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Ok, seriously. Why are blacks so touchy?Follow

#52 Jul 10 2008 at 8:02 PM Rating: Good
697 posts
The removelment of Obama's testiculation would irrevicallably have, unchanging irreperable adversid sopranic repurcussiveness on Obama's articulutividness!

And that's all I got to say about that.

Stolen, like all good lines should be.
#53REDACTED, Posted: Jul 11 2008 at 4:24 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) totem,
#54 Jul 11 2008 at 4:39 AM Rating: Good
2,374 posts
You may leave the country at any time Smiley: grin
#55 Jul 11 2008 at 6:10 AM Rating: Excellent
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
ToUtem wrote:
I find that remarkable, if for no other reason than it shows blacks aren't voting on issues. They vote strictly on race--

You say that as though race were not an issue. It is, Totes.

In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

#56REDACTED, Posted: Jul 11 2008 at 8:41 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) You may leave the country at any time
#57 Jul 11 2008 at 10:42 AM Rating: Decent
16,160 posts
Shadowrelm, Michelle Obama didn't say "in a long time," she said, "for the first time."

And, yes, Sammy, race is absolutely a factor-- and a major one at that, but solely? Ona factor of close to 9 out of 10 voters choosing a candidate on a basis of race? Especially since she is the wife of our ostensibly first black president? It seems out of proportion to the actual differences between Obama and Clinton, especially when compared to, say, women, who were far more evenly split.

#58 Jul 11 2008 at 11:21 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
While race was undoubtably a major factor, I don't think it was solely "vote for the black guy". Rather, the Clintons compounded the problem with their ham-handed handling of the racial issue before the first major black population state of S. Carolina. Blacks who would have voted for Clinton based on Bill's previous record were turned off by their rhetoric leading into the primary. December polls from SC had Clinton tied or slightly leading Obama. The January Clinton antics helped give Obama a big win in the state and set the tone for the other states.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#59 Jul 11 2008 at 12:17 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
Jophiel wrote:
Blacks who would have voted for Clinton based on Bill's previous record were turned off by their rhetoric leading into the primary. December polls from SC had Clinton tied or slightly leading Obama. The January Clinton antics helped give Obama a big win in the state and set the tone for the other states.

You don't really think it was "Clinton antics" that caused that shift, do you? What antics are we talking about here...?

I suspect it had much much more to do with black folks seeing Obama doing well in the initial primaries, realizing that he could win, and then turning out in droves... to vote for the guy with the same skin color as them. While I suppose some Clinton "antics" could have accounted for that, it's not like those antics were any more unusual than we always see in an election.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#60 Jul 11 2008 at 12:23 PM Rating: Decent
16,160 posts
True dat, Jo. Maybe that should spur those ardent supporters of Bill Clinton and his wife to reevaluate their uncritical love of the former president concerning his vices. After all, if they are just now realizing his true racist nature, then perhaps they were wrong about other areas of his life as well? Because, really, it isn't like we didn't know that he was a bigot, conpulsive liar, and unrepentent misogynist to begin with, right?

Oh yeah, my bad. Bill can't do wrong.
/slaps forehead
How could I forget?

And before you crow how we Pubbies can't let go of ol' Slick Willie, allow me to remind you his wife chose him as her husband many years ago and stuck with him. What does that say about her judgement of character and the judgement of nearly half of all Democratic voters in this past primary season?


Edited, Jul 11th 2008 4:23pm by Totem
#61 Jul 11 2008 at 12:54 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
gbaji wrote:
What antics are we talking about here...?
Were you sleeping through January? You missed the surrogate jabs about Sidney Poitier? Comparisons of MLK & Johnson and who was more relevent in the civil rights battle? "Fairy tale"? This article mentions that Clinton had a 52-39 lead among SC blacks in December. If they were blindly voting for any black guy, that wouldn't have been the case.
I suspect it had much much more to do with black folks seeing Obama doing well in the initial primaries, realizing that he could win, and then turning out in droves
I suspect that was part of it as well. Some of it may have also been that they liked Obama, skin color aside, but didn't think he was viable until early January. Or that they were impressed with how he handled the first primaries and switched their votes for that reason. Really, there's no easy way to tell. But we do know that Clinton lost a 13pt lead among blacks in the states and turned it into a staggering defeat.
it's not like those antics were any more unusual than we always see in an election.
Aside from the whole racial angle while we discuss voting choices among blacks, you mean Smiley: rolleyes
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#62 Jul 11 2008 at 12:56 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Totem wrote:
What does that say about her judgement of character and the judgement of nearly half of all Democratic voters in this past primary season?
Ask a Clinton supporter Smiley: smile
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#63 Jul 11 2008 at 12:57 PM Rating: Decent
16,160 posts
Admittedly, you got me with that one, Jo.

#64REDACTED, Posted: Jul 11 2008 at 8:21 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) i think your undersetimating the rage built up over the whole iraq mess. yes people are tired of it, and yes the media has moved on, but it is still the biggest reason obama is the candidate instead of clinton. she voted for it. people rememberd. by by.
#65 Jul 11 2008 at 9:11 PM Rating: Decent
2,228 posts
Totem wrote:
The subject of race is freaking weird with blacks. It's as if they are obsessed with the very thing they claim to despise. For instance, the mayor of New Orleans pretty much has to be a black. It doesn't so much matter how black they are, just as long as they are black. Case in point, before the present mayor there was a guy who had, as I recall, 1/16th negroid blood in him. He looked whiter than white, missing only blond hair and blue eyes and a name like Von Raffenburg, but to the black population of Nawlines, he was acceptable as a politician, especially compared to the "genuinely" white candidate who opposed him. It mattered not what his stance was on anything to do with city functions or services, just that he was black. Hilarious.

Granted, Louisiana isn't maybe the norm, but the subject sends blacks into a tizzy. ****, a bunch of politicians have made a career of race-- Jackson, for one, Sharpton, Chuck Rangel, Marion Barry, and the politician chick in DC who was arrested for trying get into Congressional building without her pass are among a whole slew of people who are amazingly touchy about their and other's blackness.


First off I hate you for using that vile phrase "Nawlins"

Secondly, I'm trying to find this mysterious 'Von Raffenburg' amongst the list of non-fictional New Orleans Mayors but I'm drawing a blank. Our mayors have recently been Black, Black, Creole and black but from 1978 on back to 180'freakin'3 the list is looking a bit chaulky.

If you're going to poke fun at the politics of my fair state then do it right and mock the jocking pile of retards we've had as Governor instead of making up sh*t about the mayors and using the word 'negroid'


Now if yall excuse me I've got to be getting back to fix'in my gator lines and headin on down the bayou...
Busa's Cloth Guide 1-100
Zaredx wrote:
Gjallihorn + Carnwenhan = Green Ranger's Flute! DRAGONZORD!
#66 Jul 12 2008 at 5:32 AM Rating: Default
If you were black then you would do the human thing and grab hold of anything and everything which could make you feel like you belonged and which could assist you in your fight to get one step further up the ladder.

I think it's fairly self explanatory why a lot of people bring race into the argument, because once it's about race they tend to get what they want pretty damn quick. I'd bring race up to, if i were lucky enough to have a race to bring up.

It's a bit like rubberband, the whites of history pulled it one way and now the blacks of today are pulling it the other. Good on em I say.

*note contains generalisations no meant for consumption by anyone, offence is likely but **** you, you were warned WHITEY!.
#67 Jul 12 2008 at 9:27 AM Rating: Decent
its true.

most of us still have a "us and them" mentality. one of the biggest reasons we have had all white presidents up untill now is because most of this country is white and we voted for "our kind".

not to mention the black candidates that did run were the angry type on a mission to punnish the rest of us for what happened to their grandfathers. not gona get alot of votes that way. jesse jackson and alot of black leaders including reverand wright used that pent up anger and the fustraition felt by the black communty to create a leadership role for themselves. there was a time when it was necessary.

obama is a new generation. a new mind set. its time to stop focusing on yesterday and start focusing on tomarrow. thats his message. and thats why he draws the ire of all those black leaders who built a life for themselves harping about yesterday and preaching anger. the fact that so many black people did vote for him, many who ddnt bother voting at all before even when jackson was running is a testament that they want to move foward. they want to move past the hate and anger.

and like king, obama,s message is something that appeals across all racial barriors. we are one. one america. one people. white, black, brown, yellow, republican, democrat, all one. and we need to stop this "us and them" mindset weather its about race, or about party affiliation. we need to stop being divided.

mccain cant take us there. neither could hillary. and the support that obama found across all racial and political boundries is a testament that alot of "us" want what he is preaching. forget the pissng and moaning about spacifica agendas, thats not going to change. but the anger and fustraition can change. the concept of us and them can change.

but not if people keep harping about it on public forums.

if color is all you can see, then color is an issue....for you. and i can even see th right, and even hillary trying to use color to create anti black sentiment on public forums. she tried to make an issue out of the "blue caller whites" dont like obama to try and persuade the delegates she is the best choice. she tries to plant that seed of racism to get what she wanted.

for that alone, her political carrer should be over. you can also se and hear it on just about every conservative forum on tv or radio too. trying to herd people into that "us and them" mentality by constantly harping over and over on the "large black turn out".

what about the historically recordbreaking WHITE turnout for obama? not a peep. just the constant hammering of the "black" issue to sink that "us or them" mindset into peoples heads.

it is sickening in this day and age to see it by people that SHOULD be responsible adults.

bigotry. whats worse, bigotry for political gain. WTF? thats not why our forefathers fought and died.

grow up people. its time to move foward, not sideways.....again......
#68 Jul 12 2008 at 10:39 AM Rating: Good
16,160 posts
Two things:

First, shadowrelm, I can't believe you're ranting on about our racism and then you come right out say they voted for THEIR kind, as if blacks are allowed to behave using a different standard than the standard you judge whites by. They can vote for their own, but whites aren't given that allowance because then it'd be racist? That's a circular argument if I ever heard one.

Second, Nawlines is just that. You could tell who was from Lousiana and who was a tourist by the way they pronounced the city's name. If you said it like, "Noo Or-lee-anns" you were definitely from out of state. How do I know? Becaue I lived in that sh1thole of a state for three long long looooong years. And I have never met a bunch of more inbred, insular, and foolishly prideful people than coonas$$es. The Thibideauxs and Robicheauxes in their white shrimping boots and bibbed overalls, gorging themselves on crawfish ettouffe and rabbit/nutra/gator gumbo, yucking it up with their three kids ages 11, 11.5, and 12 years old-- each of whom is drunk off their a$$es from the Pearl Lights their parents gave them during the Mardi Gras party they're hosting at 9 in the morning.

Oh yeah. I know all about Cajuns. After all, I used to scrape them off the pavement at 9:15 in the morning because they got up to go shrimping at 4 am and were hammered by 5:30. And yes, I know all about the open container laws where they have drive through hurricane shops. Recognise those, Hayabususa? The one where they scotch tape the plastic lid to the styrofoam cup complete with a straw sticking out the top and call that a closed beverage container? Meanwhile, every idiot out there is slamming hard liquor down while driving on roads barely wide enough to handle two cars passing each other through the fetid swamps you so artifully call bayous.

Shall I discuss how the state's citizens use any open space as landfill? Where every available spot of dry ground is a final resting place for rusting and broken oil drilling equipment? How old couches and trash bags and tires fill the sloughs that run through nearly every town in the lower half of the state?

Or how about the people who live near Ft. Polk? Yeah those guys. The ones who make hillbillies from Arkansas look like Nobel Peace Prize winners in the science division?

Lastly, bone up on your reading skills. If you bothered to learn some of those English words they use in places outside your crappy little state instead of that Quebecian patois you guys call Acadian French, you'd have seen I was refering to a fictitious mayor who could have passed for your supposedly black former mayor. Sorry, I just insulted Quebec. My bad. As a province of Canada, you are three or four rungs up the ladder from natives of Louisana. My apologies.

#69 Jul 12 2008 at 11:09 AM Rating: Default
2,228 posts
Totem wrote:
Two things:

First, shadowrelm, I like to toss around an 'us vs. them' mentality because I'm a giant tool.

Second, New orleans is city plagued by poor leadership that I will now brand as a dump site swamp inhabbited by twenty four hour drunks. But enough about that city; everyone listen to me as I use brash generalizations to describe millions of people based on an archaic system that divides us on which shade of brown we are. I demand attention like Rush Limbaugh at an all you can eat oxycontin buffet!

Sean "Totem" Hannity

There ya go, I fixed your failure rant. So just a shot in the dark but did you recently find your girlfriend riding some black dude like a sea gull on the Amistad all the way back to Africa? Because you sir have some hate issues.
Busa's Cloth Guide 1-100
Zaredx wrote:
Gjallihorn + Carnwenhan = Green Ranger's Flute! DRAGONZORD!
#70 Jul 12 2008 at 11:18 AM Rating: Good
16,160 posts
Lol, no hate issues here, coona$$. I just have lived in a number of locations that give me a realistic perception of the world, which in turn allow me to pass righteous judgement on that cesspool you call home. But you just go right on ahead and keep believing that your little dank corner of the world is that wonderland you like to think it is.

By the way, nice little bit of racist imagery there. Drag that out of a Mandingo fantasy of yours?

#71 Jul 12 2008 at 11:35 AM Rating: Default
2,228 posts
Totem wrote:
which in turn allow me to pass righteous judgement

You've officially lost whatever "funny ha-ha" vibe your ramblings had to them and are now knee deep in ********* Let me know how next weeks clan meeting goes.
Busa's Cloth Guide 1-100
Zaredx wrote:
Gjallihorn + Carnwenhan = Green Ranger's Flute! DRAGONZORD!
#72 Jul 12 2008 at 12:37 PM Rating: Good
16,160 posts
My clan meeting/reunion will actually be quite enjoyable, thankyouverymuch. However, to judge by your implicitly racist post about the supposedly illicit and forbidden nature of interacial sexual unions, your Klan meeting might just produce a veritable 100 car train of mutally ************ reach-arounds resulting in enough man-goo to extinguish that burning cross you lit just minutes before. Good luck with that, coona$$.

And, yes, this is speeling smack, but just a much higher artform of it than you've been exposed to before. Run with this last sentence, Thibideaux. I chucked out a softball even a weak sister like you can punch out of the ballpark.

#73 Jul 12 2008 at 12:41 PM Rating: Good
16,160 posts
Consider it me giving you like a 35 handicap to my scratch golfing, ok? Yeah, I'm magnanimous and very gracious like that. Perhaps Pensive and you could team up and do an Asylum version of best ball golfing.

#74 Jul 12 2008 at 3:30 PM Rating: Default
2,228 posts
OOOOO, double posting. You're quite adorable when you get all pissy in the pants. None the less, you made stupid comments about the history of a city you didn't like and I corrected you.

Let's get this train to Clarksville back on track though and talk about the original reason you posted all of this mess and gave me enough coal to fuel the troll trolly from St. Charles on down to Canal.

"Why are Black people so touchy?" was the original topic of discussion.

You then posted a vid link to a story about Jesse Jackson (one black person) making remarks about Obama (another single person of black heritage) and asked "why are black people so touchy?" I think my problem with you is that you seem to have taken this situation and used it to make an overwhelmingly stupid comment that all black people make every issue out to be race related.

You then made another generalization against the citizens of New Orleans. Claiming that the people here only vote based on race. I can only assume that you imply in a town that, at the time of the last mayor election, was 2/3 African American would therefore automatically elect a Black official. You cited no factual information; you just turned on the tap to that big mouth of yours and didn't know when to close it.

These are what we call stereotypes.

"a standardized mental picture that is held in common by members of a group and that represents an oversimplified opinion, prejudiced attitude, or uncritical judgment" ripped straight from Meriam Webster

This arrogant attitude towards people you don't understand and to people who simply live somewhere that you didn't enjoy leads me to believe that you're a bit of a bigot. That and the fact you use one of the lamest make believe words "Nawlins" and that you replace "s" with "$" leads me to believe that you're just an idiot as well.

Ohh well, none of this is goign to change your mind. And I'm sure everyone else has moved onto fresher and funnier threads than this.

Busa's Cloth Guide 1-100
Zaredx wrote:
Gjallihorn + Carnwenhan = Green Ranger's Flute! DRAGONZORD!
#75 Jul 12 2008 at 4:17 PM Rating: Decent
Black hole. Smiley: laugh

Racism exists on all sides, for sure, but Totem's right, blacks are pretty much the only race (in this country, anyway) in which the majority of people will overreact (negatively) on the subject of race at every given opportunity, and even opportunities that aren't there. There's a big old bag of chips on the shoulder of nearly every uneducated black person in U.S. and it's getting rather stale.
#76 Jul 12 2008 at 4:46 PM Rating: Good
16,160 posts
Alright, coona$$, let's hear if you think black people are not touchy about matters of race? After all, you're saying that my using Jesse Jackson is an unfair or incorrect picture into a black person's mindset. So?

As for Nawlines, Boudreaux, I stand by my assertion that the city is a festering boil on a pimple of a state and race is nearly the only thing its' citizens are concerned with. I present to you a mountain of evidence from the Katrina episode where black after black-- including the mayor --went on nationwide television and made the claim that White America didn't care enough about N.O. to do something about the supposed "disaster."

Race was the biggest issue in the mayoral elections I witnessed while I was imprisoned there. (Heh, just to think, I may well be headed to a different Angola shortly...) It trumped crime, poor police pay, corruption, schools, and the lottery. It boggles the mind how something so insignificant plays such a major role in New Orleanian's lives.

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