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Liberals run and hide, Michael Savage may run for president.Follow

#52 Feb 10 2007 at 11:03 AM Rating: Good
That is quite possibly the most retarded thing I have read in quite some time. I hope you have a gay son or daughter just so you'll be forced to open your eyes and turn off the radio.
#54 Feb 10 2007 at 11:23 AM Rating: Excellent
Metastophicleas wrote:
Homosexuality is not being attacted to someone, it's having sex with them.

You are gay.

Or, is someone not a pedophile until penetration occurs? Not to compare or link kid touching and homosexuality, but it sounds to me like you're justifying the hard-on you get when when you think of man ***.

It's okay to feel that way.
#55 Feb 10 2007 at 11:28 AM Rating: Good
Don't wish such awful things on another person!

Hmm coming from the man with an avatar of another man dancing. Might want to change that before you start the whole anti-homosexuality crusade lol.

Where's Sab when we need him? Oi.

Edited, Feb 10th 2007 2:29pm by Brill
#56 Feb 10 2007 at 11:34 AM Rating: Excellent
124 posts
Metastophicleas wrote:

Do you have any books that you could reccomend? I've looked at a couple of things recently, mostly the later years of the Vietnam action, where the current war is being compared to it, but not a lot from the early years, most because with anything you find mainstream today that deals with Vietnam, it's usually clouded with some bias of the anti-war movement, or it's a book written by someone on the groud.

How unfair of me, I have access to Lexis Academic considering I'm in College and I get that stuff for free. I had a good American history teacher in college once who was actually "unbiased". That is rare considering most professors are liberal. I usually refer to Lexis Nexis and my textbooks:

Gillon, Steven M. and Cathy D. Matson. "The Great American Experiment: A History of the United States. Vol II: Since 1865."
Hougton Mifflin Co. Boston, MA. 2002. p. 1074

That's where I got the info.

Yea, I agree O'Reilly tries to hard to be loved and he even calls himself an "Independent".

#58 Feb 10 2007 at 11:44 AM Rating: Excellent
MetalJeff, Eater of Souls wrote:

It's not homosexual to love Chris Farley (in a nonsexual way).

It is pretty ghey, though.

#59 Feb 10 2007 at 11:48 AM Rating: Good
I sense a RACK coming soon. It's only a matter of time.
#60 Feb 10 2007 at 11:56 AM Rating: Good
Imaginary Friend
16,112 posts
Varus gots some butt buddies.

I hope all you toothless rednecks get beaten down by packs of wild nIggers.

Me thinks ur gust two smrt four we's on dur rite. Eye usd punkshuashun.

I was typing on a phone. and the fact that you ******* about punctuation tells me that you have NOTHING.

Ever think about the fact that our country has gone to sh*t, because people stopped giving a @#%^? Finally, someone who does, and has a better shot than the rest of us, and you call us behind? Someone wants to make this country truely great again, and you attack him. You must be one of those people that think it was the federal goverment's fault the people died in New Orleans.

I'm not even going to waste my time arguing with you retards.

Make the country great again huh? Like how? let me guess; send all the nIggers back to Africa, torture all the gays, deport all the brown people and like in our sweaty little cowboy redneck splendour, RIGHT?
Go fUck your toothless daughter some more and drink your moonshine; let the country be run by people who actually have more in mind than satisfying their own ignorant, biggoted, hate-filled, facist agendas.

You all make me sick. You were born about 200 years too late. You should be recalled. I guess the only reason people like you exist is to remind the actual civilzed people that have EVOLVED of just how barbaric and ignornant that we have the potential to be and gives us the mission to halt any hate-mongering zealots like you and Micheal Savage in any way that we can.

The most unforunate thing represented here is that one day you are actually going to BREED and spread your hate-filled ideas to more children; trying to set civilization back another few decades one child at a time. Do the world a favour and snip your nuts off now so that we don't have to be held back with your intolerance and eventually we can better learn how t oget along with each other rather than forcing our individual opinions on the lives of other human beings.
You are of a dying breed I hope. Your type is the type that is responsible for people hating us, for people calling us evil... YOu are the true threat to this nation.

You are utterly un-American.

With the receiver in my hand..
#61 Feb 10 2007 at 12:01 PM Rating: Good
Kelvyquayo the Irrelevant wrote:
You are of a dying breed I hope. Your type is the type that is responsible for people hating us, for people calling us evil... YOu are the true threat to this nation.

You are utterly un-American.

RACK that.
#62 Feb 10 2007 at 12:01 PM Rating: Good
Imaginary Friend
16,112 posts
MetalJeff, Eater of Souls wrote:

It's not homosexual to love Chris Farley (in a nonsexual way).

Your knees are probably bruised and scabby from sucking so much Metastophicleas Cock. you have anything original to add to anything other than the typical "Yeah Metastophicleas, yeah Metastophicleas, you're so right.. slurp sluurp munchwhiny liberals slurp slurp"
With the receiver in my hand..
#64 Feb 10 2007 at 12:09 PM Rating: Good
Imaginary Friend
16,112 posts
Not really. I enjoy seeing you make a complete *** out of yourself all on your own.

[redneck accent]I'd rather be a whole *** than an *** hole[/redneck accent]

Smiley: oyvey

so fUcking stupid
With the receiver in my hand..
#66 Feb 10 2007 at 12:18 PM Rating: Good
Imaginary Friend
16,112 posts
Take your lame stereotypes elsewhere.

not an ounce of irony lost on this guySmiley: laugh
With the receiver in my hand..
#67 Feb 10 2007 at 12:18 PM Rating: Good
MetalJeff, Eater of Souls wrote:
You are such a pretentious bigot. What makes you think I'm a red neck? I live in Orlando, Florida, have a nice car, live in a nice neighbor hood and probably make more money than you'll ever see.

Take your lame stereotypes elsewhere.

If you look in the dictionary under 'hypocrisy', there's a picture of this post next to it.
#69 Feb 10 2007 at 12:33 PM Rating: Decent
2,501 posts
ZinZin wrote:
Gillon, Steven M. and Cathy D. Matson. "The Great American Experiment: A History of the United States. Vol II: Since 1865."
Hougton Mifflin Co. Boston, MA. 2002. p. 1074

That's where I got the info.

Thanks for the refrence materials!

So, you'd wish I'd have a homosexual child(I'm sure that's what you meant, instead of gay, I hope they're happy too), do you Brill. That's nice of you. Want to hear the scary thing? I'd still love them. Our children make decisions that we don't like all the time, we don't alienate them or hate them for them, unless you're just a useless piece of **** that sucks so bad, and hates yourself so bad, that you can't love anyone else. I don't hate homosexuality, nor the people that practice it. I don't like it, but I don't hate it. It's kind of a non issue with me.

I don't hate people for the choices they make, it's entirely up to them. I may not agree with them, but every person has the right to chose their life for themselves. Should my children chose to act on impluse, I'd still love them. Scary thought I'm sure for you, where, based on what you just typed, you either hate something, or you love it. No grey area for you.

As to BT calling me "gay". Why not, I'm happy in life. Just having a gay old time over here. As far as thinking that men are attractive/handsome, there are men on the planet that I think are handsome, this doesn't mean I want to poke them, or let them poke me. Hell, there are women that think other women are attractive, that doesn't mean they want to lick them silly. Get real.

What really bothers me here, is that you guys would wish something that you perceive harmful on a child. Are you truely the heartless bastards that you come off? Do you not believe the crap you spew? Do you truly think that wishing something that you perceive as harmful makes you look like a compasionate person, or somehow morally better than me? The problem with your thinking is this: You think that everything is left up to chance. Your own child may become homosexual, and somewhere in the back of your mind, you'll wonder what's wrong with you, that you created a homosexual child, because obviously, it has to be your fault that your child is homosexual, they share your genes after all, and you have such a low opinion of homosexuality. This means that somewhere, deep down, you're homosexual, or could be homosexual too.

Now, I know I've left most of this open to debate, and some of it is rather silly (intended), but your "arguments" are no different. If you want to debate it, debate it, don't resort to name calling, that shows you to be ignorant. As to Sabo, he and I have debated this before, and got no where. Arguments like this usually don't get anywhere, because you start hitting what people believe vs. what they can actually prove.

Care to fire off anymore attacks, since being a political conservative is such an evil thing.

If you're done, can we return to the topic at hand?
#70 Feb 10 2007 at 12:34 PM Rating: Good
Imaginary Friend
16,112 posts
If you look in the dictionary under 'hypocrisy', there's a picture of this post next to it.

Why would that be? I haven't came out and said "BarkingTurtle is a Richard sucking ******" anywhere on this thread

Smiley: laugh GOLD

With the receiver in my hand..
#71 Feb 10 2007 at 12:43 PM Rating: Excellent

Metaljeff wrote:
Why would that be? I haven't came out and said "BarkingTurtle is a Richard sucking ******" anywhere on this thread, or made any other stereotypes, other than Liberals are whiney, which is a statement of fact and not a stereotype

Something new, please, you've used the 'OMGZURAFAG' thing enough. I can sympathize with the fact that having your parents both born from the same festering ****** may have led to you having some serious brain shortcomings and that it's been a rough go for you, but surely you can come up with something a bit more orignal.

Here, I'll start:

In a seemingly endless parade of uninteresting, ignorant dipShits, Metaljeff rides shotgun in the lead car wearing a tiara made of latent homosexual desires.

Like a dog chasing his tail, Metaljeff spins himself about, looking the fool, and only ends up with his own *** in his mouth.

I could go on, but I think I'll let you catch up, plus I need to go polish my Corvette which is sitting in the gold-plated driveway of my floating mansion.

Edited, Feb 10th 2007 12:44pm by Barkingturtle
#72 Feb 10 2007 at 12:48 PM Rating: Good
Imaginary Friend
16,112 posts
we don't alienate them or hate them for them, unless you're just a useless piece of sh*t that sucks so bad, and hates yourself so bad, that you can't love anyone else. I don't hate homosexuality, nor the people that practice it. I don't like it, but I don't hate it. It's kind of a non issue with me.

I don't hate people for the choices they make, it's entirely up to them. I may not agree with them, but every person has the right to chose their life for themselves. Should my children chose to act on impluse, I'd still love them. Scary thought I'm sure for you, where, based on what you just typed, you either hate something, or you love it.

I think Brill's point was for you to have a child like that so you could learn to understand and not hate, not so you can gay-bash it. if you profess to already have this understaandint than I would call it a moot argument.

The real crux of what you are saying in and with my particular disaggreement with you is the matter of homosexuality being a choice or not.
as you said.. prolly best for another thread but this thread is appropriate for obvious reasons.

I do think that it would be a choice for a gay person to live a straight life.... but i do not think that they choose to be attracted to the same sex any more than i choose to hate spinach and love guacamole... you know what I mean...

The brain is really a interesting thing. you can't honestly argue that latent homosexuals who suffer al their life trying to look normal are simply choosing to act impulsive when they sneak off to a motel with a random ***** and get pounded and then weep about it later and hate himself for it. (no, ********* I'm not talking about myself).
Have you SEEN some gay men?... I mean the REALLY gay ones? the ones who sound and LOOK feminine in every way? What did they WILL their bodies to look like that? There are more things going on there than someone saying to themself one day "I'm going to have a **** in my **** and like it".

It's not some lusty impulsive desicion because it's not a common thing... It's not like we ALL have urges to go fUck men in the **** and just are so noble that we choose to fUck women because that is the less impulsive thing to do! Men still cheat on their wives. Men still molest children.. The impulse to do these things is not the same as homosexuality.

Edited, Feb 10th 2007 3:51pm by Kelvyquayo
With the receiver in my hand..
#73 Feb 10 2007 at 12:52 PM Rating: Excellent
There's an interseting duality in Metastiphucles, where he on one hand spews the typical homophobe justifications and other the other hand he claims to be totally accepting. It's rather phoney, and indicative of someone who's more than a bit naive, but would really like to fit in, himself. That said, I enjoy how his threads always seem to end with him learning some valuable life lesson, like a saturday afternoon matinee.
#74 Feb 10 2007 at 12:57 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
MetalJeff, Eater of Souls wrote:
I live in Orlando, Florida, have a nice car, live in a nice neighbor hood and probably make more money than you'll ever see.
I live on a 50,000 acre ranch in Hollywood where I ride about in my solid diamond, unicorn-drawn carriage and swim around like Scrooge McDuck in my giant vault of gold coins.

So I win.

Edited, Feb 10th 2007 12:58pm by Jophiel
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#75 Feb 10 2007 at 1:26 PM Rating: Decent
2,501 posts
Kelvyquayo the Irrelevant wrote:
I hope all you toothless rednecks get beaten down by packs of wild nIggers.

Me thinks ur gust two smrt four we's on dur rite. Eye usd punkshuashun.

I was typing on a phone. and the fact that you ******* about punctuation tells me that you have NOTHING.

I wasn't making fun of your punctuation, I was making fun of those that think they're smarter than the rest of the planet. Nice to know you were smart enough to catch that. I didn't even bother to pay attention to your punctuation.

I'm not even going to waste my time arguing with you retards.

Yes you are, see:

Make the country great again huh? Like how? let me guess; send all the nIggers back to Africa, torture all the gays, deport all the brown people and like in our sweaty little cowboy redneck splendour, RIGHT?
Go fUck your toothless daughter some more and drink your moonshine; let the country be run by people who actually have more in mind than satisfying their own ignorant, biggoted, hate-filled, facist agendas.

Yes, I'm the one filled with hate.

Make the country great by restoring the rights and freedoms that we've lost because of entitlement programs, citizen pocket raping, fixing out image of pushy war mongers, you know, that kinda great.

You all make me sick. You were born about 200 years too late. You should be recalled. I guess the only reason people like you exist is to remind the actual civilzed people that have EVOLVED of just how barbaric and ignornant that we have the potential to be and gives us the mission to halt any hate-mongering zealots like you and Micheal Savage in any way that we can.

The most unforunate thing represented here is that one day you are actually going to BREED and spread your hate-filled ideas to more children; trying to set civilization back another few decades one child at a time. Do the world a favour and snip your nuts off now so that we don't have to be held back with your intolerance and eventually we can better learn how t oget along with each other rather than forcing our individual opinions on the lives of other human beings.
You are of a dying breed I hope. Your type is the type that is responsible for people hating us, for people calling us evil... YOu are the true threat to this nation.

You are utterly un-American.

Just to let you know, I have two wonderful daughters. I don't hate anyone. Hate is something evil, that consumes you. Hate is worthless. Since you feel that I'm barbaric, maybe you should just look at the views that I have expressed. None of them are barbaric, I assure you. Well, except for that whole nuking that moron in Iran before he nukes someone else.

Seems like the intolorant person here, is you. I'm sure I'm a hate monger for saying so, so I apologize for hurting your feelings. I've not once attempted to force my opinion on others. I have only shared my opinions, thoughts, and my feelings on things. Now if you don't want to hear (read) them, you don't have to. Not once, have I come to your house, and held you down until I was finished.

Sadly for you, I am not of a dying breed, we are gaining ground. I am an American, true to the core. Before you toss your talking point phrases around, maybe you should get your facts straight. I don't condone hate. I don't condone slavery. I don't condone murder. I don't condone rape, molestation, or abuse. I don't think it's right to force people to think a certain way.

You have your beliefs, and that's fine with me. What's sad is that I'm not allowed to have my beliefs according to you. You hate what I think. You hate that I have the freedom to think the way I do. Yet, I am the hate monger.
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