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israel / hamasFollow

#1 Jan 01 2009 at 8:25 AM Rating: Decent
about time and long over due. they should have pounded them into the dirt decades ago, holy war be damned.

all the talking, all the negoitaiting, all the restraint only emboldened hamas to keep pulling the tigers tail.

there are three stages to a war if you are on the weaker side.

first is outrage. pride kicks in, justifications of your actions and deamonifacations of the enemy actions reguardless of the truth. demands of justice and retribution.

second is fear. the realization that you will not win. now you play the victim. crying for help. screaming for the women and children. stopping even here is a mistake.

third is survival. the preservation of self from every individual. unity falls apart. caos takes over the population and it is every person for themselves. brothers turn on brothers to protect their own. pride is gone. justifications are gone. outrage is gone. all that is left is a fight to survive. modern war usually stops here. here is the place to START negotiating for an end to hostilities.

this war is still in the first stage. keep firing.
#2 Jan 01 2009 at 9:50 AM Rating: Excellent
4,158 posts

Gaza :

Land area: 360kmsq.

Pop: 1.5 million (50% are children under 14.)

You really think that using the tanks, 'planes and military hardware (made and paid for by the USA) on a refugee camp with that sort of population density is really going to do anything that will have a favorable outcome for anyone?

Stupid cnut. Smiley: oyvey

"If you have selfish, ignorant citizens, you're gonna get selfish, ignorant leaders". Carlin.

#3 Jan 01 2009 at 10:50 AM Rating: Good
4,158 posts
So. Tell me. Was the photo of the father caryying his dead teenager too 'realistic'?

Perhaps a photo of a dead adult with a beard and a gun would be more acceptable?

Denial is always the best course.....Smiley: oyveySmiley: madSmiley: madSmiley: madSmiley: madSmiley: mad
"If you have selfish, ignorant citizens, you're gonna get selfish, ignorant leaders". Carlin.

#4 Jan 01 2009 at 11:08 AM Rating: Good
559 posts
Israel dropped a one-ton bomb on the home of a Hamas strongman Thursday, killing him along with two wives and four children in the first attack on the top leadership of Gaza's rulers.

So I guess innocent civilians are just insignificant collateral damage, eh?

Again, why are they fighting each other in the first place? Are Palestinians labeled terrorists because they don't have F-16s and Black Hawk helicopters to fight back against their oppressors? For every Israeli death there are 7 Palestinians killed. What would you do with sanctions, curfews, security checks, closed borders, and a lack of food and medical supplies caused by an invading army?

You would think the people of Israel would have gained some compassion from the suffering they endured under the *****, but it appears they've fallen under the spell of the Zionist murderers.
#5 Jan 01 2009 at 11:42 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
paulsol wrote:
You really think that using the tanks, 'planes and military hardware (made and paid for by the USA) on a refugee camp with that sort of population density is really going to do anything that will have a favorable outcome for anyone?
That'd be an excellent reason for the Palestinians to do their best to rein in Hamas rather than giving them expanded powers.

If I thought for a second that Hamas was interested in a peaceful resolution beyond "Everyone in Israel go away", I might have a different opinion. But I don't and so I think that empowering the guys who provoke the guys over yonder into dropping bombs on your neighborhood is a pretty stupid idea.

Late edit: I accidentally spelled "rein" with a "g" which kind of changes the meaning of the word. Oops.

Edited, Jan 2nd 2009 11:01am by Jophiel
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#6 Jan 01 2009 at 11:44 AM Rating: Excellent
12,049 posts
soulshaver wrote:

You would think the people of Israel would have gained some compassion from the suffering they endured under the *****, but it appears they've fallen under the spell of the Zionist murderers.

I thought the nation of Israel was the product of Zionism? Or rather, that post WWII, Zionists used the goodwill (and moreso, the Western guilt) over the Holocaust to push through the necessity for an Israeli homeland.

I don't think either side is right in the conflict (and if anything, I'm more against Israel; their PM's justification was "Hamas rockets now have the range to hit 500,000 Israelis. What? No, it doesn't matter that we have the military technology to hit anyone we want in Palestinian lands. Ahem. So far two of our citizens have died in attacks. Thus, we have launched actions that ended up killing over 300, 1/3 of which were not associated with Hamas (oops!)."), and have no idea how the issue can be successfully resolved. For my part, I just hope the violence doesn't spread further.

Those figures were from the news a couple of days ago, I'm sure the totals are higher now.
#7 Jan 01 2009 at 11:57 AM Rating: Decent
You really think that using the tanks, 'planes and military hardware (made and paid for by the USA) on a refugee camp with that sort of population density is really going to do anything that will have a favorable outcome for anyone?

do you think that maybe hamas should have considered that when they started launching rockets into israel's civilian population areas?

if they didnt care enough to consider the outcome upon their own people with retaliation, why does the rest of the world give two spits about their concerns now?

if hamas can openly target civilians with random rocket attacks, why should the rest of the world cry when it happens to them?

and of hamas really cared weather their own women and children were in harms way, why do they hide in refugee camps and in their familey homes?

when enough palistinian people START caring about their women and children, then MAYBE they ought to consider turning their backs on hamas. or the taliban. or al-queda.

and the only way to make them care is......pound them into the dirt untill the only thing left to them is survival. to the point politics do not matter. to the point lines in the sand denoting borders have no revelance.

hamas doesnt care about innocent women and children, why should the rest of the world care about their women and children?

israel should keep shooting at them where evere they are until their own people turn them out or kill them themselves to survive.

and of they dont.....keep firing, they havent reached stage three yet.

let me tell you something about human nature. if they think they can get away with something, they keep doing it.

during the race riots here in miami, for three days mobs burned bussiess, pulled people out of their vehicals and killed them in the streets and shot at authorities. we surrounded them with the national guard and waited till they burned everything there was to burn and ran out of bullets then cleaned it up.

the place was a mess and 7 or 8 people were killed.

a few months later, they started rioting again. this time they sent in swat, shot a couple people in the street and arrested over 300 people in one night.

no innocents were killed. no stores were burned. it started and was over that night. and it has never happened since then.

the first time, they were surrounded but no one moved against them. they could get away with it. the second time there was no quarter given. they went in with body armor and automatic weapons and shot anyone holding a gun and arrested everyone in the street. it ended swiftly.

my point? israel adn the US have wasted way way too much time talking to them. letting them get away with it. amd all it has accomplished is to embolden them. to make them feel they have some right to do what they have been doing.

they should have been squashed.....HARD.....the first time.

as i said, they are in stage one. they have two more to go before israel should stop shooting. and if THEY dont want THEIR women and children hurt, then THEY shouldnt be hideing amoung them. and if THEY dont care enough to try keeping them out of harms way, the resy of the world should follow suit and.....keep firing.
#8 Jan 01 2009 at 1:13 PM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
Israel really had to do something, Hamas was starting to turn out rockets with over an 80 mile range with a significant payload. Most of the explosives they had been putting in the warheads on those rockets were fairly minor stuff. Ammonium nitrate, Gunpowder charges, etc. If they gott heir hands on some more modern explosives, Semtex, C4, etc. with that type of delivery range and were able to fire them en mass, they could literlaly take out entire buildings without too much effort. More importantly, when talking aobut missiles, range is the hard part. Compared to that, building a guideance system is easy. Russian built missile guidance systems for Surface to air missiles are cheap and easy to come by, and can easily be adapted to surface to surface use. So far Hamas rockets are a bit too small to mount one of those systems directly, but I could see them being able to retrofit a modified version on a few rockets easily enough based on their current level of apperent rocket expertise.

Israel's response is definitly disproportinate to what Hamaas has been doing to them, but it is also part of Israel's defense doctrine. "Hit the so hard and so brutally they won't dare hit us again". It works short term, but really does bad things for relations long term. Hamas is an idea. You can't kill an idea though force alone. The children of the people killed in this conflict on both sides will grow up and start the whole damned cycle over again.

By the way, for the record, use of the word "zionist" proves that one is a ******* idiot who should not be listened to under any circumstances. Go research it and its history before using it again.
Arch Duke Kaolian Drachensborn, lvl 95 Ranger, Unrest Server
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#9REDACTED, Posted: Jan 01 2009 at 4:16 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) By the way, for the record, any use of a term is not a universal qualifier for being an idiot. I hope you realize that when you exaggerate so much to make a point that it is a fantasy and not reality.
#10 Jan 01 2009 at 4:22 PM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
I rest my case.
Arch Duke Kaolian Drachensborn, lvl 95 Ranger, Unrest Server
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#11 Jan 01 2009 at 4:32 PM Rating: Excellent
2,453 posts
shadowrelm wrote:

there are three stages to a war if you are on the weaker side.

first is outrage.

second is fear.

third is survival.

You missed one stage. Radicalization. That's when the insurgent/terrorists/popular movement intentionally goad the stronger side into relentlessly attacking and making things worse for the oppressed population, and the stronger side happily obliges, driving more and more of the population into the welcoming arms of the insurgent recruiters.
#12 Jan 01 2009 at 4:41 PM Rating: Excellent
2,453 posts
shadowrelm wrote:

and the only way to make them care is......pound them into the dirt untill the only thing left to them is survival. to the point politics do not matter. to the point lines in the sand denoting borders have no revelance.

They've pretty much been in that survival mode for several decades now. People can adapt to almost anything if they face it enough. The occasional attack will scare the hell out of people (just like our fear of terrorist attacks). But when its everyday, day in and day out, for years and years, people just become inured to it. People don't suddenly turn on their leaders under these circumstances and blame them and try to throw them to the dogs. They come together and unite and turn their hatred toward those that are attacking them.

Somehow idiots always seem to think that punishing people that have nothing to lose will make them behave. Its never worked like that, and it never will.
#13 Jan 01 2009 at 5:13 PM Rating: Excellent
12,065 posts

That'd be an excellent reason for the Palestinians to do their best to reign in Hamas rather than giving them expanded powers.

If I thought for a second that Hamas was interested in a peaceful resolution beyond "Everyone in Israel go away", I might have a different opinion. But I don't and so I think that empowering the guys who provoke the guys over yonder into dropping bombs on your neighborhood is a pretty stupid idea.

If they'd wanted a peaceful resolution, they'd have lost the election.

first is outrage. pride kicks in, justifications of your actions and deamonifacations of the enemy actions reguardless of the truth. demands of justice and retribution.

second is fear. the realization that you will not win. now you play the victim. crying for help. screaming for the women and children. stopping even here is a mistake.

third is survival. the preservation of self from every individual. unity falls apart. caos takes over the population and it is every person for themselves. brothers turn on brothers to protect their own. pride is gone. justifications are gone. outrage is gone. all that is left is a fight to survive. modern war usually stops here. here is the place to START negotiating for an end to hostilities.

This war stops when Hezbolah gets involved, or Israel decides they've killed enough people. Neither result will do much to stop the rocket attacks, the titular reason for the conflict. Killing enough Palestinians may end up in temporarily weakening Hamas, but there's no guarantee that leads to a more moderate force controlling Gaza.

“It has always been the prerogative of children and half-wits to point out that the emperor has no clothes. But a half-wit remains a half-wit, and the emperor remains an emperor.”
― Neil Gaiman, The Sandman, Vol. 9: The Kindly Ones
#14 Jan 01 2009 at 6:14 PM Rating: Good
8,619 posts
My sympathy for the people in Gaza stopped when they allowed Hamas to fire missiles into Israel after Israel spent most of the 18 month ceasefire ignoring rogue element fireing those same rockets. The cease fire was used for nothing more than rearming Hamas.

Once the Gaza "govenment" legitimised those attacks anyone in Gaza became fair game by association, don't want your house bombed? don't allow people to fire missiles near your home.

I sick and tierd of the BS "innocent civilians" card, these people would happily bomb the sh*t out of Tel Aviv if they could, they treat the people who fire the missiles into Israel as hero's and then cry when Israel responds, well sorry you can't have it both ways.

Hamas deliberatly fire from civilian areas, so if you want to blame someone blame them.
#15 Jan 01 2009 at 6:25 PM Rating: Excellent
I'm both surprised and happy to see the moderate support for Israel's actions in this thread. While most of us can agree that their response is a bit over the top, I think it's also necessarily over the top. The situation has been going on for far too long, and everybody with half a brain can see that the rocket attacks (and similar agressions) were never going to stop, no matter what diplomatic efforts were in place. At some point, a group of people can no longer simply ignore what is being done to them and must stand strong and fight back.

#16 Jan 01 2009 at 6:26 PM Rating: Good
Jophiel wrote:
That'd be an excellent reason for the Palestinians to do their best to reign in Hamas rather than giving them expanded powers.

If I thought for a second that Hamas was interested in a peaceful resolution beyond "Everyone in Israel go away", I might have a different opinion. But I don't and so I think that empowering the guys who provoke the guys over yonder into dropping bombs on your neighborhood is a pretty stupid idea.

So you're suggesting it's OK for Israel to kill civilians, as it's a legitimate way of pressuring them to reign in their government? If you're not, then it doesn't counter paulsol's point.

I'm in agreement with you on the second paragraph - Palestine is asking the unreasonable. Israel should never have been put on the map, but now that it is, it's silly to expect them to leave.
#17 Jan 01 2009 at 6:42 PM Rating: Good
559 posts
I sick and tierd of the BS "innocent civilians" card, these people would happily bomb the sh*t out of Tel Aviv if they could, they treat the people who fire the missiles into Israel as hero's and then cry when Israel responds, well sorry you can't have it both ways.

Children are innocent, killing children is disgusting, I don't understand how you can argue for that.
#18 Jan 01 2009 at 7:14 PM Rating: Good
soulshaver wrote:
I sick and tierd of the BS "innocent civilians" card, these people would happily bomb the sh*t out of Tel Aviv if they could, they treat the people who fire the missiles into Israel as hero's and then cry when Israel responds, well sorry you can't have it both ways.

Children are innocent, killing children is disgusting, I don't understand how you can argue for that.

When the enemy values their own childrens' lives so little that they would cower behind them as they launch attacks on others, it's hard to argue for the innocence or value of that child's life. They are essentially a shield for those who do not value life themselves.

It sucks, but there it is.
#19 Jan 01 2009 at 7:18 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Nexa wrote:
If they'd wanted a peaceful resolution, they'd have lost the election.
Sucks to be them, I guess.
Kavekk wrote:
So you're suggesting it's OK for Israel to kill civilians, as it's a legitimate way of pressuring them to reign in their government? If you're not, then it doesn't counter paulsol's point.
I'm suggesting that it's okay for Israel to launch strikes against Hamas. Which is what they're doing. Unless you're suggesting that Israel is targeting women & children.

If you want people who think it's okay to kill women and children then you're going to want Hamas. You know, the guys who send out suicide bombers into crowded plazas, mass transit, restaurants, etc. They're not doing that to target Israeli soldiers.

Edited, Jan 1st 2009 9:20pm by Jophiel
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#20 Jan 01 2009 at 7:42 PM Rating: Decent
I'm suggesting that it's okay for Israel to launch strikes against Hamas. Which is what they're doing. Unless you're suggesting that Israel is targeting women & children.

If you want people who think it's okay to kill women and children then you're going to want Hamas. You know, the guys who send out suicide bombers into crowded plazas, mass transit, restaurants, etc. They're not doing that to target Israeli soldiers.

My problem was that you suggested that, without contesting the claim that it did nothing good or arguing that civilian deaths were acceptable collateral, it was OK to do something bad if it'd presssure Palestine to withdraw.

P.S. They obviously both think it's OK to kill women and children as they are both killing women and children. Presumably you mean directly target, not kill.
#21 Jan 01 2009 at 7:52 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Kavekk wrote:
it was OK to do something bad if it'd presssure Palestine to withdraw.
It's something that's going to happen while pressuring Hamas to withdraw because Hamas has chosen to hide among women and children (well, when they're not sending women with suicide bombs into Israel, anyway). I don't believe that Israel is particularly happy about it nor do they wish it but that's what happens when the guys firing missiles into your towns decides to hide among the civilian population and what happens when the civilian population decides to allow the missile-firers to hide among them.

If you insist on saying "acceptable collateral" then, sure. Sad as it may be, I still think "acceptable collateral" while attempting to strike military targets beats out directly targeting women & children as your tactic of choice. Israel is doing one and Hamas is doing the other.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#22 Jan 01 2009 at 10:30 PM Rating: Good
3,909 posts
It's really hard to get into any discussion on this topic without immediately polarising your own position. The most I can say is that Israel is doing what it must do in order to survive, and Palestine is harbouring an organisation dedicated to provoking them into military action.

I don't agree with Israel's existence or their appropriation of Palestinian territory, but we're way past that. Israel reacts with excessive force because it tells every reasonable power in their vicinity not to @#%^ with them, and if they played softball they wouldn't have survived this long. The real problem is that Palestine holds and even supports terrorist organisations who do not play fair, and who have no qualms about civilian casualties. Their attacks on Israel provoke Israel into military action, and Israel's policy of excessive force inevitably results in civilian casualties. Hamas deliberately operates in heavily populated areas so that any counter-offensive is difficult to manage without harming civilians. Israel can't maintain their badass reputation and be nice at the same time. This is the kind of conflict that doesn't just solve itself, and can't be solved by further conflict. Israel could turn Gaza into a sheet of glass and it would solve nothing. Palestinians are unwilling to tolerate Israel's existence, and Israel isn't going to pack up and leave.

The real thing that annoys me about Palestine is that they're blaming their neighbours - Egypt, particularly - for siding with Israel by not retaliating against Israel. It's an absurd us-versus-them mentality. The bombing isn't right, the dead children aren't right, but Palestine refuses to just avoid it. As a nation, they keep beating their heads against Israel's brick wall and then complaining because the other countries aren't joining in. They're never going to get what they want that way.

Edited, Jan 2nd 2009 1:32am by zepoodle
#23 Jan 01 2009 at 10:33 PM Rating: Good
4,158 posts
Just a couple of points.....

Tarv said:

Hamas deliberatly fire from civilian areas, so if you want to blame someone blame them.

The whole of Gaza is a civilian area. Its a tiny place with 1.5 million people living in it, 50% of whom are under 15. The Palestinians dont have military bases, a navy, an air-force or sattelites in space. Where would you expect them to fire their home-made rockets from??

If a bunch of masked nutters is in your orchard firing rockets over the fence, what exactly would you do to stop them? Call the police? Oh yeah, cant do that 'cos any police the Israelis havn't killed are working for Hamas.

Joph said:
You know, the guys who send out suicide bombers into crowded plazas, mass transit, restaurants, etc. They're not doing that to target Israeli soldiers.

One of the most striking things to the first time visitor to Israel is that there are uniformed soldiers absolutely everywhere in Israel. Bus stations, shops, restaurants, on the beach, everywhere. They have national service. Everyone except the Hassidim have to join up for 2 or 3 years and then do a couple of weeks or a month at least every year after that.

So connected to the point above. they are targetting military personel.

I'm not supporting random rocket attacks or the suicide attacks that were stopped by Hamas some time ago (watch them start again now), but to suggest that the Israelis and palestinians are playing by the same rules as equal belligerents is ridiculous.

Anyway, apart from all that, can anyone educate me as to when the last time a population was subdued and made peaceful by extreme violence?

"If you have selfish, ignorant citizens, you're gonna get selfish, ignorant leaders". Carlin.

#24 Jan 01 2009 at 10:57 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
paulsol wrote:
The Palestinians dont have military bases, a navy, an air-force or sattelites in space.
Hey, they're the government in Gaza. If they wanted to set aside an area for rocket launching, they damn well could. They don't because they know they'd get their asses hit by an airstrike. So instead they chose to hide among civilians. This might be a good idea on their part but it's not because "Oh no! We can't possibly have a base!"
If a bunch of masked nutters is in your orchard firing rockets over the fence, what exactly would you do to stop them?
They knew they were masked nutters when they elected them into power. It's not as though they voted them in and then found out that these were the guys running on the "Death to Israel!" platform.
One of the most striking things to the first time visitor to Israel is that there are uniformed soldiers absolutely everywhere in Israel. Bus stations, shops, restaurants, on the beach, everywhere. They have national service.[...]So connected to the point above. they are targetting military personel.
Right. Attacking busloads of people is just their way of killing a soldier or two. I mean, they have no other choice!

Smiley: dubious

Wait. No... actually I'm pretty sure they're intentionally targetting those civilians.

Edited, Jan 2nd 2009 1:04am by Jophiel
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#25 Jan 02 2009 at 1:50 AM Rating: Excellent
13,240 posts
Anyway, apart from all that, can anyone educate me as to when the last time a population was subdued and made peaceful by extreme violence?

The indigenous American populations? An off the cuff example, not the most recent.
Just as Planned.
#26 Jan 02 2009 at 2:37 AM Rating: Good
I've heard violence is a very effective tool to pacify the Amish.

I heard it also worked on Germany in WWII.
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