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The emotional side of Prop 8Follow

#177 Nov 14 2008 at 2:23 PM Rating: Good
Totem wrote:
What is sad is that many people here are upset by the belief that others don't consider homosexuals to be first class citizens, while they themselves don't believe a different group of individuals they aren't concerned with are even human.

That is deeply disturbing to me.

That is why when I read here that the comparisons of same sex marriages aren't in the same class as abortions, I'd agree. Abortions are a far worse blight on our national conscience than the prevention of mere marriages.

No trolling here. This comes straight from my heart.


Honestly, I find it upsetting that people don't consider homosexuals "people." Already living, breathing human beings. I find it upsetting that they are compared to lumps of cells that are not even close to being sentient.

I find it upsetting that people are more concerned with these lumps of cells than even the children that are born, abused, and neglected.
#178 Nov 14 2008 at 2:25 PM Rating: Excellent
602 posts
Abortion would be murder if a human life were being taken. As is, it's just preventing a human life from being started. Much like contraceptives. I'd much rather prevent it's life from starting then let it ruin mine.

On a similar note, Totem, what do you think of the whole embryonic stem cell debate thing? I haven't checked to see how far they've come with stem cells recently, but I'm just curious what you think about it.
#179 Nov 14 2008 at 3:03 PM Rating: Good
Liberal Conspiracy
Totem wrote:
That is why when I read here that the comparisons of same sex marriages aren't in the same class as abortions, I'd agree.
They're just two separate things. No "classes", just two distinctly different debates.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#180 Nov 14 2008 at 3:23 PM Rating: Good
From the thread in the OoT, I've come to the realization that gay marriage is a gender issue. As the law stands now, marriage is saying "One man + one woman = one couple" then it turns around and says "One man + one man =/= one couple" The genders are not equal. My argument is that it is no longer ok to deny someone something based on their gender, and the gender of the person they wish to enter into the contract of marriage with.
#181 Nov 14 2008 at 3:27 PM Rating: Excellent
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
Siesen wrote:
Abortion would be murder if a human life were being taken. As is, it's just preventing a human life from being started. Much like contraceptives. I'd much rather prevent its life from starting then let it ruin mine than have to drive all the way to Nebraska in 15 years to ditch it there.

Uh huh.
In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

#182 Nov 14 2008 at 7:17 PM Rating: Excellent
3,909 posts
Totem wrote:
Mine is an unassailable train of logic. Like I said, give basic human rights to all people-- including gays and unborn childen. Why do any of you have a problem with that?


I don't have a problem with it. Some other posters, in particular some female posters, may have an opinion on abortion, but it's not my opinion and I'd thank you if I'm not lumped into that category.

The point I think everyone else is getting at here is that your unassailable train of logic is on the wrong track. We're not discussing right to life. We're discussing the right for same-sex couples to marry, and your diversion is just a clever piece of emotional rhetoric instead of a clear argument, like your "definition" of homosexuality as either genetic or optional.

You've basically filled three pages of this thread with pure sophistry. Gbaji would be proud.
#183 Nov 14 2008 at 7:30 PM Rating: Good
16,299 posts
Samira wrote:
Siesen wrote:
Abortion would be murder if a human life were being taken. As is, it's just preventing a human life from being started. Much like contraceptives. I'd much rather prevent its life from starting then let it ruin mine than have to drive all the way to Nebraska in 15 years to ditch it there.

Uh huh.

A co-worker and I were laughing about that, and wondering if we had time to get to Nebraska before they change the law.
#184 Nov 14 2008 at 8:57 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
Atomicflea wrote:
Again, this has denigrated into a snoozefest. Thanks , Gbaji, at the very least for being consistent. If not for you this forum would be a giant circle jerk and we would all be covered in each other's emissions. That said, the 'reason' argument is in the other thread. We're arguing emotion here. Justify how it's okay to break someone's heart, how it's better for the common good, and how it's helping the world be rosier. Discuss how proud you'll be to tell your grandchildren that you took the stand you did on this.

Oh! Well hell... Why didn't you say so? ;)

It's because the gays just want to make everyone else like them. I see them checking out my rear end when I'm walking by and it gives me the willies (or some kind of odd tingling, I'm not sure). That's the real agenda here, and no way will I let it happen!


I think the OP was a valid point, but it's one that will be only seen through the lens of history. John Stewart used a term that I liked a few days back when he asked one of his guests if he didn't fear "being on the wrong side of history" on a particular topic.

Funny thing is that I was talking to a friend about this. Without getting into any specific context, my point was that for any cause, apathy is the enemy. If 10% of the population want to make some kind of social change, and 10% oppose it, and the remaining 80% don't care, the change wont happen. Things will stay the same by default even though on paper the issue should be "even".

I observed that what most social agenda movements have picked up on is that if you can create a strong "us vs them" dynamic to the issue, it turns that issue around. Apathy becomes the friend of your cause instead of its enemy. Because the apathetic people don't really care about the issue, but they do care about being labeled negatively. So if you can call anyone who doesn't support a cause enough names and make them feel bad about themselves, you'll get them to support you. It does have the side effect of polarizing the opposition and making the politics "nasty", but it gives a cause that otherwise has small support a chance at changing things to their benefit.

In case you're not getting the connection, that's what Stewart is doing (or repeating really). It's part of the methodology. The sad part is that it works so well. The saddest part is that it works for *any* agenda regardless of how worthy or valid it actually is.

I think that people that pushed this measure through will someday be dramatized in a feature-length film, and a some twinky boygirl will win his Oscar for portraying Ellen Degeneres and we'll all heave a big sigh at the theater and teach our children that people were ignorant then, but thank Goodness Someone Came Along and Stood Up for Us All. Then we'll either a) sit down with our spouse and reminisce about that time and the difficult times we got through or b)bemoan the downfall of western civilization.

I've got odds on which side you'll be on, buddy.

And that's to be expected. What you're doing is exactly by design. If you can't win support by convincing people your right, you win by convincing enough to label the others negatively instead. It works.

I just happen to think it's a really bad way to make decisions about how we structure our society and our laws. I know. We're supposed to be emotional or something, but this is really how I feel. For me, when you make an argument like this, you're just confirming to me why it's so important to stand up against things like this. First because it's what I believe is right, but secondly to oppose the methodology being used...

And since it's about the emotional side... I'm sure that many Germans went along with the plans of their government in the 1930s out of fear of being labeled a "Jew lover" or a bad citizen, or also being "on the wrong side of history". Fear of alienation from one's peers is a strong sociological force. I just think this is the wrong way to do it. If a position is "right", it will eventually win out. If you have to force people to accept it, it's probably not as right as you think it is...
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#185 Nov 14 2008 at 9:33 PM Rating: Decent
Worst. Title. Ever!
17,302 posts
Gbaji's right. You gays are all just falling in with the **** crowd... for shame.
Can't sleep, clown will eat me.
#186 Nov 14 2008 at 9:55 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
gbaji wrote:
I'm sure that many Germans went along with the plans of their government in the 1930s out of fear of being labeled a "Jew lover"
Smiley: rolleyes

Ya know, Godwin's and blah blah blah but, Christ man, you play the **** card about once a week these days. Is that really your only argument these days?
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#187 Nov 15 2008 at 6:00 AM Rating: Good
18,463 posts
gbaji wrote:
Bullsh*t followed by...
No. I wasn't being sarcastic, and I was asking a direct question. You must feel you are on the side of right and good somehow on this issue, Vocalize it. Use that verbosity with some kind of intent. It wouldn't keep me from disagreeing, I'm sure, but I've never understood your views largely because you express them poorly. You veer into other subjects, drone about group think, and do everything but explain yourself. Try it.

Without getting into any specific context, my point was that for any cause, apathy is the enemy. ...In case you're not getting the connection, that's what Stewart is doing (or repeating really). Blah blah blah.
See, like that. I didn't ask for you to explain why I feel as I do. I asked for you to explain your feelings on the matter. We're all repeating something, kid ("marriage between a man and a woman" ring a bell?). Nothing's original anymore.

And that's to be expected. What you're doing is exactly by design. If you can't win support by convincing people your right, you win by convincing enough to label the others negatively instead. It works.
The only reason I'm labeling you negatively as of this moment is because you apparently lack the skills to express your feeling in a cohesive manner. Really, I'd go see a shrink about that.

As for the topic at hand, write me a cohesive explanation that I can understand and I wouldn't label you negatively as an emotional cripple. History'll take care of that for whichever one of us is wrong. For what it's worth, I don't think you're a homophobe, but the fact that you express yourself so poorly about your feelings on the topic really does invite that assumption.

Wait.... I see a lot of "I feels" coming up.... Let's see.

I know. We're supposed to be emotional or something, but this is really how I feel.
Good, good...

For me, when you make an argument like this, you're just confirming to me why it's so important to stand up against things like this. First because it's what I believe is right, but secondly to oppose the methodology being used...
Huh? So you believe this is the right stance because you have to stand up against the methodology that you feel will overtake our government? So your primary driving emotion there is fear? That isn't helping the homophobe thing,kid. How about this: talk about why you feel it is right. Positive terms that would help people understand. Since you pride yourself on not repeating arguments, heck try and leave the Bible out of it. It'll make it relatable.

And since it's about the emotional side... I'm sure that many Germans went along with the plans of their government in the 1930s out of fear of being labeled a "Jew lover" or a bad citizen, or also being "on the wrong side of history". Fear of alienation from one's peers is a strong sociological force. I just think this is the wrong way to do it. If a position is "right", it will eventually win out. If you have to force people to accept it, it's probably not as right as you think it is...
I don't see why you have to Godwin everything. Talk about rehashing arguments. *sigh*

That said, you're pretty much admitting that you're in the person-that-was-labeled-a-jew-hater-because-they-were-too-scared-to-stand-up camp, and at least I can be comforted by your self-knowledge, and it's consistent with your primary driving emotion. I still don't think you're a homophobe. I just think you don't care enough to be an activist. When change comes, you'll fear it was the downfall of Western Civilization. When gays marry and buy homes in your town, you'll fear it'll impact your home value, but you won't ever do anything about it overtly or show any true discrimination. Fear is your driving emotion, then. I can understand that.

Edited, Nov 15th 2008 8:01am by Atomicflea
#188 Nov 15 2008 at 7:16 AM Rating: Good
Liberal Conspiracy
I'm not saying that Gbaji is a **** just as I'm sure he isn't trying to connect us to ***** (or complicit German citizens) when he starts saying he's reminded of the 1930s when people argue for gay rights or vote for Obama or whatever. I'm just saying that when he starts saying that we need to promote marriage between heterosexual couples so we can shore up the population and push aside same sex couples because their "natural consequence" isn't making babies, he sounds a little like this guy...
Some German guy in the 1930s wrote:
I would like to develop a couple of ideas for you on the questions of homosexuality. There are those homosexuals who take the view: what I do is my business, a purely private matter. However, all things which take place in the sexual sphere are not the private affair of the individual, but signify the life and death of the nation, signify world power or "swisstification." The people which has many children has the candidature for world power and world domination. A people of good race which has too few children has a one-way ticked to the grave, for insignificant in fifty or a hundred years, for burial in two hundred and fifty years
I mean, I know Gbaji is just accepting what he's heard about how promoting babies trumps all other concerns when it comes to two people wanting government recongnition of relationship. Just as I'm sure some other people... German people in the 1930s... thought it was all very logical before they extended it to putting gays into boxcars and sending them to special camps where they could wear pink triangles, be beaten and raped, medically experimented on and killed.

Not that I'm accusing Gbaji of this, of course. It's just that he wanted us to think about the 1930s and Germany and how people were acting. As I recall, they were listening to a certain political party railing about how the gays were keeping the population down and thusly didn't deserve the same protections as heterosexuals. And they were nodding their heads and eating it up.

Edited, Nov 15th 2008 9:21am by Jophiel
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#189 Nov 15 2008 at 8:48 AM Rating: Good
3,829 posts
Flea, I think you're wasting your time with Gbaji. I'm reasonably certain he doesn't actually care about 80% of the **** he argues about here--he just treats it as an intellectual exercise excuse to watch himself type. Hence the reason he can claim to be "pro-choice" but always argues on the side of restricting abortion rights.
#190 Nov 16 2008 at 4:54 AM Rating: Decent
505 posts
Just another drunken two cents.

Speaking of same sex couples having no value in perpetuating a society ( as they can't breed). I'd think that's a rather mute point considering there are millions of children and more being born every day that would love to have two Dads or two Moms as opposed to no parents.

I suppose some would see same sex couples being able to adopt as a sign of the end of the World, but maybe folks should ask those children how they feel.

Anyway, I'm not pro-gay or anything, but it is infuriating to see folks claiming the "moral high ground" as they make the lives of others miserable. And for what?
Never regret.To regret is to assume.
#191 Nov 16 2008 at 7:31 AM Rating: Decent
2,453 posts
gbaji wrote:

That's what's wrong with most of you people. You're core definitions of some very basic concepts are just plain wrong, so your assumptions about most political issues end out being wrong as well. The misconceptions about such basic concepts is staggering to me sometimes.

The Declaration of Independence wrote:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

Yeah, we're the ones that have it all wrong, not you.

Edited, Nov 16th 2008 10:32am by Deathwysh
#192 Nov 16 2008 at 7:41 AM Rating: Good
2,453 posts
gbaji wrote:
If a position is "right", it will eventually win out. If you have to force people to accept it, it's probably not as right as you think it is...

Or maybe, just maybe, the people that are clinging so tenaciously to this position are so incomprehensibly out of touch with simple concepts like right and wrong that they are incapable of seeing how utterly wrong their position is.
#193 Nov 16 2008 at 3:08 PM Rating: Good
CoalHeart wrote:
...that's a rather mute point...

I'm sorry, not to be a total ***** or anything, but it's a moot point. Not a mute point.

One of my pet peeves, sorry. Smiley: glare

Carry on.
#194 Nov 16 2008 at 7:54 PM Rating: Good
505 posts
Belkira the Tulip wrote:
CoalHeart wrote:
...that's a rather mute point...

I'm sorry, not to be a total ***** or anything, but it's a moot point. Not a mute point.

One of my pet peeves, sorry. Smiley: glare

Carry on.

Oops! For what it's worth, I don't see it as you being a total *****. I can't as I'm also annoyed by such ( including your/you're, to/too, there/their/they're etc). Not sure how I flubbed that one. I don't mind you pointing it out. The only thing I'm mad at you for is now I have the song Jessie's Girl stuck in my head.
Never regret.To regret is to assume.
#195 Nov 16 2008 at 8:17 PM Rating: Default
16,160 posts
"...preventing a human life from being started." --Sei

Again, this is an irrational conclusion. If the person inside you is dead, then it would either be stillborn and expelled naturally or it would be excised surgically. But if given enough time, the person will grow to be a fully functioning adult, the same as you and me.

You may claim semantics are at play here, but the tricks you play on your conscience to assauge any guilt for rationalizing the ending of a human life doesn't change the fact that what is growing inside a woman is a human being, albeit a very small one.

#196 Nov 16 2008 at 9:05 PM Rating: Good
It's Just a Flesh Wound
22,702 posts

I'll just say this, every single argument/reason I've heard of that "explains" why people don't want to let homosexuals marry reminds me of the "reasons" why a lot of people back in the day didn't want to let blacks be considered people.

If somebody ever tells me they don't support gay marriage because it's disgusting and not right I'm just going to say, "And I bet those damn blacks should still all be slaves, right?"

The only difference between the two is skin color vs sexuality. You don't get to choose what you get. (Honestly, if anybody still believes that people can choose if they're homosexual or not I will orz, as a heterosexual can you make yourself get turned on and wet by looking at only the same sex as well?)
Dear people I don't like: 凸(●´―`●)凸
#197 Nov 17 2008 at 1:02 AM Rating: Decent
8,619 posts
For what it's worth, I don't see it as you being a total *****.
But she IS a total *****! Smiley: sly
#198 Nov 17 2008 at 7:07 AM Rating: Good
Skelly Poker Since 2008
16,781 posts
Totem wrote:
You may claim semantics are at play here, but the tricks you play on your conscience to assauge any guilt for rationalizing the ending of a human life doesn't change the fact that what is growing inside a woman is a human being, albeit a very small one.

Pretty egotistical there Totem. How are you so sure the mind tricks are not yours, based in childhood religious brainwashing that human life is divine, begins at conception and, is given and taken only by some higher power?

Alma wrote:
I lost my post
#199 Nov 17 2008 at 6:42 PM Rating: Default
35,568 posts
Atomicflea wrote:
No. I wasn't being sarcastic, and I was asking a direct question. You must feel you are on the side of right and good somehow on this issue, Vocalize it. Use that verbosity with some kind of intent. It wouldn't keep me from disagreeing, I'm sure, but I've never understood your views largely because you express them poorly. You veer into other subjects, drone about group think, and do everything but explain yourself. Try it.

I'm sorry Flea. I can't. Because for me, this issue isn't about emotion. I know you're asking for emotional aspects of this issue, but my point is that this is the wrong reason or way to do things in the first place. You're insisting that I must address the issue from an emotional standpoint, and while that's wonderful for you since your position is based in emotion, mine is not. It's like asking a physicist to give you the emotions behind his latest equations on black holes.

My position is based on reason. Why can't you just accept that? Frankly, more people ought to be doing this my way rather than yours...

See, like that. I didn't ask for you to explain why I feel as I do. I asked for you to explain your feelings on the matter. We're all repeating something, kid ("marriage between a man and a woman" ring a bell?). Nothing's original anymore.

Because my whole point in this thread is to show why holding a position based on emotion is fallacious. By doing so, it's easy to support a position that "feels right" at the time, but is a really bad thing in the long run.

The only reason I'm labeling you negatively as of this moment is because you apparently lack the skills to express your feeling in a cohesive manner. Really, I'd go see a shrink about that.

That's because my position isn't based on how I feel. I know that it's easier for you to imagine that those who supported prop8 all did so because they really secretly hate homosexuals, but that's simply not the case. Insisting that I must argue my point from an emotional perspective is just silly...

If you ask about the emotional side of prop8 (which you did), my response is going to be to point out that using emotion to make an argument or to hold a position is a bad idea (which is what I've been doing). You may choose to disagree with that, but don't berate me for refusing to adopt your own flawed methodology for picking a position on an issue.

Huh? So you believe this is the right stance because you have to stand up against the methodology that you feel will overtake our government? So your primary driving emotion there is fear?

You completely missed the point. The "fear" is of being labeled negatively for not going along with the cause and position of gay rights on this proposition. I was pointing to the quote from John Stewart to show an example of this, but there are many many more.

If I were acting out of fear on this issue I'd have opposed prop8, not supported it. What I'm actually doing is standing on principle while risking being labeled as a bigot and homophobe by those around me. It would be much much easier to just support gay marriage, wouldn't it? So who's acting out of fear here? Who's worried about being labeled and/or hated for his/her position?

That isn't helping the homophobe thing,kid. How about this: talk about why you feel it is right. Positive terms that would help people understand. Since you pride yourself on not repeating arguments, heck try and leave the Bible out of it. It'll make it relatable.

I have not once mentioned the bible while debating this issue.

My position is right because I'm *not* basing it on an emotional response. Your's is wrong because you are. How's that?

I don't see why you have to Godwin everything. Talk about rehashing arguments. *sigh*

I actually rarely do this. In this case, I did it not to create any sort of comparison between a given position and ****-ism, but to compare the methodology. The act of using emotion to base one's positions lends itself to being abused. You're looking at the trees. I'm looking at the forest. It's not about this specific issue, but the method by which you are deriving your position on it. I'm not at all suggesting that fighting to give gay marriages the same benefits as heterosexual ones is somehow similar to anything the **** regime did. What I *am* suggesting is that holding a position because of the emotional aspects and then negatively labeling anyone who doesn't agree with you *is* similar to what the **** regime did.

To be fair, it's not like they invented the idea. I'm just suggesting that the same process of scapegoating and labeling those who don't hold your own world view can lead to some pretty bad situations. We should avoid arguments based on such emotionally charged thinking, in order to prevent said types of bad situations from occurring.

Don't read more into it than that. I'm not even talking about the specifics of the position in question. Just the methodology being used by some to derive their position.

That said, you're pretty much admitting that you're in the person-that-was-labeled-a-jew-hater-because-they-were-too-scared-to-stand-up camp,

I always wonder if such subtle word changes are deliberate, or subconscious.

The camp would be "person-that-was-labeled-a-jew-lover-because-they-were-too-scared-to-stand-up"

The point, which you either missed or are avoiding, is that at that time and that place the emotional argument was about the popular belief that Jews were to blame for the current problems going on in Germany. They were blamed. Then anyone who stood up for them was labeled negatively. This created the "us vs them" dynamic, which was used to gain political power for those behind the whole movement.

What happened afterwards isn't what's relevant. I'm just trying to get you to be aware that this sort of methodology is inherently dangerous. Not because I believe that granting homosexuals full marriage benefits is dangerous, but because by using this method to do so, you'll be more likely to adopt the same methodology (or be swayed by it), when it's used in the future for something else. Yes. Slippery slope and all of that, but I don't think it's absurd to argue that the more we use this sort of argument and methodology, the more we as a people accept it as a valid way of pushing an agenda *and* the more we as a people just give in to whatever cause is being pushed.

That's where the danger lies IMO.

I still don't think you're a homophobe. I just think you don't care enough to be an activist.

No. I disagree with what the activists want to do. That does not at all imply a lack of caring. Your very statement makes the assumption that the only "right" answer is to support the cause in question, with the only reasons not to being that one is a bigot (homophobe in this case) or knows what's right but doesn't care enough to do anything about it.

Lol. Ever consider that you're just wrong? Seriously. I disagree with the position you hold. Please respect the issue enough to at least consider that my argument may have merit. When I read this sort of statement, it leads me to believe you just haven't listened to a word I've said.

When change comes, you'll fear it was the downfall of Western Civilization. When gays marry and buy homes in your town, you'll fear it'll impact your home value, but you won't ever do anything about it overtly or show any true discrimination. Fear is your driving emotion, then. I can understand that.

Huh? I voted for prop8. I've written at length my reasons for doing this. I've posted for almost two weeks on the subject. How much more "overt" do I need to get here?

I disagree with you. Period. It's not that I don't like homosexuals, and it's not that I agree but don't care. I disagree with you. Again. How about stepping back from your assumption that your "side" must be correct and maybe re-evaluating your own position before making assumptions about mine.

This should be doubly important given that you admit to holding your position because of emotions instead of reason. I'm looking at what the proposed change actually does legally. You are looking at which side you like and assuming that anything that isn't good for them must be bad. I happen to think my method of assessing the correct course of action in this particular situation is the better one.

Edited, Nov 17th 2008 6:47pm by gbaji
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#200 Nov 17 2008 at 7:29 PM Rating: Decent
Belkira the Tulip wrote:
I find it upsetting that people are more concerned with these lumps of cells than even the children that are born, abused, and neglected.
I find it even more upsetting disturbing that people are more concerned with these lumps of cells than the (possibly) productive human carrying them.

Can we at least agree that not even making an exception for "to save the mother's life" is pretty damn ridiculous?
#201 Nov 17 2008 at 7:32 PM Rating: Good
Liberal Conspiracy
gbaji wrote:
I actually rarely do this

Smiley: laughSmiley: laughSmiley: laughSmiley: laugh
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
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