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Guess the Caucus (Repub Edition)Follow

#1 Jan 02 2008 at 9:08 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Tomorrow is the opening day of Primary Season with the Iowa caucuses. Unlike the Democratic caucuses, the Republican caucus is a simple matter of a secret single ballot.

Who Do You Think Will Win the Republican Iowa Caucus?
Giuliani:9 (16.7%)
Romney:6 (11.1%)
Huckabee:22 (40.7%)
McCain:8 (14.8%)
Thompson:1 (1.9%)
Some other candidate:8 (14.8%)
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#2 Jan 02 2008 at 10:05 AM Rating: Decent
Skelly Poker Since 2008
16,781 posts
Personally Guiliani is the only republican candidate that doesn't give me the perv-creepies.
Alma wrote:
I lost my post
#3 Jan 02 2008 at 12:30 PM Rating: Good
3,128 posts
Elinda, Star Breaker wrote:
Personally Guiliani is the only republican candidate that doesn't give me the perv-creepies.

Then you have not yet seen him in a dress.
#4 Jan 02 2008 at 1:09 PM Rating: Decent
Skelly Poker Since 2008
16,781 posts
fhrugby the Sly wrote:
Elinda, Star Breaker wrote:
Personally Guiliani is the only republican candidate that doesn't give me the perv-creepies.

Then you have not yet seen him in a dress.
Nah, even in a dress, I can still imagine Guiliani drooling over a well-endowed sexy woman rather than fantasizing about a blushing prepubescent boy.
Alma wrote:
I lost my post
#5 Jan 02 2008 at 3:16 PM Rating: Decent
30,086 posts
Romney in a walk. Huckabee a distant second.

To make a long story short, I don't take any responsibility for anything I post here. It's not news, it's not truth, it's not serious. It's parody. It's satire. It's bitter. It's angsty. Your mother's a *****. You like to jack off dogs. That's right, you heard me. You like to grab that dog by the bone and rub it like a ski pole. Your dad? Gay. Your priest? Straight. **** off and let me post. It's not true, it's all in good fun. Now go away.

#6 Jan 02 2008 at 6:59 PM Rating: Decent
269 posts
You forgot Ron Paul :(, $18 million has gotta count for something.
#7 Jan 02 2008 at 7:04 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
RaistlinDying wrote:
You forgot Ron Paul :(, $18 million has gotta count for something.
So far it counts for 2%
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#8 Jan 02 2008 at 7:25 PM Rating: Decent
Giuliani. 2004 showed us that polls were skewed to the informed voters. The uninformed will remember his 9/11 shout-outs and vote for him in various moments of doubt, panic, and idiocy becaue they're scared al qaeda will send a plane up their ***. McCain polls better on protection, but again--informed.
#9 Jan 03 2008 at 2:43 PM Rating: Decent
30,086 posts


No chance. Zero.


To make a long story short, I don't take any responsibility for anything I post here. It's not news, it's not truth, it's not serious. It's parody. It's satire. It's bitter. It's angsty. Your mother's a *****. You like to jack off dogs. That's right, you heard me. You like to grab that dog by the bone and rub it like a ski pole. Your dad? Gay. Your priest? Straight. **** off and let me post. It's not true, it's all in good fun. Now go away.

#10 Jan 03 2008 at 6:07 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Well, Huckabee is the predicted winner here. Only a quarter of the precincts are in for the Republican ticket but Huckabee has an 11% lead over Mitt (35/24). Then Fred Thompson of all people.

Wait and see what the other 75% have to say, I guess.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#11 Jan 03 2008 at 6:10 PM Rating: Good
30,086 posts
God I hate Huckabee.


To make a long story short, I don't take any responsibility for anything I post here. It's not news, it's not truth, it's not serious. It's parody. It's satire. It's bitter. It's angsty. Your mother's a *****. You like to jack off dogs. That's right, you heard me. You like to grab that dog by the bone and rub it like a ski pole. Your dad? Gay. Your priest? Straight. **** off and let me post. It's not true, it's all in good fun. Now go away.

#12 Jan 03 2008 at 6:41 PM Rating: Excellent
But he's so god damn cute!
"The Rich are there to take all of the money & pay none of the taxes, the middle class is there to do all the work and pay all the taxes, and the poor are there to scare the crap out of the middle class." -George Carlin

#13 Jan 03 2008 at 6:41 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
Smasharoo wrote:
God I hate Huckabee.

Is it dangerous for the space/time continuum for me to agree with Smash?

Ok. I don't "hate" Huckabee, but I don't think he'd be a great Republican Candidate. And not specifically because I totally disagree with his policies (although there are a couple that I'm not too thrilled with). Mainly because he's too easy for Dems to apply their standard rhetoric to (OMG! He's a Religious nutjob!!!). It doesn't help that he's got too much of a sharkish feel to him. Seems willing to pull just about anything to win, and that's always bothersome. It makes one wonder what kind of deals he'd be willing to make once in office (on things that I might care about a lot) to get things he wants (which I may *not* care about that much).

I'd still rather he be in office then either Hillary or Edwards though. Both of those candidates have the same "ikky" politician aspects *and* their goals are much worse (to me at least) then his. It would actually be an odd toss up if by some bizarre set of circumstances it came down to him versus Obama. Although, I'd likely vote for him in that situation purely on the "at least he wont accidentally ***** things up too badly" theory. Not exactly a winning endorsement though...
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#14 Jan 03 2008 at 7:18 PM Rating: Good
30,086 posts

Although, I'd likely vote for him in that situation purely on the "at least he wont accidentally ***** things up too badly" theory.

Moronic. The only possible reason for you to vote for Huckabee over Obama is partisan hackery unless you've grossly misrepresented your views here. Not that I'm adverse to partisan hackery, mind you, but at least be honest about it.

To make a long story short, I don't take any responsibility for anything I post here. It's not news, it's not truth, it's not serious. It's parody. It's satire. It's bitter. It's angsty. Your mother's a *****. You like to jack off dogs. That's right, you heard me. You like to grab that dog by the bone and rub it like a ski pole. Your dad? Gay. Your priest? Straight. **** off and let me post. It's not true, it's all in good fun. Now go away.

#15 Jan 03 2008 at 7:34 PM Rating: Good
Gbaji wrote:
Although, I'd likely vote for him in that situation purely on the "at least he wont accidentally ***** things up too badly" theory

This coming from someone who voted for Bush, twice.

Smiley: banghead
"The Rich are there to take all of the money & pay none of the taxes, the middle class is there to do all the work and pay all the taxes, and the poor are there to scare the crap out of the middle class." -George Carlin

#16 Jan 03 2008 at 7:45 PM Rating: Decent
30,086 posts

This coming from someone who voted for Bush, twice.

Don't be silly, Gbaji doesn't vote. Even if he did, it would be utterly meaningless as a Republican Presidential candidates chance of winning California has been about 1 in 500 for the last 20 years or so.


To make a long story short, I don't take any responsibility for anything I post here. It's not news, it's not truth, it's not serious. It's parody. It's satire. It's bitter. It's angsty. Your mother's a *****. You like to jack off dogs. That's right, you heard me. You like to grab that dog by the bone and rub it like a ski pole. Your dad? Gay. Your priest? Straight. **** off and let me post. It's not true, it's all in good fun. Now go away.

#17 Jan 03 2008 at 7:50 PM Rating: Default
35,568 posts
Omegavegeta wrote:
Gbaji wrote:
Although, I'd likely vote for him in that situation purely on the "at least he wont accidentally ***** things up too badly" theory

This coming from someone who voted for Bush, twice.

This coming from someone who also happens to believe that Bush has done a pretty good job as president and hasn't "screwed up" anything. He took exactly the correct actions to reverse what could have been a devastating economic hit after 9/11, and has continued to push his economic platform to all of our benefit. And I also happen to agree that invading Iraq was the correct course of action, and has ultimately done more for the long term benefit of the US (both generally and specifically in terms of terrorist threat) then had we not invaded.

You're free to disagree, but please don't apply your own views of Bush to my decision to vote for him.

My feelings about Obama are that he's a politically naive person. He's ill equipped to manage anything at a national level, much less a high executive position. His politics are paper thin, essentially designed to appeal on the surface to a broad audience, but lacking any real substance. When asked a tough question, he rarely has a good answer and falls back on some pretty simplistic positions when he doesn't just stumble around.

Obama would end up being another Jimmy Carter. A president who means well, but ends up alternating between being taken advantage of by the political sharks on his own side of the isle and making boneheaded decisions that have long term negative implications for our country. Being black isn't a good enough reason to vote him in. Not by a long shot.

On the other hand, Huckabee *is* one of those political sharks. So he'd be the one pushing and pulling to get his own pet things done. But, as I stated, at least he'd be doing them deliberately and as part of a plan, whereas Obama would end up kinda falling into them, with no cohesive structure.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#18 Jan 03 2008 at 8:04 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
gbaji wrote:
His politics are paper thin, essentially designed to appeal on the surface to a broad audience, but lacking any real substance.
Have you actually bothered to look into any of his stances & plans or are you basing this off of what you've caught in the air?

I doubt I'd change your opinion and don't intend to try but I'm sincerely perplexed why you'd say this if you had actually looked.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#19 Jan 04 2008 at 2:20 PM Rating: Good
30,086 posts

My feelings about Obama are that he's a politically naive person. He's ill equipped to manage anything at a national level, much less a high executive position.

Right, as compared to Huckabee, who when not stating that he doesn't believe in evolution and that gay sex is morally equivalent to necrophilia, is couched in back rooms manically plotting his Machiavellian rise to power on the world stage where he'll deftly outmaneuver Putin, Brown, Jintao et all while solving the middle east problem along with inventing a substitute for Oil made from bacon grease and monkey **** that will increase the US economy tenfold.

Seems pretty much consistent with the other tenets of your belief system. Carry on.


To make a long story short, I don't take any responsibility for anything I post here. It's not news, it's not truth, it's not serious. It's parody. It's satire. It's bitter. It's angsty. Your mother's a *****. You like to jack off dogs. That's right, you heard me. You like to grab that dog by the bone and rub it like a ski pole. Your dad? Gay. Your priest? Straight. **** off and let me post. It's not true, it's all in good fun. Now go away.

#20 Jan 04 2008 at 5:14 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
Jophiel wrote:
gbaji wrote:
His politics are paper thin, essentially designed to appeal on the surface to a broad audience, but lacking any real substance.
Have you actually bothered to look into any of his stances & plans or are you basing this off of what you've caught in the air?

Well. I haven't sat down with the man and asked him personally, but I have seen a number of his speeches, and I've read many transcripts of his conversations and interviews.

The one consistent factor with Obama is that he works hard to hit the classic "talking point" that's currently popular with the Left. Now, that's not unusual for a politician (obviously, Republicans would hit points popular with the Right, but you get the point), but in Obama's case, when you look past that, you see one of two things: Either a fairly radical take on socio-economics, or nothing at all. By that I mean that when he's asked more pointed questions, or allowed to elaborate on exactly what he'd do within some area, he either falls back on rhetoric ("move forward", "change the status quo", "push for progressive change", "not follow the Beltway mentality", etc...), or he falls into positions that are radically liberal and I don't think it's because he wants those things, but ends up supporting them purely because he gets cornered semantically on them.

Some examples:

When asked about his speech at the DNC:

Obama said he'll use his 20 minutes on the convention podium to counter Republican accusations that the Democratic Party stands for big government and big spending. Instead, he will argue that the party stands for helping people and using government to do it.

Ah... I see! So instead of standing for big government and big spending, he stands for helping people by using government. Um... Isn't this exactly what I've said a million times is the "trick" Social Liberalists use to get people to expand the size and scope of the federal government? Why yes! It is.

It's also meaningless. He's concentrating on the "talking point" (pursuing the "cause" of the moment), while actively avoiding talking about the mechanism used to achieve that goal (bigger government). This is shallow political rhetoric at its worst IMO.

His position on Network Neutrality

Classic Liberal position held by politicians who find that "supporting neutrality" must be good, regardless of what the actual law says. He's naive because he'd end up supporting a legal change that would effectively hand control of content to the local providers (the very cable and TV companies he thinks/claims he's opposing) while blocking actual free content competition on the internet (which is what's made it the ultimate example of how a true free trade environment produces benefits well beyond the profits by those who invest in it).

His position is a perfect example of a politician, who, through a lack of understanding of an issue adopts what appears to the the "popular" position, and makes things worse in the process. He's clearly just repeating what someone else told him he should say. Don't get me wrong, there are some valid arguments for the network neutrality position. But his are so surface level, that they don't even address the real issues. It's pure pablum.

His positions on wealth

He actively and enthusiastically believes in the economic ideology of folks like Warren Buffet. Great and all, but I don't think he really understands that he's effectively quoting Karl Marx in the process. He's either politically naive on this subject, or he really is a radical socialist who believes that wealth (capital) isn't actually property to be protected as a right, but is instead some sort of social obligation to the welfare of the people as a whole.

I'm actually not sure which is true, but either one puts him in the "I don't want this guy to have any real power" category. I do strongly suspect, however, that he really doesn't have more then an academic understanding of the economic policies he supports. Just based on the way he talks about economics. He seems to actually believe that this somehow represents what Americans want.

I can go on, but that's enough for now.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#21 Jan 04 2008 at 5:35 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
gbaji wrote:
Well. I haven't sat down with the man and asked him personally, but I have seen a number of his speeches, and I've read many transcripts of his conversations and interviews.
Fair enough. I'm looking at the "Issues" sections of several candidates websites and Obama's seem far and away more detailed and yet more concise in their meaning than that of his opponents. To pick a couple examples near and dear to my heart:

Romney on Education
Huckabee on Education
Obama on Education
Clinton doesn't have a dedicated Education issues statement

Out of those, Obama's easily blows the others away. Hell, his website section blows theirs away, plus he had an expanded PDF of further details. Hardly lacking of "real substance" in my book. As a side note, I do like how Huckabee promotes other academic fields beyond the Math/Science focus everyone else clings to.

Romney on Energy
Huckabee on Energy
Obama on Energy
Clinton on Energy

Romney's is short on details, Huckabee's is long on rhetoric and Clinton's actually gives some details but not nearly as much as Obama's. Again, not even counting the expanded PDF document if you want more information.

I'm skipping security issues because they handle them in radically different ways and it seems unfair to compare Clinton's "How to get out of Iraq" plan to Romney's "How to protect the US from jihad" plan. But you have the links and you're literate so knock yourself out. Obama and Clinton both have lengthy and detailed health care agendas which starkly stand out against Romney's brief descriptions and Huckabee's rambling rhetoric.

Personally, I'm not worried about brief answers for news stories because no one gives lengthy analysis then. The public, by in large, tunes that stuff out. But in forums where he has the leisure to go on at length about his policy ideas and plans, he does a much better job than the others. Even if you wanted to pretend he only does "as good", no one is providing more depth. You might not like his plans, but you can't pretend that they're lacking substance that anyone else is providing.

Edit: I skipped Giuliani because I plain forgot about him. Lucky for him that I did -- his issues statements are embarassingly anemic.

Edited, Jan 4th 2008 7:44pm by Jophiel
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#22 Jan 04 2008 at 6:02 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
Um... My reason for saying Obama is politically naive on those issues is *not* because he doesn't have well drawn out plans, but in a way because he does.

His education plan is essentially a cut and paste from sections of the two major teachers unions positions. Nothing he has is "unique" or "new". He basically outsourced his position.

Same deal with energy. He's basically parroting the talking points of the environmentalist groups. Does he have a lot of words? Yup. But he's basically just hitting the standard "use bio-fuels", "OMG! Global Warming!!!", and "big oil is bad" positions. I understand that these are traditional Liberal positions, but nothing in his web site is "new" on this front.

I'm particularly amused that he lists as the two problems: 1. Reliance on foreign oil, and 2. Global warming. Yet virtually the entire page is about global warming, and the only "solution" to ending reliance on foreign oil is magically mandating massively more fuel efficient vehicles. Um... That's not going to do it.

I can't imagine why I get the sneaking suspicion that he simply had a well paid environmentalist (or group of them) write his policy for him. Again. That's not shocking for a politician, but for one who claims to have "new ideas", his ideas are remarkably similar to what you'll find on various Liberal political groups websites as their "wish list" for the future.

Which is part of why I talked earlier about how he'd likely just be a puppet for those groups. Having given him his positions, those groups will wield incredible influence over his if he were to be president. A more seasoned politician would know to carefully phrase his positions so that they satisfy various political groups without committing to their exact positions as he has done.

Hence, he's politically naive.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#23 Jan 04 2008 at 6:16 PM Rating: Excellent
12,065 posts
Not that anyone asked, but:

- For healthcare plans, I like Clinton better than Obama.
- For taxes, I like Obama better than Clinton.
- I find Huckabee to be terrifying. I think he's an alien.

“It has always been the prerogative of children and half-wits to point out that the emperor has no clothes. But a half-wit remains a half-wit, and the emperor remains an emperor.”
― Neil Gaiman, The Sandman, Vol. 9: The Kindly Ones
#24 Jan 04 2008 at 6:29 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
gbaji wrote:
I'm particularly amused that he lists as the two problems: 1. Reliance on foreign oil, and 2. Global warming. Yet virtually the entire page is about global warming, and the only "solution" to ending reliance on foreign oil is magically mandating massively more fuel efficient vehicles.
You didn't read the PDF's, huh? It's okay. If you had, though, you would have read the additional plans for alternative energies development, distribution infrastructure and mass-transit rehabilitation. And the fuel standards, of course.

Oh well. This is why candidates talk in sound bites, I guess. People don't like to take the time to learn in depth Smiley: laugh

Anyway, as I said, I'm not trying to convince you. I assume that any positions you disagree with you'll dismiss as "naive" anyway so there's not much point in continuing.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#25 Jan 04 2008 at 6:35 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Nexa wrote:
- I find Huckabee to be terrifying. I think he's an alien.
Flea said she liked Huckabee's speech last night but his views on immigration are a polar opposite to hers and immigration is (not surprisingly) a key issue with her.

As I said, I like that he expands the education sphere beyond math & science. But given that I disagree with him on every key issue (to myself), promoting art classes in grade school isn't going to make me vote for him.

I'd talk about Clinton but Smash will just say it's because I'm afraid of her girl cooties Smiley: laugh
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#26 Jan 04 2008 at 6:43 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
Oh. I want to address this as well:

Jophiel wrote:
Personally, I'm not worried about brief answers for news stories because no one gives lengthy analysis then. The public, by in large, tunes that stuff out. But in forums where he has the leisure to go on at length about his policy ideas and plans, he does a much better job than the others.

I view this exactly the opposite. While I agree on the "brief" part, I think we can glean more about a politicians true positions and beliefs from a Q&A then we can from a canned statement on a website.

He's got staffers to research and write the stuff on his site. It's sculpted. I'd wager that if you asked him, he couldn't repeat half of what's written there. While Romney and Huckabee's sites are simpler, I'm pretty sure if you asked them, they could hit all of the points that are present. Kind of a tangent, but worth mentioning.

It's in the off the cuff statements that you learn about a candidate. He has to answer based on the knowledge in his own head, not the collective knowledge of his staff and supporters. Huge difference. It tells us what *his* positions are. And he does very poorly in that environment IMO. As I pointed out earlier, he tends to fall back to very standard statements. He's fallen into some very stupid holes when he finds himself in that situation, which indicates that he really doesn't have the breadth of understanding of those issues (especially things like foreign policy) that his site might indicate.

And when asked about economic policies, no matter how many times he claims he's "new and different", he's terrifying in his consistent fall-back to positions that are essentially socialist in nature (far more then this nation has seen before). His answer to everything seems to be "fix the problem in front of us and worry about paying for it later", which is a pretty sure way to end up "accidentally" growing government by a massive amount. As I pointed out earlier, he's "accidentally" quoted Karl Marx without realizing it (in his book in fact). He was actually talking about policies of Buffet's that he agrees with, but those policies are direct quotes of Marx. Ooops!

If he had a broader understanding of the issues, he wouldn't fall into traps like that.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
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