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Gun sales up since the electionFollow

#102 Nov 17 2008 at 1:55 PM Rating: Good
Belkira the Tulip wrote:
Ahkuraj wrote:
scare away fellow travelers

Someone who goes out of their way to tailgate me at highway speeds with their brights on is not a "fellow traveler."

I doubt you really believe any of your supposed alternate explanations, with the exception of driving drunk, which is the one alternative I implied when I said "fun."

I honestly don't know what you think they were doing, though. Maybe they were just an @#%^. Who knows?

But brandishing a gun at them because they were tailgating? Wow.

Yeah. Wow.

IMO, Ahkuraj is the kind of person who has no clue what responsible gun ownership means and when it's appropriate to use a gun defensively. Irresponsibility like that should be punishable by jail time, and I honestly wish the driver he threatened had reported the incident to the police (or if they did, that he had been caught).
#103 Nov 17 2008 at 2:14 PM Rating: Decent
291 posts
Of course! Punish the one who didn't endanger anyone's lives and not the one who did (the other driver). Typical.

"It must be nice to be perfect and odor free."
#104 Nov 17 2008 at 2:18 PM Rating: Excellent
Ahkuraj wrote:
Of course! Punish the one who didn't endanger anyone's lives and not the one who did (the other driver). Typical.

"It must be nice to be perfect and odor free."

Brandishing a firearm without just cause is far more irresponsible than bad driving. The fact that you neither understand or seem willing to understand why is evidence of your irresponsibility.
#105 Nov 17 2008 at 2:30 PM Rating: Good
Soulless Internet Tiger
35,474 posts
I'm going to have to agree with the duck, which means I now hate you Ahkuraj for forcing this upon me.
Donate. One day it could be your family.

An invasion of armies can be resisted, but not an idea whose time has come. Victor Hugo

#106 Nov 17 2008 at 3:02 PM Rating: Good
Ahkuraj wrote:
Of course! Punish the one who didn't endanger anyone's lives and not the one who did (the other driver). Typical.

"It must be nice to be perfect and odor free."

There are other means of getting out of the situation, like... pulling over. If they start to pull life threatening moves on you, then stop the threat, ie. shoot them.

Brandishing story: Why you should not brandish, even for self defense

I am not perfect, but I do try to shower at least once a day. No one is wanting you to be perfect, but realize what you did is not legal and it certainly was not your best course of action. A firearm is a tool kept holstered until the very end, when possibly taking someone else's life means you get to keep yours. A firearm gives its owner immense power, but it can not be used until absolutely necessary. There are other, better and safer, ways to de-escalate situations.
#107 Nov 17 2008 at 3:20 PM Rating: Good
Ahkuraj wrote:
Of course! Punish the one who didn't endanger anyone's lives and not the one who did (the other driver). Typical.

"It must be nice to be perfect and odor free."

If you consider some people disagreeing with you a "punishment," then sure.

But then, wasn't it your call not to contact the authorities on the bad driver?
#108 Nov 17 2008 at 5:18 PM Rating: Default
35,568 posts
SaitohTheNinja Quick Hands wrote:
Ahkuraj wrote:
Of course! Punish the one who didn't endanger anyone's lives and not the one who did (the other driver). Typical.

"It must be nice to be perfect and odor free."

There are other means of getting out of the situation, like... pulling over. If they start to pull life threatening moves on you, then stop the threat, ie. shoot them.

Brandishing story: Why you should not brandish, even for self defense

Ok. I'm just not getting this. You say that you should pull over and then you should react only if someone pulls life threatening moves on you, then you link to a story about someone who essentially did exactly that and got in trouble for it.

If you wait to pull your gun until you are in a close physical confrontation with someone, it's too late. I happen to think that when someone is running up to your car yelling at you it's *exactly* the point at which you should brandish a firearm if you have one. What should he do? Wait until the guy gets to his window? Wait until he opens his door or smashes his window? Wait until he's reaching inside the car?

Despite an earlier post to the contrary, firearms overwhelmingly *do* de-escalate an encounter. If they are being brandished by the victim of a potential attack. But you rarely if ever hear about the times in which some drunk or just angry person decides to get physical with someone, that person draws a firearm and it makes the attacker instantly stop and leave. Firearms are standoff weapons. The guy who's acting on passion will not respond to a physical response. He wants to fight. You face him and he'll attack. You turn away and he'll jump you. You show him a gun and 99 times out of a hundred he'll turn and walk away.

There's a reason why police carry guns. It's exactly because they can approach someone who is physically violent and get them to stop doing whatever they're doing without actually having to get violent themselves. Yes. Occasionally, some nutter will charge them anyway and get shot, but the vast majority of the time it prevents a fight that would otherwise have occurred.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#109 Nov 17 2008 at 5:23 PM Rating: Good
gbaji wrote:

There's a reason why police carry guns.

Yeah, it's because we have an armed population.

If a cop is looking to avoid a physical confrontation, he has numbers, pepper spray, stun guns etc. The gun is only part of the equation because of the threat of the suspect being armed in the same manner.
#110 Nov 17 2008 at 5:27 PM Rating: Decent
Worst. Title. Ever!
17,302 posts
Grandfather Barkingturtle wrote:
gbaji wrote:

There's a reason why police carry guns.

Yeah, it's because we have an armed population.

If a cop is looking to avoid a physical confrontation, he has numbers, pepper spray, stun guns etc. The gun is only part of the equation because of the threat of the suspect being armed in the same manner.

So in places like Japan where the police don't carry guns, do they have a SWAT like team which does? Seems like it's be free range for robbers if they didn't.
Can't sleep, clown will eat me.
#111 Nov 17 2008 at 5:34 PM Rating: Excellent
TirithRR wrote:
Grandfather Barkingturtle wrote:
gbaji wrote:

There's a reason why police carry guns.

Yeah, it's because we have an armed population.

If a cop is looking to avoid a physical confrontation, he has numbers, pepper spray, stun guns etc. The gun is only part of the equation because of the threat of the suspect being armed in the same manner.

So in places like Japan where the police don't carry guns, do they have a SWAT like team which does? Seems like it's be free range for robbers if they didn't.

I don't know. I've never been arrested in Japan. Sort of beside the point, though, because if *** cops feel safe without a firearm while confronting the average Japanese criminal (evil ninja or Godzilla) then there's really no reason our police should be such huge p*ssies, is there?
#112 Nov 17 2008 at 6:04 PM Rating: Good
It is true there are cases where pulling out a gun will deescalate a distuation. If i was on the jury pool and the guy pulling the gun was in danger, then I'd vote to let him off the hook. But legally speaking, brandishing is not an option.

As far as when you can draw and fire, thats wholly up to you and your judgement. A guy with a bat? Probably 30 feet. A guy clenching his fists? Probably 30 feet. A guy with a handgun? Probably 75 feet. Why 75? Its the farthest I know I can shoot and hit center mass. Which brings me to my next point.

Practice. Practice as much as you can afford to spend, both in time and money. I shoot 400-500 rounds a week (I'm a nutty rightwing christian who wants cold dead hands, but not white), and I've taken qualification tests at our range to prove to them that I know how to handle a gun safely and effectively. One test includes drawing from a holster, firing 2 shots in seconds at 75 feet and hit an 8in diameter circle. That is how I know I can comfortably hit center mass at 75 feet. Beyond that, I don't know. Why 30 feet? I know I can comfortably draw and fire into that 8in circle with a double-tap within 3 seconds.

No one wants to be caught unprepared. If I pullover because someone is being dangerous, and they pull over, it would not be tactically advantageous of me to sit and wait in the car. Step out of the car, try and get into a highly visible location, call the police, put hand on grip and be ready to draw while shouting "Stop! Drop your weapon! Do not approach or I'll shoot!" Here's a secret about calling the police: If you can call them and talk to dispatch about where you are, great. If not, then you are probably already shouting at the attacker. Dispatch hears this, they record, and if you have the disparity of force on your side and stop the threat, that recording may be useful later.

Back to the main topic of panic gun buying. I wouldn't be too worried about shotguns, handguns, and bolt action rifles. Be worried about assualt rifles and submachine guns. Be worried about .50cal's, full sized machine guns. No one absolutely needs them, but we have a right as American citizens to be armed to the teeth. I believe the founding fathers knew that we may have to face oppression once again, and wrote, not discussed, not put into the editorials, but wrote in our Bill of Rights (yes, rights, not provisions by the government for the people, nor provisions by the people for the people, but absolute, no matter what, rights), that ever important 2A. Whether its oppression by other people (criminals), opression by corrupt governments, or even opression by our enemies, we do have a means of equalizing the force.
#113gbaji, Posted: Nov 17 2008 at 7:37 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) The ugly secret to all of this is that those things don't actually do anything other than avoid the potential use of a firearm in a conflict. Which works great for the "guns are evil!" crowd, but ultimately result in greater injury and conflict between police and suspects.
#114 Nov 17 2008 at 8:03 PM Rating: Good
gbaji wrote:
Grandfather Barkingturtle wrote:
gbaji wrote:

There's a reason why police carry guns.

Yeah, it's because we have an armed population.

Wrong. If it weren't for gun control enthusiasts insisting otherwise, every cop would prefer to carry a gun and it has nothing to do with running into someone else with a gun.

Really? You don't think that every cop would actually prefer working in an environment where the firearm is unnecessary? Oh wait, you think cops unholster their weapons to control "unruly suspects". Gotcha. I'm not sure you understand how police operate. Smiley: frown

If a cop is looking to avoid a physical confrontation, he has numbers, pepper spray, stun guns etc. The gun is only part of the equation because of the threat of the suspect being armed in the same manner.

The ugly secret to all of this is that those things don't actually do anything other than avoid the potential use of a firearm in a conflict.

Hey! Hold the f*ck on! Maybe you do get it! See? The goal is to avoid drawing their weapon. That's why they outnumber suspects, that's why they make loud noises and have flashing lights. It's because the last thing a cop wants to do is draw their weapon!

Well I sure am glad you came around.
#115 Nov 18 2008 at 3:35 AM Rating: Default
3,909 posts
I'd rather lose a fistfight and walk away with bruises than draw a handgun and risk the other guy having friends who also have handguns.

Things are always better when guns are out of the equation. More guns doesn't make **** safer. It's like saying that having more nukes prevent a nuclear exchange. That sort of logic only works if you are totally sure that the other guy is unarmed, and you can't always be sure, especially if both of you walk in thinking "If I pull my gun on this guy, he'll get scared and back off."
#116 Nov 18 2008 at 4:01 AM Rating: Excellent
Kelvyquayo wrote:
Are people to expect their security to be in the hands of people such as those in power-tripping local police or trigger-happy weekend warriors?

Of course. in most countries, that's exactly the way it works. If your police is power-tripping and trigger-happy, you need better police training and stricter entrance exams. The solution to a ineffectual police isn't for everyone to become police-militia, it's for the police to be improved.

People in countries who have banned all guns are brainwashed for accepting such oppression and people who think all guns should be banned are pampered and naive.

Heh. I completely disagree. Oppression from whom? From the gun-free police, or the gun-free criminals?

In the UK, most police officers never carry a gun. You know how many policeman were shot last year? 0. The year before? 0. The average yearly death of policeman being shot and killed over the last ten years is 0.1. This, really should give you food for thought.

I understand the US is different, but by the same token, the UK (and most of Europe) is "different" too. Carrying a gun in the UK carries a mandatory prison sentence. If you're caught with a gun, you go to jail. It's a big deterrent for petty criminals. People who go out on ordinary robberies, either burglaries or in the street, are usually armed with a knife. The only criminals that own a gun, and use it sometimes, are big-time drug dealers, or serious organised crime. And they are dealt with by special operations police officers.

So why would the ordinary citizen/subject need a gun? How are they "oppressed" by not owning one?

Edited, Nov 18th 2008 1:10pm by RedPhoenixxx
My politics blog and stuff - Refractory
#117 Nov 18 2008 at 5:16 AM Rating: Decent
3,909 posts
I like to think of it in terms of Superman. Superman is extremely powerful. He's a walking weapon. He could melt you with his heat vision if he wanted to, and there is no-one on the planet who could even compare to him. As a result, he has absolutely no fears about self-defence, because he is totally capable of defending himself, in the same way that a gun owner has nothing to fear from your average unarmed rabble-rouser.

But that doesn't mean that every time someone tailgates Superman he has a license to flash his eyes red until they back off. Superman could melt your car to a puddle. He could chuck it into the Grand Canyon. Superman could juggle cars in front of your girlfriend all the way into her panties. Superman could do all those things. But it'd make him some kind of asshole jock with super powers, not a genuine defender of truth and justice. Superman doesn't waste his time on that sh*t. Superman never uses his heat vision unless he has to weld some girders together or melt some assault rifles. He never punches criminals because he'd probably take their heads off. If Superman used his powers that irresponsibly, he wouldn't be a superhero.

And of course, when Superman fought Doomsday, what happened? Superman and Doomsday killed each other and trashed Metropolis in the process. When you get two guys with guns and one of them's itching for a fight, and the other brandishes his fucking gun thinking "If I show my gun this guy's going to back off" and the other guy goes "sh*t, he pulled a gun on me! That's a threat!" they both end up dead and maybe a bystander catches a bullet in the process.

Cops, like Superman, wield extraordinary powers in the hopes that they never have to use them. Superman genuinely doesn't want to punch bad guys into the sun. He could do it as easily as blinking, but he probably wakes up in the morning and goes "My super powers safeguard me from danger, but I sure as hell hope I don't have to shove some guy's face three feet up his *** this afternoon to stop him destroying the world. Wouldn't everything be better if no-one had super powers?"

Edited, Nov 18th 2008 8:18am by zepoodle
#118 Nov 18 2008 at 5:19 AM Rating: Decent
Skelly Poker Since 2008
16,781 posts
zepoodle wrote:
I like to think of it in terms of Superman. Superman is extremely powerful. He's a walking weapon. He could melt you with his heat vision if he wanted to, and there is no-one on the planet who could even compare to him. As a result, he has absolutely no fears about self-defence, because he is totally capable of defending himself, in the same way that a gun owner has nothing to fear from your average unarmed rabble-rouser.

But that doesn't mean that every time someone tailgates Superman he has a license to flash his eyes red until they back off. Superman could melt your car to a puddle. He could chuck it into the Grand Canyon. Superman could juggle cars in front of your girlfriend all the way into her panties. Superman could do all those things. But it'd make him some kind of asshole jock with super powers, not a genuine defender of truth and justice. Superman doesn't waste his time on that sh*t. Superman never uses his heat vision unless he has to weld some girders together or melt some assault rifles. He never punches criminals because he'd probably take their heads off. If Superman used his powers that irresponsibly, he wouldn't be a superhero.

And of course, when Superman fought Doomsday, what happened? Superman and Doomsday killed each other and trashed Metropolis in the process. When you get two guys with guns and one of them's itching for a fight, and the other brandishes his fucking gun thinking "If I show my gun this guy's going to back off" and the other guy goes "sh*t, he pulled a gun on me! That's a threat!" they both end up dead and maybe a bystander catches a bullet in the process.

Cops, like Superman, wield extraordinary powers in the hopes that they never have to use them. Superman genuinely doesn't want to punch bad guys into the sun. He could do it as easily as blinking, but he probably wakes up in the morning and goes "My super powers safeguard me from danger, but I sure as hell hope I don't have to shove some guy's face three feet up his *** this afternoon to stop him destroying the world. Wouldn't everything be better if no-one had super powers?"

Edited, Nov 18th 2008 8:18am by zepoodle
What do you have against Spiderman?...right wing whacko
Alma wrote:
I lost my post
#119 Nov 18 2008 at 5:21 AM Rating: Decent
3,909 posts
Elinda wrote:
What do you have against Spiderman?...right wing whacko

#120 Nov 18 2008 at 8:40 AM Rating: Decent
Skelly Poker Since 2008
16,781 posts
zepoodle wrote:
Elinda wrote:
What do you have against Spiderman?...right wing whacko

Yes, about as meaningful as this:

Elinda jumped for the bait like some eager little left-wing trout.
Alma wrote:
I lost my post
#121 Nov 18 2008 at 8:43 AM Rating: Decent
3,909 posts
Elinda wrote:
zepoodle wrote:
Elinda wrote:
What do you have against Spiderman?...right wing whacko

Yes, about as meaningful as this:

Elinda jumped for the bait like some eager little left-wing trout.

I honestly have no idea what you're getting at here. I mean, I know, internet != sense, but...I seriously just have no idea what you're getting at here.
#122 Nov 18 2008 at 8:50 AM Rating: Decent
Skelly Poker Since 2008
16,781 posts
zepoodle wrote:
Elinda wrote:
zepoodle wrote:
Elinda wrote:
What do you have against Spiderman?...right wing whacko

Yes, about as meaningful as this:

Elinda jumped for the bait like some eager little left-wing trout.

I honestly have no idea what you're getting at here. I mean, I know, internet != sense, but...I seriously just have no idea what you're getting at here.
You started it!
Alma wrote:
I lost my post
#123 Nov 18 2008 at 8:57 AM Rating: Decent
3,909 posts
Elinda wrote:
zepoodle wrote:
Elinda wrote:
zepoodle wrote:
Elinda wrote:
What do you have against Spiderman?...right wing whacko

Yes, about as meaningful as this:

Elinda jumped for the bait like some eager little left-wing trout.

I honestly have no idea what you're getting at here. I mean, I know, internet != sense, but...I seriously just have no idea what you're getting at here.
You started it!

#124 Nov 18 2008 at 10:32 AM Rating: Decent
4,158 posts
I'm SO fu'cking pleased right now that LOTRO MoM just got released.


Because it means that I feel no desire whatsoever to get involved in the plethora of threads around here of late that have become indistinguishable from the OOT.

The last 7 posts have no place in forum=4 imo.
"If you have selfish, ignorant citizens, you're gonna get selfish, ignorant leaders". Carlin.

#125 Nov 18 2008 at 10:45 AM Rating: Decent
3,909 posts
Just cos I mentioned Superman. Snob.
#126 Nov 18 2008 at 11:12 AM Rating: Good
4,158 posts
Just cos I mentioned Superman. Snob.

Don't flatter yourself.
"If you have selfish, ignorant citizens, you're gonna get selfish, ignorant leaders". Carlin.

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