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Your official september 2007 Quizpoll of doom!Follow

#1 Sep 05 2007 at 7:04 PM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
Yar! it be that time again! This here be the most diabolical ninjapirate quizpoll! So if ye be not a'feard of the terros that can lie in a simple inauspicious post, then by all means, fill it out...

If you dare!

1. If you could pick one person out of anyone on the planet, and say "You! You are now president of the United States. Go over there and do presidenty stuff" who would you pick, and why?

2. After a near fatal car accident, you find yourself in immidiate need of a pancreas. If you could "aquire" the pancreas of anyone who posts here, who would you pick?

3. What is the coolest thing you have personally seen, ever?

4. The guy who broke into my appartment a few months back goes on trial September 10th at 9 am in Clark County, Washington superior court. What say ye on the verdict?
We the allakhazammers, find the defendant...
Guilty :33 (47.1%)
Innocent by reason of insanity :5 (7.1%)
Innocent :6 (8.6%)
Smelly and ill dressed! :26 (37.1%)

5. If you were going to write a question 5, and it had to incorporate the word "aardvaark" at least twice. What would you write?

/ninjapirate vanish!
Arch Duke Kaolian Drachensborn, lvl 95 Ranger, Unrest Server
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#2 Sep 05 2007 at 7:16 PM Rating: Decent
19,369 posts
Dread Lörd Kaolian wrote:

1. If you could pick one person out of anyone on the planet, and say "You! You are now president of the United States. Go over there and do presidenty stuff" who would you pick, and why?

Nobby, cuz he's an cnut.

Dread Lörd Kaolian wrote:

2. After a near fatal car accident, you find yourself in immidiate need of a pancreas. If you could "aquire" the pancreas of anyone who posts here, who would you pick?


Dread Lörd Kaolian wrote:

3. What is the coolest thing you have personally seen, ever?

A ***** on a chick.

Dread Lörd Kaolian wrote:

5. If you were going to write a question 5, and it had to incorporate the word "aardvaark" at least twice. What would you write?

How much wood would an aardvaark debark if an aardvaark could debark wood?

#3 Sep 05 2007 at 7:30 PM Rating: Good
Dread Lörd Kaolian wrote:
1. If you could pick one person out of anyone on the planet, and say "You! You are now president of the United States. Go over there and do presidenty stuff" who would you pick, and why?
I would get a white pages from a randomly selected state, probably with the roll of the dice, then I would randomly select someone in that book. Because anyone could do a better job.

2. After a near fatal car accident, you find yourself in immidiate need of a pancreas. If you could "aquire" the pancreas of anyone who posts here, who would you pick?

Danalog, because I'm sure that some of his programming might is stored in his pancreas.

3. What is the coolest thing you have personally seen, ever?

A midnight shuttle launch from exactly one mile away, the closest NASA will allow civilians to get.

5. If you were going to write a question 5, and it had to incorporate the word "aardvaark" at least twice. What would you write?

5. Why is it, with all the modern conveniences, would Kaolian allow Aardvark to be misspelled in a question asking us to use the word Aardvark?
#4 Sep 05 2007 at 8:05 PM Rating: Good
6,760 posts
Dread Lörd Kaolian wrote:

1. If you could pick one person out of anyone on the planet, and say "You! You are now president of the United States. Go over there and do presidenty stuff" who would you pick, and why?

My neighbor Frank. If he could run things half as well as he claims, the US would be the undisputed champion of the world.

2. After a near fatal car accident, you find yourself in immidiate need of a pancreas. If you could "aquire" the pancreas of anyone who posts here, who would you pick?

I doubt I'd be terribly picky, however considering the person would probably die I'd have to go with one of the tards from the OOT. Pick one.

3. What is the coolest thing you have personally seen, ever?

That's a tough one. Maybe I'm easily amused but I do recall seeing a giant clam nearly latch on to my buddy's leg when we were scuba diving. I giggled aobut that one for days.

4. The guy who broke into my appartment a few months back goes on trial September 10th at 9 am in Clark County, Washington superior court. What say ye on the verdict?

Not knowing anything about the case, I voted anyway.

5. If you were going to write a question 5, and it had to incorporate the word "aardvaark" at least twice. What would you write?

Are you turned on by aardvaark on aardvaark action?

Some people are like slinkies, they aren't really good for anything, but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down the stairs.
#5 Sep 06 2007 at 12:46 AM Rating: Excellent
Dread Lörd Kaolian wrote:
1. If you could pick one person out of anyone on the planet, and say "You! You are now president of the United States. Go over there and do presidenty stuff" who would you pick, and why?

Me, of course.

Mostly because of the girls I could pull, and the money I could rake in through corruption my inherent desire to better this world by spreading peace and love through a BLOODY REVOLUTION OF THE MASSES which, I guess, won't really be needed if I'm already President, but would be fun anyway

2. After a near fatal car accident, you find yourself in immidiate need of a pancreas. If you could "aquire" the pancreas of anyone who posts here, who would you pick?

Probably gbaji's. You can't post if you don't have a pancreas, right?

I kid, gbaji. *snuggles*

3. What is the coolest thing you have personally seen, ever?

Two (hawt) girls licking my ****.

I knew it when I was looking down, I was telling myself "Oli, you better take a good and long look at this, cos it's probably the greatest moment of your life, and will possibly never happen again!"

I was right, so far.

5. If you were going to write a question 5, and it had to incorporate the word "aardvaark" at least twice. What would you write?

If you had to insert your ***** into the ******* of an aardvaark, would you stick it in the aardvaark's pee-hole, or into the it's small and tubular mouth?

Cool poll Smiley: thumbsup
My politics blog and stuff - Refractory
#6 Sep 06 2007 at 4:58 AM Rating: Decent
Skelly Poker Since 2008
16,781 posts
Dread Lörd Kaolian wrote:

1. If you could pick one person out of anyone on the planet, and say "You! You are now president of the United States. Go over there and do presidenty stuff" who would you pick, and why?
Me, duh.

2. After a near fatal car accident, you find yourself in immidiate need of a pancreas. If you could "aquire" the pancreas of anyone who posts here, who would you pick?
gbaji, I'm frequently at a loss for words.

3. What is the coolest thing you have personally seen, ever?
Seeing is just so one-sidedly visual. Mostly, I guess, I find that things I see under the microscope or in a telescope to be really cool, but that's probably just because they tend toward the unusual.

4. See poll

5. If you were going to write a question 5, and it had to incorporate the word "aardvaark" at least twice. What would you write?
How much is that aardvaark in the window, the one with the waggly tail? How much is that aardvaark in the window? I do hope that aardvaark's for sale.

Hah, 3 times.

Editted #5 cuz someone had already taken my answer...Smiley: glare

Edited, Sep 6th 2007 3:05pm by Elinda
Alma wrote:
I lost my post
#7 Sep 06 2007 at 5:21 AM Rating: Decent
Dread Lörd Kaolian wrote:
1. If you could pick one person out of anyone on the planet, and say "You! You are now president of the United States. Go over there and do presidenty stuff" who would you pick, and why?

**** Cheney. Just so I could go "See? I told you it could have been worse."

2. After a near fatal car accident, you find yourself in immidiate need of a pancreas. If you could "aquire" the pancreas of anyone who posts here, who would you pick?

I'm taking Alla's. It's where he keeps his money, right?

3. What is the coolest thing you have personally seen, ever?

My former boss (middle management) getting sentenced to jail and the owners of my company handing out bonuses to everyone right then and there. (She stole 600k)

5. If you were going to write a question 5, and it had to incorporate the word "aardvaark" at least twice. What would you write?

If you had the choice of being buried alive with an Aardvark or having your head cut off by an Aardvark with a battle-axe, which one would you choose, and why?
#8 Sep 06 2007 at 5:32 AM Rating: Excellent
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
Dread Lörd Kaolian wrote:
Yar! it be that time again! This here be the most diabolical ninjapirate quizpoll! So if ye be not a'feard of the terros that can lie in a simple inauspicious post, then by all means, fill it out...

If you dare!

1. If you could pick one person out of anyone on the planet, and say "You! You are now president of the United States. Go over there and do presidenty stuff" who would you pick, and why?

Jon Stewart. Finally, a reason to tune in to the State of the Union address.

2. After a near fatal car accident, you find yourself in immidiate need of a pancreas. If you could "aquire" the pancreas of anyone who posts here, who would you pick?

Well, hell, I'm already down one. I'd have to take a couple to make up for that.

3. What is the coolest thing you have personally seen, ever?

Tough one! Probably a coral reef flying past as I was swept along on a current. Or a full moon/double rainbow dawn, which sound like a Ben & Jerry's flavor now that I think about it.

4. The guy who broke into my appartment a few months back goes on trial September 10th at 9 am in Clark County, Washington superior court. What say ye on the verdict?

I voted ill-dressed and smelly, even discounting the jail factor.

5. If you were going to write a question 5, and it had to incorporate the word "aardvaark" at least twice. What would you write?

I fought the aardvark and the aardvark won.

/ninjapirate vanish!
In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

#9 Sep 06 2007 at 7:55 AM Rating: Decent
10,755 posts
Dread Lörd Kaolian wrote:

1. If you could pick one person out of anyone on the planet, and say "You! You are now president of the United States. Go over there and do presidenty stuff" who would you pick, and why?

bohdi with shadow as a VP. Then we wouldn't have to listen to any more inane "teh prezident suckz" threads.

2. After a near fatal car accident, you find yourself in immidiate need of a pancreas. If you could "aquire" the pancreas of anyone who posts here, who would you pick?

Katie. She probably has enough for two people and wouldn't even notice.

3. What is the coolest thing you have personally seen, ever?

Rode in an M1 Abrahms tank as a kid.

4. The guy who broke into my appartment a few months back goes on trial September 10th at 9 am in Clark County, Washington superior court. What say ye on the verdict?


5. If you were going to write a question 5, and it had to incorporate the word "aardvaark" at least twice. What would you write?

Aardvark aardvark.

Edited, Sep 6th 2007 11:55am by NephthysWanderer
#10 Sep 06 2007 at 8:53 AM Rating: Good
5,492 posts
Dread Lörd Kaolian wrote:

1. If you could pick one person out of anyone on the planet, and say "You! You are now president of the United States. Go over there and do presidenty stuff" who would you pick, and why?

The Governator. Can't be any worse the the currant prez...

Dread Lörd Kaolian wrote:

2. After a near fatal car accident, you find yourself in immidiate need of a pancreas. If you could "aquire" the pancreas of anyone who posts here, who would you pick?

Thumb. Because I would have teh hawtness body part.

Dread Lörd Kaolian wrote:

3. What is the coolest thing you have personally seen, ever?

On my honeymoon we took a cruise to Mexico. On the 2nd day out to sea, we had a huge school of dolphins and acouple of whales right off the side of the boat.

Dread Lörd Kaolian wrote:

4. The guy who broke into my appartment a few months back goes on trial September 10th at 9 am in Clark County, Washington superior court. What say ye on the verdict?

Guilty. theives should be drawn and quartered.

Dread Lörd Kaolian wrote:

5. If you were going to write a question 5, and it had to incorporate the word "aardvaark" at least twice. What would you write?

To the Women:
The aardvark's tongue can measure up to 30cm. If your man had a tongue as long as the aardvarks, would you ever leave the house?
#11 Sep 06 2007 at 12:11 PM Rating: Default
1. I would pick myself because if someone's gonna ***** up the country, it might as well be me.

2. Anobix

3. I wish you had said done, really, but seen? A laboratory I visited showed me the closest that anyone has ever gotten to absolute zero. It wasn't that great to watch, but it was definitely the coolest.

4. Guilty, as I have no tolerance for idiots.

5. Who is aarvark ratnick, and is he actually an aarvark?
#12 Sep 06 2007 at 12:25 PM Rating: Decent
1. If you could pick one person out of anyone on the planet, and say "You! You are now president of the United States. Go over there and do presidenty stuff" who would you pick, and why?

Ahmadenijad, but only if he's still president of Iran as well. Should provide a nice view on the news from time to time whenever he calls himself the Devil and on the other hand asks himself to stop all nuclear activities.

2. After a near fatal car accident, you find yourself in immidiate need of a pancreas. If you could "aquire" the pancreas of anyone who posts here, who would you pick?

Not Gbaji, mainly because everyone else seems to want his pancreas. Well, just about anyone really, I'm not a picky person, definitely not when I'm in need of a pancreas.

3. What is the coolest thing you have personally seen, ever?

Honestly? I don't know, quite odd I must admit.

5. If you were going to write a question 5, and it had to incorporate the word "aardvaark" at least twice. What would you write?

If Aardvark A leaves the station in Boston at 5pm, heading towards Chicago at 50mph and Aardvark B leaves the station in Chicago at 6 pm heading towards Boston at 90mph, when and where would they meet?
#13 Sep 06 2007 at 12:36 PM Rating: Decent
2,164 posts
Dread Lord Kaolian wrote:
1. If you could pick one person out of anyone on the planet, and say "You! You are now president of the United States. Go over there and do presidenty stuff" who would you pick, and why?

I would choose Harrison Ford because I actually think he might do a good job. Don't laugh.

Dread Lord Kaolian wrote:

2. After a near fatal car accident, you find yourself in immidiate need of a pancreas. If you could "aquire" the pancreas of anyone who posts here, who would you pick?

Hmmm...probably Mindel because I am pretty sure hers is well taken care of.

Dread Lord Kaolian wrote:
3. What is the coolest thing you have personally seen, ever?

Thats a tough one. I would have to say participating in "The Line" (movie about it called Star Wait) when Star Wars Episode III came out and seeing all the absolute dedication people have to that movie series. I mean it is absolute fandom and pretty cool. It's nice to belong even if it is to a group of pretty whacked out folks.

4. I said Guilty!

Dread Lord Kaolian wrote:
5. If you were going to write a question 5, and it had to incorporate the word "aardvaark" at least twice. What would you write?

An aardvark does what an aardvark can!

#14 Sep 06 2007 at 12:57 PM Rating: Good
Vagina Dentata,
what a wonderful phrase
30,106 posts

If you dare!

1. If you could pick one person out of anyone on the planet, and say "You! You are now president of the United States. Go over there and do presidenty stuff" who would you pick, and why?

RedPhoenixxx, because he's French and a French US President would both **** the right off and bring up vague anxieties around us possibly returning the Louisiana purchase to a the current members of the French Monarchy, i.e. Charlotte Gainsborough, et. al.


2. After a near fatal car accident, you find yourself in immidiate need of a pancreas. If you could "aquire" the pancreas of anyone who posts here, who would you pick?

I want Nixnot's gay pancreas.

3. What is the coolest thing you have personally seen, ever?

This really amazing mid-60s kind of short dress which was flesh colored and covered with this lacey covered silver type overcovering and it was awesome.

4. The guy who broke into my appartment a few months back goes on trial September 10th at 9 am in Clark County, Washington superior court. What say ye on the verdict?

Not guilty by reason of insanity.

5. If you were going to write a question 5, and it had to incorporate the word "aardvaark" at least twice. What would you write?

What kinds of things do "aardvarks" and hookers have in common?

Edited, Sep 6th 2007 4:58pm by Annabella
Turin wrote:
Seriously, what the f*ck nature?
#15 Sep 06 2007 at 4:25 PM Rating: Good
Ministry of Silly Cnuts
19,524 posts
Dread Lörd Kaolian wrote:
1. If you could pick one person out of anyone on the planet, and say "You! You are now president of the United States. Go over there and do presidenty stuff" who would you pick, and why?

Sabrina the teenage witch, obviously

2. After a near fatal car accident, you find yourself in immidiate need of a pancreas. If you could "aquire" the pancreas of anyone who posts here, who would you pick?

DNadenu, stupid. I want a big, inflamed one!

3. What is the coolest thing you have personally seen, ever?

Darqflame knows Smiley: sly

4. #12

5. If you were going to write a question 5, and it had to incorporate the word "aardvaark" at least twice. What would you write?

A sphincter says what?

"I started out with nothin' and I still got most of it left" - Seasick Steve
#16 Sep 06 2007 at 5:16 PM Rating: Excellent
12,735 posts
1. If you could pick one person out of anyone on the planet, and say "You! You are now president of the United States. Go over there and do presidenty stuff" who would you pick, and why?

Samuel L. Jackson Smiley: nod Use your imagination as to why.

2. After a near fatal car accident, you find yourself in immidiate need of a pancreas. If you could "aquire" the pancreas of anyone who posts here, who would you pick?

Singdall, just for the chance to install Windows on it.

3. What is the coolest thing you have personally seen, ever?

I know it's cheesy, but Fireworks at Epcot. Smiley: yippee

4. The guy who broke into my appartment a few months back goes on trial September 10th at 9 am in Clark County, Washington superior court. What say ye on the verdict?
Poll isn't available in reply

[:duck:] ...meh...not the same. :(


5. If you were going to write a question 5, and it had to incorporate the word "aardvaark" at least twice. What would you write?

"Aardvaark...what the hell is an aardvaark?"
#17 Sep 06 2007 at 10:02 PM Rating: Decent
Dread Lörd Kaolian wrote:

1. If you could pick one person out of anyone on the planet, and say "You! You are now president of the United States. Go over there and do presidenty stuff" who would you pick, and why?


For obvious reasons.

2. After a near fatal car accident, you find yourself in immidiate need of a pancreas. If you could "aquire" the pancreas of anyone who posts here, who would you pick?

Hellboi, there is enough of him to go around a few times.

3. What is the coolest thing you have personally seen, ever?

BOOM! 'splosion from a JDAM hitting a mock target.

4. The guy who broke into my appartment a few months back goes on trial September 10th at 9 am in Clark County, Washington superior court. What say ye on the verdict?

Innocent by reason of insanity.

5. If you were going to write a question 5, and it had to incorporate the word "aardvaark" at least twice. What would you write?

Aardvaarks are teh suck, why would you have me use 'Aardvaark' twice in a sentence vice 'wombat'?

Edited, Sep 6th 2007 11:08pm by Rimesume
#18 Sep 07 2007 at 5:07 AM Rating: Good
1. nobby. he has the best avatar.

2. kiss my **** goodby. i wouldnt want any part of anyone here in my body.

3. my son at age 6 forging my wifes name in a teachers note for talking in class. hahahahaha, made me so proud i teard up.

4. if no one was home, drop the charges with a warning. if someone was home, wait outside the courtroom and shoot him in the hall.

5. if an aardvark could run for president, how many aardvarks would vote for him?
#19 Sep 07 2007 at 6:04 AM Rating: Decent
Skelly Poker Since 2008
16,781 posts
shadowrelm wrote:
3. my son at age 6 forging my wifes name in a teachers note for talking in class. hahahahaha, made me so proud i teard up.
Smiley: disappointed
Alma wrote:
I lost my post
#20 Sep 07 2007 at 11:27 AM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
In case anyone was wondering, Mr scientologist appartment breaker inner guy's trial has been pushed back to November 28th.
Arch Duke Kaolian Drachensborn, lvl 95 Ranger, Unrest Server
Tech support forum | FAQ (Support) | Mobile Zam: (Premium only)
Forum Rules
#22 Sep 07 2007 at 12:09 PM Rating: Good
3,128 posts
Dread Lörd Kaolian wrote:
Yar! it be that time again! This here be the most diabolical ninjapirate quizpoll! So if ye be not a'feard of the terros that can lie in a simple inauspicious post, then by all means, fill it out...

If you dare!

1. If you could pick one person out of anyone on the planet, and say "You! You are now president of the United States. Go over there and do presidenty stuff" who would you pick, and why?

2. After a near fatal car accident, you find yourself in immidiate need of a pancreas. If you could "aquire" the pancreas of anyone who posts here, who would you pick?

3. What is the coolest thing you have personally seen, ever?

4. The guy who broke into my appartment a few months back goes on trial September 10th at 9 am in Clark County, Washington superior court. What say ye on the verdict?
Poll Removed: No more than one per thread, please!

5. If you were going to write a question 5, and it had to incorporate the word "aardvaark" at least twice. What would you write?

/ninjapirate vanish!

1. Myself.
2. Whom ever has done the least drugs.
3. There was the time, after a rugby party, we took this visting french team on a Manhattan bar hopping tour, and I convinced this visiting frenchman that these two fugly crossdressers were really women and really hot, and that they wanted to perform joint oral on him. We all laughed so hard when he came out of the mens room with them and said that was the greatest moment of his life.Smiley: laugh God, we laughed for days and days, those looney frenchies.
4. Guilty.
5. Aardvaarks: are Aardvaarks not just for breakfast anymore.

Edited, Sep 7th 2007 9:11pm by fhrugby
#23 Sep 07 2007 at 12:47 PM Rating: Decent
8,619 posts
1. If you could pick one person out of anyone on the planet, and say "You! You are now president of the United States. Go over there and do presidenty stuff" who would you pick, and why?
Richard Branson. It's about time the Mighty US of A had someone with Brains and balls in charge.

After a near fatal car accident, you find yourself in immidiate need of a pancreas. If you could "aquire" the pancreas of anyone who posts here, who would you pick?
Virus in the hope that he died during the operation.

3. What is the coolest thing you have personally seen, ever?
I honestly can't think of anything that moved me more than seeing my wife on our wedding day. Sobby i know but true all the same.

Other than that probably a Victoria Cross Medal pinned to an old mans chest at the 50th Anneversary of the St Georges cross Malta Parade.
4. The guy who broke into my appartment a few months back goes on trial September 10th at 9 am in Clark County, Washington superior court. What say ye on the verdict?
Send him down!! for 10 hours community sevice.
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