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Democrats still have no plan (other than talk) to deal...Follow

#52 Apr 09 2007 at 11:09 AM Rating: Decent
4,158 posts
It's obvious to anyone who's not blinded by partisan hate

Smiley: laughSmiley: laughSmiley: laughSmiley: laughSmiley: laugh

Oh! the irony.........
"If you have selfish, ignorant citizens, you're gonna get selfish, ignorant leaders". Carlin.

#53 Apr 09 2007 at 11:15 AM Rating: Decent
9,997 posts
Bush has drawn these snakes out. It's not that there are any more terrorists, only that the terrorists are being forced into the open.

Thanks W. If only someone had told him that snakes only attack when they feel threatened.
#54REDACTED, Posted: Apr 10 2007 at 5:36 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Pauly,
#55 Apr 10 2007 at 5:38 AM Rating: Decent

Thanks W. If only someone had told him that snakes only attack when they feel threatened.

So you would rather not know if there's a snake in the grass? I guess it isn't a big deal until someone flys a plane into the building where your family works. What's depressing is pieces of sh*t like yourself actually have the right to vote.

#56 Apr 10 2007 at 6:09 AM Rating: Good
Liberal Conspiracy
achileez wrote:
So you would rather not know if there's a snake in the grass? I guess it isn't a big deal until someone flys a plane into the building where your family works.

I want these MOTHERFUCKING snakes off of this MOTHERFUCKING plane and back in the MOTHERFUCKING grass! Smiley: mad
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#57 Apr 10 2007 at 9:58 AM Rating: Default
Still waiting for a Democrat plan that supports victory.

#58 Apr 10 2007 at 10:21 AM Rating: Decent
9,997 posts
So you would rather not know if there's a snake in the grass?

I do want to know, so I know what part of the lawn to stay away from, not so I know where to drop the bombs.

And at this point, the idea of victory looks pretty lol.
#59 Apr 10 2007 at 10:23 AM Rating: Good
Liberal Conspiracy
Grab a chair. I've been waiting on a Republican plan that supports victory since 2003.

We had a bipartisan one but Bush decided to ignore the parts that didn't agree with his current plan.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#60 Apr 10 2007 at 10:29 AM Rating: Decent
9,997 posts
This is just my possibly ignorant perception of the situation:

We want to give them democracy, and to be our allies.
The majority don't like us, so if we give them a real democracy, they still aren't our allies. Alternatively, we can try to put someone in power who will be our ally, but then it won't be a real democracy, and they'll probably be assassinated or overthrown.

Given the above, time to get the hell out of Dodge. You can't squeeze water from a stone.
#61REDACTED, Posted: Apr 10 2007 at 10:34 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Kachi,
#62 Apr 10 2007 at 11:13 AM Rating: Good
9,997 posts
You somehow think that it's wise to fight a battle you can't win? If I thought we could win, I would support staying, but so far no one has convinced me that we can.
#63REDACTED, Posted: Apr 10 2007 at 11:20 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Kachi,
#64 Apr 10 2007 at 11:40 AM Rating: Decent
4,158 posts
Still waiting for a Democrat plan that supports victory.

Im still waiting for someone like yourself to define 'victory'. (Without resorting to the vacuous rhetoric favoured by El Presidente).

Empty slogans such as 'staying the course' and 'turning point' do not constitute a plan for 'victory'.

And while I'm wasting time talking to a fucking dropkick like yourself.....

Why on earth should someone be forced to care for another at the point of a gun?

How come you dont support provision of healthcare for your own citizens, yet you support the spending of half a trillion dollars ( and the lives of thousands of your soldiers, trying to install 'democracy' to a people who obviously hate your fucking guts?

Just wondering.....

"If you have selfish, ignorant citizens, you're gonna get selfish, ignorant leaders". Carlin.

#65 Apr 10 2007 at 11:44 AM Rating: Decent
9,997 posts
Somehow I doubt that media influences are responsible for me not hearing a successful plan from anyone, or is the entire media against the war?

I think I've already outlined the conundrum we're in above. Victory as we know it seems like a logical impossibility, not something we can throw bravery and heroics at to majikly ficks it.
#66 Apr 10 2007 at 1:28 PM Rating: Decent
2,501 posts
Kachi wrote:
You somehow think that it's wise to fight a battle you can't win? If I thought we could win, I would support staying, but so far no one has convinced me that we can.

I'll try my hand at this, mostly because I'm tired of the media jumping on the bandwagon of hate Bush, and leave Iraq, than focusing on the facts.

Ask almost any soldier, sailor, Marine, or airman, that's been to Iraq if they think we're winning, and they'll tell you "yes", if not in words, by the fact that the retention rates are higher now than ever, and many of those members of the military are requesting multiple tours of duty, after they've come home for a break.

Most of those in Iraq are certain of victory, because they deal with the citizens on the ground on a daily basis. They're the ones getting welcomed into homes, and offered thanks from the now free people of Iraq, not the media.

I don't want to make it seem all rosy and crap over there, because it's not. For every 100 happy Iraqis, there are 5 that are pissed, and those 5 are dangerous. Those 5 are throwbacks, that want religious law in place of a common law, that's fairer to more people. I for one don't think that women should be forced to wear robes that cover their body, save their eyes, but then it's not up to me, it's up to the free people of Iraq, not us. I think we should let their leadership govern the country, and focus on rebuilding efforts. Focus on keeping up our end of the "bargan", rather than forcing this country to work. I will readily admit that victory, by the average person's definition, is far easier to achieve here, that W.'s idea. The real way to achieve victory is by dividing Iraq up into the seperate nations/nation states it was before Britan screwed it all up. Allowing for a seperate government in each. Let the people that live there decide how they wish to be governed, and let it be, rather than force freedom on them. Had this been done to begin with, we wouldn't be having this topic of discussion, rather, we'd be talking about Cheney/Powell in '08 (:lol:).

Where I will agree with you is here: There is NO CLEAR PLAN to actually win this "war". Neither party has any idea of what it takes to win the nationalist Muslims over. They have no idea how to re-enforce to the people of Iraq that all we want to do is help them fix their country, and get the hell out, with hopes of some oil discounts in the future, and get back to Taliban hunting in Afghanistan, and watching American Idol (God I hate that show). Iraq has been a cluster bomb of stupid plans, and minimum effort from our leadership, but it's not a lost cause. Let's not forget, though, that we did find WMDs (biological), and one of the most dangerous people on the planet is gone. Now, if only we can get their government to work, we could move on to more pressing issues, like rising tax burdens, and getting rid of NAFTA and TAFTA.

Back to the point: Can we win in Iraq? Yes. Is it likely that we will? At this rate, no.
#67 Apr 10 2007 at 1:42 PM Rating: Decent
2,453 posts
achileez wrote:
Still waiting for a Democrat plan that supports victory.


Still waiting for you to step up to the plate and fight the terroritsts yourself. Join the fight you support so whole-heartedly, otherwise you're just another rightwing chickenhawk.

Well, besides a racist idiot, I mean.
#68 Apr 10 2007 at 1:51 PM Rating: Good
30,086 posts

Ask almost any soldier, sailor, Marine, or airman, that's been to Iraq if they think we're winning, and they'll tell you "yes",

I know about 20. To a man they've all said "no".

if not in words, by the fact that the retention rates are higher now than ever,

This is just absurdly false. Here's a hint, *wishing* something were true doesn't make it so.

Sorry, Charlie :(

and many of those members of the military are requesting multiple tours of duty, after they've come home for a break.

Many? What does that mean, more than three?

Most of those in Iraq are certain of victory, because they deal with the citizens on the ground on a daily basis. They're the ones getting welcomed into homes, and offered thanks from the now free people of Iraq, not the media.

Most of those in Iraq don't want to be in Iraq. Most Iraqis don't want to be in Iraq. Most of those left in Iraq simply didn't have the resources to leave Iraq or they would have.

I don't want to make it seem all rosy and crap over there, because it's not. For every 100 happy Iraqis, there are 5 that are pissed, and those 5 are dangerous. Those 5 are throwbacks, that want religious law in place of a common law, that's fairer to more people. I for one don't think that women should be forced to wear robes that cover their body, save their eyes, but then it's not up to me, it's up to the free people of Iraq, not us. I think we should let their leadership govern the country, and focus on rebuilding efforts. Focus on keeping up our end of the "bargan", rather than forcing this country to work. I will readily admit that victory, by the average person's definition, is far easier to achieve here, that W.'s idea. The real way to achieve victory is by dividing Iraq up into the seperate nations/nation states it was before Britan screwed it all up.

It must be an interesting life to be this abjectly delusional about something. How do you avoid regaining touch with reality, exactly? Do you just cover your eyes when you see news reports from Iraq, or is more along the lines of a conspiracy of the media to report how great things are most days?

Diving Iraq up into smaller states accomplishes nothing but very likely having Iran and Turkey get involved militarily. Oh boy!

Allowing for a seperate government in each. Let the people that live there decide how they wish to be governed, and let it be, rather than force freedom on them. Had this been done to begin with, we wouldn't be having this topic of discussion, rather, we'd be talking about Cheney/Powell in '08 (:lol:).

Hahaha, to being with. Ignorance is so cute.

Where I will agree with you is here: There is NO CLEAR PLAN to actually win this "war". Neither party has any idea of what it takes to win the nationalist Muslims over.

Right neither party. It's no one's fault, we're all in this together, let's not point fingers at the people directly responsible or anything.

You're adorable.

They have no idea how to re-enforce to the people of Iraq that all we want to do is help them fix their country, and get the hell out, with hopes of some oil discounts in the future, and get back to Taliban hunting in Afghanistan, and watching American Idol (God I hate that show). Iraq has been a cluster bomb of stupid plans, and minimum effort from our leadership, but it's not a lost cause.

It's been a lost cause for years now. We'll leave, they'll fight, and it'll end up being a Muslim theocracy, or possibly, a puppet state for Iran. Yay!

Let's not forget, though, that we did find WMDs (biological), and one of the most dangerous people on the planet is gone.

No, we didn't, and he's in office for more than a year yet, even though he's an impotent lame duck.

Now, if only we can get their government to work, we could move on to more pressing issues, like rising tax burdens, and getting rid of NAFTA and TAFTA.

Back to the point: Can we win in Iraq? Yes. Is it likely that we will? At this rate, no.

You really are the cutest. I'm definitely buying you a little American flag waving teddy bear for Christmas that you can talk to about these 'ideas'. I'll have a special voice recognition chip and speaker implanted in him so that when he hears you say things like this post aloud he'll say 'right on brother!" and start singing the National Anthem.

Edited, Apr 10th 2007 5:51pm by Smasharoo

To make a long story short, I don't take any responsibility for anything I post here. It's not news, it's not truth, it's not serious. It's parody. It's satire. It's bitter. It's angsty. Your mother's a *****. You like to jack off dogs. That's right, you heard me. You like to grab that dog by the bone and rub it like a ski pole. Your dad? Gay. Your priest? Straight. **** off and let me post. It's not true, it's all in good fun. Now go away.

#69 Apr 10 2007 at 2:29 PM Rating: Decent
9,997 posts
I'm just going to refrain from further commentary because like I imagine is the case for most everyone here, I've never been to Iraq, certainly not within the context of the condition it's in now. I haven't seen any polls or studies about how the Iraqi people feel, or how our soldiers feel, or how the crime rate has changed, or if a tax system is in order which funds essential departments; if there is a functional and reliable police force, judicial system... in fact all I've seen period is potentially politically biased information from third parties.

And I would quickly concede that that is a problem itself... that anyone in the public who cares about this issue at all relies so heavily on the media (and that goes for both "sides") and not any kind of quantitative data while weighing in. I can make several if->then statements about the war, but without knowing the actual "if"s I'd just be blowing smoke.

Someone show me some actual data about the state of things in Iraq... something that actually suggests that we ARE making progress, and let's work from there. I wouldn't be at all surprised if no such (reliable) data exists. I know it's a freaking war and legitimate research is probably the furthest thing from the minds of the political blowhards calling the shots in Congress and the Whitehouse, but you'd think the quantifiable progress they're making would be the first thing they'd want to determine and publicize.
#70 Apr 10 2007 at 2:42 PM Rating: Good
4,158 posts
Ask almost any soldier, sailor, Marine, or airman, that's been to Iraq if they think we're winning, and they'll tell you "yes",

Former secretary of State Colin Powell said Sunday that the U.S. Army "is about broken"

They're the ones getting welcomed into homes, and offered thanks from the now free people of Iraq,

You mean these ones? Yep! The fundamentalists think you guys rock!

For every 100 happy Iraqis, there are 5 that are pissed, and those 5 are dangerous. Those 5 are throwbacks, that want religious law in place of a common law,


How about the recent one that says that 51% of Iraqis think its ok to attack coalition troops?

I for one don't think that women should be forced to wear robes that cover their body, save their eyes, but then it's not up to me, it's up to the free people of Iraq, not us.

You're right its not up to you.

But, its only since the invasion that some of the more extreme demands of sharia/islamic law have been enforced in Iraq. because you've never been to Iraq, you wouldn't be aware that under Sadaam s rule, that sort of behaviour was outlawed.

So, strike out your concern for womens rights as an excuse for the continued occupation, mmmkay?

I think we should let their leadership govern the country,

But that would mean allowing the (Iranian backed) shiite majority to be in charge....Is that what you're supporting? I'm confused now. And besides, before the invasion that you are still supporting, their leadership was governing the country.

Whats changed in your world that its not ok for Sadaam to have ruled, but it is ok for a fundamentalist islamist party to rule?

Smiley: confused

The real way to achieve victory is by dividing Iraq up into the seperate nations/nation states it was before Britan screwed it all up. its all Britains fault that Bush needed to invade! Right. Got ya...

Let the people that live there decide how they wish to be governed, and let it be, rather than force freedom on them.

Your grasp of the regions politics is obviously a bit lacking. Turkey and Iran will never allow an autonomous kurdish state.
The oil is in the North and the South. The Sunnis are in the middle. Can anyone else see the problem here?

force freedom on them.

A contradiction in terms surely....

They have no idea how to re-enforce to the people of Iraq that all we want to do is help them fix their country, and get the hell out,

You could stop sending more troops and building gigantic (permanent) military bases.
And whats with that Embassy thats about the only thing that is being constructed there?
Doesn't exactly shout that you will be leaving soon. Its the military equivilant of taking off your shoes and coat and putting your feet up on the table.

Iraq has been a cluster bomb of stupid plans, and minimum effort from our leadership,

You forgot 'criminal intent'.

but it's not a lost cause.

Umm. It is as far as the US is concerned. Your president just cant admit it to himself yet. not publicly anyway.

Let's not forget, though, that we did find WMDs (biological), and one of the most dangerous people on the planet is gone.

No. You didn't.

[quote]The comprehensive 15-month search for weapons of mass destruction in Iraq has concluded that the only chemical or biological agents that Saddam Hussein's regime was working on before last year's invasion were small quantities of poisons, most likely for use in assassinations. [/quote] Link

And No. He wasn't. He was a danger to his own people for sure. But to the US? Thats laughable.

[quote]Back to the point: Can we win in Iraq? Yes. [/quote]

Would it be too much to ask if you wouldn't mind defining 'win' and 'victory' for me again please?

the definitions I'm used to are..
1. Defeat of an enemy or opponent.
2. Success in a struggle against difficulties or an obstacle.
3. The state of having triumphed.

1. Not even close.
2. getting more unlikely by the day.
3.Smiley: laugh unless of course you are using a different definition of 'triumph'.

You appear to be using a different one.

"If you have selfish, ignorant citizens, you're gonna get selfish, ignorant leaders". Carlin.

#71 Apr 10 2007 at 2:42 PM Rating: Default
2,501 posts
Well, according to the vast majority of people that I've actually spoken to (not imaginary people on the interweb), an OVERWHELMING majority of them feel that we are able to win in Iraq, and want to return, just to finish the job. It's not about covering my eyes. In fact the only time I do that is when I have to sift through that drivel you call an argument.

The Pentagon (you know, that place hit with an aircraft back on 9/11, and didn't collapse), released documents that showed retention to still be high (though not as high as in 2002), with recruiting having fallen off dramaticly.

It's funny, the whiners that get out, and start selling their story, are usually attacked by their own squadmates only a day or two later. Claims of cowardice, and deriliction of duty are throw out there rather quickly, and the numbers of those claims speak louder than the original whine to begin with. The 20 "Marines" that you "know", are likely little panseies, that couldn't punch their way out of a wet paper bag with instructions. If they are real Marines, it's likely that they're chicken Shits that have never even left the state they're from, and should be kicked out of the Corps., and sent to man the water cooler at the Neverland Ranch.
#72 Apr 10 2007 at 2:51 PM Rating: Good
4,158 posts
and want to return, just to finish the job.

Oh for the love of Bob.

Will you for fucks sake tell me in simple terms, what the Fucking hell you mean by 'finish the job'.

Is it so fucking hard?

What is the 'job'?
What is 'victory'?

What the **** are you talking about?

If you cant define an end point to this 'job', then your opinions about it are fucking pointless.
Smiley: motz
Smiley: motz
Smiley: motz

And no, I dont think your ignorance is 'cute'.
"If you have selfish, ignorant citizens, you're gonna get selfish, ignorant leaders". Carlin.

#73 Apr 10 2007 at 3:07 PM Rating: Decent
Metastophicleas wrote:
It's funny, the whiners that get out, and start selling their story, are usually attacked by their own squadmates only a day or two later. Claims of cowardice, and deriliction of duty are throw out there rather quickly, and the numbers of those claims speak louder than the original whine to begin with. The 20 "Marines" that you "know", are likely little panseies, that couldn't punch their way out of a wet paper bag with instructions. If they are real Marines, it's likely that they're chicken ***** that have never even left the state they're from, and should be kicked out of the Corps., and sent to man the water cooler at the Neverland Ranch.

Why do you hate the troops?
#74 Apr 10 2007 at 3:11 PM Rating: Decent
2,501 posts
Winning in Iraq in my mind is this:

Being able to leave the country in better condition than we found it. I am not a huge supporter of King Bush. (Understatement alert)I think he's an ok guy, but not a great president. I think we CAN win, however unlikely (which I did say also, or did your pea sized brain not catch that?).

Don't confuse with Varus. I do understand what's going on in Iraq, having been there twice, as well as Afghanistan. I know what the region's issues are, and to be honest, I don't really give a damn what the motivation for going in was, Congress never delared war, thus this war is unConstitutional. We shouldn't have been there, but now that we are, we need to make sure that the place isn't just going to collapse when we leave.

Since you want to mention permanant bases, I'll tell you right off that I don't agree with having them, in ANY country other than our own. I don't think we should have a base in the UK, Germany, Italy, Korea, or anywhere else. The rest of the world wants to fUck itself into Hell, let it. I'm not sure I could care any less about most of the EU. I don't want to see the Nurburgring damaged though, at least not until I've driven on it, everything else, I'm only kinda iffy on caring about it.

I'm not too worried about Iran to be honest. Once we leave, they'll go back to ******** about Israel, and reassume the status quo. The current Hitler wannabe will be out of office soon, and Iran will go back to being known as the country next to Iraq again.

Also, I didn't state that I felt Saddam was a danger to the US, hell I don't really care. My statement was that he was one of the more dangerous people on the planet, and he was. Sadir is also in the minority of Iraqis that I spoke of. Don't let polls fool you, I can create a poll that would show that the majority of Americans think King Bush is doing a fine job. It'd be easy. I just have to find the half of the country that voted for him twice. You know, those people that are skipped by the regular pollsters.

The US didn't invade because of the Britts. My point was this: Before the UK created Iraq, there were three countries, not one.

Let me ask this of all the naysayers and those that refuse to come up with a plan to win against extremist Islam:

Should the forces in Iraq leave tomorrow, do you think that relations will be fixed? Do you think that everything will be just ducky? What do you honestly think will happen? Don't you think that the leadership of the terrorist organizations will be emboldened to continue attacks on the rest of the world? What is your idea to defeat radical Islamists, hell bent on Jihad?
#75 Apr 10 2007 at 3:37 PM Rating: Good
4,158 posts
I asked (ever so politely)

What is the 'job'?
What is 'victory'?

Metastophicleas said

Being able to leave the country in better condition than we found it.


Better nutrition for the people? Nope.
Better water supply? Nope.
Better employement rates? Nope.
Better political stability? nope.
Better regional relations/stability? Nope.
Better economy? Nope.
Better educational facilities? Nope.
Better health service? Nope.
Better infrastructure? Nope again....

You wanna be a bit more specific? 'Cos I think you is still talking outta your ar$e.

Nebulous statements about 'better' are what your president keeps coming up with.

And because he doesn't post here (?Monxdot?) I'm askin' you to explain to me, why you think that the as yet undefined 'victory' is attainable.

Dont get me wrong. I want to see Iraqis lives made good.

But by your supporting the escalation of the war with 'surges' and your indeterminate 'getting the job done' statements makes me think that you havn't got a clue about what the hell it is that your gubnmint is up to.

Its easy for you to keep repeating the same old tripe about 'we broke it, we gotta fix it'. But i fail to see how the destructive/killing machine that is the US military, is making any progress in 'making Iraq better'.

Armies are designed and trained for breaking things/people.

Or did I miss the notification that from henceforth, armies are for handing out sweets and fluffy toys to poor downtrodden victims of 'evil' dictators??

"If you have selfish, ignorant citizens, you're gonna get selfish, ignorant leaders". Carlin.

#76 Apr 10 2007 at 4:26 PM Rating: Good
30,086 posts

Well, according to the vast majority of people that I've actually spoken to (not imaginary people on the interweb), an OVERWHELMING majority of them feel that we are able to win in Iraq, and want to return, just to finish the job.

You must know a lot of drooling simpletons, I guess. Sadly, as always, your anecdotal experience isn't relevant at all.

Sorry, Bubba :(

To make a long story short, I don't take any responsibility for anything I post here. It's not news, it's not truth, it's not serious. It's parody. It's satire. It's bitter. It's angsty. Your mother's a *****. You like to jack off dogs. That's right, you heard me. You like to grab that dog by the bone and rub it like a ski pole. Your dad? Gay. Your priest? Straight. **** off and let me post. It's not true, it's all in good fun. Now go away.

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