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Mind boggling experience at McD'sFollow

#102 Oct 10 2007 at 9:52 PM Rating: Decent
Regardless of where you work, it's simply not acceptable to be rude to paying customers. I did my time at McDonalds and I suffered through extremely rude customers. Little did I know, the worst was yet to come! I'm now a barista for Starbucks, and I'll tell anyone that the evil customers of McDonalds are NOTHING compared to the *** holes who drive in, BMW, after Mercedes, after Lexus, after Cadillac... You sincerely greet them and they don't even aknowledge you, and after they MAKE UP a drink that doesn't EXIST, they get pissy with you because the OTHER Starbucks makes it right, and I didn't.

Point is, it doesn't matter how rude someone is, as someone in the ****-ant customer service position, it's your job to be nice and accomodating towards customers. Don't like it? Go to college. (Not that it really matters, I work with people that have degrees and they're still stuck as baristas, but everyone has to have at least one customer service job in life...)
#103 Oct 10 2007 at 10:02 PM Rating: Good
3,118 posts
I'm now a barista for Starbucks

Dude, are you f'ucking serious. A barista? I would hardly equate the java jockeys that work at Starbucks to a barista. That's like comparing the drunken retiree that works at my corner packie to a sommelier. Just out of curiosity, do you compare your talents to the Sandwich Artists at Subway? Just shut the f'uck up with all your whining and get me my double skinny grande mocha latte, slightly wet, with an extra shot, a touch of hazelnut syrup, and a sprinkle of nutmeg.

#104 Oct 11 2007 at 12:49 AM Rating: Default
8,187 posts
What I miss about working at fast food the most was knowing that no matter how lousy my day was going, all I really had to do was be polite, yell at my employee's in the back room, or the freezer if I really had to yell.

I remember once I was in a fight with the Boss in her office (no clue what it was about anymore, and this is before I was a supervisor), and literally screaming at her...and I slammed the door and turned around to see an elderly lady standing at the register with the most wide eyed look I'd ever seen.

Immediately my game face went on and I cheerfully said "Welcome, how may I help you today?" and with a still wide eyed look she remarked "I have never seen anyone change moods that quickly before in my must be an actor".
Things I sometimes play...

"What do you want to be when you grow up?"
"I want to be a unicorn!"
"Awww, why's that?"........
"So I can stab people with my face."
#105 Oct 11 2007 at 7:48 AM Rating: Excellent
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
Princess Dyadem wrote:
What I miss about working at fast food the most was knowing that no matter how lousy my day was going, all I really had to do was be polite, yell at my employee's in the back room, or the freezer if I really had to yell.

I remember once I was in a fight with the Boss in her office (no clue what it was about anymore, and this is before I was a supervisor), and literally screaming at her...and I slammed the door and turned around to see an elderly lady standing at the register with the most wide eyed look I'd ever seen.

Immediately my game face went on and I cheerfully said "Welcome, how may I help you today?" and with a still wide eyed look she remarked "I have never seen anyone change moods that quickly before in my must be an actor".

"Why, no, ma'am - just a drama queen."
In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

#106 Oct 11 2007 at 2:56 PM Rating: Default
I have no tolerance for rude people especially when they work with food.
If they are rude to customers then who knows what they are capable of doing to your food if you **** them off for any small reason.

(ps)I would have shoved all 4 of those ice creams so far down her throat she would be ******** my fingernails.
#107 Oct 11 2007 at 3:33 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
TheHiredGun wrote:
(ps)I would have shoved all 4 of those ice creams so far down her throat she would be sh*tting my fingernails.

Yes. Because clearly she's the one with the massive personality problem... ;)
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#108 Oct 11 2007 at 3:37 PM Rating: Default
No personality problem..
*cough*I'm the nicest guy you'll ever meet*cough*


#109 Oct 11 2007 at 3:41 PM Rating: Excellent
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
And a scintillating conversationalist, as well.
In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

#110 Oct 11 2007 at 3:46 PM Rating: Default
Thank You.
I be edumcated.
I grduated the 5th grade 3times.....
#111 Oct 12 2007 at 2:57 PM Rating: Good
3,339 posts
Well, regardless of which is bigger, at least the Whopper will taste better...
#112 Oct 12 2007 at 3:11 PM Rating: Good
16,299 posts
Obligatory "I can't believe this thread got to 3 pages" post.
#113 Oct 12 2007 at 8:45 PM Rating: Decent
It's Just a Flesh Wound
22,702 posts
Cheese = fail.

I get my hamburgers at mcdonalds with nothing but ketchup and sometimes onions on them.

Australian meat has a distinct taste. :P
Dear people I don't like: 凸(●´―`●)凸
#114 Oct 13 2007 at 1:18 AM Rating: Decent
Dude, are you f'ucking serious. A barista? I would hardly equate the java jockeys that work at Starbucks to a barista. That's like comparing the drunken retiree that works at my corner packie to a sommelier. Just out of curiosity, do you compare your talents to the Sandwich Artists at Subway? Just shut the f'uck up with all your whining and get me my double skinny grande mocha latte, slightly wet, with an extra shot, a touch of hazelnut syrup, and a sprinkle of nutmeg.


I suppose you order just like that.

Wonder how many times you've gotten decaf.
#115 Oct 13 2007 at 2:32 AM Rating: Excellent
YAY! Canaduhian
10,293 posts
boxerblue wrote:
I suppose you order just like that.

Wonder how many times you've gotten decaf.

"Oh yeah!? Well, I hope you like your morning without caffeine!"

You baristas are a savage lot.

What's bred in the bone will not out of the flesh.
#116 Oct 13 2007 at 2:58 AM Rating: Good
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
Princess Tare wrote:
boxerblue wrote:
I suppose you order just like that.

Wonder how many times you've gotten decaf.

"Oh yeah!? Well, I hope you like your morning without caffeine!"

You baristas are a savage lot.

Careful, you may upset him and force him to put full fat milk in your non-fat mocha.
#117 Oct 13 2007 at 3:03 AM Rating: Excellent
YAY! Canaduhian
10,293 posts
Well, I'll just pour my hot coffee in the garbage can to make room for cream.

What's bred in the bone will not out of the flesh.
#118 Oct 13 2007 at 3:12 AM Rating: Good
1,437 posts
The Nadenu of Doom wrote:
Obligatory "I can't believe this thread got to 3 pages" post.

Amen! Preach it sister
#119 Oct 13 2007 at 8:52 AM Rating: Decent
As a grand finale speaking to the awesomeness that is McDonald's customer service, the GM of the store is sending me coupons for free stuff. Woo fricking hoo.

She explained that there were "many meetings", the surveillance tape was reviewed and appropriate disciplinary action was taken, although what exactly is confidential. Additionally, they have also used my letter as an example for other managers at that store and the other store owned by the same owner because they found my experience to be a "terrible one" and would not want anyone else to have to endure it (read: it's probably posted in the lunchroom as a running gag). She also expressed her surprise and awe that I did not lose it right then and there. I wonder how many big mac vouchers they'll send. Smiley: rolleyes
#120 Oct 13 2007 at 10:12 AM Rating: Excellent
YAY! Canaduhian
10,293 posts
At least you got something, you big crybaby.

What's bred in the bone will not out of the flesh.
#121 Oct 13 2007 at 11:17 AM Rating: Default
You know that video of the black guy sucker punching that 70 year old guy at McDs?

Yea, that's the kind of thing that would have happened to that cnut.
#122 Oct 13 2007 at 5:44 PM Rating: Decent
Prodigal Son
20,643 posts
Jacobsdeception the Sly wrote:
Just shut the f'uck up with all your whining and get me my double skinny grande mocha latte, slightly wet, with an extra shot, a touch of hazelnut syrup, and a sprinkle of nutmeg.


That's not coffee, you pUssy. Merely a symbol of your pseudo-intellectual elitist wanna-be ********* The fanciest I ever get with my coffee is using maple syrup if I can't find a spoonful of sugar. Unless it's sugar-free syrup which really defeats the purpose.
publiusvarus wrote:
we all know liberals are well adjusted american citizens who only want what's best for society. While conservatives are evil money grubbing scum who only want to sh*t on the little man and rob the world of its resources.
#123 Oct 13 2007 at 8:06 PM Rating: Decent
216 posts
Elderon wrote:
(read: it's probably posted in the lunchroom as a running gag)

Haha well at least you know :)
#124 Oct 13 2007 at 8:23 PM Rating: Default
864 posts
Elderon, you sir are a douche bag.

Is this a personal attack? Yep

You have made this out to be a much bigger fiasco than it had to have been. What's one bad experience in the end anyways? I think you set a horrible example for your kids by making a scene and if I had been your child I would have been terribly embarrased.

So what if you got free coupons. So what if the upper level management agreed with you, you made a mountain out of a mole hill. I hate people like you.

You seem incredibly cocky:
Is it just me or are some of Canada/America's finest employed at McDonald's?

Then she decided to scream out the numbers in a condescending tone

You don't deserve someone's respect by publicly embarrasing them. People have feelings. You think she is going to kindly tell you her name when you have been such a jerk to her?

Here you make yourself out to be the good guy:

I got no more than 3 steps away and she shouted "I hope your kids never work at McDonalds." I replied "Don't worry, they won't." She retorted with "Oh, is that because you're so much better than us?" I bit my tongue so hard on that one. All I said was "Excuse me, but I have not been rude at all here, you are the one being totally disrespectful." and walked away ignoring any reply she may have had.

In what way have you EARNED her respect. Saying they never will work there DOES in fact make you sound cocky and like you are better than her.

Get off your ******* high horse. Stop being an ******* to people. I hope your wife sets a better example for your kids because you sure as hell don't.
Lurking since '04


#125 Oct 13 2007 at 11:47 PM Rating: Decent
2,499 posts
I work at Subway and everyone there regularly gives customers ****, if i don't like you or i'm having bad day i'm going to either ignore you or tell you to **** off if you annoy me.
Noone cares about the job, it's minumum wage, i'm not there to ensure that you have a pleasurable subway experince i'm there to get away with as little work as possible and then go home.

This is most likely why you are still working at Subway.

As far as this experience goes, I can understand where both people are coming from because I, too, have done my time at a fast food restaurant (Rally's).

Some guy who didn't know what the hell they were talking about wrote:
The customer is always right.

I can tell you now, the customer is far from being always right. Customers tend to forget that the people who are behind those counters, also have feelings. Sure, they are there to get what you need and to make sure you have a pleasant experience, but that doesn't mean they are your personal robot slaves.
#126 Oct 14 2007 at 2:17 AM Rating: Excellent
YAY! Canaduhian
10,293 posts
Sanothetraveled wrote:
Elderon, you sir are a douche bag.

Is this a personal attack? Yep

You have made this out to be a much bigger fiasco than it had to have been. What's one bad experience in the end anyways? I think you set a horrible example for your kids by making a scene and if I had been your child I would have been terribly embarrased.

So what if you got free coupons. So what if the upper level management agreed with you, you made a mountain out of a mole hill. I hate people like you.

You seem incredibly cocky:
Is it just me or are some of Canada/America's finest employed at McDonald's?

Then she decided to scream out the numbers in a condescending tone

You don't deserve someone's respect by publicly embarrasing them. People have feelings. You think she is going to kindly tell you her name when you have been such a jerk to her?

Here you make yourself out to be the good guy:

I got no more than 3 steps away and she shouted "I hope your kids never work at McDonalds." I replied "Don't worry, they won't." She retorted with "Oh, is that because you're so much better than us?" I bit my tongue so hard on that one. All I said was "Excuse me, but I have not been rude at all here, you are the one being totally disrespectful." and walked away ignoring any reply she may have had.

In what way have you EARNED her respect. Saying they never will work there DOES in fact make you sound cocky and like you are better than her.

Get off your @#%^ing high horse. Stop being an @#%^ to people. I hope your wife sets a better example for your kids because you sure as hell don't.


Someone has flipped a few too many patties today.
What's bred in the bone will not out of the flesh.
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