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#1 Oct 03 2008 at 7:40 AM Rating: Decent
level 15 on 3 toons and still feels like WoW with better graphics. yes, the graphics are superrior to WoW. an unexpected supprise considering the dismal screen shots on the web site.

game play - very WoW style solo advancement. havent recieved a quest yet i couldnt complete without a group. the mobs take mabe 1/3 as long to kill as EQ2, about the same as WoW. downtime is little to none. no experience penalty for death but a stat penalty that stacks for each death. have to pay a small fee to a healer to get rid of. the fee is nominal compared to the coin you get from drops.

the actual fighting is very EQ2 ish. button smashing no matter what class. the only differance between melee and casters or ranged the distance you can start attacking from. every thing after that is exactly the same reguardless of class. smash the button, wait for it to refresh. the end. will get boaring fast. has been boaring for several years already.

crowd controll. 10 second snares or roots that drop as soon as mob is damaged. pretty much useless considering the 10 to 20 second refresh rate to do it again. there is no meaningfull crowd controll. so the ONLY differance in fighting styles is the distance at which you can start the attack. they al end the same. the mob in your face beating on your head while you wait for gee wiz buttons to refresh so you can spam then again. doesnt matter what class you play.

graphics. very good infact. better than WoW or EQ1, but not as good as EQ2, AoC.

world. very well done. they made differant starting areas for each race with their own intergrated tutorial. the atmosphere is unique for each race.

what i dont like. you cant swim under the water. all buildings are non-interactive except the ones that have quests involved. no just for fun stuff like invis, levitate, shrink, illusions, etc etc.

no diversity in fighting style, nor any thought involved no matter what class you play.

no body does casters like EQ1. i guess no one ever will again.

over all, a great game so far. ganking hasnt been a big problem, and pvp has been volentary for the most part. you know whenyou are in a contested area.

well worth the money.

some more info.

they did something unique with grouping.

you can have a traditional group, or, if you want, you can expand it into a mini raid with more players with just a click.

they also added, and something i think is unique to this industry, OPEN groups. whenever you go into an area, you get a message telling you how many open groups are in that area. all you have to do is find an open group and invite yourself. no shouting. no waiting. click, click and your in a group in the area your fighting in.

as a side note, this ability while i think it is good and unique, just further exposes what we have all learned about MMOs. 90 percent of players are not interested in grouping.

another good thing they did with groups are "public quests". it is like a mini raid type event where anyone in the area grouped or not is a participant. EVERYONE gets xp while it is going on. you can walk into the middle of one and participate grouped or not and get XP. rewards are randomed with your damage giving you a modifier. so anyone participating could end up with a reward.

great ideas, a couple that would have made EQ1, EQ2, Vanguard a whole lot more time friendly to play.......for people interested in grouping that is.

pvp. mostly volentary.

there are contested areas that are pvp, but you are warned with a message as soon as you enter one. there are also WoW type pvp events you sign up for and get launched into once enough players sign up. typical capture the flag type stuff.

they did some good things here. what they didnt do though is make fighting any more interesting. infact, it is seriously lacking. especially their casters. there is no style, no differant tactics, no diversity at all. you toss something at the mob, spell, arrow, gun, thrown item, them the mob runs to you and you swap red stuff while spamming gee wiz buttons and waiting for them to refresh.

all classes. exactly the same.

EQ1 and D&D online were the only two games that even tried giving you a choice or make you use your head a little bit. its too bad some of that couldnt have been brought into the newer games. it is sadder still no one is even making the attempt.

cool world, cool graphics, many differant starting areas. the lower levels are great. but i would drop them all like a rock of SOE would pull their head out of their **** and rewrite EQ1 with WoW type solo play in mind.

Edited, Oct 3rd 2008 4:09pm by shadowrelm
#2 Oct 03 2008 at 1:35 PM Rating: Good
7,861 posts
1 they have any ******* dwarves?
People don't like to be meddled with. We tell them what to do, what to think, don't run, don't walk. We're in their homes and in their heads and we haven't the right. We're meddlesome. ~River Tam

#3 Oct 03 2008 at 5:18 PM Rating: Decent
2,918 posts
shadowrelm wrote:

#4 Oct 03 2008 at 8:51 PM Rating: Decent
3,909 posts
Why'd he get rated down?
#5 Oct 04 2008 at 1:05 AM Rating: Default
4,618 posts
zepoodle wrote:
Why'd he get rated down?

Because The asylum ifs the place to post this. Smiley: rolleyes
#6 Oct 04 2008 at 3:49 AM Rating: Decent
zepoodle wrote:
Why'd he get rated down?

Because people karma camp him.

@Jackjeckle: Other people have posted game threads, and they don't get sub-defaulted instantly.
#7 Oct 04 2008 at 5:27 AM Rating: Excellent
16,299 posts
zepoodle wrote:
Why'd he get rated down?

Because he's one of the Asylum whipping boys.
#8 Oct 04 2008 at 8:00 AM Rating: Good
3,829 posts
zepoodle wrote:
Why'd he get rated down?

Because he persists in deluding himself that anyone cares about his usually mistaken impression of games. We are talking about someone who got himself kicked off the EQ2 boards for posting completely off-base rants every time someone asked about the game. We are talking about someone who understood so little about EQ2 that he ******* and ******* about going to an INSTANCE and not being able to find anyone inside to group with, thus concluding there weren't enough players to find a group for popular zones. Of course it was empty once he got inside--it was an INSTANCE!

The moral of the story--take shadowrelm's "reviews" of games with a very large grain of salt, because usually he misses the point of just about everything.

Edited, Oct 4th 2008 8:54am by Ambrya
#9 Oct 04 2008 at 8:02 AM Rating: Decent
10,755 posts
I was going to post my "Warhammer; The morning after" report this morning as well.

Graphics and atmosphere are still alive and fun.
Public Quests are starting ot become an annoyance as finding people is getting difficult. The first stage is soloable, but then they add heroic/elite mobs and it takes more than 1.

Casting is kinda lame, not much in the way of graphics or effects yet, but stuff is getting added everyday. Soloing takes alot longer ot level than pvping it seems, but finding a scenario still take 20 mins + for the Chaos side.

Crafting is just lame. Painfully lame. The only reason I really craft is to free up space in my bags.

There is invisbility for a couple classes, witch hunter for example. Not the infinite stealth WoW has, but just a 30 sec prowl great for getting through an actual front line and attacking the healers.

The game is getting better everyday, the speed in which mythic is updating the game is remarkable, with small touches and improvements daily. Nice to not have a 3hr patch download ever. Most has been 5 minutes.

I still love the PvP, love queuing for scenarios from anywhere at anytime.
#10REDACTED, Posted: Oct 04 2008 at 9:05 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Better something than nothing, I always say. If I want a high-quality review to a professional standard, I have subscriptions to a couple of game magazines. If I'm just looking for a guy's first impressions then I'm not fussed. And I don't really see anything wrong with this whatever-it-is we have here, and certainly nothing worth a rate-down on principle.
#11 Oct 04 2008 at 9:18 AM Rating: Good
16,299 posts
zepoodle wrote:

Better something than nothing, I always say. If I want a high-quality review to a professional standard, I have subscriptions to a couple of game magazines. If I'm just looking for a guy's first impressions then I'm not fussed. And I don't really see anything wrong with this whatever-it-is we have here, and certainly nothing worth a rate-down on principle.

Then again, you people are nine parts @#%^ and one part crazy, so I can't really expect you to be sensible. But really, be honest like the other three guys who responded. Just say you don't like the guy.

Who said they didn't like him??

I don't like you.
#12 Oct 04 2008 at 9:54 AM Rating: Decent
3,909 posts
Mistress Nadenu wrote:
Who said they didn't like him??

I guess I just kinda got that impression?
#13 Oct 04 2008 at 10:30 AM Rating: Good
16,160 posts
Well, zepoodle, if you were looking for a high quality review from shadowrelm you'd be hard pressed to find one, seeing as if you are discussing apples, he ranting on about oranges. Be advised that if you believe you are reading a first impresssion of WH, there's a good chance he's still frothing at the mouth about EQ2, but somehow failed to mention that. Even though "warhammer" is in the title of this thread, I'd be amazed if it wasn't a diatribe against Bush and Cheney, blood and oil, unwarranted invasions and getting what you politically deserve, because that pretty sums up your typical shadow post.

#14 Oct 04 2008 at 10:34 AM Rating: Decent
3,909 posts
Totem wrote:
Well, zepoodle, if you were looking for a high quality review from shadowrelm you'd be hard pressed to find one, seeing as if you are discussing apples, he ranting on about oranges.

I think I already said above that it's exactly what I didn't expect. If I want high-quality, unbiased journalism that will show me the facts in sharp clarity, I will look somewhere other than the Internet.

Be advised that if you believe you are reading a first impresssion of WH, there's a good chance he's still frothing at the mouth about EQ2, but somehow failed to mention that. Even though "warhammer" is in the title of this thread, I'd be amazed if it wasn't a diatribe against Bush and Cheney, blood and oil, unwarranted invasions and getting what you politically deserve, because that pretty sums up your typical shadow post.

I'm not getting the EQ2 => Bush/Cheney/blood/oil connection. Maybe knoxsouthy can drop by and show me how those two subjects connect coherently.
#15 Oct 04 2008 at 10:41 AM Rating: Good
16,160 posts
I think what you're looking for there is the okra patch-Obama farmer's market connection. Shadowrelm is a outhouse rat-crazy ATC, knox is a **** kicking Okie from Texas. However, you do grasp the gist of the Asylum's to polar extremes, I grant you that.

#16 Oct 04 2008 at 10:44 AM Rating: Decent
3,909 posts
What the hell is okra, anyway? I remember it from a quest in Westfall involving harvest golems and...stew.

I'm going to go find that out right now.
#17 Oct 04 2008 at 10:48 AM Rating: Good
16,160 posts
It's nasty vegetable that is shaped like a jalapeno pepper and gets slimy when cooked. It's used extensively in gumbo and salads down south. There are far tastier greens to eat if you want a variety in your diet.

#18 Oct 04 2008 at 10:50 AM Rating: Decent
3,909 posts
#19 Oct 05 2008 at 6:35 AM Rating: Decent
actually totem,

i got booted off casters relm for reasons that had nothing to do with game comments.

i was booted from casters relm for the same reason you should be there instead of here. you, knocksouth, gbagi and a few others. it was for bad mouthing bush and the republicans. you say anything negative about the repubs there, and not only to the posters assail you, the addministraitors do as well. cant tell you how many PMs i got from their addmins trying to explain why i was "misguided" in my beliefs about iraq and the evil republicans. even to the point of being called a "liberal" and a "socialist" as if either of those words are bad anywhere else but the republican dictionary.

had nothing to do with what i thought of the game. i was but a pebble in the pond to the constant stream of posters who were not happy with the game.

as far as the rating down, go ahead, make my day. i dont post to please. ill leave that for people running for a popularity contest.

as far as warhammer....

a really funny thing happened yesterday. i was traveling to other areas to get a change of senery for what has been narrowed down to my main. i get a message on screen that says "you are too high for this area, leave now or suffer the fate of the CHICKEN"

what? ok, i keep pushing on. the timer started counting down. undaunted, i still kept pushing on. when it hit zero,POOF, i was turned into a chicken with all my ability gee wiz buttons greyed out including sprint.

it was hillarious. every one could attak me but all i could to was run in the form of a chicken, without sprinting.

their answer to ganking. i get it.

i enjoy being able to travel to differant areas as opposed to being forced into one or two areas for long periods of time. something his game has in common with WoW and EQ1. EQ1 was awsome for this feature. WoW did a good job too. EQ2 sucked wind. was very linier.

EQ1 is still the king at this though. there are still only 3 areas to progress in for each the destruction and order path. but it is still better than EQ2.

again, i can see the end in sight even though i am still having a good time. the actual fighting, while no where near as tedious as EQ2, just doesnt have any diversity or differances in tactics reguardless of what class you play. im already done with the actual combat even though i still enjoy the exploring and have plenty more to do.

EQ1 rocked with all the differant tactics that were left up to the player to develop. it is a crying shame that instead of embracing and supporting those emerging tactics, they decided instead to nerf the hell out of them so everyone was doing what was "intended". SOE relaly went out of their way to suck all the fun and excietment out of the game.

its a bigger shame that new games dont even try. they make cookie cutter toons who all do the exact same thing with the exact same profenciency with little to no thought what so ever. they are more afraid of the "ballance wars" that plagued EQ1 than they are concerned with making a truly interactive world where a players knoledge of his class gave him advantages over the standard "as intended" fighting role.

D&D online did a good job too, but again, they were more concerned with cornering classes into spacific roles than delivering abilities that expand peoples imagination into thinking for themselves.

mabe some day SOE will see the light and remake EQ1 with all its origonal "unfair" abilities, toss in WoW playstyle, and let people PLAY. they stil have the best online world to date. also the worst game play. what a shame. mabe blizzard will buy them out.
#20 Oct 05 2008 at 8:16 AM Rating: Excellent
Vagina Dentata,
what a wonderful phrase
30,106 posts
I really like the public quests and the battlegrounds. It allows you to group with other people in a pretty natural way and gain substantial experience points while soloing. The Eternal City, the Destruction City, is genuinely menacing and the game itself is quite pretty--it's true. Not cartoonish like WoW.

I'm not sure Shadowrelm's problem with button mashing b/c I like button mashing :P. It's my sport of choice.

Edited, Oct 5th 2008 12:10pm by Annabella
Turin wrote:
Seriously, what the f*ck nature?
#21 Oct 05 2008 at 10:16 PM Rating: Decent
Commander Annabella wrote:
I'm not sure Shadowrelm's problem with button mashing b/c I like button mashing :P. It's my sport of choice.
Allow me to recommend frying things as a more entertaining sport.
#22 Oct 06 2008 at 3:56 AM Rating: Excellent
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
EQ1 rocked with all the differant tactics that were left up to the player to develop. it is a crying shame that instead of embracing and supporting those emerging tactics, they decided instead to nerf the hell out of them so everyone was doing what was "intended". SOE relaly went out of their way to suck all the fun and excietment out of the game.

I agree with this, or at least I agree with what I think you're saying, which is progress - but I wanted to point out that the nerfage started long before SOE bought the game. That started way back when Verant owned it.

Creative use of existing geography? No way!
In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

#23 Oct 06 2008 at 4:03 AM Rating: Decent
shadowrelm wrote:
level 15 on 3 toons and still feels like WoW with better graphics. yes, the graphics are superrior to WoW. an unexpected supprise considering the dismal screen shots on the web site.

Not nearly as pretty as WoW, looks like war, not pretty blue skies where you'd expect cutsie little dragons to be flying around, imo.

shadowrelm wrote:
game play - very WoW style solo advancement. havent recieved a quest yet i couldnt complete without a group. the mobs take mabe 1/3 as long to kill as EQ2, about the same as WoW. downtime is little to none. no experience penalty for death but a stat penalty that stacks for each death. have to pay a small fee to a healer to get rid of. the fee is nominal compared to the coin you get from drops.

UR DOIN IT WRONG! I solo on my shami all day long. I'm lvl 12. I have a lvl 10 witch elf too. I solo. The only time I've needed a group was to do a public quest. Other wise, I'm by myself kicking some ***. I'd try to find out what you are doing wrong. (unless thats a double negative there and I'm reading it wrong)

shadowrelm wrote:
the actual fighting is very EQ2 ish. button smashing no matter what class. the only differance between melee and casters or ranged the distance you can start attacking from. every thing after that is exactly the same reguardless of class. smash the button, wait for it to refresh. the end. will get boaring fast. has been boaring for several years already.

Woudln't want it to get boring... Smiley: rolleyes I have to say I was a bit sad to see less reactionary styles. DAoC, mythics first big thing rocked the reactionary styles. It makes up for it though in that it's not as droll as most other button smashers, there are positional styles ect.

shadowrelm wrote:
crowd controll. 10 second snares or roots that drop as soon as mob is damaged. pretty much useless considering the 10 to 20 second refresh rate to do it again. there is no meaningfull crowd controll. so the ONLY differance in fighting styles is the distance at which you can start the attack. they al end the same. the mob in your face beating on your head while you wait for gee wiz buttons to refresh so you can spam then again. doesnt matter what class you play.

Crowd control depends on the class. Some have slowers while some actually have roots or silencers. Most classes come with a debuff so if you pull two, you debuff the second to only do 50% the damage while you fight the other. You automatically /face the mob you are attacking which is nice, but I haven't tried /stick yet so I don't know if that works. The game is set up so that you are no PARTY DEPENDENT, which is a nice refresher from WoW. Try leveling a shadow priest solo in WoW and then try leveling the shami in WAR. BIG difference.

shadowrelm wrote:
graphics. very good infact. better than WoW or EQ1, but not as good as EQ2, AoC.

Equal or better to WoW and sooo much better than EQ1. I don't know about EQ2 or AOC but I'm fairly certain there is a reason for the dumbed down graphics. In DAoC the higher graphics produced a massive amount of lag when we were in MASSIVE RvR. I think Mythic dialed back the graphics to make a smoother running WAR game. End game you are going to see hundreds of people battling each other at once, the lack of higher end graphics is going to keep the lag down which in turn keeps the servers from crashing.

shadowrelm wrote:
world. very well done. they made differant starting areas for each race with their own intergrated tutorial. the atmosphere is unique for each race.

what i dont like. you cant swim under the water. all buildings are non-interactive except the ones that have quests involved. no just for fun stuff like invis, levitate, shrink, illusions, etc etc.

I would have liked to see it a bit easier to get to a flight path for the lowbies but that's ok. I'm not a fan of the big cities (inevitable city). The town is dark and just does not seem like a place to hang out. I guess they were trying to portray a society at war but they really could have made it a bit friendlier. Meh, water. I'm agreeing on the buildings, but thats not to say there aren't any, there are plenty in the contested zones.

shadowrelm wrote:
no diversity in fighting style, nor any thought involved no matter what class you play.

no body does casters like EQ1. i guess no one ever will again.

Fighting styles are subtly different, each has their own killing style. Like the which elf wants nothing more than to stab you in the back, my shami doesn't care what direction your facing he'll kick your ***, deciple of khain just VANTS TO SUCK YOUR SOUL!

shadowrelm wrote:
over all, a great game so far. ganking hasnt been a big problem, and pvp has been volentary for the most part. you know whenyou are in a contested area.

well worth the money.

Totally agree. The game is wonderful, it's been so intoxicating to be back in RvR. There are low level contested areas too which is soo HAWT! Srsly, I'd let this game be my Eatin Crackers in Bed Lover. No asshats camping the low level areas (ie: barrens in WoW) because if you are too high to be there you'll turn into a chicken and any lowbie can one shot you and you can't do damage in return.

shadowrelm wrote:
some more info.

they did something unique with grouping.

you can have a traditional group, or, if you want, you can expand it into a mini raid with more players with just a click.

they also added, and something i think is unique to this industry, OPEN groups. whenever you go into an area, you get a message telling you how many open groups are in that area. all you have to do is find an open group and invite yourself. no shouting. no waiting. click, click and your in a group in the area your fighting in.

as a side note, this ability while i think it is good and unique, just further exposes what we have all learned about MMOs. 90 percent of players are not interested in grouping.

another good thing they did with groups are "public quests". it is like a mini raid type event where anyone in the area grouped or not is a participant. EVERYONE gets xp while it is going on. you can walk into the middle of one and participate grouped or not and get XP. rewards are randomed with your damage giving you a modifier. so anyone participating could end up with a reward.

great ideas, a couple that would have made EQ1, EQ2, Vanguard a whole lot more time friendly to play.......for people interested in grouping that is.

pvp. mostly volentary.

there are contested areas that are pvp, but you are warned with a message as soon as you enter one. there are also WoW type pvp events you sign up for and get launched into once enough players sign up. typical capture the flag type stuff.

they did some good things here. what they didnt do though is make fighting any more interesting. infact, it is seriously lacking. especially their casters. there is no style, no differant tactics, no diversity at all. you toss something at the mob, spell, arrow, gun, thrown item, them the mob runs to you and you swap red stuff while spamming gee wiz buttons and waiting for them to refresh.

all classes. exactly the same.

EQ1 and D&D online were the only two games that even tried giving you a choice or make you use your head a little bit. its too bad some of that couldnt have been brought into the newer games. it is sadder still no one is even making the attempt.

cool world, cool graphics, many differant starting areas. the lower levels are great. but i would drop them all like a rock of SOE would pull their head out of their **** and rewrite EQ1 with WoW type solo play in mind.

Edited, Oct 3rd 2008 4:09pm by shadowrelm

Meh, just a repeat off all the stuff above. I would like to add that if you are avoiding this game because of the PvP, DONT! You aren't forced to PvP, you can PvE to your little hearts content, there is never a lack of quests and story line to follow.

PS, FFS get a spell checker!

Edited, Oct 6th 2008 6:58am by Katielynn
#24 Oct 06 2008 at 4:31 AM Rating: Good
13,240 posts
If leveling any class in WoW is tough for you...

(obligatory I dropped my mouse and leveled up 3 times comment.)
Just as Planned.
#25 Oct 06 2008 at 4:56 AM Rating: Good
1,625 posts
It started out as a bang for me but generally lost interest as the days moved along. Tonight I will be cancelling the automatic rebill of my account. I still have a few weeks left and I may log in from time to time.

It's not much of a soloing game. The public quests are silly tough after the first round or so. The mobs respawn way too fast and it's not all that user friendly. I guess I prefer my games to be mindless entertainment instead of having to learn all sorts of new things. Thus its back to Eq2 and WoW for me.
#26 Oct 06 2008 at 5:06 AM Rating: Decent
EQ1 is still the king at this though. there are still only 3 areas to progress in for each the destruction and order path. but it is still better than EQ2.

It used to be that way in EQ2 at the start, I must admit. It's also partially the reason why I gave up on it after a couple of months.

But that is definitely no longer the case, it's quite possible to roam a lot of zones, getting exploration xp, at a low lvl. I've done that with several characters, in a lot of zones.

EQII has improved enormously, even if I'm not playing it at the moment, I'm pretty certain to return to it eventually.
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