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Monday morning massacreFollow

#102 Apr 17 2007 at 8:35 AM Rating: Decent
2,501 posts
Atomicflea wrote:
Metastophicleas wrote:
Just got a call. One of wifey's best friends was killed.
My condolences to her.

Thanks, I'll pass them on to her. This is just getting worse for family, friends, and myself. Number of dead that I knew is up to three now, with at least two others sitting in the hospitals.
#103REDACTED, Posted: Apr 17 2007 at 8:47 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) This is precisely why we have the 2nd amendment. The govn can't always be around to save you. And in some cases you have to be able to protect yourself from the govn.
#104 Apr 17 2007 at 9:20 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
achileez wrote:
This is precisely why we have the 2nd amendment. The govn can't always be around to save you.
Smiley: laughSmiley: laughSmiley: laugh
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#105 Apr 17 2007 at 9:52 AM Rating: Good
18,463 posts
Jophiel wrote:
achileez wrote:
This is precisely why we have the 2nd amendment. The govn can't always be around to save you.
Smiley: laughSmiley: laughSmiley: laugh
Don't laugh. If we could have armed everyone in Louisiana, they could have shot Katrina to death.
#106 Apr 17 2007 at 10:02 AM Rating: Excellent
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
From here it looked like everyone in Louisiana WAS armed.
In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

#107REDACTED, Posted: Apr 17 2007 at 10:04 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Atomicflea,
#108 Apr 17 2007 at 10:07 AM Rating: Good
18,463 posts
Samira wrote:
From here it looked like everyone in Louisiana WAS armed.
Hound dogs don't count.
#109 Apr 17 2007 at 10:37 AM Rating: Decent
achileez wrote:

Yes it does. If an 18yr old can enlist and serve and carry weapons so should normal 18yr old citizens.

Your ignorance is stifling. A 17 year old under certain provisions, can enlist. Furthermore, you simply cannot compare a civilian to a trained, effective, combat-hardened, soldier. They are worlds apart. I'll pit that an 18 year old soldier has a **** ton more responsibilities, and self-control than their civilian counterparts.
#110REDACTED, Posted: Apr 17 2007 at 11:01 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Rimey,
#111 Apr 17 2007 at 11:25 AM Rating: Decent
achileez wrote:
I wasn't talking about exceptions, thanks for providing one though. And I firmly believe anyone who owns a firearm should be required to take a safety training course. Simply saying 18yr olds aren't responsible enough to protect themselves doesn't cut it. The moment you're old enough to enlist and die for your country you are also old enough to participate in the rights guranteed by the constitution.

Do you have any logical reasoning why adults should not be able to exercise their constitutional rights?


Perhaps the same law makers that stipulate at what age you can drink and gamble, could tell you.
#112 Apr 17 2007 at 11:27 AM Rating: Good
King Rimesume wrote:
achileez wrote:

Yes it does. If an 18yr old can enlist and serve and carry weapons so should normal 18yr old citizens.

Your ignorance is stifling. A 17 year old under certain provisions, can enlist. Furthermore, you simply cannot compare a civilian to a trained, effective, combat-hardened, soldier. They are worlds apart. I'll pit that an 18 year old soldier has a sh*t ton more responsibilities, and self-control than their civilian counterparts.

It's not even that. We get the "privilege" of bearing arms for a bit in boot camp (but again, the ammo is strictly controlled). From there on out, as long as we're in the US, we follow the exact same rules as far as carrying guns as every other person here, and the penalties are a LOT harsher for breaking the rules.

Achileez, stop talking like the military hands us all M16s and vests full of ammo and lets us wander around freely. We don't get to carry guns on U.S. soil unless a: we're actively performing military duties, in uniform, blatantly obviously, and even in that case the ammo is still strictly controlled and we have to file a report for every shot we fire outside of the rifle/pistol ranges, or b: we follow the same state gun control laws that everyone else does, buy a gun from a licensed dealer, go through the same screening process and waiting period, and follow the same rules abut where we can have it and what we can do with it as everyone else.

And if we're accused of breaking the law (any law) we face much, much harsher penalties than civilians do *in addition* to the civilian penalties, and military courts are not known for being particularly lenient or worrying much about the rules of evidence.

Much as I'd like to take that compliment about responsibilities and self-control, the only reason we actually behave any better than our civilian counterparts is that we're constantly being watched and we're scared ******** that someone might *think* that we *might* have done something wrong. We can go to court martial because some guy said some other guy's wife told his wife that you slept with her...and be found guilty. So let's just say mass-murder isn't exactly on our "to-do" list.
#113 Apr 17 2007 at 11:41 AM Rating: Default
4,158 posts
Israel is awash with guns. And people who have been properly trained to use them., from very early on in life.

They dont go around shooting each other at school like you seppos do.

Perhaps they are a bit more aware of the consequences of the damage that guns can do (rather than the hollywood/playstation version), and as such don't feel the need to wander around boasting about them as if owning a gun is something that proves their man/woman hood.

In short, the reason that this sort of stuff happens so often in the USA, is because dimwits like varus arn't mature enough to know that guns are for attacking. Not for defending.

Your twisted vision of yourself (varus) as a heroic frontiersman, defending your family against the onslaught of the 'savages' attacking your home, bent on slaughtering your children, and raping your wife, is exactly that. A vision. and a sorry @rsed one at that.

The reality is an availiablity of deadly weapons to anybody who wants them. and increasingly those people are under more and more pressures from modern american life to assert their own 'place' in society. Sadly it would seem that some of those people arn't coping very well.

The easy availiability of assault style ***** extensions is a pretty popular way of releasing those pent-up pressures. And for a moran to suggest that making weapons of mass destruction murder more availiable to people who have an unrealistic awareness of the damage that these weapons are designed to do, is idiotic.

But then again, I wouldn't have expected anything less from a dimwit like varus.

"If you have selfish, ignorant citizens, you're gonna get selfish, ignorant leaders". Carlin.

#114 Apr 17 2007 at 11:44 AM Rating: Decent
4,158 posts
KyrilFenrir the Irrelevant. Varus has never been in the military. But he knows all about it from watching 'Full Metal Jacket' twice.
"If you have selfish, ignorant citizens, you're gonna get selfish, ignorant leaders". Carlin.

#115REDACTED, Posted: Apr 17 2007 at 11:47 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Kyril,
#116 Apr 17 2007 at 11:51 AM Rating: Decent
achileez wrote:
I wasn't talking about exceptions, thanks for providing one though. And I firmly believe anyone who owns a firearm should be required to take a safety training course. Simply saying 18yr olds aren't responsible enough to protect themselves doesn't cut it. The moment you're old enough to enlist and die for your country you are also old enough to participate in the rights guranteed by the constitution.

Do you have any logical reasoning why adults should not be able to exercise their constitutional rights?


I never said 18 year olds aren't responsible enough, I was disqualifying your anecdote about soldiers and civilians when they are clearly in completely different situations. Even military members do not walk around the streets of America with M-16s on their shoulders and grenades strapped to their chest.

The speech "The moment you're old enough to enlist and die for your country you are also old enough to (insert issue here)" is a tad worn as well. 18 is old enough to go to war but not to buy or consume alcohol, by cigarettes in some counties/states, purchase a firearm, purchase or sell pornography, and a whole mess of other things. I think it's safe to say the majority of Americans believe this is how things should be. Now on to your question.

Though I do call myself a Dem, I do not share the views of far-lefties either. Call it Centrism if it makes you feel better. I do think people should have the right of gun ownership, however I think many Americans do not see the need for Automatic, Semi-automatic, Assault Weapon, or handguns to be so readily available. A shotgun? Okay fine, a high-powered hunting rifle? Okay, I can agree with that. A Semi-Automatic AK-47 with a banana clip and bayonet? What in the world are you going to do with that?

I think it is the "dangerous guns" if you will, such as the semi-automatics and easily concealed handguns that are making a lot of Americans questioning gun control and it's apparent ineffectiveness. Fact is, the last 10 years or so these school shootings are becoming more frequent and much more deadly. No one is doing mass-killings at schools with a knife, sword, a bow and arrow, a crossbow, or a nun-chuck, they are using the very weapons that most people sit idly by in front of the TV and ask "Why are these guns legal?".

It takes quite a bit for the Constitution to be amended, but rest assured, when parents start worrying significantly about their children being killed at school by a crazed gunman with a semi-automatic assault rifle, amendment will be fully in the air.
#117REDACTED, Posted: Apr 17 2007 at 11:54 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Actually all my training comes from my 6'9 250lb brother kicking the sh*t out of me on a daily basis, who was incidentally a marine. And he talked me out of joining more than once, which I'm thankful I didn't. I don't know any marines, or any military for that matter, that earn more than I.
#118 Apr 17 2007 at 12:14 PM Rating: Default
4,158 posts
King Rimesume

Makes a futile attempt to have a 'normal conversation' with varus....


shows yet again why its utterly pointless

Has living in your bros' (admittedly impressive) shadow left you feeling a bit inadequate varus? It would explain a coupla things........
"If you have selfish, ignorant citizens, you're gonna get selfish, ignorant leaders". Carlin.

#119REDACTED, Posted: Apr 17 2007 at 12:23 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Pauly,
#120 Apr 17 2007 at 12:28 PM Rating: Decent
30,086 posts

Actually all my training comes from my 6'9 250lb brother kicking the sh*t out of me on a daily basis, who was incidentally a marine.

Just to clarify, in this context 'kicking' actually means 'penetrating me analy with a baseball bat while I begged for more.'

True story.

To make a long story short, I don't take any responsibility for anything I post here. It's not news, it's not truth, it's not serious. It's parody. It's satire. It's bitter. It's angsty. Your mother's a *****. You like to jack off dogs. That's right, you heard me. You like to grab that dog by the bone and rub it like a ski pole. Your dad? Gay. Your priest? Straight. **** off and let me post. It's not true, it's all in good fun. Now go away.

#121 Apr 17 2007 at 12:33 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
achileez wrote:
Actually all my training comes from my 6'9 250lb brother kicking the sh*t out of me on a daily basis, who was incidentally a marine.
Either Varus was getting regularly beaten up by his brother as an adult or else his awesome brother used to beat the shit out of Varus when Varus was a child.

Either scenario is pretty funny.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#122 Apr 17 2007 at 12:40 PM Rating: Decent
4,158 posts
Great! Now I got that scene in my head from 'Human Traffic' where our hero is getting anally raped by his manager....Thanx a lot for the laugh.
"If you have selfish, ignorant citizens, you're gonna get selfish, ignorant leaders". Carlin.

#123 Apr 17 2007 at 12:45 PM Rating: Decent
Jophiel wrote:
Either Varus was getting regularly beaten up by his brother as an adult or else his awesome brother used to beat the shit out of Varus when Varus was a child.

Either scenario is pretty funny.

Not to be obvious or obtuse, but all that pent up frustration originated from somewhere.
#124 Apr 17 2007 at 12:47 PM Rating: Default

Your twisted vision of yourself (varus) as a heroic frontiersman, defending your family against the onslaught of the 'savages' attacking your home, bent on slaughtering your children, and raping your wife, is exactly that. A vision. and a sorry @rsed one at that.

If you've ever been mugged you wouldn't say this. How about living in a neighborhood where break-ins are regular occurences; would you allow your wife to arm herself then?

You're nothing more than a spoiled **** who's been pampered his entire life and can't understand why someone who isn't sheltered would want to carry a weapon to protect themselves. H*ll on any given day I could have up to 20k in cash on me; and you better believe I have a license to carry a concealed weapon. I've talked to other insurance agents who've been robbed at gunpoint upon closing their office at night. It's up to each individual to choose whether they're going to be a victim or not. Clearly d*ckless emo types like Paula would rather be the victim.

#125 Apr 17 2007 at 12:50 PM Rating: Decent
30,086 posts

H*ll on any given day I could have up to 20k in cash on me; and you better believe I have a license to carry a concealed weapon.

I don't think anyone believes your old enough to have a driver's license, never mind a concealed weapons license.

believe that, yo.

To make a long story short, I don't take any responsibility for anything I post here. It's not news, it's not truth, it's not serious. It's parody. It's satire. It's bitter. It's angsty. Your mother's a *****. You like to jack off dogs. That's right, you heard me. You like to grab that dog by the bone and rub it like a ski pole. Your dad? Gay. Your priest? Straight. **** off and let me post. It's not true, it's all in good fun. Now go away.

#126REDACTED, Posted: Apr 17 2007 at 12:55 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Jophed,
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