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#1 Oct 13 2008 at 8:14 AM Rating: Excellent
YAY! Canaduhian
10,293 posts
(CNN) -- Public school officials in Chicago, Illinois, are recommending approval of a "gay-friendly" high school because harassment and violence are causing gay students to skip class and drop out at alarming rates.

What do you think? Is this a gateway to mass segregation by groups that feel persecuted? Is this even a responsible alternative given that gay kids will have to find a way to get along in society? Or is this a cool idea?

What's bred in the bone will not out of the flesh.
#2 Oct 13 2008 at 8:23 AM Rating: Decent
2,453 posts
This debate was had four or five years ago here when NYC did the same thing. No consensus was reached.
#3 Oct 13 2008 at 8:27 AM Rating: Decent
4,632 posts
It all depends on how they define "gay-friendly". Honestly, I think it's just a slippery slope waiting to happen. I'd rather all schools put more policies in place to prevent this sort of thing being necessary, but then again, kids will be kids. But it's kind of sad that in my entire county I only know of one school with a gay-straight alliance, and it only has something like 7 members IIRC. It only makes them feel more secluded from everybody when it seems like they're the only ones aware that their issue exists.
#4 Oct 13 2008 at 8:34 AM Rating: Excellent
I have really mixed feelings on this, as an gay. On the one hand, I would very much have liked a safe space to learn in as a child and I don't pay much heed to the idea of schools socializing children because the society-- such as it is in schools--that they must adapt to is so vastly different from that of the adult world.

On the other hand, the public schools should be a safe place all on their own, and I feel the goal of making them such should be primary.
#5 Oct 13 2008 at 8:40 AM Rating: Good
12,049 posts
Separate but equal?

First thing that came to my mind. They might bypass that argument of course, because the school is open to anyone. It's an interesting article. Apparently most gay people get harassed (said 82% get verbally harassed, and around 22% get physically assaulted). The result is that these kids are truant more often, and the end result is that a gay child has a .5 GPA lower on average than a straight child.

I can't tell if it's a good idea or not. Eventually they need to confront the fact that people in this world are ignorant and cruel, and keeping them safe in high school may or may not give them the time and tools to develop a way to deal with that reality.

I really think the better idea would be to get the state to pass some sort of gay-protection law. Apparently neither Illinois nor NY has a law like that. It seems to me that would be the better route to start with, instead of this quasi-segregation (in the name of protection). Then you can string up the little @#%^s who tease and torture them! Of course, a quote in the article said it best: while we're waiting on the legislation to get passed or the ignorant views to change, these kids are dropping out and failing to graduate.

Tough issue.

I wonder if they'd get a reaction like the NY school did when it opened, with a conservative preacher rallying a crowd outside screaming at the kids to turn away from their sodomistic desires?

Edit: Spelling errors make me hard to understand.

Edited, Oct 13th 2008 12:35pm by LockeColeMA
#6 Oct 13 2008 at 8:50 AM Rating: Excellent
LockeColeMA wrote:
Separate but equal?

First thing that came to my mind. They might bypass that argument of course, because the school is open to anyone. It's an interesting article. Apparently most gay people get harassed (said 82% get verbally harassed, and around 22% get physically assaulted). The result is that these kids are truant more often, and the end result is that a gay child has a .5 GPA lower on average than a straight child.

I can't tell if it's a good idea or not. Eventually they need to confront the fact that people in this world are ignorant and cruel, and keeping them safe in high school may or may not give them the time and tools to develop a way to deal with that reality.

I really think the better idea would be to get the state to pass some sort of gay-protection law. Apparently neither Illinois nor NY has a law like that. It seems to me that would be the better route to start with, instead of this quasi-segregation (in the name of protection). Then you can string up the little @#%^s who tease and torture them! Of course, a quote in the article said it best: while we're waiting on the legislation to get passed of the ignorant views to change, these kids are dropping out and failing to graduate.

Tough issue.

It is tough. Part of the problem, though, is the intractable nature of school culture. It's primitive and brutal, and the strong victimize the weak with near impunity. The toothlessness of disciplinary action leaves victims afraid of seeking help because they know it will only incur more punishment from those who've been hurting them.
#8 Oct 13 2008 at 9:08 AM Rating: Decent
I really think the better idea would be to get the state to pass some sort of gay-protection law.

The "better" idea is to take Harvey Milks program and apply it to all schools in the district. Nothing like seeing your graduation rates shoot up 40%.
#9 Oct 13 2008 at 9:22 AM Rating: Excellent
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
Mindel wrote:
It is tough. Part of the problem, though, is the intractable nature of school culture. It's primitive and brutal, and the strong victimize the weak with near impunity. The toothlessness of disciplinary action leaves victims afraid of seeking help because they know it will only incur more punishment from those who've been hurting them.

It's a jungle in there.

In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

#10 Oct 13 2008 at 9:23 AM Rating: Excellent
12,049 posts
knoxsouthy wrote:

I really think the better idea would be to get the state to pass some sort of gay-protection law.

So now we need specific laws designed to protect specific segments of society. I guess that whole "equal protection under the law" thing doesn't really matter anymore.

I went from Locked to Lockjaw? You're cute, Varrus.

And why, yes, I think parts of society could use some additional legislation for them. I could think of a few off the top of my head... say, EEOC?

The point is these kids aren't being protected. They're putting up with abuse and torment, and the current school system isn't helping them; as the statistics have shown, the schools and laws are failing these kids. "Equal protection under the law" doesn't seem to make sense when "everyone for themselves" is the rule; my point is we need a law in the first place.

I know you probably don't agree; you're all for less government, let the people take matters into their own hands, and deregulation in general. And it works well with the economy, so why not with the kids, right?

... oh wait.
#11 Oct 13 2008 at 9:24 AM Rating: Good
Prodigal Son
20,643 posts
Mindel wrote:
I have really mixed feelings on this, as an gay. On the one hand, I would very much have liked a safe space to learn in as a child and I don't pay much heed to the idea of schools socializing children because the society-- such as it is in schools--that they must adapt to is so vastly different from that of the adult world.

On the other hand, the public schools should be a safe place all on their own, and I feel the goal of making them such should be primary.

Bingo! We should be focusing on increasing the quality (safety, etc.) of our public schools, not specializing to each individual sub-category.
publiusvarus wrote:
we all know liberals are well adjusted american citizens who only want what's best for society. While conservatives are evil money grubbing scum who only want to sh*t on the little man and rob the world of its resources.
#13 Oct 13 2008 at 9:40 AM Rating: Good
Ministry of Silly Cnuts
19,524 posts
I'm with the school of thought (pun intended) that says schools should have a very low tolerance of prejudice, whether it's against race, coloUr, faith, sexual orientation, physical/sensory disability etc.

It's about taking serious action to tackle unacceptable behavioUr, rather than focusing on whatever misguided bull-poo is used as a justification by haters.

"Gay-Friendly" sounds like a PR Meme that will feed into the hands of bigots (varrus) as a slippery slope, and divert attention from the offensive behavioUr.
"I started out with nothin' and I still got most of it left" - Seasick Steve
#14 Oct 13 2008 at 9:47 AM Rating: Decent
8,619 posts
Bad idea, BAD BAD Idea.

Jesus what happened to growing a thick skin and getting on with life? does everyone want a grownup to protect them for every waking moment these days or what?

What we should avoid doing is taking a body of students who are isolated and bullied because of it and Isolating it further. Why would anyone think this is a good idea?

How about we take some responcibility and create an environment where we teach kids how to live with each other while teaching them how to deal with uncomfortable situations, bob knows you can't hide in the real world.

Some poor kid is going to grow up thinking that the world is a wonderful shiney place and then get the sh*t kicked out of him by some neandrathal skin head because no one taught him how to be discreet.
#15 Oct 13 2008 at 9:56 AM Rating: Excellent
12,049 posts
Baron von tarv wrote:
Bad idea, BAD BAD Idea.

Jesus what happened to growing a thick skin and getting on with life? does everyone want a grownup to protect them for every waking moment these days or what?

What we should avoid doing is taking a body of students who are isolated and bullied because of it and Isolating it further. Why would anyone think this is a good idea?

How about we take some responcibility and create an environment where we teach kids how to live with each other while teaching them how to deal with uncomfortable situations, bob knows you can't hide in the real world.

Some poor kid is going to grow up thinking that the world is a wonderful shiney place and then get the sh*t kicked out of him by some neandrathal skin head because no one taught him how to be discreet.

Curious how you justify "Bad idea, BAD BAD Idea."

I mean, besides what you said. Are there statistics? The ones shown so far (with the NY version of this school, mentioned by Kaelesh, the Harvey Milks school) have increased the graduation rate to 95% (average graduation rate in NY is around 50%). Apparently it worked for those kids, hence why it's being recommending in Chicago. The thing about the Chicago school is that it's going to cater to homosexuals but be open to anyone, and it's going to be six times as large as Harvey Milks.

"Growing a thick skin" sounds like something someone who wasn't picked on much would say. The results of the Stanford Prison Experiment sound closer to what it going on here; you get treated like crap for long enough, you internalize the message. Possible just as bad, the torturers are given the message it's a good thing to do this. Nothing is being done to set up the opposite message, and the cycle of homosexual hatred is continued and even encouraged by the lack of a punishment.

I go with my original idea. The first thing done should be to provide protection for these kids with some legislation. Make it so the public schools can actively fight back. Make teachers held accountable to report abuse, and give out detentions, suspensions or mandatory intervention meetings when sexual discrimination cases come up.

I'm just a layman and don't know the best course to take, but saying "grow some skin" won't help the psychologically and physically abused kids in this system. Again, maybe putting them into their own safe environment would give them the time to develop the cognitive and psychological tools to deal with the cruelty of the world, I don't know. The Harvey Milks school, however, shows that it will at least give them the ability to graduate.
#16 Oct 13 2008 at 9:57 AM Rating: Excellent
Baron von tarv wrote:
Some poor kid is going to grow up thinking that the world is a wonderful shiney place and then get the sh*t kicked out of him by some neandrathal skin head because no one taught him how to be discreet.
The problem is the skin head, not his victim's lack of discretion.
#17 Oct 13 2008 at 9:59 AM Rating: Excellent
Mindel wrote:
Baron von tarv wrote:
Some poor kid is going to grow up thinking that the world is a wonderful shiney place and then get the sh*t kicked out of him by some neandrathal skin head because no one taught him how to be discreet.
The problem is the skin head, not his victim's lack of discretion.

Yeah, but did you see how the gay kid was dressed? He was asking for it...
#18 Oct 13 2008 at 10:04 AM Rating: Good
YAY! Canaduhian
10,293 posts
Bombs are flying
People are dying
Children are crying
Politicians are lying too.

Cancer is killing
Texaco's spilling
The whole world's gone to hell
But how are you?

Smiley: jesterSmiley: yippeeSmiley: jesterSmiley: yippee
Smiley: jesterSmiley: yippee
Smiley: jesterSmiley: yippee
Smiley: jester[:yippee:]

What's bred in the bone will not out of the flesh.
#20 Oct 13 2008 at 10:09 AM Rating: Excellent
knoxsouthy wrote:
Do you know why kids join the neo-***** and skin heads? Protection. To protect themselves from gangs of minorities.

Smiley: laugh

Smiley: lol

Smiley: laugh
#21 Oct 13 2008 at 10:09 AM Rating: Excellent
YAY! Canaduhian
10,293 posts
knoxsouthy wrote:
Let me ask you this. If I wear an "I hate f*gs" t-shirt to a homosexual rally in san fran and get attacked by a mob of angry ****** should the constitution be re-written to protect me?

Meh. They're all too busy tasering partial term abortions to care about you.
What's bred in the bone will not out of the flesh.
#22 Oct 13 2008 at 10:13 AM Rating: Excellent
12,049 posts
knoxsouthy wrote:

The problem is the skin head, not his victim's lack of discretion.

Do you know why kids join the neo-***** and skin heads? Protection. To protect themselves from gangs of minorities.

Let me ask you this. If I wear an "I hate f*gs" t-shirt to a homosexual rally in san fran and get attacked by a mob of angry ****** should the constitution be re-written to protect me?

Whoa. Whoa whoa whoa. Let me get this straight (heh, pun). You say that kids become neo-***** and skin heads because they're getting beaten up by roving gangs of well-dressed, savage gays?

Or are you trying to make this a "white kids join gangs to protect themselves from black and Latino gangs?" Because that's a total strawman argument. I'm pretty sure that when skin heads beat up gay kids, it isn't because they're afraid they're about to be jumped by the Fab Five.

As for the second part, the Constitution requires no re-write to protect you from assault. I think you might want to reread it (and the relevant judicial literature) if you think that it does. The point of legislation to help gay kids is that they AREN'T be protected.

I do like the "I joined a gang to protect myself from roving gangs of gay kids" idea though :) That made me chuckle.
#23 Oct 13 2008 at 10:14 AM Rating: Decent
8,619 posts
The problem is the skin head, not his victim's lack of discretion.
Agreed, but all people need to be taught the value of discression. It's nigh on impossible to change the mind of a bigot (See virus) but it is possible to teach Kids the necessary life skills to avoid becoming a victim.
Yeah, but did you see how the gay kid was dressed? He was asking for it...
If i walk into a dance club dressed as a Metalhead, guess what i'm probably going to end up in a fight.

"Growing a thick skin" sounds like something someone who wasn't picked on much would say.
No it's sounds like someone how grew up in a tough neighbourhood that required everyone to formulate a mechanism for not getting picked on, for most people thats a thick skin and a sence of humour.

People I grew up with may well have tried to bully me, I was one of 5 metalheads in a year of 200 and a roleplayer to boot but believe me they never sucseeded bedcause I always turned their teasing into a joke or witty comeback, amazingly enough I was popular, the guys who got upset and angry at remarks I found funny where snivelling wrecks by the fourth year, they most certainly where bullied because no-one taught them how to raise above it.

the idea that Homosexuals are somehow more bullied and less traumatised than Emo's or <Insert another fringe group here> Is laughable and no-one is going to create a school for them.

Best we leave all the kids in the one school and to quote Nobby
schools should have a very low tolerance of prejudice, whether it's against race, coloUr, faith, sexual orientation, physical/sensory disability etc.
Isolation breeds fear, fear breeds hatred and hatred leads to people being beat up by scared people.
#24 Oct 13 2008 at 10:19 AM Rating: Excellent
knoxsouthy wrote:
Let me ask you this. If I wear an "I hate f*gs" t-shirt to a homosexual rally in san fran and get attacked by a mob of angry ****** should the constitution be re-written to protect me?
First of all, it's a silly notion. We put up with this **** so much, we rarely notice it anymore. But if you did decide to provoke a group of particularly violent gay people, I would hope they'd face appropriate sanction from the judicial system for assaulting you. That's never okay, even when the victim is doing something provocative.

But, as you're so fond of saying, thanks for making my point for me. Smiley: thumbsup
#25 Oct 13 2008 at 10:19 AM Rating: Excellent
Baron von tarv wrote:
If i walk into a dance club dressed as a Metalhead, guess what i'm probably going to end up in a fight.

Probably not, unless you provoke it.

Just like I have the right to go to a dance club in a short skirt and low-cut top and I am not asking to be raped.
#26 Oct 13 2008 at 10:21 AM Rating: Excellent
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
Mindel wrote:
knoxsouthy wrote:
Let me ask you this. If I wear an "I hate f*gs" t-shirt to a homosexual rally in san fran and get attacked by a mob of angry ****** should the constitution be re-written to protect me?
First of all, it's a silly notion. We put up with this sh*t so much, we rarely notice it anymore. But if you did decide to provoke a group of particularly violent gay people, I would hope they'd face appropriate sanction from the judicial system for assaulting you. That's never okay, even when the victim is doing something provocative.

But, as you're so fond of saying, thanks for making my point for me. Smiley: thumbsup

You don't want to wear the RIBBON?

In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

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