admission, a group of people whose plan is to have their kids killed by Israel so their other kids will be pissed off enough to run into Israel and blow themselves up.

You have another group trying to stop this first group and, unintentionally, wind up killing some civilians along the way. Which is unfortunate but it's not why the second group is there.

And you, for some reason, spend your time placing the blame on the second group. Strange.
And don't blur the line between a handful of militant terrorist criminals
They're not just some random knotheads with rockets, they're an elected political group in Palestine. The people of Palestine chose to endorse their agenda when they voted Hamas into power. Now it could be that some of them said "Well, I don't agree with Hamas' 'Kill All The Jews' stance but I do like their stance on the capital gains tax" but I tend to think that the "Death to Israel" part was kind of the single issue in the vote for most.

Edited, Jan 2nd 2009 12:42pm by Jophiel
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#44 Jan 02 2009 at 11:12 AM Rating: Excellent
Vagina Dentata,
what a wonderful phrase
30,106 posts
Samira wrote:
Lots of side issues here.

No one is pointing out the elephant in the living room: Syria.

Syria funds and supports Hamas, and in large part directs their actions as a cat's paw. However, striking directly at Syria would upset the old apple cart in a major way, and Syria knows it. So they feel perfectly safe using Palestinians and Lebanese as their cannon fodder.

Pretty despicable, and something will have to be done at some point.

That is an important point given the previous question about whether it is possible to subdue the population here through firepower. It's not possible as long as Hamas has so much legitimacy and support throughout the region, unlike any of the other examples given.

Btw, this article shows how unlike other Israeli/Palestinian conflicts,where the support for Palestine was overwhelming, much of the Arab world is divided:

Edited, Jan 2nd 2009 2:32pm by Annabella
Turin wrote:
Seriously, what the f*ck nature?
#45 Jan 02 2009 at 12:57 PM Rating: Decent
8,619 posts
That is an important point given the previous question about whether it is possible to subdue the population here through firepower. It's not possible as long as Hamas has so much legitimacy and support throughout the region, unlike any of the other examples given.
Much of that is because Israel gave up many consessions in the Arab negotiated ceasefire that desolved recently and alot of the Arab countries are extremly upset by the way Hamas have acted in the last 12 months from the repeated rocket attacks from gaza during the ceasefire to the public request for Suicide bombers from a leading member of the Hamas "Government"

It is my opinion that the ceasefire was called purely to rearm the Hamas militants and nothing more.
#46 Jan 02 2009 at 2:36 PM Rating: Good
559 posts
Hamas sounds like a bunch of seriously ****** up people then. Good thing Israel is protecting themselves from them.

But Israel is not protecting itself by bombing innocent civilians. They are creating hatred and a whole new generation of suicide bombers intent on firing more and more rockets toward Israel. They more they murder innocent children the less safe they will be in the long run.

And you, for some reason, spend your time placing the blame on the second group. Strange.

I am not placing blame on any one group, I condemned all violence. Maybe you should take your own advice and read (understand) the thread before you post.

However, I do think that Israel gets a free pass from the media and Western culture regarding their criminal activities when so many people solely blame Palestine for the conflict and overlook the extreme overreaction from Israel and the international laws they are breaking.

Why won't Israel let humanitarian aid into Gaza when they have already murdered 3 times more innocent civilians in the last 8 days than deaths they have endured from Hamas over the last 8 years?
#47 Jan 02 2009 at 2:44 PM Rating: Excellent
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
But Israel is not protecting itself by bombing innocent civilians. They are creating hatred and a whole new generation of suicide bombers intent on firing more and more rockets toward Israel. They more they murder innocent children the less safe they will be in the long run.

Israel is going to be the focal point of Arab hatred and militancy no matter what Israel does. The very existence of Israel is a rallying cry for Arab militants.

I know what you're saying, and I sympathize; but the reality is, that genie is out of the bottle and it ain't goin' back.

In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

#48REDACTED, Posted: Jan 02 2009 at 2:50 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) First of all im not Christian or of the jewish faith, im a Canadian with morrocan heirtige (both parents born in morroco, so yes I am an Arab technicley) so i guess that just prooved you wrong. Im a bit confused about your accusation of me being biast, arent you the guy who said something along the lines of "evil zionest spell" earlier? Thats pretty damn biast to me. Try looking up what Zionist means before using it in a sentance (it makes you look smarter). It might surprise you to find out ive dont quite a lot of research on the topic over the past few years and while my knowledge is far from complete it seems to surpass yours:
#49 Jan 02 2009 at 3:11 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
soulshaver wrote:
I am not placing blame on any one group, I condemned all violence. Maybe you should take your own advice and read (understand) the thread before you post.
I did. And I saw you condemning Israel repeatedly and yet not once directly condemn Hamas. You know, the people who are hoping their children are killed (or "murdered" as you keep chosing to say) so their other children will one day blow themselves up.

But quote for me where you actually said in this thread that Hamas is wrong (as you've said repeatedly and directly that Israel is wrong) and I'll rescind the statement.

I've no idea what would make someone repeatedly and directly blame one side, calling them murderers and accusing them of horrible misdeeds and yet neglect to directly blame the side whose entire modus operandi is to try to ensure their own children are murdered but maybe you can explain it. 'Cause, personally, I think the second group is waaayyyyyy more fucked up than the guys trying to stop the child-murderers.

Edited, Jan 2nd 2009 5:12pm by Jophiel
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#50REDACTED, Posted: Jan 02 2009 at 3:20 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Well put sir, I beleive the man (or woman) we are dealing with has a deep fundamental hatred for the west. Its pointless to argue with him, he rather support terror throught posting hate messages on forums, then validly argue his point. It makes me lose hope in the world when i see people like him.
#51 Jan 02 2009 at 5:11 PM Rating: Good
30,086 posts

personally, I think the second group is waaayyyyyy more @#%^ed up than the guys trying to stop the child-murderers.

Really? I tend to think one side is wayyyyyyyy less technically adept at warfare than the other guys. If by fucked up you meant poor, sure.

Is the idea that it's morally superior to be willing to die for what you relive in when you can drop fire from your flying machine on children instead of sacrificing your own life to inflict damage really what you're trying to convey here?

Israel's not exactly the gold standard for adhering to international standards of morality when it comes to applying violence. You can rationalize their long history of unilateral assassinations and naked provocations as much as you want, but anyone familiar with the situation can do the same for Hammas.

This is a bullsh*t war, period. It will accomplish nothing for Israel, but will demonstrate that a woman leader can be "tough", as if Israel hadn't already proven that decades ago. Hammas isn't the problem, Hammas is just a label for the people who are firing the rockets this year. They don't manufacture the rockets to any significant degree. When Israel starts bombing Damascus and Cairo, give me a call. Until then, this is a PR campaign by a weak governing coalition and little more.

Edited, Jan 2nd 2009 8:12pm by Smasharoo

To make a long story short, I don't take any responsibility for anything I post here. It's not news, it's not truth, it's not serious. It's parody. It's satire. It's bitter. It's angsty. Your mother's a *****. You like to jack off dogs. That's right, you heard me. You like to grab that dog by the bone and rub it like a ski pole. Your dad? Gay. Your priest? Straight. **** off and let me post. It's not true, it's all in good fun. Now go away.

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