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Anyone in the military?Follow

#27 Mar 07 2007 at 8:10 PM Rating: Good
6,760 posts
Weatherwax wrote:

Perhaps I should.... I really may just do that. It's something I'll have to discuss with my father, him being the retired O6 and all.

The idea that the Air Force can't definetely give you your job is just rather ridiculous sounding to me. The Army can do it, the Navy can do it, I imagine the National Guard and Reserves can do it. Just seems absurdly out dated.

- Weatherwax

The Air Force has never guaranteed a job to enlistees that I'm aware of, (at least not the honest recruiters). Though they will guarantee a career field, or at least they used to. Perhaps their tactics have changed, it being war-time and all, they may be more willing to negotiate. However, unless it's on paper what they tell you signing up won't mean squat. I went in gauranteed electronics, and pretty much the worst job you can get is fixing phones. I ended up as a 2E2 which is computer and switching systems. Being a Comm guy has it's perks, you're never on the front lines (though with terrorism now adays that don't necessarily mean much, hello Khobar Towers) the accomodations are generally better and so is the training. Sure, you won't be trained to be a hard-assed killer, but you'll likely get some training you can actually use when you get out of the military.

I guess in the end it depends on what you're looking for. I briefly considered the Navy, but the thought of being stuck on a boat or sub for months at a time with a bunch of men and few if any women didn't really appeal to my sensibilities.

As to whether it's worth it, none of my friends who did their 4 years and got out regrets it. With any luck, you'll see a bit of the world, make some good friends, and have some good times. There may be, and likely will be, some rough times too. It comes with the job.
Some people are like slinkies, they aren't really good for anything, but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down the stairs.
#28 Mar 07 2007 at 9:51 PM Rating: Decent
4,618 posts
To the OP I am in the USN, and while I am not a regualer poster in the asylum(they scare me all thier big words and such) but any who, I would say Goooo navy but there are time I wish I would have gone the ZOooomie side.

When it come to paying for your colleg you get so many credits per year and only so much Tuition Assistance that being said what they really mean by TA pays 100% they mean as long as it dont go ove the certain amount.That is where the VA comes into play they will pick up almost all of whats left if TA dont cover it all. But, you have to watch them they won't always pay on time or at all whitch is why I am in debt to a tech school for 2700. The Gi bill, I am not really sure how all that works.

Here comes the part where I try to suck you into the navy, and the main reason I did not gor Air Force. When it come to maintnence jobs in Aviation, all I am 100% sure on, you are so micromanged to the extent you will never know the full extent on how what it is you are working on really works. Such as, me in the Navy am an Aviation Machinest Mate meaning that I work on the motors and internal and external fuel systems. Where as in the Air Force you would be strictly secondary power systems or fuel systems...I think you get what I am saying.

I hope this has helped in your search for further learning, oh and one more thing, once you enlist ask about officer cannidate programs there are some that will send you to college while still serving to get a degree in a certain field and still pay you a portion of your normal pay.

Smiley: jester
#29 Mar 07 2007 at 10:21 PM Rating: Decent
8,619 posts
I am in the USN, and while I am not a regualer poster in the asylum(they scare me all thier big words and such) but any who, I would say Goooo navy but there are time I wish I would have gone the ZOooomie side.
Based in Norfolk? there for the AZALEA festival in April? if so I'll buy you a pint.
#30 Mar 07 2007 at 10:23 PM Rating: Decent
4,618 posts
Tarv wrote:
Based in Norfolk? there for the AZALEA festival in April? if so I'll buy you a pint.

Nope, New Orleans thanks for the offer though
#31 Mar 08 2007 at 1:42 AM Rating: Decent
Weatherwax wrote:

I'm asking because I'm thinking of enlisting. I'm going to look at the Air Force and the Army, got an appointment tomorrow with the Air Force recruiter here in town. Was wondering if anyone in here who was or is still in the military could maybe give me some advice? How did you enjoy it? Did it cover all your college? Was it an over all good experience? What advice would you give me when and if I speak to a job counselor at the military entrance processing centor?

Anything can help. :\ It's kinda scary to be honest.

- Weatherwax

1)Was wondering if anyone in here who was or is still in the military could maybe give me some advice? Advancement = money which should take priority over anything. When you first enlist there will be several companies to telling you to get a credit card, tell them all to fuck off. Too many of my young sailors are in debt to creditors because they simply did not know what they were getting into. Secondly, there are 3 kinds of people in the military, the people who get fucked, the people who do the fucking, and the people who fuck the fuckers. Basically the military is all about how you treat other people both lower ranked and higher ranked then you. Either one of them can and will fuck you over if you fuck them over.

2)Did it cover all your college? The Navy (and I'm pretty sure other branches will do the same) offer 100% free college up to 12 credit hours a fiscal year (you have to buy books which you can write off on taxes in the next year anyway) deployed or deployable units typically are not as facilitative to college interests as non-deployed or non-deployable units are.

3)Was it an over all good experience? I don't regret coming into the military for the most part, you just have to get used to the idea of doing something you don't want to do or is against your beliefs. It requires flexible morals. I've seen and done shit in 7 years most won't do in a lifetime. I've been to 6 continents, 22 different countries, and participated in 4 different military campaigns. Some of them good and some of them not so good.

4) What advice would you give me when and if I speak to a job counselor at the military entrance processing center? Ask questions, and lots of them. Don't sign anything until they've reached your requirements, don't be afraid to tell them to fuck off. Verbal agreements don't mean shit, see it on paper and copy everything.

Edited, Mar 8th 2007 1:44am by Rimesume
#32 Mar 08 2007 at 6:39 AM Rating: Decent
2,501 posts
tarv of the Seven Seas wrote:
I am in the USN, and while I am not a regualer poster in the asylum(they scare me all thier big words and such) but any who, I would say Goooo navy but there are time I wish I would have gone the ZOooomie side.
Based in Norfolk? there for the AZALEA festival in April? if so I'll buy you a pint.

I'm in Norfolk, and love this town just for the festivals every weekend. I didn't know you were from this part of the country, where ya' at?
#33 Mar 08 2007 at 9:17 AM Rating: Decent
Thanks for all those replies, especially King Rimesume. Speaking about the credit issues after having seen my mother battle endlessly with her spending issues I don't imagine I'll ever get into debt that isn't related to college. I absolutely hate money after growing up with that crap, as such I'm rather concientious(sp?) of how I handle it. I plan on getting a credit card soon so I can put my WoW subscribtion on it and get off game cards. Time to actually build up credit at some point in my life. And I'll be sure to get anything related to jobs that they gurantee to me in writing.

I talk to the Air Force recruiter today and I'll tell you all how it goes when I get back from classes late this evening! ^_^

- Weatherwax
#34 Mar 08 2007 at 9:26 AM Rating: Decent
1,504 posts
Good Luck.

Remember dont sign anything =)
"If you ask me, we could do with a little less motivation. The people who are causing all the trouble seem highly motivated to me. Serial killers, stock swindlers, drug dealers, Christian Republicans"

George Carlin.

#35 Mar 08 2007 at 9:28 AM Rating: Good
I hear that if you join the military, you will get 80 virgins when you die. Gender not withstanding.
#36 Mar 08 2007 at 10:55 AM Rating: Decent
I spent 5 years in the Marine Corps (which I would never recommend to anyone) and I'm currently going to college on my GI Bill. Payments from the GI Bill are currently $1075 per month for a full time student for the months of the year that you are in class. They increase frequently (when I enlisted in 2000 payments were around $430/mo.) Whether that will cover everything for your schooling will depend upon where you go. Also, while on active duty you should be eligable for 100% tuition payment.

You may also wish to look at the Army National Guard or the Air Guard. I don't know about your state, but in some states they pay 100% tuition for 4 years when you sign up for 6 years.
#37 Mar 08 2007 at 3:03 PM Rating: Decent
8,619 posts
I'm in Norfolk, and love this town just for the festivals every weekend. I didn't know you were from this part of the country, where ya' at?
I'm not from Notfolk, i'm just passing through on my shiney gray messenger of death, the Queen (bob bless her) has seen fit to grace your shores with one of her mighty vessels of war.

Personally i just aim to drink and make merry.
#38 Mar 09 2007 at 7:33 AM Rating: Decent
Retired from US Navy, had fun for 23 yrs. GO NAVY.

Rank E7 HMC
#39 Mar 09 2007 at 9:06 AM Rating: Excellent
2,196 posts
If you decide to go into the armed forces (whatever branch), you owe it to yourself and to your family to go in for the right reasons and having done as much research as possible about whether it's really the best decision for you to make. If you are absolutely sure you feel up to making the commitment, then the next step is to research the different branches and understand what each has to offer you.

I'm a Navy vet. When I was first checking out the different branches of the service, I decided to go Navy - when I spoke with the Air Force recruiters, the only jobs available were mechanic-type jobs which I had no interest in - things may have changed now. I had no interest in the Marines, Army, or National Guard.

It is is true that the Air Force ate better food - while stationed at Pearl Harbor, I had some lunches at Hickam AFB. Much better than the Navy fried garbage and brown salads. Again, things may have changed since then.

I served as a Yeoman for the Commander THIRD Fleet admiral staff. I had the opportunity to work for various Navy officers (helicopter pilot, tomahawk missile officer, etc.), Marine officers, and a couple of Canadian officers and a Coast Guard officer. Most of the Navy officers were spoiled pricks, but the helicopter pilot was a great guy. The Canadian officers, who I primarily worked for, were also very cool. The Coastie was also a great guy - I got to work on SAR (search and rescue) operations as well as drug interdictions. Very interesting stuff.

If I had to do things over again, I would have gone Coast Guard. I regretted not investigating the CG when I was first looking into the armed forces. I had a B.A. degree prior to my service, but couldn't go into OCS off the street. I took the Navy officer test but fell short of passing it by 5 points. This was when I was already enlisted and had spent about 6 months in service - I realized then that I had a pretty good situation where I was and figured I would just get back out into the civilian job market when I finished and maybe work on my Master's degree using my GI Bill. If I had taken the time to explore the Coast Guard branch, I might have become a CG officer and made a career of it.

Whatever you decide, take your time and really do as much research as possible. Check out veteran message boards and other information so you can make the best decision for yourself, because once you sign up, you're committed.

Regarding the GI Bill - this is an interesting article about that - if college financial aid is your only motivation for joining the armed forces, you may want to re-think your situation. Check out this article, too.

From what I read, it sounds like you plan to be a lawyer. I recommend exploring financial aid options and work on your undergrad degree (business, history, etc. - it's all good for law school). If your SATs aren't up to snuff, go to a community college for a year or two first, then transfer to a university.

You're looking at 8 years of schooling (assuming you pass your LSAT). If you enlist first, you'll be postponing your education (unless you decide to do some online education while in-service) for a few years. It's up to you to decide if it's worth it to you.

While I would recommend just going straight into college, a good friend of mine did a tour of duty in the Navy, went to college, then law school. He's a successful lawyer working for Apple now. He would tell you, though, it was his education that got him to where he was, not so much about his time in the Navy.

The discipline I developed while in the military has helped me in many aspects of my life. I was fairly immature in my youth, lacked structure and lacked a serious game plan to map out my life at the time. The discipline from the military and the pride for serving my country will stay with me forever.

That said, I have to be honest and say I couldn't wait to complete my tour of duty after my first year in service. Like many others, I counted the days until I got out. I just realized that it wasn't a career I wanted to pursue, but you can't just up and quit (at least, not without serious ramifications). It was a long 3 years (full tour was 4 years). Still, I made the most of my situation.

Good luck with whatever route you decide to take.

'Lo, there do I see, the line of my people, back to the beginning, 'lo do they call to me, they bid me take my place among them, in the halls of Valhalla, where the brave...may live...forever.

X-Box 360 Gamer Tag - Smogster
#40 Mar 09 2007 at 10:00 AM Rating: Decent
2,501 posts
tarv of the Seven Seas wrote:
I'm in Norfolk, and love this town just for the festivals every weekend. I didn't know you were from this part of the country, where ya' at?
I'm not from Notfolk, i'm just passing through on my shiney gray messenger of death, the Queen (bob bless her) has seen fit to grace your shores with one of her mighty vessels of war.

Personally i just aim to drink and make merry.

I'm interested in her visit as well. I'm hoping that she attends the ceremony at Jamestown, as I think it would be fitting.
#41 Mar 10 2007 at 7:12 PM Rating: Good
Sadly I haven't had the time to read the whole entire thread but your best bet is with the Air force.

I myself Active duty Navy medic "corpsman" currently deployed with my marines but so far this experience has a rollercoaster. It has its Highs/Lows/and scared ******** moments but it makes you grow up. I love being in the Navy. I really can't speak up on the Air force and how its structured but I will leave you this note... you get hazard duty pay for living in the same area as Marines LMAO plus your quality of life is way better then those of the other services in the military.

Yea bro the way I look at it.. its like give and take...I'm going to fork up 4-6 years out of my life to serve so what can the military give me in return?

Take advantage of it bro and good luck to you

#42 Mar 10 2007 at 9:06 PM Rating: Decent
Yea i'm a U.S. marine. Currently stationed at Miramar california. Marines, best fighting force on the planet oohrah!
#43 Mar 10 2007 at 9:15 PM Rating: Decent
oh and dont listnen to anyone else on the thread. The Marines are the way to go. now you dont have to be a 0311 infintry guy to be the best. But know that if you decide to become a marine and god is kind enough to deem you worthy to be so, you WILL be the best of the armed forces. better than the Chairforce, the nancy navy or the sad misguided army. i wont even mention th coastguard...

oohrah semperfidelis, chesty puller!
#44 Mar 11 2007 at 10:57 AM Rating: Decent
2,501 posts
Yes, you could be one of the brainwashed writhing masses of men in the Corps...or you could be normal in the army...that's a tough one there, lemmie tell ya'.
#45 Mar 11 2007 at 10:59 AM Rating: Decent
2,501 posts
unholyDrachenKnight wrote:
Sadly I haven't had the time to read the whole entire thread...

Then your opinion means Shit. Thanks for playing, please enjoy our home game.
#46 Mar 11 2007 at 11:10 AM Rating: Decent
JohnWr wrote:
oh and dont listnen to anyone else on the thread. The Marines are the way to go. now you dont have to be a 0311 infintry guy to be the best. But know that if you decide to become a marine and god is kind enough to deem you worthy to be so, you WILL be the best of the armed forces. better than the Chairforce, the nancy navy or the sad misguided army. i wont even mention th coastguard...

oohrah semperfidelis, chesty puller!

Coming from an Airwing marines that works on the Carrier with me. Smiley: lol

I guess all that hand me down jets, equipment, etc. is starting to make things a little hazy eh?
#47 Mar 11 2007 at 7:56 PM Rating: Decent
hey now guys it was a joke. Try not to take all posts too seriously. while i do think that the marines arw the best of the best i wasnt serious about the worthlessness of the other branches of service. but yea we do get alot of hand-me-down stuff. but we make do and are still the best frontline fighters. I wouldnt trade y time in the corps for anything. I think marines are the most diciplined and the most trained out of all the branches. nuff said
#48 Mar 12 2007 at 3:49 AM Rating: Good
1,504 posts
You know how to kill a Marine?

Throw sand on a brick wall and tell them to hit the beach.
"If you ask me, we could do with a little less motivation. The people who are causing all the trouble seem highly motivated to me. Serial killers, stock swindlers, drug dealers, Christian Republicans"

George Carlin.

#49 Mar 12 2007 at 10:57 AM Rating: Decent
2,501 posts
JohnWr wrote:
hey now guys it was a joke. Try not to take all posts too seriously. while i do think that the marines arw the best of the best i wasnt serious about the worthlessness of the other branches of service. but yea we do get alot of hand-me-down stuff. but we make do and are still the best frontline fighters. I wouldnt trade y time in the corps for anything. I think marines are the most diciplined and the most trained out of all the branches. nuff said

Except your still part of the navy.

By the way, if you include the SOCOM teams from the other branches (which I'm guessing you're not), you'd find that the Rangers, Special Forces, SEALs, AF Special Operations, etc. are all far better trained than any Marine out there, including Recon. Please get your facts straight.

This is not to say that Marines suck, they're just not the best. Had you not been trained to say that, you wouldn't, because you'd know the truth:

#50 Mar 12 2007 at 10:53 PM Rating: Good
782 posts
Hey everyone I am a Asylum reader, not poster.

I am a Aviation Maintenance Administrator currently with 52 days left in the Navy. I have been in for almost six years and I am calling it "quits"

I started off not knowing a DAMN thing. I almost signed up as a undesignated seamen. Basically meaning I would have been lower than dirt. I later learned I should go into Aviation so I became a Undesignated Airman. My first 2-3 years were hell, but it was shore duty. I launched and recovered aircraft. I enjoyed it but I will tell ya, I have been to two commands and 5 different carriers. I have had the privlage of launching off of a carrier and landing on a carrier 6 times under my belt.

The great people in the military does not matter the branch is the greatest. Knowing that we all **** with each other is wonderful and when it comes time to getting the job done we ALL do our part.

If you choose Navy make sure to KNOW what you are signing. Make sure you get a good "A" school. I was completely oblivious to any of this!

I am glad to have seen a few countries and see the different women of the world. hehehe. In and out of bed :P

btw, Stationed at NAF Atsugi Japan.
#51 Mar 13 2007 at 10:58 AM Rating: Decent
8,619 posts
Yea i'm a U.S. marine. Currently stationed at Miramar california. Marines, best fighting force on the planet oohrah!
I hope by Marines you are refering to the Royal Marines and not the badly trained cowboys from the US.
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