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How to Stop An Exploding FinaleFollow

#1 May 22 2007 at 3:02 AM Rating: Excellent
Mistress of Gardening
14,661 posts

I'll get right to the point.

What a let down.

While I did let out an "ohhh" when Nathan flew in, it really wasn't the HOLYOMFGSHETSHET ending that I'd been expecting. I don't even get what the significance of the past shot with Charles meant for the ending because in the end it's Nathan who shows heart and love. I mean I can imagine all sorts of interpretations, but none of them are really satisfactory for me...

I also thought that this show would have the balls to kill off one of the most evil villains ever to grace prime time, but was vastly disappointed to find that they don't even fookin' check to make sure that the one man that can ruin the world was really dead.

Someone come up with some incredibly impressive hidden factor that I missed that will make this finale infinitely better than it was. Not that it was terrible. It just felt like one of those "meh, it was ok" episodes from early on in the season, not the finale. I mean was that footage of the bomb going off just fluff for their little "Who will stop the bomb?" promos?

Yum-Yum Bento Box | Pikko Pots | Adventures in Bentomaking


#2 May 22 2007 at 3:57 AM Rating: Good
Yeah, I was really disappointed with the ending. While I'm glad to see they're continuing the story, the ending was a big letdown. I don't understand why Nathan sacrificed himself. Peter had contact with Nathan, so naturally, peter should have been able to fly. So why didn't peter just rocket himself into the atmosphere after Sylar was dead? Seriously, WTF?

I am looking forward to seeing Molly/Micah's relationship evolve, it seems natural to make two superkids become best friends. I'm also looking forward to hopefully finding out the significance of the eclipse and that strange symbol that popped up everywhere.

Did you notice the parallels between Hiro's first trip to NYC, and his trip back to feudel Japan? The shot of him from above staring up at the eclipse as it happened, it was almost a perfect recreation of the first eclipse. I wonder if the eclipse marks the "awakening" of that generations heros.
#3 May 22 2007 at 4:28 AM Rating: Decent
Hiro's reaction to finding himself in feudal Japan between an army and the Kensai (betting $5 on it here, with an additional $20 on the Kensai being his dad) was hilarious.
#4 May 22 2007 at 5:36 AM Rating: Good
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts

Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#5 May 22 2007 at 6:55 AM Rating: Good
3,128 posts
When I watched the end I assumed it meant that Sylar was still alive and crawled into the sewer, after contimplating it over night, It is also possible that sylar is dead and the one that molly refered to as worse dragged the body into the sewers.

I do not think sylar threw hiro back in time, he threw him into a building to kill him and hiro time traveled to save himself, but did it so quick as to not have a destination.

I was a bit dissapointed with parts of it. Peter should have seperated sylars head from his body as soon as he had him on the ground, not punch him a few times.

It is possible that Nathan lives, he could just let Peter fly after giving him a good enertia start. He would keep flying for more than enough time, kind of like a throw.

#6 May 22 2007 at 7:07 AM Rating: Good
Is this thread about one of those moving picture shows? Fangled technology. Smiley: glare
#7 May 22 2007 at 8:00 AM Rating: Good
10,802 posts
Hubby and I enjoyed it. I really wish that the fight at the end was more intense. The whole flying out into space to let your brother explode was a bit....meh. Almost any of the heroes that are supposedly dead could come back next season.

Whe does Heroes: Origins start? Or did I miss that?
#8 May 22 2007 at 8:13 AM Rating: Good
16,160 posts
Ohhhhhh. I get it now. That kind of exploding finale. I thought this was some kind of tricky Asian sex technique learned at the hands of Shaolin masters to prolong...

#9 May 22 2007 at 11:01 AM Rating: Excellent
Code Monkey
7,476 posts
I, too, am assuming that the ancient samurai is Hiro's dad, and that his mutant power is longetivity.

The Charles part did seem completely unnecessary. Was Charles's power some sort of dream knowledge thing? Who knows!

The whole "even worse bad guy" thing seemed just like a "oh yeah, we got the green light for season 2" plot twist.

Overall, it wasn't bad. At least it's better than Lost still =P

And who else was waiting for the illusion chick to turn into a big fat dude after she got knocked flat out?
Do what now?
#10 May 22 2007 at 12:16 PM Rating: Excellent
Mistress of Gardening
14,661 posts
Haha, I thought the same thing about Candace. I was like, hey wtf, she's supposed to be a fat chick!

I don't think this episode totally sucked as much as it failed to do what it could have. There were so many ways they could have done the final battle. I wanted something similar to what we saw in the future episode, where Peter isn't afraid to battle Sylar. Instead he turns out to live up to his emo hairstyle and just stands there. And why do they even need to kill him? Can't Jessica just walk up to him and karang him on the head so that he stops?

This whole season was leading up to this final showdown and they go through all this trouble to bring them all to Kirby Plaza and in the end Hiro runs him through. Why not have them all team up and kill him? Have Parkman read his thoughts. Jessica can kick his ***. Peter can absorb every power he's taken. Hiro can teleport the children, Mohinder, DL, and Mr. Noah to safety. WTF Tim Kring!
Yum-Yum Bento Box | Pikko Pots | Adventures in Bentomaking


#11 May 22 2007 at 12:54 PM Rating: Good
Smallville's finale was better.

"I'm you, just more bizarre" was a great twist.

BSG's finale was even better, albeit frustrating as all hell considering there's no new ones till next frackin' year...

Heroes' was meh.
"The Rich are there to take all of the money & pay none of the taxes, the middle class is there to do all the work and pay all the taxes, and the poor are there to scare the crap out of the middle class." -George Carlin

#12 May 22 2007 at 1:50 PM Rating: Good
16,299 posts
I missed almost all of the second half of this season's Smallville. Need to start downloading, I suppose.

I also wasn't too thrilled with this finale. They should have let *someone* blow up... wiping out half of New York would have made for a really good second season.
#13 May 22 2007 at 2:31 PM Rating: Good
All Of TV . Net

Can watch em all streaming. LOTS of other shows to boot.
"The Rich are there to take all of the money & pay none of the taxes, the middle class is there to do all the work and pay all the taxes, and the poor are there to scare the crap out of the middle class." -George Carlin

#14 May 22 2007 at 4:56 PM Rating: Good
16,299 posts
Yay, thanks! What a cool site!
#15 May 22 2007 at 5:21 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
One of the things that was glaringly obvious during this episode is that Kring is more interested in character development and "angst" then he is with realistic storytelling with regard to the action of any given episode.

There were a ton of different resolutions to that situation that any halfway decent RPG player could think of right off the bat.

Nikki could/should have just finished tearing Sylar apart. Why back off to go "protect your family"? Best way to do that is to spend the extra 5 seconds separating Sylar's head from his body. Instead, Peter steps in which leads us to the ultimate explosion problem in the first place. Why did he do that? Ok. Maybe he wanted to prove something, but then he didn't end up being the guy to kill Sylar anyway, so it was a pointless and silly gesture.

There were a couple of things with Hiro that bothered me. I understand that they have to show the action, but lets face it, he can freeze time. In the situation where Sylar was threatening to chop off Ando's head, why did they show Hiro teleporting from across the room to Ando, then grabbing him, and teleporting away. On the screen this took quite a bit more time then it should realistically have taken Sylar to kill Ando. Yeah. Artistic license, but the scene could have just as easily have either shown it from Hiro's view (he freezes time, runs over and grabs Ando, then teleports out), or Sylars (he blinks and they both just disappear). Heck. Why not freeze time, chop off Sylar's head and finish the whole thing right there? Problem solved. The only reason *not* to do that is becuase the writer thought that would be too easy (or Hiro somehow thought it would be unfair or something, which maybe would work. Maybe...).

On the roof, he again teleports in, pauses and then runs Sylar through. Sylar looks at him. Now, Sylar managed to spot Matt and react fast enough to telekinetically stop the bullets he fired, but he couldn't stop a guy with a sword? Silly. Presumably Hiro actually attacked much faster then that (taking advantage of his time freezing abilities), but it just wasn't shown that way. Again though, this is annoying. If he could do that then, why not do it earlier and save us all a lot of trouble? If he really was being honorable and giving Sylar a chance to defend himself, then his attack should not have worked. Once again, it works this time purely because the writer decided this was the correct time for it to work and for no other reason. Annoying.

Then there's the whole not finishing Sylar off (we're not sure if he's dead or not, but whatever). Um... Chop his head off. Takes an extra half second. Nope. He gets distracted by Peter glowing instead. You'd think a guy who can freeze time and teleport could say chop off Sylar's head, grab Peter, teleport him to a distant and remote location and be back before the next frame of the screen passes, but apparently the writers didn't think of that. Instead he stands there in indecision while Peter tries to talk him into killing him instead (again, why not teleport him before even considering killing him with the sword?). And Sylar conveniently stays alive just long enough to push Hiro off the roof and force him to teleport away instead (that whole bit I can almost buy, but is again clearly a writer cop-out).

Then there's the Peter exploding bit. They'd already worked out that Claire would pop him in the head. In fact, the entire reason it "can only be" her was because she could survive to get close enough if he was getting ready to explode. HRG was ready to do it as well (from a distance, cause he's a "pretty good shot"). Well, Claire shows up. She's ready to do just that. But despite her dramatic appearance at just the right time, she doesn't do it. Afterall, they know he'll survive. They even talked about where she would shoot him (presumably so they could remove the bullet later and he'd revive). Yet he's standing there facing her instead of presenting the back of his head. That actually bothered me quite a bit. It was just clear that they were standing around waiting for some other dramatic thing to happen instead of following the plan they'd already worked out ahead of time.

Then Nathan swoops in and saves the day. Ok. I understand that that whole point was for him to choose to be a hero instead of a villain. Great! And from a storytelling/character point of view, it works. But from a "what's the best way to resolve this problem" point of view it's idiotic. He's going to embark upon a course of action that will likely kill him (still up as to whether he died or not) in order to not take any of a number of actions that would also resolve the situation but would not result in anyone dying. Um... Why? Why not just have Claire pop Peter in the back of the head? Why not have *Peter* fly away instead? I actually kinda figured that maybe Peter can't really use more then one power at a time, and perhaps can't use the flying power that well at all anyway, so maybe that's why he didn't do it, but it's a reasonable idea and perhaps they should have maybe stated why he didn't do it or something? And maybe Nathan would rather risk his life and/or die then have his daugher have to shoot someone? Maybe. Just seems like a whole lot of people made a whole lot of stupid decisions just to end up in that situation in the first place.

And for all the drama, it sure took Peter a long time to explode. Like 3 characters arrive on the scene *after* he starts building up to nuke level. He couldn't stop it? I know... It was in the script.

Despite all of that, I still enjoyed the episode. I really wished they'd spent a bit more time thinking through the story and the specifics of the situation to make it more sensible, but it was still a finale of sorts. The major problems were resolved/faced by the heroes (which was the main point), and they end up with a hint of a new bad guy and Hiro back in time (I'm betting that's his father as well. According to the comics, one of the earlier set of heroes Linderman was hooked up with was supposed to be immortal). It still bookended the season well.

I think part of the problem is that Kring apparently had never read a comic book or knew anything about superheros prior to writing the series. That's good in that it's a "new take" on the genre, but it's also bad in that he'll make mistakes like that final conflict in which the actions simply don't make sense. For those of us who grew up reading superhero comic books, we could think of dozens of better ways to use their powers and are flummoxed when they seem so dense. Hopefully, he'll employ some writers who understand how to make a super powered fight work and avoid that sort of problem in future episodes.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#16 May 22 2007 at 5:30 PM Rating: Decent
4,632 posts
Yeah, I'm frustrated with it as well. I mean come on, give us a kickass fight scene, already!

I expect that Peter wasn't in control of himself, and thus wasn't able to do anything involving superpowers other than exploding, which meant Nathan had to take control. But yeah, why couldn't someone just hit him in the head really hard? We saw way back with the invisible man (forgot his name) that simply knocking the guy out could stop the explosion.

And, maybe I missed something, but how is Sylar still alive / missing? I mean, I saw his blood flowing into a sewer and something that looked like a cockroach crawling out of the sewer, but nothing other than that. Perhaps my memory's just going the Swiss Cheese route.
#17 May 22 2007 at 5:51 PM Rating: Excellent
2,196 posts
fhrugby wrote:
It is also possible that Sylar is dead and the one that molly referred to as worse dragged the body into the sewers.

I was thinking the same thing - when they did the close-up of Syler's various futures cycling through his white-eye (Isaac the painter) mode, it clearly shows his future ending then and there. At least, that's my take on it. I think the mysterious bad guy that Molly mentioned dragged him into the sewers and will probably revive him somehow. That's ok with me - I think Syler is an awesome villain and played very well by the actor.

I think for the show to have more longevity, they are going to need more super-villains. What better way to introduce them than through Syler's contact with Molly's scary watcher dude.

I'm sure Peter and Nathan will be back. My guess is Nathan flew high enough and tossed Peter away from him and then he flew away or the blast knocked him far from Peter's blast. At least, I hope they come back - both cool characters.

I enjoyed seeing Eric Roberts' character and Linderman (Malcolm McDowell) get taken out. I wonder if Linderman's healing ability will enable him to recover.

Finally, I wonder if the invisible man will ever make another appearance.

'Lo, there do I see, the line of my people, back to the beginning, 'lo do they call to me, they bid me take my place among them, in the halls of Valhalla, where the brave...may live...forever.

X-Box 360 Gamer Tag - Smogster
#18 May 23 2007 at 2:06 AM Rating: Good
16,299 posts
I was talking to a woman at work and I realized - I've not seen the Haitian since he took Claire away (not counting the "future" episode). What happened? What did I miss?
#19 May 23 2007 at 7:21 AM Rating: Excellent
Code Monkey
7,476 posts
I must be watching too much Heroes, I dreamed last night that Sylar was killing off our 10k posters one by one to steal their postcounts and titles.

Edited, May 23rd 2007 11:21am by Danalog
Do what now?
#20 May 23 2007 at 7:33 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Just the 10ks, right?

Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#21 May 23 2007 at 8:13 AM Rating: Excellent
Code Monkey
7,476 posts
He'll have to eat your brain three times, then.
Do what now?
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