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Possible Identiy of the Zodiac KillerFollow

#27 Aug 30 2008 at 7:16 PM Rating: Decent
16,160 posts
Yeah, Snoore, this was on Dateline or one of those other shows a few months back. They made a pretty compelling case that Tarrance was the Zodiac killer. They had also made the claim that he wasn't the diabolical serial murderer he was made out to be, but had slipped through police scrutiny by simple error.

Heh, Pollock Pines isn't too far from where I live.

#28REDACTED, Posted: Aug 30 2008 at 7:29 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Smiley: laugh
#29 Aug 30 2008 at 7:48 PM Rating: Decent
812 posts
Paradox wrote:

Drug dealers, however, I won't change my views on.

So you're view is that anyone who sells drugs deserves death? Seriously, you are very ignorant. Did a drug dealer rape you as a kid or something?

It may be hard for you to believe but some people who sell drugs are good people and have as much right to life as you. Not every drug dealer is Tony Montana.

Btw you didn't tell me how you feel about alcohol, afraid you're too much of a hypocrite?
#30 Aug 30 2008 at 7:51 PM Rating: Good
Paradox, while attempting to rationalize serial killing wrote:
I suppose I'm seeing things in too much black and white. There are exceptions to every rule. I'll admit that there's some morbid curiosity there, but eh. Prostitutes have to make a living how they can. Drug dealers, however, I won't change my views on.


Or is that a Paradox?
"The Rich are there to take all of the money & pay none of the taxes, the middle class is there to do all the work and pay all the taxes, and the poor are there to scare the crap out of the middle class." -George Carlin

#31 Aug 30 2008 at 8:14 PM Rating: Excellent
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
So the Green River killer was A-OK because he killed prostitutes? And hey, if he made a mistake or two, at least his heart was in the right place, right?


In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

#32 Aug 30 2008 at 8:25 PM Rating: Default
Dudebro wrote:
So you're view is that anyone who sells drugs deserves death? Seriously, you are very ignorant. Did a drug dealer rape you as a kid or something?

It may be hard for you to believe but some people who sell drugs are good people and have as much right to life as you. Not every drug dealer is Tony Montana.

Btw you didn't tell me how you feel about alcohol, afraid you're too much of a hypocrite?

Eh, I don't drink. I've never known any alcoholics. I've known druggies. I've known people that did meth. That stuff can really **** you up. Alcohol is probably the same, but given I've got no personal conflict with it, I suppose I don't care. Hypocritical, I guess.

By the way, I'm just trying to figure out how somebody that sells meth or crack can be good. I understand that good and evil are perceived in the eyes of people around them, but geez. You don't have to be a complete ********* that's true, but if you aren't, wouldn't you be better off taking a job that's beneficial to society, rather than detrimental?
#33 Aug 30 2008 at 8:31 PM Rating: Decent
Samira wrote:
So the Green River killer was A-OK because he killed prostitutes? And hey, if he made a mistake or two, at least his heart was in the right place, right?


Guilty until proven guilty, Samira.
#34 Aug 30 2008 at 8:39 PM Rating: Excellent
3,339 posts
Omegavegeta wrote:
Paradox, while attempting to rationalize serial killing wrote:
I suppose I'm seeing things in too much black and white. There are exceptions to every rule. I'll admit that there's some morbid curiosity there, but eh. Prostitutes have to make a living how they can. Drug dealers, however, I won't change my views on.


That's just dumb. If you legalize, it won't be ok to kill them!

#35 Aug 30 2008 at 9:17 PM Rating: Decent
812 posts
Paradox wrote:

Eh, I don't drink. I've never known any alcoholics. I've known druggies. I've known people that did meth. That stuff can really @#%^ you up. Alcohol is probably the same, but given I've got no personal conflict with it, I suppose I don't care. Hypocritical, I guess.

Not a guess, that's hypocritical. If anything alcohol is worse than illegal drugs because anyone over the age limit can buy it. At least with drugs you have the fear of being arrested or being ripped off. With alcohol you get everything you want and it's legal(not to mention encouraged).


By the way, I'm just trying to figure out how somebody that sells meth or crack can be good. I understand that good and evil are perceived in the eyes of people around them, but geez. You don't have to be a complete Richardhead, that's true, but if you aren't, wouldn't you be better off taking a job that's beneficial to society, rather than detrimental?

Just because a person sells drugs does not make them bad. You ever think that maybe most of these people are uneducated and have no skills? If you were in a situation where you're choices are a low paying fast food job or selling drugs for like a half hour a day for much more money wouldn't you be tempted? I'm really not trying to justify it, just pointing out how retarded it is to condem people to death for selling something. If people didn't want the drugs then we'd have no drug dealers. Should we kill addicts too since they keep this cycle going?

Yeah this bothers me alot. I hate when people look down thier noses at people they don't understand. I grew up around alot of drug dealers. Sure there were some who I wouldn't trust for a minute but the majority of the ones I knew were good people in bad situations. Also, most of them wanted to get out of it and have a normal life but minimum wage jobs just don't pay the bills.
Most of the alcoholics I knew were losers who had jobs and pissed it away to drink more.

But hey, why bother thinking about these people? Since they sell drugs the people should be allowed to murder them! I guess it's even better if you do it drunk!?!?

Btw, I noticed you backed off the hooker thing. Good move since that's also a moronic reason to kill someone. Hey this person makes money selling thier body! We should kill them rather than help them. Moron.

Edited, Aug 31st 2008 1:14am by Dudebro

Edited, Aug 31st 2008 1:15am by Dudebro
#36 Aug 30 2008 at 9:53 PM Rating: Good
I'll admit that I tend to be wishy-washy on a lot of issues. Only certain things do I have a set-in-stone conviction on.

My post wasn't thought through. I could've worded it better, though I probably shouldn't have said it at all. So I apologize to whomever I offended by saying that. Anyways, you're right.

So if you can't judge somebody by what they do, is it acceptable to judge them by why they do it? Or should all drug dealers just be allowed to do whatever? There is fault here. Maybe they don't deserve death for what they do, but they do ***** with society. And the buyers aren't 100% at fault, either. It's split; without the dealers, there would be no buyers, and without the buyers there would be no dealers. I'm not trying to justify my words, just trying to get your view on it.
#37 Aug 30 2008 at 10:10 PM Rating: Decent
812 posts
Yeah I have no problem with punishment for drug dealers. Only if it is fair though. Busting people for weed and ending up in jail for years is wrong. Meth and other harder drugs then it's more understandable.

The problem is alot of people don't realize that someone smoking some weed isn't gonna hurt anyone(unless they were already a violent person) where someone doing some crack could kill you for five bucks. There is a difference.

Either way the general view on drugs is wrong. It's better to try and treat people for it. Putting them in jail just ruins any chance they have at a normal life.

I know this won't be popular but I think they should either legalize weed or make alcohol illegal. It comes off as very hypocritical. You can get drunk and potentially hurt/kill someone and probably not even remember it but you can't smoke a joint and play a videogame with your friends without fear of jail and your life being ruined.

I rated you up for admiting you're wishy washy. I was expecting either a rabid rant or a mocking dismissal.
#38 Aug 30 2008 at 10:18 PM Rating: Decent
Dudebro wrote:
I rated you up for admiting you're wishy washy. I was expecting either a rabid rant or a mocking dismissal.

I try to swallow my pride when I'm wrong. After all, continuing only makes me worse in peoples' eyes. Not that I'm trying to fit in or anything.

Dudebro wrote:
Yeah I have no problem with punishment for drug dealers. Only if it is fair though. Busting people for weed and ending up in jail for years is wrong. Meth and other harder drugs then it's more understandable.

The problem is alot of people don't realize that someone smoking some weed isn't gonna hurt anyone(unless they were already a violent person) where someone doing some crack could kill you for five bucks. There is a difference.

Either way the general view on drugs is wrong. It's better to try and treat people for it. Putting them in jail just ruins any chance they have at a normal life.

I know this won't be popular but I think they should either legalize weed or make alcohol illegal. It comes off as very hypocritical. You can get drunk and potentially hurt/kill someone and probably not even remember it but you can't smoke a joint and play a videogame with your friends without fear of jail and your life being ruined.

See, that's why I left weed out of my earlier post -- I honestly think it should be legalized. There's nothing horrible about it, in my opinion, aside from the fact that it's widely considered to be a "gateway" drug, that leads into the harder drugs, like meth, acid, crack, ecstacy, etc. It IS a lot better than alcohol in my opinion, because it tends to relax you, and, while alcohol does the same, I don't recall anybody killing/running over somebody out of anger while high on pot. Alcohol tends to amplify your state of mind, be it relaxed or belligerent. Pot just relaxes you, from what I know.

I had another point I wanted to make, but I'm tired, so I'll pick this back up in the morning.
#39 Aug 30 2008 at 10:27 PM Rating: Decent
812 posts
We should probably stop derailing this topic, the asylum people have been good about it so far and I'd rather let this die.

The only thing I want to add is that weed isn't a gateway drug. That's just nonsense. Again I say alcohol is worse. It lowers your inhibitions and makes you more likely to try other drugs.
#40 Aug 31 2008 at 3:22 AM Rating: Good
15,952 posts
What, you think the Asylum wasn't full of derails before?
#41 Aug 31 2008 at 7:39 AM Rating: Decent
Imaginary Friend
16,112 posts
And the Zodiac killer was still a farce.
Some cop(s) probably figured that the police force wasn't getting enough funds and decided to do something about it. Down the road the reported Arthur Allen decided to make up his own stories along with it to get some of his own spotlight... probably much to the surprise of the cops who cooked it up.
the "Perfect Crime" indeed.

and ever since then people around the country started locking their doors stopped trusting strangers a little more.
With the receiver in my hand..
#42 Aug 31 2008 at 4:15 PM Rating: Excellent
3,118 posts
Paradox wrote:

It's my personal opinion that somebody should be judged on a crime, not by the act itself, but, rather, by the victims. You shoot and kill a prostitute, or a drug dealer? You shouldn't be charged on murder. Maybe for being a vigilante, but meh.

Gah, I can't type worth crap today.
I'm trying to figure out exactly what your name means. Is it because you are technically too stupid to be alive, yet astoundingly, here you are? I think your moral compass may be slightly skewed.
#43 Aug 31 2008 at 4:38 PM Rating: Decent
Jacobsdeception the Sly wrote:
Paradox wrote:

It's my personal opinion that somebody should be judged on a crime, not by the act itself, but, rather, by the victims. You shoot and kill a prostitute, or a drug dealer? You shouldn't be charged on murder. Maybe for being a vigilante, but meh.

Gah, I can't type worth crap today.
I'm trying to figure out exactly what your name means. Is it because you are technically too stupid to be alive, yet astoundingly, here you are? I think your moral compass may be slightly skewed.

Nice 3k

Anyways... mind reading the rest of my posts first?
#44 Aug 31 2008 at 4:40 PM Rating: Decent
Worst. Title. Ever!
17,302 posts
Paradox wrote:
Nice 3k

3K isn't a real ding anyway :)
Can't sleep, clown will eat me.
#45 Aug 31 2008 at 4:45 PM Rating: Good
3,118 posts
Paradox wrote:
Jacobsdeception the Sly wrote:
Paradox wrote:

It's my personal opinion that somebody should be judged on a crime, not by the act itself, but, rather, by the victims. You shoot and kill a prostitute, or a drug dealer? You shouldn't be charged on murder. Maybe for being a vigilante, but meh.

Gah, I can't type worth crap today.
I'm trying to figure out exactly what your name means. Is it because you are technically too stupid to be alive, yet astoundingly, here you are? I think your moral compass may be slightly skewed.

Nice 3k

Anyways... mind reading the rest of my posts first?

Nahh, that requires more effort than I'm willing to put forth. Anyone that has such little regard for human life that they honestly think someone else doesn't deserve that right is an ignorant, self-righteous ****. And more than likely full of **** also. If you actually knew anything about that community/lifestyle you would change your mind. Knowing a couple of junkies doesn't count. I'd rank you right about the same level as the religious zealot that thinks **** should die because they are evil or the racist that thinks lesser races don't deserve to live.

#46 Aug 31 2008 at 8:45 PM Rating: Decent
Jacobsdeception the Sly wrote:
Nahh, that requires more effort than I'm willing to put forth. Anyone that has such little regard for human life that they honestly think someone else doesn't deserve that right is an ignorant, self-righteous ****. And more than likely full of sh*t also. If you actually knew anything about that community/lifestyle you would change your mind. Knowing a couple of junkies doesn't count. I'd rank you right about the same level as the religious zealot that thinks **** should die because they are evil or the racist that thinks lesser races don't deserve to live.


Anyone that thinks somebody's views cannot be altered by others is an ignorant, self-righteous ****. And more than likely full of ****, also. I'd rank you right about the same level as the religious zealot that thinks **** should die because they are evil or the racist that thinks lesser races don't deserve to live.


c wat i didthar?

No, but seriously, I apologized for having said that. I don't feel that way. If you can't be assed to read the rest of my posts, then please try not to comment on my character. That's like reading the description of a book and calling somebody a **** for giving it an unfavourable review because they actually read the damn thing and found a hundred things wrong in it.
#47 Aug 31 2008 at 9:27 PM Rating: Decent
What you did was make make another stupid post - and yes, I'm sure we all saw it.
#48 Sep 02 2008 at 10:17 AM Rating: Decent
Why on Earth would anyone want lighter sentences for killing drug dealers or prostitutes? As has been mentioned, those folks provide goods and services which other people choose to pay for.

Now let's say a company conspires to cut power to the state of California (yes, it happened) and someone actually dies as a result. If the dead person's relatives kill the conspirators, that is being a vigilante because we live in a society where the conspirators will likely get off. If you have drug dealers, report them. Our prisons are full of them. Demonstratively, they are getting caught.
#49 Sep 02 2008 at 10:32 AM Rating: Decent
Just curious, how are drug dealers worse, than, say...tobacco companies?
#50 Sep 02 2008 at 1:18 PM Rating: Decent
19,369 posts
Kavekk wrote:
Samira wrote:
So the Green River killer was A-OK because he killed prostitutes? And hey, if he made a mistake or two, at least his heart was in the right place, right?


Guilty until proven guilty, Samira.

More like shoot now ask questions later.
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