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Liberals run and hide, Michael Savage may run for president.Follow

#27 Feb 09 2007 at 9:38 PM Rating: Decent
2,501 posts
So, let me get this want a president and by default, the FEDERAL government to dictate what is law (reguarding marriage)...instead of the states?

Personally, I don't really give a damn, even though I don't agree with the lifestyle (we'll leave the debate on choice out of it as it doesn't apply here), if Steve and Bob want to marry and @#%^ themselves stupid, as long as it's up to the PEOPLE of the LOCALITIES to decide (if it has to be decided by the government), not the federal government. To be honest, I want the government out of marriage completely. Marriage has been one of the few dominions of the church for a long time, the government is only in if for the money. Homosexuals used to co-habitat (and they didn't ***** about not being able to be married) long before the government got involved, with no worry about paying more in taxes, because there was no income tax. They didn't care then, the only reason they care now is because of the tax law. Get the government out of it, and guess what, no more problem. If they want to be married, and someone will marry them, go for it! I'm happy that they're happy. It's their business. Forcing it to become a federal law either way, is not the right way to do it.

Now, are there any real issues, besides his dislike of the push to FORCE homosexual marriage as an issue? We all have our hot buttons. His issues with homosexuality isn't someone being homosexual, it's the people trying to get the government to force it down his throat (and he's said as much on his show). Though, I do have to admit, it's not like he's living in the hot bed of heterosexuality out there in San Fransisco.

Anyone care that our borders are unprotected, and the people that do attempt to police areas of them are subject to jail time for protecting them (the borders)? Or maybe that our elected officials, who are supposed to be upholding the constitution, that they've sworn to uphold, which includes protecting this nation, are selling our country out to the highest bidder, no matter what country they are.

What about the fact that we have a language that many of the people that do come here, refuse to learn, thus the rest of us are forced to learn their native language? If you go to Japan for example, do you force them to talk to you in English, or do you at least make an attempt to learn some Japanese so that you may get around? Does this not apply to people that come here, are they somehow exempt from learning our language?

I've got no issue with people wanting to come to this country, hell, as long as we have resources to support them coming here, let 'em in. I just want them to learn the language, not force me to learn theirs. Background screening, test them for disease, and make them prove that they've got a job, or place to live waiting for them, or enough money to make it for at least 6 months. Something similar to Mexico's rules for immigration. As long as they can work, learn the language, and aren't going to ***** us over, I don't see too many reasons to keep people out, until we max out our resources, which, by my understanding, we've got a long way to go. It seems that the land that the US occupies is able to support a few billion people, were the population spread a little more, vs. being focused on the major cities. That's the challenge, moving people a little further out. Start putting manufacturering jobs back in these places, and you'll see people flock to them (assuming the unions get told to go @#%^ themselves, but that's not up to me).

I'm not asking much. I just want to go to sleep at night and know that my country isn't being invaded because the borders are protected, know that I can understand the language being spoken to me when someone comes into my office because they learned it, and have the federal government get the hell out of my daily life. I think that Dr. Savage can be the person that could wake people up, and make them realize that the country was once thought of as having streets paved with gold, that this is truly the greatest nation on the planet today, and that we were far greater than we are today, and it won't be that hard to be that great again.

Edit: Added some argument clarity, thanks Joph for pointing that out.

Edited, Feb 10th 2007 11:02am by Metastophicleas
#28 Feb 09 2007 at 10:38 PM Rating: Good
Tracer Bullet
12,636 posts
Matjlav wrote:
I went ahead looked up the exact quote:

Oh, so you're one of those sodomites. You should only get AIDS and die, you pig, how's that? Why don't you see if you can sue me, you pig. You got nothing better to do than to put me down, you piece of garbage, you got nothing better to do today, go eat a sausage and choke on it. Get trichinosis. Now do we have another nice caller here who's busy because he didn't have a nice night in the bathhouse who's angry at me today? Put another, put another sodomite more calls? I don't care about these bums, they mean nothing to me. They're all sausages.

Strong words from a man whose real last name is Weiner.

#29 Feb 09 2007 at 10:50 PM Rating: Excellent
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
Yes, but a savage wiener! Not gay, at all.
In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

#30 Feb 10 2007 at 1:29 AM Rating: Good
1,077 posts
So, let me get this want a president and by default, the FEDERAL government to dictate what is law...instead of the states?

No. I want them both to do what I and the rest of the voters tell them to do. Or they lose their job. Like other jobs.

Personally, I don't really give a damn, even though I don't agree with the lifestyle (we'll leave the debate on choice out of it as it doesn't apply here), if Steve and Bob want to marry and @#%^ themselves stupid, as long as it's up to the PEOPLE of the LOCALITIES to decide (if it has to be decided by the government), not the federal government. To be honest, I want the government out of marriage completely. Marriage has been one of the few dominions of the church for a long time, the government is only in if for the money. Homosexuals used to co-habitat ((and they didn't ***** about not being able to be married)((neither did blacks ***** about not being able to sit where they want til Rosa Parks))long before the government got involved, with no worry about paying more in taxes, because there was no income tax. They didn't care then, the only reason they care now is because of the tax law. Get the government out of it, and guess what, no more problem. If they want to be married, and someone will marry them, go for it! I'm happy that they're happy. It's their business. Forcing it to become a federal law either way, is not the right way to do it.

Now, are there any real issues, besides his dislike of the push to FORCE homosexual marriage as an issue? We all have our hot buttons. His issues with homosexuality isn't someone being homosexual, it's the people trying to get the government to force it down his throat (and he's said as much on his show). Though, I do have to admit, it's not like he's living in the hot bed of heterosexuality out there in San Fransisco.

I apologize. I'm really confused. Are you saying that Bush's main reasons for not allowing homosexual marriage is because it's a FORCED issue? Bull. He doesn't think that people are born homosexual and so therefore he thinks it's wrong. This issue has existed for a long didn't come out of nowhere.

Bush needs to go away. I don't think localities should have to decide on the issue of gay marriage. They get enough town pressure as it is. I think it should be allowed, period. IF a CHURCH disagrees for religious reasons, then they should be allowed to disagree. Period.

Right now there are more churches in my area of NJ that allow homosexual marriage than government. Sad.

Also, if you think it's a choice, think about it this way. Did you chose to be heterosexual? Think about it. Did you choose?

Edited, Feb 10th 2007 4:31am by Nekovivie

Edited, Feb 10th 2007 4:32am by Nekovivie
Nekovivie - Titan Server/retired

We are the Canadian Borg.
Resistance would be impolite.
Please wait to be assimilated.
Pour l'assimilation en francais, veuillez appuyer le
#31 Feb 10 2007 at 7:18 AM Rating: Decent
2,501 posts
Hey stupid. Yeah, I called you stupid, since you're so ******* ignorant that you equate the civil rights movemnt and homosexuality. It's not the federal government's responsability to decide who can marry who. If you'd like to what the federal government is supposed to be doing, maybe you should read that thing called the Constitution of the United States of America. Then you should refrence your state documents, after that, hit up your county/city charter. Once your stupid *** does that, and you understand the way that the government is supposed to work, come back and play.

As far as your choice argument, yeah, I chose to stick my **** in a women vs. a man. I'm a pretty handsome guy, so I imagine that had I wanted to, I could have stuck my **** in a man. Sucking him off on the other hand is out of the question, as sticking anything that has/could have been is someone's pooper in my mouth is way out of the question. Take your "I didn't chose to be homosexual, it chose me" argument and stick it up your ***, rotate on it a bit, suck it off, and remember to spit after you're done.

Now, having said that, you'll also note that I said in my arguement, that I don't give a flying **** who marries who, as long as the government gets the **** out of it, because they don't belong there. So please, tell me that I hate homosexuals. Tell me that I hate one of my best friends. Tell me that the fact that I haven't met anyone yet who was homosexual, that I didn't get along with, or at least get along with (because I'd like to think that at least 80% of the world's population is cool, and I try to treat everyone equally until they show themselves not worth it), is a cover for my latent "homophobia". Come on dummy, convince me that your argument is not some left wing talking point.
#32 Feb 10 2007 at 7:18 AM Rating: Decent
2,501 posts
Samira wrote:
Yes, but a savage wiener! Not gay, at all.

That was kinda funny.
#33 Feb 10 2007 at 7:52 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Metastophicleas wrote:
you want a president and by default, the FEDERAL government to dictate what is law
I don't think that's how the federal government works. You should re-read your Constitution.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#34 Feb 10 2007 at 8:01 AM Rating: Decent
2,501 posts
The power that the federal governmet has is limited. The federal governmet does not have the power to regulate marriage, and thus, they do not have the power to allow, or disallow marriage of any kind. My argument is correct. That is also the reason that King Bush and co., gave up their push to ban homosexual marriage.

I should have specified that in the initial argument, my apologies.
#36 Feb 10 2007 at 8:36 AM Rating: Good
Who's the new guy?
Oh, so you're one of those sodomites. You should only get AIDS and die, you pig, how's that? Why don't you see if you can sue me, you pig. You got nothing better to do than to put me down, you piece of garbage, you got nothing better to do today, go eat a sausage and choke on it. Get trichinosis. Now do we have another nice caller here who's busy because he didn't have a nice night in the bathhouse who's angry at me today? Put another, put another sodomite more calls? I don't care about these bums, they mean nothing to me. They're all sausages.

And let me get this straight. You actually want a guy who says the above to run for president? That says quite a bit. When you get down to pointless name calling that tends to automatically make people dismiss everything you say Meta. But sure, that's a great way to back up the point you're trying to make. It looks like Savage's show reaches the people who are just like him.

Edited, Feb 10th 2007 11:39am by Brill
#37 Feb 10 2007 at 8:40 AM Rating: Decent
2,501 posts
Not all liberals are morons. Most are pretty damn cool people. I may, or may not agree with many of their political views. When it comes to how I want my government to work, however, I am a staunch conservative.

There is a compilation that I think everyone should read, it's called: "The Freedom Documents", and it's compiled by Chuck Baldwin Live. It's a radio show, but I haven't listened to it. A friend of mine has it, and I read his.

It contains a ton from the Mayflower Compact to Regan's second inaugural address. You guys should check it out.

Edit: Left a word out.

Edited, Feb 10th 2007 11:46am by Metastophicleas
#38 Feb 10 2007 at 8:41 AM Rating: Decent
2,501 posts
I didn't say I want him to win, I just want him to run. Constitution party FTW! Though, to be honest, I think he could be a good leader for this country. I'd be willing to give him the benifit of the doubt. It's not like we haven't had racists, bigots, ********, and worse, in the office of president before.

I simply think that someone who is passionate about their country, could rekindle that same passion in everyone who lives here, and make them realize that they've been swindled for decades, dare I say a century or more. Since Jefferson died, we've been hoodwinked. Our governmet has taken advantage of us, and abused us, because we let it. We forgot that we run the governmet, not the people in D.C. We tell them what to do, not the other way around.

I'm starting to notice though, that some of the politicians have figured that out, and are voting the way their constituants want them to, vs. voting party lines. Lieberman is a good example of this. Ron Paul is another. The sons of G.H.W. Bush are not. The Clintons, are not. Guliani (sp error, I know) is an example of voting the way the people that got you into office want you to vote, even if I don't like his politics.

Edited, Feb 10th 2007 11:45am by Metastophicleas

Edited, Feb 10th 2007 11:49am by Metastophicleas
#40 Feb 10 2007 at 8:50 AM Rating: Decent
2,501 posts
MetalJeff, Eater of Souls wrote:

I find most liberals I've come in contact with will be ready to behead you and throw your corpse to the dogs if you don't agree with how they think the world should be run. It's put a very bad taste in my mouth for all who think like they do. But, I guess that makes me no better than them. Well, I mean, I AM better than them but it's kinda the same stereotype. Smiley: waycool

Well...I think you need to meet more new people.
#42 Feb 10 2007 at 9:17 AM Rating: Good
I've been asked twice who I voted for in various elections by my significant other's parents. Both times I told them that it was none of their business. The girl was a little worried but apparently her parents accept the fact that i don't like talking politics with them. And yes they are liberals, but so am I. They, however, are the complete lunatic, everything is a conspiracy type people. Makes for some interesting stories though.
#43 Feb 10 2007 at 9:36 AM Rating: Good
I thought Bush sucked long before it was "cool".

"The Rich are there to take all of the money & pay none of the taxes, the middle class is there to do all the work and pay all the taxes, and the poor are there to scare the crap out of the middle class." -George Carlin

#44 Feb 10 2007 at 9:44 AM Rating: Good
124 posts
Regarding the topic about Michael Savage possibly running for "President", as a conservative, I'm a frightened as well. I do not endorse candidates that promote hate speech regardless how legitimate their positions are.

I think Mike debating would be interesting. As a side note, Bill O'Reilly in a segment with Ellis Hannican, (I think that is how you spell his last name), stated that Michael Savage was a complete nut. Yeah, even Bill O'Reilly thinks he is a nut... and I doubt the GOP would have Savage be their candidate of choice.

Metastophicleas wrote in response to what someone said about what he wrote:
Dread Lörd Kaolian wrote:
Metastophicleas wrote:

Think back to the Cold War. We didn't put up with anyone's sh*t, but we didn't really get into anyone else's sh*t much.

So, like did you even bother reading history at all before you posted that, or did you just pull it directly out of your ***? The main thrust of the cold war was us getting into everyone elses sh*t. Vietnam, The middle east, pretty much all of south and central america, Cuba, The balkin states. hell, where didn't we get involved during the cold war?

Ah yes, Vietnam. The biggest @#%^ up of the U.S. That was a blunder, but who started that one? We were asked for help, we didn't go sticking our noses where they weren't asked to be.

The ME, blame the CIA, they were operating off the leash, same with Cuba, the Balkans, and Central America. Hell, to be honest, the CIA has @#%^ed us over several times. When hasn't the CIA @#%^ed us over because they can't keep their Richards in their pants?

I was refering to direct intervention, without being invited. Where did we send our army that we weren't invited? Certainly there were no Iraq like blunders of the ultra stupid magnitude, where everyone said stay the @#%^ out of it, or did I miss something. Grenada perhaps?

First I want to go into detail in the history of how we got involved in Vietnam. As a fellow conservative to another, how we got involved in "everyone else's ****" was due to the "Truman Doctrine". It was policy, which as its main tenet, wanted to "Contain" communism from spreading into Greece and Turkey. Gradually the tenant of "containment" became influential. The "Marshall Plan" was cooked up in order to fund countries that rejected communism, and "Nato" was cooked up to contain communism through military action. Containment was a policy made to stop the "Domino Effect" of communist ideology and influence.

Vietnam was a consequence of what Johnson and Kennedy thought(two Democrats); that Soviet Russia was using the National Liberation Front as a pawn to engulf all of Vietnam and turn it into a communist state. The mistake was the fact that Vietnam was purely a nationalist movement and the Soviet Union wasn't pulling the strings. Later on in Vietnam, the Soviet Union started to fund, train and supply North Vietnam.

In short, Johnson thought we needed to stick our nose into Vietnam. The Soviet Union started to aid and abet the enemy and we needed to keep our nose there. As a result of pulling our nose out, 1 million Vietnamese were slaughtered and 2 million more in Cambodia were killed as a result of totalitarian communist regimes gaining ground in South East Asia.

My point is this, from one conservative to another, don't be so quick to secede your points. With all due respect, read your stuff more thoroughly. There is a reason why we're called, "The Right."

On Topic: I really hope Michael Savage doesn't run.

#45 Feb 10 2007 at 9:49 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Metastophicleas wrote:
I didn't say I want him to win, I just want him to run.
He doesn't have enough political experience!!! Smiley: wink2
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#46 Feb 10 2007 at 9:57 AM Rating: Decent
2,501 posts
Jophiel wrote:
Metastophicleas wrote:
I didn't say I want him to win, I just want him to run.
He doesn't have enough political experience!!! Smiley: wink2

Seeing he and Obama duke it out in a debate would be refreshing. I don't see either of them winning though, like you said here, not enough experience.
#47 Feb 10 2007 at 10:11 AM Rating: Decent
2,501 posts
ZinZin wrote:
I think Mike debating would be interesting. As a side note, Bill O'Reilly in a segment with Ellis Hannican, (I think that is how you spell his last name), stated that Michael Savage was a complete nut. Yeah, even Bill O'Reilly thinks he is a nut... and I doubt the GOP would have Savage be their candidate of choice.

Yeah, I'm not a big fan of O'Reilly. He's too much of a non stance taker for me. I'd like my pundits to take a stand on the issues that actually mean something. Besides, O'Reilly thinks he's a nut because he (Savage) ripped him a new one on national tv.

First I want to go into detail in the history of how we got involved in Vietnam. As a fellow conservative to another, how we got involved in "everyone else's sh*t" was due to the "Truman Doctrine". It was policy, which as its main tenet, wanted to "Contain" communism from spreading into Greece and Turkey. Gradually the tenant of "containment" became influential. The "Marshall Plan" was cooked up in order to fund countries that rejected communism, and "Nato" was cooked up to contain communism through military action. Containment was a policy made to stop the "Domino Effect" of communist ideology and influence.

Vietnam was a consequence of what Johnson and Kennedy thought(two Democrats); that Soviet Russia was using the National Liberation Front as a pawn to engulf all of Vietnam and turn it into a communist state. The mistake was the fact that Vietnam was purely a nationalist movement and the Soviet Union wasn't pulling the strings. Later on in Vietnam, the Soviet Union started to fund, train and supply North Vietnam.

In short, Johnson thought we needed to stick our nose into Vietnam. The Soviet Union started to aid and abet the enemy and we needed to keep our nose there. As a result of pulling our nose out, 1 million Vietnamese were slaughtered and 2 million more in Cambodia were killed as a result of totalitarian communist regimes gaining ground in South East Asia.

My point is this, from one conservative to another, don't be so quick to secede your points. With all due respect, read your stuff more thoroughly. There is a reason why we're called, "The Right."

On Topic: I really hope Michael Savage doesn't run.

Hmm. My understanding, (from public school, admittedly, as I didn't bother to study 'Nam after that, I was too busy getting married and joining the army), was that the French left because they were having their asses handed to them (no surprise there), and South Vietnam asked for our help combating the North. It was long before we got there that the Communist countries were aiding the North, which was one of our motivating factors in taking the South up on the request (TD). Or was it that South Vietnam went to NATO...damn, I can't remember, and I don't feel like looking it up right now.

Though, I have to admit, that I think I will be picking up some books on Vietnam now, as I'm guessing there is far more backstory that will make for some entertaining reading. Do you have any books that you could reccomend? I've looked at a couple of things recently, mostly the later years of the Vietnam action, where the current war is being compared to it, but not a lot from the early years, most because with anything you find mainstream today that deals with Vietnam, it's usually clouded with some bias of the anti-war movement, or it's a book written by someone on the groud. I'd like to read something more akin to the books we have now about the Civil War, where the various backstories are fleshed out, and political motivations of the author are non-existent.
#48 Feb 10 2007 at 10:34 AM Rating: Good
I really don't understand people who say homosexuality is a choice. It makes no sense. How ignorant can you be?

If homosexuality were a choice, then why would there be tortured closet homosexuals? If homosexuality were a choice, why would people come out of the closet and be rejected by family and friends? Why wouldn't those people simply "choose" to be heterosexual instead?
#50 Feb 10 2007 at 10:53 AM Rating: Excellent
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
Well, it seems pretty relevant, since he's gone on record repeatedly saying that homosexuality is a choice.

That's not a "conservative" position, by the way. It's just him being the asShole he is.

Mind you, I do think having a conservative Jew on the ballot would be interesting.
In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

#51 Feb 10 2007 at 10:59 AM Rating: Decent
2,501 posts
Matjlav wrote:
I really don't understand people who say homosexuality is a choice. It makes no sense. How ignorant can you be?

Ok...I'll play, but I really think we should make this a new topic/thread. Would you say that emo/goth is a choice? Is it a choice to hate yourself so much, that you want to take your own life? Would you chose to endure ridicule?

How about this one, would you say it's a chioce to kill someone? Ever had that desire to take another person's life? What stopped you?

What about the millions of people throughout the last 50 years that renounced being homosexuals, would you say that they were just faking it for attention?

Humans find each other attractive, that is a factual statement. Temptation to do something exists in humans, also a fact. Acting on temptation, or attaction is a choice, that is a fact. No one is forcing you to have sex with a woman or a man. You CHOOSE to have sex with them. Homosexuality is not being attacted to someone, it's having sex with them. Sex is a choice (with the exception of rape).
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