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Another Stolen ElectionFollow

#77 Oct 30 2008 at 5:15 PM Rating: Good
559 posts
West Virginia's iVotronic machines produce a paper print-out that scrolls behind a window, allowing voters to check that the machine has registered their selection as they make their choices.

I wasn't aware that WV had these machines, kudos to them. The problem is West Virginia accounts for less than 1% of the electoral votes. When I went in to vote on my electronic voting machine there was no printout that anyone could view. This is also the case for Virginia and Pennsylvania. They tried to delay the implementation of this Voter Verified Paper Ballot initiative in Colorado until after the 2008 election, but thanks to the SOS in Colorado (and Ohio) most of the state uses them anyway. Good thing too, because they just caught one flipping votes and the voter verified it on the printout.

Huge gaping flaw there. Voting is anonymous. So there's no way for a citizen to verify that his particular vote was counted properly. The only way to do it without removing the anonymous requirement is to check off each person's name as they go in to vote (which means you have to have accurate registration rolls). You then need a system that is present right there in the voting place to allow a voter to ensure that his vote was counted. Once his ballot is mixed in with everyone else's, it's "lost". So verification needs to be done right there.

When I voted they gave me an ID number that punched into the electronic voting machine. This number was written by my name on the clerks sign-in sheet. It would be simple for them to input this ID number and your votes into a database and for people to be able to check their votes anonymously online, they would just need to know information about themselves and have their ID number. All you need to restrict is people being able to view all of the ID numbers, names, and votes associated with them at an administrator level to preserve privacy. The database would be protected so that no one could change anything once it was written, hell, make it read-only-memory. Then people would be satisfied that there votes are being recorded correctly.

To have an electronic machine running software in RAM tabulate the results in a non-transparent manner and then spit out those results is far too suspicious and prone to fraud.

#78 Oct 30 2008 at 5:21 PM Rating: Good
559 posts
I am not against voting machines in general my point is this.

1. We must have transparency. This means that we should be able to see the source code and verify that all machines work properly immediately before they are put to use to know how exactly how the machines work before we use them.

2. We must have accountability. This means that we should be able to somehow verify our vote. A printout of your vote on the machine as you confirm your ballot is fine, as long as we can verify the integrity of the machine beforehand.

The other points that are made I do not necessarily disagree with, it just depends on how each particular state handles the vote. Both paper ballot and electronic voting can be transparent and accountable, or not.
#79 Oct 30 2008 at 5:22 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
gbaji wrote:
We can go back and forth listing them all day long
This is typically your code for "I don't really have more answers".

You've described two errors; code and physical misalignment of the sensor. Both are pretty easily detected.

In any event, my original point was that an optical scan system includes a paper trail for physical verification later, if required. Which there's no excuse to not have. Even if they were never needed, there's nothing lost by having them and potentially much to be gained.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#80 Oct 30 2008 at 5:38 PM Rating: Excellent
559 posts

States with absolutely no way to verify the electronic vote:

South Carolina
New Jersey
Colorado (partial)
Kansas (partial)
Mississippi (partial)
Arkansas (partial)

#81 Oct 30 2008 at 6:23 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
soulshaver wrote:
1. We must have transparency. This means that we should be able to see the source code and verify that all machines work properly immediately before they are put to use to know how exactly how the machines work before we use them.

The second part I absolutely agree with. Um... But we do. Scanners are checked. So are touch screens. If they fail to work, they're set aside. If at any point during the day, they produce incorrect results, they are quarantined (which if you read the article you linked, you'd know). They do work correctly an overwhelming majority of the time. You just only hear about it when they don't. Want to guess how often traditional paper ballot counting machines break or produce erroneous results? Quite a bit more often. You do remember Florida in 2000, right? Hanging chads? Any of this ring a bell? It's a process, and it's unfair to attack it because it doesn't produce perfect results right off the bat.

As to the first, what on earth would you do if the code were made completely public? The vast majority of people would have no ability to understand or verify what the code means. And, if this thread is any indication, those who are inclined to mistrust the machines will assume anyone calling themselves an "expert" who says they are flawed will simply believe them. It's not real transparency at all.

Look. I get the whole "open source" idea. And it works pretty well for small things that people build in their basement and share with each other. But that model really doesn't work when what you're building is relied upon. You get the "too many cooks in the kitchen" process when that happens and everyone becomes a critic of whatever code is chosen (right or wrong). Also. Who's going to write it? The government? The model of having professionals do the work under contract works, but only as long as the work is proprietary. If you have to publish the code, your competitor can just copy it and you cease to have any incentive to do the work in the first place. In the long run, you end up with worse code.

And that's before even looking at the fact that you've now made it easier to hack, not harder. I'm not a fan of security through obscurity, but no code, no matter how many eyes look at it (or in some cases especially if there are too many eyes) is perfect. I just think this is the wrong direction to go. It doesn't buy us much and introduces more problems than it solves.

2. We must have accountability. This means that we should be able to somehow verify our vote. A printout of your vote on the machine as you confirm your ballot is fine, as long as we can verify the integrity of the machine beforehand.

Which is basically what we have now. In those states with the most recent electronic voting systems, these precautions are in place. Again. It's a process. But it doesn't help this process when we have so many yahoo's insisting that electronic voting is just "bad" all the way around, which is essentially what you were saying in your OP.

As to your list? Did you see how many states use only paper ballots? Or use some electronic voting, but still use purely paper in some counties? Let me repeat, the worst electronic voting system is still better than any purely paper voting system. Even in Illinois, where Joph praises their optical scanning system, there are about 40 counties that use only paper ballots, and a half dozen or so that use mixed paper and electronic.

The other problem is that people who make the same sorts of arguments you are making (that it must be "perfect" before release) are part of the reason why so many electronic voting systems don't yet have paper records. What I tried to explain to you earlier is that no matter what your own personal reasons for arguing against electronic voting systems, any argument "against" them ends out with the state/county sticking to whatever they are currently using. When you're dealing with a world where there are budgets and it costs real money to change the voting systems, the states who adopted electronic voting early are now "stuck" with those early and problematic systems. They can't go back to paper because that's even worse and they know it, but they can't get support for the funding (bond bills typically) to upgrade to newer systems. This is because the sort of information like that on the blog you linked tends to result in resistance to implement *any* electronic voting system, even if it's better than the one currently in use.

As I said earlier, it ends up being an argument for whatever the current system is by default. It's always about a choice between the new thing and what you have right now. If you oppose electronic voting, regardless of reason, you are supporting the "default" alternative. This is why I said earlier in this thread that you really need to compare what you have to the electronic voting machines that are available and make that choice fairly. Just pointing out flaws in electronic voting, without taking into account what you'll have if you don't implement them is a mistake IMO.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#82 Oct 30 2008 at 6:55 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
gbaji wrote:
Even in Illinois, where Joph praises their optical scanning system, there are about 40 counties that use only paper ballots, and a half dozen or so that use mixed paper and electronic.
Erm.... did you click on those counties? To grab a random example from the dark green "paper only" counties...

Champaign County Equipment Detail 
Accessible Polling Place Equipment	Accessible Ballot Marking Device 
 Vendor	                                Election Systems & Software 
 Model	                                AutoMARK 
 Tabulation	                        Counted at polling place 
Standard Polling Place Equipment	Optical Scan 
 Vendor	                                Election Systems & Software 
 Model	                                Model 100 
 Tabulation	                        Counted at polling place 
Date information obtained	        2008-01-25

It's not a "purely paper" system, ya dip. It's a paper ballot fed into an electronic scanner. The other counties have a touch-screen or keypad system which takes your vote and, by law, has to produce a paper trail for verification and later audit. A few use that system nearly exclusively; most have a combination of the touch system & paper ballots. No one in the Prairie State is dumping piles of paper onto a card table for counting on election night.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#83 Oct 30 2008 at 7:00 PM Rating: Decent
gbaji wrote:
Look. I get the whole "open source" idea. And it works pretty well for small things that people build in their basement and share with each other. But that model really doesn't work when what you're building is relied upon.
Right, because (to take an example here) Windows is so much more reliable than Linux.
#84 Oct 30 2008 at 7:32 PM Rating: Good
559 posts
As to the first, what on earth would you do if the code were made completely public? The vast majority of people would have no ability to understand or verify what the code means. And, if this thread is any indication, those who are inclined to mistrust the machines will assume anyone calling themselves an "expert" who says they are flawed will simply believe them. It's not real transparency at all.

Look. I get the whole "open source" idea. And it works pretty well for small things that people build in their basement and share with each other. But that model really doesn't work when what you're building is relied upon. You get the "too many cooks in the kitchen" process when that happens and everyone becomes a critic of whatever code is chosen (right or wrong). Also. Who's going to write it? The government? The model of having professionals do the work under contract works, but only as long as the work is proprietary. If you have to publish the code, your competitor can just copy it and you cease to have any incentive to do the work in the first place. In the long run, you end up with worse code.

This just blew my mind, you obviously have no idea what you're talking about.

The vast majority of corporate and government servers as well as security devices such as router/firewalls run on unix based kernels, which is open-source. The fact is that these systems are more secure because everyone has had a chance to validate them and find vulnerabilities and add their own security measures. If we can't see the code and there is no paper printout we have no idea what is happening behind the GUI, period.

Which is basically what we have now. In those states with the most recent electronic voting systems, these precautions are in place. Again. It's a process. But it doesn't help this process when we have so many yahoo's insisting that electronic voting is just "bad" all the way around, which is essentially what you were saying in your OP.

As to your list? Did you see how many states use only paper ballots? Or use some electronic voting, but still use purely paper in some counties? Let me repeat, the worst electronic voting system is still better than any purely paper voting system. Even in Illinois, where Joph praises their optical scanning system, there are about 40 counties that use only paper ballots, and a half dozen or so that use mixed paper and electronic.

No. That is not essentially what I was saying. I articulated my point very clearly is subsequent posts. You are trying to pin me to some position that I do not hold and argue against that and it just isn't making any sense.

As to my list, over 1/3 of the United States electoral college vote comes from unverifiable electronic voting machines.

#85 Oct 31 2008 at 12:39 PM Rating: Good
559 posts
Here is some more evidence of vote-rigging fraud through unverifiable electronic voting machines. You may want to start jumping on the bandwagon.

Why would they be using Microsoft Access databases which can be modified by anyone on the computer as opposed to SQL Server or Oracle where you can set security permissions on individual records?

Now if people would pressure their public officials to become transparent and provide their election databases to the public outside of Pima Conty, Arizona, we could actually investigate these things and not have to rely on some "crazy blogger."

#86 Oct 31 2008 at 1:00 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
soulshaver wrote:
This just blew my mind, you obviously have no idea what you're talking about.


The vast majority of corporate and government servers as well as security devices such as router/firewalls run on unix based kernels, which is open-source.

No. Unix != linux. Most Unix operating systems (Solaris, HPUX, Irix, etc) are *not* open source. Some (like BSD) are... sorta. And the most secure applications are run on non-open-source systems. We use a remote file access encryption system from a company called Decru. Guess what? It's completely black box, right down to the damn chips on the board. Then they encase it in a polymer to prevent tampering and put sensors on that to cause the encryption chips to fry if there's even an attempt to "look under the hood".

Open source is great for producing useful and mostly reliable software that is "cheap". It's not good for anything you really want "secure".

The stock linux kernel is open source. Many stock linux utilities are open source. But the distributions are not. Ask the Redhat and Suse folks if their entire product is open source. But then I already know the answer...

The fact is that these systems are more secure because everyone has had a chance to validate them and find vulnerabilities and add their own security measures. If we can't see the code and there is no paper printout we have no idea what is happening behind the GUI, period.

No. This allows them to be developed more quickly and debugged more quickly. Open source really doesn't make anything more secure. That's a common misconception, but security is really not a core benefit of open source systems.

Linux systems happen to be more secure than windows, but that's because they're based on a base design that is simply inherently more secure. I don't know anyone who would argue that a stock redhat box is more secure than a stock solaris box. Well. Not anyone who actually knows what they're talking about.

As to my list, over 1/3 of the United States electoral college vote comes from unverifiable electronic voting machines.

And yet you linked and presumably agreed with a blogger who was bashing electronic voting systems which do have verification (paper printouts).

Maybe if you switched your crusade from blindly attacking any and all electronic voting systems to perhaps arguing that we should implement them all with paper printouts you might have a more salient and reasonable position. Just a thought...

King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#87 Oct 31 2008 at 1:41 PM Rating: Good
559 posts
No. Unix != linux.

This is completely beside the point, but I'll bite.

Linux developed from Unix. The Unix kernel originated as open source, this allowed people to add on and modify the kernel to suit their needs, which led to various versions of Linux. The base kernel of any Linux system is a variant or derivation of the older Unix kernel, which was open source. This is what I mean when I use the term Unix-based, the kernel of any Linux OS is a variant of the original open-source Unix kernel. Because so many different minds have had access to and have been working on these open source projects they have been able to develop more secure systems.

Linux systems happen to be more secure than windows, but that's because they're based on a base design that is simply inherently more secure. I don't know anyone who would argue that a stock redhat box is more secure than a stock solaris box. Well. Not anyone who actually knows what they're talking about.

Sun Microsystems use Unix-based kernels in their OS. Of course they modify the kernels to suit their need, but the kernel is based-on, derives from, and is variant of the old open-source Unix kernel.

And yet you linked and presumably agreed with a blogger who was bashing electronic voting systems which do have verification (paper printouts).

Maybe if you switched your crusade from blindly attacking any and all electronic voting systems to perhaps arguing that we should implement them all with paper printouts you might have a more salient and reasonable position. Just a thought...

1. Don't presume that I agree or don't agree with anything I link unless I state it.

2. I have not attacked all voting machines, I have made my position very clear. I have mentioned to you a couple of times that this is something that you just completely made up in your own mind. To use your phrase, "This is perception and not reality."

I challenge you to cite one post where I am bashing electronic voting machines in general or bashing any and all voting machines. That is simply not my argument, or "crusade."

#88 Oct 31 2008 at 1:55 PM Rating: Decent
soulshaver wrote:
Linux developed from Unix.
No, it didn't. It was developed independently as a MINIX workalike.

The Unix kernel originated as open source, this allowed people to add on and modify the kernel to suit their needs, which led to various versions of Linux.
No, it wasn't. Unix was developed and owned by Bell Laboratories. It was not ever an open-source project.

The base kernel of any Linux system is a variant or derivation of the older Unix kernel, which was open source.
No, if anything it's a descendant of the MINIX kernel, but it was developed independently. And again, Unix was never and open-source project.

This is what I mean when I use the term Unix-based, the kernel of any Linux OS is a variant of the original open-source Unix kernel.
No. Just no.

Because so many different minds have had access to and have been working on these open source projects they have been able to develop more secure systems.
Yay, something accurate!

Linux systems happen to be more secure than windows, but that's because they're based on a base design that is simply inherently more secure. I don't know anyone who would argue that a stock redhat box is more secure than a stock solaris box. Well. Not anyone who actually knows what they're talking about.
From the standpoint of commercial enterprise deployment, I would say that Solaris is more secure. Solaris and RHEL are pretty close, though.

Sun Microsystems use Unix-based kernels in their OS. Of course they modify the kernels to suit their need, but the kernel is based-on, derives from, and is variant of the old open-source Unix kernel.
Solaris is based on Unix SVR4, which was owned by AT&T.
#89 Oct 31 2008 at 1:56 PM Rating: Good
2,824 posts
Unix isn't open source. It was developed by Bell Labs and split into two major OS's (and thousands since then). One of which was taken and used in the higher education system and the other was commercialized and licensed. The GNU open source projects with UNIX didn't start well into the 80's.

EDIT - Beaten to the punch.

Edited, Oct 31st 2008 3:58pm by baelnic
#90 Oct 31 2008 at 2:14 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
This is like beating up a small child, so I'll be gentle.

soulshaver wrote:
Linux developed from Unix.

This is correct. Figured I'd give you an easy one.

The Unix kernel originated as open source,

False. Just totally false.

...this allowed people to add on and modify the kernel to suit their needs,

False. Kernels were proprietary. They were developed by companies like IBM, HP, and Sun. "people" did not add on and modify them much at all.

which led to various versions of Linux.

Well. You skipped free-BSD and about 25 years, but whatever. Linux was an attempt to make a "free" unix-like kernel to run on PC hardware. Up to that point, most unix operating systems were designed to run on specific hardware. And the hardware and the software was proprietary.

Several of the unix OS vendors had versions of their OS designed to run on PC hardware, but none of them really ran that well. Linux was designed to do just that, and it worked reasonably well. The primary point of Linux was to compete with windows and to give hobbyists at home the ability to use the superior features of unix without having to purchase the very very expensive hardware that most unix systems ran on (and without having to deal with the relatively chunk-blowing BSD).

I've literally forgotten more about this than you know.

The base kernel of any Linux system is a variant or derivation of the older Unix kernel, which was open source.

No. And no. If the first were true, Linus Torvalds would have been sued. He wrote a new kernel from scratch. It uses the unix conceptual approach to hardware messaging, but that's been more or less out in the wild since the mid 70s. The second is just plain false.

This is what I mean when I use the term Unix-based, the kernel of any Linux OS is a variant of the original open-source Unix kernel.

There was no "original open-source Unix kernel". Free-BSD was the closest, but even then it wasn't really the same thing. It was a stripped down version of the full commercial BSD kernel, which was handed out "free" for people to use, but if you wanted to modify it or make changes, you had to coordinate with the folks on the Berkeley Design whatsit.

All your false assumptions lead from this.

Because so many different minds have had access to and have been working on these open source projects they have been able to develop more secure systems.

No. They've been able to make something that is "unix-like" and free (sorta). While there are some very good aspects to linux development, you really have to not have been involved or aware of the process to think that it magically works so well. That's a fairy tale told to those outside the circle.

And it's not about security. You hear that because many of those involved in various linux development projects came from a windows background. To them, linux was about building a more secure home system. To those of us coming from a true unix background, most of those idiot developers either wasted tons of time re-inventing the wheel, or decided to do something "their way" and actually produced a less secure and less useful product as a result.

I have lots of problems with many of the silly assumptions made by the linux developers. It really isn't all unicorns and rainbows. And no one thinks that linux is more secure than just about any flavor of unix.

Sun Microsystems use Unix-based kernels in their OS. Of course they modify the kernels to suit their need, but the kernel is based-on, derives from, and is variant of the old open-source Unix kernel.

Oh please. I'm dying here!

Edited, Oct 31st 2008 3:16pm by gbaji
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#91 Oct 31 2008 at 2:25 PM Rating: Good
559 posts
If you're doing wikipedia, you should probably read the whole article, but i will summarize for you.



As of 2007, the owner of the trademark is The Open Group, an industry standards consortium.

Both Unix and the C programming language were developed by AT&T and distributed to government and academic institutions, causing both to be ported to a wider variety of machine families than any other operating system. As a result, Unix became synonymous with "open systems".

Other companies began to offer commercial versions of the UNIX System for their own mini-computers and workstations. Most of these new Unix flavors were developed from the System V base under a license from AT&T; however, others were based on BSD instead. One of the leading developers of BSD, Bill Joy, went on to co-found Sun Microsystems in 1982 and created SunOS (now Solaris) for their workstation computers. In 1980, Microsoft announced its first Unix for 16-bit microcomputers called Xenix, which the Santa Cruz Operation (SCO) ported to the Intel 8086 processor in 1983, and eventually branched Xenix into SCO UNIX in 1989.

In 1990, the Open Software Foundation released OSF/1, their standard Unix implementation, based on Mach and BSD. The Foundation was started in 1988 and was funded by several Unix-related companies that wished to counteract the collaboration of AT&T and Sun on SVR4

Free Unix-like operating systems
In 1983, Richard Stallman announced the GNU project, an ambitious effort to create a free software Unix-like system; "free" in that everyone who received a copy would be free to use, study, modify, and redistribute it. The GNU project's own kernel development project, GNU Hurd, had not produced a working kernel, but in 1992 Linus Torvalds released the Linux kernel as free software under the GNU General Public License. In addition to their use in the Linux operating system, many GNU packages — such as the GNU Compiler Collection (and the rest of the GNU toolchain), the GNU C library and the GNU core utilities — have gone on to play central roles in other free Unix systems as well.

To be fair, I may not have been clear about the difference between the Linux kernel and the Unix kernel. What I mean by the Linux kernel deriving from the Unix kernel is that it was inspired by Unix, it was offered as free, and it was written in the same language and you can be sure that Linus studied Unix carefully when he was creating it, hence the term Unix-like operating system.

In April 1991, Linus Torvalds, then 21 years old, started working on some simple ideas for an operating system. He started with a task switcher in Intel 80386 assembly language and a terminal driver. Then, on 26 August 1991, Torvalds posted to comp.os.minix:
“ I'm doing a (free) operating system (just a hobby, won't be big and professional like gnu) for 386(486) AT clones. This has been brewing since April, and is starting to get ready. I'd like any feedback on things people like/dislike in minix, as my OS resembles it somewhat (same physical layout of the file-system (due to practical reasons) among other things).
I've currently ported bash(1.08) and gcc(1.40), and things seem to work. This implies that I'll get something practical within a few months [...] Yes - it's free of any minix code, and it has a multi-threaded fs. It is NOT portable (uses 386 task switching etc), and it probably never will support anything other than AT-harddisks, as that's all I have :-(.
[...] It's mostly in C, but most people wouldn't call what I write C. It uses every conceivable feature of the 386 I could find, as it was also a project to teach me about the 386. As already mentioned, it uses a MMU, for both paging (not to disk yet) and segmentation. It's the segmentation that makes it REALLY 386 dependent (every task has a 64Mb segment for code & data - max 64 tasks in 4Gb. Anybody who needs more than 64Mb/task - tough cookies). [...] Some of my "C"-files (specifically mm.c) are almost as much assembler as C. [...] Unlike minix, I also happen to LIKE interrupts, so interrupts are handled without trying to hide the reason behind them.[6]
After that, many people contributed code to the project.

In March 2003, the SCO Group (SCO) filed a lawsuit against IBM claiming that IBM had violated copyrights that SCO claimed to hold over the Unix source code, by contributing portions of that code to Linux. Additionally, SCO sent letters to a number of companies warning that their use of Linux without a license from SCO may be a violation of copyright law, and claimed in the press that they would be suing individual Linux users. IBM then promised to defend its Linux customers on their behalf. This controversy has generated lawsuits by SCO against Novell, DaimlerChrysler (partially dismissed in July, 2004), and AutoZone, and retaliatory lawsuits by Red Hat and others against SCO.
In early 2007 SCO filed the specific details of the purported copyright infringement. Despite previous claims that SCO was the rightful owner of 1 million lines of code, they specified only 326 lines of code, most of which were uncopyrightable.[19] In August 2007, the court in the Novell case ruled that SCO did not actually own the Unix copyrights to begin with.[20]

#92 Oct 31 2008 at 2:41 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
soulshaver wrote:
If you're doing wikipedia...

Some of us don't have to.

You're confusing an "open system" with an "open source kernel". The core design concepts of unix are "open" in the sense that anyone can use them to build their own OS (and many did). They're too simplistic to actually attempt to copyright and control anyway. There were a whole set of attempts to standardize what made an OS a "unix" OS, and some people and groups still disagree.

"Open Source" literally means that the source code of a program is available for anyone to see, download, modify, and use as they wish. Even most open source organizations restrict who and where "official" versions of their code can come from though (although that does not prevent anyone from going "off the farm" if they wish). Linux was the first successful true "open source" kernel for unix-like operating systems. That's what differentiates it from all others before it. It's absurd to then say that all unix systems were open source as well. If that were the case, no one would have ever had a reason to use linux.

Um... Which still misses the core point. Open software is not more secure overall. The most secure systems are those in which the operating mechanisms are "black box", meaning that no-one outside of the vendor knows what's going on. This is true for multi-purpose systems (although a bit harder to see), and very much true for any sort of encryption or key-exchange system.

Edited, Oct 31st 2008 3:46pm by gbaji
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#93 Oct 31 2008 at 3:08 PM Rating: Good
559 posts
You're confusing an "open system" with an "open source kernel". The core design concepts of unix are "open" in the sense that anyone can use them to build their own OS (and many did). They're too simplistic to actually attempt to copyright and control anyway. There were a whole set of attempts to standardize what made an OS a "unix" OS, and some people and groups still disagree.

Its debatable whether it fits the technical definition of open-source, but I'd hate to be arguing about simple semantics.

Some more information about the Linux kernel since are in a learning mood.

What is Linux?

Linux is a clone of the operating system Unix, written from scratch by Linus Torvalds with assistance from a loosely-knit team of hackers across the Net. It aims towards POSIX and Single UNIX Specification compliance.

It has all the features you would expect in a modern fully-fledged Unix, including true multitasking, virtual memory, shared libraries, demand loading, shared copy-on-write executables, proper memory management, and multistack networking including IPv4 and IPv6.

If you're looking for more "user-friendly" material I suggest watching the film "Revolution OS" about the Free Software Foundation, GNU Licensing, and Linux. Its a good movie.

Um... Which still misses the core point. Open software is not more secure overall. The most secure systems are those in which the operating mechanisms are "black box", meaning that no-one outside of the vendor knows what's going on. This is true for multi-purpose systems (although a bit harder to see), and very much true for any sort of encryption or key-exchange system.

That wasn't the point. The point was that if we can actually see the code that is used and study the design of the machine then we can verify that it works correctly. Thats called transparency. I don't care if its technically open source software or not.

I do think that is an issue worth debating, however. If they wanted to retain the proprietary copyright and not have their code stolen by competitors, we could form some sort of congressional panel of several bipartisan experts who could sign confidentiality agreements and examine the machines and the source code behind closed doors to verify its integrity.

The point is that currently over 1/3 of the electoral college vote comes from electronic voting machines that do not produce a paper trail, so there is no way you can verify the vote. In light of recent evidence of voter fraud with these machines I think that would be alarming to some people.

#94 Oct 31 2008 at 4:03 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
soulshaver wrote:
Its debatable whether it fits the technical definition of open-source, but I'd hate to be arguing about simple semantics.

Ok. I think you're not getting something. I've been working with unix systems since before Linux was invented. I don't need to research this. I already know that unix kernels were not open source. Period. I also know that most of the distributions were not open source either. It's not like you'd run into a bug with the HP-UX automounter, log onto their site and just download the source code to see if you could identify the problem.

Virtually no vendors work that way. Not the ones who want to actually make money. And guess what? Even most linux distributions don't work that way either. They're a bit closer, but not much. Take it from someone who's actually been involved in testing and debugging kernels and utility software for unix and unix-like systems for nearly 20 years, the idea that Unix is more secure than Windows is because it's "open source" is laughable. Linux inherits much of it's security from the superior design of unix, but there's nothing about open source itself that makes it more secure in any way.

I don't know how many different ways I can explain that. Allowing anyone to see the source code does make it easier to find and fix bugs (but has some negative effect on development direction if you're not really careful). It allows you to build a competitive product cheaply (cause a bunch of people are giving their time to the product for "free"). But it absolutely has no positive effect on the security of the resulting product. If anything, it makes it less secure because anyone who might want to try to hack it will be able to figure out how to do it.

It's always easier to find holes in software than it is to fix them. If for no other reason then you can't fix a hole until you find it. Thus, fixing already requires finding, making fixing harder to do (or at least more time consuming) than fixing. When it comes to finding and fixing bugs, the open source methodology works quite well. When it comes to finding and fixing security flaws? Not so much...

That wasn't the point. The point was that if we can actually see the code that is used and study the design of the machine then we can verify that it works correctly. Thats called transparency. I don't care if its technically open source software or not.

Well. Transparency can mean a lot of things. Usually, it's about transparency in the "process", not necessarily the nuts and bolts. I want to know how my data is secured by a vendor, but I don't really expect him to tell me exactly which encryption system he's using much less what hash keys he's using.

I simply don't see the real value to demanding this. It's one of those things that sounds great when people who don't really understand security and proprietary systems repeat them, but don't really buy you anything. Look at it another way: You drive a car, right? Do you have open access to ever single bit of design material involved in the construction of that car? Or do you just have an operating manual?

Do you feel your car is less safe because you don't have access to the details of it's design? The point I'm getting at here, is that over time any product becomes better because of feedback from the market. In the case of electronic voting machines, the same thing occurs. Companies that make good products get their product purchased by the states who want/need them. Those who make crappy ones get dropped for a competitor. The people can apply pressure to the purchasers (the state governments typically) based on those choices.

The only real flaw with using this same mechanism is that there are many people who for some political reason or another don't want electronic voting systems to be put in place. They then convince other people that electronic voting systems aren't safe and aren't secure and insist that ludicrous requirements be placed on their use. The net result isn't to create a better election system, but a worse one. We can speculate as to what the motivations are behind that, but it is the end result.

And no amount of opening of source code prevents it. If history is any indicator it'll just open the issue up to more argument, and further confuse and delay the adoption of good quality and "secure" electronic voting systems in this country. Again. We can speculate as to why anyone would want that, but it is what ends up happening.

I do think that is an issue worth debating, however. If they wanted to retain the proprietary copyright and not have their code stolen by competitors, we could form some sort of congressional panel of several bipartisan experts who could sign confidentiality agreements and examine the machines and the source code behind closed doors to verify its integrity.

Or we can focus on the end result. Just as with a car, we measure it's safety features based on how it performs in the real world, we should do the same with electronic voting systems. We don't need to know what's going on under the hood. We just need to demand specific security features that work. So a good paper trail is important obviously. More reliable input systems are important. We can push for those improvements without demanding that the vendors open up their source code to us (and should).

The code vault type idea you propose doesn't buy us anything either. At the end of the day, the vast majority of the people simply have to trust that whatever experts are looking at and designing the code that runs these things have done their job properly. And honestly, the last people I'd trust to do that would be a political organization. Let each company design their own systems and then compete with them in an open market. That's how you get the best results.

Opening the code would only result in "dueling experts", with the manipulation of the public perception being the goal. If I can convince enough people that my competitors system is crap, maybe they'll buy my system instead, right? It's a really really bad approach, since negative feedback is all that's going to be effective and that tends to result in adoption of worse technology over time, not necessarily better.

The point is that currently over 1/3 of the electoral college vote comes from electronic voting machines that do not produce a paper trail, so there is no way you can verify the vote. In light of recent evidence of voter fraud with these machines I think that would be alarming to some people.

Yup. But you're ****-blocking your own issue, aren't you? If you believe that all electronic voting systems should have paper trails (and just about everyone agrees with that), then just push for that one thing. By lumping in a bunch of other arguments and claims and demands, you increase the likelihood that nothing at all will get done, and absolutely decrease the likelihood that a good change will occur, much less the specific one you care the most about.

That's the problem with the blog you linked to originally. It wasn't about proposing solutions, but simply blasting electronic voting devices for being insecure or inaccurate. It's goal is simply to spread FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt) about e-voting. Period. By linking to it, you're supporting that approach. My whole point is that this is the wrong way to do it. If you want to make elections more secure, then instead of focusing on a laundry list of things you think are wrong or may be wrong, focus instead on just the areas you think need improvement and the specific improvements that need to be made.

So you want paper trails on all voting machines? I agree 100% with you. And if you'd restricted your original post to just that, you'd likely have gotten nothing but a chorus of "I agrees" from everyone.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#95 Oct 31 2008 at 4:33 PM Rating: Decent
Soul, give it up. You're incredibly wrong on your history. Wrong, wrong, wrong.
#96 Oct 31 2008 at 4:39 PM Rating: Good
559 posts
Ok. I think you're not getting something. I've been working with unix systems since before Linux was invented. I don't need to research this. I already know that unix kernels were not open source. Period. I also know that most of the distributions were not open source either. It's not like you'd run into a bug with the HP-UX automounter, log onto their site and just download the source code to see if you could identify the problem.

You already stated that you forgot more than I knew about this, perhaps you do need to research this a bit more.

History of Unix, Linux, and Open Source / Free Software

In 1969-1970, Kenneth Thompson, Dennis Ritchie, and others at AT&T Bell Labs began developing a small operating system on a little-used PDP-7. The operating system was soon christened Unix, a pun on an earlier operating system project called MULTICS. In 1972-1973 the system was rewritten in the programming language C, an unusual step that was visionary: due to this decision, Unix was the first widely-used operating system that could switch from and outlive its original hardware. Other innovations were added to Unix as well, in part due to synergies between Bell Labs and the academic community. In 1979, the ``seventh edition'' (V7) version of Unix was released, the grandfather of all extant Unix systems.

After this point, the history of Unix becomes somewhat convoluted. The academic community, led by Berkeley, developed a variant called the Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD), while AT&T continued developing Unix under the names ``System III'' and later ``System V''. In the late 1980's through early 1990's the ``wars'' between these two major strains raged. After many years each variant adopted many of the key features of the other. Commercially, System V won the ``standards wars'' (getting most of its interfaces into the formal standards), and most hardware vendors switched to AT&T's System V. However, System V ended up incorporating many BSD innovations, so the resulting system was more a merger of the two branches. The BSD branch did not die, but instead became widely used for research, for PC hardware, and for single-purpose servers (e.g., many web sites use a BSD derivative).

The result was many different versions of Unix, all based on the original seventh edition. Most versions of Unix were proprietary and maintained by their respective hardware vendor, for example, Sun Solaris is a variant of System V. Three versions of the BSD branch of Unix ended up as open source: FreeBSD (concentrating on ease-of-installation for PC-type hardware), NetBSD (concentrating on many different CPU architectures), and a variant of NetBSD, OpenBSD (concentrating on security).

In 1991 Linus Torvalds began developing an operating system kernel, which he named ``Linux'' [Torvalds 1999]. This kernel could be combined with the FSF material and other components (in particular some of the BSD components and MIT's X-windows software) to produce a freely-modifiable and very useful operating system. This book will term the kernel itself the ``Linux kernel'' and an entire combination as ``Linux''. Note that many use the term ``GNU/Linux'' instead for this combination.

In the Linux community, different organizations have combined the available components differently. Each combination is called a ``distribution'', and the organizations that develop distributions are called ``distributors''. Common distributions include Red Hat, Mandrake, SuSE, Caldera, Corel, and Debian. There are differences between the various distributions, but all distributions are based on the same foundation: the Linux kernel and the GNU glibc libraries. Since both are covered by ``copyleft'' style licenses, changes to these foundations generally must be made available to all, a unifying force between the Linux distributions at their foundation that does not exist between the BSD and AT&T-derived Unix systems. This book is not specific to any Linux distribution; when it discusses Linux it presumes Linux kernel version 2.2 or greater and the C library glibc 2.1 or greater, valid assumptions for essentially all current major Linux distributions.

So yes, Unix is open source (the BSD versions, not Sun Microsystems Solaris or any other proprietary variant) and the Linux kernel was inspired by and actually used some of the components of open source BSD Unix.

Do you feel your car is less safe because you don't have access to the details of it's design?

No, but I feel less safe about my car if I don't know what's going on "under the hood." Why would I just blindly trust something, especially when there is evidence it is unreliable?

We don't need to know what's going on under the hood.

So you're advocating that we all remain ignorant?

At the end of the day, the vast majority of the people simply have to trust that whatever experts are looking at and designing the code that runs these things have done their job properly.

Are you not familiar with the story of Cliff Curtis, the computer programmer who came forward and admitted to taking part in conspiracy to create a computer program to flip the vote? Here is his testimony to Congress.

Yup. But you're ****-blocking your own issue, aren't you? If you believe that all electronic voting systems should have paper trails (and just about everyone agrees with that), then just push for that one thing. By lumping in a bunch of other arguments and claims and demands, you increase the likelihood that nothing at all will get done, and absolutely decrease the likelihood that a good change will occur, much less the specific one you care the most about.

That's the problem with the blog you linked to originally. It wasn't about proposing solutions, but simply blasting electronic voting devices for being insecure or inaccurate. It's goal is simply to spread FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt) about e-voting. Period. By linking to it, you're supporting that approach. My whole point is that this is the wrong way to do it. If you want to make elections more secure, then instead of focusing on a laundry list of things you think are wrong or may be wrong, focus instead on just the areas you think need improvement and the specific improvements that need to be made.

My statement in the original OP was that we should not have private corporations conduct our elections with no transparency and accountability. I then explained what I meant by transparency and accountability. You're confusing me with BradBlog. First of all notice that I linked to the main page which chages its story everyday. Just because I link to a site doesn't mean I agree with all of the verbiage on the page, especially one that changes daily. Its a good reference to identify various voting issues, and on that particular day it was identifying problems with machines that were either not calibrated correctly or ones that were flipping the vote. If a machine is not calibrated correctly that is a incompetence. If it is flipping the vote that is criminal. Either way it needs to be investigated and changed.

So you want paper trails on all voting machines? I agree 100% with you. And if you'd restricted your original post to just that, you'd likely have gotten nothing but a chorus of "I agrees" from everyone.

Absolutely, this would satisfy my concerns, assuming that the paper trail was actually compared to the electronic tabulation at the end of the day by reliable sources.

#97 Oct 31 2008 at 4:39 PM Rating: Decent
Worst. Title. Ever!
17,302 posts
Mindel wrote:
Soul, give it up. You're incredibly wrong on your history. Wrong, wrong, wrong.

You forgot to add:

"And you are too stupid to understand why so I can't be bothered to tell you."

I miss Smash :(
Can't sleep, clown will eat me.
#98 Oct 31 2008 at 4:45 PM Rating: Good
559 posts
Soul, give it up. You're incredibly wrong on your history. Wrong, wrong, wrong.

On what point. How is BSD Unix not open source?? Did you not read about the court ruling in 2007? Do you deny that AT&T gave away their source code to collaborate with academics which developed the BSD Unix?
#99 Oct 31 2008 at 4:50 PM Rating: Good
4,901 posts
I miss Smash :(

#100 Oct 31 2008 at 4:55 PM Rating: Decent
Worst. Title. Ever!
17,302 posts
PunkFloyd, King of Bards wrote:
I miss Smash :(


It's fun, regardless of who agrees with what.
Can't sleep, clown will eat me.
#101 Oct 31 2008 at 4:59 PM Rating: Good
559 posts
It's fun, regardless of who agrees with what.

"Everyone's got an opinion, no one's got any facts."
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