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edwards, what was he thinking?Follow

#27 Aug 08 2008 at 3:33 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
gbaji wrote:
Or they'd both realized they'd become different people, but maintained their marriage out of convenience both politically and for their kids, but when McCain met someone they agreed to a divorce.
You realize, of course, that you're just completely making stuff up (which contridicts the accounts of people who were involved in the event) just to try to make your guy less of cheating, lying, disloyal asshole, right?
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#28 Aug 09 2008 at 10:00 PM Rating: Decent
10,359 posts
Is cheating on someone's spouse (personally repugnant to me ethically) even relevant to the sort of character of a person who would make a good governer and protector of the united states?

I'm not saying of course that people WOULD vote for john edwards for this: I understand that affairs cause irreparable harm to the emotions and lives of the parties involved, but are they relevant at all to the question of: "Is this moral foible relevant in a minor way, in a major way, or not at all to whether someone should (not could get elected) be the president."
#29 Aug 09 2008 at 10:25 PM Rating: Decent
3,211 posts
Pensive wrote:
Is cheating on someone's spouse (personally repugnant to me ethically) even relevant to the sort of character of a person who would make a good governer and protector of the united states?

It's an issue of trust. We like to at least be able to pretend the people in office are trustworthy people (they usually end up proving otherwise quite publicly as of late). Infidelity doesn't do much to make you seem trustworthy, hence the issue for most people.
#30 Aug 09 2008 at 10:56 PM Rating: Good
10,359 posts
I can think of NOT A SINGLE instance in recent memory where a person has told me that s/he "trusts" politicians (in fact popular opinion from what I hear is that not trusting politicians is the more sensible choice) I still do not see why this is a big deal? It's like 10/10 q:"Do you trust politicians? a:"@#%^ no!"

Hell people might even need (or secretly want) a president that is capable of breaking bonds and treaties and promises just for their policy to have any chance of enacting material change, under the premise of security. You might need an untrustworthy and ruthless little tyrant ruling your country in the guise of democracy in the interests of efficacy. One wants there to be some absolute governmental ruthlessness and backstabing in the interests of getting the job done; we just don't want to see it, is all. Only when these things leak out washington like sperm out of monica's lips may we allow ourselves to be shocked, SHOCKED I say?

What the @#%^ did I just become a republican? Must think for few minutes

Edited, Aug 10th 2008 4:30am by Pensive
#31 Aug 10 2008 at 2:42 PM Rating: Default
running for president, on the short list for the vp slot, cameras on him 24/7.......and he cheats on his wife who is dieing of cancer? and uses campaign contributions to pay his ho over 100k to build web sites when she has no experience?

Pretty much a non factor for me. I always wonder what countries with morals think of us though.
#32 Aug 10 2008 at 3:48 PM Rating: Good
I think the thing that annoys the Dems most about this is that he was willing to run for the candidacy even with this huge skeleton in his closet. It was the fact that it was an unknown and could have destroyed us during the year that this election is supposed to be tipped in our favor anyway.

Although the parallels with McCain are striking, at least in McNasty's case he didn't deny it (much.) It's all been out there, the drama is old, and since the facts are mostly before us we can judge accordingly. The Repugs knew about it and nominated him anyway (because they seriously thought they were gonna be running against Clinton and McCain would have beaten her quite handily.)

This whole Edwards headache is just beginning, and if he had been the nominee it would have been the beginning of the end.

I don't expect my politicians to be perfect, but I consider fidelity to be the highest moral value I hold, so I DO think a lot less of Edwards because of this. I didn't really like him that much to begin with; I always felt he was a used car salesman faker, but he's given me no reason to like him at all now.

#33 Aug 10 2008 at 4:17 PM Rating: Default
I think the thing that annoys the Dems most about this is that he was willing to run for the candidacy even with this huge skeleton in his closet. It was the fact that it was an unknown and could have destroyed us during the year that this election is supposed to be tipped in our favor anyway.

Although the parallels with McCain are striking, at least in McNasty's case he didn't deny it (much.) It's all been out there, the drama is old, and since the facts are mostly before us we can judge accordingly. The Repugs knew about it and nominated him anyway (because they seriously thought they were gonna be running against Clinton and McCain would have beaten her quite handily.)

This whole Edwards headache is just beginning, and if he had been the nominee it would have been the beginning of the end.

I don't expect my politicians to be perfect, but I consider fidelity to be the highest moral value I hold, so I DO think a lot less of Edwards because of this. I didn't really like him that much to begin with; I always felt he was a used car salesman faker, but he's given me no reason to like him at all now.

Good post, good read. I dont think the dems will take much of a hit on this. The main stream press took their time picking up on this story and by the time they did pick it up it was already an old story.

The real story in the long run will be why is the main stream press so confused about what they can report on. Why is it taking over a week for the main stream press to report on what the internet considers recycled news?

Edited, Aug 10th 2008 8:17pm by Boomsticker
#34 Aug 10 2008 at 4:27 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Boomsticker wrote:
I always wonder what countries with morals think of us though.
Which ones? Puritania?
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#35 Aug 10 2008 at 4:41 PM Rating: Excellent
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
Boomsticker wrote:
running for president, on the short list for the vp slot, cameras on him 24/7.......and he cheats on his wife who is dieing of cancer? and uses campaign contributions to pay his ho over 100k to build web sites when she has no experience?

Pretty much a non factor for me. I always wonder what countries with morals think of us though.

Are there any?

In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

#36 Aug 10 2008 at 4:42 PM Rating: Good
catwho, pet mage of Jabober wrote:
I consider fidelity to be the highest moral value I hold,

I consider the calm way in which I don't kill strangers to be the pinnacle of my morality.

I assume you hold fidelity in such high regard because you're nobody until somebody loves you, right? Frankly codependents such as yourself make me ill.
#37 Aug 10 2008 at 4:46 PM Rating: Good
10,359 posts
I assume you hold fidelity in such high regard because you're nobody until somebody loves you, right? Frankly codependents such as yourself make me ill.

You find the prospect that someone can be both sexually liberated yet respect faithfulness dubious? I can get along just fine without someone to love me, but there's no reason to half-*** the love and trust if you're going to be with another person. Be faithful or just don't engage in mutual commitment with people; it's that @#%^ing simple.


I abhor infidelity myself because it's lying. Dishonesty just does not jive with living an authentic life.

Edited, Aug 10th 2008 8:45pm by Pensive
#38 Aug 10 2008 at 4:50 PM Rating: Default
Are there any?

Don't know. Dont really care. No one cares about you as much as you do.
#39 Aug 10 2008 at 4:52 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Boomsticker wrote:
Don't know. Dont really care. No one cares about you as much as you do.
Smiley: confused
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#40 Aug 10 2008 at 5:00 PM Rating: Excellent
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
Boomsticker wrote:
Are there any?

Don't know. Dont really care. No one cares about you as much as you do.

Well, you opened the door, fUCkslap.

The U.S. is puritanical compared to most countries, or at least most we'd consider allies.

In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

#41 Aug 10 2008 at 5:05 PM Rating: Good
Pensive wrote:
I assume you hold fidelity in such high regard because you're nobody until somebody loves you, right? Frankly codependents such as yourself make me ill.

You find the prospect that someone can be both sexually liberated yet respect faithfulness dubious?

No, I find the idea that someone would hold only fUcking one person as their greatest moral value laughable. I mean, it's virtue by inaction, first of all, and there's plenty of really awful things we all don't do all the time. I don't kill people, I don't rape people(much, and only ever if they're asking for it) and I don't perform exploratory surgery on kittens using my **** as a scalpel. Surely these are all greater victories of my spirit than merely limiting myself to one sex partner would be.

I abhor infidelity myself because it's lying. Dishonesty just does not jive with living an authentic life.

An "authentic life"? That sounds pretty stupid. There are many worthwhile lies. There are even honorable lies. And what's more authentic than getting some on the side?

Edited, Aug 10th 2008 6:03pm by Barkingturtle
#42 Aug 10 2008 at 5:27 PM Rating: Good
Vagina Dentata,
what a wonderful phrase
30,106 posts
Really, I'm all for sluttiness, but be an ethical **** and be honest about not being monogamous with your partner[s], otherwise you are just too push of a p*ssy to be honest with everyone about what you want. I don't think monogamy is really a virtue. I do think being honest with the people closest to you about basic stuff is.

As far as Edwards go, i don't know why anyone is surprised. Anyone who becomes powerful has a big ego and don't think the rules apply to them--otherwise, they'd never be inspired to do things like think they can run the country. I wish that people's puritanical beliefs about sexuality wouldn't keep getting in the way for people politically. We need the best qualified politicians,not a bunch of moralistic bastards who have spent their life toeing the line.

I think it is unfair, for example, that Edwards and his wife couldn't have an open relationship and get away with that politically.

Edited, Aug 10th 2008 9:25pm by Annabella
Turin wrote:
Seriously, what the f*ck nature?
#43 Aug 10 2008 at 5:38 PM Rating: Default
Boomsticker wrote:
Are there any?

Don't know. Dont really care. No one cares about you as much as you do.

Well, you opened the door, *********

The U.S. is puritanical compared to most countries, or at least most we'd consider allies.

Ya I opened the door. America is one big target. Are we puritanical compared to the middle east? THEY dont think so.

My statement holds true..
Don't know. Dont really care. No one cares about you as much as you do.

You helping us down the road to destruction isnt helping. Everyone would love to see America fall. Does this include you?
#44 Aug 10 2008 at 5:38 PM Rating: Good
It has nothing to do with codependency; it has everything to do with the fact that someone made a vow before whatever higher power they believe in, and adultery is breaking that vow.

Don't want to be in a monogomous relationship? Don't get married.

(My fiance and I have a look but don't touch policy. He gets all the **** he wants, and he doesn't complain about my romance novels. Fair is fair.)
#45 Aug 10 2008 at 5:43 PM Rating: Good
catwho, pet mage of Jabober wrote:

(My fiance and I have a look but don't touch policy. He gets all the **** he wants, and he doesn't complain about my romance novels. Fair is fair.)

Because that's healthy and natural, to stifle whatever desires one might have for the sake of fitting into a clean little mold. Totally, morality is all about denying yourself pleasure.

If I were limber enough to sUck my own cOck, I'd bite it, just to teach myself a lesson.

Edit: Eat my own cheese? I feel violated.

Edited, Aug 10th 2008 6:42pm by Barkingturtle
#46 Aug 10 2008 at 5:47 PM Rating: Good
YAY! Canaduhian
10,293 posts
Just a guess, but I figure Edwards was thinking, "how do I get me some o' that?"

And then he dazzled her with that hair.
What's bred in the bone will not out of the flesh.
#47 Aug 10 2008 at 6:19 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Boomsticker wrote:
I always wonder what countries with morals think of us though.
Boomsticker wrote:
Are we puritanical compared to the middle east? THEY dont think so.
Middle Eastern people who hate us have bigger reasons than Edwards.

Edited, Aug 10th 2008 9:17pm by Jophiel
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#48 Aug 10 2008 at 6:44 PM Rating: Good
10,359 posts
No, I find the idea that someone would hold only @#%^ing one person as their greatest moral value laughable.

Gotcha and I, despite what I am about to write, agree with this statement.

An "authentic life"? That sounds pretty stupid. There are many worthwhile lies. There are even honorable lies. And what's more authentic than getting some on the side?

I knew you would probably comment on that, and rightfully so, because I could not find the words to express myself properly and did not wish to write five pages on the topic. So, would you like me to rephrase that in a clearer way? I will be happy to.

Because that's healthy and natural, to stifle whatever desires one might have for the sake of fitting into a clean little mold.

Assuming you are being sarcastic. This is bullsh*t. There's a correct and sensible way to be a hedon and it's called read @#%^ing Epicuris (which incidentally informs much of the utilitarian tradition). You must stifle a great many of your impulses in life that lead to pleasure because much pleasure only ever leads to eventual pain. We don't eat entire chocolate cakes because we will probably either puke or take a painful sh*t the next day which is larger than Montana; rather, we eat a single peice of cake and embrace the eudaimonesce bliss of being full and content.

Totally, morality is all about denying yourself pleasure.


Morality is a word, often fraudulent, misunderstood, arbitrarily defined, and almost meaningless. However, the ethical system through which I inform my critique of your earlier comments is untility, and having sex wantonly is not a good idea under well...

Epicuristic Hedonism
Most Act Utility
Rule Utility
Categorical Impulsion
Divine Command
Secular Ethics

Certainly, the degree to which one "wantons" in the sexual infidelity can make exceptions in whether or not one is inethical. By and large, however, cheaters @#%^ing suck.


[quote-Anna]I do think being honest with the people closest to you about basic stuff is.[/quote]

Yes and for those of us who do happen to value monagamy as more pleasurable than simply physically (and I am not snidely deriding those who find it pleasurable purely physically here; I am really being sincere) I would be extremely grateful for a lady to have the balls to tell me if she wants someone else. Honesty.

Good enough for you BT?

Edited, Aug 10th 2008 10:46pm by Pensive
#49 Aug 10 2008 at 7:00 PM Rating: Excellent
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
You helping us down the road to destruction isnt helping. Everyone would love to see America fall. Does this include you?

Look, I know you're just trolling; but would you at least put some effort behind it?

In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

#50 Aug 10 2008 at 7:03 PM Rating: Good
Pensive wrote:

An "authentic life"? That sounds pretty stupid. There are many worthwhile lies. There are even honorable lies. And what's more authentic than getting some on the side?

I knew you would probably comment on that, and rightfully so, because I could not find the a hedon and it's called read @#%^ing Epicuris (which incidentally informs much of the utilitarian tradition). You must stifle a great many of your impulses in life that lead to pleasure because much pleasure only ever leads to eventual pain. We don't eat entire chocolate cakes because we will probably either puke or take a painful sh*t the next day which is larger than Montana; rather, we eat a single peice of cake and embrace the eudaimonesce bliss of being full and content.

First off, I don't eat cake because that sh*t makes you fat and fatties don't get laid. I'm honestly not certain I want to keep at this painful discussion with you, dude. I mean, cake? Honestly? I was talking about intercourse and you thought we should talk about cake?

Look, I already said I don't rape people very often; I restrain myself significantly to accomplish this. However, if some chick with great tits and an *** that makes me want to curl up in its cleavage and hibernate wants to have some consensual extra-marital intercourse with me I am all for it. I don't advocate sticking your **** in every available negative space, because ain't nothin' on Earth that black and white, bro.


Morality is a word, often fraudulent, misunderstood, arbitrarily defined, and almost meaningless. However, the ethical system through which I inform my critique of your earlier comments is untility, and having sex wantonly is not a good idea under well...

Epicuristic Hedonism
Most Act Utility
Rule Utility
Categorical Impulsion
Divine Command
Secular Ethics

Certainly, the degree to which one "wantons" in the sexual infidelity can make exceptions in whether or not one is inethical. By and large, however, cheaters @#%^ing suck.

I'm sorry someone hurt you so badly they turned you into...this.

for those of us who do happen to value monagamy as more pleasurable than simply physically (and I am not snidely deriding those who find it pleasurable purely physically here; I am really being sincere) I would be extremely grateful for a lady to have the balls to tell me if she wants someone else. Honesty

Good enough for you BT?

Sure, that's good enough for me. You find monogamy pleasurable because you derive so much self-worth from being loved, and being told and showed so. That's cool, but it's sort of pathetic, too. I mean, when you equate monogamy with honesty and integrity and you thus assign its virtue, I think you're really fUcking up the whole thing. Monogamy is cool because it's unique. It's cool because you can covet your special little corner of the human experience and no one else does it the same and that makes it fUcking rad. Honesty is its own virtue, so dig honesty for honesty's sake, but don't hang that weight on monogamy, too, and don't pretend that all cheaters are liars. Some of them are just really horny a lot of the time.

Well, I'm off to the bar with the sole intent of nailing a married chick. Wish me luck!

Edited, Aug 10th 2008 8:01pm by Barkingturtle
#51 Aug 10 2008 at 7:08 PM Rating: Decent
10,359 posts
You find monogamy pleasurable because you derive so much self-worth from being loved, and being told and showed so. That's cool, but it's sort of pathetic, too. I mean, when you equate monogamy with honesty and integrity and you thus assign its virtue, I think you're really ******* up the whole thing. Monogamy is cool because it's unique. It's cool because you can covet your special little corner of the human experience and no one else does it the same and that makes it ******* rad. Honesty is its own virtue, so dig honesty for honesty's sake, but don't hang that weight on monogamy, too, and don't pretend that all cheaters are liars.

More or less yes.

Some of them are just really horny a lot of the time.

I understand this. Which is why I advocate telling you're goddamn spouse what you want out of the relationship. It doesn't matter what people want so long as the two involved want the same thing.
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