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#27 Oct 28 2008 at 9:07 PM Rating: Excellent
4,158 posts
Ah, I see! Why are we after Al-Qaeda then? They clearly were just at war with the banking industry and not the USA.

I think the biggest problem those of us have with the concept of the War on Terror, is in fact exactly that. AlQaeda is not a country. Its an ideology.

You cannot wage war on an ideology. Its futile, as has now surely become pretty obvious to most.

By all means 'go after' AlQaeda. They are a bunch of criminally insane thugs and lunatics. But go after them using policing style tactics.

What happened on 9/11 was criminal act. Not an act of war. By treating it as such, and responding by invading Afghanistan and then Iraq with the full force of the US military only succeeded in fomenting anger in the moderate moslem world. Those are the very people who you needed to be on your side (and vast numbers of them were) to be able to track down and 'bring to justice' the perpetrators of that horrendous crime. By responding in such a disproportianate and completely wrong headed way (invading moslem lands and killing grotesque numbers of innocent by-standers), the very people who would have been sympathetic to the US (not just moslems btw) have now lost faith in the US's inherent (tho sometimes misguided) 'goodness'.

If there is to be any progress in the War on Terror, it needs to be renamed, and the whole strategy reassessed. It needs to be a multi-lateral police style action. Not a military one. The military is for fighting and killing and destroying.

That is what the terrorists are doing. That is not what 'we' should be doing..

"If you have selfish, ignorant citizens, you're gonna get selfish, ignorant leaders". Carlin.

#28REDACTED, Posted: Oct 28 2008 at 11:03 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Jihad is an ideology.
#29REDACTED, Posted: Oct 28 2008 at 11:06 PM, Rating: Unrated, (Expand Post) This is not a traditional style war. Terrorist intermingle themselves amongst civilians. If you are to blame anyone for collateral losses, then it is the Terrorists themselves and how they conduct themselves and not how we are forced to choose to take them out.
#30 Oct 28 2008 at 11:47 PM Rating: Excellent
9,395 posts
Also, it's no more destabilizing than Obamallama launching strikes inside Pakistan to get Al-Qaida.

You assume that this is a sure thing. I haven't read anywhere about any plans made by Obama to launch attacks inside Pakistan to attack Al-Qaida. If it happens, and it's done like this recent attack in Syria, without working with the government of said country, I'll gladly denounce it.

You do know we are at war right?

Not with Syria. At least not yet.

We are at war with Al-Qaida. We struck Al-Qaida not Syria. Syria isn't exactly forthcoming in their efforts to deter terrorists from entering their country.

I love how America thinks that what other countries do is their business. Also, you can't technically be at war with an organisation. A country? yes. A band of rebels within one's own country? of course. An organisation that runs out of several countries? Not really.

Every country in the world knows if they harbor terrorists affiliated and or associated with Al-Qaida there is a good chance that we will launch strikes inside their nation.

And you think that launching attacks on random countries because a member of Al-Qaida might be there is an acceptable course of action? Holy ****, what kind of BS are they feeding you yanks?

I hope to hear all the uproar from everyone single one of you in this thread when Obamallama does the exact same thing here, except with one key difference. Bush didn't announce to the world we were going to strike inside Syria, Obama does. Key difference.

Yes, it is a difference. Announcing it to the world would likely mean either a declaration of war against said country or a joint operation in co-operation with the forces of said country. That is how a war is waged, you don't just walk into the territory of other countries and start shooting.

Terrorists do not strike military facilities.

If it wasn't almost 4 in the morning, I'm sure I could find many articles about terrorists attacking military facilities for you. But it is in fact almost 4 in the morning, and I just don't have that much energy to waste on you.

I wouldn't feel one bit of empathy toward you at all if one of your family members were killed in a terrorist attack since you so willingly throw aside your fellow countrymen who are fighting just so you can say the things you are saying.

2 things:

1. You're almost as terrible as varus, making a comment like that. Sick ****.

2. Not supporting an act of war is far different from not supporting the troops. Example: as a Canadian, I do not support your war in Iraq, but I do however support the soldiers themselves.

Jihad is an ideology.

If it is an ideology, it's only just barely an ideology.

This is not a traditional style war.

Because it's not a war.

Terrorist intermingle themselves amongst civilians.

Yes they do, you're actually right about something, congratulations.

If you are to blame anyone for collateral losses, then it is the Terrorists themselves and how they conduct themselves and not how we are forced to choose to take them out.

I blame both sides. I blame the terrorists for hiding amongst civilians, and I blame the hunters of said terrorists for deciding that blowing up half a small town in order to kill 1 terrorist is a better course of action than sending troops in.

So, I guess, if Bin Laden was amongst 15 civilians and we had a chance to strike and take him out, you would be against it?

Yes. Primarily because if you can actually see him among those 15 civilians, then you probably have someone in the area watching and can probably wait for those 15 civilians to walk away and then have a sniper blow his brains out. If this statement is wrong, I apologize, I'm not in the army.

This is reality, there is no room for ideology when you have National Interests at stake.

Says who?

[quote]PS Don't patronize me.[/quote]

Then don't say stupid things. Deal?
10k before the site's inevitable death or bust

The World Is Not A Cold Dead Place.
Alan Watts wrote:
I am omnipotent insofar as I am the Universe, but I am not an omnipotent in the role of Alan Watts, only cunning

Eske wrote:
I've always read Driftwood as the straight man in varus' double act. It helps if you read all of his posts in the voice of Droopy Dog.
#31 Oct 29 2008 at 12:44 AM Rating: Excellent
Vagina Dentata,
what a wonderful phrase
30,106 posts
AmorTonight wrote:
Jihad is an ideology.

Al-Qaida is a Terrorist organization no different than the IRA. Is the IRA an ideology? Should they go unchecked by the UK Parliament and let them run rampant because they are an ideology and they should not try to break their organization by striking within Ireland?

You don't know what ideology means, do you? The IRA has an ideology. You can describe them as ideologues. Jihad is a struggle that may be motivated by an ideology. Christ.

Edited, Oct 29th 2008 4:46am by Annabella
Turin wrote:
Seriously, what the f*ck nature?
#32 Oct 29 2008 at 2:50 AM Rating: Excellent
AmorTonight wrote:
We are at war with Al-Qaida. We struck Al-Qaida not Syria. Syria isn't exactly forthcoming in their efforts to deter terrorists from entering their country.

The border between Iraq and Syria is almost around 600 miles long, most of it in the desert. Syria has 10,000 troops placed along that border to monitor it, it's not like they can do a lot more. Even the US, with all its power and ressources, can't prevent thousands of Mexicans from entering the US each year. What the fuck more is Syria supposed to do?

Al-Qaida is a Terrorist organization no different than the IRA. Is the IRA an ideology? Should they go unchecked by the UK Parliament and let them run rampant because they are an ideology and they should not try to break their organization by striking within Ireland?

This is so wrong, I'm not sure where to start.

The UK government, after years of blooshed, ended up negotiating with the IRA. Simply because you can't kill everyone that supports an ideology. Not only that, but everytime you kill civilians, you create hatred towards those that did the killing, and end up bolstering the ranks of the very people you'r trying to fight. The Arab world, and most of the world for that matter, has an endless supply of angry, poor, young men. Everytime the US kills civilians, you reinforce hatred towards America. In some very rare cases, this might be necessary. In most cases, it's completely counter-productive. It end up hurting *you*, your family, your allies, your country.

Today, the IRA has abadonned (most of) its weapons, and is now a peaceful political party. This wasn't achieved by exterminating them, but by diplomacy and negotiations.

You won't kill every AQ sympathiser in Iraq. In fact, your mission in Iraq now should be purely to build-up and train teh Iraqi army and police force so they can take care of their own country. Your role should be to rebuild infrastructure and create decent living conditions. That's the only way people there will retain a modicum of sympathy for the US. This raid in Syria was, again, counter-productive. We need Syria on our side to put pressure on Iran. They are the only real allies Iran still has in the region.

Not only that, but Syria is currently lead by a secular party, some offshoot of the Baathists. This matters because incursions such as this one makes that government look weak, and stengthens the fundamentalists inside Syria who want to overthrow them and install a theocracy there. Which is the last thing any of us wants. Don't get me wrong, Syria's governmetn is quite awful, but compared to the alternatives, it's not so bad. We need them on our side for lots of reasons, Iran as mentionend earlier, but also because of Lebanon and Israel.

What I'm trying to explain is that the cost of killing that AQ operative is not worth the damage this kind of action causes.
My politics blog and stuff - Refractory
#33 Oct 29 2008 at 3:56 AM Rating: Good
13,240 posts
Every country in the world knows if they harbor terrorists affiliated and or associated with Al-Qaida there is a good chance that we will launch strikes inside their nation.

So, lets say there were terrorist operatives in the U.K., or some other country we evidently care more about, you would advocate launching a military attack there?

This is not a traditional style war. Terrorist intermingle themselves amongst civilians. If you are to blame anyone for collateral losses, then it is the Terrorists themselves and how they conduct themselves and not how we are forced to choose to take them out.

Even in war, actions still have consequences. War crimes are still war crimes.
Just as Planned.
#34 Oct 29 2008 at 4:01 AM Rating: Decent
@#%^ing DRK
13,143 posts
Timelordwho wrote:
Even in war, actions still have consequences. War crimes are still war crimes.

Not when the ICC has no jurisdiction. We can do anything, AMIRITE? Smiley: rolleyes
#35 Oct 29 2008 at 7:06 AM Rating: Excellent
863 posts
Damn, I can't believe they allow asshats such as AmorTonight into the military. People with this level of stupidity should be sheltered from mankind. Smiley: disappointed
#36 Oct 29 2008 at 7:09 AM Rating: Excellent
13,240 posts
Hence, the military?
Just as Planned.
#37 Oct 29 2008 at 8:44 AM Rating: Good
During a time of war they tend to lower the standards.
#38 Oct 29 2008 at 1:38 PM Rating: Excellent
paulsol wrote:
We struck Al-Qaida not Syria.

Nope. You blew stuff up and killed people in SYRIA.

You do know that Al Qaeda isn't a country right?

Every country in the world knows if they harbor terrorists affiliated and or associated with Al-Qaida there is a good chance that we will launch strikes inside their nation.

Yeah I heard the 'with us or with the terrorists' bollox from Bush. And I, unlike Bush (or it would seem, you) are smart enough to know that the world doesn't work in simplistic terms such as 'them', 'us', 'black', 'white', 'good', 'evil'.

And you do know that Al Qaeda wasn't in Iraq until you guys invaded??

Also, I'm glad those of us in the military give our lives so you can spew some retarded bs and act like your intelligent(Sarcasm). But, I figure we should just let them attack us at will.

You do know that Iraq didnt attack you? Or Afghanistan. Or Syria. Or Somalia.

Or the Indians.

Wow paulsol, you basically said exactly what I was going to pretty much.

We're constantly talking about how evil the terrorists are and how they're some malignant force that needs to be eradicated. This is nonsense. Instead of looking to kill them, why don't we analyze the reasons for why they harbor so much hate for us? Maybe try to fix some of those things?

I hate what the terrorists have done in regards to 9/11, et al. But I also hate what America has done in Iraq and Afghanistan, and all throughout our history. And seriously, in 9/11 3-4000 people died. How many civilians have we killed in Iraq and Afghanistan? Even low estimates put it ~100k. And how many civilians do you think died at Hiroshima and Nagasaki?

I guess it's different when it's "collateral damage", but sorry, that doesn't fly with me. Our actions are just as heinous; the United States is not even close to innocent in this.

We largely support Israel; a state created by throwing Palestinians out of their homes. I've heard that defended by saying "Well thousands of years ago the Palestinians took that land from the Jews". Yea, well we took America from the Indians, so does that mean another country has the right to take back America for the Indians?

I know I've said this before but our relationship to Israel is analogous to a situation in which a country, say China, gave training, money, weapons, etc to a large group of Indians and bullied their way into establishing a large Indian state in America. Or China helping Mexico take back their land.

If something like that happened, would most Americans say "Well, I guess that settles that", or would they be crying out for the destruction of China and the Indian/Mexican state?

If we didn't have the military power that we do, can you honestly say we wouldn't resort to any means necessary in order to defeat our enemy?

The hypocrisy is really sickening. I love my country, I honestly do; I wouldn't want to live anywhere else, but God, we're really a huge hypocritical bully in the world. We really need to stop that sh*t.

Edited, Oct 29th 2008 5:39pm by DaimenKain
#39REDACTED, Posted: Nov 05 2008 at 4:44 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I was wrong.
#40 Nov 05 2008 at 5:32 PM Rating: Excellent
Flixa wrote:
I was wrong.

You're wrong about everything, you should have seen it coming.
#41 Nov 05 2008 at 5:37 PM Rating: Decent
Worst. Title. Ever!
17,302 posts
Where is Shadow? Did he get drunk last night at some celebration party and die?
Can't sleep, clown will eat me.
#42 Nov 05 2008 at 5:38 PM Rating: Decent
2,211 posts
DaimenKain wrote:
And how many civilians do you think died at Hiroshima and Nagasaki?

You do realize how many lives that saved right? Had there been a land invasion in Japan, estimates put losses at atleast 1 million (american alone, not including Japanese). The Japanese would've fought with their lives civilian or not, the government convinced the whole populace that the Americans are out to eat your babies. That's serious by the way, they really did say that and they really did believe it. Combined you were looking at 10 million easy. The only reason they gave up is because they thought the americans had more bombs. 400k Might have died, but they saved millions.

Don't tell me "The Japanese would've given up after awhile" because every last one of them was going to fight to the end. Man,women, children. Anyone. Losses would have been catastrophic on both sides. Very patriotic, why do you think all the bombers flew with enough fuel to get there but not back?

Edited, Nov 5th 2008 6:40pm by manicshock
#43 Nov 05 2008 at 8:43 PM Rating: Excellent
Amazing how a generation or two changes things though. These days the youth of Japan would voluntarily make the country the 51st state. And the city of Obama, Japan thinks that Barack Obama is one of theirs. :P

The Japanese were goaded into WWII much like the US was goaded into the Iraq war. Zanshin can only carry you so far. I don't think they would have given up immediately, but once it became apparent they'd been lied to about their forces and their chances of victory they would have lost a lot of their enthusiasm. (Sound familiar?) The fact that the bombings of Nagasaki and Hiroshima prevented a much longer war stopped more death and destruction around the world does not erase the fact that many, many people died a horrible death in those cities.

From our perch 60 years later we can say that the loss of life was worth it for the eventual peace it brought, but two major cities were wiped off the map. No wonder Japan became a pacifist nation!

Edited, Nov 5th 2008 11:46pm by catwho
#44 Nov 05 2008 at 9:24 PM Rating: Decent
2,211 posts
catwho, pet mage of Jabober wrote:
The Japanese were goaded into WWII much like the US was goaded into the Iraq war. Zanshin can only carry you so far. I don't think they would have given up immediately, but once it became apparent they'd been lied to about their forces and their chances of victory they would have lost a lot of their enthusiasm. (Sound familiar?) The fact that the bombings of Nagasaki and Hiroshima prevented a much longer war stopped more death and destruction around the world does not erase the fact that many, many people died a horrible death in those cities.

I don't think you see how far the Japanese would go. If you didn't suicide or get killed by americans before capture, you're a disgrace to the entire Japanese race. They were very tenacious fighters. That "so far" is a heck of a lot farther then you'd think. The war would've lasted for years and it was a question of how terrible the americans were not so much we have a chance of winning. USA vs Japan isn't the same as USA vs Terrorists.

People were going to die regardless, quite frankly I'd rather be obliterated into a spit stain on a bridge then impaled by rocks jumping off a cliff or drowned. The difference here is, we're calling these people civilians and painting them more so innocent then what they would have done otherwise. A family went into a cave and ate all their food. Not wanting their daughter to die of starvation, they sent her through the american lines. If any of them point their guns at you, just smile and wave. She made it into the base, was given food (which she thought was poison) and sent back. She was later adopted by an american family. Just the idea that the americans are bloodthirsty savages made them do that. I understand many people died but it's the lesser of two evils. War is terrible, but it happened and there is a price to be paid for it. It's not so much a question of the fact that many people died horrible deaths, it's a question of did USA make the right choice? The answer is yes because of the many lives (civilian and not, American or not) were saved because the war wasn't going to carry on.

They weren't really goaded into the war at all. They just wanted to take as much land from China as possible then call it quits. USA just wouldn't let them do that since they denied any and all attempts at backing out of the war with what they had gotten. Only when they gave up all rights to having an Emperor and control over their country were they allowed out. It was really the Americans who were goaded into the war with Pearl Harbor.
#45 Nov 05 2008 at 9:43 PM Rating: Excellent
Unless you're a Japanese WWII vet or survivor, you speak from no more authority than I do in this argument. My fiance is finishing up his PhD on how Americans study Japanese culture, so this is a very interesting argument nonetheless.

Watch a movie called Grave of the Fireflies sometime. (It's a good movie. Despite being animated, like much of anime, it is not for children.) That's how the Japanese survivors of WWII felt about the war after the bombs landed. It's not pretty.
#46 Nov 06 2008 at 3:28 PM Rating: Default
2,211 posts
catwho, pet mage of Jabober wrote:
Watch a movie called Grave of the Fireflies sometime. (It's a good movie. Despite being animated, like much of anime, it is not for children.) That's how the Japanese survivors of WWII felt about the war after the bombs landed. It's not pretty.

I've got no doubt that they feel very depressed and/or angry at the Americans. I might get around to watching that movie. But anyone would be after so many people died. Recently I talked to someone who knew (probably, I haven't heard of anyone else) the only survivor of both bombs. As in, he survived one bomb went to the other city to visit his mother and find out that the other bomb was aiming on that city. I should've asked him some more specifics as to how they felt about it but I don't doubt the survivor was more then a little depressed when he saw people burned from the radiation (which is why he left the city).

I'd mention WW1 in comparison with chemical warfare, but every veteran from that era are dead. I don't know about you, but watching my friends' skin peel and burn off him while he dies in agony doesn't scream fun times. Potassium coated bullets aren't the best way to get a facial. Death isn't good whether you were shot or died from radiation. The bombs just prevented more death from happening.
#47 Nov 06 2008 at 4:34 PM Rating: Good
manicshock wrote:
DaimenKain wrote:
And how many civilians do you think died at Hiroshima and Nagasaki?

You do realize how many lives that saved right? Had there been a land invasion in Japan, estimates put losses at atleast 1 million (american alone, not including Japanese). The Japanese would've fought with their lives civilian or not, the government convinced the whole populace that the Americans are out to eat your babies. That's serious by the way, they really did say that and they really did believe it. Combined you were looking at 10 million easy. The only reason they gave up is because they thought the americans had more bombs. 400k Might have died, but they saved millions.

Don't tell me "The Japanese would've given up after awhile" because every last one of them was going to fight to the end. Man,women, children. Anyone. Losses would have been catastrophic on both sides. Very patriotic, why do you think all the bombers flew with enough fuel to get there but not back?

Edited, Nov 5th 2008 6:40pm by manicshock

And the terrorists know that they would have needed to sacrifice a million+ soldiers as well if they launched a land invasion on America, so what's your point?

That it's ok to kill civilians as long as it possibly saves you soldiers? I'm curious what the proper ratio is by the way. Is it 100 soldiers saved for each civilian killed, or 200, 50? What's the magic number?

Hell if we use Hiroshima and Nagasaki as a template, then it's 80,000 civilians to 1 million American lives. So 12.5 civilans/soldier is ok?

#48 Nov 06 2008 at 10:17 PM Rating: Decent
2,211 posts
DaimenKain wrote:
manicshock wrote:
DaimenKain wrote:
And how many civilians do you think died at Hiroshima and Nagasaki?

You do realize how many lives that saved right? Had there been a land invasion in Japan, estimates put losses at atleast 1 million (american alone, not including Japanese). The Japanese would've fought with their lives civilian or not, the government convinced the whole populace that the Americans are out to eat your babies. That's serious by the way, they really did say that and they really did believe it. Combined you were looking at 10 million easy. The only reason they gave up is because they thought the americans had more bombs. 400k Might have died, but they saved millions.

Don't tell me "The Japanese would've given up after awhile" because every last one of them was going to fight to the end. Man,women, children. Anyone. Losses would have been catastrophic on both sides. Very patriotic, why do you think all the bombers flew with enough fuel to get there but not back?

Edited, Nov 5th 2008 6:40pm by manicshock

And the terrorists know that they would have needed to sacrifice a million+ soldiers as well if they launched a land invasion on America, so what's your point?

That it's ok to kill civilians as long as it possibly saves you soldiers? I'm curious what the proper ratio is by the way. Is it 100 soldiers saved for each civilian killed, or 200, 50? What's the magic number?

Hell if we use Hiroshima and Nagasaki as a template, then it's 80,000 civilians to 1 million American lives. So 12.5 civilans/soldier is ok?

I'm not saying that the bombs only saved American lives. It would've been a long and bloody battle with tons of lives lost on both sides. It saved a lot more lives both Japanese and American. Is 80,000 vs 10,000,000 a fair trade? Lives were going to be lost regardless. I think you missed the part where it would've hit the Japanese just as hard as it would've the Americans.

The difference is also in the civilians themselves. Assuming all of them are innocent is naive. Many wouldn't just surrender and let themselves get captured. Either die by Americans, kill the Americans or kill yourself. There is no fourth option in their minds. Many civilians in Iraq were innocent, that's the difference. Unless you'd like to point out "Oh 9/10 of those civilians? Yeah, they were the next hijackers." The war against terrorists is against the terrorists themselves, the civilians aren't on their side (entirely). Difference between a Japanese soldier charging you with a sword and a civilian charging you with a kitchen knife? Access to weaponry. There is no "This guy really doesn't deserve to die, I'd better move on till he starts slicing me up." The chances of you killing an innocent in Japan is close to nil, because they all believed one hundred percent in their Emperor and that's the only way to live. Die to the enemy? You've just gotten yourself your medal of honor right there buddy.

This isn't about "How many civilians can we kill before we lose a troop?" it's about calling the best possible decision made by USA and calling it a brutal and uncalled for show of force that should be pinned against the government. Let the Japanese go? That's just begging for the whole world to stare at the Americans in complete disbelief. You enter the war, then to save the enemies' lives you just called off the bombs? That wouldn't go over well with anyone.
#49 Nov 08 2008 at 7:00 AM Rating: Decent
manicshock wrote:
DaimenKain wrote:
manicshock wrote:
DaimenKain wrote:
And how many civilians do you think died at Hiroshima and Nagasaki?

You do realize how many lives that saved right? Had there been a land invasion in Japan, estimates put losses at atleast 1 million (american alone, not including Japanese). The Japanese would've fought with their lives civilian or not, the government convinced the whole populace that the Americans are out to eat your babies. That's serious by the way, they really did say that and they really did believe it. Combined you were looking at 10 million easy. The only reason they gave up is because they thought the americans had more bombs. 400k Might have died, but they saved millions.

Don't tell me "The Japanese would've given up after awhile" because every last one of them was going to fight to the end. Man,women, children. Anyone. Losses would have been catastrophic on both sides. Very patriotic, why do you think all the bombers flew with enough fuel to get there but not back?

Edited, Nov 5th 2008 6:40pm by manicshock

And the terrorists know that they would have needed to sacrifice a million+ soldiers as well if they launched a land invasion on America, so what's your point?

That it's ok to kill civilians as long as it possibly saves you soldiers? I'm curious what the proper ratio is by the way. Is it 100 soldiers saved for each civilian killed, or 200, 50? What's the magic number?

Hell if we use Hiroshima and Nagasaki as a template, then it's 80,000 civilians to 1 million American lives. So 12.5 civilans/soldier is ok?

I'm not saying that the bombs only saved American lives. It would've been a long and bloody battle with tons of lives lost on both sides. It saved a lot more lives both Japanese and American. Is 80,000 vs 10,000,000 a fair trade? Lives were going to be lost regardless. I think you missed the part where it would've hit the Japanese just as hard as it would've the Americans.

The difference is also in the civilians themselves. Assuming all of them are innocent is naive. Many wouldn't just surrender and let themselves get captured. Either die by Americans, kill the Americans or kill yourself. There is no fourth option in their minds. Many civilians in Iraq were innocent, that's the difference. Unless you'd like to point out "Oh 9/10 of those civilians? Yeah, they were the next hijackers." The war against terrorists is against the terrorists themselves, the civilians aren't on their side (entirely). Difference between a Japanese soldier charging you with a sword and a civilian charging you with a kitchen knife? Access to weaponry. There is no "This guy really doesn't deserve to die, I'd better move on till he starts slicing me up." The chances of you killing an innocent in Japan is close to nil, because they all believed one hundred percent in their Emperor and that's the only way to live. Die to the enemy? You've just gotten yourself your medal of honor right there buddy.

So, using your logic, 9/11 was justified then. Because if the terrorists gathered troops to launch a full scale assault on the twin towers, it would have cost many more lives on both sides than bombing/flying a plane into a building.

This is what I'm trying to point out: It's terrorism when the brown people do it, but it's justifiable "war actions" when its the USA.

Also, you're severely deluded if you're still buying that "every man woman and child would have picked up a knife to kill Americans in 1945 Japan" stuff. I'm so glad that you personally interviewed a large sample of 1945 Japanese people to get this idea. Wait..let me got that idea from American textbooks, right? Japan was a defeated nation before the atom bomb was even dropped.

Why would we have needed to launch a land invasion? It's not like it was a capture the flag contest where you HAD to step foot in Tokyo to win. With Japan all by herself, she had NO chance against the combined forces of Russia, Great Britain and the United States. You're severely deluded or so caught up in your jingoism that you can't see that the atom bomb was dropped because we spent so much money developing it and we wanted to send a message to the world (mostly Russia) that we really did have the bomb and weren't scared to use it.

You have no defense for your stance, I'm sorry. You're willing to admit that it's ok to bomb civilians as long as it saves lives. Well, using that logic, 9/11 was the same way, so why are they terrorists and why are we pure and innocent?

The terrorists feel as if they are at war with us. We have supported Israel for 60 years; a fake state created by making people refugees in their own country. You wouldn't be pissed off if you got kicked out of your home?

#50 Nov 08 2008 at 10:48 AM Rating: Decent
2,211 posts
DaimenKain wrote:
manicshock wrote:
DaimenKain wrote:
manicshock wrote:
DaimenKain wrote:
And how many civilians do you think died at Hiroshima and Nagasaki?

You do realize how many lives that saved right? Had there been a land invasion in Japan, estimates put losses at atleast 1 million (american alone, not including Japanese). The Japanese would've fought with their lives civilian or not, the government convinced the whole populace that the Americans are out to eat your babies. That's serious by the way, they really did say that and they really did believe it. Combined you were looking at 10 million easy. The only reason they gave up is because they thought the americans had more bombs. 400k Might have died, but they saved millions.

Don't tell me "The Japanese would've given up after awhile" because every last one of them was going to fight to the end. Man,women, children. Anyone. Losses would have been catastrophic on both sides. Very patriotic, why do you think all the bombers flew with enough fuel to get there but not back?

Edited, Nov 5th 2008 6:40pm by manicshock

And the terrorists know that they would have needed to sacrifice a million+ soldiers as well if they launched a land invasion on America, so what's your point?

That it's ok to kill civilians as long as it possibly saves you soldiers? I'm curious what the proper ratio is by the way. Is it 100 soldiers saved for each civilian killed, or 200, 50? What's the magic number?

Hell if we use Hiroshima and Nagasaki as a template, then it's 80,000 civilians to 1 million American lives. So 12.5 civilans/soldier is ok?

I'm not saying that the bombs only saved American lives. It would've been a long and bloody battle with tons of lives lost on both sides. It saved a lot more lives both Japanese and American. Is 80,000 vs 10,000,000 a fair trade? Lives were going to be lost regardless. I think you missed the part where it would've hit the Japanese just as hard as it would've the Americans.

The difference is also in the civilians themselves. Assuming all of them are innocent is naive. Many wouldn't just surrender and let themselves get captured. Either die by Americans, kill the Americans or kill yourself. There is no fourth option in their minds. Many civilians in Iraq were innocent, that's the difference. Unless you'd like to point out "Oh 9/10 of those civilians? Yeah, they were the next hijackers." The war against terrorists is against the terrorists themselves, the civilians aren't on their side (entirely). Difference between a Japanese soldier charging you with a sword and a civilian charging you with a kitchen knife? Access to weaponry. There is no "This guy really doesn't deserve to die, I'd better move on till he starts slicing me up." The chances of you killing an innocent in Japan is close to nil, because they all believed one hundred percent in their Emperor and that's the only way to live. Die to the enemy? You've just gotten yourself your medal of honor right there buddy.

So, using your logic, 9/11 was justified then. Because if the terrorists gathered troops to launch a full scale assault on the twin towers, it would have cost many more lives on both sides than bombing/flying a plane into a building.

This is what I'm trying to point out: It's terrorism when the brown people do it, but it's justifiable "war actions" when its the USA.

Also, you're severely deluded if you're still buying that "every man woman and child would have picked up a knife to kill Americans in 1945 Japan" stuff. I'm so glad that you personally interviewed a large sample of 1945 Japanese people to get this idea. Wait..let me got that idea from American textbooks, right? Japan was a defeated nation before the atom bomb was even dropped.

Why would we have needed to launch a land invasion? It's not like it was a capture the flag contest where you HAD to step foot in Tokyo to win. With Japan all by herself, she had NO chance against the combined forces of Russia, Great Britain and the United States. You're severely deluded or so caught up in your jingoism that you can't see that the atom bomb was dropped because we spent so much money developing it and we wanted to send a message to the world (mostly Russia) that we really did have the bomb and weren't scared to use it.

You have no defense for your stance, I'm sorry. You're willing to admit that it's ok to bomb civilians as long as it saves lives. Well, using that logic, 9/11 was the same way, so why are they terrorists and why are we pure and innocent?

The terrorists feel as if they are at war with us. We have supported Israel for 60 years; a fake state created by making people refugees in their own country. You wouldn't be pissed off if you got kicked out of your home?

They weren't defeated, because they didn't know about GB (I don't think they were even going to enter the war against Japan yet) and Russia. The people themselves weren't defeated. They didn't know better. Even the Emperor was out of the loop. "Hey there Russia, you've been there for the past half a year? I didn't know that till you piped up that you wanted some of Japan after we surrendered."The emperor bowed because of the A-bombs. I didn't read any of this in a textbook. It's not a question of "The Japanese were going to win" it's a question of information being spread. He didn't even know Russia was on his coat tails trying to take as much land as possible before they gave up. The bomb ENDED the war. The terrorists STARTED the war with 9/11. Would you be okay if it only took two bombs to end a war that was going to be a far more bloody battle? No? Scaring the Russians was just another part of the purpose of it. At least research why Japan surrendered rather then blame it on American patriotism. Sure they were defeated, they were running out of troops and good pilots. But they were going to fight to the last. Because that's how much they believed in their Emperor. Mind telling me how you know that they'd all just surrender? You interviewed them all too? We have a lot more evidence telling us they would've fought. As I said earlier, they don't fight because they will win. They fight because it's the Emperors will.

Terrorists and Japan are both similar on some points but different in others. Terrorists rely on guerrilla warfare while the Japanese would've just headed them off with their full army.

I'm willing to bomb civilians who would've fought with everything they had to end a war that would've brought a lot more destruction then the nuclear bombs did. Are we able to just bomb terrorists with two bombs and watch them just give up the whole war? A city full of civilians lining up to hijack the next plane going to America. Two of them. We could just invade it with our full army right? Losses would happen, reinforcements would come from other cities and it would be a massive battlefield. Or we could just launch two bombs one on each city and watch as Saddam Hussein walks into an American embassy and surrenders. Which is preferable? Both from our perspective and theirs? People will die but which situation would lose more? You wanted to compare 9/11 to Japan, so that's your comparison. We're still killing civilians aren't we? They knew that if America wanted to flex their city would be torn apart. Yet they would still fight back.

How did 9/11 save lives? Sure it might have in the long run, because it brought the terrorists out of power. But that would've been over the course of what, the next 25 years?

Speak for the Israelies. They were kicked out of their home repeatedly. You don't mind them getting kicked out again though right? I mean we're continuing a war here! Horrible Americans. They aren't a fake state. They've always been a country long before American was discovered. Just been oppressed.

I never called Americans are pure and innocent, I said they made the right choice. The civilians killed in 9/11 weren't planning on forming a militia were they? The civilians killed were different. The civilians caught in 9/11 might have supported war in Afghanistan but they weren't about to join it and resist against every last terrorist that invaded. You're just taking shots in the dark telling me that 9/11 is comparable to the atomic bombs. The magnitude and purpose are so different, it's not remotely possible they're even close.

War is all around us in this day and age, USA has yet to be in a period where they weren't at war since their forming. I don't condone everything that you Americans have done but let me say that you haven't always made the wrong choice. Both of your examples as to why USA is far from anything productive and just leads to death are both of ones I think are reasonable choices. Shielding the masses from a massive slaughter caused by people who are so patriotic that you can't stop them without a show of force.
#51 Nov 09 2008 at 8:23 AM Rating: Decent
just as I thought you're deluded, period.

It's propaganda to believe that the only way to have defeated the Japanese was to use the atom bomb. You're wrong thinking that the Japanese would have fought to the last man if there was an invasion of Japan which wasn't even needed anyway.

We could have defeated Japan by cutting her off from the rest of the world. How could Japan do anything if we controlled their air and naval supplies along with Russia?

And by the way, I'm not condoning what the terrorists did, but I'm just sick of people painting them as unadulterated evil who just attacked us because they hate democracy.

They were sick and tired of us bossing them around in their own lands and basically being a big bully. And if the situations were reversed, we would have done the same exact thing.

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