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#1 Nov 03 2008 at 10:16 PM Rating: Decent
So I was just wondering why a vast majority of you guys are Dems? Tell me and then you can sub-default me for posting what you think is a completely pointless topic. See fun for everyone. I just ask that you respond to my question before you sub-default me. Please.

Oh, and just for clarification I'm not a hardcore right-winger. However I am in agreeance with about everything the repubs stand for atm.
#2 Nov 03 2008 at 10:41 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
'Cause I agree with them more? Smiley: grin

The social issues tend to resonate more with me. I believe in (in no special order) women's reproductive rights, gay rights, separation of church & state, the idea that the government needs to justify its intrusion into my privacy rather than expecting me to defend why I deserve it, ecological stewardship, promotion of the arts, etc. I believe in a social contract in which people can expect an effective safety net from their government. I believe in erring on the side of too giving rather than too stingy when it comes to that safety net. I believe in the government's responsibility to provide things such as education and, if they are not doing so effectively, that the solution is to fix it rather than shirk the responsibility to private parties. As well, I believe that the government should be instrumental in ensuring that citizens have access to affordable and effective health care. I believe that our immigration laws have been historically created through xenophobia and racism rather than any rational approach and that our current situation isn't any different and needs better reforms than "We need a giant wall!"

I guess that's enough to start on. It's not as though I've been especially shy in chattering about my political ideals.

Edited, Nov 4th 2008 12:44am by Jophiel
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#3 Nov 03 2008 at 10:44 PM Rating: Decent
Dunno why anyone thinks that about me, personally. I argue with gbaji more for entertainment than out of any actual disagreement with him. I argue with AmorTonight because he's a fucking idiot.

And as far as "separation of church and state"... how the hell are you supposed to implement an effective Communist state without nullifying that, and thereby using the threat of eternal damnation to ensure that everyone does their fair share? :-D
#4 Nov 03 2008 at 10:45 PM Rating: Good
4,901 posts
Myself, I just want to be more like Jophiel.
#5 Nov 03 2008 at 11:01 PM Rating: Default
Joph wrote:
It's not as though I've been especially shy in chattering about my political ideals.

I know I've just never seen everyone's entire stance in one place. Mostly, it's piecemeal and in recent years my memory has gone to hell. I have no idea why.

Joph wrote:
I believe in women's reproductive rights

See, I can't agree with the dems on that stance. I realize that it may be a woman's choice on whether or not she could kill an innocent child. However, any spin you put on it it's still punishing a child for the mother being a moran. You can't call a child an accident from sex. That's the main purpose of the act, to reproduce. So, why punish a completely innocent child that has a clean slate for one's mistake.

Now, you guys can claim all you want that it can't be called a child during a normal abortion because it's not even an embryo usually, or it cannot think at that point. Or that it's just a blob of blood. Well I've always been told that blood is thicker than water that blood is still your child.

Also, one can claim that it's just a parasite until born. Well, by that logic then an infant breast feeding is a parasite. A toddler that needs potty trained and taken to school is a parasite. A teenager who asks their parents for money for an Xbox 360, a computer, or even just for food is a parasite. Thus, by that very logic a child can be aborted at any time.

Lastly on this point, what is your stance on end-term abortions? Also, the stance on if the baby survives the abortion/the abortion fails should the baby recieve medical treatment or be left to die from neglect. BTW, Obama votes for the latter of the two.

Joph wrote:
I believe that the government should be instrumental in ensuring that citizens have access to affordable and effective health care.

Well, I'd love to see the government pull that off. Obama says that if you have good health care you can keep it. Or, you can recieve the health care the politicians get. Regretfully, the majority of the people in the USA are going to jump on the politicians health care bandwagon. This is going to create a burden on the system. Who's paying for this burden? The rich , the only people able to supply us with jobs, but the rich aren't going to be able to carry this burden alone. So, essentially we are going to pay for our own bandwagon.

On a side note that I didn't mention, I can't understand the Dems taxing mentality. If one taxes the rich man making a million dollars a year at a company with 10 employees(This is after he pays everyone's salaries and his cost, thus his profit is a mil). Very similar to my company, and say this tax is going to lower his profit to 900,000. He's not going to take that loss, he likes making a mil a year. So, he is going to fire one of his ten employees and make the 9 work harder, and they will because they need their jobs. So, the guy who got fired is no longer going to Best Buy and buying things. No longer going to Wal-mart or Kroger or whatever grocery store and buying groceries. Say this happens to every large business and small business (a business making 250,000 a year is the smallest of small business) around. This then causes a negative effect upon the economy. Not to mention the fact that the remaining employees will save more out of fear of losing their jobs. This less spending more saving mentality will then FINISH this recession, by putting us clear into a depression. I just don't understand how anyone could not understand trickle down economics. Obama's theory of Trickle up Economics just won't work.
#6 Nov 03 2008 at 11:06 PM Rating: Decent
MDenham wrote:
And as far as "separation of church and state"... how the hell are you supposed to implement an effective Communist state without nullifying that, and thereby using the threat of eternal damnation to ensure that everyone does their fair share? :-D

Exactly Smiley: sly

PunkFloyd wrote:
Myself, I just want to be more like Jophiel

I just wanna be less like Jophiel, because when I first started posting here I was a 14 year old MORON and he made fun of me!!! Smiley: cry But seriously though, Joph has gotta be one of the smartest people in here.

Second only to me of course!
#7 Nov 03 2008 at 11:09 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
weedjedi wrote:
See, I can't agree with the dems on that stance.
That's fine. I do agree with them though, hence my Democrat leanings.
Well, I'd love to see the government pull that off.
Me too. And I know it won't even be tried, much less succeed, under a Republican government.
I just don't understand how anyone could not understand trickle down economics
Maybe you can explain it to the shrinking middle class.

It's late and I'm not really interested in defending all of my stances. You just asked why I aligned myself with the Democrats.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#8 Nov 03 2008 at 11:12 PM Rating: Good
3,829 posts
I could answer your question, but I'd just end up repeating what Joph already said, only I'd be much less concise (and prone to parenthetical interjections.)

So yeah, what he said.

Edited, Nov 3rd 2008 11:12pm by Ambrya
#9 Nov 03 2008 at 11:14 PM Rating: Decent
joph wrote:
It's late and I'm not really interested in defending all of my stances. You just asked why I aligned myself with the Democrats.

Yeah I just figured I'd reply and skip the inevitable question.

Why are you aligned with the republicans?

Kill two birds with one stone. That's usually a good thing right?

And I know it's pretty much a Smiley: deadhorse by now. But just like every good repub I gotta have this thread to fall back to and go "See I told you so."
If in my best case scenario Obama doesn't live up to his word. He prolly will though. Only not the way everyone thinks he will. He sure is a MASTER of twisting words. Smiley: dubious

Ambrya wrote:
I could answer your question, but I'd just end up repeating what Joph already said, only I'd be much less concise (and prone to parenthetical interjections.)

So yeah, what he said.

I have a feeling that's what a lot of people are going to say.

Edited, Nov 4th 2008 2:16am by weedjedi
#10 Nov 03 2008 at 11:18 PM Rating: Good
4,901 posts
weedjedi wrote:
I just don't understand how anyone could not understand trickle down economics.

Can you name one example where trickle down economics has worked?
#11 Nov 03 2008 at 11:29 PM Rating: Decent
PunkFloyd wrote:

Can you name one example where trickle down economics has worked?

Umm, since the dawn of this nation...

1607:Jamestown arguably the start of the USA, rich guy sends people to here to work for him. They live here working for said rich man. Many die in winter there are some tragedies however, overall it works. Jamestown becomes important city in the territory of Virgina and was the capital for awhile.


This country itself was created upon trickle down economics. Every factory ever made, every business ever created. All of it was started in the theory of trickle down economics.

If anyone wishes to make more money then they need a skill. Not a government handout, which would be trickle up econ. This nation was built, created, and sustained on the theory of trickle down economics. Oh, and the theory that you need to seize what you want because NOBODY is gonna hand it to you. Yet everyone still waiting in the cheese line ******* and moans about how they can't get ahead but won't even make a legit attempt to do so...hmm. So, before laziness trickle down econ worked because people fought for their fair shake. Now in the advent of laziness, the solution to everything is make someone else GIVE you your fair shake. Even if Obama wins and does as he says and gives them their fair shake, what percentage of them do you think will actually act upon said shake?
#12 Nov 03 2008 at 11:31 PM Rating: Excellent
Repressed Memories
21,027 posts
It was rather surprising for me to recently learn that I am effectively a Democrat. I hold no real loyalty to the party, but so long as they represent a significant majority of my interests it would be foolish for me to not support them.

The stance I take on social issues is often geared toward practicality. Real consequences are what matter. To me, Democratic policies are often based around the practical consequences of the policy. Homosexual couples are no different practically than straight couples, so why deny them the right to marry? I see the opposition as often being an ideological difference: homosexuality is morally wrong or gay marriages are an assault on family values. I see one of these positions as being grounded in real consequences and the other being based on synthetic and changeable ideas.

Economic issues boil down to a disagreement of method. Here I base my views on historical results, real examples, and minimalist logical reasoning. I support nationalized health care because the UK does it and it works great for them, as well as much of the EU. It costs their citizens less in taxes than we pay for ours, and they additionally average better care. It may be easy to disagree with why something might work, but it is difficult to disagree that something is working.

Edited, Nov 4th 2008 1:33am by Allegory
#13 Nov 03 2008 at 11:33 PM Rating: Good
2,824 posts
Environment, civil rights (mainly gay and immigrant), abortion, separation of church and state, health-care.

To add to the immigration point, I will never vote for a party that continues to push for English as the official language of America.

There are a lot of things, certainly too many to post here at this hour, but really why ask when you already know the answer.

EDIT - Oh gosh darn it Joph. Do you ever friggen sleep! Didn't notice that I parroted your post.

Edited, Nov 4th 2008 12:34am by baelnic
#14 Nov 03 2008 at 11:38 PM Rating: Default
Because I didn't really know the answer. Plus I figured it'd be a call to arms for some posters dormant in the Asylum. And Lastly, I wanted to see the views from the other side and make sure that what I thought was fact. Also, I wanted to see if anyone had been affected by the liberal media machine. And don't rate me down for that SRSLY, you guys have:
Comedy Central
Cartoon Network
The CW/Damn near every television station watchable.
Not to mention mainstream music, and all of Hollywood is in the dems back pocket
and we have:
Fox News

Yet, somehow I can always find one or two liberals no matter where I go that say verbatim "Oh, you've been brainwashed by the republican propaganda machine." What machine I ask you, one television station? I claim no.

EDIT: Well Joph didn't mention environment.

Edited, Nov 4th 2008 2:39am by weedjedi
#15 Nov 03 2008 at 11:42 PM Rating: Good
4,901 posts
You don't have the slightest idea of what trickle-down economics is. Smiley: oyvey
#16 Nov 03 2008 at 11:45 PM Rating: Decent
Repressed Memories
21,027 posts
weedjedi that is not the definition of trickle down economics. but anyway...

Trickle down economics doesn't make any more sense than trickle up economics.

The main argument for trickle down is that it allows for job creation and spending on building capital and infrastructure. There is no thing wrong with this, but trickle up does the same.

Money that goes to the middle and lower class isn't lost, they aren't burning it for heat. They save a little, but mostly they spend it. All of that money goes back to the business owners, the upper class. When the middle and lower class buy a tv that money goes to the business owners. When the middle and lower class buy clothing that money goes to the business owners. When they buy food to feed their families that money goes to the business owners.

What we are currently seeing is an increase in the quality of life gap between the richer and the poor in response to tax cuts for the wealthy. You can argue why trickle might help the middle class, but can you honestly argue that it is doing so currently?

Edited, Nov 4th 2008 1:47am by Allegory
#17 Nov 03 2008 at 11:46 PM Rating: Decent
You don't have the slightest idea of what trickle-down economics is.

Really? Then Enlighten me. If I'm ignorant to what I am saying than please aid me in being less ignorant. I really don't like talking out of ignorance. And, seriously no sarcasm there I really would like to know what I don't understand.

I was always under the impression that being a menial worker, nobody below me. I work to make everyone above me richer. And for me working to make them richer they pay me a menial salary equal to that of my status of a menial worker. I was always under the impression that Trickle down econ would be that I work to make a man richer and out of the kindness of his heart he pays me a piece of what I made for him for making for him.
#18 Nov 03 2008 at 11:48 PM Rating: Decent
weedjedi wrote:
Yet, somehow I can always find one or two liberals no matter where I go that say verbatim "Oh, you've been brainwashed by the republican propaganda machine." What machine I ask you, one television station?
Talk radio. :-D
#19 Nov 03 2008 at 11:49 PM Rating: Good
Repressed Memories
21,027 posts
weedjedi wrote:
Really? Then Enlighten me. If I'm ignorant to what I am saying than please aid me in being less ignorant. I really don't like talking out of ignorance. And, seriously no sarcasm there I really would like to know what I don't understand.

Trickle down economics is the idea that the wealthy are the ones who invest in creating businesses. Thus by increasing their funds we allow for job creation and infrastructure growth. It has nothing to do with government handouts, unless you consider shifting the tax burden a handout, and in that case it's a handout to the wealthy.

Edited, Nov 4th 2008 1:56am by Allegory
#20 Nov 03 2008 at 11:50 PM Rating: Decent
Allegory wrote:
but can you honestly argue that it is doing so currently?

No, honestly I cannot. But that is of no fault to the idea. It is the fault of simply the greed and corruption of the human race. It'll always be this way though. Just because you tax the rich doesn't mean they will become less greedy. My vote goes to killing every CEO and VP on the face of the earth Smiley: lol. However, greed still won't go away. Meh, it's moot anyways.
#21 Nov 03 2008 at 11:51 PM Rating: Decent
weedjedi wrote:
I was always under the impression that being a menial worker, nobody below me. I work to make everyone above me richer. And for me working to make them richer they pay me a menial salary equal to that of my status of a menial worker. I was always under the impression that Trickle down econ would be that I work to make a man richer and out of the kindness of his heart he pays me a piece of what I made for him for making for him.
Not exactly.

Trickle-down, in theory, is where, as a result of your employer having less money taken in taxes, said employer proceeds to reinvest the marginal difference into expanding/improving the company, thereby helping the economy.

In practice, it's where, as a result of your employer having less money taken in taxes, they proceed to pocket the difference and then make everyone work harder with worse equipment.
#22 Nov 03 2008 at 11:51 PM Rating: Good
2,824 posts
I was always under the impression that Trickle down econ would be that I work to make a man richer and out of the kindness of his heart he pays me a piece of what I made for him for making for him rich.

#23 Nov 03 2008 at 11:52 PM Rating: Decent
Repressed Memories
21,027 posts
weedjedi wrote:
No, honestly I cannot. But that is of no fault to the idea. It is the fault of simply the greed and corruption of the human race. It'll always be this way though. Just because you tax the rich doesn't mean they will become less greedy. My vote goes to killing every CEO and VP on the face of the earth Smiley: lol. However, greed still won't go away. Meh, it's moot anyways.

So even if the idea is correct won't the CEOs always be greedy according to you? Thus the plan would be spoiled every single time. So why support it?
#24 Nov 03 2008 at 11:56 PM Rating: Good
2,824 posts
So even if the idea is correct won't the CEOs always be greedy according to you? Thus the plan would be spoiled every single time. So why support it?

Because Ronald Reagan is the greatest man to have ever lived.

Edited, Nov 4th 2008 12:57am by baelnic
#25 Nov 03 2008 at 11:59 PM Rating: Default
MDenham wrote:
Talk radio. :-D

Curse you! I forgot about AM radio. How many people listen to AM radio on a daily basis? It's mostly old people right? Most are Dems though....odd how that works. The Democratic party sees old people as a burden, but they still are dems.

Allegory wrote:
Trickle down economics is the idea that the wealthy are the ones who invest in creating businesses. Thus by increasing their fund we allow for job creation and infrastructure growth. It has nothing to do with specific government handouts to corporations.

Thanks, Allegory and PunkFloyd.

Allegory wrote:
So even if the idea is correct won't the CEOs always be greedy according to you? Thus the plan would be spoiled every single time. So why support it?

Because, I vote upon the theory not against the greed. Because even in trickle up greed will find it's way into corrupting that. So why not vote because my ideas align with the Republican's ideas, and my morals to boot.

The only thing I don't agree with is them being against gay marriage. Because seriously, how on earth could letting two men or two women marry affect the social ideas of this country any more than everything else has..?
#26 Nov 04 2008 at 12:06 AM Rating: Decent
Repressed Memories
21,027 posts
weedjedi wrote:
Because, I vote upon the theory not against the greed. Because even in trickle up greed will find it's way into corrupting that. So why not vote because my ideas align with the Republican's ideas, and my morals to boot.

So both will be corrupted by greed, but will they both have the same severity in effect? When a large corporation like Enron tanks are the majority of people affected, such as middle class employees, better off or worse of with a heavier tax burden? If you just lost your job are you better off or worse off having more savings to give you more time to find a new job?

Edited, Nov 4th 2008 2:08am by Allegory
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