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'All are equal, but some are more equal than others"Follow

#52 Jun 06 2007 at 8:47 PM Rating: Decent
4,158 posts

Learn from the mistakes of history?!

Are you takin the ****?

I've heard some utter bollox from you before... Your ability to see the slaughter in Iraq as a sign of progress towards democracy, for example, or my particular favorite, 'Fox News' is a fine example of fair and balanced journalism. Priceless!

But 'Hitler was a liberal', and then saying 'we should learn from the mistakes of history' is classic.

Hitler wasnt a 'liberal'. Jesus was a liberal.

Hitler was a murderous, racist, cheating, conniving, smart, and manipulative SoB. He pretended to be 'for the people', but had his own plans for what would come after he was in power. His rise to power was on the back of the workers who he conned into believing that he was going to improve their lot. The minute he got into power he reneged on every single promise he had made. Unfortunately, for the rest of the world, it was too late.

In much the same way as GWB said in the 2000 race for the Whitehouse..

"I'm not so sure the role of the United States is to go around the world and say this is the way it's got to be. We can help," Bush declared. "And maybe it's just our difference in government, the way we view government. I mean I want to empower people. I want to help people help themselves, not have government tell people what to do. I just don't think it's the role of the United States to walk into a country and say, we do it this way, so should you."

I also remember the word 'humility' being used by him.

And the minute he gets power, what happens? Off he goes projecting US military power and telling people how its going to be.

His statements before he became president were very 'conservative'. His actions since have been anything but.

This is the paradox of your opinions as far as I can tell. On the one hand you support the intervention of your govt. into the lives of the citizens of another country. You have seen your own govt. grow exponentially larger and more beauracratic, and vastly more expensive by the day. The govt. snooping into the affairs of its own citizens (you) by the use of wiretaps, and surveillance has never been so prevalant and invasive as it is today. Your constitution has been crapped on and manipulated to suit the needs of the Whitehouse and its machinations. And from what I gather, you feel all these types of things are what 'Liberal' govts would do.

Yet because its all being done in the name of 'protecting the citizens from the terrorists who want to "kill all Americans", you feel that its justified?!

You've been conned into believing that you're very existence is under threat from the jews islamic world, and the only thing thats gonna save you is for your govt. to be given all the power it needs to confront the threat. Very Hitler-esque I'd say.

Perhaps Dubya is the biggest liberal on the block? And if that is so, why are you so supportive of him?

And as far as 'learning from history' goes.....

Hmmm....I would suggest perhaps reading up on the disastrous British attempts to control Iraq from 1917 onwards.

Or the disastrous American war in Vietnam in the 60's.

Or any other attempts at foreign occupation of a country that doesnt want them there.

And as a favor to your clueless president, you should let him know that his comparing the present Iraq occupation to Korea in the 50's and the subsequent 50 odd years is pretty daft even for him and his amazingly tenuos grasp on reality.

Anyway. Hitler = liberal. Daft even for you.

I'm calling Godwin

"If you have selfish, ignorant citizens, you're gonna get selfish, ignorant leaders". Carlin.

#53 Jun 06 2007 at 8:58 PM Rating: Default
35,568 posts
Jophiel wrote:
gbaji wrote:
Define "reduction of government" Joph? See. This is the problem that conservatives face. It's virtually impossible to remove a government program once created, so arguing that since Republicans didn't "reduce the government" they somehow aren't upholding their own beliefs is a false dilema fallacy.

That explains the creation of an entirely new Department to the Government. Some false dilema indeed!

This is why I asked you to define "reduction of government" (or the opposed "increase of government"). Cause we were talking about government programs that are designed to produce some socio-economic benefit for the people. You know, like increases in medicaid, or the adoption of universal health care, and any of a list of other things relevant to this topic. Those are things that increase the "scope" of goverment. The government was not in the business of providing that service before and now it is.

Adding the Department of Homeland Security (which is what I assume you are referring to) does not increase the scope of the federal government one bit. It already had every single power that department has. All the new department does is consolidate and coordinate operations between a multitude of other agencies and departments.

You do see the difference, right? One increases the "size" of the government (increases its power). The other simply modifies an existing set of powers within the government.

How about you get to defining what you mean here (like I asked you to do)? Cause until then you can claim anything is an "increase" in the government.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#54 Jun 06 2007 at 9:12 PM Rating: Default
35,568 posts
paulsol the Righteous wrote:
Hitler was a murderous, racist, cheating, conniving, smart, and manipulative SoB.

Yes. And he was a liberal. What's your point?

See. Your problem is that you've started out with an assumption that in order to be a liberal you must somehow be an ethically enlightened being with nothing but good planned for everyone around you.

Which is just one of many reasons why I think liberals are the greatest danger this planet has ever seen. Your blindness in this reason is *why* you'll endorse a course of action without realizing that it'll end up badly. You simply can't even comprehend that a liberal and his cause can most definately result in horrific conditions for "the people".

Open your eyes. Sheesh!

He pretended to be 'for the people', but had his own plans for what would come after he was in power. His rise to power was on the back of the workers who he conned into believing that he was going to improve their lot. The minute he got into power he reneged on every single promise he had made. Unfortunately, for the rest of the world, it was too late.

Ah. I see. So it doesn't count because he was pretending. Got it. Maybe if "the people" had stopped and thought "Gee. Maybe we shouldn't just assume that someone promising to make our lives better is doing it for the best of intentions" a few dozen million lives could have been saved.

It doesn't matter if he was pretending or not. That's what you don't get. You're so focused on Hitler himself that you're missing the point. There will *always* be a Hitler waiting in the shadows for someone to create the proper conditions for him to take power. Always. And he'll always be pretending to be whatever it is you want him to be in order for him to get what he wants. That's the point. We can't rid the world of all the possible future Hitlers. We can avoid setting up the very conditions that those possible future Hitlers will use to gain power.

Unfortunately, most liberal agendas push to do exactly the opposite. That's the problem. That's the danger. And that's what's happened in Venezuela with Hugo Chavez. How many times do we need to see the same pattern repeated before those of you who continually demand more "progressive government" get it? You're the problem in the long run...
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#55 Jun 06 2007 at 9:15 PM Rating: Good
Tracer Bullet
12,636 posts

How do you function in society? I mean, beyond being a complete phony and all. Do you tell 50% of the people you meet that they are the greatest danger the world has ever seen?

#56 Jun 06 2007 at 9:28 PM Rating: Decent
4,158 posts
Yes. And he was a liberal.

No. He wasn't.


Open your eyes. Sheesh!

I've got mine open. The difference between me and you tho, is I dont have my eyes open while my heads stuffed up my own *****

You keep on being wrong. Making predictions that don't come true. Making statements that are easily refuted. Refusing to see the reality wich is right in front of your eyes.

No wonder you think Bush is a good ol' boy.

You're not related are you?
"If you have selfish, ignorant citizens, you're gonna get selfish, ignorant leaders". Carlin.

#57 Jun 06 2007 at 9:56 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
gbaji wrote:
You do see the difference, right?
Better than you, it seems.
How about you get to defining what you mean here (like I asked you to do)?
'Cause I don't really care? Seriously, you're so far off the mark here, it's not even worth the effort. How much work do you think I'm willing to put into receiving another five Gbaji paragraphs of "Conservatives are good and liberals are bad and here's why everything conservatives do is smart and everything liberals do is dumb and will lead to Hitler! HITLER!!"?
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#58 Jun 06 2007 at 10:04 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
gbaji wrote:
And he was a liberal.
One of those liberals who believes in disbanding labor unions, throwing communists in concentration camps as enemies of the state, allowing privately-owned companies to form virtual monopolies to control the market, seizure of property based on race and ethnicity, a massive expansion of the armed forces and launching campaigns to rid the nation of "degenerate" artwork and literature in lieu of government-approved stuff.

You know, one of those progressive liberals. /nod
Which is just one of many reasons why I think liberals are the greatest danger this planet has ever seen
Which is just one of the many reasons you're one of the greatest tools this planet has ever seen.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#59 Jun 07 2007 at 2:11 AM Rating: Decent
gbaji wrote:
Which is just one of many reasons why I think liberals are the greatest danger this planet has ever seen.


No, seriously, I think that hahahahahahahahaha !!!

Oh gbaji.

Then again, it seems that your definition of "liberal" is "People that pretend to be nice but then end up being the worst mass murderers in History."

In which case, yeah, those liberals suck.

I've seen many stupid gbaji posts, but surely this is one of the top five.

Edited, Jun 7th 2007 10:11am by RedPhoenixxx
My politics blog and stuff - Refractory
#60 Jun 07 2007 at 2:15 AM Rating: Decent
Jophiel wrote:
One of those liberals who believes in disbanding labor unions, throwing communists in concentration camps as enemies of the state

Yep. Hitler was a liberal, the ***** were socialists, and that's why their worst ennemies were the Commies.

I'm seriously gonna write a book one day, called:

"The World According to Gbaji: A clean-living alternative to daily hard drugs"

And no one will ever read it.

Not even me.

My politics blog and stuff - Refractory
#61 Jun 07 2007 at 5:53 AM Rating: Good
3,128 posts
I do think Gbaji has some valid points. Though, I would disagree that Hitler was a liberal, rather he pretended to be left leaning in order to get in power. An even clearer example is Mussolini, who was the founder of fascism, and was very leftist in his approach. He promoted many socialist ideas in his fascist manifesto, yet he still became a dictator.

To put it into perspective, as to why it is important what initial direction the leader was leaning before he established a dictatorship, I have an example. There are some people I know here in NYC, who if polled on various issues, would more closely match the conservative right than the left. However, these same people traditionally vote liberal and when asked why, they state it's because of the holocaust. They believe that the right is more likely to result in a dictatorship and could lead to persecution of the Jews again. Since there is significant evidence that many, not all, dictatorships have come from popular left leaning movements, these people are incorrect in that belief. This is why the initial political leanings of the party that resulted in the dictatorship are important. Some People view leftist as never having the potential to ursurpe freedom and create a dictatorship, while history has shown this to have happened often.

I am not espousing the assertion that leftist lead to dictatorships more than right; but rather that a leftist leader can result in a dictatorship just as often as one from the right. This means that a leftist leader needs to be held to the same scrutiny that one from the right is, when viewed as a potential threat to freedom. The fact that leftist leaders are often not held up to this same scrutiny is what creates a dangerous platform for an unscrupulous person to usurp the freedoms of a nation. It also makes false the common anti-conservative assertion that right leaning leaders are always a threat to our freedom.

The does not mean people who lean to the left should stop supporting the left. A lot of good has come out of liberal movements, though the liberal path on many issues has not worked out. But these ideals and liberal leaders need to be held to the same standards and scrutiny that you would focus on a conservative leader. Which brings us right back to Hugo Chavez who a year ago was loved by many left leaning Bush haters because he was so vocally anti Bush. Unitl now, when Hugo Chavez starts banning free speech, and they realize maybe Hugo Chavez is not the person they thought he was, but of course it's too late.

Edited, Jun 7th 2007 10:00am by fhrugby

Edited, Jun 7th 2007 10:02am by fhrugby
#62 Jun 07 2007 at 6:42 AM Rating: Good
Soulless Internet Tiger
35,474 posts
gbaji wrote:
And that's the danger of liberal movements. If you make changes based on what you're against, you often don't look too closely at what you're replacing it with. You're so focused on getting rid of something you don't like that many of those who march and protest and attend rallies have no idea what the people they're empowering are actually going to do. And that's how many modern dictatorships have been born. The people give a leader or government the power to get rid of something they don't like (or are empowered as a part of getting rid of something like a previous ruler) and then find out too late that the new system is just as bad or worse then the old one, but now they have no power to change things again.

You'd think the right wing would see this happening time and time again (as you so eloquently stated earlier) that they'd be more willing to enterain new ideas to keep from having liberal movements supported with "bad ideas". A "smart" conservative would allow for some liberal changes to maintain a stronger hold on the things they feel do work well. Let the people have the little stuff and keep the big things operating at a status quo.
Donate. One day it could be your family.

An invasion of armies can be resisted, but not an idea whose time has come. Victor Hugo

#63 Jun 07 2007 at 6:49 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
fhrugby the Sly wrote:
I do think Gbaji has some valid points. Though, I would disagree that Hitler was a liberal, rather he pretended to be left leaning in order to get in power.
I think the point most of us find ridiculous is Gbaji's tortured logic jumps to go from "Hitler falsely espoused some socialist sympathies to gain initial popularity among the people" to "Socialist movements are the root of dictatorships".
[...]rather that a leftist leader can result in a dictatorship just as often as one from the right. This means that a leftist leader needs to be held to the same scrutiny that one from the right is, when viewed as a potential threat to freedom.
The does not mean people who lean to the left should stop supporting the left. A lot of good has come out of liberal movements, though many of the liberal paths on issues have not worked out.
Well, at least someone here has some smarts.

As I pointed out though (and still agreeing with you), most of the major influences in Hitler's rise weren't distinctly Left or Right but rather relied on nationalism and a claim to restore Germany to glory after a crushing defeat and harsh punative measures placed upon it by France and Britian. Even as he claimed socialist sympathies, he was outspoken against communism, trade unions and individual worker's rights as a blockade to German economic recovery. It's not as though he sold himself as a Marxist and then yelled "Gotcha!" a year later. But, in the face of the current situation and the weak Weimar government, I think the points and trivia of Hitler's socio-ecomic theory came in a distant second to the simple promise of re-establishing national dignity.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#64 Jun 07 2007 at 6:55 AM Rating: Decent
This is a silly discussion, dictators have come from both side of the spectrum. Pol Pot and Stalin used extreme left ideas, while Pinochet and Hitler used extreme-right ideas.

At the end of the day, dictatorships dont really fit into the usual political spectrum, for obvious reasons. Mass extermination is, despite gbaji's claim to the contrary, neither right nor left.

I agree though that when Chavez restricts free-speech like this, it is a dangerous slide towards dictatorship. And I also agree that my ennemies' ennemies are not my friends. Bush is a prick, but so is Chavez, and so is Mahmoud.
My politics blog and stuff - Refractory
#65 Jun 07 2007 at 6:58 AM Rating: Decent
Jophiel wrote:
But, in the face of the current situation and the weak Weimar government, I think the points and trivia of Hitler's socio-ecomic theory came in a distant second to the simple promise of re-establishing national dignity.

Exactly. He wasn't voted in for his economic theories. it is a well-known fact that charismatic leaders appeal to instinct, not reason. Hitler's charm was to give the german people a sense of worth, hope, and direction after the humiliation of WWI and the conditions imposed upon Germany by the West.

Trying to somehow link that to "liberalism" is, well, gbajiesque.

My politics blog and stuff - Refractory
#66 Jun 07 2007 at 6:00 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
Monsieur RedPhoenixxx wrote:
This is a silly discussion, dictators have come from both side of the spectrum. Pol Pot and Stalin used extreme left ideas, while Pinochet and Hitler used extreme-right ideas.

No. Hitler used extreme-left ideas to gain power. That's the point you're missing.

At the end of the day, dictatorships dont really fit into the usual political spectrum, for obvious reasons. Mass extermination is, despite gbaji's claim to the contrary, neither right nor left.

Correct. However, far too many on the left label dictatorships as "right wing". Heck. You did it above with Hitler. You focused on what he did with the power instead of how he got it in the first place. But, as you say, dictatorships don't fit into the usual left/right political spectrum. They simply are results of those processes.

And modern history shows us that those dictatorships often arive as a result of left leaning movements. Not right leaning ones. Especially if we restrict the issue to dictatorships arising as a result of purely internal political change, and not some military coup.

I agree though that when Chavez restricts free-speech like this, it is a dangerous slide towards dictatorship. And I also agree that my ennemies' ennemies are not my friends. Bush is a prick, but so is Chavez, and so is Mahmoud.

But he's been hailed as a hero of the left for years. Standing up for the little guy supposedly. Just as Hiter was. Right until he eliminated his socialist members (the SA who definately *did* believe that they were in a socialist movement). The point I'm getting at is that we can't know what a leader will do with the power once they get it. While it might be an interesting historical sidenote, it does not help us in anyway avoid those sorts of leaders. What does help us avoid them is to be wary of the types of political actions that are commonly used by them to gain that power. And at least in the last century, that method has almost exclusively been to take advantage of popular left leaning movements.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#67 Jun 07 2007 at 6:04 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
gbaji wrote:
No. Hitler used extreme-left ideas to gain power. That's the point you're missing.

I am curious though --- exactly what does the Kool-Aid taste like?
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#68 Jun 07 2007 at 6:17 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
Jophiel wrote:
gbaji wrote:
No. Hitler used extreme-left ideas to gain power. That's the point you're missing.

I am curious though --- exactly what does the Kool-Aid taste like?

Let's see. He appealed most strongly to the poor and working class. He attacked wealthy businesses (who only happened to be assumed to all be Jews of course!). He was part of three parties who were "opposition" parties to the status quo (the conservatives). All three were "socialist" parties. They all fought eachother, so saying that he's not socialist because he opposed other socialist parties is silly. Learn some history about socialism in Europe during the 20s and 30s. There were a lot of splits and fighting going on between them, but they were all still "socialist".

His strongest supporters (the SA) were strongly socialist. They actually believed he was going to take the wealth away from all the rich people (not just the Jews) once he had the power to do so. Boy were they upset when he backstabbed them.

Arguing whether Hitler himself was "liberal" is a purely semantic issue. What matters? What he believed himself? Or what he told people he believed? My position is that what matters is the movement he led. What it's positions were. What did those who supported him, joined his party, and elevated him to power believe? That's what matters.

It matters because if you're sitting around believing that the wealthy should be punished for being wealthy, or that it's somehow unfair that you are poor while others are better off, and as a result of this you latch on to some political movement promising to fix those problems, you need to be wary, because those are exactly the same reasons people followed Hitler. If you wait until you've given that leader (or party) too much power, it'll be too late. That's the lesson we should have learned from **** Germany. Unfortunately, the remaining social liberalists of the world have done a really good job at spin control on this one. So good that even making the arguments I've made are automatically met with scorn and disbelief...
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#69 Jun 07 2007 at 6:33 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
gbaji wrote:
Let's see. He appealed most strongly to the poor and working class. He attacked wealthy businesses (who only happened to be assumed to all be Jews of course!). He was part of three parties who were "opposition" parties to the status quo (the conservatives). All three were "socialist" parties. They all fought eachother, so saying that he's not socialist because he opposed other socialist parties is silly. Learn some history about socialism in Europe during the 20s and 30s.
You'd be wise to do the same.

He fought the communists (who most sane people would say are the actual "extreme-left"). Not argued with, fought against them and had them executed. He railed against equality among people at the expense of the Aryans (regardless of the socio-economic status of said Aryan). He disbanded the unions. He advocated privatizing the banking system (and did so). He railed against allowing workers to quit their jobs at will. He encouraged private businesses to band together to form monopolies.

All regular Left-leaning ideas, right? And, as I said, these weren't suprises; this is what he was claiming from the start.

You never answered my question about the Kool-Aid, though.

Edit: Oh, and your assertation that Hitler fought against the "conservative" Weimar Republic is fucking laughable. The Weimar Republic was largely liberal although the economic circumstances of Germany at the time, influences by communist groups who felt that the Weimar represented a trheat to total Marxist control of Germany, and the unwillingness of the Republic to buck against France & Britain stiffled most of its attempts at worker protections and reforms.

Edited, Jun 7th 2007 9:40pm by Jophiel
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#70 Jun 08 2007 at 1:21 AM Rating: Decent
gbaji wrote:
And modern history shows us that those dictatorships often arive as a result of left leaning movements. Not right leaning ones. Especially if we restrict the issue to dictatorships arising as a result of purely internal political change, and not some military coup.

Yes. And even more so if we restrict the issue of dictatorship to left-wing dictatorship. Then they're like, ALL left-wing. Liberals. Scum.

Anyway gbaji, you're wrong. Hitler did not run on a left-wing platform. No left-winger would read mein Kampf and think "Yeah, that guy really is a liberal, he really understands the meaning of social justice."

And as for Chavez, at least most lefties are now openly expressing concerns about what he's doing with regards to free-speech. See, when he was democratically elected, and promised to help the people that had nothing, lefties were happy. When he started banning free-speech, lefties were unhappy. See, that's called "reasoning".

Of course, we could've always followed your example and simply justified everything he did through skewed argumentation, lies and bad-faith.

My politics blog and stuff - Refractory
#71 Jun 08 2007 at 2:23 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
Jophiel wrote:
He fought the communists (who most sane people would say are the actual "extreme-left"). Not argued with, fought against them and had them executed.

So did most socialists of the day Joph. Communists were seen as a splinter group who broke off of the larger socialist movements and became a "socialism in one country". Specific to the day and time, the fear was that the communist parties were just extensions of the soviet government (and in large part they were since most of them advocated taking control of their respective nations and joining the soviet union).

The SPD and the KPD fought against eachother constantly (with the ****'s in the middle). Are you using that to argue that they weren't socialist and communist either? In fact, a good part of why the ***** prevailed is because those two groups hated eachother even more then they hated the *****.

Don't mistake the attacks on their political parties as disagreements with the broader positions. The reason those two were the first parties outlawed wasn't because they were the farthest politically from the *****, but because they were the closest. You ban them, and the people who might have joined them join your party instead. It's not rocket science Joph.

He railed against equality among people at the expense of the Aryans (regardless of the socio-economic status of said Aryan).

Sure. In later years. That aspect was hidden behind an attack on the wealthy. There existed in Germany already a belief that the Jews controlled all the banks and businesses. He simply used that belief, fueled by the leftist idea of opposing the wealthy and created a convenient scapegoat for the people. He *used* Liberal ideology to pursue his agenda Joph. More to the point, he used arguments that resonated with what we would label as leftist/socialist ideology.

You're also assuming that liberal ideology is about equality. That's one of the myths that's been created over time (by Liberals! Go figure...). When you have overt affirmative action programs in your country that treat people different based on their skin color, you are *not* promoting an ideal of equality. When you have a set of activist leaders who blatantly act in accordance with the skin colors of the people involved, you aren't promoting an ideal of equality. Does that come from the conservative or liberal "side" of our political spectrum Joph? Hmmm?

The liberal position is not and never has been about equality Joph. That's where you are dead wrong. The liberal (more correctly social liberalist or socialist) position has *always* been about creating the perception of persecution among groups of people and using that sense of persecution to gain power by scapegoating and attacking those who are labeled as being "in power" or "wealthy".

This is no different if the movement involves convincing latinos to join labor unions and "fight the man", or if it involves convincing white germans that they're being oppressed and ripped off by wealthy jews. It's the same damn thing.

He disbanded the unions. He advocated privatizing the banking system (and did so). He railed against allowing workers to quit their jobs at will. He encouraged private businesses to band together to form monopolies.

You're still missing the point Joph. I'm not talking about what he did once he had full control of the country. I'd wager any dictator will take those same steps once he's got the power (just as Chavez is doing right now). What matters is how he came to power. The process between being the leader of a relatively minor political party and being absolute ruler of Germany. And he most certainly played on the unions and the workers desire for better jobs, better pay, guaranteed work, etc to gain that power.

All regular Left-leaning ideas, right? And, as I said, these weren't suprises; this is what he was claiming from the start.

Yes. They were surprises Joph. Read up on the SA. They were his strong right arm all through the years that the **** party gained power. They were hard core socialists. So hard core that he had to eliminate them once he gained power because they were insisting that he actually do all the things he promised to do during his rise to power.

That could not possibly be the case if he'd never pandered to a socialist agenda in the first place. And they were certainly "surprised"...
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#72 Jun 08 2007 at 2:42 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Smiley: laughSmiley: laughSmiley: laugh
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#73 Jun 09 2007 at 11:15 PM Rating: Decent
15,952 posts
The misuse and abuse of an idea doesn't make that idea bad.

Promising one thing, then getting into power and saying: "you misunderstood the details, I really meant this here completely different idea all along... and as I was elected, I have a mandate to do exactly what I please to do right now"....well, that doesn't make the original idea wrong either.

It only makes a government that lied to get into power, Something that is done by all sides of politics.

The thing that protects against tyrants and tyranny is democracy: regular elections in which information from all sides is widely distributed; the careful sepparation of powers between the military, the government and the judiciary; and government, military and judical processes that are as open to public scrutiny as possible.

Both liberal policies and conservative policies can be applied and thrive under democtratic processes, and leave the democtratic processes intact, and protect the freedom's and rights of citizens. Both liberal and conservative policies and ideas can be used to cloak an erosion of freedom, rights, justice and information.

Democracy is well established in the West as the status quo type of government, that is isnt' working perfectly, but is a lot better than the alternatives we've come up with so far.

Gbaji seems to think that giving the government more things to run, and a bigger budget with which to run them, is automatically putting more power into the governmet's hands, and makes it easier for a government to turn into a tyranny.

I maintain that the size and responsibilities of government is independant of the quality of checks and balances held over the government.

For example, we could have a government that was very very low taxing, and provided very few services, that did not regulate poisons or pollutants, that did not run any public transport, schools or hospitals, that did not provide a pension to the elderly or disabled, or a living allowance for people looking for work.

....and which also gave itself the right to detain citizens without speedy trials, refused to let the public scrutinise any of it's documents and budgets (not just the documents relating to security), permitted media monopolies, controlled the information released to the media, spent public money on it's own party political advertising while not giving the same budget to opposition parties, repressed information from opposition parties, and didn't maintain a well funded, completely independantly run Electoral Office to control the voting process, with a stringent process of scrutineering by volunteers.

We can also have a government with the opposite qualities: High taxing, high public services, regulating pollutants, running public transport, schools and hospitals, providing pensions and looking for work allowances...

Whilst freely providing it's own documents and budgets to the public, maintaining diversity and access in the media, equal funding to all political parties, not stepping in the way of the opposition talking to the media. Not interfering in the Electoral Office, and accepting recounts and the presence of volunteer scrutineers from any interested source throughout the processing of ballots.

All private citizens who are detained are officially arrested, and given their legal rights. Any person detained by the military is treated either as a Civilian or a Prisoner of War. All prisoners of war are treated according to the Geneva Convention, and grievances against the prisoners of war are taken up with their governments, who are responsible for them.

Terrorists are either citizens or soldiers. We already had processes to deal with either. If a terrorist is not a soldier representing a government, then we had plenty of tough laws to go to trial with, and lock them up forever with. Premeditated Murder, Conspiricy to commit Murder, etc. (Don't know the American equivalents. Murder 1?).

This hideous legal fiction of "Unlawful Enemy Combatants" is a complete and utter travesty, and has put Bush, Blair and Howard into the same category as Hitler, Stalin and Mao, even if the former's atrocities don't add up in numbers as much as the latter leaders' atrocities do.

A society isn't measured on how well it treats it's most deserving people, it's in how well it treats it's *least* deserving people, and on the very careful preservation of justice.

If you took the worst serial child abductor, rapist and murderer, and treated him in the same way as our government has treated the Prisoners of War and Suspected Criminals in Guantanamo Bay and other places, I would be outraged and appalled, because the jailors and officials, (and the government and anyone who really knows and understands what has gone on there, and still supports the government on this,) has become as sick, twisted and evil as the evil, raping, murdering ******* that was caught.

No matter how wrong, selfish, twisted and sunk into evil that I think a terrorist is, holding him without trial, and torturing him, can never ever be justified. The person who harms him, follows him into his dark path.

Edited, Jun 10th 2007 3:29am by Aripyanfar
#74 Jun 10 2007 at 7:10 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
It doesn't much matter anyway. Gbaji's previous post was so riddled with errors that I can't even be bothered to go through it anymore. Just accept that Gbaji is lockstep into the whole "Liberals = Evil!" thing and, therefore in his little Pubbie brains, anything evil had to come from liberalism.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#75 Jun 10 2007 at 9:29 AM Rating: Decent
8,619 posts
It doesn't much matter anyway. Gbaji's previous post was so riddled with errors that I can't even be bothered to go through it anymore. Just accept that Gbaji is lockstep into the whole "Liberals = Evil!" thing and, therefore in his little Pubbie brains, anything evil had to come from liberalism.
I do wonder about his sanity sometimes, especially when he connects liberal with dictatorship.

How can you have a liberal dictator?

"I am now in total control of this country!!! do whatever you want."
#76 Jun 10 2007 at 10:59 AM Rating: Decent
304 posts
All of the definitions used are cited from

Judging from the posts on this page the dicussion is revolving around whether a "liberal" can be totalitarian (this word can encompass either a communist or fascist government).

Well, according to the Oxford dictionary the answer is no.


• adjective 1 willing to respect and accept behaviour or opinions different from one’s own. 2 (of a society, law, etc.) favourable to individual rights and freedoms. 3 (in a political context) favouring individual liberty, free trade, and moderate reform.

A liberal is one who stands for individual expression and freedom. This definition is similar to that of conservative.


• adjective 1 averse to change and holding traditional values. 2 (in a political context) favouring free enterprise, private ownership, and socially conservative ideas.

Both favor individualism and freedom, just in different ways.

I think the terms posters are searching for are "radical."


• adjective 1 relating to or affecting the fundamental nature of something. 2 advocating thorough political or social reform; politically extreme. 3 departing from tradition; innovative or progressive.

According to this definition the ****, communist, and socialist revolutions fall into the radical category which is considered to be on the far left of the political spectrum.

So, Gbaji is right in equating social reform, no matter what form it takes, to the left side of the spectrum. Those people aren't called liberals though. They are the radicals.

So, in summary, liberal=/=totalitarianism, but, far-left extremism does.
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