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Sarah ******* Palin? Follow

#152 Aug 29 2008 at 11:19 PM Rating: Decent
3,909 posts
I don't get it. Totem and Jo are both Republicans.

Isn't your party supposed to be the one which stands united with a common purpose and goal?
#153 Aug 29 2008 at 11:29 PM Rating: Decent
Repressed Memories
21,027 posts
You did it backwards zepoodle. You check to see if they are a Democrat first and then assume liberal bias, not the other way around.
#154 Aug 30 2008 at 3:21 AM Rating: Good
YAY! Canaduhian
10,293 posts
All I know is that I am getting pretty tired of hearing the word "maverick".

What's bred in the bone will not out of the flesh.
#155REDACTED, Posted: Aug 30 2008 at 3:40 AM, Rating: Unrated, (Expand Post) To:
#156 Aug 30 2008 at 3:43 AM Rating: Good
YAY! Canaduhian
10,293 posts
What's bred in the bone will not out of the flesh.
#157 Aug 30 2008 at 4:45 AM Rating: Excellent

Random sock belonging to a poster.


Explain to me why you think somebody should not be responsible for their own body, and all of the goings on within it? Explain to me why you would rather force another child onto this Earth, which is already overpopulated as it stands, only to be put through an orphanage or otherwise? Explain to me why you think that you're killing a sentient being -- when it's just a mass of cells that won't fully develop for another 6-7 months?

Explain to me who you think you are to force somebody to live their life the way you want them to. I'll give you a hint: It's their life. Not yours. **** off.
#158 Aug 30 2008 at 6:04 AM Rating: Excellent
Hi sockpuppet. Yes, I'm one of those crazy childfree people. But let me correct some basic misconceptions you have.

I've slept with one man my entire life, and we've been together for six years. I believe that's called a monogomous relationship. One of these days we'll get married, or not, doesn't matter to me so much because we both consider marriage an archaic institution designed to determine what child gets what property. No children makes that sort of a moot point. He's with me 110% on this; if we ever change our minds and want to take care of another human being that needs it, we'll become foster parents. Either way, as soon as I turn 30 I'm getting my tubes tied, and therefore will never have to worry about birth control (which I use) or abortions (which I thankfully have never had to have yet) again.

I am voluntarily removing myself from the gene pool, because 1. My genes are @#%^ed up from being born to my own mother so late (I have three visible mutations and a whole host of invisible ones, I'm sure) 2. Mental illness runs in my family and my fiance's family 3. I'd be a sh*tty mother anyway. I can barely remember to change my cat's litterbox.

See, the nice thing about not believing in creationist nonsense is that you don't view humanity in a vacuum. You realize that the human genome is just one part of a long line going back millions of years. You realize that your own genes really aren't any better than anyone else's; in fact, in many cases they're a lot worse if you're from a family riddled with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder like I am. You study early embryology, and stop believing in any voodoo nonsense about a soul mythically entering an ovum the second a sperm cell manages to penetrate. You also learn that most such pregnancies are terminated by the female body early on, so technically, God kills more babies than anyone else. Two thirds of successfully merged ovum never make it to implantation even in a healthy, monogomous woman. When that happens, a woman's body just flushes it away like it does to the uterine lining (which, by the way, is shed regularly to prevent infections in the endothelium, not because of any curse or anything.)

You can call it murder all you want, but that same genetic material is inside every single hair on your head, every fingernail, every toenail, every skin cell, every blood cell. In a fertilized egg, the DNA is combined with that of another person is all, and about half the genetic material is lost. So many things can go wrong during that recombination process that the body quickly detects it and gives up.

I'm pro-choice, which means I believe that a woman has the right to decide 1. If she is ready to become a mother 2. If the child she is carrying is severely disabled, whether she wants to to carry it to term. It's a decision that should of course be made with the input of the father -- if he's still around -- but ultimately the final choice belongs to the woman. If you want me to go there, I'll say it -- God made it that way. There are enough natural abortificants in the world that women have been ending pregnancies one way or another for thousands of years.

Edited, Aug 30th 2008 10:02am by catwho
#159 Aug 30 2008 at 6:05 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Heywoodjabloume wrote:
Catwhore, pet mage of Jabober

Explain to me again why you think it should be ok to kill your baby?
I think it's ok to kill your babies. I'd venture to say that it should be madatory.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#160 Aug 30 2008 at 6:13 AM Rating: Excellent
YAY! Canaduhian
10,293 posts
Heywoodjabloume wrote:
To: Catwhore, pet mage of Jabober

Another graduate of the Varus school of wit.
What's bred in the bone will not out of the flesh.
#161 Aug 30 2008 at 6:47 AM Rating: Decent
Totem wrote:
So just to be clear, Jo, you're saying Obama has sufficiently satisfactory governmental experience to run the country and Palin does not? Care to do a side-by-side comparison to prove your point?


Obama isn't the one claiming to run on the "Experienced" ticket.

It isn't the fact that Palin was probably really good at making sure fishermen followed rules, asking canadians to go home nicely, and making sure the drunks didn't beat their wives, but it's the fact that McCain running on the "Experience" ticket picks a no-name MILF out of left field because she has a ******.

Shouldn't McCain be at least intellectually honest with his attacks?
#162 Aug 30 2008 at 7:36 AM Rating: Decent
i wont pretend to understand mccains pick for vp. mayor of a town smaller than my incorperated subdivision, govoner to a state with half as many people as most mid sized towns.......with a budget operating always in the green due to contributions for oil companies for drilling there........

= zero usefull experience..........

granted, there is the disenfranchised clinton supporter angle. but she doesnt hold a candle to hillary. not even in the same ballpark. not even in the same league. its like comparing a pony you ride at a kiddie park to a quarterhorse in a states race.

and it did totally upstage the record breaking viewership to the DNC convention. totally. in an instant.

but to bet the whitehouse on a political stunt and assuming clinton supporters wont see the differance between hillary and her just because they both have breasts?

the dems are celebrating mccains choice just as hard as the repubs are. a true bipartisan decision.
#163REDACTED, Posted: Aug 30 2008 at 7:37 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I hate people flipping a **** because Palin is a woman and McCains being underhanded in trying to win over female voters. Was Biden not chosen to cover up Obamas lack of experience?
#164 Aug 30 2008 at 7:49 AM Rating: Excellent
Zokudu wrote:
And anyway if a woman votes for McCain just because they want a woman in office. That person should not be allowed to vote because they're too stupid and need to grow a brain.

Couldn't (and shouldn't) the same be said of those who vote for McCain just to keep a black man out of office? Or those that vote for Obama solely to have our first black president?
#165 Aug 30 2008 at 8:03 AM Rating: Good
Couldn't (and shouldn't) the same be said of those who vote for McCain just to keep a black man out of office? Or those that vote for Obama solely to have our first black president?

Yes it should. Unfortunatly theyre guarenteed the right to vote no matter what their prejudices are. Thats a flaw in the system but one we can do nothing about.
#166 Aug 30 2008 at 8:09 AM Rating: Excellent
Biden actually ran for the nomination of his party before, and Palin did not.

That's your difference.

Smiley: schooled

Edited, Aug 30th 2008 12:05pm by catwho
#167 Aug 30 2008 at 8:57 AM Rating: Decent
Zokudu wrote:
I hate people flipping a sh*t because Palin is a woman and McCains being underhanded in trying to win over female voters. Was Biden not chosen to cover up Obamas lack of experience?

I don't see how liberals view one as a ployt and the other not. Also Palin has spent her year in office Obama spent his time in the Senate running for the Presidency. And anyway if a woman votes for McCain just because they want a woman in office. That person should not be allowed to vote because they're too stupid and need to grow a brain.


not just a woman. a nobody. he picked a nobody who also happened to be a woman.

the lingering view to all of us, republican and democratic alike is he picked her because she was a woman and for no other reason other than mabe a very attractive woman.

it would have been differant if he took the ex govoner of texas. a woman who was a somebody. with experience in a state with millions. with a budget that required ballancing through tough decisions.

he picked a nobody.

the ONLY explanation is he picked her because she was a woman and for no other reason. mabe he is baiting the dems to make an issue of it. mabe he is baiting the dems to challenge her experience so they can turn it around on obama who has much more valuable experience than she ever would have gotten in alaska.


i think the repubs were at a wall. their poll numbers were totally stagnant. their contributions dribbeling in compared to the flood the dems were reaping. i thinkk they saw a slow death and went for some BANG.

a nobody. makeing everyone, dems and repubs alike scamble to adjust their rethoric one way or the other. a BANG that brought all the media on them adn away from the dems.

well, the gimik worked, is working. but what then after the BANG is yesterdays news? they are stuck with justifying.....a nobody.

its not about her being a woman. its about her being a NOBODY woman. they had better to choose from.

or mabe mccain was thinking with his other head......again......
#168 Aug 30 2008 at 9:01 AM Rating: Good
Worst. Title. Ever!
17,302 posts
Well, I did listen to a few interviews of her last night. She seems big on the Alaskan oil. And at least she's well spoken. Maybe McCain needs a young, beautiful face that could speak well to convey his ideas to the masses?
Can't sleep, clown will eat me.
#169 Aug 30 2008 at 9:09 AM Rating: Excellent
15,952 posts
Given how much of a nobody she is to most people in America, it is perhaps possible that she's actually very competent politically and executively, if given the chance. The lack of information/knowlege on her could be covering up good things about her, as well as could be covering up bad things about her. *shrug*

But yeah, I can see why a lot of people would be concerned about voting for the election of a person to a vice-presidency, that has a higher than usual chance of becoming a presidency, when you don't know nearly enough yet about the candidate.
#170 Aug 30 2008 at 9:17 AM Rating: Good
Vagina Dentata,
what a wonderful phrase
30,106 posts
TirithRR wrote:
Well, I did listen to a few interviews of her last night. She seems big on the Alaskan oil. And at least she's well spoken. Maybe McCain needs a young, beautiful face that could speak well to convey his ideas to the masses?

Cheney did it when he decided to run with Dubya.
Turin wrote:
Seriously, what the f*ck nature?
#171 Aug 30 2008 at 9:37 AM Rating: Decent
3,829 posts
Zokudu wrote:
I hate people flipping a sh*t because Palin is a woman and McCains being underhanded in trying to win over female voters. Was Biden not chosen to cover up Obamas lack of experience?

Picking a VP candidate based on experience is addressing an actual issue having to do with qualification for the office.

Picking a VP candidate based upon sex is a stunt intended to draw attention away from the candidate's qualifications or lack thereof and focus the nomination on an issue which should, ideally, be entirely disregarded when considering a potential candidate. "Oooh, look, we have a WOMAN here. See the XX chromosomes! Never mind that she has no other qualifications, she's a WOMAN!"

Get the difference? The first is actually a legitimate issue. The second the sort of cynical tokenism that is baldly insulting to any woman intelligent enough and secure enough in her feminism to believe that whether or not a candidate has ovaries should never actually enter the equation.
#172 Aug 30 2008 at 10:10 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Zokudu wrote:
I hate people flipping a sh*t because Palin is a woman and McCains being underhanded in trying to win over female voters. Was Biden not chosen to cover up Obamas lack of experience?
The difference being that Biden actually brings something to the administration. When Obama announced for Biden, the Chicago Tribune put it this way "Perhaps poor politics but good government". In other words, Biden might not have been the best vote-collector but he was a good choice for the slot from the perspective of who brings the best stuff to the job.

Palin's the opposite. She brings nothing to the job and was selected as a novelty. Her sole purpose is to collect votes, not to be an effective government official.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#173 Aug 30 2008 at 10:35 AM Rating: Good
2,813 posts
It's not just about Sarah being a VPILF; my fiance kept commenting last night about how hot Todd Palin is.

Regardless, she's going to be stealing plenty of camera time from Obama as the new young politician that everyone wants to know more about, which I'm sure was McCain's intent.
#174 Aug 30 2008 at 11:28 AM Rating: Good
kylen wrote:
Regardless, she's going to be stealing plenty of camera time from Obama as the new young politician that everyone wants to know more about, which I'm sure was McCain's intent.

Like I said, political experience aside, she's eye candy, and sure to get more TV time for his campaign.
#175 Aug 30 2008 at 12:29 PM Rating: Good
4,158 posts
If she believes in 'Creationism' enough to believe it should be taught to children alongside the 'sciences', then she is obviously window-licking delusional and should never be allowed into a position of making decisions based on 'best' evidence.

That alone would disqualify her from any kind of position of power in my opinion, as it shows that she is able to be persuaded into a position without having to see any actual 'facts'.

A bit like GWB and his WMD's.

I'm assuming having her on the VP ticket is a way of getting the USA to become a rabidly fundamentalist nation, because IF the pubbies were to win, theres no way McCain is going to last out his term, and then you are gonna end up with a religeous nut-job in the WH with their twitchy-itchy-trigger-finger on the button of doom.

Go Go Obama. If only to keep the hardcore god-botherers out of the picture.

To parphrase obama...

'Come on america, we KNOW you are better than this!'
"If you have selfish, ignorant citizens, you're gonna get selfish, ignorant leaders". Carlin.

#176 Aug 30 2008 at 1:15 PM Rating: Good
Aripyanfar wrote:
Given how much of a nobody she is to most people in America, it is perhaps possible that she's actually very competent politically and executively, if given the chance. The lack of information/knowlege on her could be covering up good things about her, as well as could be covering up bad things about her. *shrug*

But yeah, I can see why a lot of people would be concerned about voting for the election of a person to a vice-presidency, that has a higher than usual chance of becoming a presidency, when you don't know nearly enough yet about the candidate.

This is America. From the time you step out of graduate school, and into a political position, every single step you take, every move you make, is watched, scrutinized, recorded, and put on Wikipedia. She's a nobody to the public. She's not a nobody.

Honestly, you're thinking far too into it... there's no grand strategy behind picking her as the VP. It was done for material (well, relatively material) gain of the votes of depressed Clintonites that have nowhere else to turn.

IE blows. No spell checker ftl
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