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Gun sales up since the electionFollow

#177 Dec 28 2008 at 12:11 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Lefein wrote:
Jophiel wrote:
Lefein wrote:
Under bad circumstances, these things can be used as a tool for getting food as well as protecting oneself.
I once used a tank to push aside a tree that fell on a bus full of nuns and babies. Everyone should be allowed to own a tank.

Sure, why not? We let people buy Excursions and Escalades without any regulation.. Hell, let's compare vehicular manslaughters to assault weapons murders while we're at it. Four wheels is just entirely too dangerous, so everyone should be ordered by the guv'ment to drive motorcycles... Oh wait.
Exactly. And how about those transfats, huh? And what's the deal with water? Children drown in that shit.


Smiley: oyveySmiley: laugh
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#178 Dec 28 2008 at 12:22 AM Rating: Decent
Jophiel wrote:
Lefein wrote:
Jophiel wrote:
Lefein wrote:
Under bad circumstances, these things can be used as a tool for getting food as well as protecting oneself.
I once used a tank to push aside a tree that fell on a bus full of nuns and babies. Everyone should be allowed to own a tank.

Sure, why not? We let people buy Excursions and Escalades without any regulation.. Hell, let's compare vehicular manslaughters to assault weapons murders while we're at it. Four wheels is just entirely too dangerous, so everyone should be ordered by the guv'ment to drive motorcycles... Oh wait.
Exactly. And how about those transfats, huh? And what's the deal with water? Children drown in that shit.


Smiley: oyveySmiley: laugh

Well, I know assault weapons are big black and scary, but so are NFL linemen. Now what? :P

Okay, all joking aside.. I know the argument is for the *intent* of an assault weapon. I know full well that very few assault weapons owners would use theirs to go hunting. I was pretty frank about that in my first post. In fact, some states prohibit the use of a .223/5.56mm round on big game like deer and such because it is considered inhumane to the animal to use such a small calibur round on them that causes suffering.

I'm sympathetic to people that say that these weapons are only designed with one intent. I just want to remind those people that the *intent* of a rather large share of our medical knowledge was to torture and kill people as well. Not that I wish to raise the specter of Godwin's Law. It's just a documented fact. At the end of the day, a gun is just a tool like any other. Rather than get all worked up over them and turn them into a greater evil than the sum of their parts, perhaps all the resources and manpower used to try to ineffectively ban these things could be much better used to teach people how to responsibly own and use them instead.
#179 Dec 28 2008 at 12:28 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
That's all well and good. My point still being that just because you once used a particular gun to kill a deer (and, by your own admission, it wasn't really the right tool for the task) is a pretty poor rationale for keeping that gun around. Especially when there's a multitude of more appropriate deer killing firearms available.

There's probably an intelligent argument to be made for why you should be allowed to exercise your right to own an M4 if you want to. "I killed a deer once" isn't it.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#180 Dec 28 2008 at 12:32 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
I just want to remind those people that the *intent* of a rather large share of our medical knowledge was to torture and kill people as well. Not that I wish to raise the specter of Godwin's Law. It's just a documented fact.
Huh? Assuming you're refering to the Mengele experiements given your Godwin's remark, I'll just copy 'n paste from an old post of mine:
I once wrote:
From what I've heard, not a whole lot of useful information came from the Mengele experiments (and others like it). Some data on hypothermia and altitude stress on the human body but the bulk of his data was either:

(a) unscientific crap born more of sadism than anything else and thusly poorly documented and executed with extremely sh*tty methodology including a lack of control variables, shoddy record keeping, manipulating data to fit pre-conceived theories, using malnourished and weakened subjects in physical experiments, etc. This includes the "twins" experiments (minus the obvious 'control' critique).
(b) available from other sources and generally in more accurate form.

...and even Rascher's hypothermia data is open to debate as it's been suggested that Himmler told Rascher to provide some useful results or else. My limited understanding is that both the Soviets and British RAF made use of the altitude sickness data though and I'd suspect the US as well.

Keep in mind that this is specifically regarding concentration-camp experiments. Pernkopf, for example, was a reknown doctor in the field of human biology and as big a **** as you could hope to find but did not use prisoners in his research.
In any event, even if we did use the data from said experiments, it'd make up a very small portion of modern medical wisdom.

Edited, Dec 28th 2008 2:34am by Jophiel
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#181 Dec 28 2008 at 12:37 AM Rating: Decent
Jophiel wrote:
That's all well and good. My point still being that just because you once used a particular gun to kill a deer (and, by your own admission, it wasn't really the right tool for the task) is a pretty poor rationale for keeping that gun around. Especially when there's a multitude of more appropriate deer killing firearms available.

There's probably an intelligent argument to be made for why you should be allowed to exercise your right to own an M4 if you want to. "I killed a deer once" isn't it.

We'll have to find more analysis on the amount of assault rifles used for reacreation/hunting compared to homicides. Just my gut instinct, though, I'd probably rather be in a closed room with the average assault rifle owner than in a car with the average Houston driver.. Just sayin'

Oh, and very interesting read regarding the Godwins. Always happy to be proven wrong, in all honesty. Oh, and for the record, I made a very clean shot behind the left ear exiting the right eye of the deer. On impact it hunched down like it was going to dash off (which made me a bit nervous) then doubled over onto the ground in the same movement. I was pretty happy things went down like that, and plan on trading the M4 for a Keltec RFB so I don't feel like pissing myself when taking such shots. Sad as it is to say, I'd hate to feel responsible for a suffering animal bleeding to death in the woods.

Edited, Dec 28th 2008 3:41am by Lefein
#182 Dec 28 2008 at 12:47 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Lefein wrote:
We'll have to find more analysis on the amount of assault rifles used for reacreation/hunting compared to homicides.
Well, no. The idea here is that whatever deer hunting you're doing can probably be done just as well with a more typical hunting rifle instead of an assault weapon. Then you'd look at how much harder it'd be to conduct an assault rifle homicide with said hunting rifle.

If the hunting group would be hurt by having to use hunting rifles and the homicide group wouldn't be diminished by not having assault weapons, you have yourself a winner. You could even make the case that you should only care about how much the homicide group would be impacted since, if the answer is "not at all" then whether or not people shoot deer with M4s is kind of moot since the idea is to save people, not deer.

I've no idea what the actual numbers and answers are but simply comparing one use of the weapon to another use for the same weapon isn't the way to do it.

Edited, Dec 28th 2008 2:48am by Jophiel
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#183 Dec 28 2008 at 1:38 AM Rating: Default
Jophiel wrote:
Lefein wrote:
We'll have to find more analysis on the amount of assault rifles used for reacreation/hunting compared to homicides.
Well, no. The idea here is that whatever deer hunting you're doing can probably be done just as well with a more typical hunting rifle instead of an assault weapon. Then you'd look at how much harder it'd be to conduct an assault rifle homicide with said hunting rifle.

If the hunting group would be hurt by having to use hunting rifles and the homicide group wouldn't be diminished by not having assault weapons, you have yourself a winner. You could even make the case that you should only care about how much the homicide group would be impacted since, if the answer is "not at all" then whether or not people shoot deer with M4s is kind of moot since the idea is to save people, not deer.

I've no idea what the actual numbers and answers are but simply comparing one use of the weapon to another use for the same weapon isn't the way to do it.

Edited, Dec 28th 2008 2:48am by Jophiel

Well, not all assault rifles use the smaller round. In my case, I have an assault rifle that I can also use for hunting (by merit of skill, granted) and plan on upgrading to a bullpup 7.62 carbine to be even better at.. well.. both purposes.

The part we can all have a laugh at is these bozos running off to stockpile weapons they will barely use for any purpose at all.. I've seen it time and time again. These people go to gun shows and think it will be the most awesome thing in the world to have an assault rifle. They take it home and stroke it for a little bit then put it away. Some of the more enthusiastic assault weapon collectors MAY take it out to a range and let off a few rounds or zero in their sight/scope.. then, they never touch it again.

I'm sure it's a societal thing. Being here from Texas, I guess I can laugh at an assault rifle. They don't spook me in the least. Besides, how effective was gun control in the nineties at preventing the Columbine massacre? If only we'd spend half the energy and money actually educating people instead of the lobbying back and forth on the issue, we'd probably get far better results. Correct me if I'm wrong, but that seems to be the same logic behind sex education as well.
#184 Dec 28 2008 at 9:03 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Lefein wrote:
Well, not all assault rifles use the smaller round. In my case, I have an assault rifle that I can also use for hunting (by merit of skill, granted) and plan on upgrading to a bullpup 7.62 carbine to be even better at.. well.. both purposes.
I'm not arguing you specifically. I'm just saying that "I can kill deer with it" is a poor argument if another class of firearm can kill deer just as, if not more, effeciently. I mean, I'm sure I could pound tacks with the back end of pistol but "I can hit small nails with it" isn't much of an argument when I can just buy a tack-hammer.

I'm not "afraid of" assault rifles. Beyond threads like this, I don't spend any of my time thinking about them. But in threads like this, I have yet to see much legitimate civilian need for them. I'm willing to admit that "need" shouldn't be the sole determiner of whether we can own something or not but, if their harm outweighs their good, the lack of need starts to play a part in it. That's really the discussion we should be having in my opinion.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#185 Dec 28 2008 at 3:43 PM Rating: Default
Jophiel wrote:
Lefein wrote:
Well, not all assault rifles use the smaller round. In my case, I have an assault rifle that I can also use for hunting (by merit of skill, granted) and plan on upgrading to a bullpup 7.62 carbine to be even better at.. well.. both purposes.
I'm not arguing you specifically. I'm just saying that "I can kill deer with it" is a poor argument if another class of firearm can kill deer just as, if not more, effeciently. I mean, I'm sure I could pound tacks with the back end of pistol but "I can hit small nails with it" isn't much of an argument when I can just buy a tack-hammer.

I'm not "afraid of" assault rifles. Beyond threads like this, I don't spend any of my time thinking about them. But in threads like this, I have yet to see much legitimate civilian need for them. I'm willing to admit that "need" shouldn't be the sole determiner of whether we can own something or not but, if their harm outweighs their good, the lack of need starts to play a part in it. That's really the discussion we should be having in my opinion.

And that is where the real catch 22 is when it comes to gun control. How will we ever quantify crime prevention? I'm sure there are a plethora of cases where someone felt threatened and bought an assault rifle where the threatee decided the person wasn't such a soft target anymore. There are probably documentable instances where someone ended a standoff by pulling one out on a robber/rapist/general scaliwag much less actually firing the thing, but that's only one very very small facet of personal protection. There's an endless debate on whether or not actually "advertising" the fact you have such a weapon deters or causes more trouble for the owner. The only tangible number we could ever pull out is the number of gun related crimes caused by assault weapons. Last statistics I saw, that number was hovering in the range of about 15%.. Which pretty much means more people get stabbed every year than get shot with an assault rifle out of malice.

Again, even from this we must also counterbalance the anti-personnel use of these weapons with their various other uses, of which hunting is also one. All I'm saying is, I'm not out there preaching that assault rifles save lives.. But to think that owning one is a one way road to crime and destruction is a pretty silly assumption. With all of these weapons that are in circulation now, America should be looking like the old West if this were the case. That being said, actually having some numbers on the issue should clarify either stance. At a glance, it would seem that a rather disproportionate number of gun related crimes are actually carried out using pistols, which no one is arguing about banning on a national scale.

Last, but certainly not least, is the Columbine incident. No amount of gun control laws could prevent the determination of two very mentally ill teenagers from wreaking havoc on their school. There is literally not a single thing that can stop a murderous criminal from buying any sort of weapon out of the back of a van and preying on the unarmed (or dare I say it, the disarmed). Now, I think taking this to the extreme and saying every fourteen year old should go packing to school isn't what anyone wants. However, we must also look at the Virginia Tech massacre and see that the overly strict gun controls on campus also led to an incident that can best be described as a shark let loose on a bowl of goldfish. Time and time again, we see gruesome evidence that gun control simply does not work as it is intended. My (probably) gross simplification is that criminals simply don't mind breaking the law.. If someone is determined to murder (or even commit suicide in the process) then tacking on a few more years for a firearm violation isn't the kind of deterrence either side of the gun control issue are honestly looking for.
#186 Dec 29 2008 at 4:00 AM Rating: Decent
2,293 posts
I would say gun deaths are directly related to gun control :P
Guns make it so easy to kill someone, even accidentally or in a bad temper, with a knife you must really have strong intent and will to kill someone.

Traffic deaths in US in 2007 were 41096, guns 29569, so Americans have an extra substantial statistics categorie that kills off their own citizens and most are proud of it. If you dont mind, i dont, its good for the environment i guess.
#187 Dec 29 2008 at 2:08 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
Jophiel wrote:
Lefein wrote:
Well, not all assault rifles use the smaller round. In my case, I have an assault rifle that I can also use for hunting (by merit of skill, granted) and plan on upgrading to a bullpup 7.62 carbine to be even better at.. well.. both purposes.
I'm not arguing you specifically. I'm just saying that "I can kill deer with it" is a poor argument if another class of firearm can kill deer just as, if not more, effeciently. I mean, I'm sure I could pound tacks with the back end of pistol but "I can hit small nails with it" isn't much of an argument when I can just buy a tack-hammer.

True, but irrelevant.

The right to keep and bear arms is not restricted to or by their use for hunting. This entire line of reasoning is fallacious. Whether a firearm is an appropriate hunting weapon should not *ever* be considered relevant when discussing gun control.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#188 Dec 29 2008 at 2:25 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
gbaji wrote:
The right to keep and bear arms is not restricted to or by their use for hunting. This entire line of reasoning is fallacious. Whether a firearm is an appropriate hunting weapon should not *ever* be considered relevant when discussing gun control.
Yeah, apparently you missed the part where Lefein was justifying his ownership of an assault rifle by having once killed a deer with it.

Take your ***** up with him Smiley: laugh
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#189 Dec 29 2008 at 2:34 PM Rating: Decent
Yeah, apparently you missed the part where Lefein was justifying his ownership of an assault rifle by having once killed a deer with it.

That's horrible! The horsedeer is a noble creature.

Please note that I am not saying gun proliferation doesn't affect firearm death rates.

I think they just discounted Switzerland when placing the line because Switzerland has compulsory military service, which gives misleading results on a graph like this.
#190 Dec 29 2008 at 3:22 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
Jophiel wrote:
gbaji wrote:
The right to keep and bear arms is not restricted to or by their use for hunting. This entire line of reasoning is fallacious. Whether a firearm is an appropriate hunting weapon should not *ever* be considered relevant when discussing gun control.
Yeah, apparently you missed the part where Lefein was justifying his ownership of an assault rifle by having once killed a deer with it.

I was pointing out that *both* are irrelevant Joph. His need to justify his gun ownership based on its use for hunting *and* your counter to his statement are both irrelevant to the question of gun control laws. His statement does not constitute any rational argument against gun control laws. But at the same time, your counter to his statement does not constitute a rational argument *for* gun control laws.

And before you get all defensive, I'm not implying in any way that you were making a broader gun control argument in your post. But leaving either side of that exchange alone lends it weight it shouldn't have in that broader context. You may not have said "So that's why it's ok to ban assault weapons" in your post, but I don't think it's a stretch to assume that some people might find the "you don't need an assault weapon to hunt" argument as valid support for exactly that assertion.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#191 Dec 29 2008 at 6:01 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Who's defensive? You made a silly interjection which looked more like you had bothered to read the thread than like you were making any greater point.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#192 Dec 29 2008 at 6:24 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
Jophiel wrote:
Who's defensive? You made a silly interjection which looked more like you had(n't?) bothered to read the thread than like you were making any greater point.

Way to not be defensive there Joph. ;)

I'm as willing to go off on tangents as the next guy, but I try not to get my panties in a bunch when someone points out that an exchange I just had with another poster was as meaningless as a holy war over the color of the paper hats the fast food workers will wear in heaven.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#193 Dec 29 2008 at 6:28 PM Rating: Decent
gbaji wrote:
was as meaningless as a holy war over the color of the paper hats the fast food workers will wear in heaven.

See how you could be less verbose?
#194 Dec 29 2008 at 6:52 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
But then you'd have missed out on the clever Red Dwarf reference! :)
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#195 Dec 29 2008 at 6:58 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
gbaji wrote:
Way to not be defensive there Joph. ;)

I'm as willing to go off on tangents as the next guy, but I try not to get my panties in a bunch when someone points out that an exchange I just had with another poster was as meaningless as a holy war over the color of the paper hats the fast food workers will wear in heaven.
Smiley: laughSmiley: laughSmiley: laugh

Someone's a little pissy that his mighty wisdom wasn't accepted with awe.

Dude, if you think "Take your ***** up with him" is getting one's panties in a bunch, you need to get out more. It's okay -- next thread, I promise to pretend to be impressed. Honest Smiley: smile
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#196 Dec 29 2008 at 8:46 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
C'mon Joph. Admit it. You were all ready with the "But I didn't say that just because a firearm isn't good for hunting it should be banned" response to the first paragraph I wrote. Then you read the second paragraph and got pissy cause you couldn't respond that way and had to come up with something else. It threw off your whole train of thought, and that was the best you could do.

That's ok. You know it. I know it. That's good enough... ;)
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#197 Dec 29 2008 at 10:14 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
I said "next thread", not "next post".
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#198 Dec 30 2008 at 3:58 AM Rating: Good
2,086 posts
With Jophiels avatar this thread really feels like a godly force is net smiting Gbaji Smiley: eek
#199 Dec 31 2008 at 4:09 PM Rating: Good
1,437 posts
I own a assualt rifle.Sold my other two rifles and bought the one I own now.My primary use was for target practice.Did I upgrade because of Obamma, no.I bought it of its specs/useage.On Dec 19th after 2 am I actually had to point my weapon at another human being ..again. When he saw me and my weapon pointed at him he listened when I told him "on the floor, or die".Whould I have pulled the trigger?Yes,I would have. I will never give up the right to bare arms.I served 12 years for rights we have, the money I spent on my Grendel was well spent.There are many arguments for both pro and con for ownership.Mine forever more will be pro
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