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#52 Apr 16 2007 at 5:01 AM Rating: Default
i did the same. made a bunch of alts.

it wont be long before he relaizes how much time it takes to level 1 toon, much less 6, not to mention, the classes are dynamic enough you really have to switch your mindset to effectivly play a differant class. toss in tradeskills, and diplomacy, for whatever that does.... and its a long path.

you can solo all the way up, but, it is significantly slower and much poorer loot to do so. for instance, in a good group, you can make 1/3 of a level in 2 hours of continious fighting, soloing, about 1/10 of a level. its that drastic. Vanguard still doesnt quite get it when it comes to figuring out what most gamers want. easy in easy out. but what vanguard delivers is what all group orientated games deliver. begging for a group more than fighting in one, and spending alot of your time in a group sitting around waiting for a tank or healer.

loot wise, however, is not really an issue. the player made loot is very good in comparison to droped dungon loot. you COULD do nothing but trade skills and diplomacy and still aqquire enough adventruing loot upgrades to keep your toon well dressed with just the auction house. there is a very active auctiuon house now.

im at 30 now. grouping up to now wasnt too bad. there are like 4 major spots every one goes to, and you eventually can get in a group and finnish the dungon quests.

at 30, the bottom seems to fall out. havent been able to find a dungon group in over a week now. cant even find a popular dungon that attracks a large enough group of people to form one. people just dont want to group. there could be over 100 people within my level range, and yet, you open the lfg window and mabe you find 5 or 6 peeps lfg, and none of them a cleric or tank. none of them in the same continent either much less the same area.

the created a great EQ1 upgrade. better than EQ2. but the market doesnt want to group. they SAY they do, but when it comes right down to tagging yourself lfg, they dont do it. they solo along ocasionally looking for a group looking for more that might interest them as long as it isnt too far away and as long as they already have a tank and healer and are ready to go.

they are looking for easy in / easy out.

its not the game, its the people playing it. the game is great. the graphics are awsome.

had a blast till 30. worth every penny i paid for it. but unless something drastic changes, i may be done with this character and might start focusing on another. problem is, even though the world is HUGE and there are tons of places to fight, there are only a hand full of places people gather for groups. only one continent is very popular and active. the rest are just starting places for toons then every one migrates to thestera, weather they are evil or good. then they fight in three rivers and the level 15 dungon there, move to the ant hill, then to TC dungon till they ding 30, then they scatter to the winds never to be seen again.

i found a cave with a TON of quests, alot of them for small groups (3 dots), totally empty. perfect for my level, but totally deserted with the exception of an ocasional soloer here and there. so many quests, i couldnt take them all. not enough room in the quest journal for them. just no people,

do a search for level 30 peeps, get a page and a half of returns. no 2 in any one zone. do a seach for level 30 peeps taged lfg.....4 returns in 4 differant areas, and not a tank or healer amoung them.

its the people. they TALK group, but they dont actually want to PLAY group. that is why WoW has 8 million subscribers, and the rest MIGHT have 1 million all together to split between EQ1, EQ2, SWG, DAOC, AO, planetside, and now Vanguard.

awsome world, tons of quests, great game. wrong type of player targeted. too bad too. if this game had launched when EQ1 did, it would have blown them out of the water. certainly better than EQ2 is right now.

people want easy in / easy out. 90 percent of them anyway. a great game delivered to the wrong crowd.
#53 Apr 16 2007 at 5:11 AM Rating: Decent
Skelly Poker Since 2008
16,781 posts
I jumped onto a Ranger I made on Hilsbury (Elinda eh). Talked with Snorre a bit Smiley: grin.

She shoots a bow really well but can't run backwards fast enough to keep shooting long enough to do enough damage in order to finish off the mob toe to toe...without dying Smiley: tongue. She also has to spend all her measly coin on arrows.

I think I'll be hard pressed to find another class/combo I like as much as my DE DSC.

The Gnome started city has been my favorite so far, and the Library of Mekalia there my favorite newbie dungeon.

Alma wrote:
I lost my post
#54 Apr 16 2007 at 7:00 AM Rating: Good
bodhisattva wrote:

Game kind of looks like *** since I need another gig of ram and newer vid car to get the most out of it. However runs at 35 fps on second to last quality setting and I am sure I could fiddle around and tweak that out.

With the set-up I have I'm getting 60fps out in the wild on medium settings with my clip plane at max. Last night, though, I entered my first large city, Khal, and my fps dropped in half. I wasn't surprised because I'd read plenty about that phenomena, and I wasn't really bothered by having only 20-30fps.

All in all, that's the biggest surprise for me, that the game does run so well.
#55 Apr 16 2007 at 7:44 AM Rating: Good
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
I am not going to buy a rig to play an incomplete game, since my box will play almost everything out there at a decent setting.

Definitely need 2gb of ram and a decent 256mb card. I am wondering, has Brad and crew lived up to their promise and provided a fix to dual cores?
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#56 Apr 16 2007 at 8:25 AM Rating: Excellent
2,196 posts
I forgot to mention how the game runs for me and my system specs. I have the graphics set to Medium/Balanced and the clipping plane is maxed out. My resolution is 1680 x 1050 (20" widescreen monitor).

My system has a 3.73GHz processor, 2 Gig of RAM, and an ATI Radeon X850XT 256MB Platinum Edition video card. I plan on picking up a new nVidia card as soon as I can but I haven't really had a chance yet to review prices for the high end cards.

Bhodi, I humbly recommend creating a few toons and check out different starting areas. Some are far more interesting than others. Two that come to mind with some sense of story is my Half Elf Disciple and my Goblin Necromancer. The Halfling area was really great as well. The Dwarven area is still a bit disappointing to me. The Gnome area is pretty cool, good for hunting and starting out.

shadowrelm wrote:
it wont be long before he relaizes how much time it takes to level 1 toon, much less 6, not to mention, the classes are dynamic enough you really have to switch your mindset to effectivly play a differant class. toss in tradeskills, and diplomacy, for whatever that does.... and its a long path.

You are assuming that I plan to actually play them all up (8 toons, btw) to max level when all I'm really doing is simply checking out some different race/class combos until I settle on my "main" toon. Hell, I'll probably re-roll some more to try other combinations. As to the mindset comment, well, duh - diversity is far more interesting than playing 8 toons exactly the same way. I do appreciate your take on the diplomacy and tradeskills - that's why I'll probably only have one tradeskills toon but I have yet to check out tradeskills.

Also, I'm not really concerned with getting my toons maxed out quickly. This is definitely a game of exploration (which is far more interesting to me) and like someone else mentioned in this thread, I'm hardly paying attention to my leveling - I guess I was having too much fun to notice. I think if folks stop worrying about leveling up so much and focus on the adventure itself, the game is very much like the best parts of EQ back in the day. I also like that you aren't led by the nose (linear) like you are in WoW and LOTRO (to a lesser extent).

'Lo, there do I see, the line of my people, back to the beginning, 'lo do they call to me, they bid me take my place among them, in the halls of Valhalla, where the brave...may live...forever.

X-Box 360 Gamer Tag - Smogster
#57 Apr 16 2007 at 9:47 AM Rating: Decent
19,369 posts
AngstyCoder wrote:
I was in from beta 2.5 I think it was. Not very fond of the game. It had a lot of potential, but I think it fell way short. When they released, I said "wtf?! This is a finished product?!" Unisntalled and never looked back.

HOLY *&$(@#!!!!

How the hell you been Angsty?
#58 Apr 16 2007 at 3:21 PM Rating: Default
Definitely need 2gb of ram and a decent 256mb card. I am wondering, has Brad and crew lived up to their promise and provided a fix to dual cores?

i have a amd duo core and it runs fine. 2 gigs of ram too. looks like crap on my amd 3000 though.

You are assuming that I plan to actually play them all up (8 toons, btw) to max level when all I'm really doing is simply checking out some different race/class combos until I settle on my "main" toon. Hell, I'll probably re-roll some more to try other combinations. As to the mindset comment, well, duh - diversity is far more interesting than playing 8 toons exactly the same way. I do appreciate your take on the diplomacy and tradeskills - that's why I'll probably only have one tradeskills toon but I have yet to check out tradeskills.

yea, im not too dissapointed about not getting a group lately. having a blast just exploring the differant areas. the graphics are just stunning. from the shadows on your toon, to the wake in the water, to boats, horses, and even the monsters. the dungons are high quality. definaly EQ1/EQ2 quality. much much superrior than anything in any other game including WoW. however....i did really enjoy the traps and hidden doors in D&D online. they rocked.

dont see alot of hope of actually seeing the post 30 dungons however. mabe ill start a healer. i dont know. havnet started the tradeskills, but many people have. i already see player made boats in places and a couple people in my guild are making bricks to build a house, working their way up to a guild house. i do keep my skinning up, tried keeping quarying up, but seems to be a shortage of the 2nd tier resources. i let it drop, now the places i hunt have nodes higher level than i can mine. /shrug.

i dont know how they will get people to group more though. there are just tooooo many places to go at any level, so peeps are spread out quite a bit, not counting the ones working on trade skills and diplomacy instead of hunting.

pondering a healer. but still having fun.
#59 Apr 16 2007 at 4:31 PM Rating: Good
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
You know the thing that bugs me the most?

The UI. It's ugly.

I expected the bugs, I expected the server crashes, well I didnt expect that much. However the combat is fun, the quests in the starting zones aren't bad, and all in all it isn't horrible.

Except for the UI.
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#60 Apr 16 2007 at 7:15 PM Rating: Good
6,730 posts

Edited, Apr 16th 2007 11:15pm by GitSlayer
#61 Apr 16 2007 at 7:15 PM Rating: Good
6,730 posts
Huh? The U.I. looks a lot like WoWs, particularily when you turn on all the extra quick bars. I'm not saying Wow's looks nice, it doesn't, it looks like ***, but it's not horrible with a little twicking.
#62 Apr 17 2007 at 4:23 AM Rating: Good
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
Don't confuse having the same layout for looking the same, cause they don't.

VG looks like ***, WoW's is infinitely more polished.
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#63 Apr 17 2007 at 8:20 AM Rating: Good
There are mods out there, but I haven't messed with them and for most games I usually don't, because I have a habit of ******** things up. I did run into my first bug last night, after Smoggy/Snorre and I ran around for a bit with a rogue/disciple duo in Asia-land. After he logged, I got on my blood-mage and upon logging in found I was stuck inside a rock. Somehow I'd been moved after thr last time I logged off. I struggled to get free for a minute, and then gave up, typed in /stuck yes, and was freed moments later. Other than the occasional graphics weirdness(missing objects and textures) I haven't seen anything that smacks of "incomplete", though, and that pleases me. I know that there's not exactly a ton of high-level content yet, but by the time I get there I feel safe assuming there will be.

Anyway, I think I may have settled on a main after last night, here's a picture of Haggar DeHorrible, my half-giant dread-knight, sitting on a throne of skulls I found in a cave infested with undead wolves, bears, and their necromanceer gnoll masters.

I'm really having a lot of fun.

#64 Apr 17 2007 at 8:49 AM Rating: Excellent
2,196 posts
Bhodi, I haven't checked, but maybe you can provide your feedback about the ui to Sigil on their VG message boards - heck, it worked for you with LOTRO about the Dwarf beards!

Awesome shot, BT. I'll probably make a Half-Giant Warrior today.

I had a blast last night, but my biggest concern is frame rate in open areas - caves and indoors no problem, but it was pretty laggy/sluggish for me outdoors. I've got my settings on balanced and I had to set the clipping plane down to minimal. Hopefully, it was just a bad day - I didn't have to do that the other night (had clipping plane maxed out).

**Edit** I changed my settings from Balanced to High Performance and things improved dramatically. I was also able to max out my clipping plane again.

I'll be looking into a new nVidia card as soon as I can, because as it is right now, I'm not sure if raiding (at some point) or full groups will even be feasible right now.

I think BT mentioned last night that the framerate issue is being addressed, but I'll have to do some research myself.

Still, had a blast and I'm enjoying the game so far - it's definitely holding my interest.

Edited, Apr 17th 2007 11:17am by Snorre
'Lo, there do I see, the line of my people, back to the beginning, 'lo do they call to me, they bid me take my place among them, in the halls of Valhalla, where the brave...may live...forever.

X-Box 360 Gamer Tag - Smogster
#65 Apr 17 2007 at 12:59 PM Rating: Good
6,730 posts
Grandfather Barkingturtle wrote:

Anyway, I think I may have settled on a main after last night, here's a picture of Haggar DeHorrible, my half-giant dread-knight, sitting on a throne of skulls I found in a cave infested with undead wolves, bears, and their necromanceer gnoll masters.

I'm really having a lot of fun.

FUcker, he looks exactly like my Half Giant Dread Knight Gorim Drago right down to the red hair and balding pate. They really need more hair choices.

Edited, Apr 17th 2007 4:59pm by GitSlayer
#66 Apr 17 2007 at 1:52 PM Rating: Excellent
2,196 posts
Git wrote:
They really need more hair choices.

Agree! The hairstyles are lacking, but at least they aren't plastic looking like EQ2.

Edited, Apr 17th 2007 2:52pm by Snorre
'Lo, there do I see, the line of my people, back to the beginning, 'lo do they call to me, they bid me take my place among them, in the halls of Valhalla, where the brave...may live...forever.

X-Box 360 Gamer Tag - Smogster
#67 Apr 17 2007 at 2:10 PM Rating: Default
agree. the character creation is one of my pet peeves about the game. only 4 hair and face choices. pitifull. EQ1 had more and its 6 years old now.

they put too much into the stuff that doesnt matter, like ears, hands, feet, and stupid stuff like arms to legs ratio, and not enough where it counts IMO. the hair color and eye color is seriously lacking too.

but those are little things they can fix later. the fighting is fun, the graphics are stunning, the class abilities are interesting.

some of the things we all complained about in EQ1 ended up being controlled in every game since, like kill stealing, locked encounters, trains that kill everything in their path, and competition in dungons, not to mention camping also seems to make the game less alive in them. playing in a steril enviroment where you are the only group in an instanced dungon and not having to worry about someone elses bad pull, or competition for a mob left them all feeling flat. sure, they got rid of alot of greifing, but they also turned a lively world into merley an exorcise, giving yet a whole new meaning of putting in your time.

i cant believe i am saying this, but getting wiped by a horendous train that got away from another group made the game more real. more dangerous. it provided some incintive to help a group out fighting near you, if they go down while your in a fight, your group is next.

sadly though, it is going to suffer the same fate as EQ1. people grinding or double boxing to the top, bypassing groups alltogether, and 90 percent of its content being completly ignored becuase the best sgraphics are in the dungons and they are group only.

if they can fix the grouping problem, and the dependancy on 2 classes as in every other grouping game, they will grow fast. if they dont, the casual players WILL eventually leave. they dont have to boar themselves to tears anymore grinding solo mobs. there are choices. at 15, you pretty much have to group if you want gear and a decent rate of advancement. at 30, it is really really tough to find ANY groups anywhere.

they have time to work it out though. there is already serious discussion about this problem, so they know its real.

time will tell.
#68 Apr 17 2007 at 3:21 PM Rating: Good
6,730 posts
Actually I agree with you shadow, trains are not fun but they always added a layer of danger to the game that made it more alive, but then so did bad pathing so I am not going to complain to much.
#69 Apr 17 2007 at 3:28 PM Rating: Good
Ministry of Silly Cnuts
19,524 posts
Oh such bitter-sweet memories!

2 words.

Paludal Caverns

I feel am so old!
"I started out with nothin' and I still got most of it left" - Seasick Steve
#70 Apr 17 2007 at 3:30 PM Rating: Decent
Prodigal Son
20,643 posts
Nobby wrote:
Oh such bitter-sweet memories!

2 words.

Paludal Caverns

I feel am so old!


Good times!
publiusvarus wrote:
we all know liberals are well adjusted american citizens who only want what's best for society. While conservatives are evil money grubbing scum who only want to sh*t on the little man and rob the world of its resources.
#71 Apr 17 2007 at 3:35 PM Rating: Good
Ministry of Silly Cnuts
19,524 posts
Debalic wrote:

Good times!

my memory wrote:
Yelloweyes Attacks

Brigantine attacks x 11

/ooc lvl 6 Dr00d LFG

/ooc Train to ZL


That's fUcking poetry right there.
"I started out with nothin' and I still got most of it left" - Seasick Steve
#72 Apr 17 2007 at 4:00 PM Rating: Good
Nobby wrote:
Oh such bitter-sweet memories!

2 words.

Paludal Caverns

I feel am so old!

Paludal Caverns? Psshaw, that's not old.

Old are the trains that would come out of the depths of Blackburrow to meet you at the entrance if you aggroed one of those gnolls down in the pit.

I agree, though, trains and sharing dungeons with other folks are good for games. I really don't dig instancing.

As for the grouping thing, I'm nearly level ten now, with enough silver to buy my first mount as soon as I ding, and I'm planning to run my DK across Thestra to meet up with Smog--Snorre's dwarf pally. So at least we'll have two tanks. There's definitely a bit more involved in getting together with friends in this game, since travel is an adventure unto itself, but I'm looking forward to sight-seeing along the way.

One thing for sure, this is my new game. I could have an army of alts and not see all there is to see in this game, so that sells me. If you guys on Hilsbury want to put together a good, static group I'd be happy to reroll into something else, even, and level it to ten, get a mount, and then meet up. You guys have any idea what class your mains will be, or even what archetype, yet? I haven't found a class I don't like playing, really, but I think an obvious way to overcome the grouping issues SR mentions would be to have the base of a group already established, and then remain in relatively the same area so we could get together easily, and just add other folks as needed. Then again, I'm not even sure you guys are enjoying the game as much as me, in which case you can tell me to stop yammering like an excited kid.

#73 Apr 17 2007 at 4:27 PM Rating: Excellent
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
I haven't even tried a cleric yet. Or shaman.

Disc and blood mage are both pretty nice for healing classes, though. I just wonder how the healing is going to scale - I'd hate to get behind the 8-ball with a subpar healing class again.

Maybe I'll play it safe and roll a cleric, see if they found a way to make that fun.

I did try out a psionicist, and at least at low levels they're pretty cool. Haven't gotten deep into the crowd control aspect, though.

In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

#74 Apr 17 2007 at 4:31 PM Rating: Excellent
Official Shrubbery Waterer
14,659 posts
Wrong forum, n00bs! Smiley: mad
Jophiel wrote:
I managed to be both retarded and entertaining.

#75 Apr 17 2007 at 4:35 PM Rating: Good
Samira wrote:
I haven't even tried a cleric yet. Or shaman.

Disc and blood mage are both pretty nice for healing classes, though. I just wonder how the healing is going to scale - I'd hate to get behind the 8-ball with a subpar healing class again.

Maybe I'll play it safe and roll a cleric, see if they found a way to make that fun.

I did try out a psionicist, and at least at low levels they're pretty cool. Haven't gotten deep into the crowd control aspect, though.

Are you playing on Hilsbury, Sami?
#76 Apr 17 2007 at 5:28 PM Rating: Good
6,730 posts
Was it Befallen that had the Scarecrow mobs with pumkin heads? That zone had some serious Train and pathing issues.

I agree with BT. I'll reroll just about anything if people are serious about grouping.
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