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florida and abortion....Follow

#1 Apr 27 2007 at 2:58 PM Rating: Sub-Default
the republican legislature is signing into law forcing anyone seeking an abortion to first get a sonigram and have them view it before they can go through with the proceedure.

next year, mabe we will make a computerized composite of what their child would have looked like at age 3 or so, then have a giant with a sword chop them up into little pieces on the video screen to immitate what they are going to do to the fetus.

yea, we can guilt them into having a child they cant afford or take care of. that will fix the problem. but wait? didnt they just burn down the homeless shantytown? where will they live?

lets send them to new york too...........
#2 Apr 27 2007 at 4:54 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
What part of "informed decision" do you interpret to mean "You can't tell them anything that might make them change their mind"?

It's not like their being strapped into a chair and forced to view abortions while electrode cause them pain in order to brainwash them against it or anything. They're viewing a sonigram. What could be more "informed" then being able to see the thing you are going to destroy?

Have you read the pamphlets lying about in a Planned Parenthood office lately? Seriously. Pointing the whole "It's wrong to try to influence the womans decision" argument at the pro-life folks is kinda absurd when taking in context.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#3 Apr 27 2007 at 5:21 PM Rating: Default
sooo, you think they came to this decision lightly without knowing what it means?

what part of "legislated psycological abuse" do you not understand?

they have already made a life altering decision. one i am sure they did not take lightly. one i am sure they agonized over. one i am sure they ALREADY KNOW exactly what they are doing.

hey, lets pass all kinds of laws that psycoloigaly abuse anyone who make decisions that the fanatical right doesnt agree with.

freedom of religion.

we can force anyone considering going into a mosque or converting to islam to sit and watch the twin towers falling over and over, then show them pictures of people being burned to death to mae tkem think they will go to hell if they do.

informed the right sees it?

how about this whole election thing.

before the next election, we can force anyone considering voting democrat to watch video of terrorist attacks and hippies smoking hash on teh whitehouse lawn.

informed decision by WHOS standards? who gets to decide weather someone is informed enough or not? and who gives anyone else the right to dictate restrictions on FREEDOMS already given to us.

the fanatical right does aparently.

untill the day when you idiots can conclusivly determine at what point a life actually begines, its not ending a life, it is a medical proceedure. the end. get over it.

making end runs at restricting freedoms becuase you cant win the big battle is pathetic. its why this country is in such a mess. its why we are in iraq.

it is legal terrorism.

and what the legislature is trying to dictate to these already tramatized distressed women is paramount to psycological torture. a poor mans mind controll.

the moral majority working hard for you.....
#4 Apr 27 2007 at 5:57 PM Rating: Decent
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
Proposal: patients with colorectal polyps should have to look at the colonoscopy results before they have surgery to remove them.
In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

#5 Apr 27 2007 at 6:11 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
shadowrelm wrote:
sooo, you think they came to this decision lightly without knowing what it means?

what part of "legislated psycological abuse" do you not understand?

It's "abuse" to require that someone know what they're doing before they do it? Excuse me? Abortion is pretty much the *only* medical proceedure in which the doctors don't show the patient what they're going to be doing.

Think about it.

they have already made a life altering decision. one i am sure they did not take lightly. one i am sure they agonized over. one i am sure they ALREADY KNOW exactly what they are doing.

If they do, then looking at a sonigram isn't going to change their minds, is it?

My problem is that you're arguing from a position that assumes that the person in question is making a fully informed decision that they agonized over and considered every single angle of, but then you insist that they should not be required to view a particular piece of information.

If you believe what you said, then you should have no problem with this law. Because if they really do know "exactly what they're doing", then this should not impact their decision. If it does, then clearly they did *not* know everything about what they were deciding to do. Your argument is paradoxial.

hey, lets pass all kinds of laws that psycoloigaly abuse anyone who make decisions that the fanatical right doesnt agree with.

I'm sorry. But I think that anyone who would feel pain/abuse from viewing a sonigram of the fetus they're about to abort hasn't fully examined every aspect of the decision they are about to make.

Do you know the statistics for depression and suicide among women who've had abortions? The pain of their decision doesn't disappear simply because they didn't look at a sonigram. It's there. It will always be there. Maybe if we didn't coddle them through the decision making process, they might be able to make a truely informed decision. That decision should *also* include the emotional damage they're going to suffer as a result of the decision. Again. If they can't handle the sonigram, they're not going to just walk away from the abortion without any feelings of remorse or pain.

I don't see anything wrong with requiring women to face that part of the decision *before* making it.

freedom of religion.

we can force anyone considering going into a mosque or converting to islam to sit and watch the twin towers falling over and over, then show them pictures of people being burned to death to mae tkem think they will go to hell if they do.

informed the right sees it?

Huh? Last I heard, joining a religion is not a medical proceedure regulated by the state. Abortions are. Apples and oranges.

how about this whole election thing.

before the next election, we can force anyone considering voting democrat to watch video of terrorist attacks and hippies smoking hash on teh whitehouse lawn.

Hah. This is different then the current political advertising how exactly?

We could count the deaths in Iraq. We could repeat "no weapons of mass destruction" over and over. Oh wait! We do those things, don't we?...

informed decision by WHOS standards? who gets to decide weather someone is informed enough or not? and who gives anyone else the right to dictate restrictions on FREEDOMS already given to us.

The legistlature I'm guessing. Not sure what your problem is. I don't see you complaining about the warning labels on packs of cigarettes. Who got to decide that one?

the fanatical right does aparently.

Only in your own mind. Seriously. Drop the crack pipe.

untill the day when you idiots can conclusivly determine at what point a life actually begines, its not ending a life, it is a medical proceedure. the end. get over it.

Yes. It's a medical proceedure. Just like any other. And in most medical proceedures, the doctor is required to explain the proceedure to the patient, including the risks/benefits prior to getting approval from the patient to perform it. What part of that is confusing to you?

You may not realize this, but you're actually arguing that abortions should be the exeption to the rule. That somehow the womans "right" to an abortion means that all the normal rules should be chucked out the window, and that no one should ever be allowed to try to talk her out of it, or even simply present the risks/costs involved. She has a right to be informed too. What's happening right now is that women are being told that the proceedure is no big deal, that tons of people have them, and not to worry. That's lying to them.

But I guess it's ok in this case. Kinda one-sided, don't you think?

making end runs at restricting freedoms becuase you cant win the big battle is pathetic. its why this country is in such a mess. its why we are in iraq.

Freedom does not mean ignorance. Freedom does mean choice. If you restrict the information someone has before making a choice, you are reducing their freedom, not increasing it. Freedom also comes with responsibility. Lying to people so that they'll make the choice you want and suffer the consequences of that choice is *not* helping their freedom. Nor is it helping them.

You just have a strange view of what constitutes freedom. Very strange.

and what the legislature is trying to dictate to these already tramatized distressed women is paramount to psycological torture. a poor mans mind controll.

They are traumatized and distressed as a result of having an abortion and regretting it later. In many cases, women report that if they'd known more they would have made a totally different choice. See. Not giving them information influences their decision just as much as giving it to them does. Which is "right"? Which is "wrong"? Given the rates of regret, I don't see anything wrong with this law.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#6 Apr 27 2007 at 6:32 PM Rating: Good
Liberal Conspiracy
gbaji wrote:
It's not like their being strapped into a chair and forced to view abortions while electrode cause them pain in order to brainwash them against it or anything.
If this passes, that's the next logical step. There's no reason to believe that one won't lead to the other.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#7 Apr 27 2007 at 6:59 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
Jophiel wrote:
gbaji wrote:
It's not like their being strapped into a chair and forced to view abortions while electrode cause them pain in order to brainwash them against it or anything.
If this passes, that's the next logical step. There's no reason to believe that one won't lead to the other.

Can we play some Beethoven while we're doing the treatment? Pretty please! :)
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#8 Apr 27 2007 at 7:01 PM Rating: Good
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12,636 posts

I didn't know planned parenthood pamphlets were legislation.

#9 Apr 27 2007 at 7:08 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
trickybeck wrote:
I didn't know planned parenthood pamphlets were legislation.

I didn't say they were.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#10 Apr 27 2007 at 7:09 PM Rating: Decent
So when is legislation going to come about to where we have to view movies of car accidents that resulted in a fatality prior to buying a car?

Edited, Apr 27th 2007 8:11pm by Rimesume
#11 Apr 27 2007 at 7:11 PM Rating: Excellent
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12,636 posts
gbaji wrote:
trickybeck wrote:
I didn't know planned parenthood pamphlets were legislation.

I didn't say they were.

Did you break your fingers mid-post? :O

#12 Apr 27 2007 at 7:19 PM Rating: Excellent
35,568 posts
King Rimesume wrote:
So when is legislation going to come about to where we have to view movies of car accidents that resulted in a fatality prior to buying a car?

Used to be a standard component of drivers education in public school. I'm not joking.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#13 Apr 27 2007 at 8:09 PM Rating: Decent
I cannot comprehend how ANY INFORMED person would still be fine w/the idea of abortion, unless your a stubborn liberal that refuses to see the immorality of the procedure. It's bad to kill terrorists, but it's ok to kill babies if it's the mother's decision? WTF Smiley: rolleyes

gbaji wrote:
King Rimesume wrote:
So when is legislation going to come about to where we have to view movies of car accidents that resulted in a fatality prior to buying a car?

Used to be a standard component of drivers education in public school. I'm not joking.

It still was like 10 year's ago when I took drivers ed, I remember watching a local police film of an accident scene.
#14 Apr 27 2007 at 8:13 PM Rating: Excellent
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
Your lack of comprehension does nothing to further the dialogue. Thanks for sharing, though.
In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

#15 Apr 27 2007 at 8:22 PM Rating: Decent
I comprehend the subject just fine my dear, it upsets me that people can be so selfish and uncaring :)

Meh, if you don't like my post, read the intelligent posts made by Gabji. That's what I would LIKE to say w/out making the effort. :D
#16 Apr 27 2007 at 8:28 PM Rating: Excellent
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
You're the one who said you failed to comprehend. /shrug
In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

#17 Apr 27 2007 at 8:31 PM Rating: Decent
Samira wrote:
You're the one who said you failed to comprehend. /shrug

Got me there smartass lol :)
#18 Apr 27 2007 at 10:11 PM Rating: Good
1,077 posts
I don't know anyone who chose abortion that didn't know what they were doing. Seriously. Read that twice, please.

That said, I don't know anyone who wished they didn't feel the need to have one. Nor regretted having one. I don't mean they wish they didn't have one...they merely wished the circumstances were different enough to wish otherwise. If that makes sense.

No one I know wants to have an abortion. No one.
Nekovivie - Titan Server/retired

We are the Canadian Borg.
Resistance would be impolite.
Please wait to be assimilated.
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#19 Apr 27 2007 at 11:06 PM Rating: Decent
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
Somebody, THINK OF THE CHILDREN. The tiny unborn children!!!!

nevermind the issue of a womans right to control her reproductive system and how it is vital in gender equality and self determination.
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#20 Apr 27 2007 at 11:14 PM Rating: Good
Liberal Conspiracy
Mistress Cami wrote:
read the intelligent posts made by Gabji.
Wait.. where??? Smiley: laugh
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#21 Apr 27 2007 at 11:25 PM Rating: Decent
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
The one where he is for nanny state government telling women what they can or cannot do with their bodies, while beating his chest about a government that tries to regulate big business.

Because the free market is more reliable than knocked up sluts who lacked the will power to say no.
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#22 Apr 28 2007 at 4:56 AM Rating: Decent
I comprehend the subject just fine my dear, it upsets me that people can be so selfish and uncaring :)

selfish and uncaring for a crack addict to decide having a child is not in the best interest of the child? or the teen who got prego at 14? or how about a woman with 3 kids who is divorced and in her 40s having her house reposessed because she cant afford to feed and house the children she already has?

1. its not a child. to this day no one has definitively placed a point in a pregnancy where we can say THIS is where life begines. until they do, its a medical proceedure, period.

2. who is going to care for these children? i see alot of people screaming foul, but i still see alot of unwanted kids in state run facilities and foster homes. how many adopted kids to YOU have? thats what i thought. all about crying foul and pointing the finger, but totally uncommitted to actually finding a solution other than saying "thats bad".

i personaly know 2 people who decided to have the proceedure. both were teens. both ALREADY knew what they were doing. they both went through some serious depression over the decision. both were not living at home, one a runaway from an abusinve situation that the pregnancy may have resulted from, the other kicked out of her home and scraping by trying to stay in school and hold down a full time job.

im against abortion. but im also against telling other people how they should live their lives, especially if im not going to offer them a means of living it otherwise. this is brow beating. psycological torture. ABUSE. legislated by people who are truley uncaring. i would be willing to bet not a one of the right wing fanatics trying to pass this legislature has an adopted child. and i would be also willing to bet most of them would be more than willing to have unrpotected sex with a teenage woman....or boy......

its their body, NOONE has the right to dictate or otherwise influcence how they choose to treat it. no one. the constitution that gives us the RIGHT to seek medical treatment that allows abortion is also the very same constitution that was spacifically created to PROTECT the PEOPLE from a over zelous fanatical government. protect freedoms.

this is a step towards legislating away our freedom.

you want to stop abortion? i do. try offering a SOLUTION. like manditory birth controll for all teens. or even optional. or a way to care for these teens and their babys. or a way to care for the unwanted children.

untill the LAST child is adopted and taken out of foster care, i dont want to hear some right wing fanatic crying foul about abortion. i am all for an intellegant education system to teach teens the risks of sex. but nooooo, the right wingers took sex education out of public school. they not only want to tell you what you can or cant do about your body, they want to make sure your left in the dark about how to protect they can scream at you later.
What part of "informed decision" do you interpret to mean

works well for you here in this situation. how about INFORMING them BEFORE they become atrisk. like sex education in public school?

what? immoral? i see. make them dumb and stupid now, and inform them after they sin.

the moral majority working HARD for you......
#23 Apr 28 2007 at 10:53 AM Rating: Default
Can we play some Beethoven while we're doing the treatment? Pretty please! :)

I am curious just how many people got that. I caught it right away. Am I showing my age or just how corrupt I am? ;-)
#24 Apr 28 2007 at 11:07 AM Rating: Good
Cami wrote:
I cannot comprehend how ANY INFORMED person would still be fine w/the idea of abortion, unless your a stubborn liberal that refuses to see the immorality of the procedure.

See, what I read here is that you're all for legislating morality.

Not I.

I can see plenty of situations where an abortion is not immoral. For instance, when the mother's life is at risk. Or if a woman gets pregnant from being raped. Or if a young woman is repeatedly raped by her father and gets pregnant. Or if a woman cannot afford to raise a child. Yes, I can see where an adoption might be a gentler course of action in the latter sense, but I'm assuming that if a woman cannot afford to have and raise a child, she most likely cannot afford to take time off work to have someone elses child, either.

And, of course, all of that is only leading up to the fact that a woman's body is her own, and she has the right to choose whether or not she wants something living in her, feeding off of her, make her throw up, make her ankles swell up and her back hurt. (I won't, just now, go into the father's rights issue. Though I do feel strongly about that as well.)

Calling any woman who has an abortion "immoral" is being a stubborn <insert political affiliation here> that refuses to see that there are situations where it is moral.
#25 Apr 28 2007 at 11:52 AM Rating: Decent
304 posts
bodhisattva wrote:
The one where he is for nanny state government telling women what they can or cannot do with their bodies, while beating his chest about a government that tries to regulate big business.

Because the free market is more reliable than knocked up sluts who lacked the will power to say no.

True story. Hypocrisy is involved when a conservative argues for imposed morality then turns and argues for purity in a market. You gotta pick your poison.

shadowrelm wrote:
1. its not a child. to this day no one has definitively placed a point in a pregnancy where we can say THIS is where life begines. until they do, its a medical proceedure, period.

Are you telling me that a child is not a child until the doc smacks its ***?

You've got a to draw a line on abortion somewhere. Personally, I feel aborting during the first trimester to mid-second trimester is acceptable. This way all of the extreme cases mentioned in this thread (like rape, the 14 year old, etc.) will have more then enough time to rectify their situation. After this point though I feel that you have reached a point where a women knows damn well that she is pregnant and really has no excuse for not aborting earlier. Late-term abortion is tantamount to leaving the child at the top of a mountain.

Also, you've got to bear in mind this problem of defining where life begins. As you said shadow, we have no concept as to when life begins or ends. You've got to ask yourself the question: What is more responsible here with the understanding that we don't know at which point a child is alive or dead? Do we choose the side of caution and choose life. Or do we hope that we haven't extinguished a life in the name of contraception?

I guess its just a matter of perspective...

P.S. I don't want to be a grammar **** or anything but, shadowrelm, can you at least capitalize the first word of your sentences. It's tough taking your posts with a sense of legitimacy when you articulate yourself like that.
#26 Apr 28 2007 at 12:25 PM Rating: Decent
3,829 posts
LurkinAround wrote:

You've got a to draw a line on abortion somewhere.

Well, no, you don't have to, but Roe v. Wade did specifically limit the scope of the ruling to abortions up to the point of viability (generally considered 24 weeks with present technology, was 27 weeks for quite some time, could go down to 21-22 weeks considering a 22-week old preemie made the news by going home from the hospital a couple months ago.) Most states choose to do this in their own laws, with at least one exception (Kansas, of all places!)


Personally, I feel aborting during the first trimester to mid-second trimester is acceptable. This way all of the extreme cases mentioned in this thread (like rape, the 14 year old, etc.) will have more then enough time to rectify their situation. After this point though I feel that you have reached a point where a women knows damn well that she is pregnant and really has no excuse for not aborting earlier. Late-term abortion is tantamount to leaving the child at the top of a mountain.

And what about women who are told, "if you carry this pregnancy to term, it will kill you?" Or parents who are informed that their child has a defect which is either not compatible with life (baby will be stillborn or die shortly after birth) or which will result in the child so debilitated he or she will never have the possibility of a pain-free life? Often these sorts of situations aren't detected until or after the deadline established by the state for legal abortion.

You can't paint this in terms of black and white--the shades of gray are innumerable. Spend an hour reading the stories at if you want a new perspective on how taking a one-size-fits-all approach to "okay, we're going to restrict abortions at this point in gestation" ends up denying the procedure to the people who actually end up needing it the most, and making what is already a tumultuous time even more traumatic.


P.S. I don't want to be a grammar **** or anything but, shadowrelm, can you at least capitalize the first word of your sentences. It's tough taking your posts with a sense of legitimacy when you articulate yourself like that.

Give it up. People have been trying for years. Shadowrelm doesn't care how he presents himself--he doesn't even care if people respond. He has no interest in a dialogue. He basically just posts to gratify himself with his own hysterical rantings.

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