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Who was your worst teacher?Follow

#27 Feb 02 2007 at 11:29 AM Rating: Decent
My freshman year college history professor. His policy was that if he had shown something on an overhead projector slide, we should know it and we should expect it to be on the test. It didn't matter if it was anything he actually taught to us, if it was ever displayed on a slide it was part of the next exam.

We got down to the last day before the final and he still had a HUGE stack of slides that he had not shown to us. We sat there for the entire 50 minute lecture while he flipped displayed each slide for maybe 2-3 seconds max without saying a word. When he was finished he explained that all that material was then fair game for the final.
#28 Feb 02 2007 at 11:38 AM Rating: Excellent
Mistress of Gardening
14,661 posts
This is off topic, but you mentioned overhead projectors and this reminded me of one of my history classes where the professor was writing on those projectors with the rolling transparencies. He ran out of room one day and rolled it for more transparency but it didn't roll off. Turns out there wasn't anything on it and he had written directly onto the projector. Everyone in the ampitheater heard him say, "Oh ****." Smiley: lol
Yum-Yum Bento Box | Pikko Pots | Adventures in Bentomaking


#29 Feb 02 2007 at 11:44 AM Rating: Good
Soulless Internet Tiger
35,474 posts
Had an Economics teaher in university that was brutal. He wrote his own textbook. We were graded 30% on attendance (he never took a role call, ever) and 70% on 2-3 open book, multiple choice tests. Classes ended 2 weeks before they were supposed to end. He was 5-20 minutes late for every class.

I had him for 3 classes through my 4 yrs at university. At the time, he was my fav teacher (who wouldn't want 3 courses that were a guarenteed joke), but he was by far the worst teacher/instructor ever.
Donate. One day it could be your family.

An invasion of armies can be resisted, but not an idea whose time has come. Victor Hugo

#30 Feb 02 2007 at 11:50 AM Rating: Good
15,953 posts
My worst teacher was found last semester.

The course was 'web technologies'. So it's really about writing cgi applications. Neat subject matter and fun to learn. There were a total of five assignments, a midterm, a final, a term project and a group presentation (that had nothing to do with the project).

First off, there was a disgusting amount of work. Each assignment took ~8 hours and was only worth 5% of your final grade. Disgusting. What pissed me off even more was the fact that if you didn't write your assignment 2 in Perl (he gave us a choice) you couldn't re-use your code for assignment 3. So, in my case, I wrote my assignment 2 in C++. I had to re-write everything in Perl while the students who did their assignment 2s in Perl got to re-use their code. I should also note that there was no 'warning' that this would happen, it just happened. If I had known before assignment 2 was due I would've done it in Perl.

A complaint to the chair of the department (also a fUcktard) yielded no results, even though he agreed with me 'in principle'. So, I had to do more work than some other students for the same grade. Way to go... morons.

Then there was the term project. Being a 'term project' we're supposed to be working on it for the entire term. To build what was required, we needed PHP and an Oracle connection (they wouldn't install MySQL). It took the lab admins 3/4 of the term to set these up. So, we couldn't start working until a month before it was due. What did the prof say when we spoke to him? "It's the TA's job". Now, he's the TA's boss so he should be on top of them to get their jobs done.

But this isn't the end of it. The term project (35% of the final grade) and the presentations (10%) were also screwy. After posting the marks on his website, the very next day he decides that he was 'too generous' and he re-evaluated the marks. So, on the final week of school the entire class had 45% of their grade re-evaluated. What's even worse is that complaints to the chair yielded (again) no results.

This is the worst faculty at the University.
"I have lost my way
But I hear a tale
About a heaven in Alberta
Where they've got all hell for a basement"

#31 Feb 02 2007 at 12:03 PM Rating: Excellent
Mistress of Gardening
14,661 posts
I had a Hawaiian teacher who was absent a lot because she was this famous Hawaiian singer (Roby Kahakalau for anyone familiar with Hawaiian music). When I first saw her name I was like "zomgomgomg I have Sistah Roby for Hawaiian!!" but after a while started to realize that I wasn't learning much at all from her, especially since she left town to go touring so much. I think once she told us there wasn't going to be class for two weeks cause she wasn't going to be in town.

She made it up for us by bringing the Makaha Sons to our year end party. That class was so full of celebrities. There was this other guy who had an album out and I think he used to be in a band with Jake Shimabukuro. We also had that guy who was on that lame show Making the Band, Ikaika Kahoano.
Yum-Yum Bento Box | Pikko Pots | Adventures in Bentomaking


#32 Feb 02 2007 at 12:07 PM Rating: Decent
30,086 posts

after a while started to realize that I wasn't learning much at all from her

Well there really are only 6 words in that language anyway, once you know the proper intonation for 'aloha' you're home free.

To make a long story short, I don't take any responsibility for anything I post here. It's not news, it's not truth, it's not serious. It's parody. It's satire. It's bitter. It's angsty. Your mother's a *****. You like to jack off dogs. That's right, you heard me. You like to grab that dog by the bone and rub it like a ski pole. Your dad? Gay. Your priest? Straight. **** off and let me post. It's not true, it's all in good fun. Now go away.

#33 Feb 02 2007 at 12:21 PM Rating: Excellent
6,730 posts
One of my 7th grade teachers decided to show a movie one day. She didn't tell us what the movie was about, she just wheeled the TV in, turned it on and sat down in the back of the class. As the movie played the class slowly quieted down, in shock, as one by one we realized what the movie was about. In the front row everyone could hear a girl's muffled crying. The Movie was one of those weepy Lifetime Movies about cancer. The girl who's mother, not three weeks earlier, had died of cancer after a prolonged stay in the hospital bolted from the room weeping hystericaly. I had the hots for her so I went to comfort her. After she cried herself out on my shoulder we went back to class. The T.V set was gone when we got back and nothing was ever said about the incident, that I remember.
#34 Feb 02 2007 at 1:28 PM Rating: Excellent
10,802 posts
Pikko Pots wrote:
I had a Hawaiian teacher who was absent a lot because she was this famous Hawaiian singer (Roby Kahakalau for anyone familiar with Hawaiian music). When I first saw her name I was like "zomgomgomg I have Sistah Roby for Hawaiian!!" but after a while started to realize that I wasn't learning much at all from her, especially since she left town to go touring so much. I think once she told us there wasn't going to be class for two weeks cause she wasn't going to be in town.

She made it up for us by bringing the Makaha Sons to our year end party. That class was so full of celebrities. There was this other guy who had an album out and I think he used to be in a band with Jake Shimabukuro. We also had that guy who was on that lame show Making the Band, Ikaika Kahoano.

That's like when I was at UCSD and I had to take "Physics of the Universe" to fulfill a science requirement. Sally Ride was the professor and her class was CRAMMED with students. She was coolest teacher and told us the most hysterical stories of what actually went on when she was in space.
#35 Feb 02 2007 at 2:34 PM Rating: Excellent
15,512 posts
My Freshman year of High School I had an awful Biology teacher (Mr. Herman). Apparently, he used to be a good teacher, but became more cynical each successive year until he just didn't care anymore. So, anyway, his class would start out with him giving an assignment in our workbook, and he'd tell us to peruse the textbook and read it ourselves. I don't remember ever doing a lab in that class (well, not much of one anyway) and I had just transferred from a good biology teacher (Mrs. Strait) who obviously loved Biology, so the differences were made even more clear. After the workbook assignment was assigned, he'd fall asleep. We'd start playing cards and getting rowdy, and he'd just get up and yell at us to shut up. That's the only thing I remember him saying.

Sophomore year, my World History teacher was a coach, and well, we know how the stereotypical coach teaches. He'd basically have notes on the board for us to copy, one of those stupid worksheets that comes with a textbook. 50% of the grade of our tests was just copying these notes, and the tests were just writing down multiple choice answers on a sheet of paper (he had no idea how to use the Scantron machine.) Even an idiot who barely knew anything about history could pass his class.

Sophomore year, health class, some forgettable fat coach. Again with the worksheets (and awful textbook. I live in the Southern US), and it seemed he only copied his lectures verbatim from the textbook. We'd occasionally watch a movie that had a tenuous relation to the topic at hand: a Dr. Phil, Oprah, or hell, even a Hollywood movie. He obviously didn't have a clue, since I remember him saying "leukemia is a noncancerous growth in the mouth" among other such pearls of wisdom.

Edited, Feb 2nd 2007 4:38pm by sweetumssama
#36 Feb 02 2007 at 4:23 PM Rating: Good
Tracer Bullet
12,636 posts

Oh, coaches that teach academic classes are the worst.

Had one teaching Literature/Speech, and he had us read a book we all had read for the previous year's lit class. For the speech portion, the example of a speech we were to emulate was a video of **** Vitale yelling about cocaine at high school athletes.

Had another coach that taught health. When questioned what a "legume" was, he replied "it's a process they do to meat."

#37 Feb 02 2007 at 4:45 PM Rating: Decent
2,453 posts
It was definitely the Electrical Theory instructor in Naval Nuclear Power School. I don't remember his name, but we all called him Lieutenant Sominex. His teaching method consisted of writing on the board while reading out of the text book. He kept his back to the class all the time and just droned on in a soft, effeminate monotone. If you asked a question he would just re-read the passage he had just read out of the text book.
#38 Feb 03 2007 at 10:33 PM Rating: Decent
4,632 posts
While I haven't had any one teacher that was particularly terrible, really bad teachers have taught at my school.

My friend's Physics teacher apparently used to work at a nearby college, and started teaching at our school for some reason. He apparently talked about the business he started (selling something mundane, I forget the particular item) for about half the class, and also claimed that he couldn't figure out how to use our school's electronic grading system properly. Anyone who asked him a question either got berated or simply didn't get an answer. After he actually slapped a kid, he was forced into retirement midway through the year and has never been seen again.

But that's not the worst part. Remember the grading system issues? Due to his not recording nearly all of the lab grades and accumulated lab hours for his students, they lost pretty much all of the work they had done throughout the year. As a result, they now have to stay after school at least twice a week to make up old labs that never got finished.
#39 Feb 03 2007 at 11:58 PM Rating: Good
6,760 posts
Calculus in college. Not sure where the guy was from, but he was a grad school student, not a professor. He was of the Asian persuasion, and I couldn't understand anything he said because his accent was so thick. If it wasn't for my room-mate, I would never have squeeked by with a C in that class.

Edited, Feb 4th 2007 12:58am by Kakar
Some people are like slinkies, they aren't really good for anything, but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down the stairs.
#40 Feb 04 2007 at 12:13 AM Rating: Excellent
Spankatorium Administratix
1oooo posts
Too many to list unfortunately... but let's go for a couple 3.

Mrs. Mann (think that is her) 2nd grade Math, always called me a sour puss in class. Well, if your mother died the year before or so and kids picked on you and said it was your fault, you may have an attitude!

Mr. Williams 9th grade English, not only did he write pornfilled poems disguised as English and given to us to study and recite, the man ran his hand up my thigh one day insisting on how nice my pants were. (yes, they were leather...) Because of that, my father removed me from his class, leaving me with no grade for the semester and I had to take summer school. WAY back then summer school was not cool. That was also before men like him would have gone to jail for touching kids.

Let's just say genetics, since he's still teaching. He is an ok person, but an jerk as a teacher. Especially if you are a struggling single mother living barely making it and trying to make something better with her life... The man gave no leeway whatsoever... no even for snow, *******. He helped me flunk out my first semester at University after I worked so hard at a junior college making Dean's Honor Roll semester after semester. I still blame this man for killing my university urge and my GPA.

#41 Feb 04 2007 at 6:21 AM Rating: Decent
2,306 posts
Spanish I teacher during my junior year of high school was horrible. She acted like an idiot, and none of my classmates liked her at all. One of my friends bragged about horror stories of her. She was fired at the end of the school year, thank god for the school board for listening.

The math teacher I had in 7th and 8th grades was just as bad, if not worse. She refused to put me in a honors math class based on what other classes I was taking at the time, and the school district refused to hear my appeal. I punished her during the 8th grades by getting A's on just about everything she handed out including pop quizzes.

my freshman year of high school I had this one science teacher that also went to a neighboring church. she hit me with a D+ that one quarter despite making A and Bs on all her exams and assignments (she told me I lost 2 letter grades in her class because 1. I missed too much that quarter - which was true partly b/c of bronchitis - and 2. my attitude, which I deny to this day). I made her pay the next quarter by getting A's on every test (including the one that 99% of her students FLUNKED) and on the final exam, but she still wouldn't give me a final grade higher than a C. I refused to take other science classes after that b/c I did not want to pull her again. And yes, she is still teaching the same old junk, 14 years later.
#42 Feb 06 2007 at 2:55 AM Rating: Excellent
My German teacher between the age of 13-15, Ms Connerad.

She was the most mean-spirited person to ever walk the face of the Earth. I say "walk", but I should really say "hobble", since she had one leg shorter than the other and so had a funny walk. Everyone in the school was terrified of her.

I was 13 years old, and waiting outside the classroom for her to arrive, for my first ever German lesson. I was standing there with another kid, and told him "What's a splat of blood on the wall, nothing, a splat of blood on the wall, nothing, etc..." He said he didn't know, and so I said "It's Ms Connerad walking too close to a wall!!" Oh, how we laughed. I then turned around, and she was standing behind me.Smiley: jawdrop

Needless to say she didn't like me much from that point on.

First, she refused to pronouce my name properly. For two years, and despite me correcting her every single time.

She then made me sit alone at the very front of the classroom, and told me during every single lesson for the next two years that I was stupid, that I would never amount to anything, that I was disgrace to my family, that I would fail in my studies and in my professional life. I was 13!!

The worst is that she would often say things like "I love this class. Really, you are all wonderful, dedicated students. Except, of course, for that one boy who will never do anything with his life, and who wastes every opportunity until he will find himself alone and poor." Once again, I was 13!!

Anyway, after a year and a half, I told my mum, who told the school principal.

And of course, this being the French system where teachers can't get sacked unless they massacre a class room with a machette, nothing happened.

Those two years were easily the most miserable years in a classroom.

Nevertheless, time has gone by, and I am now safe in the knowledge she is probably dead, decomposing in the ground while worms eat her away.

What a beautiful thought Smiley: yippee

Edited, Feb 6th 2007 10:56am by RedPhoenixxx
My politics blog and stuff - Refractory
#43 Feb 06 2007 at 3:05 AM Rating: Good
Another funny story involving a teacher, though not quite as traumatic, happened when I was 15.

I was at one of my best mate's house, with another friend. The three of us were about to go and see a school play where a girl I had a crush on was perfomring.

We wisely decided to get drunk on Malibu before going. We drunk, and drunk, and drunk, until we realised we were late. We ran all the way to the theatre, where my mum was waiting for me. We arrived late, my mum was pissed off, and we went to sit down at our seats as the performance just started.

After 5 minutes, I started to feel hot and sweaty, and then cold and sweaty. Next thing I know, I was puking all over the guy in front of me, and on the floor, and a little bit on the side too. With my mum sitting next to me, adn the whole school in the theatre. My mum drags me out of there, and takes me home.

Next day at school was quite, erm, fun. Everyone had heard about it and was making jokes, but I didn't mind since it was quite funny. My teacher calls me up during class, and said the person sitting in front of me that I puked all over was a teacher, adn that I should apologise to him.

So I go to this guy, very apologetic, and say "I'm so sorry, bla bla bla..." He tells me his suit needs to be dry-cleaned, and I tell him "Of course!! I'll come back tomorrow, pick it up, and give it to a dry-cleaner."

Of course, I didn't go back the next day, and forgot about it for the rest of the year.

The first day of the next year, we were saeting in class waiting for our teacher to arrive. And obviously, THAT guy walks through the door. He calls up everyone's name, and when he calls mine and I answer, he stares at me for a good 5-10 seconds, becoming more and more red, sighs, and shakes his head.

I had him as a main teacher for two years.

He never forgave me for puking all over him.

I never dry-cleaned his suit.

I never went out with that girl I had a crush on.

So, the moral of the story is, if you puke all over someone, make sure he doesn't turn out to be your main teacher the following year. And if you can't help it, try not to do it during the main performance of a girl you really like.

Edited, Feb 6th 2007 11:09am by RedPhoenixxx
My politics blog and stuff - Refractory
#44 Feb 06 2007 at 4:04 AM Rating: Decent
The most massively horrid cow I had to deal with was my Honors Social studies teacher in Grd 11, I have a slight pet peeve about gum chewing, so of course my honors teacher against school policy used to chew huge wads of gum, and not just chew, snap and grind and slurp and pop. If there was a sound you can possibly make with a wad of gum she managed it.
I went and spoke about it to my councillor since I couldn't get any work done during class, it went to the principal the next thing you know I was in modified social studies. I found out that she had had it out for me to begin with because I called her on some fact or other in the beginning of the term.

The best one was our Sex Ed teacher, who obviously hadn't done the class before and was trying to show us how to apply a condom on a banana, and applied it on the wrong end, then she couldn't figure out what she was doing wrong since it kept breaking. Ahhh good times.
#45 Feb 06 2007 at 4:11 AM Rating: Good
Mistress Laeinea wrote:
The most massively horrid cow I had to deal with was my Honors Social studies teacher in Grd 11, I have a slight pet peeve about gum chewing, so of course my honors teacher against school policy used to chew huge wads of gum, and not just chew, snap and grind and slurp and pop. If there was a sound you can possibly make with a wad of gum she managed it.
I went and spoke about it to my councillor since I couldn't get any work done during class, it went to the principal the next thing you know I was in modified social studies. I found out that she had had it out for me to begin with because I called her on some fact or other in the beginning of the term.

The best one was our Sex Ed teacher, who obviously hadn't done the class before and was trying to show us how to apply a condom on a banana, and applied it on the wrong end, then she couldn't figure out what she was doing wrong since it kept breaking. Ahhh good times.

Don't worry honey.

They're both going to hell Smiley: yippee
My politics blog and stuff - Refractory
#46 Feb 06 2007 at 6:26 AM Rating: Excellent
3,118 posts
The best one was our Sex Ed teacher, who obviously hadn't done the class before and was trying to show us how to apply a condom on a banana, and applied it on the wrong end, then she couldn't figure out what she was doing wrong since it kept breaking. Ahhh good times.

I hereby proclaim that SexEd classes that use bananas as a phallic prop to demonstrate how to use a condom are a major contributing factor to the horrible disappointment women face when they realize that most men don't have 12" long, very bent penises.

My worst teacher was probably Mrs. Beasterly. I wasn't even in any of her classes, yet at least once per day I ended up hanging around in the principal's office because of her. She was an English teacher and during freshman year at our high school, Jack London's White Fang was required reading. She had this awful snaggle-tooth and naturally, being the cruel teens we were, we promptly dubbed her White Fang.

I'd just be walking down the hall, see her and give her the hairy eyeball and Bam, I'm in the office. I later found out that I had a bit of a reputation amongst the faculty that preceded my arrival at that school. So most of the teachers there had it out for me before I even met any of them. It wasn't so bad though, because the Vice Principal (who was in charge of the Freshman and Sophomore classes)thought I was the cat's *** and I rarely got in any trouble after chatting with him for a period.

Another time I flipped her off when she was walking by my homeroom class and she came in all huffy and puffy making a big deal over nothing. She started it anyway, *****.
#47 Feb 06 2007 at 7:50 AM Rating: Decent
I had a few awful teachers, some I can't believe were the heads of their department.

In grade 9, for math, the teacher I had was a female version of Jabba the Hut, who would, when asked for help from the students, would adjust her bra infront of them, while bending over. Needless to say, many people saw her fall out of her bra, which was not the most pleasant of sights. She would also forget top pick up peoples tests, so every test became take-homes, and most of the class got high marks in her class.

In one year of college, one of my teachers would mark all of my assigments as being late, despite handing them in ontime. He also marked me absent from most of the classes I was there for, so I missed marks on just being there. That's not as bad as one friend in the class who got zero on most of his work, despite it being done with a tutor he got, because he was struggling with the class.

Another college teacher I had would answer all questions with, you know the answer it's in your notes, and not help anyone. Surprising enough, class average was about 7%, and the admin wouldn't do anything about it, because he had taught the class for so long, so he knows what he is doing.
#48 Jan 06 2010 at 10:44 AM Rating: Default
College, eight weeks before graduating for my BSN. My sister is dying of cancer, my hubby has diabetes, my son has surgery, and my father had a stroke. Swear that was all happening at once, and I couldn't concentrate. But I was doing my job, taking care of patients, and doing a good job. I was told that I was getting better. I go into clinical the next day, and Professor Pfadt tells me to leave. I did nothing to hurt anyone. Do you know there is not one attorney willing to take this case? MORAL of the story... don't go to EUP. Don't think about nursing unless you have absolutely nothing going on in your life. To top it off, I was told I was depressed from the mental health nursing professor. I had perfect attendance, and an A in the class. Totally subjective clinicals. Totally BS!
#49 Jan 06 2010 at 10:45 AM Rating: Good
Keeper of the Shroud
13,632 posts
Holy crap, it's a zombie! Actually, that's a disturbingly on topic necro.

Edited, Jan 6th 2010 11:52am by Turin
#50 Jan 06 2010 at 10:50 AM Rating: Excellent
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
This was actually a fun necro post. Smiley: laugh

Nexa is a pony, I'd forgotten that.

In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

#51 Jan 06 2010 at 11:11 AM Rating: Good
3,829 posts
When I first went back to college, I had to do the placement testing and tested into one of the lower-level algebra classes (not because I couldn't do the higher level math, but because it had been over ten years since I had done it and was a bit rusty at the time of the placement exam; I got my chops back pretty quickly once I started using them again.)

At any rate, at the time I was still working and was taking a night class, and this class should have been a cakewalk considering I had taken calculus by the time I graduated high school and have always been quite good at math, despite my loathing for it. But the instructor was immigrant from somewhere on the African continent and had such a strong accent that it was almost impossible to understand him. That would have been okay, since with the syllabus clearly laid out the homework assignments, when homework was due, and test dates, and I really didn't need his instruction to do the material, I just needed to do the assignments to re-familiarize myself with the stuff.

The problem was, the instructor himself kept getting it wrong. So I'd get my tests back and there would be a question whose answer I had clearly gotten correct, and it would be marked wrong. So I'd question him on it, and as he tried to explain to me (in his nearly unintelligible way) why my answer and the work I had shown to get it was "wrong" it would become very clear that it was actually HIS work that was wrong. And it wasn't very hard stuff, it was simple things like applying the distributive property. But, of course, he wouldn't accept that he was wrong and I was right, so the lower grade for the test remained and I ended up with a B in what should have easily been an A class.

Aside from that, most of my negative experiences with teachers have been with substitutes. There was the perv in junior high who insisted we call him by his first name, used a magic marker to mark the hands of all the girls to protect them from "cooties" and made jokes about bringing beer for the class and having the girls dance on the desks for the guys. That was fun.

Edit: Grrr...Damn necro got me again.

Edited, Jan 6th 2010 9:19am by Ambrya
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