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AllaNois RoundupFollow

#1 Aug 19 2007 at 7:33 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Since no one else has beat me to it.

Friday afternoon, Flea and I took a train into the city and a cab to the Seneca hotel next to the Hancock Tower. A rather nice hotel, especially for the price we were paying and the location. I am pleased to find out that we had real keys for our rooms instead of cards because I'm a Luddite like that. We got ourselves ready and killed time until 8:00pm dinner with some occassional text messages and stuff along the way.

At 8:00pm, we went down to the hotel restuarant, weaved past the cougars at the bar and found our party sequestered in the back part of the establishment. In attendence was Kastigir, Kao, Danalog, Mrs Danalog whose nickname I can't ever remember, Angsty, Twiz, myself, Flea, Smash, Nexa, Tare and Darkflame. DSD & Mr. DSD arrived soon after. Danalog appeared to be suffering from some form of wasting disease and we all pray that he receives treatment. Unfortunately, I sat far opposite of Darkflame and got to spend precious little time with her. Kao & Kastigir were mute. Smash and Nexa both forgot their respective significant others at the airport or something which presented quite a mystery for the Scooby Gang to solve. Tare is a wisp of a thing. Angsty has taller hair than most people I know. Twiz was simply taller than most people I know but was also malnourished. Smash, beyond his senile dementia when it comes to his significant others was also suffering from mange and had less hair than he did in Boston. All in all, it was like a sad African village except that we were all well fed and in the American midwest. DSD and I ate lampchops and they were yummy. We discussed things to do to Tricky for blowing us off.

A brief acknowledgement of Kastigir's generousity. He knows what he did and I thank him for it.

Speaking of generous people, Nobby called us at some point and eventually someone handed me a silver rectangle and told me that I should talk to it. I had no idea what in God's name it was, attempted to talk into it while holding it upside down, stared at it some more, tried it again and was finally rewarded by the voice of an angry Englishman yelling at me. I had no idea what in the fuck he was saying between the noise, the accent and the unfamiliar voice-sending technology and finally, being a couple drinks in the evening, decided that this wasn't going to go anywhere quickly and told DSD that it was for her.

Post dinner, we retired to Chateau Nexa and, for the first time in my short life, I spent over an hour in a hotel room with a bunch of loud drunk people and didn't spend any of that time convincing security personnel that we were indeed very, very contrite and would keep our voices down in the future. Darkflame was a powerful advocate for holding our next meeting in Vegas and was also shocked at Flea's expensive taste in booze. Danalog & Mrs Danalog totally yoinked the couch from Flea and I. Someday I'll get them back. Eventually Flea and I said "***** you guys and your lack of couches!" and went back to our bed. By all reports, others stayed a good bit longer.

The next morning, Flea and I ate breakfast at the hotel and met up with Tare, DSD/Sickabilly, Smash and Nexa and we headed off to the Chicago Art Institute. By which I mean that we stood in the rain and waited for a trolly then went to Millenium Park and then went to the Art Institute. We learned that some FBI guy raped the wife of some dude with a sign. We did not learned whether or not marks were left.

Oh, did I mention the rain? It's the Asylum Meeting Curse. Expect it to be 40F and raining in Vegas.

In the museum, Tare got to see some Impressionism, Nexa got to see some modern art, Flea got to see some Renaissance stuff and DSD got to see suits of armor and swords and pole-axes. About six times in fact but she seemed equally delighted each time we passed though. We made fun of the helm with no eye slits and talked about how useful it would be to have a shield with a gun sticking out of it. Later, the women were enthralled by tiny furniture proving that you're never to old to want a new dollhouse. At one point I totally put the moves on Tare.

Although they were not with us, Kastigir and Kao went to see the Air & Water show and, rumor has it, saw an F-22 Raptor. They said it sucked balls and they hope to never see another F-22 as long as they live. Honest.

After the cultural exhibit, we returned to the base of operations and went next door to the Hancock Tower to have a drink in the Signature Room and see the views. Sickabilly was very generous as well. We marvelled at the fact that Lake Michigan was, in fact, very large and then headed back to ready for dinner.

Dinner on Saturday night was to be at some Peruvian restaurant that I have no idea how to spell. We did have an address though and people got into cabs while Flea, Kastigir, Angsty, Kao and myself waited an ungodly long time for the valet to retrieve Kast's wheels. Another fine technological moment here -- Flea and I had decided that it might be helpful if we brought Flea's GPS from her car. It's a windshield mounted affair and is a couple generations old by this point but it does the job and we were feeling all clever for thinking to bring it. No sooner than we pull it from her bag when Kao and Angsty both pull out their cellphones and start giving satellite directions leaving Flea and I to feel like Australopithecus proudly showing off his pointy stick.

The Peruvian place was very yummy and we made Flea act as the liason between us and the waitstaff. Flea demanded that we try some South American witch's brew which tasted like sugary foam but came back later to punch you in the brain. DSD and I both ordered bunny rabbits and were both perplexed at the number of bones a damn rabbit has. Eventually we ate it with our hands as if it were fried chicken. Twiz ordered a bowl of soup he could swim in and then had dinner after that. Smash actually knew how to order in Spanish. We had more of the magic elixer. The final bill was eye popping, plus we paid in cash. It was a good weekend for the Chicago economy -- between Friday night's dinner and Saturday night's, we easily dropped well over a thousand bucks.

After dinner, the plan was to go back to the hotel and change and then met up to hit some club. What really happened was that each independent unit of our little gang went back to their room, felt brain-punched and fell unconscious. At 11:30pm, we decided to just hit the hotel bar again where we heard one of Satan's own lounge singers. Angsty, Danalog and Mrs Danalog went to some industrial club and we tried to guess what kind of music they play in a goth/industrial club. Smash, Nexa, DSD & Sickabilly all retired and Kast, Kao, Flea, myself and Twiz hung out in the lobby and discussed the shortcomings of everyone else on the forum. Eventually Angsty & Co returned and, as it turns out, all of our music guesses were correct.

On Sunday morning, Nexa hosted breakfast in her suite. Flea and Nexa made eggs and, um, more eggs and I destroyed some bacon in my own hotel room. I learned a few things from the experience such as "making bacon without paper towels is kind of a *****" and "the smoke detector in my hotel room doesn't work". People ******* about my crimes against pork but I noticed that the plate emptied all the same.

By this point folks started leaving for the airport where, as is my understanding, they are still. DSD, Sickabilly, Kastigir, Twiz and I went to the Field Museum of Natural History to see dinosaurs and mummies and dinosaur mummies. Flea fell in love with a stuffed tyrannosaur. DSD photographed everything that had even the slightest potential of making a decent avatar. Twiz and I discussed how to best 'rassel a raptor. The dinosaur kind, not the F-22. We learned all about Darwin and I lodged complaints about the lack of an Intelligent Design exhibit.

After the Field, that was about that. Twiz went off to reclaim his car, Flea and I grabbed our bags from DSD's room and we took off for the train. Flea and I had a swell time, it was great meeting all of you and I hope to see you all again next time we get together. Thanks for coming out here and saving me the airfare and delayed flights.

Edit: Reading, I can see a bajillion typos. I don't care. I'm tired.

Edited, Aug 19th 2007 10:38:14pm by Jophiel
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#2 Aug 19 2007 at 7:51 PM Rating: Decent
Thanks for the 411. Someday when the children grow...God it would be a blast to see you all in person.
#3 Aug 19 2007 at 7:55 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
I left out a shitload of details but I assume that some of the other 13 people can fill in their own bits.

I will say that, once again as in Boston, everyone was fun to be around and I didn't regret anyone's being there, just those who couldn't make it.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#4 Aug 19 2007 at 8:15 PM Rating: Excellent
Code Monkey
7,476 posts
I'm uploading the work-safe pics (IE no people in them) once the pics from the first half of my trip to Seattle and Vancouver finish updating. You will get to marvel at the glory of the nastyass bacon!
Do what now?
#5 Aug 19 2007 at 8:37 PM Rating: Decent
Prodigal Son
20,643 posts
I just realized that by next year's gathering I'll have a little kidlet and won't make that, either.

Glad to hear you all had fun and that again it was cold and raining!
publiusvarus wrote:
we all know liberals are well adjusted american citizens who only want what's best for society. While conservatives are evil money grubbing scum who only want to sh*t on the little man and rob the world of its resources.
#6 Aug 19 2007 at 8:59 PM Rating: Excellent
Code Monkey
7,476 posts
Mmmmmm evil bacon

(edited to not be humongous)

Edited, Aug 20th 2007 1:06:05am by Danalog
Do what now?
#7 Aug 19 2007 at 9:08 PM Rating: Excellent
That's just an unexcusable abuse of pork, right there.

Sounds like there was quite a bit of drinking, sorry I missed that. So, Vegas next year? Sounds like a plan, but are there any single chicks who want to be revealed as my not-so-secret sweetheart? Are there any single chicks, period?


Are you a chick?
#8 Aug 19 2007 at 9:16 PM Rating: Good
Wow that bacon looks nasty.

Glad ya'll had fun! Smiley: grin
Proud citizen of Miranda.

-Currently on Pochacco Server of Hello Kitty Online.
#9 Aug 19 2007 at 9:17 PM Rating: Decent
Prodigal Son
20,643 posts
That bacon looks like boiled *******. It doesn't look like it cooked enough to produce smoke that would disprove the functionality of a smoke detector.

Who the hell let you cook, anyways?
publiusvarus wrote:
we all know liberals are well adjusted american citizens who only want what's best for society. While conservatives are evil money grubbing scum who only want to sh*t on the little man and rob the world of its resources.
#10 Aug 20 2007 at 12:22 AM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
I must say, so far the bacon has yet to kill me. I'll give it a few more hours. More later. +1 posty count. yay
Arch Duke Kaolian Drachensborn, lvl 95 Ranger, Unrest Server
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#12 Aug 20 2007 at 1:20 AM Rating: Good
Sounds like you guys had fun!!

Well, if you post some pics, then I'll post the incredible story of what Nobby, BT, Nephtys, Thumb, Exo, Gbaji (Smiley: motz), Debalic and some really really hot chicks got up too during the Alternative Allanois Week-end For Cool People Not Geeks.

My politics blog and stuff - Refractory
#13 Aug 20 2007 at 1:45 AM Rating: Decent
15,952 posts
Thanks heaps Jophiel. Looking forward to others posting different details, or indeed, different realities.
#14 Aug 20 2007 at 3:17 AM Rating: Excellent
18,463 posts
Monsieur RedPhoenixxx wrote:
Sounds like you guys had fun!!

Well, if you post some pics, then I'll post the incredible story of what Nobby, BT, Nephtys, Thumb, Exo, Gbaji (Smiley: motz), Debalic and some really really hot chicks got up too during the Alternative Allanois Week-end For Cool People Not Geeks.

To be fair, it's a wild guess, but I'm thinking it has a lot to do with *************
#15 Aug 20 2007 at 3:25 AM Rating: Excellent
18,463 posts
Later, the women were enthralled by tiny furniture proving that you're never to old to want a new dollhouse.

Tiny furniture.Those rugs were all cross-stitched by hand!!!!

Grandfather Barkingturtle wrote:
That's just an unexcusable abuse of pork, right there.
If it makes you feel better, he did hump it first.

At one point I totally put the moves on Tare.
This was funny. At one point, Tare and I were admiring some art and chatting, and I notice Joph coming up to us, eyes on the artwork. It was cold in the museum, so he comes up to Tare and starts rubbing her arms, both of them still looking at artwork. I wonder, rather worried, if Tare's cold. Tare, in the meantime, lets out a contented brrrr. Joph jumps about a foot in the air and turns the color of beets. Despite the difference in appearance and my jaunty hat, he 'got confused' and thought he was rubbing my arms.

Good times. Smiley: grin

If it were me, I would have gone for the bewbs but what can I say, my man's old-fashioned.

Edited, Aug 20th 2007 6:28:57am by Atomicflea
#16 Aug 20 2007 at 3:25 AM Rating: Good
[quote=Atomicflea]To be fair, it's a wild guess, but I'm thinking it has a lot to do with *********************

It was that or the museum, so easy choice really.

My politics blog and stuff - Refractory
#17 Aug 20 2007 at 4:19 AM Rating: Good
6,760 posts
Atomicflea wrote:
This was funny. At one point, Tare and I were admiring some art and chatting, and I notice Joph coming up to us, eyes on the artwork. It was cold in the museum, so he comes up to Tare and starts rubbing her arms, both of them still looking at artwork. I wonder, rather worried, if Tare's cold. Tare, in the meantime, lets out a contented brrrr. Joph jumps about a foot in the air and turns the color of beets. Despite the difference in appearance and my jaunty hat, he 'got confused' and thought he was rubbing my arms.

Good times. Smiley: grin

If it were me, I would have gone for the bewbs but what can I say, my man's old-fashioned.

Edited, Aug 20th 2007 6:28:57am by Atomicflea

That is funny.

I've been similarly guilty of worse rubbing...
Some people are like slinkies, they aren't really good for anything, but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down the stairs.
#18 Aug 20 2007 at 4:39 AM Rating: Good
Ministry of Silly Cnuts
19,524 posts
Aripyanfar wrote:
Thanks heaps Jophiel. Looking forward to others posting different details, or indeed, different realities.
Yep. What were the cool kids doing while the wrinklies were looking at art and fondling tare?

I suspect we can enjoy a few months of speculating about "DF's Missing Hours" Smiley: sly
"I started out with nothin' and I still got most of it left" - Seasick Steve
#19 Aug 20 2007 at 6:44 AM Rating: Excellent
YAY! Canaduhian
10,293 posts
Ok so...

I arrived in Chicago at 3:30pm, only to be stuck in the airplane for half an hour while a gate freed up. Following that, I took a lovely 1.5 hour jaunt on an airport shuttle bus in rush hour traffic to the hotel. Along the way I saw a sign for Wrigley Field, a man picking his nose and a woman standing near a car that was on fire. I sent Nexa a text to tell her about my progress but she completely ignored me. *****. Nevertheless, I eventually arranged to meet Nexa and her boyfriend in the lobby of the Seneca at around 7pm. Nexa is a teeny firecracker and her boyfriend looked like someone I had seen before. Indeed, he reminded me of a surly ******* I know, but that's another story. Smiley: grin

We congregated at the restaurant and eventually all made it to the table. I had trouble remembering who anyone was and constantly badgered Nexa for names. No one was really how I had them pictured, except for Demea, who really does need to eat more! I sat the end of the table featuring the lovely and talented DF, Mr. Kastigir and Super Kao. Dinner was yummy, Nobby was funny and the wine flowed. Soon we moved the party upstairs to Nexa's room and Demea, Angsty, Kast, Smash and I kept it rolling until 2:30. Many thanks for the escort home, boys - despite Demea peeing on the flowers. Smiley: wink

I, remarkably, woke up without a hangover the next day. Demea, mysteriously, had a bruise on his face and DF was nearly dead, by all accounts. I think everyone else felt fine and we shuffled off in various directions to enjoy the day in Chicago. There is no doubt now why they call it the "windy city". It lived up to the name. Those of us headed to the Art Ins. took a red dot trolley and enjoyed view accompanied by the musical artistry of Michael Jackson, Kenny Loggins and Pink Floyd - a little something for all, though Smash and I were convinced the driver was on LSD. The museum and Millenium Park were cool. Nothing tops Jophiel lovin' me up a bit...he's a stallion! A martini atop the Hancock building wrapped up the day and everyone took a break before we headed out for a Peruvian feast. Also, a shout out to the tard on the elevator who talked about " going splat" about 75 times during our ride down 96 floors. Who are these people?

Flea was like a kid in a candy store at the restaurant. She was soooo excited to share some of her culture with us and the food was great! I had a really fun time and the sweet, little drinkies packed a wallop. I bailed on the evening's festivities after dinner. Sleep was on my agenda and Jerry Mcguire and I had a lovely time.

Yesterday was spent having breakfast and watching Jeopardy, cruising the mall, buying gifts for the kiddies, chuckling at the saccharin cuteness of Nexa and boyfriend, getting last minute pictures, playing Guillotine and bidding farewell. I was happy I went and glad to finally meet some the characters that frequent this place. I was only delayed by an hour or so but thanks for the airport company Nexa, Smash and Kao. Hope you made it.

All in all, good times, good times.

Edited, Aug 20th 2007 10:55:39am by Tare
What's bred in the bone will not out of the flesh.
#20 Aug 20 2007 at 6:45 AM Rating: Good
Lord Nobby wrote:
Yep. the wrinklies were fondling tare
That's hawt.
#21 Aug 20 2007 at 7:06 AM Rating: Excellent
7,861 posts
I have my own thoughts to add, but I'm still in Chicago, and currently busy packing. I will say that I had a lovely time, and now know what I missed in Boston. Yesterday and today were a little sad for me as everybody was leaving, and I realized that a weekend sometimes isn't enough for these types of gatherings. I truly <3 all of you, and will make it a point to never miss another one of these gatherings. As for my generosity, I would do the same thing all over again. It's a vacation, and that's when you're supposed to spend money.
People don't like to be meddled with. We tell them what to do, what to think, don't run, don't walk. We're in their homes and in their heads and we haven't the right. We're meddlesome. ~River Tam

#22 Aug 20 2007 at 7:25 AM Rating: Good
10,802 posts
So glad that you guys had a good time. Nexa, did you get the phone message I left on your hotel room's voicemail? I spoke with DF when she was either really tipsy or getting over her hangover and had a lovely conversation with Angsty. Hope you had a happy birthday Angsty! Smiley: flowers
#23 Aug 20 2007 at 7:26 AM Rating: Decent
10,755 posts
Atomicflea wrote:
[quote=Monsieur RedPhoenixxx]Sounds like you guys had fun!!

Well, if you post some pics, then I'll post the incredible story of what Nobby, BT, Nephtys, Thumb, Exo, Gbaji (Smiley: motz), Debalic and some really really hot chicks got up too during the Alternative Allanois Week-end For Cool People Not Geeks.

To be fair, it's a wild guess, but I'm thinking it has a lot to do with *********************

Close. I won a book about WoW. Which I will probably ********** on. Or in. Or both.

Surprised no one has taken me up on the shipping it to them part.
#24 Aug 20 2007 at 7:33 AM Rating: Good
NephthysWanderer the Charming wrote:
Surprised no one has taken me up on the shipping it to them part.

Well, if you want to dispose of some crappy wow-related freebie for 13-year olds, there's one place that can't fail.

The =71 forum.

My politics blog and stuff - Refractory
#25 Aug 20 2007 at 7:41 AM Rating: Excellent
10,755 posts
Monsieur RedPhoenixxx wrote:
NephthysWanderer the Charming wrote:
Surprised no one has taken me up on the shipping it to them part.

Well, if you want to dispose of some crappy wow-related freebie for 13-year olds, there's one place that can't fail.

The =71 forum.

If I'm paying shipping, it has to be someone who can rate up alot. So that one day, my name can magically turn a different color.
#26 Aug 20 2007 at 7:45 AM Rating: Excellent
NephthysWanderer the Charming wrote:

If I'm paying shipping, it has to be someone who can rate up alot. So that one day, my name can magically turn a different color.

If only there was a way to see how far away you were from a colour change, maybe through a numerical evaluation of the distance seperating you from said colour change and through which the number of rating up needed could be calculated, or something...

My politics blog and stuff - Refractory
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