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Pace Gay/Morality CommentsFollow

#27 Mar 14 2007 at 10:57 AM Rating: Decent
Samira wrote:
Althrun wrote:

Wait wait wait wait. No oral sex allowed, straight or not????? Fuck that.

Interesting solution.

Smiley: laughSmiley: lolSmiley: laugh
#28 Mar 14 2007 at 10:59 AM Rating: Decent
296 posts
Smasharoo wrote:
Nice sentiment, but change doesn't happen that way. Changing entrenched views is a violent process.

I don't know if that's inheirently true, though I am hard-pressed to think of examples countering that idea. Even in situations of non-violent protest by the protestors, the protestees tend to get irritable (thinking Ghandi and MLK).

Yet even in those cases, it was really only the final jolt of change that came violently (in a historical sense). I think that those sort of massive social changes take a long time to build support, and then when the tide turns that is where there is potential for violence: when those that are steadfastly opposed to the change see that their side is no longer in the majority. I believe it is only a potential for violence and not an inevitability.
#29 Mar 14 2007 at 11:01 AM Rating: Good
Ridana is attracted to the discussion of all things gay like a purple moth to a throbbing, triangular flame of light. I think this is telling.
#30 Mar 14 2007 at 11:43 AM Rating: Good
Ministry of Silly Cnuts
19,524 posts
Metastophicleas wrote:
I don't care, as long as the ******* can fire his rifle in the right direction.
That would be at the British coalition members, right?

Even with some of the rationalisation here, I find it hard to believe there is even debate about it being OK to exclude people from serving because of an irrelevance like their sexuality.

The whole episode is an anachronism and a disgrace.

Why does this thread remind me of the German War Cemetery I visit where a whole bunch of soldiers who laid down their lives fighting for their Kaiser in 1914-18 were called Goldfarb, Bloomstein and Cohen.
"I started out with nothin' and I still got most of it left" - Seasick Steve
#31 Mar 14 2007 at 12:03 PM Rating: Decent
Metastophicleas wrote:
Smasharoo wrote:

Way to throw something disgusting out there, in comparison to something great. You don't get it do you?

No, I get it exactly. Read it again and think about it terms of one of the members of a unit being openly gay and how other men might feel about that and I think you'll see why it's an apt example.

Again, I'm not saying it's justifiable or right, I'm just stating that having gay men in certain specific combat oriented units would harm unit cohesion. Which it would. Is that enough of a reason to deny people basic fairness? Probably not. It's silly to think it wouldn't degrade morale to a certain degree, however, if tomorrow a policy was implemented allowing openly gay Marines. It would, people would probably die as a result. Worth it? Sure, maybe. I'd tend to think so, but we can't sit here pretending there would be no negative impact.

Ok, I got you, I was thinking that you were comparing the unit cohesion to incest, sorry about that.

Was that sarcasm?
#32 Mar 14 2007 at 2:23 PM Rating: Good
3,053 posts
If the Arm Forces could handle integration over 60 years ago, what is their problem now?

Sure there are always the Virus's who still will try to create problems, but then their always will be people who just can't handle any change. Military Regs just try to limit what damage they do, before they either learn or get discharged.
In the place of a Dark Lord you would have a Queen! Not dark but beautiful and terrible as the Morn! Treacherous as the Seas! Stronger than the foundations of the Earth! All shall love me and despair! -ElneClare

This Post is written in Elnese, If it was an actual Post, it would make sense.
#33 Mar 14 2007 at 2:55 PM Rating: Decent
30,086 posts
If the Arm Forces could handle integration over 60 years ago, what is their problem now?

They weren't worried about the black dude next to them ************ about them.

In all seriousness, I'm as pro gay equality as can be, but I can see the issues they have. Again, it's a change that should happen, and again, people are almost certainly going to die because of it.


To make a long story short, I don't take any responsibility for anything I post here. It's not news, it's not truth, it's not serious. It's parody. It's satire. It's bitter. It's angsty. Your mother's a *****. You like to jack off dogs. That's right, you heard me. You like to grab that dog by the bone and rub it like a ski pole. Your dad? Gay. Your priest? Straight. **** off and let me post. It's not true, it's all in good fun. Now go away.

#34 Mar 14 2007 at 11:05 PM Rating: Decent
achileez wrote:

It should be a problem for every soldier. Homosexuality is immoral and our military should not condone such immorality.

Immoral according to what standard?
#35 Mar 15 2007 at 2:30 AM Rating: Decent
As the legendary Gareth once said:

That's one of the major arguments against letting homosexuals into the army. Will they be looking at the enemy, or will they be looking at me, going 'Oooooh, he looks tasty in his uniform?'

Fair enough, he also said:

We go there every Wednesday night, and it's a fun place, but it's full of loose women. My own problem with that is venereal disease, which is disabilitating, all right, especially for a soldier. And it's irresponsible to the rest of your unit as well, right. You've been under attack for days, there's a soldier down, he's wounded, gangrene's setting in, 'Who's used all the penicillin?' 'Oh, Mark Plaxston sir, he's got knob-rot off of some tart"


I've just got a complaint from a very important client saying that the figures I gave him were wrong, and... yeah, well, basically I've checked all other possibilities and it's come down to the calculator. Well, I don't know, circuitry? Sorry, who is this I'm talking to?


I could catch a monkey. If I was starving I could. I'd make poison darts out of the poison of the deadly frogs. One milligram of that poison can kill a monkey. Or a man. Prick yourself and you'd be dead within a day. Or longer. Different frogs, different times.

and of course

Oh they're sad little men? He's thrown a kettle over a pub. What have you done?

And especially for BT:

Gareth: "All farmers have wives."
Tim: "This one doesn't, he's gay."
Gareth: "Well, then, he shouldn't be allowed near animals should he?"

Edited, Mar 15th 2007 10:31am by RedPhoenixxx
My politics blog and stuff - Refractory
#36 Mar 15 2007 at 4:36 AM Rating: Good
6,760 posts
When I was in the military, I knew of 3 people that were gay. One chick, and 2 dudes. And I couldn't care less. The dudes never hit on me, and the chick was really good about pointing out cute gals when we were out drinking. Just because someone is gay, it doesn't mean they can't show a little self-restraint. It's not like they just can't help themselves and come running over and jump on you and start dry-humping you while in chem gear or something.

That said, those 2 **** must have been wound up pretty tight around me, cause I'm one sexy man.

As for the General, he should certainly know better. It's probably residual guilt from some past sexual experience with a fellow officer back in the day.
Some people are like slinkies, they aren't really good for anything, but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down the stairs.
#37 Mar 15 2007 at 4:46 AM Rating: Excellent
12,065 posts
Monsieur RedPhoenixxx wrote:
As the legendary Gareth once said:
Gareth: "All farmers have wives."
Tim: "This one doesn't, he's gay."
Gareth: "Well, then, he shouldn't be allowed near animals should he?"

Pretty much my favorite show ever. I've watched the whole series from start to finish more than once...and cried at the end, hahahaha.

I'm such a girl.


Edited, Mar 15th 2007 8:46am by Nexa
“It has always been the prerogative of children and half-wits to point out that the emperor has no clothes. But a half-wit remains a half-wit, and the emperor remains an emperor.”
― Neil Gaiman, The Sandman, Vol. 9: The Kindly Ones
#38 Mar 15 2007 at 4:49 AM Rating: Decent
30,086 posts

Pretty much my favorite show ever. I've watched the whole series from start to finish more than once...and cried at the end, hahahaha.

Yeah but you cry at the end of Streets of Fire too.


To make a long story short, I don't take any responsibility for anything I post here. It's not news, it's not truth, it's not serious. It's parody. It's satire. It's bitter. It's angsty. Your mother's a *****. You like to jack off dogs. That's right, you heard me. You like to grab that dog by the bone and rub it like a ski pole. Your dad? Gay. Your priest? Straight. **** off and let me post. It's not true, it's all in good fun. Now go away.

#39 Mar 15 2007 at 4:54 AM Rating: Excellent
12,065 posts
Smasharoo wrote:

Pretty much my favorite show ever. I've watched the whole series from start to finish more than once...and cried at the end, hahahaha.

Yeah but you cry at the end of Streets of Fire too.

Well come on, that's just because of the perfection of the entire climax. I mean, Willam Defoe gets in a fight with Michael Pare using railroad mallets in the rain. That's just ******* beautiful! If you don't cry at that, you're clearly gay.

“It has always been the prerogative of children and half-wits to point out that the emperor has no clothes. But a half-wit remains a half-wit, and the emperor remains an emperor.”
― Neil Gaiman, The Sandman, Vol. 9: The Kindly Ones
#40 Mar 15 2007 at 4:55 AM Rating: Decent
Nexa wrote:

Pretty much my favorite show ever.

Me too. Without a doubt the funniest thing to come out of britain since the MPs.

Though I doubt he's famous outside the UK, Steve Coogan and his "Alan Partridge" character are very similar to the Office in term of humour. It's a bit more "raw", and a little less "perfect", but he's the EQ/FFXI to the Office's WOW.

I've watched the whole series from start to finish more than once...and cried at the end, hahahaha.

I get emotional everytime I hear the intro music!

And what becomes of you my love,
When they have finally stripped you of,
The handbags and the gladrags,
That your Grandad had to sweat so you could buy...

I have an excuse though, us Frenchies are all emotional. It's part of our raging mascunility.
My politics blog and stuff - Refractory
#41 Mar 15 2007 at 5:37 AM Rating: Decent
30,086 posts

And what becomes of you my love,
When they have finally stripped you of,
The handbags and the gladrags,
That your Grandad had to sweat so you could buy...

Thanks, I needed that stuck in my head all day.

Zero sale con.


To make a long story short, I don't take any responsibility for anything I post here. It's not news, it's not truth, it's not serious. It's parody. It's satire. It's bitter. It's angsty. Your mother's a *****. You like to jack off dogs. That's right, you heard me. You like to grab that dog by the bone and rub it like a ski pole. Your dad? Gay. Your priest? Straight. **** off and let me post. It's not true, it's all in good fun. Now go away.

#42 Mar 15 2007 at 5:45 AM Rating: Decent
Smasharoo wrote:

Zero sale con.

Smiley: laugh

My pleasure Smiley: grin
My politics blog and stuff - Refractory
#43REDACTED, Posted: Mar 15 2007 at 6:33 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Kaka,
#44 Mar 15 2007 at 6:44 AM Rating: Decent
2,501 posts
People do immoral things in the military all the time. The only difference I see here is this: A homosexual man or woman, wants to date/*****/whatever with their own gender, while the man/woman, while the married soldier/sailor/Marine/whathaveyou, is boinking some **** in another country.

Both are immoral, one will get you a slap on the wrist (depending on the situation), the other will get you discharged with less than honorable status (again, depending on the situation).

The question remains: Who's morality do we use? Does the military abide by the Bible, or by the Consitituion of the United States of America?
#45REDACTED, Posted: Mar 15 2007 at 6:56 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) metas,
#46 Mar 15 2007 at 7:01 AM Rating: Decent
30,086 posts

It's about condoning an immoral and unnatural act.

You're right, we wouldn't want the men who drop bombs filled with fire on children from 10,000 feet to have to complicate things with moral issues.


To make a long story short, I don't take any responsibility for anything I post here. It's not news, it's not truth, it's not serious. It's parody. It's satire. It's bitter. It's angsty. Your mother's a *****. You like to jack off dogs. That's right, you heard me. You like to grab that dog by the bone and rub it like a ski pole. Your dad? Gay. Your priest? Straight. **** off and let me post. It's not true, it's all in good fun. Now go away.

#47 Mar 15 2007 at 7:02 AM Rating: Decent
achileez wrote:

When I was in the military, I knew of 3 people that were gay. One chick, and 2 dudes. And I couldn't care less. The dudes never hit on me, and the chick was really good about pointing out cute gals when we were out drinking. Just because someone is gay, it doesn't mean they can't show a little self-restraint. It's not like they just can't help themselves and come running over and jump on you and start dry-humping you while in chem gear or something.

It's about condoning an immoral and unnatural act. Because you prefer the company of people of low character doesn't mean the United States military should. Despite what the pro-***** movement would have you believe this issue isn't about whether a **** can shoot straight or not.


Ummm Virus, if you actually read what you quoted, he didn't bring up anything about proficiency at their professions, insofar as shooting and taking orders comes in. The issue that people seem to have about it would be men making passes at other men, or the fear that they might, which what you quoted is in response to.

Seriously, what business is it of yours in regards to a soldier's sexuality? If all gays are indeed going to hell in a hand basket (with frills on the handle), they all know and don't care about it at this point. So why can't you just go "Well, they have their chance to repent from now until they take a bullet to the head, it's out of my hands" and just not dwell on it? The actions of the gay community, for better or worse, are their responsibility, not yours. What's the problem? Are they coming to your okra farm home and harassing you with cat-calls? Are random men feeling you up in public? What is it that they are doing to you directly that you can justify the hate you throw at them?

It's saddening when people of such supposed high morals use their "high morals" to justify their own acts of immorality. (crusades, Salem witch trials, the Holocaust, etc.)
#48 Mar 15 2007 at 7:05 AM Rating: Decent
2,501 posts
achileez wrote:

The question remains: Who's morality do we use? Does the military abide by the Bible, or by the Consitituion of the United States of America?

I'd say the judeo-christian. If we expect to hold these soldiers to high standards then we must not condone practices the citizens find immoral.


Being a former soldier myself, I cannot hold ANY service member to anything other than the UCMJ and the Constitution.

War, and military service do not easily lend themselves to true Christian beliefs. Defending oneself is one thing, going into a foriegn land and making war against the people there is another. I don't know of ANY passage in the Bible that condones war for anything other than defense.
#49REDACTED, Posted: Mar 15 2007 at 7:06 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Smashed,
#50 Mar 15 2007 at 7:07 AM Rating: Good
30,086 posts

I don't know of ANY passage in the Bible that condones war for anything other than defense.

You may want to codify that to 'most of the new testament' as opposed to 'Bible'.

To make a long story short, I don't take any responsibility for anything I post here. It's not news, it's not truth, it's not serious. It's parody. It's satire. It's bitter. It's angsty. Your mother's a *****. You like to jack off dogs. That's right, you heard me. You like to grab that dog by the bone and rub it like a ski pole. Your dad? Gay. Your priest? Straight. **** off and let me post. It's not true, it's all in good fun. Now go away.

#51 Mar 15 2007 at 7:13 AM Rating: Decent
2,501 posts
Smasharoo wrote:

I don't know of ANY passage in the Bible that condones war for anything other than defense.

You may want to codify that to 'most of the new testament' as opposed to 'Bible'.

Yes, I mistyped that, thanks for fixing that. The New Testament is where Christian beliefs come from, and thus I'll fix the line here:

I don't know of ANY passage in the New Testament that condones war for anything other than defense.
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